单词 | outlet |
释义 | outlets是outlet的复数
复数:outlets 例句释义: 出路,排水口,通风口,销路,奥特莱斯,折扣店,品牌折扣店 1. And safe water outlets, including boreholes and protected natural springs , can be constructed by the thousands within a year. 而安全的水源,包括钻井与受保护的自然泉水,在一年内便可以挖掘数千个。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. While working for that company, he encountered the first Starbucks outlets in Seattle, and went on to join the company atage 29. 在为这家公司工作期间,他在西雅图见到了第一家星巴克门店,并在29岁时加入了星巴克。 edu.163.com 3. Improve the quality assurance system, a national network of service outlets, ready to provide you with good service. 完善的质保体系,遍布全国的服务网点,随时为您提供周到的服务。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Viacom did not respond immediately to a request for comment, but told other media outlets that it plans to appeal the ruling. 维亚康姆并没有立即对法律解释做出反应,而是通过其它媒体表示,它打算上诉。 www.bing.com 5. Dell, by not working through retail outlets, is still more efficient, but the cost benefits that this once brought have been whittled away. 戴尔公司不依靠零售代理,仍然非常的高效,不过这种销售方式曾经给它带来的生产成本优势却不复存在了。 www.ecocn.org 6. Clean floor drain outlets at least once a week to prevent putrid air and insects in the soil pipes from entering the premises. 地台排水口最少每星期清洁一次,以防止污水渠内的臭味或昆虫进入楼宇内。 www.info.gov.hk 7. "Right now, media outlets are treating this as a transaction with a legitimate journalistic organization, " he said. “此刻,媒体机构把这种合作视为跟一个合法的新闻组织进行的交易,”他说。 dongxi.net 8. Cable TV channels and news outlets have dutifully been trying to give Americans a crash course as the Games approach. 奥运将至,有线电视频道和新闻机构尽职尽责地试图给美国人上速成课程。 www.stnn.cc 9. In the British case, the targets of the rioters seem less well defined, even if there seems to have been a concentration on retail outlets. 在英国,骚乱者似乎没有那么明确的目标,尽管零售店看上去像是受到集中攻击的对象。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The other source of competition isthe thousands of fast-food outlets dotted across the areas it is trying to enter. 另一类竞争来源是星罗密布般地分布在乐购目标区域内的上千家快餐店。 www.ecocn.org 1. The only real positives to this lodging was the free internet (ask for a code) and the adapter being available for wall outlets. 这里住宿唯一的优势是免费上网【要求密码】且有墙式电源插座的可提供适配器。 weike.taskcn.com 2. It said yesterday it had bought out the controlling shareholders in the company that operates 62 outlets in Beijing and Tianjin. 该公司昨日表示,它已完成一项收购,收购对象是一家在北京和天津经营62家星巴克咖啡店的合作公司的控股股东。 www.newpower.org.cn 3. HuffPo is often accused of piggybacking on the work of traditional media outlets while at the same time hastening their demise. 《赫芬顿邮报》经常受到批评,称其一方面抄袭传统媒体机构的作品,另一方面加速它们的衰落。 www.ftchinese.com 4. "Media outlets should safeguard the core values of a society, " he said, "not just blindly follow hot issues. " 媒体应社会核心价值,而只是盲目地追随热点事件。 www.ttxyy.com 5. I'm pleased to tell you all that we have found many outlets for our new products. 很高兴地告诉大家,我们为新产品找到许多销售渠道。 blog.oracle.com.cn 6. They said the placement deterred a few media outlets from criticizing the authorities. 他们说这种措施威慑了一小部分媒体,使他们不敢批评当局。 www.bing.com 7. Clearly, many media outlets disagree, and it's easy to see why: Prostitutes represent a cultural bogeyman. 无疑,很多媒体渠道不同意这一观点,原因很明显:失足妇女代表一种文化恶棍。 www.bing.com 8. Officials in Beijing said the law's intent wasn't to censor or restrict financial information or discriminate against Western media outlets. 中国政府官员表示,这个法规的本意并不是审查或限制金融信息传播,或是要歧视对待外国财经信息供应商。 bbs.enfamily.cn 9. We used outlets and actions, got to know the basic application structure, and made a simple user interface. 我们用到了outlet和action,了解了基本的应用程序结构,并创建了一个简单的用户界面。 www.infoq.com 10. His "Heron" outlets soon sprouted all over Britain, helped in part by the oil majors' neglect of the retail end of their business. 他的Heron分店迅速在英国各地开设,部分源于石油巨头们对其产业零售终端的忽视。 www.ecocn.org 1. The CTP after the problem can be resolved to a certain extent, because CTP, outlets, and can be very hard to plate. CTp出来以后这个问题可以在一定程度上解决,因为CTp版的网点很硬,而且可以直接制版。 www.bing.com 2. When supplies are short, Apple gives first preference to its own outlets, where it doesn't have to share profits with a middleman. 当货源短缺时,苹果会给予自家零售店最高优先级,因为零售店的利润都是苹果自己的,而不用分给中间商。 www.fortunechina.com 3. When the displacement control tilts the swashplate to the right or left, the pistons are going to send fluid out of the outlets. 当排量控制装置从右到左倾斜旋转斜盘时,活塞开始从出口中输出液压液。 www.yappr.cn 4. The German car maker aims to double the number of its outlets by 2015, with a quarter of them in smaller cities. 德国汽车制造商的目标是在2015年网点翻倍,覆盖率达15%。 www.bing.com 5. He would have probably come across the American fast food outlets or the Italian designer clothing store just down the block. 沿着大街走,他可能会见到美式的快餐店或是意大利款式的服装店。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. s Tianhe Airport yesterday from outlets understand that parents set an adult ticket to the children has become a universal phenomenon. 记者昨从天河机场售票处了解,家长给儿童订成年人机票,已成为一种普遍现象。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 7. All that turbine-generated power creates a lot of heat, as evidenced by sign at the exhaust outlets with the warning: Beware of blast. 所有涡轮产生的动力制造了很大的热量,有迹象表明,C-X75在排风口有提示:小心爆炸! www.bing.com 8. Despite the silence of the president-elect and his staff, news outlets have been confidently reporting Cabinet selections. 尽管当选总统和他的班子一直讳莫如深,但新闻媒体在报道内阁人选时却把握十足。 www.america.gov 9. The Coca-Cola company is one of the best examples, it established sales outlets in the global scope extensive development dealer. 可口可乐公司就是一个最好的例子,它遍设销售网点,在全球范围内广泛地发展经销商。