单词 | not clear |
释义 | 例句释义: 不明确,微弱的,模糊的,不清楚的,完全不清楚,不明不白 1. At any given point it is not clear whether the bank is monitoring inflation, exchange rates, financial stability or some other metric. 不管怎么说,外界看不出来RBI是否在调控通货膨胀,汇率,财政稳定和其他指标。 www.ecocn.org 2. It was also not clear how much of the cost would be passed on to consumers. 有多少成本会转嫁至消费者身上仍不明确。 www.bing.com 3. However, it's not clear how much impact this would really have on exports. 然而,人们还不清楚这对出口真正会产生什么影响。 bbs.21manager.com 4. Describe a time when you were part of a team but were not clear about your role. What did you do about it and what was the outcome? 当您是团队的其中一员,但是不明确自己的角色时,您是怎样做的,结果怎样? wenku.baidu.com 5. Did not know that this dream is an omen, also not clear is the date has thinks of the night to have a dream. 我不知道这个梦是不是预兆,也不清楚这是不是日有所思,夜有所梦。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Ted Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer several months ago, and it was not clear if he would be able to address the convention. 几个月以前,泰迪.肯尼迪被诊断患有脑癌,而且人们并不清楚他是否会在星期一的大会上讲话。 www.ebigear.com 7. I like the idea but it's not clear how much trash is needed to keep such a system going. 我喜欢这个想法,但现在还不清楚有多少垃圾,需要保持这样一个系统去。 adsk.cn 8. Giffords is still unable to speak, is not clear whether the permanent loss of her language skills. 吉福兹现在还不能说话,尚不清楚她是否永久丧失语言能力。 www.englishtang.com 9. Zhang Ziyi also is done a bit probably muddleheaded, the report with farfetched so much, watch audience of not clear China the view to her. 章子怡大概也有点被搞糊涂了,这么多乱七八糟的报道,看不清楚中国观众对她的看法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It's not clear how much damage Chung has done. 现在还不清楚钟到底做了多少破坏。 www.bing.com 1. He said it was not clear if China was the intended beneficiary of the timber that would be cleared to make way for the bogus project. 他表示,还不清楚中国是否是这个可疑项目将会砍伐的木材的受益者。 www.ftchinese.com 2. There is usually public access to the court, but it was not clear whether the proceedings on Monday would be restricted, the official said. 一般情况下公众可以进入法院听审,但目前尚不清楚周一的庭审程序是否会对公众听审进行限制,该名官员称。 dongxi.net 3. With Treasurys yielding only 3%, it's not clear how much more demand the Fed will spur by getting them down to, say, 2. 5%. 由于财政部获利仅3%,例如美联通过降低利率到2.5%,它更能刺激多少需求还不得而知。 www.ecocn.org 4. He returned the car to Esprit, who gave him a cheque that did not clear. The cash is still missing. 卡路将汽车退还给易斯比瑞特,但是对方退还给他的支票却不能兑现。现金不见了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. How much he would raise it is not clear. 他要提高多少税率目前并不明确。 www.ecocn.org 6. With so much else on the agenda in London, it is not clear how much time the Group of 20 will be able to devote to trade. 鉴于在伦敦峰会上还有很多其他的日程,目前尚不清楚20国集团在贸易问题上会投入多少时间。 www.tianya.cn 7. Although the older babies recognised a change in the mood of the music, it's not clear how much this really meant to them. 虽然大一点的宝宝能辨认出音乐情感上的变化,但目前还不清楚这些变化对他们到底意味着什么。 www.webi.com.cn 8. For the future, it is not clear how much access Brussels lobbyists will enjoy. 展望将来,不清楚布鲁塞尔的游说者们能够打通多少门路。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Having been used for a long time, the stamp will not clear for inkpad is left inside of seal. 印章用久了,印泥残留期间,往往使用起来不清不楚,怎么办? blog.sina.com.cn 10. "Quantitative easing is the whipping boy, but it is not clear how much it is to blame for the reallocation of savings, " he said. “量化宽松是替罪羊,但储蓄的重新配置在多大程度上应归咎于量化宽松,目前尚不得而知。” www.ftchinese.com 1. These pics given, are not clear enough to see the body. There's only the pic of fittings which is clear, and I only judge by the fittings. 给的这些图片,并看不清楚剑身,只有装具的图片清楚,我也只能考装具判断了。 hfsword.com 2. Qantas CEO Joyce said the company had as many as 14 engines may be replaced, it is not clear when the A380 aircraft can resume flying. 昆达士总裁乔伊斯表示,该公司有多达14部引擎可能被更换,因此目前还不清楚这些A380型客机何时可以恢复飞行。 www.englishtang.com 3. Every possible means has been used to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. 为了防止大气污染每个可能的方法都用到了,但天空仍旧不明净。 www.english88.com.cn 4. The concrete how much money I am not clear, you may arrive at the horizon graduating to live, on bank BBS and so on has a look. 具体的多少钱我不清楚,你可以到天涯啊应届生啊,银行BBS上啊等去看看。 www.fenleimama.com 5. Although it was announced in November, it is still not clear how much of it is really new and precisely how the funds will be invested. 尽管此项方案于去年11月份宣布,但迄今仍不清楚这一金额中究竟有多少是新的支出,以及这些资金具体将如何投资到位。 www.ftchinese.com 6. 'It's just not clear to me that the Chinese government is able to direct these things in such a grand strategic sort of way, ' he said. 他说,我不认为中国政府能够以如此具有重大战略性的方式来引导这些事。 chinese.wsj.com 7. It's not clear how much food Japan is currently exporting in the wake of the earthquake. 不知道地震后目前日本有多少食品出口。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The problem was that the earth became violent because it was not clear whether the solid shape was to last or not. 问题是地球变得狂躁不安,因为搞不清楚这种固体形状是否会持续下去。 www.jxenglish.com 9. "Last dinner" a few words brake occurs when the heart, empty, is sad, sad, don't give up, I also points are not clear, I haven't got a clue. “最后一次聚餐”几字刹时出现,心里空空的,是伤心,难过,不舍,我也分不清,我也搞不清楚。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The schedule for a vote was not clear and Republicans may want to debate the matter, which could push consideration to later in the week. 投票时间表不得而知,而且共和党可能希望进行讨论,这可能会把此事拖到本周稍晚。 cn.reuters.com 1. Breaking up the banks might have satisfied taxpayers' desire for revenge, but it is not clear what problems it would have solved. 关闭银行也许实现了纳税人报仇的愿望,但不清楚这解决了什么问题。 www.ecocn.org 2. It's not clear whether the children need special services or not, other experts said. 