单词 | overeat |
释义 | overeating是overeat的现在分词
过去式:overate 过去分词:overeaten 第三人称单数:overeats 现在分词:overeating v. overindulge,overdose,gorge,stuff yourself,binge 例句释义: 吃得过多,暴饮暴食,过度饱食,过食 1. He said his study was a small piece amid a growing body of literature "regarding the neural consequences of overeating" . 他说他的研究只是身体成长艺术的九牛一毛“关于饮食过量对神经系统的影响”。 www.bing.com 2. Overeating is often about portion sizes. The main message conveyed here is to simply be more aware of the portion sizes of each food group. 过量进食往往与食物的份量大小有关。餐盘图像传达的主要信息是只简单地关注各组食物的份量。 www.bing.com 3. Half of the children said they had a habit of overeating or bingeing, which refers to overeating with a feeling of being out of control. 一半儿童承认他们有进食过多或贪食的习惯,即过度饮食缺乏控制。 news.dxy.cn 4. As in other rich countries, children find it too easy to sit indoors, staring at screens and overeating. 与在其他的富裕国家中一样,英国孩子也是喜欢窝在家中,盯着电视屏幕,过度饱食。 club.topsage.com 5. Just a regular diet, not overeating, Eat spicy food can, over muscle fullness, seizures are the incentive. 只需注意饮食有规律,不要暴饮暴食,少食辛辣食物即可,过肌过饱都是癫痫发作的诱因。 www.106jsw.com 6. If you think you may have an overeating problem, talk to a parent or doctor. 如果你认为自己有过度饱食的问题,可以和父母或者医生谈谈。 www.bing.com 7. Because its taste sweet, people can easily overeating, one of the sugar will turn into fat and accumulation in the body. 由于其味道甜美,人们就很容易吃得过多,其中的糖就会转化为脂肪而堆积在体内。 www.fs500.com 8. In rats, at least, too much fatty food raises the threshold for feelings of satisfaction, sparking a cycle of compulsive overeating. 至少在实验鼠中如此,脂肪含量太高的食品提高了快感域值,从而引发强迫性进食行为。 www.dxy.cn 9. Physically, it was worrying. Extra calories and implications on weight aside, overeating was clearly detrimental for the body. 我们自然要担心生理上的影响。除了多余的卡路里摄入和对体重的影响外,过度饱食无疑伤害着我们的身体。 www.bing.com 10. And being less hungry while you're trying to lose weight can prevent overeating. 在你减肥的时候能少些饥饿感可以防止过度进食。 news.dxy.cn 1. Anticipating scarcity by overeating in times of plenty would be no bad thing if times of scarcity were a real risk. 如果匮乏之时是个真正风险,那么在富余之时吃多一点作为应对匮乏的准备,无可厚非。 www.ecocn.org 2. Every hour spent outside with your family is an hour when you're not overeating, overspending, or obsessing over blog analytics. 与家人在户外度过的每一小时都可能会是你曾用来暴饮暴食、铺张浪费,或者是沉迷于博客网站。 www.bing.com 3. Environmental cures might be a cause for this kind of overeating. 环境因素可能导致这种过度进食的行为。 www.bing.com 4. However, skipping meals during the day and then overeating at the evening meal results in harmful metabolic changes in the body. 然而,白天不吃饭然后晚餐吃过量会导致有害的代谢在体内的变化。 www.putclub.com 5. Well, that could be an upset stomach from overeating. Allergic to any drugs? 这样的话,可能是吃得太多而引起的胃痛。你对什么药过敏吗? pdf.sznews.com 6. Bodies that expected food to be plentiful, by contrast, should ration themselves to avoid the consequences of chronic overeating. 相形之下,可以预料食物会充裕的群体,应该对他们自身实行限制供应,以避免习惯性的多吃。 bbs.ecocn.org 7. 'If new medicines can be designed that limit neuron injury during overeating, they may be effective in combating the obesity epidemic. ' 如果能研发一种应对在暴饮暴食的情况下阻止神经元免受伤害的药物,那么它将有利于避免肥胖的出现。 www.hxen.com 8. They generally use overworking, overeating , or other addictions as a way to numb their unresolved painful feelings. 他们通常会以过度工作、饮食或其他耽溺行为,来麻醉未解决的痛苦感觉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Overeating is the addiction choice of carers, and that's why it's come to be regarded as the lowest-ranking of all the addictions. 选择暴饮暴食的人是那些想照顾其他人的人.也就是这个原因,它被列为所有上瘾行为中排名最低的。 www.bing.com 10. We all have the best of intentions, but sometimes we fall into hunger-induced overeating traps without even knowing it. 我们都有最好的打算,但是有时侯饥饿会导致我们在没有意识到的情况下吃得过多。 www.bing.com 1. Brain chemistry research also suggests that gambling and overeating can be addictive behaviors, analogous to narcotics addictions. 脑化学研究也表明,赌博和暴食跟吸食毒品类似,也属于上瘾行为。 www.bing.com 2. A diet counselor once told me that all overweight people are angry with their mothers and channel their frustrations into overeating. 曾经有减肥顾问告诉我,所有过胖的人都是因为对他们的母亲感到愤怒,以至把挫折感发泄在过量的饮食上。 hi.baidu.com 3. Fewer than 1 200 calories a day may not be enough to keep you from feeling hungry all of the time which increases your risk of overeating. 每天摄入低于1200卡路里的热量不足以使你远离持续的饥饿感——持续感会增加暴饮暴食的风险。 www.bing.com 4. Buy small packages of food Bonus-size boxes of cookies, crackers, pretzels and potato chips may be a deal, but they encourage overeating. 买小包装的食物大包装的曲奇,饼干,椒盐脆饼或是薯条确实划算,但是这样也会无意中使你多吃。 www.microcard2u.com 5. Overeating by the young may even damage the health of the next generation. 报道说,在年轻时经常吃撑,危害甚至会影响两代人的健康。 www.china.org.cn 6. Davis had gained weight when she started overeating after the death of her father and was bullied at school. 乔治亚在经受父亲去世的打击和学校同学的欺侮后,开始暴饮暴食,因此体重不断增加。 www.china.org.cn 7. Is that the point where higher-order areas of the brain ignore the hormones' signals and nudge a person into overeating or undereating? 是不是更高级的大脑区域会忽略这些激素信号,从而导致贪食或厌食呢? www.bing.com 8. When the body develops a resistance to these messengers, people become more prone to overeating and weight gain. 当人体对这些激素具备了免预力人们也就越来越容易吃撑,从而体重增加。 www.bing.com 9. Psychologists have tried to figure out why overeating is such an appealing, though ineffectual, way to deal with stress. 心理学家已通过研究表明,暴饮暴食尽管十分吸引人,但就排压而言,几乎没有什么作用。 www.elanso.com 10. In fact, 90% of your overeating could probably have been avoided if you ate a little before you got hungry. 实际上,如果在你觉得饿之前吃一点东西的话,90%的饮食过量就可以被避免。 www.elanso.com 1. