单词 | or even |
释义 | 例句释义: 乃至,以至,甚至,或者甚至是 1. She knew there was murder in him, and it was all right: she had accepted it, and she would not resist or even protest. 她看得出,他现在是心藏杀机。这也无关紧要,她只好听天由命,不想抵抗,甚至不想分辩。 2. Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi did not respond or even smile, but onlygestured that the microphone be passed to a woman nearby. 昂山素季女士并没有回应或者微笑,只是示意把麦克风传给旁边的女士。 www.bing.com 3. To be a leader is to do something others did not do or even think of it. 领跑者实际上就是要做别人没做、别人没想到的事情。 finance.sina.com.cn 4. So what if you stopped your resolution for a week, or even a month, there is no reason you cannot start up again where you left off. 所以,要是你有一星期、甚至一个月没遵守决定,没有任何理由能阻止你重新捡起来丢掉的东西。 www.bing.com 5. That "might be a useful tool" for figuring out the cause of a disease, malformation, or even a behavioral trait. 那“可能是找出疾病病因、畸形或某种行为特征的有效手段”。 www.bing.com 6. Legal experts say it will probably be several months until the trial starts, and a year or even longer until a verdict is delivered. 法律专家说,此案还要好几个月的时间才会开庭审理,过一年或是更长的时间判决才会出来。 c.wsj.com 7. It was unclear how many of them there were; perhaps only a handful, or even just a pair of riflemen with a spotter. 对方有多少人不清楚;可能只有几个,或者甚至只是一个侦察员加两个步枪手而已。 www.ecocn.org 8. I do not know when or even from the beginning, just as do not know when the notes have become accustomed to in desperation to seek touched. 我不知道什么时候,或者从一开始,甚至,就像不知道什么时候注意到已习惯在绝望中寻找感动。 wenwen.soso.com 9. I don't know of any other submersible, or even remote, that just takes advantage that this is a three-dimensional space. 我不知道其他潜水器,甚或是遥控潜水器,有没有想到利用这种三维空间。 www.ted.com 10. This enables scoping a policy to just one operation, or even to just one message within the service, or to the entire service. 这允许将策略范围界定到单个操作,甚至界定到服务中的单个消息,或者界定到整个服务。 www.ibm.com 1. How could I relinquish my laptop for a week or even a day? But I couldn't continue without a workable "t. " 我怎么能一周或一天没有它呢?但是,如果“t”用不了我也无法继续工作。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Such consequences would be especially unwelcome today with the prospect of subdued US growth or even recession over the next year or so . 如今一想到美国在未来一两年可能出现增长放缓、甚至经济衰退,上述后果尤其不为人乐见。 www.bing.com 3. It seems to have given little thought to merging those villages, towns or even some of the 47 prefectures to rationalise public services. 这似乎已经几乎不考虑合并城乡甚至是47个县城中的某一些来合理调整公共服务了。 blog.163.com 4. International travel has grown to the point that many hotels find it necessary to employ bilingual or even multilingual staff members. 国际旅行发展迅速,许多旅馆都感到有必要雇用能讲两种或多种语言的职员。 5. She may tell you that she's uncomfortable with the idea of you penetrating another woman or even pleasing another woman orally. 也许她会告诉你她难以忍受关于你和另一个女人交欢甚至给她口交。 www.8hkz.com 6. This, he said, would allow them to "act boldly and expeditiously without having to go through a lengthy or even painful approval process. " 这将会使他们大胆快速地采取措施,而不用经历一个啰嗦的甚至是费力的批准过程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Quite a few archaisms have been used in the proper way, whereas some others have been misused or even abused. 而其中,有许多正确使用古语词的情况,但也存在着不少错用、误用、滥用的现象。 www.boshuo.net 8. Regular, or even international, the matter will be forgotten businessmen consider regional differences. 经常地,甚至是国际上,有件事的商人也会忘记考虑地区性差异。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. The fact that it was labelled'immoral' or even 'obscene' no doubt helped to make people think it was rather shocking fun. 给它贴上“不道德”甚至“下流”的标签,无疑会使人们认为跳这种舞是糟糕的娱乐。 wiki.dioenglish.com 10. As a special treat, people might give their Dad a bit of a rest - make him a cup of tea, or even wash his car and mow the lawn. 作为特殊的礼物,人们可能让父亲享受片刻悠闲时光——为他沏杯茶,给他洗车,或者帮忙修剪草坪。 www.hjenglish.com 1. But nothing which could resemble a blow, an attack or even personal defence proceeded from his hands. 但类似打人、攻击、或个人的自卫等决不会出自他的手。 www.ebigear.com 2. but it was the first time he had heard the name of weierother , or even the word disposition used in that sense. 不过魏罗特尔这个姓,甚至连“部署”这个词,他还是头一回才听说的。 www.ichacha.net 3. So it seems like we ought to tell them that socioeconomic wealth is not the only, or even the most important, metric of personal happiness. 因此似乎我们应该告诉他们,社会经济财富并不是唯一,甚至不是最重要的个人幸福的度量标准。 www.bing.com 4. You do not have to know the corresponding variable names or even the process; it is all done automatically for you. 你不需要知道它们相应的变量名称,甚至进程,Hawkeye会自动处理它们。 www.infoq.com 5. I only want others to see me at my very best, whether it's on the blog, on television, or even on Twitter. 我只想让别人看到自己最好的一面,不管是在博客,电视上,或者甚至是在Twitter上。 www.bing.com 6. A Web resource can be configured to have no filters associated with it (default), a single filter (typical), or even a chain of filters. Web资源可以配置为没有过滤器与之关联(这是默认情况)、与单个过滤器关联(这是典型情况),甚至是与一个过滤器链相关联。 www.ibm.com 7. They will also help you get ready to discuss it in class, with friends or even with your family members. 它们也将帮助你作好在班级里讨论的准备,或者与朋友,甚至与你的家人。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. And how much if we harness super strings or even deeper, yet undreamt of levels? 如果,我们能够驾驭超弦甚至更深层还想不到的自由度,则又能储存多少资讯? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. All this could reduce productivity growth at a time when labour forces in these countries will be growing more slowly or even shrinking. 当这些国家的劳动力增速进一步放缓甚至出现负增长的时候,以上这些因素将会成为生产力发展的桎梏。 www.ecocn.org 10. It probably would be akin to that of a child and an aunt or uncle, or even a child and a grandparent. 也许会类似于孩子和叔叔阿姨之间的关系,甚至像孩子和祖父母之间的关系。 chinese.wsj.com 1. If it's a thing you want, this may not be applicable to everything but maybe you could borrow it, or even make it. 