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Single cups of the world's most expensive coffee have been known to sell for almost $100 in specialty outlets in London. 据我们所知,在伦敦,这个世界最昂贵咖啡在指定销售点的售价是每杯接近100美金。 www.bing.com 1. In Washington, the news cycle promises to become even more frenzied as outlets like The Huffington Post expand their operations there. 在华盛顿,新闻圈将为了出路变得更疯狂,就像赫芬顿邮报扩大经营一样。 www.bing.com 2. Also, people should be provided with proper outlets to air their views and grievances, he said. 同样,人民必须有合适的宣泄渠道表达观点,申诉苦情,他说。 www.suiniyi.com 3. Whatever outlets Chinese might have on the Chinese Internet, they won't use them as freely out of fear of repression. 不管中国人在中国互联网上有什么出口,他们在受到压制的恐惧心理下也无法自由的使用这些出口。 www.bing.com 4. Quite a few official Chinese media outlets ran big headlines proclaiming that the Japanese had capitulated. 不少中国官方媒体发行刊物头版头条报道日本已经妥协。 www.bing.com 5. Perhaps it isn't so surprising to hear reports of Chinese entrepreneurs recently knocking off Apple stores and Dairy Queen outlets. 最近中国出现山寨苹果(Apple)店和冰雪皇后(DairyQueen)店的消息或许没那么令人意外。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Newsweek's switch is a signpost of how traditional print news outlets are being battered by an exodus of readers and advertisers to the Web. 的转型显示出传统纸媒新闻机构因大批读者和广告客户流向网络而受到严重打击。 www.putclub.com 7. With five outlets in Canada, and soon-to-be seven in the US, bubbling Mongolian hotpot may be coming to a street corner near you soon. 该公司目前在加拿大拥有五家门店,即将在美国开设第七家分店。也许在不久的将来,外国街头也将随处可见热气腾腾的蒙古火锅。 www.ftchinese.com 8. I was on a bus between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur the other day that had power outlets all over the place. 有一次我在从新加坡到吉隆坡的大巴上发现,车上到处都是电源插座。 www.bing.com 9. A new weight loss product is causing quite a stir in the scientific community, not to mention media outlets across the country. 一项全新减肥产品的面世在科学界引起了悍然大波,更不用去说全国各地媒体对该新闻的狂轰乱炸了。 www.bing.com 10. He plans to open 200 family-friendly retail outlets shortly, starting in London. 他计划在短期内开设200家家庭向的零售银行网点,首先从伦敦开始。 www.ecocn.org 1. All savings outlets of the bank sell and redeem book -entry treasury bonds on commission . 银行所有储蓄机构网点代售、兑凭证式国库券。 www.bing.com 2. He entered into a partnership with media outlets he knew would give prominence to the material. 他开启与传统媒体出口的合作关系,他知晓此举将让他的这些猛料更加引人关注。 www.bing.com 3. Like other media outlets conducting investigative journalism, we accept (but do not solicit) anonymous sources of information. 像其它的一些具有管理调查性质的新闻体的媒介一样,我们接受(但不乞求)匿名的信息源。 www.bing.com 4. A few days ago the local news outlets reported that increased levels of radiation were detected in Boston's rainwater. 几天前,当地新闻就说波士顿的雨水中辐射等级已经增加了。 www.gd31.cn 5. Some vandals at a state park scrawled "We broke in for free! " over a shuttered cabin, to the horror of local news outlets. 几个汪达尔人破门冲入了州立公园一个关闭的木屋里,在墙上涂鸦上“我们没花钱就闯进来了!”,这让当地的新闻媒体感到了恐慌。 www.ecocn.org 6. Both outlets are fighting for a share of a market that, while still small in Britain, is expected to grow exponentially . 两家零售商在争抢这个目前只占英国市场一小部分但预期成指数增长的市场份额。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. With fresh ingredients and a long menu, lunch and dinner reservations for any of the outlets are a must. 由于食材新鲜,菜品选择又很丰富,因此不管到哪一家分店享用午餐或是晚餐都必须要提前预订。 c.wsj.com 8. Several South Korean news outlets reported that Mr. Kim was on the train, citing anonymous sources in the South Korean government. 韩国数条新闻报道援引韩国政府匿名消息源称,金正日在这趟列车上。 www.bing.com 9. Over the past year, it has been rebuilt into a generic pedestrian mall with Starbucks and Krispy Kreme outlets. 去年,被改造成了有星巴克和KrispyKreme小店的步行街。 www.bing.com 10. Traditional news outlets are easier to control than the internet, with its unlimited flow of articles, videos and blogs. 相对于互联网,传统的新闻媒体更容易控制,互联网上充斥着无穷无尽的文章、视频和博客。 www.ftchinese.com 1. That means it's probably the one and only time you're likely to see famous fast food outlets like Pizza Hut and KFC signs in black. 就是说很有可能你在这里唯一看见的著名快餐店像必胜客和肯德基的标牌都是暗淡无色彩的。 qkzz.net 2. KONE is one of the world's largest elevator companies, with approximately 800 service outlets around the world. 通力是世界上最大的电梯公司之一,公司在世界各地拥有800多个维修网点。 www.showxiu.com 3. With power still out in most of the city, generators, flashlights and multiple -plug outlets were popular items. 城市大部分地区还没有电。发电机、手电筒、多头电源插座很受欢迎。 ts.hjenglish.com 4. It also meant providing a great number of outlets for the film once it was a finished product. 这也意味着一旦电影已制作完毕,为电影提供了更大的放映空间。 www.wipo.int 5. After business hours all bicycles have to be returned to the only three 24 -hour outlets located in Longxiangqiao, Jiangcum and Daguan. 现在全市自行车租借点实行24小时服务的只有位于龙翔桥,蒋村和大关的3个租借点。 khlf.cool.blog.163.com 6. None of these outlets, including the Times, another Murdoch asset, now cares much for Mr Major. 现在这些报纸中,包括Murdoch的另一项资产泰晤士报,并没有一家给予Major太多的关注。 www.ecocn.org 7. It plugs into a 12-volt outlet and then gives you two USB outlets: a "quick charge" and a slower trickle charge plug. 把它插进一个12伏的插座,它上面有2个USB插口:一个“快速充电”口,一个慢速充电口。 www.bing.com 8. I'm here to ask about the movie projectors you wanted me to distribute to our outlets. 我来这里询问有关贵公司要我批发给经销商的电影放映机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In fact, as we will see, services like Digg, YouTube, and Last. fm, are trying to do exactly that - (CF) based media outlets. 事实上,正如我们将看到的一些服务,如Digg、YouTube和Last.fm,正试图来做这样的事情——协同过滤(CF)媒体。 www.bing.com 10. To work with Mainland branch outlets and related internal and external parties to help resolve their problems and requirements. 与内地各分行密切合作,加强内外部沟通,协调并解决按揭合作中的问题和要求; www.gdrc.com 1. Beijing, China (CNN) -- At a time when many Western media outlets are contracting, Chinese media outlets are expanding, rapidly. 