其他专家表示,这些孩子是否需要特别治疗目前还未确定。 www.bing.com 3. However, it is not clear if C&D Commodities is still an active business or if it just a collegial association between Dennis and Bruck. 但是,也不清楚是否C&D公司还在运作,或者说只是丹尼斯和布鲁克之间的联系桥梁。 www.irich.com.cn 4. As with Mr Kanich's study, it is not clear how much of this is profit. 与Kanich的研究一样,到底有多少是利润并不清楚。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. Article centers is not clear, or conception is not profound, often that of the superficial thinking. 文章中心不明确,或立意不深刻,往往说明作者思想肤浅。 www.xiami360.com 6. Whether they did so voluntarily, by restraining how much they ate, was not clear. 它们这样做是出于自愿,还是因为食物数量受到限制,这个并不清楚。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. But with all three candidates playing it equally safe, it*s not clear if any of them came out of the face-off in worse position than before. 但在三位参选人都采取保守策略的情况下,不清楚有没有人在这场对抗之后,处境比先前更加危险。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Observers in Baghdad say it is not clear whether the measure will come up for a vote, and is unlikely to pass if it does. 巴格达的观察家们表示这项法案是否能得到投票表决尚不清楚,而即使能进行表决,也不可能获得通过。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. 'It is not clear that the United States enjoys much of a privilege at all, ' the McKinsey economists write. 麦肯锡的经济学家们写道,美国是否享受着很大的特权都还不是完全清楚。 c.wsj.com 10. Analysts yesterday said it was not clear whether the moves by Lehman would be enough to relieve the pressure on Dick Fuld, chief executive. 分析师们昨日表示,目前尚不清楚,雷曼上述举措是否足以消除首席执行官迪克-富尔德(DickFuld)所面临的压力。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It was not clear how the bird got to Burger King, but a person who lives near the restaurant was given one. 目前尚不清楚孔雀是怎麽到汉堡王来的,但附近有位居民曾获赠过一只孔雀。 www.taipeitimes.com 2. But it's not clear how much can be done. Cheap food, like cheap oil, may be a thing of the past. 但是,到底还有多少可以做的事,目前尚不明朗。便宜的粮食,和便宜的石油,恐怕都是很遥远的往事了。 www.ebigear.com 3. From the distance at which CNN was allowed to view the area, it was not clear what sort of vessels were hit. CNN方面能够看到被轰炸的地区,但尚不清楚什么船只被击中。 www.bing.com 4. the most it impressed me is the walls are made from trees, the other was not clear about, I feel so tired and went to bed fell asleep. 最让我印象深刻的是墙是由树做的,别的就不清楚了,我感到累极了,爬上床就睡着了。 www.ok06.com 5. A reasonable conclusion on the basis of the econometric results is that saving has been reduced, but by how much is not clear. 根据经济计量分析的结果,得出的一个合理结论是,储蓄减少了,但减少了多少并不清楚。 czx.xmu.edu.cn 6. He said that it is still not clear whether carbon dioxide is the main driver of this change. 他说还不清楚二氧化碳是不是这种变化的主要驱动者。 www.scidev.net 7. But it was not clear if it would be able to definitely state what the metal was because of the water "s depth. " 但由于海水过深,无法得知它能否明确判断金属物的性质。 bbs.feeyo.com 8. What is not clear, though, is how much it will do for many homeowners facing sharply higher payments. 尽管目前并不清楚这对于那些面对还款急剧上涨的有房者来说会有多少帮助。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. 'We may be the company that really leads this movement. . . . It's not clear that anyone else is going to manage it correctly. ' 扎克伯格说,Facebook或许是真正引领这一趋势的公司,现在还不清楚其他人是否能正确处理这一问题。 www.voa365.com 10. It's not clear whether Yang remembered Li from the documentary shoot; he referred the matter to a Yahoo colleague, who did not respond. 现在我们不能确定杨致远是否记得拍摄纪录片时的那个李彦宏,杨致远把此项交易提供了同事,但没有获得回应。 www.bing.com 1. The noise and the size of the crowd was impressive, but it's still not clear precisely how much support Islamists have in Egypt as a whole. 人群的声音和数量都非常庞大,但是目前仍然不清楚穆斯林在埃及全国拥有多少支持率。 www.24en.com 2. The man is not clear and is slightly blurred (no doubt due to the long exposure required). 此人看不清,还稍微有些抖(应该是由于长曝光时间引起)。 www.bing.com 3. It is not clear how much money Huawei could raise from a sale of a stake in the division, which is being arranged by Morgan Stanley. 目前尚不确定华为可能从出售该部门股份中筹集多少资金。此笔交易由摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)安排。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It is often not clear which government authority is responsible for sorting through the rubble. 应由哪个政府机构负责清理这个烂摊子通常并不明确。 chinese.wsj.com 5. It is not clear that voters will thank him for his trouble, though they may appreciate his energetic efforts to solve the euro-zone crisis. 现在还不清楚选民是否会因为他的麻烦而感谢他,尽管他们可能会很感激萨科齐在解决欧债危机上所作的积极努力。 www.ecocn.org 6. do not hesitate to ask me if anything is not clear to you ? 有什么不清楚的地方尽管问 www.kekenet.com 7. How much the weaker trend across Europe owes to the credit squeeze is not clear. 信贷紧缩在欧洲各国房价下跌趋势中扮演的角色尚不得而知。 www.ecocn.org 8. It was not clear whether he was prepared to make way for a neutral figure to take over as premier, the same people said. 这位人士表示,目前尚不清楚,帕潘德里欧是否准备将自己的总理宝座让与一位中立人士。 okread.net 9. A lot - although exactly how much is still not clear. 很多——尽管还不清楚具体有多少。 www.bing.com 10. Renewable sources have the potential to provide much more energy than they do today, although how much more is not clear. 可再生资源有潜力提供远多于现在的能量,不过增长的幅度并不确定。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Moreover, one of Zermelo's axioms invoked a concept, that of a "definite" property, whose operational meaning was not clear. 此外,Zermelo的一个公理涉及“明确性”性质的概念,它的操作性意义是有歧义的。 en.wikipedia.org 2. Morgan Stanley said on Wednesday that it is in a year of transition. What that means for the company and John Mack is not clear. 摩根士丹利周三宣布,今年是过渡的一年.而这对公司或是麦克究竟意味着什麽,还不得而知。 