如果这是你想要的做的某件事,可能不完全是,但可以作为借鉴,或者就这么做。 www.bing.com 2. He was able to interrupt me periodically when he had an important (or even unimportant) status to report or needed my assistance. 当他有重要的(甚至不重要的)状态要报告,或者需要我帮助的时候,可以周期性的打断我。 www.zxbc.cn 3. I am baking of the major secular trends, not a few quarters or even a year or two. 我是就主要长期趋势而言,不是几个季度或者甚至一年或两年。 www.91gupiao.com 4. But I'd rather see that, or even some honest friction, than a young guy still in limbo at the beginning of next season. 我宁愿看到交易,即使有阻力,也不希望他在那样的矛盾中开始新赛季。 www.bing.com 5. It may seem time-consuming or even pointless, but it's a simple method that you can put to the test to see if it helps for you. 这看起来花时间,重点还不明确,但是这个方法很简单,你可以试试,看看是否有用。 www.bing.com 6. It's very easy to point the finger at other people or even processes but, be honest, does part of the problem lie with you? 很容易将怪罪于别人,甚至工作流程,但是诚实些,问题中某部分在于自己吗? bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Bonnell said he expects next year's sales to be flat, or even decline, depending on how the global financial crisis plays out. 邦内尔说他预计明年销量将持平甚至下滑,取决于全球金融危机的走势如何。 www.enfamily.cn 8. Whatever the actual deadline for a project or assignment is, mentally bring it forward by a day or even a week. 把闹钟和最后期限提前。不管事实上的最后期限是几号,在精神上把它提前几天,甚至一周。 www.bing.com 9. Or even, as many heady Pakistanis currently expect, he might enter into a coalition with his bitter rival, the PPP. 甚或,他可能会与他的死敌巴基斯坦人民党组建一个联合政府,这也是许多老谋深算的巴基斯坦人所期待的。 www.ecocn.org 10. For a moment there was great alarm; it was feared that the men might have harmed her in some way, or even carried her off with them. 一时间大家陷入了惊慌,他们担心那帮人伤害了她,甚至把她拐走。 www.bing.com 1. You don't have to be a Christian or Jew or Muslim or even a spiritual person; inside you know the right thing to do. 你无须是基督徒,犹太教徒或穆斯林,甚至无须是一个有灵性的人;你很清楚该如何做出正确选择。 www.bing.com 2. You won't be able to finish them in a day, in a weekend, or even in a week. 你不可能在一天、一周末或者一个星期之内完成。 www.bing.com 3. That said, he wouldn't be averse to you showing up in an Uma Thurman "Pulp Fiction" wig, or even suggesting a private costume party for two. 这是在说,他并不介意你改变下造型,比如乌玛·瑟曼在低俗小说里的造型,或者甚至你们来个私人的变装派对。 www.douban.com 4. Sometimes it's easy to let your emotions get tangled up in things, especially if someone's disagreeing or even attacking your position. 有时矛盾能让你情绪紊乱,特别是如果当某人不赞同你的意见或者甚至是攻击你的立场时。 www.bing.com 5. This is all about an encounter, or even a date, which will be just the beginning of a passionate relationship. 这完全是关于一场邂逅,甚至是一次约会,它们会是一段充满激情的关系的开端。 hi.baidu.com 6. I am so sorry not to be with you or even able to call you on Father's day. 很遗憾父亲节不能与你一起过,甚至连电话都不能打给你。 dongxi.net 7. I learned to avoid such a life, or even think that all is secular, such excuses do not know how much to deceive ourselves back. 我学着躲避这样的生活,甚至觉得一切都很世俗,这样的借口也不知道给自己欺骗了多少回了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. 教育,并不是你记住了多少东西,甚至不是你知道多少。 home.xdf.cn 9. Thus, if your parents, boss, neighbors, or even spouse, take a stand against some of your behavior, you can see that as natural. 只有勇敢接受这些,你才能觉得你的父母,老板,邻居甚至配偶对这些事情的提出异议其实是很自然的事情。 397565205.qzone.qq.com 10. Presenting a sloppy or confusing executive summary is like going to a loan interview in a dirty old pair of shorts, or even worse. 呈递上一份马虎或令人不解的执行概要,就像穿着一条又脏又旧的短裤去面谈贷款事宜,或者甚至更加糟糕。 www.examw.com 1. No matter how much it's being emphasized by minimalist bloggers right now, it's not the only or even the best way to practice minimalism. 不管那些奉行简约主义的博主们怎么强调它的好处,这也不是唯一或最好来实践它的方式。 www.bing.com 2. Stripes are eASy to match, AS they run in only one direction. Follow the same layout preparation AS for one-way or even plains. 因为条子只朝一个方向,所以可按照单向格子布或均匀格子布的排料方法操作。 dict.ebigear.com 3. These days, European ministers are no longer trying to gain a few more years; a few months or even weeks will do. 目前,欧洲的部长们已不再奢求再争取几年的时间,甚或几个月,对他们来说几周就足够了。 www.ecocn.org 4. 'My mother's sweet nature made up for her inability to cook, or even make a sandwich. 妈妈温顺的性情弥补了她不会做菜这个缺陷,她连三明治都不会做 blog.sina.com.cn 5. This might take the form of a comp day or a dinner out on the company, or even just a thoughtful e-mail. 你应该为每一个员工的奖励量身定做,比如举办一场比赛,举行一个公司晚宴,或者甚至仅仅是一封充满人情味的电子邮件。 www.bing.com 6. This can take a week, a month or even a year. 这可能要花上一周,一个月甚至一年。 www.bing.com 7. "We tend to think of the brain as being static or even beginning to degenerate once we reach adulthood, " she says. “我们往往认为,一旦达到成年,我们的大脑便静止下来,或甚至出现衰退”,她说。 www.bing.com 8. You do not need to spend hours a day with your tutor. A few hours a week, or even one hour a week, can be enough to keep you on track. 你不需要一天花费数个小时和你的家庭教师呆在一起,一周几个小时,甚至一周一个小时或许就足以使你走上正轨。 www.bing.com 9. Russia is building pipelines to Europe but much of its own country has no gas or even plumbing. 俄罗斯在修建通向欧洲的石油管道,但是它自己国家的许多地区却没有汽油甚至石油管道。 www.bing.com 10. Although increased attention to prevention seems to be called for, it's unclear how, or even if, people with pre-diabetes should be treated. 虽然提倡预防的意识是提高了,但至今对即使是糖尿病前期患者应当如何治疗仍不清楚。 bbs.tnbz.com 1. On the inside of my doorway, in darkness, it took me a while before I could get my breath back or even move away from the doorway. 在黑暗的门口,过了好长一段时间我才能喘过气来,甚至才能挪开步子。 en.eol.cn 2. If a three-year-old wants to read(or even a two-year-old for that matter), the child has the right to be given every encouragement. 如果一个三岁的小孩想要读书(或者甚至是一个两岁的小孩),孩子有权利得到鼓励。 www.aiwen5.com 3. After all, Life is usual, or even trifling , not very alike a poem and a picture, sometimes, it seems to be the plain essays one by one. 生活毕竟是平常甚或是琐碎的,没有那么多的诗情画意,有时候倒觉得像一篇篇朴素的随笔。 hi.baidu.com 4. Whether or not the protests evolve into a more coherent set of demands, or even become a more lasting political force, remains to be seen. 