单词 | overhead |
释义 | overheads是overhead的复数
复数:overheads 例句释义: 所有的,头顶上的,架空的,架设的,在上,在楼上,在空中,从头到脚全部没入,经费,营运费用,经常性开支,企业一般管理费用,日常开支,间接成本 1. Results show that this key management scheme achieves a nice tradeoff between the network security, connectivity and overheads. 结果证明本方案在网络安全性、连通性以及节点负载方面达到了一种较好的平衡。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Savings have been achieved through 'reduced corporate overheads and a simpler corporate structure, ' he said, not by economizing on safety. 他说,通过降低公司运营成本和简化公司结构,而非在安全方面偷工减料,公司达到了节省开支的目的。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Which turns out to be a fairly good business, with overheads low enough to make a reasonable profit. 结果表明这是一项相当不错的业务,费用相当低,盈利可观。 www.bing.com 4. Overhead costs; overheads An actual cost of doing business that cannot be associated directly with the production of a certain product. 间接成本;间接费用业务经营中的一种实际成本,但不能与某一产品。 www.worldbank.org.cn 5. As soon as you hire your first employee, your overheads increase as you'll have to start paying him a salary. 一旦你雇佣第一个员工,你的费用就立马增加了,因为你要开始付他薪水。 www.bing.com 6. The office overheads are so high in the city that we are considering moving out to the country. 城里的办公室开销太大了,我们正考虑搬到乡下去。 www.p2p365.com 7. LN: How does your department allocate its overheads within the company? 法务部怎样在公司内部分配经费? www.showxiu.com 8. Investments and Others include share of net result of associates less corporate overheads. 投资及其他业务包括应佔联营公司业绩净额及扣减总部费用。 www.hkexnews.hk 9. Analogous to Such administrative overheads in a business are analogous to the cost of government in a nation. 一家企业的这种行政管理开支类似于一个国家的政府管理所用的开支。 www.xycai.com 10. Falling sales and rising overheads have obliged the company to review each customer's credit limit. 销售额下降和管理费上升已迫使公司复审每位客户的信贷限额。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Journaling file systems, while much more secure, historically have been associated with performance overheads. 尽管日志文件系统可以提供更高的安全性,但在以前往往会带来性能方面的开销。 www.ibm.com 2. Free-standing locations usually offer low overheads, ample parking and allow the proprietor to fix his own trading hours. 独立的店面通常提供低成本经营、宽敞的停车位,也容许业主决定自己的营业时间。 bbs.3gbbs.com 3. These scores originally looked simply at overheads as a percentage of money raised. 业绩评级得分最初只看机构经费开销占所募资金的比例。 www.ecocn.org 4. Hector Grant is having a look at the quarterly breakdown of overheads detailing actual expenditure against budget. 现在,赫克托·格兰特正在审阅季度营业费预算和实际支出情况。 5. Without the expensive overheads of a physical store, virtual stores can undercut the High Street substantially. 网店没有实体店的昂贵经营开销,也省了一大笔店面费。 www.bing.com 6. Many of our members keep their overheads to a minimum by working from home so they feel no need to dress up to go to work. 我们有很多会员为了把日常开支降到最低都在家工作,所以他们觉得没有必要穿得很正式去上班。 www.hxen.com 7. Overheads familiarize students with best practices in managerial communication, and teaching notes reinforce important concepts. 演示资料帮助学生熟悉管理沟通领域最佳的实践方法,同时,授课注释强化那些重要的概念。 de.bab.la 8. "Lately, we have been trimming overheads and manpower, and learning to live without government subsidy, " Vaid said. “近期我们一直在试图削减人力和物力,学会在没有政府资助的前提下也能顽强生存,”怀德说。 www.168tex.com 9. Besides, some optimizations for implementation were also introduced to trade off the estimation precisions against run- time overheads. 并给出了权衡预估精度和运行时开销的若干优化实现技术。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Office running costs and overheads(rates, electricity, heating etc. )can be reduced, which in turn may reduce the need for office space. 办公运行费用和管理费用(率,电,暖气等)都可以降低,这反过来又可以减少空间的需要办公室。 www.ecally.com 1. Take away the unnecessary costs of the retail channel - CD manufacturing, distribution, and retail overheads. 零售环节不必要的花费都可以省掉,如制造CD,分销和零售。 www.bing.com 2. Its trick is to extract better returns by rationalizing production and processing, and keeping operating costs and overheads down. 该组织专门收购大公司认为不重要的矿产,其秘诀在于通过合理化生产和加工、以及降低运作和管理费用来获得更好的收益。 www.kaoshi123.net 3. Fwhichleing sales or rising overheads HAs obliged the company to review each customer's ~ limit. 销售额降低和管理费上升已迫使自己搞复查每位的信贷控制。 www.showxiu.com 4. The leadership had streamlined the plant organization. As a result, the output doubled and the overheads fell drastically as well. 