中国,北京(CNN)--正当西方的媒体电视台在逐步收缩的时候,中国的媒体电视台却在不断扩张,势头非常迅猛。 www.bing.com 2. The average starting salary at many media outlets in the region is a few hundred dollars a month. That means journalists can be bought. 许多媒体的平均起薪只有每月几百美元,也就是说,记者能被收买。 www.bing.com 3. The explosion of digital news outlets has accelerated the (welcome) passing of the age of deference. 数字新闻媒体的爆炸性增长加快了“顺从时代”逝去的步伐,这一点值得欢迎。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Did you know you can lose heat through your electrical outlets, light switches and lighting fixtures? 你知道吗,热量可能从电线出口,灯的开关及照明设备中流失。 www.elanso.com 5. As convenient as the new Fresh & Easy outlets will be, it is still hard to beat a drive-through window if you want a quick meal. 不管“新鲜轻松”店有多舒适,当你真正要份快餐时,恐怕还是难以抗拒免下车的窗口服务吧。 club.topsage.com 6. But in a bid to boost its battered business, KFC is to reopen its Vietnamese outlets with an all-new fish menu, even fish burgers. 为了刺激遭受重创的销售状况,肯德基在越南的分店打算重新开张,推出“以鱼代鸡”的全新菜单,其中甚至还有鱼肉汉堡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Celestron sells and markets its products worldwide through a variety of specialty retail outlets and international distributors. 塞莱斯特销售和销售其产品通过世界各地的各种各样的专业零售商及国际分销商。 bbs.astron.ac.cn 8. The search offering is rounded out with Yahoo! News, which provides feeds from AP, Reuters, and other outlets. Nambu也使用雅虎新闻来强化搜索结果,雅虎新闻提供美联社,路透社,和其他新闻社的Feed输出。 www.bing.com 9. The train offers assigned reclining seats, computer outlets, movies, headsets, good food, even gloved attendants. 火车上配备有躺椅、电脑接口和耳机,提供可口的食物并可以观看电影,甚至连服务人员都带着白手套。 www.bing.com 10. Of course, outside outlets can create the awareness (the so called "inner spark" ) that could help you to attain some inner knowledge. 当然,外部出口能创造意识(所谓的“内在火花”),能帮助你们获得一些内部的知识。 www.chinaufo.com 1. The company, a major Olympic sponsor, plans to use these outlets to market Olympics paraphernalia, said Mr. Fenton. 麦当劳是奥运会的主要赞助商之一,芬顿说公司计划利用这些门店销售奥运商品。 www.neworiental.org 2. State media outlets 'will never keep up with private companies, ' he said. 他说,国有媒体永远无法赶上私营公司。 cn.wsj.com 3. Edwin has already managed to build up a network of over 43 restaurants and eateries as outlets in Manchester and, recently, Salford as well. Edwin已经计划在曼彻斯特建立营销网络,将该地43个餐馆作为它的营销店,近日,还把目光瞄向了索尔福德。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But Alberta's bituminous crude needs specialised coking facilities, and its only significant outlets are refineries in the American Midwest. 但艾尔伯塔沥青油的炼制需要专门的焦化蒸馏设施,能进行这种加工的为数不多的炼油厂位于美国中西部。 blog.163.com 5. A good supply chain, distribution outlets and libraries were essentially bringing materials to all corners of a country. 一个好的供应链、发行直销店或图书馆,基本上可以把材料带向一个国家所有角落。 www.wipo.int 6. Those things which require to be evacuated should be evacuated , wherever they most tend, by the proper outlets . 凡需排泄之物均应通过正当渠道予以排除,无论它们最有何倾向。 www.bing.com 7. I think I'd prefer this Energy Saver Bar which lets you turn off all of the outlets with a tap of your foot. 我想之所以偏好这款节能排插的理由是用脚轻轻一踩就能切断电路。 www.elanso.com 8. The volume of Shui Jing Fang baijiu sold in duty-free outlets in Asia has quadrupled in the last two years, Mr. Harle says. 李好说,在过去两年里,水井坊白酒在亚洲各国免税商店的销量翻了两番。 cn.wsj.com 9. if the body sites area in the outlets of white space between scaled up, then the printing plate Sun, they should be drying. 若这部位网点间空缺不天区面积不收不小了,则表明印版晒不不浅了,不离答从头晒制。 www.bing.com 10. Cooling shells wrap the exteriors of the water tanks, and wind inlets and outlets are respectively arranged on the side walls of the shells. 所述水箱的外部包覆有散热外壳,在所述外壳的侧壁上分别开设有进出风口。 ip.com 1. It's absurd. We have power outlets in every room of every building. 这听上去可能有些可笑,我们有电源插座每座楼的每个房间里面都有。 www.ted.com 2. Now researches mostly focus themselves on calculational methods, only a few studies emphasize on the performance of inlets or outlets. 目前对于自然通风的研究多半集中在自然通风的计算方法和计算参数方面,而对自然通风风口的特性研究相对较少。 www.fabiao.net 3. The stacks of the deodorizers shall be in horizontal direction with outlets directed towards southwestern direction. 除味器的排气管须以水平方向安装,而排气口须朝向西南方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. With your knack for creative expression, you need to find outlets for your clever and ingenious aesthetic sensitivity. 你有着创造性表达方面的本领,因此你需要找到一个释放你的聪明才智以及艺术敏感度方面的天赋的出口。 www.360doc.com 5. So, one of the outlets for the Modern Neo-Confucianism is to criticize the Neo-Confucianism. 于是,宋明儒学批判就成为了现代新儒家摆脱困境的又一出路。 www.lw23.com 6. Until months ago, when Xinhua agreed to pursue business only, it had claimed regulatory powers in China over the foreign outlets. 直到几个月前,当新华社同意只从事商业活动时,它还要求在中国拥有对海外媒体的监管权。 bbs.51ielts.com 7. Sales have climbed, as the company has upgraded stores and opened niche outlets. 随着华润创业对商店进行升级,并开设针对“利基市场”的专卖店,该公司的销售额不断攀升。 www.ftchinese.com 8. UPS Express Centers are staffed retail shipping outlets equipped to help you with any air or ground UPS document or package shipment . UPS速递中心是有职员为您服务的零售托运营业网点,助您处理任何空运或陆运UPS文件或包裹货件。 www.bing.com 9. Several recent books have accused mainline media outlets of reporting news with a heavy political bias. 一些最近的书已经控告用一个重的政治偏见报告新闻的主线媒体出口。 www.oubeibbs.com 10. "Libraries are great service outlets, " he said. “图书馆是很棒的服务网点,”他说到。 www.bing.com 1. "Libraries are great service outlets, " he said. “图书馆是很棒的服务网点,”他说到。 www.bing.com 2. Both companies have a strong presence in the warehouse club channel as well other major retail outlets. 两家公司都拥有强大的渠道仓库俱乐部,以及其他主要的零售商店。 www.bozhiyongdai.com 3. Mesh point size is determined by coverage in the outlets, also known as the rate. 