单词 | not content with |
释义 | not content with例句释义: 全部 1. As she was not content with the little English she knew, she enrolled in an evening class. 她不满足于目前的英语水平,就报名参加了夜校。 www.jukuu.com 2. And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church. 还不以此为足,他自己不接待弟兄,有人愿意接待,他也禁止,并且将接待弟兄的人赶出教会。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 3. Not content with that, you changed it for bagpipes , on which you could not play, and which were not worth one-tenth of the money. 不知足,就用它换了你吹不响的风笛,而它还不值牛的十分之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. He is not content with what he has already got. What a pity he never understands that happiness lies in contentment. 34他对已有的一切还不满足。他从来不懂“知足常乐”,真遗憾。 hi.baidu.com 5. From timeimmemorial, the poets were individualists, wanting to explore their own thoughts and feelings, not content with the general truths. 自远古以来,诗人都是些具有个性的人,力求发掘自己的思想和感性,不满足于一般性的真理。 www.bing.com 6. Can treat difficult objectively, virtuous tolerant improve oneself , not content with one's lotting, principle that I conduct oneself. 能客观地对待困难,贤惠、宽容、自强、知足、是我做人的原则。 chinesefriendfinders.com 7. Not content with only making your skin beautiful, bamboo wants to make your clothing beautiful as well. 竹子不只满足于让你是皮肤变漂亮,它也想美化你的衣服。 www.bing.com 8. Not content with street protests, it has formed a party that may lure voters from Mr Abhisit's Democrat Party at a future election. 不仅仅满足于上街游行,民族主义者还组织了了一个政党——在未来的选举中可能抢走一部分阿披实民主党的选民。 www.ecocn.org 9. Not content with his lot at Bell Labs, Shockley set out to capitalize on his invention. 因为不满意他在贝尔实验室的产量,萧克利出售了他的发明。 www.soudoc.com 10. Not content with wearing long skirts to hide my shaking legs, I tried to hold them rigidly still throughout my speeches. 我曾不愿穿长裙,来遮掩发抖的双脚,而在整个演讲中,将双脚僵直硬撑。 toastmasters.org.tw 1. Not content with taking the music world by storm, Justin Bieber is looking to star in a movie about his rise to fame. 贾斯汀比伯并不满足于他在音乐界掀起的狂潮,他将主演一部电影关于他的成名之路。 wenwen.soso.com 2. I'm here to tell you that I am not content with the result! 我来这里是想告诉你我对这个结果不满意! blog.sina.com.cn 3. Thirdly, in the opinion, preached and phonating, not content with mouthpieces, do dedicated to do " " opinion leaders. 第三,在舆论引导上,既传声,又发声,不满足于做传声筒,更致力于做“意见领袖”。 www.bing.com 4. however , inspired by your foster father ' s tales of adventure , you are not content with a cloistered life. 然而,在你养父冒险故事的熏陶下,你又无法满足于归隐的生活。 www.ichacha.net 5. You're not content with the status quo. Things can always be better expressed, more elegant and simple, more mutable, higher quality, etc. 让你不满足于现状,认为事情总会更便捷、更优雅、更简单、更易变、更高质量; www.infoq.com 6. She was not content with what she had; she wanted more. 她对现有的毫不知足,还想要的更多。 northeast.myschoolnet.cn 7. Not content with being Pope Joan, you must be Caesar and Alexander as well. 当了教皇贞德还不满足,你还想当凯撒和亚历山大大帝呀! dict.wenguo.com 8. Apparently not content with a mug or a t-shirt, these tourists began stealing their own personalized souvenirs from the rocks. 当然游客肯定不满足于这的T恤和泥泞,这些游客开始从这块巨岩顺手牵羊走自己喜欢的纪念品。 www.bing.com 9. Not content with events and decisions, the power of the game engine allows us to do other cool things. 不满意于事件与决策,游戏引擎的能力让我们能做到更酷的事情。 bbs.52pcgame.com 10. Not content with having overthrown the government, the military dictator imprisoned all his opponents. 那个军事独裁者不满足于推翻政府,还把所有的反对者囚禁起来。 www.oxford.com.cn 1. Not content with standing on Turkey's own national honour, Mr Erdogan is also intent on making Turkey a champion of the Palestinians. 土耳其并不满足于仅仅维护自己的荣誉,埃尔多安先生坚定地支持巴勒斯坦。 www.ecocn.org 2. Dreamers are not content with being merely mediocre, because no one ever dreams of going halfway. 梦想者不满足于做平庸的普通人,因为从来没有人想过要半途而废。 come.6to23.com 3. The other three, not content with cutting employees' benefits, have all pushed for curbs on the unions themselves. 其他三位则对削减政府雇员福利的结果不满意,亲自动手限制各个工会。 club.topsage.com 4. Dreamers are not content with merely mediocre , because no one ever dreams of going half way . 