单词 | not concern |
释义 | not concern例句释义: 全部 1. My condition and that of my child does not concern either of you. 我的情况和我的孩子与你俩没有牵连。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. So basically are to meet him as an enemy, but this does not concern him, even if he has no family, I still lose love. 所以后来基本上都跟他见面如仇敌,其实这压根都不关他的事,就算他没有败家,我还是会失去初恋。 www.bing.com 3. Individual States, therefore, will not be able to respond to the original pleading as such, since it may not concern them at all. 是故有些邦省,无法应付这种诉状,因为可能与他们无关。 www.zftrans.com 4. The press corps accompanying Nixon did not concern themselves with the long-range implications of the journey. 尼克松的随行记者团并不关心此行的深远意义。 www.bing.com 5. The defences of the buyer arising out of the sale contract do not concern the bank and in no way affect its liability. 买方对买卖合同的抗辩与银行无关,并不能影响银行在信用证项下的责任。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. This, however, did not concern me; it would not be heard through the wall. 然而,这并不关心我,也不会听见穿过墙壁。 blog.163.com 7. But after a year result of medical treatment appraisal, the deaf of granddaughter and vaccinal have an inoculation did not concern. 可一年之后医疗鉴定结果,孙女的耳聋与疫苗接种没有关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. He asks the press to leave his daughter Nicole alone because this situation does not concern the rape she endured. 他还向媒体要求,不要把她的女儿尼科尔牵扯进来,因为这件事与她所经历的强奸并无关系。 www.bing.com 9. However, the government does not concern me much, and I shall bestow the fewest possible thoughts on it. 不过,政府同我没多大关系,我尽可能不考虑它。 www.zftrans.com 10. If I stumble I will rise and my falls will not concern me for all men must stumble often to reach the hearth. 摔倒了,再爬起来,我不灰心因为每个人在抵达目标之前都会受到挫折。 www.8875.org 1. "Disenchantment, derailment and disruption" do not concern narratives, but specific forms of organization and reception. “幻想破灭、脱轨、冲突”则并非叙事,而是特定的组织和接受形式。 academic.mediachina.net 2. Yet he believed that the lack of political rights did not concern most Burmese people. 然而他认为大部分缅甸人民并不关心政治权利的缺失。 www.bing.com 3. Some experts on agriculture point out that the do not concern about the rise of wheaten due to the drought in Russia and export ban. 农业专家说,他们对最近因俄罗斯干旱和小麦出口禁令导致的小麦价格上涨并不担心。 www.bing.com 4. The latter crept into their houses and spat at the world, for it did not concern them. 蜗牛趴在自己的房子里唾弃这个世界,因为这世界不关心他们。 www.bing.com 5. Thinking that it does not concern you , remember that when the least of us is threatened , we all may be at risk. 想想这与你无关,记住当我们受到一点威胁时,我们都可能有危险了。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. A desire to know about people or things that do not concern one ; nosiness . 好奇心想知道与自己无关的人或事情的欲望;爱管闲事。 www.bing.com 7. Let us not concern ourselves with that part of Bigger Thomas' confession that says he murdered accidentally . 咱们不要纠缠于别格?托马斯那一部分的供词,说什么他只是失手杀了人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. My heart is not proud, O LORD , my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. (大卫上行之诗)耶和华阿,我的心不狂傲,我的眼不高大。重大和测不透的事,我也不敢行。 www.live3388.com 9. Of course there is always a reason for fluctuations, but the tape does not concern itself with the why and wherefore. 当然,价格波动总其原因,但纸带可不关心什么原因和理由,也不会费力解释。 www.bing.com 10. I don't think we are going to have one (ballistic landing), but if we did, it would not concern me. 我认为我们不会进行(弹道式着陆),但假若进行,我也不会担心。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. The subtitling in mainstream films is expediential and does not concern the issue of cultural belongingness of the Deaf seriously. 而主流电影中的字幕只不过是权宜之计,并没有认真对待聋人在文化身份认同方面的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Arthas: The frail elves do not concern me, necromancer. Our forces are strengthened with every foe we slay. 阿尔塞斯:软弱的精灵们根本无法扰乱我,巫师,随着所杀的敌人越多,我们的军队就会越强。 www.wow8.org 3. Do not concern yourself if you realize that you have followed teachings that are laced with misleading information. 不要担心自己,如果你知道你已经在“受教”中,被那些误导性的信息。 www.angozj.com 4. Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. and when it does come, we no longer exist. 死亡与我们无关,因为我们存在的时候,它不会在那,而它来临的时候,我们已不存在 wenku.baidu.com 5. She said that even if this does not concern you. 即使她说,这不关你的事。 cxlian28.blog.163.com 6. The patents in question do not concern genetic tests, though the suit's outcome will affect them. 尽管本案的诉讼结果将影响到基因检测,可此领域的专利权并非争议议题。 www.ecocn.org 7. In comparison, deontology is a highly principled ethic which does not concern itself directly with consequences. 在比较,义务论是不与后果直接使自己担心的一个高度原则性的伦理。 www.bing.com 8. Think of your clients, even when it does not concern business. 多为你的客户考虑甚至一些与生意无关的事情。