抗议是否能够演变为一组更有条理的诉求、甚至变成一支更为持久的政治力量,还有待观察。 www.ftchinese.com 5. "More could lessen or even undo" any benefits, he said, by overloading the muscles' receptors or otherwise skewing the body's response. 如果通过使肌肉的受体超负荷运转,任何对一点对身体的好处就会偏离。 www.bing.com 6. Currently used for optical fiber communication semiconductor laser, its working life up to hundreds of thousands or even 1 million hours. 目前用于光纤通信的半导体激光器,其工作寿命可达数十万乃至百万小时。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. This type of chart grouping makes it easy to compare data from different parts of an application, or even across applications and servers. 这种类型的图表组可方便用来比较一个程序不同部分的、或甚至不同程序之间、服务器之间的数据。 www.infoq.com 8. At the moment there are movies about alien species trying to take something from us, either water, life, or even the planet. 在这个时候,有些视频讲述的是关于一些外星物种尝试从我们这里夺走某些东西,也许是水,生命,或者甚至是整个星球。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A traditional Christmas dinner is often held in the backyard for BBQ's, picnics in the garden or even on the beach. 一个传统的圣诞大餐通常在后院举行,野餐在花园,甚至在海滩上举行。 www.ewstudy.com 10. Immature students may be unable to cope with the grief of a breakup and may attempt to harm themselves or even commit suicide. 不够成熟的学生可能无法应对分手带来的伤痛,并可能企图自残,甚至是自杀。 www.i21st.cn 1. I don't know if it's emotionally sustainable or even healthy, but it raises at least one interesting question. 我不知道这种情绪是否会持续下去,是否健康,但它至少引出了一个有趣的议题。 www.bing.com 2. Never belittle them or their interests, no matter how superficial, unimportant, or even misguided their interests may seem to you. 千万不要轻视他们或他们的兴趣,不论他们的兴趣在你看来多么肤浅、多么无足轻重或者误入歧途。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. As you can see, the 19th century is by no means a time of philosophical uniformity or even passivity. 正如上面谈到的情形,19世纪的哲学从来就不是一个大一统或者被动接受的年代。 news.mso.com.cn 4. Such training is, no doubt valuable. But it shouldn't be the only form of management training, or even the focus. 毫无疑问,这类培训是很有价值的,但不应成为培养领导者的唯一形式,或是唯一关注的焦点。 c.wsj.com 5. Contain developers disorderly pricing, bidding up the price, or even a day two price of irregularities, has come to the point of it. 遏制开发商乱定价、哄抬价格,甚至一天两价的违规行为,已经到了刻不容缓的地步。 wenku.baidu.com 6. And yet I am stunned whenever I happen to go back to a book for a second or even a third time how little I remember of the contents. 即便如此,在我偶然拿起一本书读第二遍甚至第三遍时仍会惊叹我对内容的记忆甚少。 www.bing.com 7. As you can see, this project has quite a charter, and I don't plan to achieve all of it in one column (or even two). 您可以发现,这个项目相当烦琐,我并没有计划在一篇(甚至两篇)专栏文章中实现其全部。 www.ibm.com 8. It was not fatigue or even the cold water that defeated her. It was the fog. She was unable to see her goal. 并不是疲劳或是刺骨的冰水打败了她,而是雾,她不能清晰的看见自己的目标。 www.rr365.com 9. It's how the other person or group, or even if it's a large entity, feels as a result of your communication. 而是指他人或团队,甚至是规模更大的组织,与你沟通后所留下的感觉。 bbs.seu.edu.cn 10. But the British did not think so, that the British era, full of mind are the massacres, occupation, or even extinction. 可是英国人却不这么想,那个时代的英国人,满脑子都是屠杀、占领,甚至灭绝。 wenwen.soso.com 1. If there was any consolation, it was that the glacial pace of nature would give us decades or even centuries to sort out the problem. 如果能有解决办法的话,那就是自然的缓慢速度给我们几十年甚至是几百年去解决这个问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Gradually, the pigeons became familiar with him and they would fly down to his feet, or even land on his shoulders and hands. 渐渐地,那些鸽子和小男孩熟悉了,它们会飞落到小男孩脚下,甚至飞到他的肩膀和手上。 www.czqq.com 3. A secretary is often involved in receiving and entertaining visitors from other parts of the country or even overseas. 秘书通常要接待和款待来自全国各地甚至世界各地的来访者。 www.bhu.edu.cn 4. At the beginning of the game or even have the choice of roles of men and women, although the process has been a game like that. 在游戏的开始甚至都有男女角色的选择,虽然游戏过程都是一样子的。 4455.cc 5. In that case, the bank could be break-even , or even at a loss, for the year as a whole. 在这种情况下,花旗今年可能会颗粒无收,甚至出现亏损。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Sometimes, with free of charge to a parts, a spare, or even send a small gift, this one will be easy to negotiate. 有时候,附带免费给一个配件,一个备件,甚至送一个小礼品,这单也就容易谈成。 www.xiami360.com 7. One of the problems when people get sick from food is that the simplest question is often difficult or even impossible to answer. 而问题之一就是人们因食物而患病之后,往往最简单地疑问也很难甚至不可能回答。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. Teams are going to try everything to put us off or even destabilise us, so it's going to be up to us to keep our discipline. 其他队伍都会想尽一切办法让我们离场,甚至是激怒我们,所以我们就面临着要使自己保持纪律的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Some companies expect you to give two weeks notice, others will want you out the door by the end of the day or even immediately. 公司希望你提前两周发出通知,希望你当天下班就离开公司,甚至希望你马上就走。 www.ttxyy.com 10. After all, when someone says something pleasant to you directly, it's easy to discount it as mere politeness, or even flattery. 毕竟,当某人对你直接说一些好听的话,你很容易对它打点折扣而当做是礼貌或甚至当做是阿谀。 www.59edu.com 1. It was not fatigue or even the cold water that defeated her. It was the fog. She was unable to see her goal. 并不是疲劳或是刺骨的冰水打败了她,而是雾,她不能清晰的看见自己的目标。 www.rr365.com 2. It's how the other person or group, or even if it's a large entity, feels as a result of your communication. 而是指他人或团队,甚至是规模更大的组织,与你沟通后所留下的感觉。 bbs.seu.edu.cn 3. But the British did not think so, that the British era, full of mind are the massacres, occupation, or even extinction. 可是英国人却不这么想,那个时代的英国人,满脑子都是屠杀、占领,甚至灭绝。 wenwen.soso.com 4. If there was any consolation, it was that the glacial pace of nature would give us decades or even centuries to sort out the problem. 