由于领导精简了工厂机构,不仅产量翻了一番,而且大大缩减了企业经营费用。 www.hxen.com 5. Such large financial overheads are not for the fainthearted and on graduation students can find themselves with crippling debts. 花费如此多的金钱去学习MBA,需要很大的勇气;而学员们在毕业时会发现,他们自己负债如山。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Therefore, a facade component avoids unnecessary unmarshalling overheads by accessing the SOAP response message in XML directly. 所以,Facade组件可避免由于直接访问XML格式的SOAP响应消息而造成的不必要的取消封送开销。 www.ibm.com 7. That should be part of your overheads and be taken from your commission. 这都属于经营性开支,该从你们的佣金中支付。 space.100e.com 8. Today our overheads are 40% per cent higher than a year ago. 目前本公司之维持费用已较一年前提高四成。 www.hxen.com 9. Is it a good idea to cut investment to reduce overheads? 用减少投资的办法来削减管理费用好么?(为什么?) club.topsage.com 10. Mr Gates wants the Pentagon to save 1-2% a year in overheads. 盖茨先生希望五角大楼每年能够节省1%-2%的日常开支。 www.ecocn.org 1. Manage and supervise cost-control affairs in line with various budgets for production, purchasing, manpower, and overheads. 管理和监督生产、采购、人工、一般管理费用,使其在预算的范围内。 job.01hr.com 2. The engineering cost is the price of engineering, which usually consists of direct fee, overheads, planned profit and tax. 工程造价通常讲就是工程的价格,一般由直接费、间接费、计划利润和税金组成。 www.showxiu.com 3. It keeps overheads down by focusing with near religious fervor on a no-frills approach, charging extra for baggage and meals. 它通过近乎宗教狂热般专注于精简方案,对托运行李和饮食额外收费,来削减开支。 www.bing.com 4. Please illustrate with diagrams, story boards, overheads and photographs. Use separate sheets if required. 请附绘图、故事图表、高影拍摄图和相片。如有需要,可另加纸张书写。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. You may need to make big cuts in overheads, but try to avoid slashing costs to a level where it is difficult to operate. 你可能需要大量削减管理费用,但要避免削减规模过大而导致无法操作。 club.topsage.com 6. These types of companies have much lower overheads and frequently have very knowledgeable and capable staff. 这样的公司通常来说,管理成本较低,但却不乏一些有知识、有能力的员工。 www.ittang.com 7. Its trick is to extract better returns by rationalising production and processing, and keeping operating costs and overheads down. 它的生财之道是通过优化生产和处理工序,并缩减运营成本和降低日常开支来… club.topsage.com 8. Ernie was going to suggest a new way to cut down on overheads to the boss, but Phil stole his thunder and told the boss first. 恩尼正打算向老板提出减少杂费支出的新办法,但斐尔抢先向老板建议了这个办法。 dict.bioon.com 9. I used only EQ, compression and a touch of reverb on the snare and overheads. 我唯一的EQ,压缩和混响的圈套和间接接触。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 10. The plan includes cutting overheads by 30% as well as rationalising the number of suppliers and products sold. 他计划把百安居在中国的开支削减30%,同时改进百安居供货和产品销售使之更加合理化。 www.bing.com 1. The direct artificial cost great proportion drops, overheads cost large scale increase. 直接人工成本大比例下降,间接费用大幅度增加。 www.fabiao.net 2. Not all virtualization technologies provide the same benefits or have the same cost overheads. 并非所有虚拟化技术都具有相同的优点或相同的成本开销。 www.ibm.com 3. MWV has realised over $14m in cost savings in the first quarter through reduced overheads and manufacturing optimisation initiatives. MWV意识到美元以上一十四米节约成本在第一季度通过降低间接费用和制造优化举措。 bzxw.512121.com 4. Many measures to cut labour overheads would require a constitutional amendment. 许多削减劳动力日常开销的措施都需要修改宪法。 www.ecocn.org 5. Other interests obtained by using the illegal profits shall be taken over after deducting the labor service overheads . 利用不当得利所取得的其他利益,扣除劳务管理费用后,应当予以收缴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. As numbers fall, the overheads become more burdensome and the pressure on ingredients greater. 因为人数减少,固定费用就更难以承担,营养构成方面也就压力更大了。 www.ecocn.org 7. Journalling, and to have low RAM and boot time overheads. File data is. 具有低存储器和启动时间。 forum.ubuntu.org.cn 8. This proved a poor guide, as low overheads may mean not thrift but ill-paid (and incompetent) staff. 事实证明这个评估手段并不高明,因为经费开销低也可能不是因为节俭而是因为员工工资低。 www.ecocn.org 9. It is worth restating, though, that other workloads may have different overheads. 可是需要重申的是其它工作量可能有不同的开销。 www.ibm.com 10. and to exercise such initiative as falls within their sphere, then administrative overheads will be low. 