单词 | pay dividends |
释义 | 例句释义: 产生好的结果,获利 1. But the money will pay dividends in the long run only if it improves farmers' access to market. 但是如果将这些钱用在改善农民去往市场的道路,这将会获得更长久的效益。 www.bing.com 2. A company might use some of its earnings to pay dividends as a reward to shareholders. Or it might reinvest the money into the business. 公司可以将其部分收益用来分红,以作为对股东的回报,也可以作为再投资来发展公司。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. The company said in the filing that it does not plan to pay dividends for "the foreseeable future. " 在这份文件中,这家公司还说在可预见的未来,没有分配股利的计划。 www.bing.com 4. Banks that fail to meet the buffer would be unable to pay dividends, though not forced to raise cash. 没有满足缓冲资金总额的银行将不能发放股息,但不必被迫筹集资金。 www.bing.com 5. A politician should be careful to make the right kind of friendships; those which are likely to pay dividends in terms of influence. 政治家应该小心建立正确的友善关系,也就是很可能在影响力方面带来好结果的友善关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The business trust structure allows Hutchison to pay dividends from the cash flow of the listed entity rather than from retained profits . 通过业务信托结构,和记黄埔可以用上市实体的现金流(而非留存利润)支付股息。 www.bing.com 7. Both the rate of retention and the furious pace of investment could be cut if companies were made to pay dividends. 如果要求企业发放红利,疯狂的投资速度和延续将可能会缓解。 www.ecocn.org 8. Even without the new platforms, non-human genomics is beginning to pay dividends. 尽管缺少新的平台,非人类基因组学已经开始有所收益。 www.ecocn.org 9. A well-conceived investment in your future can continue to pay dividends over the rest of your life. 一个精心计划的对于自己未来的投资将能够在接下来的人生中提供持续的回报。 www.bing.com 10. If you want a Web presence fast, Drupal is a worthwhile option sure to pay dividends on your investment. 如果您希望快速提供Web服务,Drupal是值得考虑的选择,它一定能让您的投资得到回报。 www.ibm.com 1. they do not absorb losses, and failure to pay dividends may compound a crisis of confidence. 它们不吸收亏损,而无法支付股息可能会加剧信心危机。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Equity capital: capital of a company in the form of shares which pay dividends to their owners. 股份资本:即以支付股东股息的股票为计算基础的公司资本。 www.hoohoohoo.com 3. Buy-out groups may also be tempted to refinance a company's balance sheet to pay dividends to equity holders. 收购集团可能还会受到诱惑,为一家公司的资产负债再融资,从而为持股者支付股息。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Years of team bonding in youth gamescontinues to pay dividends for the club. 常年对青少年运动的投入使俱乐部持续受益。 www.bing.com 5. Banks that draw from government funds won't be allowed to pay dividends and will have their executives' annual pay capped at 500, 000 euros. 获得政府资金的银行将不得派息,其管理人员的年薪最高不得超过50万欧元。 www.bing.com 6. Banks within the buffer zone will face restrictions on their ability to pay dividends and discretionary bonuses. 处于缓冲区内的银行,在发放股息和自行决定的奖金方面将面临限制。 www.ftchinese.com 7. To be fair, BP has probably built up some goodwill that could yet pay dividends in future bidding rounds. 公平地说,英国石油或许建立了一些信誉,在将来投标时可能会带来好处。 www.bing.com 8. Twin Cities Academy in St Paul, Minnesota, offers evidence that the country's reform efforts are starting to pay dividends. 从明尼苏达州圣保罗双城学校(TwinCitiesAcademy)的情况来看,有迹象表明,美国的改革举措正开始得到回报。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Your investment in your certification can pay dividends in the form of lower costs per transaction. 您对认证的投资可以降低每次交易的费用,从而获取更多利润。 www.intertek-sc.com 10. Spinnewijn's research shows that job-seekers tend to harbour another misperception: that an energetic job search does not pay dividends. 斯平耐维恩的研究表明,求职者往往有另一种错误认识:积极求职不会带来收获。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Google could pay out the whole pile, which amounts to more than $80 per share. But tech companies don't like to pay dividends. 谷歌可以把这笔现金全部当成股息来支付,这样每股分红就有80多美元,但科技公司不喜欢分红。 c.wsj.com 2. Meanwhile, stocks either pay dividends or their prices tend to rise over time, provided the underlying company's business and profits rise. 与此同时,股票会派息,在公司业务和利润增长时股价还往往会随时间推移而上涨。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Hence firms, including state-owned enterprises, are coming under pressure to pay dividends. 因此包括国有企业在内的机构正承受着付息的压力。 www.ftchinese.com 4. They must pay dividends and interest to foreigners, including Belgians and Japanese, who own their liabilities. 他们必须向持有本国债务的外国人(包括比利时人和日本人)支付红利和利息。 www.ftchinese.com 5. and restrictions on executive pay, dividends and acquisitions until banks redeem the preferred shares in full. 限制高管薪酬、分红和收购,直到银行全部赎回优先股。