cn.reuters.com 3. Chinese people sometimes ambiguous words, the comparison is often said : "It is not clear, it is hard to say. look at the repeat. " 中国人说话有时候比较含糊,比较常说的话有:“不清楚、很难说、先看看再说。” zhidao.baidu.com 4. Where the address of any document is not clear and it cannot be sent by mail, the document may be served by making an announcement. 文件送交地址不清,无法邮寄的,可以通过公告的方式送达当事人。 www.lawyee.org 5. Non-easterly winds did not rain, do not scrape the west wind is not clear. 非东风不下雨,不刮西风不明确。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. It is not clear how much more automatic the new 'automatic consequences' proposed Friday would be. 不清楚上周五提出的新的“自动后果”的自动程度会有多大幅度的提高。 chinese.wsj.com 7. It's not clear to me that he would be able to do that. 我不清楚他能否做到这一点。 www.ebigear.com 8. "The military council's politics are not clear. It seems they are trying to stay in control and not hand over power to civilians, " he said. “军事委员会的政治不明确,似乎他们正试图在控制和不交出权力留平民,”他说。 www.englishtang.com 9. Lapan said the Pentagon control of intelligence, Gaddafi did not leave Libya. Gaddafi is not clear, but the U. S. current hiding place. 拉潘还说,五角大楼掌握的情报显示,卡扎菲没有离开利比亚。但美方也不清楚卡扎菲当前的藏身之处。 www.englishtang.com 10. And while it's not clear how much brown fat would be needed to have an effect on body weight, he suspects that it wouldn't take much. 虽然现在还不清楚需要有多少棕色脂肪,才能对体重产生影响,他认为这不会需要太多。 www.bing.com 1. Although the underling visual message is often not clear and present, my artistic hand was guided by one force. 虽然下属的视觉信息往往是不明确的和现在,我的艺术,是一种力量引导。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 2. It is not clear how much of an issue this is; none of the 1024 elements results had serial correlation. 这个问题的影响程度不明确;1024个元素的所有结果没有序列相关性。 www.ibm.com 3. Not much of this was new money (probably $3 billion-5 billion) and it is not clear how much, if any, has been delivered. 没有多少是新投入的资金(大概在30到50亿美元之间),若有的话也不清楚已经交付的是多少。 www.bing.com 4. To avoid incorrectly typing the name of an existing variable or to avoid confusion in code where the scope of the variable is not clear. 可避免拼错现有变量的名称,或者避免在变量范围不清楚的代码中产生混淆。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The newspaper said the occupation of Tianjin Ji Baer is not clear whether the city armed with the "base" organizations. 该报说,目前尚不清楚占领津吉巴尔市的武装是否与“基地”组织有关。 www.englishtang.com 6. Within three days, however, he had some movement again in his arms and legs. How much he might recover is still not clear. 三天不到,他的手和腿稍有活动了,然而他到底能恢复到什么程度还不清楚。 www.hjenglish.com 7. It's not clear how much the sales of lower-priced PCs are cannibalizing sales of higher-priced ones. 现在还不清楚到底有多少高端电脑的销售正在被低端产品蚕食。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. He had a very close relationship with a famous women and it is not clear how well he knew her, but people speak of his affair with her. 他与一个有名的女子关系非常密切,而且目前尚不清楚他有多么了解她,但人们说他与她的事情。 open.163.com 9. Now, in peace time, it is not clear under how much government pressure the medic has speaking. 现在,在和平时期,这些医疗工作者所说的话承受了来自政府的多少压力并不清楚。 club.topsage.com 10. But it was not clear how much demand there is for additional servicing assets. 但目前增加服务业务资产的需求有多少,并不明朗。 cn.reuters.com 1. It was not clear whom the man was working for. When he saw a journalist looking at him, he stepped inside and quietly closed the door. 不清楚这个卫兵为谁服务,当看到一个记者在看他,他走进房间,轻轻地关上了门。 www.bing.com 2. Is also possibly able to discriminate the place, is only I is not clear, concrete may access the net to look up. 可能还有别的地方,只是我不清楚,具体的可以上网上查查。 www.fenleimama.com 3. To bail out some troubled bank, it's not clear that will have the multiplier effect that you want, ' he said. 如果只救助陷入困境的银行,很难搞清这能否产生人们希望获得的乘数效应。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. David Plouffe, a White House adviser, told ABC yesterday it was not clear if there would be enough House Republicans to get a deal through. 白宫顾问DavidPlouffe昨天告诉ABC记者说还不确定众议院是否有足够的共和党议员支持这个协议。 www.bing.com 5. The man's identity, said the villagers are not clear, the scene had not been seen in the deceased's relatives. 关于男人的身份,村平易近都称不分明,现场也未见死者亲属。 tu.yo52.com 6. It is not clear how much further Brazil is willing to go in keeping the world's peace. 巴西今后愿意在维护世界和平这条道路上前进多远,我们不得而知。 www.ecocn.org 7. But it is not clear that regulators will be able to keep up with such a rapidly changing industry. 但是这些监管措施是否能够跟得上这个快速变化的产业并不清楚。 www.ecocn.org 8. It was not clear how easy access would be to enter the zones. Liu and Beijing police would not say if special permission would be needed. 还不清楚如何能很方便的进入这些地点,刘和北京警方没有说明是否需要特别的许可。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 9. That the result was not clear is not to be wondered at, for neither was the attempt then clear unto itself. 结果难以让人明白,也是不足为怪的,因为那时的意图本身就不清楚。 www.bing.com 10. The last line is not clear, let's give it a miss. 最后一行不清楚,咱们跳过不看吧。 www.powerdict.com 1. Al-Ani's family say that despite the verdict, it is still not clear what happened to him in the car. 阿尔安尼的家人说,不管判决怎么说,他们始终没有弄清当时车里在他身上他究竟发生了什么。 www.bing.com 2. He said the explosion was not clear there is no loss of life. 他说还不清楚爆炸有没有造成人员死亡。 www.englishtang.com 3. It is not clear if this is due to genetic changes in the virus, however, or to other factors like the weather. 然而,目前尚不清楚的是,造成此现象的原因是病毒的基因变化还是天气等因素。 www.bing.com 4. It is not clear how the chemicals ended up in the two separate U. S. formula samples that tested positive. 还不清楚这两种被检测出为阳性的美国配方奶粉会被做出何种处理。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. However, China's relevant laws and regulations are not clear enough to understand or operate both in theory and practice. 然而相关的法律规定不明,无论在理论与实践上都容易产生理解和认识的误区。 51lunwen.net 6. The researchers, writing in the International Journal of Cancer, said the association between height and cancer risk was not clear. 