网点大小是通过网点的覆盖率决定的,也称着墨率。 www.bing.com 4. Most of us, however, are very loyal to the news outlets we most trust, and breaking that habit can be difficult. 我们中的大多数,但是,很忠诚于我们最信任的新闻媒体,以及打破这种习惯可能很困难。 www.bing.com 5. The media pickup from Fast Company, Gawker, the Washington Post and Wired, among other outlets, definitely helped as well. 当然快公司,掴客网,华盛顿邮报和有线杂志,以及其他的媒体也帮了很大的忙。 dongxi.net 6. He said some media outlets had refused to publish the strip because it refers to Medvedev as a " gnome " . 他表示由于梅德韦杰夫在漫画中被描述为“侏儒”,某些媒体拒绝出版。 gb.cri.cn 7. Each was written for pay by a man notoriously in debt, and they appeared in outlets like the Saturday Evening Post and Ladies' Home Journal. 这些文章都是为稿酬而写,作者的债务已经恶名昭著,尽人皆知了。文章频频出现在星期六晚邮报和女士家庭杂志的版面上。 dongxi.net 8. Anyone can plug in a PC or laptop into one of these outlets. 谁都可以把一台个人电脑或膝上型电脑接上这其中一个插孔。 www.cyut.edu.tw 9. The company plans to put outlets into its upscale hyper - and supermarkets in China to reinforce their affluent appeal . 华润计划在其内地高端超市和高端大型超市中开设专卖店,让这些颇具吸引力的超市变得更加诱人。 www.bing.com 10. They would be free to shop their exclusives to a variety of outlets without retribution. 从此他们可以自由地将自己的独家新闻告知各种新闻机构,而不会遭到惩罚。 www.fortunechina.com 1. The site, scheduled to open this spring, will have outlets for consumers to share their pregnancy and parenting experiences. 他计划今年春天开张的这家网店将会有实体店来让顾客交换孕育经验。 www.bing.com 2. Earlier this year, the company found fake retail outlets in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming. 今年早些时候,苹果在中国西南城市昆明发现了山寨苹果门店。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Successfully passed the test relevant state departments, the company's products in major cities set up sales outlets. 顺利通过国家有关部门的检测,公司产品在全国各大城市设立销售网点。 www.tonke.cn 4. But Disney is ending the service at the end of this year after having trouble finding outlets to sell its phones and related services. 但迪士尼难以找到店面销售其手机及相关服务,因此将在今年年底终止这项服务。 www.ycxyz.com 5. Companies like Walmart and Cisco have built global supply chains, linking cash registers at retail outlets with factories around the world. 像沃尔玛和思科这样的公司已经建立起了全球的供应链,将全世界零售经销商的收银机同工厂联系在一起。 www.ecocn.org 6. To keep customers coming to remaining outlets, he might experiment with discounts such as cheap "combination meals" of a drink and food. 为了让顾客常来剩下的店铺,他可能会尝试打折,如廉价的“套餐”的饮料和食品。 www.ecocn.org 7. older European outlets are being done up to make them more attractive places. 南无更古老的欧洲店铺则正在处心积虑以使自己占据更有吸引力的位置。 www.ecocn.org 8. Most spend a portion of that income on education, but many have found other creative outlets. 大部分州把其中的一部分划拨到教育事业,但也有许多州独辟蹊径,花得相当有创意。 www.bing.com 9. such hydrants must have two outlets, the following to the bath water, and the other used to connect sprinkler. 这种龙头一定有两个点,下面的浴缸里的水,和其他用于连接洒水。 www.qiyeku.com 10. A new submerged entry nozzle (SEN) with four outlets was used for casting heavy rail steel. 针对攀钢大方坯连铸结晶器,采用四孔水口浇注重轨钢。 www.chinamet.cn 1. These outlets have all found innovative ways around the Zimbabwean government's restrictive laws. 这些媒体都找到办法,避过辛巴威法律的严苛规定。 mailftp.lihpao.com 2. The U. S. forces had hoped to knock out Iraqi television and radio to disable Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's propaganda outlets. 美国军队曾经希望破坏伊拉克的电视和电台来使萨达姆的宣传出口失去能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Similarly it tried to measure how pro- or anti-reform individual outlets have been, again using "citation analysis" . 不仅如此,该公司还同样尝试测算了那些赞成或反对改革的个别站点是如何多次地使用这些“引证分析”的。 www.ecocn.org 4. Out back are a set of oval exhaust outlets, a signature design cue for Audi's performance range of vehicles. 出回是一组的椭圆形排气管,签字设计线索奥迪的表现范围的车辆。 usa.315che.com 5. On Thursday morning, Eastern time, Chinese outlets started reporting that Kobe Bryant had signed a deal with the Shanxi Zhongyu of the CBA. 在东部时间的周四清晨,中国的大小报纸开始报道科比决定加盟山西中宇CBA联赛的消息。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Bata, the multinational low-cost shoe group, already has a large presence with close to 250 retail outlets around the country. 跨国低成本鞋业集团Bata已在中国建立强大的业务,在全中国有近250家零售店。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The same guns in the info-war that have been aimed at its political and Web opponents could be trained on media outlets. 维基解密在这场信息战中瞄向其政治和网络反对者的枪口,可能会转移至媒体的身上。 dongxi.net 8. All six outlets are controlled by a foot switch which can be positioned up to 1. 5 meters away. 所有六个电路口都是由一个由脚按钮控制的,它可以延长至1.5米。 www.elanso.com 9. The advantage of these retail outlets is that there are thousands of them and probably several within driving distance. 这些零售店的优点在于数量众多,你开车能到的可能有好几家店。 www.fortunechina.com 10. A sealed clothes bag is sleeved on the hot air drying clothes machine; the sealed clothes bag is provided with a plurality of air outlets. 密封的衣袋套在暖风干衣机上,密封的衣袋上有若干出风口。 ip.com 1. On both sides of the Atlantic concerns have been raised about letting foreign-born businessmen take over important news outlets. 大西洋的两侧对让外籍商人接管重要新闻中心的担忧均在升级。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. One Happy Pool manager says the company's 100 outlets are seen as an experiment by officials. 一位HappyPool经理人表示,官方将公司的100个网点视为一项实验。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Product range distribution policies. E. g. on which outlets will stock which brands. 分销产品种类的政策。如那一类门店售卖那一类品牌。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Since then it has consistently increased revenues and the number of retail outlets it operates in the affluent eastern areas of China. 自那以来,该公司的收入不断增加,在中国富裕的东部地区经营的零售网点数量不断增多。