如果能有解决办法的话,那就是自然的缓慢速度给我们几十年甚至是几百年去解决这个问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Gradually, the pigeons became familiar with him and they would fly down to his feet, or even land on his shoulders and hands. 渐渐地,那些鸽子和小男孩熟悉了,它们会飞落到小男孩脚下,甚至飞到他的肩膀和手上。 www.czqq.com 6. A secretary is often involved in receiving and entertaining visitors from other parts of the country or even overseas. 秘书通常要接待和款待来自全国各地甚至世界各地的来访者。 www.bhu.edu.cn 7. At the beginning of the game or even have the choice of roles of men and women, although the process has been a game like that. 在游戏的开始甚至都有男女角色的选择,虽然游戏过程都是一样子的。 4455.cc 8. In that case, the bank could be break-even , or even at a loss, for the year as a whole. 在这种情况下,花旗今年可能会颗粒无收,甚至出现亏损。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Sometimes, with free of charge to a parts, a spare, or even send a small gift, this one will be easy to negotiate. 有时候,附带免费给一个配件,一个备件,甚至送一个小礼品,这单也就容易谈成。 www.xiami360.com 10. One of the problems when people get sick from food is that the simplest question is often difficult or even impossible to answer. 而问题之一就是人们因食物而患病之后,往往最简单地疑问也很难甚至不可能回答。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. A secretary is often involved in receiving and entertaining visitors from other parts of the country or even overseas. 秘书通常要接待和款待来自全国各地甚至世界各地的来访者。 www.bhu.edu.cn 2. At the beginning of the game or even have the choice of roles of men and women, although the process has been a game like that. 在游戏的开始甚至都有男女角色的选择,虽然游戏过程都是一样子的。 4455.cc 3. In that case, the bank could be break-even , or even at a loss, for the year as a whole. 在这种情况下,花旗今年可能会颗粒无收,甚至出现亏损。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Sometimes, with free of charge to a parts, a spare, or even send a small gift, this one will be easy to negotiate. 有时候,附带免费给一个配件,一个备件,甚至送一个小礼品,这单也就容易谈成。 www.xiami360.com 5. One of the problems when people get sick from food is that the simplest question is often difficult or even impossible to answer. 而问题之一就是人们因食物而患病之后,往往最简单地疑问也很难甚至不可能回答。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Teams are going to try everything to put us off or even destabilise us, so it's going to be up to us to keep our discipline. 其他队伍都会想尽一切办法让我们离场,甚至是激怒我们,所以我们就面临着要使自己保持纪律的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Some companies expect you to give two weeks notice, others will want you out the door by the end of the day or even immediately. 公司希望你提前两周发出通知,希望你当天下班就离开公司,甚至希望你马上就走。 www.ttxyy.com 8. After all, when someone says something pleasant to you directly, it's easy to discount it as mere politeness, or even flattery. 毕竟,当某人对你直接说一些好听的话,你很容易对它打点折扣而当做是礼貌或甚至当做是阿谀。 www.59edu.com 9. But how much did that vision presume the blurring or even fading away completely of national boundaries and identities? 但那种远见在多大程度上想当然地以为,国家界线与民族身份会逐渐模糊甚至消失? www.ftchinese.com 10. He's using her to make him feel good, and isn't relating to her as a partner or even a human being. 他把她当成一个可以让他自我感觉良好的工具,而不是把她当成与他平等的伴侣,甚至,不是把她当成人类。 www.bing.com 1. Teams are going to try everything to put us off or even destabilise us, so it's going to be up to us to keep our discipline. 其他队伍都会想尽一切办法让我们离场,甚至是激怒我们,所以我们就面临着要使自己保持纪律的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Some companies expect you to give two weeks notice, others will want you out the door by the end of the day or even immediately. 公司希望你提前两周发出通知,希望你当天下班就离开公司,甚至希望你马上就走。 www.ttxyy.com 3. After all, when someone says something pleasant to you directly, it's easy to discount it as mere politeness, or even flattery. 毕竟,当某人对你直接说一些好听的话,你很容易对它打点折扣而当做是礼貌或甚至当做是阿谀。 www.59edu.com 4. But how much did that vision presume the blurring or even fading away completely of national boundaries and identities? 但那种远见在多大程度上想当然地以为,国家界线与民族身份会逐渐模糊甚至消失? www.ftchinese.com 5. He's using her to make him feel good, and isn't relating to her as a partner or even a human being. 他把她当成一个可以让他自我感觉良好的工具,而不是把她当成与他平等的伴侣,甚至,不是把她当成人类。 www.bing.com 6. The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. 世上最美好的事是听不到也看不到的,可用心必定感受得到。 bbs.ruc.edu.cn 7. Effectiveness: in a professional SEO long maintenance can last a year, effective, and two years or even forever. 实效长:在有专业SEO维护的情况下可以长久有效,一年、两年甚至永远。 www.ymkchina.com 8. He called it a tremendous sacrifice. "There is no time to sleep, or even to eat, " he said. 哈内拉称之为巨大的奉献,他说:“学生们没有时间睡觉,甚至连吃饭的时间都没有。” bilingual.huanqiu.com 9. How much easier it was to hold and comfort her when she was two or three or even seven. 如果她是两岁、三岁或七岁,那该是多么容易去抱抱她和安慰她啊 zhidao.baidu.com 10. What I mean is you can beat the enemy much quicker if you have another one, two or even more heroes under your command. 我的意思是如果你有另一个、两个或者更多的英雄受你控制,你就能够更快地打倒敌人。 games.sina.com.cn 1. The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. 世上最美好的事是听不到也看不到的,可用心必定感受得到。 bbs.ruc.edu.cn 2. Effectiveness: in a professional SEO long maintenance can last a year, effective, and two years or even forever. 实效长:在有专业SEO维护的情况下可以长久有效,一年、两年甚至永远。 www.ymkchina.com 3. He called it a tremendous sacrifice. "There is no time to sleep, or even to eat, " he said. 哈内拉称之为巨大的奉献,他说:“学生们没有时间睡觉,甚至连吃饭的时间都没有。” bilingual.huanqiu.com 4. How much easier it was to hold and comfort her when she was two or three or even seven. 如果她是两岁、三岁或七岁,那该是多么容易去抱抱她和安慰她啊 zhidao.baidu.com 5. What I mean is you can beat the enemy much quicker if you have another one, two or even more heroes under your command. 我的意思是如果你有另一个、两个或者更多的英雄受你控制,你就能够更快地打倒敌人。 games.sina.com.cn 6. "I would love it if my iPhone was thinner and lighter, and the battery lasted a month or even a week instead of a day, " says Bielawski. “我希望我的iPhone更薄更轻,电池可以维持一周,甚至一个月,而不是一天,”Bielawski说道。 