研究人员在《国际癌症杂志》上写道,关于身高和癌症之间的相关性还未被阐明。 med.essaystar.com 7. It was not clear from the statement if either remained at their estate in Brentwood, or whom the children were with. 从声明中无法得知是否有一人还将住在布伦特伍德的豪宅,以及子女将和谁一起生活。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. The size of the investment was not clear but the deal could be finalised within a week or so, the people said. 上述人士透露,尽管投资规模尚不清楚,但交易的细节可能在一周左右的时间内最终敲定。 www.ftchinese.com 9. It's not clear that the market today presents a "buying opportunity, " he said, pointing to continuing structural problems in the economy. “目前还不清楚现在的市场是否提供了一个“买进的机会”,他指着持续存在着的经济结构性问题说到。” www.bing.com 10. It is not clear what such conditions might be, but we have no way of excluding the idea on the basis of pure thought. 现在还不清楚这样的条件是什么,可我们不能出于单纯的想法就排斥这种观点。 www.bing.com 1. Mr Turner seems to feel that the problem is free trade, an idea it is not clear he understands. Turner先生似乎觉得问题在于自由贸易,他知道这个概念不够清晰。 www.ecocn.org 2. After smashing the windows, one of the officers eventually put some CS gas inside, though "to what effect was not clear" he says. 打碎车窗后,其中一名警察最终把催泪瓦斯投入车内,尽管是否“能起作用尚不清楚”,他说。 www.bing.com 3. If it's not clear whether Mr Bernanke was signalling a pause, that may be because, quite sensibly, he hasn't yet made up his mind. 如果仍然不确定Bernanke先生是否暗示着暂停(注释5),也许是因为,非常明显的,他脑子也还没数。 www.ecocn.org 4. Mahjong how to fight, I would not be able to introduce, and too complex, a two also said that it was not clear. 麻将怎么打,我就没法介绍了,太复杂,一句两句也说不清楚。 4455.cc 5. No identified chronic case history, some colleagues said he drank wine everyday, and the specific condition is not clear. 既往无明确慢性病史,有同事讲他每日饮酒,具体不详。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 6. in muddy, the snow, the icy road, in the wind, snow and rain and fog, etc view is not clear weather, all the taxi. 在泥泞、积雪、结冰的路段上,在风、雪、雨、雾等视线不清的天气中,均禁止滑行。 www.cwzyc.com 7. It's not clear to me what I could usefully tell you - except that, encouragingly, the finishing line will be only about 850 words away. 我不太清楚我能告诉你们什么有用的东西——除了一个令人鼓舞的消息,那就是这篇文章离结束还有850个单词。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But it is still not clear whether the police or the consulate was the target of the attack. 但目前还不清楚被攻击的目标是土耳其警察检查站还是美国领事馆。 www.ebigear.com 9. Vertical farms are designed to produce a higher volume of food than rooftop farms, but it's not clear if they would do it cheaply. 垂直农场的设计目标是生产更多的粮食,但是其造价是否低廉犹未可知。 www.bing.com 10. Alleged " make frowsty package " , add in many decorate project namely, make consumer looks not clear, also look not to understand. 所谓“打闷包”,就是把多个装潢项目加在一起,使消费者看不清、也看不懂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It's not clear if it was buried on the island or if the soldiers merely just sunk it in a specific area. 至金仍不请楚这些东西是被藏在岛上还是战士们被命令只是把它们沉落到某一指定区域。 www.elanso.com 2. It is not clear if such treatments would help patients whose cancer has already metastasized to other parts of the body. 目前尚不清楚这种治疗是否适用于癌细胞已经转移到身体其它部位的病人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Parts of this scheme have been announced before; so the true size of the new stimulus is not clear. 这项财政刺激计划中的一部分,此前已经公布过。因此,很难确定新的财政支出规模到底有多大。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Where the expression came from is not clear. Some say that General George Washington used it during the American Revolutionary War. 来自哪里表达不清楚。有人说,乔治华盛顿将军在美国革命战争中使用的战争。 www.maynet.cn 5. The Lcross scientists said it was not clear how all the different readings of water related to one another, if at all. Lcross科学家说还不清楚所有不同对水的认知如何相互关联,如果这种关联存在的话。 www.bing.com 6. In any event, it was not clear-cut: 44. 8% of households voted in favour of the offer and 22. 4% against, and the rest did not vote at all. 但不管怎样,结果还是不明朗:44.8%的居民支持开发商的补偿方案,22.4%的反对,其它人则根本没有投票。 ecocn.blogbus.com 7. It was not clear what type of herbivore it was but scientists estimated it could have been up to 35 metres long and weighing 10 tonnes. 目前还不知道这是何种类型食草恐龙的化石,但是,科学家们分析估计,这头恐龙生前应该有35米长,体重在10吨左右。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Panzhihua City arid climate and hot seasons is not clear, only the rainy season and dry season such a distinction. 攀枝花市气候干燥、炎热,四季不分明,只有雨季和旱季之分。 zhishi.sohu.com 9. For this reason, linguists usually say that the difference between a dialect and a language is not clear-cut. 也因此,语言学家往往认为,很难明确界定方言和语言之间的差异。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It was not clear whether the gunman had been shot by police or taken his own life. 枪手最终是被警察击中而死还是自己饮弹自尽不详。 www.bing.com 1. However, it is not clear that regulators are ready to take this more drastic step. 不过,目前尚不清楚监管机构是否准备采取这一力度更大的举措。 www.ftchinese.com 2. "We spend a lot of money doing capacity building, but it is not clear that this has an impact, " says Mr Boutroue of UNDP. UNDP的Boutroue先生说:“我们在能力建设上花了很多钱,但并不清楚这是否有效”。 www.ecocn.org 3. It's not clear what he'll say about taxes on Wednesday when he lays out his ideas for how to tackle the country's long-term debt. 但周三当他阐释要如何处理美国的长期债务的想法时,就不清楚他对税收有什么样的言论了。 www.bing.com 4. But it is not clear they have done any of the things needed to avert the next one. 但目前尚不清楚,他们是否采取了避免下次危机所必需的举措。 www.ftchinese.com 5. More than 500 exoplanets have been discovered since then, yet it's not clear if even one of them might be habitable. 从那时起,超过500颗系外行星被发现。然而,至今仍没弄清,其中的甚至一颗行星可能适合居住。 www.bing.com 6. The idea is to use private capital and private asset managers to help set a market value for the securities. Exactly how is not clear yet. 