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Our overseas sales outlets are also returning stock to help us fulfill these outstanding orders. 我公司的海外专卖店正陆续把存货运回来,帮助公司完成这些剩余的订单。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. All these workouts enable him to grab a defensive rebound, outlets and sprints up court like a swing-man. 这些训练最终使他能像多能球员一样抢防守篮板,发动快攻以及向前场冲刺。 www.lgenglish.com 7. Much of that beef feeds the growing demands of US fast-food outlets. 这种牛肉很多都用于供应不断增长的美国快餐市场。 8. Water enters from a water inlet at the upper part and is sprayed out through small water outlets at the lower part. 水上方入水口进入,在通过下方的出水小孔喷洒出去。 ip.com 9. KFC has opened four outlets so equipped, but it says the market is not ready for an aggressive expansion. 肯德基已经开设了4家这种餐厅,但该公司表示,这个市场尚未做好迅速扩张的准备。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Factory outlets remained busy, but less so than the prior week, he said. 工厂店仍然很忙碌,但比上一周有所减弱。 www.bing.com 1. Garlic sold in traditional outlets has been chemically treated to keep it from sprouting, so technically it is no longer a live food. 销售大蒜的传统途径要经过化学处理,防止发芽,在技术上,一不再是一种活的食品。 www.bing.com 2. 'Media outlets here look for professionals or native English speakers, not fresh Chinese graduates with only a diploma. ' 他说,北京媒体机构找的都是专业人士或母语为英语的人,不是只揣着一份文凭的国内应届毕业生。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Bond is now a freelance reporter, and will be covering, and commenting on, the wedding for several international news outlets. 邦德如今已成了一名自由撰稿记者,她将为好几家国际新闻媒体全程报道这场婚礼。 www.bing.com 4. The Turkmen armed forces have conducted "large-scale" tactical exercises near the Afghan border, media outlets have reported. 土库曼军队进行了“大规模的”战术演习靠近阿富汗边界的,媒体有报道。 www.xjwmw.com 5. One must make some heroic assumptions about the appeal of digital media to think they influence people as much as traditional outlets. 要想认为数字媒体同传统媒体拥有同等的影响力,他不得不就其吸引力做出巨大的假设。 www.ecocn.org 6. If not given this form of outlet, through transmutation , it will seek outlets through purely physical channels. 如果没有转化来赋予性渴望这种出路,性渴望会借由肉体的管道寻求宣泄。 dict.veduchina.com 7. By shading his radicalism and collaborating with mainstream outlets, Mr. Assange created a comfort zone for his partners in journalism. 阿桑奇搁置激进主义,与主流媒体合作的举动,为其新闻业的合作伙伴带来了一丝宽慰。 dongxi.net 8. Out of the finished product from network marketing in the outlets of the prints sent to customers. 成品出来后,由网络中营销网点迅速将印品送到客户手中。 www.bing.com 9. It has also linked the domestic and international terminals and modernized ticketing counters, shops and food outlets. 它也与国内和国际终端和现代化售票柜台,商店和餐饮店。 bbs.5i5i.cn 10. Turn off the TV or computer host, the intelligent outlets of this power strip are powered off. 开启电视机或电脑主机等,智能端口通电,所接入的外围设备恢复电力供应; dictsearch.appspot.com 1. We have to plan where we want our socket outlets and lighting long before any kitchen equipment can be installed. 在安装任何厨房设备的很久以前,我们就必须规划好我们电器插座和照明的位置。 www.nciku.cn 2. The company has few sales outlets in the country and only one Apple Store, a branch in Beijing. 苹果公司在中国仅有几家销售网点和一家苹果直销店,加上北京分公司。 dongxi.net 3. The pipelines and additional facilities behind the outlets shall be maintained and renewed by the users. 燃气计量表出口后的管道及其附属设施,由用户负责维护和更新。 www.zftrans.com 4. Nine new stores have been opened in the last six months, including new outlets in Singapore and Tokyo. 在过去六个月里,九家新店铺开张营业,包括新加坡和东京的经销店。 www.bing.com 5. The girl was brave enough, sods outlets, but as being outnumbered, she was finally knocked by the gang. 她很英勇,但终因寡不敌众,被那帮人打晕从前。 www.checkmovie.com.cn 6. So far the most impressive efforts in this direction have been made by TV news outlets. 目前,这个方向中最好的节目是由电视新闻的分台制作。 www.ecocn.org 7. The companies that are sponsoring power outlets in airports are another example of this kind of creativity. 赞助机场电源插座的公司就给这种创新提供了另一个很好的例子。 www.bing.com 8. All bookshops in British airports are faceless chains: mere "outlets" on the model of a factory or production line. 英国机场中的所有书店都是毫无特质的连锁店:只不过是工厂或流水线模式的“门面”罢了。 www.ebigear.com 9. Nevertheless, Mr Sarkozy could expect congratulation on his return to France, with some French media outlets already commending his tactics. 不管怎样,萨科奇可以期望回国后得到人们的恭贺,而一些法国媒体已经在赞扬他的战术。 www.ftchinese.com 10. outlets, with a correspondingly vast number of suppliers. 出口,藉由供应者的一个对应地巨大的数字。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. When the outlets are connected to a hydraulic motor, the tilting of the swashplate makes the motor shaft turn in both directions. 当出口与液压马达连接时,旋转斜盘的倾斜就可让马达轴向两个方向旋转。 www.yappr.cn 2. Many media outlets, including The Associated Press, previously had access to all or part of the uncensored tome. 包括美联社在内的很多媒体此前都可以利用所有或者部分没有经过编辑的文件。 www.bing.com 3. Within easy reach are upscale offices, countless shops and plenty of restaurants, lively nightlife and entertainment outlets. 从酒店可轻松前往众多高级办事处、数不尽的商店和众多餐馆、热闹的夜生活和娱乐场所。 www.orangeway.cn 4. More than anything else, techies view the contents news outlets painstakingly put together as an annoyance. 科技界人士把内容看作比任何东西都需要更多精力来整合的表现途径。 www.bing.com 5. Both Clients and Fast food outlets needs to be able to manage there accounts online, and have a user friendly system. 客户和快餐店需要能够有网上帐户管理,并具有用户友好的系统。 www.bing.com 6. Eating outlets are available near the test venue but may be crowded when candidates have their meal break. 在试点附近有食品专卖店,但是可能会在候选人的会餐时间拥挤。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Flagships are, as well, larger in retail size (bigger than its retailer's outlets and in mall stores) and the most volumes in merchandise. 