www.bing.com 7. As I said, it's just like a little snack for him, you know? usually they eat larger snakes like rat snakes, or even cobras. 就像我说过的,毒蛇不过是它的点心。通常它们吃更大的蛇,比如食鼠蛇,甚至是眼镜蛇。 www.ted.com 8. The problem was that some of the products turned out to be sub-standard or even fakes that could damage your health. 问题是,部分产品竟然是不合标准,甚至假货,可能会损害您的健康。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. We urge the international community not to provide any form of support or even encouragement for her separatist activities. 对于这样一个人,我们要求国际社会不要向她的分裂活动提供任何形式的支持甚至纵容。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. Needless to say, each of these tools could easily provide fodder enough to fill up a whole article, or even a series. 无庸质疑,这些工具中的每一个都完全可以用整篇文章甚至一个系列文章加以介绍。 www.ibm.com 1. "I would love it if my iPhone was thinner and lighter, and the battery lasted a month or even a week instead of a day, " says Bielawski. “我希望我的iPhone更薄更轻,电池可以维持一周,甚至一个月,而不是一天,”Bielawski说道。 www.bing.com 2. As I said, it's just like a little snack for him, you know? usually they eat larger snakes like rat snakes, or even cobras. 就像我说过的,毒蛇不过是它的点心。通常它们吃更大的蛇,比如食鼠蛇,甚至是眼镜蛇。 www.ted.com 3. The problem was that some of the products turned out to be sub-standard or even fakes that could damage your health. 问题是,部分产品竟然是不合标准,甚至假货,可能会损害您的健康。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. We urge the international community not to provide any form of support or even encouragement for her separatist activities. 对于这样一个人,我们要求国际社会不要向她的分裂活动提供任何形式的支持甚至纵容。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. Needless to say, each of these tools could easily provide fodder enough to fill up a whole article, or even a series. 无庸质疑,这些工具中的每一个都完全可以用整篇文章甚至一个系列文章加以介绍。 www.ibm.com 6. And there's just as much disagreement about what constitutes "compulsive" or "addictive" sex or even if such a phenomenon exists. 然而,对于什么是“强迫性的”或者“上瘾了的”性行为或者这种现象是否存在,人们还有很多争议。 www.bing.com 7. In a large-scale international and comprehensive event, the number of these people may reach tens of hundreds, or even tenth of that. 一项大型的国际性综合运动会,上述人员可达万人,甚至数十万。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 8. One of the zookeepers said: 'Its parents kicked it out from time to time, or even left it on the icy ground to let it die. ' 一名水族馆的工作人员称:“小企鹅的父母一次又一次地将它推出去,甚至还让它在冰冷的地上等死。” souke80.com 9. Sows are kept in gestation crates the size of their bodies and never able to turn around or even scratch themselves. 母猪被关在和它们身体差不多大小的孕期围栏里不能转身,甚至蹭痒痒。 www.bing.com 10. How can you idolize someone so blindly as you never know him or even see him in daily life ? 你怎么能如此盲目地崇拜某个你在日常生活中从未认识甚至从未见过的人? zhidao.baidu.com 1. And there's just as much disagreement about what constitutes "compulsive" or "addictive" sex or even if such a phenomenon exists. 然而,对于什么是“强迫性的”或者“上瘾了的”性行为或者这种现象是否存在,人们还有很多争议。 www.bing.com 2. In a large-scale international and comprehensive event, the number of these people may reach tens of hundreds, or even tenth of that. 一项大型的国际性综合运动会,上述人员可达万人,甚至数十万。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 3. One of the zookeepers said: 'Its parents kicked it out from time to time, or even left it on the icy ground to let it die. ' 一名水族馆的工作人员称:“小企鹅的父母一次又一次地将它推出去,甚至还让它在冰冷的地上等死。” souke80.com 4. Sows are kept in gestation crates the size of their bodies and never able to turn around or even scratch themselves. 母猪被关在和它们身体差不多大小的孕期围栏里不能转身,甚至蹭痒痒。 www.bing.com 5. How can you idolize someone so blindly as you never know him or even see him in daily life ? 你怎么能如此盲目地崇拜某个你在日常生活中从未认识甚至从未见过的人? zhidao.baidu.com 6. That's not to say you can't enjoy an audio narration of a novel or even a bit of poetry. 这不是说你不可以用它来收听有声小说,或是有声小诗。 www.bing.com 7. God, I thank you, that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 神啊,我感谢你,我不像别人勒索、不义、奸淫,也不像这个税吏。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Not afraid not afraid of falling, forgotten, or even nothing fear, fear most is also chose not to have had to give up the. 跌倒了不怕,遗忘了不怕,甚至是一无所有也不怕,最怕的是还没有选择就已经放弃了。 www.bing.com 9. Sometimes you find lines, methods, or even entire classes that simply cannot be reached by tests, no matter how much you contort the code. 有时您会发现,不管对代码如何改造,仍然有一些行、方法、甚至是整个类是测试不到的。 www-128.ibm.com 10. To be precise, I did not exactly watch all of that game, or even much of it. 准确的说,我并没有看完全场,甚至是其中的大部分。 www.qieerxi.com 1. God, I thank you, that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 神啊,我感谢你,我不像别人勒索、不义、奸淫,也不像这个税吏。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Not afraid not afraid of falling, forgotten, or even nothing fear, fear most is also chose not to have had to give up the. 跌倒了不怕,遗忘了不怕,甚至是一无所有也不怕,最怕的是还没有选择就已经放弃了。 www.bing.com 3. Sometimes you find lines, methods, or even entire classes that simply cannot be reached by tests, no matter how much you contort the code. 有时您会发现,不管对代码如何改造,仍然有一些行、方法、甚至是整个类是测试不到的。 www-128.ibm.com 4. To be precise, I did not exactly watch all of that game, or even much of it. 准确的说,我并没有看完全场,甚至是其中的大部分。 www.qieerxi.com 5. Today researchers can sequence the DNA that constitutes a micro-organism's genome in a few days or even, with the latest equipment, a day. 今天,研究人员利用最新的设备可以在几天甚至一天的时间里测定构成一个微生物全部基因组的DNA序列。 dongxi.net 6. If you think you'll fail you are likely to hold you self back or even trip yourself up (sometimes unconsciously). 还有那种对自我实现的预信感。如果你觉得自己会失败,就很可能裹足不前甚至作茧自缚了(有时是无意识的)。 www.bing.com 7. I began to understand that dance can't be photographed. Or even filmed, for that matter. It's an art that lives in the air. 