想法是利用私人资金和私人资产管理者来帮助建立债券的市场价值,到底如何尚不清楚。 www.unsv.com 7. It's not clear if regulatory agencies like the U. S. 's FDA would approve this kind of modification. 目前还不清楚像美国食品和药物监督局这样的监管机构是否允许这样的基因修改。 www.bing.com 8. Honda said it was not clear when the latest industrial action would be resolved, adding that employees and Honda Lock were in discussions. 本田表示,尚不清楚本田制锁的罢工能否平息,但补充说该工厂的工人和管理层正在进行谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 9. That of the man what to eat is not clear how many dumplings. Medical institutions like the autopsy to determine cause of death. 这名老翁究竟吃了多少个饺子尚不清楚。医疗机构打算解剖尸体,以确定死因。 www.englishtang.com 10. This tendency is only the personality characteristics of the relatively flat and not clear-cut, is not easily impressive way. 只不过这种倾向性的个性特征比较平淡而不鲜明,往往不容易给人留下深刻的印象罢了。 tieba.baidu.com 1. It's not clear that Paul is doing much of that with any of his earlyproposals. 还不清楚凭着这份早期提案,小保罗能在这方面走多远。 www.bing.com 2. Ahead of a formal announcement last night, it was not clear what the Dutch government would seek in exchange for a cash injection. 在昨夜正式宣布这一消息之前,并不清楚荷兰政府会希望通过注资换取的内容。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Yet it is not clear that, in the long run, environmental regulation does much to suppress economic growth. 长远看来,对环境问题的整顿会是否抑制经济增长目前还不清楚。 www.ecocn.org 4. 'It is not clear another currency would have a companion bond market large or liquid enough for this to come to fruition, ' he said. 他说,不清楚是否会有另一种货币的债券市场具备足够大的规模和流动性,来让这一点变为现实。 c.wsj.com 5. Yet even at the time of his election, it was not clear what Mr Zuma stood for. 即使在进行选举之时,祖马先生也并未明确表示他所持立场。 www.ecocn.org 6. Whether that means an uncontained meltdown was now out of the question -- or even less likely -- was not clear. 现在还不清楚这究竟意味着发生不可控核灾难的风险已经消失了,还是降低了。 www.fortunechina.com 7. It was not clear if the facility would be used for Russian military aircraft. 据悉,目前还不清楚机场的设施将是否供俄罗斯的军用飞机使用。 www.etiri.com.cn 8. Acute pancreatitis have been reported in a few cases treated with stating in abroad literature, whose induced pathogenesy is not clear. 国外文献报道他汀类药物可导致急性胰腺炎,其诱发机制不清楚。 www.chemyq.com 9. Rash man not clear, confess gilly all hang out with jamie, finally also mix a problem, make human life, to flee to aunt's house. 莽撞的吉莉认人不清,终日与杰米瞎混,终于也混出问题,弄出人命,逃回阿姨家。 www.yc55.cn 10. But authorities had already signalled that another crackdown was coming, and it was not clear how harsh it would be. 但中国官员此前也曾表示即将采取严厉的打击措施,但具体的严厉程度目前仍不为人所知。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It is not clear, however, how far the Americans will press the point if the North Koreans continue to deny enriching uranium. 然而,目前尚不清楚一旦朝鲜否认进行铀浓缩事实,美国将如何惩戒朝鲜。 www.ecocn.org 2. Feelings of emptiness is not clear but a touch hollow, empty derivative silence of winter as the air cold. 虚无是感受分明却触摸不到的空洞,空洞衍生的沉默如冬夜的空气一样的冰寒。 www.bing.com 3. And he urges Pakistan to do what the kidnappers want although their demands are not clear at this point. 他督促巴基斯坦按绑架人说的去做。不过目前绑架者的意图还不明确。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 4. The university has no unified class, also not clear grade, general a class lectures from each grade students. 大学里没有统一的班级,也没有明确的年级,一般一个课堂上听课的学生可能来自各个年级。 ourtra.netat.net 5. Up to now, the names of the victims is not clear. Cause of the accident is under further investigation. 截至目前,尚不清楚遇难者的姓名。事故原因正在进一步调查中。 www.englishtang.com 6. It is not clear if Iran's nuclear program will be discussed, alongside the conference, but EU sources have not ruled it out. 目前并不清楚会议期间是否会提出讨论伊朗的核项目,不过欧盟消息来源并不排除这个可能性。 www.ebigear.com 7. It is not clear, however, whether or not the system tells you if you are over the 140-character limit. 可是有一点还不清楚,就是如果你超过140个字的限制系统会不会提示你。 www.bing.com 8. It was not clear which leaders or delegations Albright and Leach might meet or what topics they would attempt to discuss. 目前尚不清楚这两人将与哪些领导人或代表团会晤,以及将讨论什麽议题。 cn.reuters.com 9. If China is not clear about its responsibilities, and short -sighted enough to not make commitments at Copenhagen, India will follow suit. 如果中国不能明确自己的责任,目光短浅,不在哥本哈根大会上做出承诺减少温室气体排放,印度当然也不会做出承诺。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. But it's not clear why Swinson would assume that advertisements or entertainment should reflect reality, or mirror the general public. 但我们并不清楚石文生为什么会假定广告和娱乐节目应该折射出现实,或者清楚地反映出普通大众。 www.bing.com 1. What's not clear, he says, is whether happy feelings are the key to longevity or if it's something else that causes extended life. 他说,不清楚的是,是否感觉快乐是长寿的关键还是其他的一些事情造成生命的延长。 www.bing.com 2. But Mr Oettinger said the reason for the cut in gas supplies to Lithuania was not clear. 但欧廷格表示,向立陶宛输送的天然气下降的原因不明。 www.ftchinese.com 3. To this day, it's not clear what Mr. Carter could have done differently: stagflation is a problem with no good solutions. 就目前而言,我们不清楚卡特总统会有什么不一样的招数:对于滞胀是没有什么好的解决方法的。 www.bing.com 4. It is not clear, for instance, who might have been listening in on Mr Erdogan. 比如说,是谁在窃听埃尔多先生还不清楚。 www.ecocn.org 5. COOPER: Well, it is still not clear when a major amount of oil from the Gulf will actually reach shore and where it's going to reach shore. 库伯:好,现在还不清楚墨西哥湾的大量原油是否会到达海岸、在什么地方到达海岸。 english.suridea.cn 6. Vague facial features are not clear about the face expression, but slightly lower face looks appear to be so lonely, so sad. 模糊的五官,看不清脸上的神情,只是,微低的脸看上去显得那么孤寂,那么忧伤。 enwaimao.cn 7. The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the solid shape would last or not. 问题是地球开始变得激烈动荡,不知道这个固体形状是否会继续下去。 