梦想家不满足于平庸,因为谁都不希望半途而废。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. However, Clark was not content with book knowledge. After graduating, he decided to move to China to learn more about the city. 但仅仅是书本上的东西,克拉克并不感觉到满足。毕业后,他决定到中国来研究这座城市。 sztqb.sznews.com 6. But not content with running a city loathed by conservatives, Mr Newsom now wishes to take charge of an entire state. 但纽森却并不满足于做一名保守派所厌恶的城市市长,他现在希望执掌整个加州。 www.ecocn.org 7. But in the second phase of the project, we are not content with just pushing up the numbers. 但在项目的第二阶段,我们不满足于仅仅提高数量。 web.worldbank.org 8. Not content with buying their own luxuries, Ben Ali's relatives had also taken to appropriating them from others. 他们并不满足于仅仅给自己购买奢侈品,本.阿里的亲戚们还从其他人手里掠夺物品。 www.bing.com 9. She is not content with her life in the city. 她不满意自己在城里的生活。 www.tingroom.com 10. For those not content with five-star luxury it offers the sail-shaped Burj al-Arab, the world's only seven-star hotel. 对于不满足五星级奢侈的人,他们提供船形的Burjal-Arab(伯瓷酒店),这是世界上唯一的七星级酒店。 www.ecocn.org 1. Balance of interests distribution will not content with their social strata. 平衡的利益分配会使社会各阶层安于本职不起纷争。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 2. He is not content with his present situation and hopes to improve it. 他对自己目前的情况不满,希望能加以改善。 www.tingroom.com 3. Human beings are insatiable; they are not content with the happiness present. 人都是自私的,往往不会满足眼前仅有的幸福。 blog.163.com 4. But they are hungry creatures , not content with only three meals a day . 它们是吃不饱的动物,不满意一日三餐。 www.bing.com 5. My classmates were not content with theirpresent achievements. 同学们对现有的成绩并不满足。 www.adultedu.tj.cn 6. China's newly rich are not content with living the millionaire lifestyle. Now they want to own it too. 中国新兴富豪如今已不满足于过百万富翁的生活,他们还要拥有这种生活方式。 www.qeto.com 7. They were not content with their present achievements. 他们不满足于现有的成就。 cywk061.blog.163.com 8. She is not content with her present job . 他对现在的工作不满意。 www.bing.com 9. I grew more and more frustrated with Katherine, not content with just " being" with her. 我越来越觉得沮丧,不满足于只是跟她待在一起。 www.bing.com 10. Not content with gaining resources honestly to cover your living costs, you have stolen from others. 不是诚实地获得资源以支付你们的生活费用的内容,而是去偷窃别人。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Don't get me wrong, we are not content with our . 500 record, but we are moving in the right direction. 别误会我的意思,我们并不满足于50%的胜率,但我们的确是朝着正确的方向行进。 vc15.cn 2. Adjectives into verbs They are not content with their present achievements. 他们不满足于他们现有的成就 wenku.baidu.com 3. The teacher is not content with my work - I have to do it again. 教师不满意我的作业,我只好重做。 www.englishcat.cn 4. Be not content with littleness. 不要以卑微为足。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. We are not content with our present achievement. 我们决不满足于现有的成就。 www.fane.cn 6. We are not not content with our present achievement. 咱们决不满足于现有的成绩。 www.bing.com 7. s not content with his present job. 他对目前的工作并不满意。 www.eee114.com 8. We are not content with the present achievements. 我们不满足于目前的成就。 www.hxen.com 9. He is not content with his trousers unless they have a watch-pocket. 他不欣赏自己的裤子,除非它有一个表袋。 www.ebigear.com 10. I am not content with my present job. 我不满意于现在的工作。 hi.baidu.com 1. They are not content with their achievements. 他们不满足他们的成绩。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We are not content with what we have achieved. 我们不满足于现有的成就。 www.teachercn.com 3. I am not content with beautiful dreams. I want beautiful reality. 我不满足于美妙的梦想,我想拥有美妙的现实。 www.eyeyclub.com 4. In fact, some enterprises are not content with self-this improvement and growth in the same period last year. 实际上,一些企业只满足于自我比较,今年比上年改进与增长了多少。 www.bing.com 5. Not content with taking on the world, the president picks a few fights at home 不满足于在世界上盛气凌人,总统又选择在国内开辟了一些战场 www.ecocn.org |
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