在各自的工作范围内发挥主动性,行政管理费用就会降低。 www.hxen.com 1. And half of medical malpractice payments were gobbled up by lawyers and overheads. 一半的医疗事故赔款落入律师囊中或者作为杂项支出。 www.ecocn.org 2. What new ideas do you have to keep overheads costs down in a company? 关于削减公司的管理费用,你有什么新的想法? club.topsage.com 3. Provides the content for display in instructor overheads. 提供了在教员投影仪上显示的内容。 www-128.ibm.com 4. It's a good idea to use two of the same model with the overheads. 用两支和OH麦相同型号的麦克是一个不错的主意。 www.avbuzz.com 5. No overheads, extremely low operating costs. 无开销,运作成本极低。 www.bing.com 6. Mr Marchionne is preparing for the day: "We must act very quickly to cut overheads, lighten everything, speed up new models. " 马尔基奥尼正在为那一天做准备:“我们必须行动迅速地降低管理成本、裁减冗余、加快研发新车型。” www.ecocn.org 7. They are service providers who live on low overheads, exploit niches and rely on smart staff. 他们是靠收取低廉服务费用维持的服务提供者,他们开发缝隙市场,他们依赖聪明的员工。 www.ecocn.org 8. They rarely go bust because they have no overheads, and stop only when the owners are too old to carry on. 零售商们很少会破产,因为他们没有管理费用,只有当业主年纪太大、难以为继之时他们才会终止生意。 ecocn.org 9. Using the CrossCheck software brings extra costs and overheads for journals. 使用“纵横”软件给杂志带来了更多的开销。 news.dxy.cn 10. The existing algorithms for checkpointing have more overheads and can not be used to support applications accessing files. 现有的检查点算法开销较大,并且不支持应用程序对文件的任意访问。 www.pet2008.cn 1. I mean whether staff members are supportive in our overheads reduction project. 我的意思是员工是否支持我们的经费削减方案这条。 club.topsage.com 2. The number of agents has been cut (although only to 2. 6m so far), as have other overheads. 削减经纪人的数量来减少其他开支(目前还有260万人)。 www.ecocn.org 3. Without the overheads of running and staffing the high street branches they can offer higher rates of interest to customers. 如果没有给客户运行管理费用和人员配备高街分行,他们可以提供更高的利息率。 www.ecally.com 4. High overheads and maintenance cost top the list. 高昂的经常性费用和保养费居首位 dict.hjenglish.com 5. for the estimate of man-hour costs to take care of overheads and fringe benefits. 工时成本估计的乘数及以满足福利费和经营治理费的需要。 www.sinology.cn 6. It's a good idea to review overheads regularly. 定期检查管理费用是一个很好的办法。 club.topsage.com 7. To make sure that our staff voluntarily comply with the overheads expenditure reduction rules, we can include that in our staff appraisals. 确保我们的员工自愿遵守经费削减规则,我们应该把它作为员工评估的一项。 club.topsage.com 8. Speak to the audience. . . NOT to the visual aids, such as flip charts or overheads. 面对观众讲话,而不是对着你的教具,如活动挂图或者投影。 www.bing.com 9. That company's overheads cost 70 per cent their turnover; the trouble is, there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians. 那公司的修理业一般管理费为他们营业额的70%,问题在于管理人员多,干活的人少。 www.hotdic.com 10. Overheads also mounted in pace with tightened labour laws in China and customer demands in code of conduct. 中国收紧了劳工法例,加上客户更趋严谨的行为守则,亦令经营开支增加。 www.t6pr.com 1. So our development time and overheads were getting worse and worse. 所以我们的开发时间和管理经费变得越来越糟了。 www.bing.com 2. They have low overheads and levels of debt. 他们保持了较低的管理费用和债务水平。 www.bing.com 3. "Prices won't drop any more because the fishermen have overheads and they can't afford to go fishing at these prices. " “价格不会再跌,因为渔民有自己的开销,这样的价格让他们负担不起捕捞作业。” www.ftchinese.com 4. A: I'm sorry to hear that. Is it the economy, overheads or the high taxes? 甲:我听了真感难过,是因为经济环境、开支还是高税率? my.putclub.com 5. From this amount you need to subtract something to cover fixed overheads. 从这个总额中你需要扣除一些来支付固定的经费开支。 www.jukuu.com 6. Insulator spindles for telecommunication overheads-lines; straight spindles 架空通信线路用绝缘子支柱.直支柱 www.mapeng.net 7. Understanding of process cycle times, equipment, raw materials, overheads and mark-up; 了解加工作业周期、设备、原料、管理费用与标价; www.jobui.com 8. you receive an income to pay the overheads while your business develops; 你可以获得一份收入,支付自己企业发展过程中的日常费用; www.ftchinese.com 9. The overheads of our government is largely lowered 政府的日常费用大为降低 english.lqedu.org 10. A control channel overheads restraint method in ASON auto-discovery 一种ASON自动发现中抑制控制信道开销的方法 www.ilib.cn 1. Is it important to involve employees in overheads reduction project? (Why? ) 让员工参与办公费用削减计划是否重要?(为什么?) club.topsage.com |
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