我开始了解到舞蹈是不能照下来的,甚至是录下来。它是个存在于空气中的艺术。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. With her beauty, she was able to be employed as a waitress easily in any famous restaurants or even married a sugar dandy. 天生丽质的她很轻易地便能在各种高档餐厅做女招待,甚至傍上大款。 www.kekenet.com 9. He came from another world or even dimension, and he brought with him the elevated energy of this reality. 他来自另一个世界或者说平行次元,带来了那个实相的高阶能量。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But Ron Paul realizes that this kind of education, or even pressure, is not going to work by itself. 罗恩·保罗意识到,这样的教育,或甚至压力,不会自动水到渠成。 www.bing.com 1. With her beauty, she was able to be employed as a waitress easily in any famous restaurants or even married a sugar dandy. 天生丽质的她很轻易地便能在各种高档餐厅做女招待,甚至傍上大款。 www.kekenet.com 2. He came from another world or even dimension, and he brought with him the elevated energy of this reality. 他来自另一个世界或者说平行次元,带来了那个实相的高阶能量。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But Ron Paul realizes that this kind of education, or even pressure, is not going to work by itself. 罗恩·保罗意识到,这样的教育,或甚至压力,不会自动水到渠成。 www.bing.com 4. The rebellious, the children do not listen to the parents not only useful advice, education, guidance, or even have to do in reverse. 由于逆反,孩子不但不听家长有益的忠告、教育、指点,甚至非要反着做。 www.xiami360.com 5. Not so long ago, there was no easy way at all to publicly shame a celebrity pig or even any ordinary pig. 即使在不久前,想要在公众面前报道羞辱一个性瘾成癖的名人或任何一个普通人,几乎是不可能的。 www.bing.com 6. The value to the variable can be passed from another operator (as is shown in the next step) or even from the mashup URL at run time. 变量的值可以在运行时从另一个操作符(如下一步所示)甚至mashupURL传递。 www.ibm.com 7. I used to say that a top team in England is at the same level as a top team in Italy or even better. 我以前常说,一支英格兰顶级豪门和一支意大利顶级豪门处在同一水平线。 bbs.qieerxi.com 8. But there was no hint of courtesy or even ordinary politeness between them. 但他们之间没有谦虚的迹象,甚至连一般的礼貌都没有。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Actually students are always easy to be nervous, worried, or even frightened with the high degree of anxiety when listening. 然而,很多学生在听力理解过程中普遍易产生紧张、担忧,甚至恐惧心理等较高程度的焦虑情绪; www.fabiao.net 10. You can also spend a week, month, or even a whole summer volunteering through a structured internship or "alternative spring break" program. 你也可以用一周、一个月或整个夏季的时间在有组织的实习活动或“可选择性春休”项目中进行志愿者服务。 www.bing.com 1. But there was no hint of courtesy or even ordinary politeness between them. 但他们之间没有谦虚的迹象,甚至连一般的礼貌都没有。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Actually students are always easy to be nervous, worried, or even frightened with the high degree of anxiety when listening. 然而,很多学生在听力理解过程中普遍易产生紧张、担忧,甚至恐惧心理等较高程度的焦虑情绪; www.fabiao.net 3. You can also spend a week, month, or even a whole summer volunteering through a structured internship or "alternative spring break" program. 你也可以用一周、一个月或整个夏季的时间在有组织的实习活动或“可选择性春休”项目中进行志愿者服务。 www.bing.com 4. Stress, mental fatigue and exhaustion can be a result of your work, family life, conflict, or even a lack of good quality sleep. 压力,心力疲惫和精疲力竭可能是由你的工作,家庭生活,冲突,甚至是缺乏良好睡眠引起的。 www.bing.com 5. She enjoyed different flavors of cat food, though she could never have the same thing for a month, or even a week. 她热衷于品尝不同口味的猫食,不要说一个月,就是一个星期,她也不能忍受同一种口味。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Ministers said the stimulus was as large as or even larger than steps adopted in other major economies. 日本内阁大臣表示,日本的经济刺激方案和其他主要经济体采取的措施规模一样大,甚至是更大。 www.ftchinese.com 7. After some days, or even the same day of you trying to see the third eye, you may start seeing the colours of it. 在你尝试开启第三眼的几天后或更有甚者于当天,就能开始看到颜色了。 www.bing.com 8. British families, the children have no reason to fail to see the coddled. mistakes will be corrected or even punish children. 在英国的家庭中,绝对看不到对儿童的没有理由的娇宠,犯了错误的孩子会受到纠正甚至惩罚。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Paul says there is all the power of God working in you and he can do even more than you could ask or even think about. 保罗指出,神的大能在我们的身上工作,祂能成就一切,远超乎我们所求所想。 blog.163.com 10. They're all for it. They all speak highly of themselves for seeking it out, at least for an hour or even two before they hurry home for tea. 他们都赞成独处,都因能够独处而自视甚高,至少在他们匆匆忙忙赶回家喝茶之前的一两个小时之内是如此。 wiki.jukuu.com 1. After some days, or even the same day of you trying to see the third eye, you may start seeing the colours of it. 在你尝试开启第三眼的几天后或更有甚者于当天,就能开始看到颜色了。 www.bing.com 2. British families, the children have no reason to fail to see the coddled. mistakes will be corrected or even punish children. 在英国的家庭中,绝对看不到对儿童的没有理由的娇宠,犯了错误的孩子会受到纠正甚至惩罚。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Paul says there is all the power of God working in you and he can do even more than you could ask or even think about. 保罗指出,神的大能在我们的身上工作,祂能成就一切,远超乎我们所求所想。 blog.163.com 4. They're all for it. They all speak highly of themselves for seeking it out, at least for an hour or even two before they hurry home for tea. 他们都赞成独处,都因能够独处而自视甚高,至少在他们匆匆忙忙赶回家喝茶之前的一两个小时之内是如此。 wiki.jukuu.com 5. Rome was not built in a day. Rome cannot be seen in a day, a week, or even a year. 罗马不是一天建成的,也不可能用一天、一星期、甚至一年的时间看遍。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. 1: What's the sense of having a public open space where you can't eat, drink or even simple hang out for a while? 什么是意识,有一个公共开放空间,你不能吃,喝,甚至简单的挂出了一段时间? wenwen.soso.com 7. But if you stop and think about where you were six months ago, or even a year ago, then you see that you have made progress. 但是如果你回顾一下你在六月前,或者一年前,是什么程度,那时你会看到你已取得进步。