一个旗舰店是比在它的工厂直销点或是在购物城里的店要大,有最多的商品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Regulators have insidiously suggested that investment firms take a harder line by suing media outlets that report on their opinions. 监管部门“不知不觉”地建议投资公司通过起诉报道其观点的传媒公司走上更为强硬的路线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Since a second influx during the Lebanese civil war, their interests have expanded beyond small trading outlets. 自从黎巴嫩内战期间第二批移民涌入,他们扩充的行业已超越了小型贸易商店。 www.ecocn.org 10. While other American news outlets were busily filing for bankruptcy and sacking people, it managed to expand its reporting team by one. 正值其他美国新闻机构忙于申请破产、裁退员工之时,它毅然宣告《纽约时报》的报道队伍又增添了一名新鲜成员。 www.bing.com 1. Young Orthodox women are also expected to conform to a rigorous code of conduct, with few outlets for rebellion. 年轻东正教女性也被要求遵守严格的行为准则,而很少有反叛的途径。 www.bing.com 2. As the year's worst heat wave washes over China, media outlets vie to break the hot news. 着今年最大的一波热浪袭卷中国,新闻媒体争相报道这一“热门”新闻。 www.voa365.com 3. Travel agency outlets shall be uniformly managed and shall not engage in other activities other then soliciting and consultation. 旅行社服务网点应当接受旅行社的统一管理,不得从事招徕、咨询以外的活动。 www.hbwy.com.cn 4. Kassim Bakari, the girl's father, told French news outlets that he had spoken to his daughter on the telephone. 女孩的父亲卡西姆·巴卡里告诉法国新闻界,他已与女儿通过电话。 www.bing.com 5. Plaza Singapura houses a mix of lifestyle stores, food and beverage outlets and a huge Cineplex. 狮城大厦集时尚店铺、美食和饮品店于一身,并拥有一个大型影院。 club.qingdaonews.com 6. The news that North Korea had built a sophisticated uranium enrichment plant was received with incredulity by Chinese media outlets. 中国媒体对于朝鲜建设一座先进的铀浓缩厂的新闻持怀疑态度。 www.bing.com 7. and the two bolt feeding grooves are respectively connected with two bolt discharge track outlets which are connected by a vibration plate. 所述两个螺钉进料槽分别与由震动盘连接的两个螺钉出料轨道出口相连。 ip.com 8. It also had to avoid channel conflict, the bypassing of its traditional sales outlets. 避免渠道冲突也是必要的,对传统销售网点要绕道走。 www.kb120.com 9. There are two banks and a post office on campus, as well as many different catering outlets and a launderette . 学校内有两间银行、一间邮局,许多商行和自助洗衣店。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Create electrical and telecommunication floor plans for design and construction including outlets, switches, and fixtures. 创建电气和电信平面布置图,对插座、开关和配件等进行设计和构建。 www.dictall.com 1. A previously unknown group calling itself the Deccan Mujahideen claimed responsibility for the attacks, in emails to local media outlets. 一个之前不知名的自称“德干圣战者”的组织向当地媒体发送电子邮件,声称对该起恐怖袭击负责。 www.bing.com 2. Electric cars will require more powerful recharging stations than the standard wall outlets used to juice up bikes. 与电动自行车用墙上标准电源插座充电相比,电动汽车需要更强大的充电站。 www.bing.com 3. S. Right. In the outlets of L. A. , Chinese tourists were in line to pay for the famous-brand products. 是啊,在洛杉矶的奥特莱斯,中国游客排队买名牌的情形还历历在目呢。 blog.163.com 4. It is so deep a need that it will find harmful outlets of this kind unless innocent outlets are at hand . 寻找刺激是如此深刻的需要以至于手边没有无害途径,它便会找到这类有害途径来发泄。 www.bing.com 5. "We are looking to increase the number of outlets to 175 by the end of this year, with a target of 250 by 2012, " the spokesman added. “我们正在寻求加盟店,到今年年底的时候将会增加到175家,到2012年的时候增加到250家”。 www.bing.com 6. State Council Information Office: regarding the trial on Yao Jaxin, [all media outlets] can only use Xinhua's report. 国新办:关于药家鑫案审理宣判的报道只使用新华社稿件,不再作跟进性报道,不再转发有关此案的稿件。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. One day, subscribers will have one device that updates daily with the most recent edition of their chosen news outlets, Peruvemba imagines. 皮鲁维博设想某一天订户将拥有每天随着它们自己选择的新闻渠道的最新版本自动更新的一种装置。 www.100yingyu.com 8. You plug your TV or computer into the Control Outlet (in blue) and peripheral devices like printers to the Automatically Switched outlets. 您插入控制插座(在您的电视或计算机蓝色),喜欢的自动开关插座打印机外设。 www.bugutang.com 9. That led to his story being picked up by major television news outlets. 这导致他的故事被主流电视媒体的新闻节目所播放。 www.bing.com 10. And the establishment of a nationwide, a number of sales outlets and subsidiaries. 并在全国范围里建立了多个销售网点及分公司。 www.tonke.cn 1. Some Taiwanese companies tried to operate all retail outlets themselves, or relied on national-level operators. 一些台湾企业试图自己经营在大陆的所有零售店,或者依靠全国性的经销商。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The academic circle and press are both concerned with its plights and outlets from the perspective of theory and practice. 无论是学理上还是实践中,对其困境与出路的思考一直都是学术界与业界关注的热点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Using Adventure Works for illustration, resellers buy products from Adventure Works Cycles and sell them in retail outlets. 使用AdventureWorks进行图解,分销商从AdventureWorksCycles购买产品,然后在零售站点进行销售。 technet.microsoft.com 4. The intensity of today's media coverage has been greatly magnified by the sheer number and types of media outlets that are available today. 当今媒体报道的力度,由于当今时代所能获得的媒体渠道那前所未有的数量和种类,从而被极大地增强。 www.tingclass.com 5. In making prospective market share studies, both present outlets and potential markets should be taken into consideration. 在进行预期的市场份额研究时,目前的销路和潜在市场都要考虑。 www.xkdwyx.com 6. Fast food outlets should reduce the energy density of their menus as well as their portion sizes, the scientists said. 科学家们指出,快餐店不仅要降低食品的能量密度,而且要缩小食品的体积。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Project control: At the storage area to construct the awning, and seal off the water outlets of dam. 工程控制:在储存区域上建造雨棚,将所有围堰的出水口封堵住。 www.showxiu.com 8. Liquid cylinders designed to dispense gaseous oxygen have valves equipped with standard Compressed Gas Association (CGA) outlets. 