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Leave alone such questions as do not concern any of us. 不讨论这些与我们无关的问题。 kao.xuezhishi.com 10. But doesn't mean I didn't think you, no worry, did not concern you! 但是不代表我没有想你,没有担心,没有关心你! blog.163.com 1. The deeper problem, however, does not concern normative values, but rather emotional ones. 然而,更深层次的问题重点不在于规范价值,而是情感。 www.bing.com 2. Such distinctions do not concern the intellectual or the spiritual life. 此类差别不涉及智能或者灵性生命。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Yet the biggest challenge now for Mr Berlusconi does not concern conflicts of interest, court cases or the Mafia. 还好如今贝卢斯科尼最大的挑战跟公私利益,黑手党诉讼都没什么关系。 www.ecocn.org 4. Exchange of women or not, this does not concern us yet. 我们目前的关注点,还不是以女人作为交换。 springhero.wordpress.com 5. Not engage in a proper job; Has not concern for one's responsibilities. 不做正当的事,也指放下本身的工作而去做别的事情。 wenku.baidu.com 6. It is a philosophical problem, but philosophy does not concern itself with children. 这是哲学问题,但哲学本身并不关注孩子。 www.bing.com 7. Don't interfere in matters that do not concern you! 不要干预与你无关的事! zhidao.baidu.com 8. or things that do not concern one; nosiness. 想知道与自己无关的人或事情的欲望;爱管闲事。 www.jukuu.com 9. The real problem of interstellar communication does not concern technology. 星际通信的实际问题不在于技术。 10. THE PEDIGREE of honey Does not concern the bee ; A clover , any time , to him Is aristocracy . 蜜蜂不关心蜜的血统;任何时候,一枝红花草,对于它,都是贵族。 www.bing.com 1. You cannot post any message which is not concern with the topic of this forum. 您不可以发任何不关于本论坛的帖。 bbs.cnyou.com 2. What he does or what he says does not concern me . 他的行为或言谈都与我无关。 wenwen.soso.com 3. "Why should you meddle with what does not concern you? " “你何必要干预与你无关的事呢?” 4. We need not concern ourselves here with the details of how modern computers work. 在这里,我们暂时不需要去了解现代计算机的运行细节。 www.justing.com.cn 5. Healthy people rarely get sick from the bacteria. So the study should not concern most users of automatic faucets in public bathrooms. 健康的人很少因为细菌而生病,所以这项研究没有考虑公共洗手间里自动化水龙头的使用者情况。 bulo.hjenglish.com 6. He does not concern himself with such things. 他与这些事无关。 emuch.net 7. But statement (3) does not concern the average propensity to consume. 但结论(3)和平均消费倾向并无太大关系。 www.bing.com 8. Do not concern yourself if your path is different to others, as there is more than one way to reach Ascension. 千万不要担心自己的道路与他人不同,因为有很多种方式可以抵达扬升。 tieba.baidu.com 9. What he says and does not concern me. 他的为人和我没关系 bbs.ebigear.com 10. But these special cases need not concern us here because they are dealt with by their respective parts of the SENS scheme. 但是,我们这里不必关心这些特殊的例子,因为它们将在SENS方案的各自部分另案处理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. She is genuinely a good photographer, her past as a model does not concern us. 她确实是个很好的摄影师。我们并不关心她之前的模特经历。 woshao.com 2. This does not concern you, right Watson? 华生这与你无关不是吗? blog.sina.com.cn 3. But that need not concern us, since we are measuring an index rather than total dollars. 但我们不必担心这些,因为我们衡量的是指数,而不是美元总额。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This does not concern you, please go away. 这事与你无关,请走开。 home.12edu.cn 5. This message does not concern you. 这个消息和你无关。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Wafa Sultan: These are personal matters that do not concern you. 答:我信什么是你管不着的个人事务。 www.xici.net 7. My reasons need not concern you, Ryel Darkstar. I have come to offer you one final opportunity to withdraw. 你不需要关心这个原因。雷尔---暗黑之星,我来,是给你最后一次撤退的机会。 www3.6sq.net 8. This does not concern you, kids. 这和你们没关系,孩子们。 www.ebigear.com 9. What is happening outside does not concern us. 外面发生的事与我们无关。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. So the study should not concern most users of automatic faucets in public bathrooms. 因此这项研究并不担心公共洗手间自动水龙头的大部分用户。 www.hxen.com 1. These are personal matters that do not concern you . 这些都是私人事务,你管不着。 www.bing.com 2. But this possibility need not concern us now. 但是这个可能性,我们现在不需要杞人忧天。 www.bing.com 3. That's my concern - not concern, that's my enquiry. 那是我关心的事情——不是关心,那是我探索的事情。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 4. sinful men , do they not concern you ? 有罪的人,他们不使你担心? www.ichacha.net 5. You must not concern yourself about me. 你切莫为我担心。 360edu.com 6. fame can earn attention but not concern. 名声可以赢得关注,却无法赢得关心 zhidao.baidu.com 7. This letter does not concern you. 这封信与你无关。 beike.dangzhi.com 8. Zhu Qiang : "We Can Not Concern to Shanghai, " Southen Weekend, 2001, 10, 18. 朱强:《我们无法不关注上海》,《南方周末》(广州)2001年10月18日。 biyelunwen.yjbys.com 9. a matter that does not concern one 跟己无关的事 zhidao.baidu.com |
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