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But the other four balls are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be certainly scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even smashed. 但其他四只球是用玻璃做的,如果你把它往下扔,它必然受到磨损,出现碰撞的痕迹、有了裂口,被损坏甚至被摔得粉碎。 www.tingclass.com 9. Playground design is often mistaken as 'browsing through catalogues' of play equipment companies or even as a commercial entertainment area. 游乐场所的设计经常被误解为一个从游乐设施提供商的产品目录中进行挑选的过程,甚至仅仅是一个商业化的游乐场。 www.jchla.com 10. Simply send in an array of data (or even a simple string) to json_encode, and a JSON object will emerge (as shown in Listing 1). 只要将一组数据(或者甚至一个简单字符串)发送到json_encode,一个JSON对象将出现(如清单1所示)。 www.ibm.com 1. It's OK to feel grief for days, weeks, or even longer, depending on how close you were to the person who died. 在几天、几周、甚至更长的时间里都觉得痛苦不堪,这也很正常,这些都取决于你和死者的亲密程度。 www.bing.com 2. Many feared it might be weeks or even months before they could arrange to leave the center and live with relatives. 很多人担心他们可能还要等几个星期、甚至几个月,才能够离开疏散中心,去和亲属们一道生活。 c.wsj.com 3. Meanwhile, the state legislature and the general public have no idea how much land is being saved or even where it is. 与此同时,有多少土地保护起来了,州立法机构和普通百姓不清楚,甚至这些保护区在哪里也一无所知。 www.ecocn.org 4. 20Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop--thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown. 那撒在好地上的,就是人听道,又领受,并且结实,有三十倍的,有六十倍的,有一百倍的。 www.ebigear.com 5. It is not enough to avoid being clinically obese, or even just a bit overweight. 仅仅避免临床的肥胖症是不够的,甚至是一点点地超重也不行。 www.ecocn.org 6. As Claudia no sisters, cousins or even table sisters are not, she can only take her mother's womb is. 由于克劳迪娅没有姐妹,甚至连堂姐妹或表姐妹都没有,她唯一可以借子宫的就是她妈妈。 www.showxiu.com 7. It is possible that if Harry performs magic, he might draw the attention of Death Eaters or even of Voldemort. 可能是因为如果哈利施了魔法,就有可能引起食死徒甚至伏地魔的注意。 hoolee8.com 8. Any one of us can take the train (or even fly) directly to Orlando, at any time, decoupling the dependency to the rest of the family. 任何时候,我们中的任何人都可以坐火车(甚至坐飞机)直接到奥兰多,摆脱对家庭其他人的依赖性。 www.ibm.com 9. At this point, labor could be one or two days, or even weeks, away, with your cervix continuing to open gradually over that time. 在这个时候,临产可能会在一到两天后,甚至几个星期以后,一直到你的宫颈继续逐渐扩张完全。 www.bing.com 10. A man, as well as a woman, when excited, will definitely find a glass or even a fork to stroke it or to touch it with his fingers. 一位男士,同样地或者是一位女士,在兴奋地时候,就一定会找来一个玻璃杯或者甚至一把叉子来敲击或者用他的手指触摸。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. It is possible that you prefer some of these partnership types over others, or that you would like a few or even all of them. 有可能您喜欢某些类型的合作关系胜过其他的;或是您可能想要某几种的,甚至是全部的,合作关系类型。 business.un.org 2. There's no minimum quantity, so you can order just a few or even just one machine. The price depends on quantity. 我们没有最低起订量的限制,你可以订几台甚至可以只订一台机器。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. All of our sinful words, retaliations, or even thoughts he took with him to the cross. 我们所有邪恶的字眼、报复的行为,甚至是罪恶的想法,他都一并带上与他同钉十字架了。 www.douban.com 4. This means that the group needs to work on a large white board or even the wall, to be able to visualize all the parts. 这意味着队伍需要做一个白色的大板或甚至墙上,能够想象所有的部分。 www.lwgsw.com 5. Apart from the fact that this is mislabeled, you could not guarantee that others would recognize these conventions, or even. 不仅这种说法不对,而且你无法保证其他人会认识到这些习俗,或者甚至会遵守这些习俗。 www.hjenglish.com 6. It beams its pictures to any electronic device, be it a remote computer or even an iPhone. 它发送图片到任何电子装置,可能是一个远程电脑,甚至是一个iPhone。 kk.dongxi.net 7. I did not look back up the concourse or even glance to see if he was still knitting his hands at the suitcase. 我没有回头去看他,甚至都没有瞥一眼看他是否还在忙着弄行李箱。 mymti.blogbus.com 8. If I die young, you will always find somebody who will love and care you as much, or even more than I did. 如果我过早死去了,你一定会找到一个像我爱你一样,甚至比我还要爱你的人。 tieba.baidu.com 9. This has not got to do with economics or even politics, it really had to do with the remnants of a traditional notion of empire. 这与经济无关,甚至与政治无关,只不过是所谓大日本帝国的思想余孽在作祟。 movie.douban.com 10. Retaliation, or even the threat, would carry more legitimacy if it were part of a multilateral agreement and done on a world stage. 如果在多边协定下,在同一个世界舞台内,威胁亦或是恐吓将带来更多的合理性。 www.bing.com 1. He added doctors consulted by the IAAF said it would take days or even weeks before a conclusion could be reached from her gender test. 他还说,国际田联咨询的医生表示,塞门娅的性别测试最终结论可能需要几天甚至几周时间才能出炉。 internal.cn.reuters.com 2. A bit of discarded climbing rope, some ripped plastic sheeting or even an old hiking boot can be of great use in the woods. 一顶点被丢弃的登山绳,一些被撕破的塑料薄膜或甚至是一只旧的徒步旅行靴,在野外都会大有用处。 w.hudong.com 3. I would not have lost my life or even my job if I had not followed the order. 如果当初我不遵循这个命令,我就不会失去生机活力,甚至连工作都没了。 www.ecocn.org 4. Often he did not come home at all or even send word that he would be away overnight. 他有时干脆不回家,或者公然捎来一句话要在外面过夜。 dict.veduchina.com 5. If you find yourself using comma after comma after comma, try making two (or even three) shorter sentences out of that long one. 如果你发现自己使用了好几个逗号,就要把句子截断,在分成两个或三个句子。 www.bing.com 6. They may be able to work out your loan for you, give you a grace period, or even restructure your loan into terms you can afford. 他们也许会想出一个贷款给你,给你一个宽限期,或者重新建立一笔你可以承付的贷款。 www.yappr.cn 7. Why was the President's single bodyguard absent from his post during the murder, and never punished or even questioned? 为什么总统的惟一贴身卫士案发时不在现场,案发后一直逍遥法外,甚至没有被传讯过? www.51099.com 8. A good guess is that this will not happen before the beginning of the next decade, or even later. 现实的猜测是,要实现这个目标,至少要到下个十年的开始甚至更晚的时间。 sh.focus.cn 9. A woman can communicate that back in a number of ways -- by lighting candles, putting on lingerie or even by just saying it. 