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Many users will embrace the new portal technology and agree that the migration will pay dividends over time. 许多用户会欣然接受新的门户技术,并相信迁移总有一天会显出它的好处。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Rotation is part of football in the modern era, and as United begin the title and Champions League run-in, it will hopefully pay dividends. 轮换制是足球的一部分,在当今时代,随着美国开始的欧洲冠军联赛冠军和运行中,它希望将支付股息。 bbs.zhibo8.com 8. The move seemed to pay dividends too as Craig Bellamy and Crouch (2) hit the goal trail to lead Liverpool to a morale-boosting 3-0 victory. 这一举动看起来很起作用,因为贝拉米和克劳奇(2)用进球帮助利物浦赢得了一场振奋人心的3-0胜利。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. requirements for companies to pay dividends and not reinvest most retained profits. 企业以股息红利支付而不是将大部分净利润拿来投资。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 10. public investment in transport, schools and health care, done well, can pay dividends. 交通、学校和卫生方面的公共投资,要是做得好,也可获利。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Blue chips generally pay dividends and are favorably regarded by investors. 绩优股一般来说会分股利,受到投资者的欢迎。 www.hxen.com 2. But beyond the PR value, will the $40bn lavished on venues and infrastructure pay dividends? 然而,除了公关价值以外,耗资400亿美元的场馆及基础设施投资能否带来红利呢? www.ftchinese.com 3. Careful choreography might pay dividends. 精心的策划也许会斩获好处。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It also shows that he is tenacious and that his stubbornness can pay dividends. 这还展示出他的执著,以及他的顽强能得到回报。 www.ftchinese.com 5. One reason is Beijing's failure to make state-owned enterprises pay dividends. 原因之一是中国政府未能让国有企业支付股息。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Mr De Coster says a simple approach can pay dividends. 德科斯特表示,一个简单的方法会带来回报。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The common shares also won't pay dividends, unlike the preferred stock. 同优先股不同,普通股不支付股息。 www.bing.com 8. This paper conducts the research from three aspects: 1. the underlying asset to pay dividends and to consider of transaction costs; 2. 本文从三个方面进行研究:1。标的资产支付红利以及考虑交易成本的情况下; www.13191.com 9. Especially in dairy production, a judicious use of concentrates will pay dividends. 尤其是在牛奶生产中,审慎使用精饲料将是有利的。 dict.veduchina.com 10. Focusing on families could pay dividends. 对家庭的关注也可以产生效益。 www.ecocn.org 1. "A lot of the hard stuff he's doing now will pay dividends, " said John Del Cecato, a former Obama campaign aide. “奥巴马所做的这一切艰难努力,都会收获额外的回报的。”奥巴马的前竞选助手,JohnDelCecato这样评说。 www.bing.com 2. And, the listed companies seldom pay dividends. 而且,这些上市的国企很少分红。 www.bing.com 3. Good eating habits will pay dividends later on in life. 良好的饮食习惯会让你在日后的生活中受益良多。 www.pp39.com 4. It's a small investment that can pay dividends later, by saving the time and money required to perform a second audit. 这是一项微小的投资,可以节省下再次审计所需的时间和金钱,在以后产生效益。 www.intertek-sc.com 5. However, while all bonds have a yield, only those stocks that pay dividends have yields. 然而,尽管所有债券都有收益,只有股票不仅可付股息同时也可产生收益。 www.bing.com 6. This year, 87 per cent of the Asia ex-Japan stocks under CLSA's coverage will pay dividends, up from 60 per cent in 2000. 今年,在里昂证券跟踪的除日本之外亚洲地区企业之中,有87%将会派息,这一比例较2000年的60%有所升高。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Zhou Xiaochuan, the central-bank governor, called on state firms to pay dividends in a speech at the end of last year. 周小川,中央银行的主管,在去年年底的一次演讲中呼吁国有企业支付红利。 www.ecocn.org 8. These are clues to the firm's ability to pay dividends and subsequent dividend policy. 这些是有关企业支付股利的能力及嗣后的股利政策的线索。 9. One way to reduce the risks of accounting blowups wrecking your portfolio is to buy companies that pay dividends. 降低会对投资组合造成严重损害的会计违规风险的方法之一是买进派息公司的股票。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The government will take equity stakes in the banks that pay dividends. 此外政府还将在那些派息的银行中持股。 cn.reuters.com 1. The sacrifices you make today will pay dividends in the future. 今天的牺牲和努力未来都会有回报。 www.putclub.com 2. A sensible use of supplements can pay dividends. 妥善使用补充饲料也能得到利润。 tr.bab.la 3. The model continues to pay dividends in China, but it won't always. 中国的发展模式继续给中国带来收益,但不会永远这样。 www.bing.com 4. What we practice now will pay dividends in the future when we train or when we actually execute as a coalition air force. 我们今天所做的努力将在未来的训练和实际协同执行任务时得到回报。 www.bing.com 5. technology stocks , for example , rarely pay dividends 例如,科技股很少支付股息。 www.ichacha.net |
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