设计用来输出气态氧的液体钢瓶上装有配有标准的压缩气体协会排气口的阀门。 dict.ebigear.com 9. The CU sends electricity to the outlets in the home and data signals to a communication module or "service unit" . CU在家寄发电到出口和数据信号到通信模块或“服务单位”。 blog.tianya.cn 10. By contrast, Indian companies with an interest in the food business face big distribution hurdles and have fewer nationwide outlets. 相比之下,那些有兴趣发展食品业务的印度企业在其国内面临着巨大的分销障碍,他们的国内门店数量也较少。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The couple have a booth on campus and plan to open further outlets in Hyderabad and other Indian cities in the next five years. 这对夫妻搭档已经在校园里拥有了一间店铺,并计划在未来5年在海德拉巴和印度其它城市开设更多零售店铺。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Credit Sesame collected its data from a range of sources, including real-estate websites, brokerages, news outlets and elsewhere. CreditSesame从多种来源搜集数据,包括房地产网站、地产经纪商、新闻媒体以及其它渠道。 cn.wsj.com 3. By the year 2005 has been developed to as many as 100 outlets Zhigong Monopoly, around the network across the province. 到2005年己经发展到上百家直供专卖网点,网络遍布全省各地。 www.tonke.cn 4. So far the Chinese government has played up its response to the incident, and state-run media outlets have provided detailed coverage. 目前中国政府已表示了对此事件的回应,国家媒体也提供了回应的细节。 www.bing.com 5. Unusually for China, several national media outlets reported the press-conference allegations, which also caused a sensation online. 数家全国媒体都对这次举报的新闻发布会进行了报道,这在中国很少见。新闻发布会也在网上引起了轩然大波。 cn.wsj.com 6. in the laser printer to print a test color outlets to ensure that you will not have additional fit or you do not want a spot color. 在激光打印机上打印尝试分色档以包管你不会有特别的分色版或不想要的专色。 www.bing.com 7. For example, an air quality-conscious homeowner in Los Angeles installed outlets for his electric lawn mower, leaf blower and edger. 例如,空气质量,自觉在洛杉矶为他的房主安装电动割草机,叶风机,磨边机发售。 www.cfli.cn 8. Almost any instinct is capable of many different forms according to the nature of the outlets which it finds. 几乎任何一种本能,都可以因为它所找到出路的性质不同而具有多种不同的形式。 www.bing.com 9. Matsushita Electric in various parts of the world has many sales outlets and production base. 松下电器在世界各地拥有众多的销售网点及生产基地。 www.tonke.cn 10. "Like most television, radio and print outlets, we accept advertising from credible political candidates, " she continued. 就像大多数电视台、广播电台和平面媒体那样,我们也接受来自可靠的政治候选人的广告。 www.bing.com 1. Major media outlets love to describe the president as "no drama Obama, " but The Obama Diaries tells a different tale. 主流媒体喜欢把现任美国总统描绘成一个“波澜不惊的奥巴马”,但在《奥巴马日记》中,你会读到全然不同的故事。 www.bing.com 2. This paper introduces the actuality of china machining trade, the main problems at present, and discusses the developing outlets. 文章介绍了我国加工贸易的现状、目前存在的主要问题,并对其发展出路进行了探讨。 lib.cqvip.com 3. The upper supply and bottom exhaust air distribution is formed in painting polluting area with local plenum chamber and slot outlets . 利用局部静压箱和条缝型百叶排风口在污染控制区形成上送风下排风的气流组织形式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. However, to make the business card printing product takes on a more color, which rely on the coloring in the outlets. 但是,要使制卡品表现不入更多的颜色,这不离凭借网点呈色了。 www.bing.com 5. Effectively increase dealers, terminal outlets and improving terminal sales ability, is the key to promote sales performance. 有效地增加经销商、终端网点,提高终端的销售能力,是提升销售业绩的关键。 www.tjwktr.com 6. McDonald's outlets in the establishment of the headquarters staff by location, unity within and outside decorating shop. 分店的建立由麦当劳总部派员选址、统一店内外装潢。 post.baidu.com 7. They want first- class bars , they want varieties of food and beverage outlets, they want all the amenities of first-class resort . 他们需要一流的酒吧,他们需要各式各样的食品和饮料供应点,他们需要一流的、齐全的休闲设施。 www.bing.com 8. Frequently tastes Bakery and Pastry products in all Outlets and is demanding and critical in standards and quality. 频繁地品尝面包房和西点房在所有餐厅的产品,且严格苛求地达到标准质量。 www.cqjob.com 9. All of its external outlets having been cut off, it con verges into the citta without a way to flow out. 它的一切外在出口已都给切断,它于是就聚集在心中,无路可以流出。 bbs.fjnet.com 10. At present, the Baiyun Airport in the sales outlets have been very familiar with the new ticket prices and new data entry. 目前,白云机场售票处的销售人员,均已在熟悉新的机票价格和录入新的数据。 www.5955555.net 1. Most big media outlets have murky ownership, leaving their journalists vulnerable to outside pressure and influence-peddling. 大部分媒体巨头都归黑暗势力所有,他们的记者十分脆弱,不堪外界压力的重负,还要面对招权纳贿。 www.ecocn.org 2. II. Urgently laying out service outlets to ensure the disaster-stricken people obtain bank services around their resettlement places. 紧急布设服务网点,确保受灾群众在安置点就近获得银行服务。 eng.chinalawinfo.com 3. Responsibility for the blasts was claimed by a Muslim militant group in ane-mail sent to Indian media outlets. 穆斯林武装组织在给印度媒体的一封电子邮件中声称对爆炸事件负责。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Electric car recharging stations will be important in a country where so few people have garages with electric outlets . 如果一个国家很少有人拥有带充电插座的车库,电力汽车充电站就相当重要。 www.bing.com 5. We make sure that we have selected the appropriate retail outlets to associate our cosmetics to target the correct demographics. 我们确保选择更为合适的零售商将产品递送到精确的客户人群。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 6. Clear, while guaranteeing the imprinted in the outlets of the premise of deformation small applied in hard Pack as much as possible. 在保证痕迹澄辉、网点变形小的条件下只管即便采取洋不不软包衬。 www.bing.com 7. It's also a sign of the borderless online whistleblower's increasing estrangement from traditional media outlets. 这次泄密也是广大网络告密者和传统媒体进一步失和的标志。 www.bing.com 8. Prominent Americans with good lawyers may gain some relief, but for news outlets in poor countries it is likely to make little difference. 