beike.dangzhi.com 8. It's not clear, the steel at point seems to be intact and plumpy . 看不太清楚,好象刀尖夹钢完整而丰满啊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Even though the principle of the finger-reading phenomenon is not clear, the research on the information field is still going on. 虽然手指识字的运作机制尚未明朗,但近年已经进入有关于「信息场」的研究。 www.cetd.com.tw 10. Even he has got a very bad temper, I still liked him a lot and I even found his not clear voice pretty sexy. 即使他脾气很臭,我还是很喜欢他,甚至都觉得他略带沙哑的声音很有磁性。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. However, it is not clear whether the internet causes depression or the depressive ones like the internet more than others. 但目前还不清楚究竟是上网导致了抑郁,还是抑郁的人更喜欢上网。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. However, people involved in the transaction cautioned that "the total amount [sought] is not clear" . 不过,参与此笔交易的人士警告称,“(计划)融资总额尚不清楚”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It is not clear whether these authorities were from his native region or from Chorasmia prior to the conversion of Vishtaspa. 不清楚这些权威是来自他的本土宗教还是来自维萨塔帕国王转变信仰之前的切罗米亚。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It was not clear whether the couple had any other children. 至于这对夫妇还有没有其他孩子,就不甚清楚了。 www.bing.com 5. It was not clear that jobs came with the elimination of workers rights and social benefits were used to hide ethnic genocide. 后来再清楚不过了,就业伴随着工人权利的消除,社会福利被用作掩盖种族屠杀。 www.miltt.com 6. People say this crisis is some kind of golden chance for China but it is not clear that China will be able to use the opportunity. 人们说这场危机是中国的黄金机遇,但不清楚中国是否能够利用这个机会。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Police said the gunmen had confirmed the identity of and contact with their families. It is not clear motive gunmen hostage. 警方表示,已经确认枪手身份,并与其家人取得联系。但尚不清楚枪手挟持人质的动机。 www.englishtang.com 8. What is not clear, however, is why Hamas took so long to crack down on the group after the Nahal Oz attack. 然而现在还不清楚的是,为什么哈马斯在纳哈尔袭击事件后,花那么长时间才消灭了该组织。 www.bing.com 9. East Asian Monsoon affects summer Rainfalls in China to most extent. But the physical mechanism between them is still not clear. 中国夏季降水在很大程度上受东亚季风的影响,但是它们之间的物理机制并不是很清楚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It's not clear that this particular group could. --I'm sure that Louis Armstrong would read some music. 这群人会不会我们并不清楚。这就是--我肯定刘易斯。阿姆斯特朗会用一些谱子。 career.51youcai.com 1. However, it was not clear last night whether the talks would result in a final sale agreement being signed, nor at what price. 但此次谈判是否将签署一份最终的销售协议、最终收购价格多少等信息在昨晚并未明朗。 www.ftchinese.com 2. As he recounts his own life, leaving his home to begin his career at 9, it's not clear that he was kidding with his kid. 不知道他是不是在和孩子开玩笑,因为根据小野次郎对自己生活的回忆,他9岁时就已离家创业。 www.bing.com 3. Indeed, it is still not clear what Mr Xu's motives were in talking publicly about such plans, other than to sow confusion in the BHP camp. 确实,除了迷惑必和必拓,徐乐江公开谈论这项计划的动机尚不清楚。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Nobody wants to treat anybody else as a stranger in that group, but it is not clear what the etiquette might be. 谁都不想把那个组里面的任何一个人当做陌生人对待,但他们不清楚应该遵从何种礼仪。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Dazzled, parody soothing sounds tender, and I began, but has not clear, transparent sight of dancing. 眩惑,仿似天籁之音款款奏起,而我,却已分不清眼前舞动的,是透明。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Exactly what might come of such an arrangement that wouldn't have come from continued GM ownership of Saab is not clear. 可能正是这样的安排,不会有来自通用汽车公司继续拥有萨博目前尚不清楚。 usa.315che.com 7. "It is not clear that this can be done, " says physicist Steve Andrews of Bath University in England. “这不是明显,这是可以做到的,”安德鲁斯说,物理学家史蒂夫巴斯大学在英国。 wenwen.soso.com 8. It is not clear whether this would constitute theft on the part of the men or the company. 我们尚不清楚这是会构成这些雇员还是力拓公司的窃取商业秘密罪。 www.ftchinese.com 9. So far, it is not clear whether the strain is spreading beyond farms to cause infections elsewhere in the population. 到目前为止,不清楚这个菌种是否正在向农场造外其他地方的人口蔓延。 www.ecocn.org 10. The structure of the simple sentence is not clear to him, to say nothing of the complex sentence. 他连简单句的结构都搞不清楚,更不用说复合句了。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Don't hesitate to ask me if anything is not clear to you. 如果你有什么不太明白,问我可不要犹豫。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Under the light microscope, white pulp diminished and shrank, germinal center was not clear and there were a little of apoptosis cell. 光镜下白髓数量减少,体积变小,生发中心不明显,高剂量组能见到少量的凋亡细胞; zgsykx.com 3. While reframing the climate issue around energy and equity is undoubtedly appealing, it is not clear how effective it would be as policy. 虽然围绕能源和公平的主线重塑气候问题无疑很有吸引力,但要把它作为一项政策来执行尚不清楚效果如何。 www.ecocn.org 4. Police have been hunting Li, reports added. It was not clear whether the alleged trafficker was in custody. 警察已经拘捕了李兴林,报道补充到,商贩是否抓捕仍不清楚。 www.bing.com 5. It's also not clear how the system will prevent spammers from sticking stamp codes in their mails to pretend they paid the tax. 对于垃圾邮件发送人将邮票码嵌入到邮件中假冒已付费的情况,系统将采取什么措施还不明朗。 www.transcn.org 6. It's not clear whether this would also apply to private companies, nor whether it would be a sufficient deterrent. 现在还不清楚这样的处罚是否也可以适用于私立医疗机构,这些处罚能否产生震慑效果也令人担忧。 www.bing.com 7. Once again, the student should request an explanation of any language (especially legal terms) used in the lease that is not clear. 学生对租约中的文字(尤其是法律术语)不清楚的地方应当要求解释清楚。 tr.bab.la 8. Even if she is released, it is not clear whether she would be allowed to resume political activities, or if her release would be permanent. 