女人可以有很多方式来和男人交流——点上几支蜡烛,或穿上贴身内衣,或就简单的几句话。 www.bing.com 10. He was too smart to just push ahead at flank speed and try to get out in eight months, or even in eighteen. 他太聪明了,不会盲目地加快速度推进,想在八个月或甚至十八个月内逃出去。 voice-english.com 1. I saw my problem: I had wound myself so tightly in the routine of my school life that I was no longer seeing Kenya or even Kenyans. 我认识到了我的问题:我的眼睛已经被每天例行的学校生活所遮蔽,看不到真实的肯尼亚和肯尼亚人。 www.usastudy.com.cn 2. How much of that reaction is due to psychological or even biological effects is unclear. 这个反应多大程度上取决于心理效应或者甚至是生物效应并不清楚。 www.bing.com 3. If you reach a point where you cannot maintain your form any longer, back off the effort or even call it a day. 如果在某一时刻,这一模式再也无法维持,则需降低强度或甚至结束当天的训练。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. indeed, they might have come from America's Democratic Party, or even from the op-ed pages of a respectable business daily. 实际上,这些提议或许是来自美国民主党,抑或是来自一份著名的商业日报专栏。 bbs.ecocn.org 5. Here it would seem to be a wall hanging, or even a free standing object of worship. 但此刻却变成了一个挂饰,甚或是一件受人敬拜的物件。 blog.163.com 6. Actually posting out a birthday card, or even sending an e-card, is of course going to be the main work of this method. 实际上,邮递发送一张生日贺卡,或者甚至发送一张电子贺卡,当然会是这个方法的主要工作。 www.infoq.com 7. Will the source still be here a week, a month, or even a year from now? 信息源从现在起将存在多久?一个星期、一个月或甚至一年? www-128.ibm.com 8. With the use of just a few simple props, it's easy to sooth the tense knots on your own, without the help of a profession or even a partner. 无需专业指导,也不用麻烦同伴,只用一些简单的小道具,就能自己舒展开来。 www.bing.com 9. Who can say with any confidence what sort of countries Egypt, Tunisia or Libya will be five or even two years from now? 谁有把握预言埃及、突尼斯或利比亚五年、甚至两年后会成为什么样的国家? www.ftchinese.com 10. This ability probably has no direct connection with your background, education, work or even hobby. 这能力可以说和你的背景,学历,工作甚至是兴趣没有太直接的关系。 www.philosoart.com 1. On a more granular level, you could exclude certain detectors from finding problems within a specified set of classes or even methods. 在更细化的水平上,可以在指定的一组类甚至是方法中查找问题时,排除某些检测器。 www.ibm.com 2. If you visit your professor in an office hour or even talk with him or her after class, be sure to talk in the foreign language. 如果你在你的教授的谈话时间是造访他或者在授课后与他谈话请一定使用那门外语。 www.bing.com 3. The larger the material humidity after its strength will be weak, and thus easy to draggle, or even unable to exhaust. 环境湿度越大,材料受潮后自身的强度就越弱,从而容易拉断,甚至无法排废。 www.bing.com 4. For a few of the world's key decision makers, it is not in their economic interest to stop, or even slow, the purchase of Treasury Bills. 对一些关键国家的决策者而言,停止甚至只是减缓购买美国财政部债券的速度不符合他们的经济利益。 www.bing.com 5. Some of the weaknesses you may also be able to change, if only you worked at them, one at a time, over the course of a month or even a year. 至于有些小毛病,只要一点一滴地做起,一个月,或者一年,你就会改正的。 www.bing.com 6. Then determine how these skills might transfer to a different company, a different job title or even a different industry, he said. 然后确定这些能力如何在不同的公司、不同的职位或甚至不同的行业运用,他说。 www.elanso.com 7. Almost the only thing a Catholic (or even the spouse of a Catholic) cannot be, by British law, is king or queen. 可以说,依照英国法律,一个天主教徒(或其配偶)唯一不能做的,就是成为国王或女王了。 www.ecocn.org 8. If the officer discovered that the reporter was working for the Daily NK, he would be sent to a labor camp, or even executed. 如果警察发现这名记者为《北韩日报》工作,会把他送到劳改营,甚至处决他。 www.bing.com 9. Voters in a democracy may not know all or even any of the technicalities of running a government, but they surely can judge the results. 一个民主政体的选民们也许并不通晓运作政府的技巧,甚至对此一无所知,但他们当然可以判断运作的结果好坏。 www.bing.com 10. The next day the subjects were allowed to get up and move around, but without doing any strenuous or even moderate exercise. 第二天受试者可以起立并四处走动,但不能做任何激烈的运动,适度运动也不可以。 www.hjenglish.com 1. It may take a few days, weeks or even months to realize the new job isn't right for you. 也许发现某份新工作不适合你需要几天、几周甚至几个月的时间。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. "This is not playing, bouncing the baby on your knee or even tossing him up in the air. This is violent, severe shaking, " she said. “这不是游戏,当你让孩子在你的腿上跳来跳去,甚至把它扔向空中,这是暴力,剧烈的摇晃”,她说。 www.bing.com 3. Time flows on and abrades all this, whose essence is distilled into a habit, a harmony or even, a culture. 种惬意。一切,被时间打磨,被时间沉淀,终于形成了一种习惯,一种默契,一种文化。 bbs.translators.com.cn 4. It's just beyond the visual limit, so . . . you'll be able to spot Neptune with a small telescope or even just a pair of binoculars. 这只是超出了肉眼的视觉极限而已,因此……你可以用小型望远镜,甚至是一副双筒望远镜便可以看见海王星。 bbs.kaoyan.com 5. Please note that this does not mean that that patent covers the technique in question, or even that the patent is a valid one. 请这不意谓那专利权包括问题的技术,否则更甚至哪一专利权是一个有效的。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Rice said that she did not believe this conference would have been possible several months ago or even weeks ago. 赖斯表示,她认为在几个月前,甚至在几个星期前,召开这样的会议都是不可能的。 www.america.gov 7. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart. 世界上最好与最美的事物,是无法被看到或甚至是被触摸。他们一定是在内心的深处才能被感觉到。 bbs.education.163.com 8. Don't worry about something that will take place in a week, a day, or even an hour. 不要担心那些将在一周、一天甚至一小时后发生的事。 www.bing.com 9. Early in Roman history, a husband had considerable power over his wife and children, whom he could punish, sell, or even kill as he saw fit. 早在古罗马的历史,丈夫已相当大的权力,他的妻子和孩子,他可以惩罚,出售,甚至杀死他认为合适的。 blog.cnii.com.cn 10. You want to leave the master to send you to the door, or even sent to the door, and then say goodbye. 你要离去时,主人送你到门口,甚至送到门外,然后说再见。 wenwen.soso.com |
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