有好律师的出色的美国人能松一口气了,但对穷国的新闻媒体来说,可能没多大差别。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. The mourning literature is one of the lush branches of the Chinese Classical literature. It is one of the outlets of human feelings. 哀祭文学作为中国古典文学的一个枝繁叶茂的支流,从内容上讲,是人们宣泻悲情的突破口之一。 lib.cqvip.com 10. All power outlets shall be located at a safe distance from sinks, water taps and emergency shower. 所有电源、电器离水槽、紧急冲洗装置等有一定的安全距离。 www.escince.com 1. Connecting stage. Inlets and outlets can be moved. Inlet and outlet quantities can be specified. 连接阶段。可移动输入口和输出口。可指定输入口和输出口数量。 www.dictall.com 2. The Distributor will not seek customers for the PRODUCTS nor set up subsidiaries, branches or sales outlets the TERRITORY. 代理经销商不能在经销领域以外地区寻找客户,设立分支机构或销售网点。 mytrans.blog.hexun.com 3. Intensive distribution consists of the manufacturer placing the goods or services in as many outlets as possible. 密集型分销指生产商同时选择尽可能多的中间商销售自己的产品或服务。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Meanwhile, the surge in the number of photos and videos from nonprofessionals gives news outlets more eyes on news. 同时,来自非专业人士的图片和视频数量激增,使得大型新闻机构有了更多的新闻报道线索。 dongxi.net 5. All electrical wall outlets, hand tools, extension cords, etc. , should be provided with proper grounds. 所有的墙壁电插座,手工具和延长接线等,都应当安装接地线。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. This concept runs counter to traditional media outlets where stories are chosen by a small handful of editors. 这个概念和由少数编辑选择故事的传统媒体(例如Slashdot——精博注)背道而驰。 gerwen209.blog.163.com 7. From car dealerships to Gap outlets , sales have been lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending. 由于购物者节约他们的支出,从汽车代理商到Gap名牌零售折扣店,数月以来销售一直滞缓。 www.hjenglish.com 8. In the problems of the optimal planning on discharge outlets, the classic methods don't own flexibility and reliability. 在“排放口最优化处理问题”中,经典的求解方法影响水质规划的灵活性和可靠性。 www.13191.com 9. Number of business outlets for the year 2004 and average population served by each bureau is postal statistics. 2004年后营业网点数及每一局所平均服务人口数均为邮政数。 bbs.jjxj.org 10. The finished unit is sold through retail outlets and through the Acorn website as a flat-pack. 完成单位是在零售店里销售,并通过网站橡子作为一个扁平封装。 512121.com 1. IT IS America's second-biggest civilian employer. It has more outlets than McDonald's, Wal-Mart and Starbucks combined. 美国邮政总局是美国第二大的平民雇主,它的营销点多余麦当劳,沃尔玛,和合并后的花花公子。 www.ecocn.org 2. China's textile and garment industry has developed around the region over 20 sales outlets, with 13 professional conduct e-commerce site. 拥有遍布我国纺织服装业发达地区的20多个销售网点,拥有13个专业网站开展电子商务。 www.tonke.cn 3. All gutter sections should be attached to downspouts via drop outlets, and should have end caps and corner pieces. 一切水沟局部应附落水管送达体例出售,并应具备端盖和角件。 www.52qq.org 4. Find outlets for your stress that help you recover instead of intensifying the frustration. 为你的压力找个出口会有助于减压而不会加剧沮丧情绪。 www.kekenet.com 5. Burma's ruling military junta keeps a close watch on all media outlets to snuff out any criticism of its rule. 缅甸军政府密切注意所有媒体,以封杀对军政府统治的任何批评。 www.51voa.com 6. They used chiefly to pitch story ideas to media outlets and try to get their clients mentioned in newspapers. 公关公司过去主要是将构思想法投向各个媒体,试图使他们的客户出现在报纸上。 www.ecocn.org 7. Pop-up restaurants are a similar phenomenon: temporary outlets done on a shoestring on a short-term licence. 游击餐厅的现象很相似:用短期的执照和极少量的投资就能开一个临时摊档。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Below we have highlighted some of the more popular shopping outlets and shops unique to Tucson. 下面我们提供一些更流行购物店和图森有特色唯一的商店。 usachinesenews.com 9. However, the airline is moving some advertising and marketing dollars from traditional outlets to social media channels. 维珍现正把部分用于传统网点的广告和市场推广的预算转移到社会媒体上。 www.bing.com 10. Meanwhile, Chinese state media outlets gave prominence to the North's contention that the South fired first. 与此同时,中国官方媒体侧重报道朝鲜的观点,后者认为是韩国先开火。 c.wsj.com 1. The McDonald's Corporation said last month that it expects half of its new outlets in China to be drive-throughs. 麦当劳公司上个月称,它预期在中国一半的新增售量会是“免下车”服务。 fdjnd.blog.sohu.com 2. Responsible for serving beverages in beverage outlets efficiently and in a most courteous manner. 负责酒水部的服务工作,要保持高效、礼貌的工作态度。 jobs.zhaopin.com 3. The company made use of the shadow economy to get the beer delivered to the outlets. 并利用“影子经济”把啤酒运送到各个经销店。 www.ecocn.org 4. Unlike other outlets, we provide a high security anonymous drop box fortified by cutting-edge cryptographic information technologies. 和其他媒体不同的是,我们提供一个高度安全的匿名泄密箱,这些信息箱绑定了尖端的加密信息技术。 www.bing.com 5. Often these films are created to be released direct-to-video at the same time as the mainstream film reaches theaters or video outlets. 通常,此类影片会以电视电影的形式在主流大片上映的同时公开发布。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. All electrical wall outlets, hand tools, extension cords, etc. , should quite possibly be provided with proper grounds. 所有的墙壁电插座,手工具和延伸接线等,都应该安设接地线。 www.hx41.com 7. The exhibit is just one of several outlets for those who are haunted by ghost of relationships past. 对那些深受过去恋情困扰的人来说,这项展览只是几个发泄口之一。 www.bing.com 8. Besides to fixed outlets, activity outlet can satisfy the needs of new business and device dilatancy of shelter. 除提供固定出纤口外,还设有活动出纤口,可满足机房设备扩容或新增业务的需要。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Offline promotions can send customers to one network more effectively than multiple outlets. 在为网站赢得客户方面,网外促销比多渠道的分销更有效果。 www.bing.com 10. and removing the unvaporized feedstock through a second outlets. 以及经由第二出口排出未蒸发的进料。 ip.com |
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