即使获释,她是否会被允许重新参加政治活动或是否是永久释放尚不清楚。 c.wsj.com 9. It is not clear whether the existence of these images is known by the press. 目前尚不清楚是否存在这些图像是由新闻界所周知。 wenwen.soso.com 10. upper arm liposuction surgery in the armpit at the top may stop after elbow incision scar between the two is not clear. 上臂吸脂手术在腋窝处或许肘后上方中止切口,二者瘢痕都不清楚。 99mrw.5d6d.com 1. But it is not clear it needs to cover other creditors of a bank, as the failures of IndyMac and Washington Mutual attest. 但是否要为其他债权人提供担保这一点还不明确,美国印地麦克银行(IndyMac)和华盛顿互助银行(WashingtonMutual)的破产就是证明。 www.bing.com 2. Even if scientists figure out precisely how Alzheimer 's destroys brains, it is not clear that they will be able to stop it. 即使科学家弄清了阿耳茨海默氏病毁坏大脑的过程,他们能否阻止这一过程也不得而知。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It is not clear what their purpose was but it has been suggested that they were important family heirlooms involving the inheritance. 它们的用途为何并不清楚,但有可能是与继承权有关的重要传家之宝。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. 'It's not clear there was much demand for that scenario, ' Forrester analyst Charles Golvin says. Forrester分析师高尔文(CharlesGolvin)说,不清楚那样一种使用场景有没有很大需求。 chinese.wsj.com 5. It's still not clear whether a flattening labor force will persist, and if it does, whether that would harm the economy. 劳动力是否会继续保持平缓的增长;如果是平缓增长,是否会破坏经济,这都还不为人所知。 www.bing.com 6. Yet it is still not clear how the bean sprouts became contaminated with the bug, which normally lives in the guts of cattle and sheep. 豆芽被虫感染的原因至今未明,因为大肠杆菌普遍存在于牛和羊的内脏中,而不是植物上。 www.gelievable.com 7. However, it was not clear whether the group had sent in a formal bid for the loss-making Swedish car firm. 不过,尚不清楚是否该联盟已提交收购这一亏损瑞典汽车厂商的正式要约。 cn.reuters.com 8. It's not clear whether the volume is ever really finished, nor where he chooses to start or restart his telling of it each time he paints. 没人清楚这作品是否真正的完成了,或是每次他选择从哪里开始或重新开始他的讲述。 www.bing.com 9. The sword above is not clear enough, and I just see there's pattern on it faintly, that is said to be 'dark seven star'. I don't know. 上面的剑看的不是很清楚,隐约能看到上面有花纹,据说是“暗七星”,搞不明白。 hfsword.com 10. Furthermore, it is not clear to what extent Gardner's intelligences tap personality traits or motor skills rather than mental aptitudes. 还有一点,撇开心智能力不谈,加德纳提出的这些多元化智力到底可让一个人的才艺或动作技能发展到何种程度还不清楚。 www.bing.com 1. It is not clear, however, that the "relevant authorities" will listen to the new prime minister, posing an early test to his authority. 然而,目前并不清楚,“相关机构”是否会听这位新总理的话,这是对他权威的初步考验。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But if you put millions into a building in China and sell it, it is not clear that you will be able to take your money out. 但是如果在中国投资数百万建造房屋并出售,你不一定能够收回投资。 blog.163.com 3. Learning ability is a very important wisdom acts features, but so far it is not clear mechanisms for learning. 学习能力是智能行为的一个非常重要的特征,但至今对学习的机理尚不清楚。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Police said they were unclear whether the two explosions are linked is not clear cause of the explosion. 警方说,他们目前还不清楚这两起爆炸事件是否有关联,也不清楚爆炸的原因。 www.englishtang.com 5. It was not clear if the resumption of talks with KAI was a negotiating tactic or signaled a definitive break with Aermacchi. 目前尚不清楚与KAI恢复谈判是否是一种谈判策略,或暗示与Aermacchi公司彻底决裂。 www.etiri.com.cn 6. It is not clear whether officials now believe that lightning disabled both the signalling system and the train or just the former. 尚不清楚官员们现在是认为雷击损坏了信号系统和动车两者,还是认为只损坏了前者。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Hepatocellular carcinoma is one kind of clinical common malignant tumor, however, at present it was still not clear about its pathogenesis. 肝细胞性肝癌是临床常见的一种恶性肿瘤,但目前对其发病机制仍不明确。 www.chemyq.com 8. Until now, it was not clear why the disease only affects nerve cells and how the abnormal protein agglutination is triggered. 直到现在位置,人们不清楚为什么这种病只涉及到神经细胞、正常蛋白凝集又是如何触发的。 news.dxy.cn 9. If these actions do not clear the error, refer to the troubleshooting section of the printer manual. 如果以上步骤不能清除该错误,请参考打印机使用手册的“故障查找”部分。 wenwen.soso.com 10. It was not clear whether the competition would eventually require participants to sing under a running shower. 至于比赛最终是否将要求选手在淋浴时唱歌,目前还不清楚。 kubaoku.cn 1. I agree with Becker that the Administration's pro-union policy is no help, but it's not clear that it will amount to much. 我同意贝克的观点,现在政府亲工会的政策没什么帮助,但是尚不清楚其是否会具备一定重要性。 www.bing.com 2. is not clear, therefore we wrote the content once more in the mail, no other special meanings. 担心扫描给你的附件文件的字体看不清,所以在邮件中将内容又写了一次,没有其他特别的含义。 www.showxiu.com 3. There seems to be pattern carved on blade, and it's not clear for heavy rust! 刀条上似乎有刻花纹,锈太重看不太清晰! hfsword.com 4. The reason for the differences in the spectral purity with regard to longitudinal mode content of the lasers is still not clear . 关于这种激光器中,造成纵模成分的纯度有差别的原因,现在仍不清楚。 www.bing.com 5. It is not clear who purchased the rest of the shares or whether anyone else at the company had knowledge of Mr. Balestri's transfers. 无法得知是谁购买了剩下的股票,或者该公司是否有其他人知道巴勒斯特里先生所做的股票转让。 www.hjenglish.com 6. I've skimmed over the business introduction that you mentioned and found some parts of which were not clear enough. 你提到的这项业务的说明书我粗略看过一下,发现许多地方不够明确。 zd.ku13.cn 7. People have done textual research clearly on the course of the event but the concrete cause of the case is not clear. 关于这两次获罪的经过,人们已作了较详细、清晰的考证,但获罪的具体事由尚不明朗。 lib.cqvip.com 8. Yet it is not clear whether the skills of a central banker are those needed by a Treasury Secretary. 但还不知道作为央行行长的那些技巧是不是作为一个财政部长所需要的。 www.bing.com 9. It is not clear whether star America Ferrera would be open to another series as she is considering focusing on features full time. 主演亚美里卡·菲蕾拉是否会在其他的电视剧中扮演角色仍是未知,因为她正在考虑专注于其所扮演的角色。 www.bing.com 10. The main result is that the partitioning and basic concept of equipment information is not clear, and the comprehension is not unified. 造成这种局面的重要原因之一,在于对装备保障指挥自动化领域里一个重要的基本概念—装备信息及其分划的认识不统一。 www.dictall.com 1. If average returns to effort were uniformly reduced by a factor of three, it is not clear why motivation to earn more would be reduced. 如果努力的平均回报通过三要素之一一致地减少,就不清楚为什么将减少赚钱的动机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The relative significance of the various passive and dynamic mechanisms in maintaining the stability of the tibiofemoral joint is not clear. 的相对重要性的各种被动的和有活力的机制,在维护稳定,胫股关节不明确。 www.syyxw.com 3. Have been infected with the season not clear, is not it, that such feelings are ambiguous, be considered ambiguous on the bit? 连季节也被感染的不再鲜明,是不是,感情也该这般模棱两可,暧昧不清才算对位? enwaimao.cn 4. I'm really at a loss. The marketing plan is not clear at all, how could anyone possibly put it to use? 我被弄迷糊了,营销计划一点也不明确。大家怎么可能去执行呢? www.kekenet.com 5. It was not clear that Nixon retained enough authority to manage the manifold pressures about to descend him. 尼克松是否还保持着足够的权威来对付即将降临到他头上的多方面的压力,还很不清楚。 www.kuenglish.info 6. They should be in each fund's prospectus; ask the fund company directly if it's not clear. 应该可以在每个基金的招募说明书中找到费用详情;如果不清楚,可直接向基金公司查询。 www.bing.com 7. Inheritance from the mother appeared to have a stronger effect, although why was not clear. 尽管还没有清楚具体原因,但看起来受母亲遗传的影响似乎更大。 www.suiniyi.com 8. But it is not clear whether quantitative easing on its own changes people's expectations of monetary policy and inflation. 但是还不清楚是否仅仅依靠定量宽带政策就可以改变人们对于货币及通货膨胀政策的期望。 www.ecocn.org 9. It was not clear whether the men had any information about the miners who were still missing. 但对于那些依然处于失踪中的矿工,还不清楚他们是否有相关线索,据新华社报道。 www.bing.com 10. It is not clear what exactly it takes to produce a Steve Jobs, of course. 当然,目前尚不清楚,究竟需要哪些条件才能培养出一个乔布斯。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It is not clear that the Danish model would work as well in countries where property markets are less homogenous . 丹麦模式能否在其他同质性较弱的房地产市场上有效运作还不确定。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The etiology of DGE is not clear. At present, most researchers thought it is the result of neural and humoral factors working together. 胃排空障碍的病因尚未完全清楚,目前认为是神经、体液等共同作用的结果。 www.fabiao.net 3. If it is not clear which environment to use, the cost may factor into the decision of where to deploy. 如果不清楚要使用的环境,则可以在部署位置决策中考虑成本因素。 www.ibm.com 4. where the category (for invention, utility model or design) of the application for a patent is not clear or is difficult to discern. 专利申请类别(发明、实用新型或者外观设计)不明确或者难以确定的。 www.bing.com 5. But it is not clear whether the internet causes depression or whether depressed people are drawn to it. 但还不清楚究竟是上网了抑郁,抑郁的人更喜欢上网。 www.ttxyy.com 6. Yesterday it was not clear if the police lost contact with the stolen car during the chase. 在昨天的追踪过程中,还不清楚警察是否与被偷的车失去了联系。 www.hstc.edu.cn 7. U, some touched cannot say, some thoughts only a heart, some friendship said it was not clear, some friends forever! 有些感动无法言语,有些思念只放在心里,有些友情说不清楚,有些朋友天长地久! www.268r.com 8. If you're not clear how your work either makes the company money or cuts costs -- or both -- you'd be wise to figure that out soon. 你不太清楚你的工作是给公司赚钱的给公司省钱的——或者两者都有——你最好快点搞清楚。 www.ttxyy.com 9. And their average economic life is assumed to be thirty years. Dams don't exist for ever, but what will replace them is not clear. 而我们假定水坝的平均经济效益的寿命为30年,但水坝不会永远存在,我们还不知什么可以替代它。 www.englishtang.com 10. Someone told me, the sound of your film is not clear. Sometimes too loudly, sometimes we almost can't hear the dialogue clearly. 有的人告诉我,声音不清楚,有的时候太小,有的时候太大。 forum.byr.edu.cn 1. It is still not clear more than a week later. 事情已经过去一周多,结论现在仍然不清楚。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But some foreign languages are the specialized foreign languages, the common translation software translation is not clear. 可是有的外文是专业外文,一般的翻译软件都翻译不明白。 www.19zhan.com 3. noted that it was not clear under China's law that actual use of a mark was not required before a party could file to register a mark. 成员们还指出,中国的法律未明确在当事人申请商标注册前并不要求商标的实际使用。 www.jukuu.com 4. It is not clear whether the appearance of an effective method of examination. 现在尚不清楚是否有效的外观检查方法。 enpudn.com 5. if the responsibility for the expenses of performance is not clear, the party fulfilling the obligations shall bear the expenses. 履行费用的负担不明确的,由履行义务一方负担。 www.fafawang.com 6. Where the meaning is not clear from the face of the statute, questions of interpretation arise. 一旦法律的字面意思不甚清楚,那就产生了解释的问题。 translation168.lingdi.net 7. Their origins are not clear, perhaps they represent some geologic events. It remains to be studied in a deep going way. 在声波剖面中还发现一些垂向小型结构构造,其成因不明,是否代表了某种地质事件,有待进一步深入研究。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. But it's not clear that calling for an evacuation earlier would have made a huge difference. 但当时并不清楚较早的要求紧急疏散将产生巨大的差异。 www.bing.com 9. However, due to historical causes, characteristics, basic animal and plant quarantine laboratory positioning is not clear. 然而,由于历史沿革、工作特点等原因,基层动植物检疫实验室定位一直不清晰。 www.cnqr.org 10. Pardonable those who become her is naked for begin makings exposing to the sun, zhang Ziyi has say not clear worry. 难怪当她的裸替开始曝料,章子怡有说不清的苦恼。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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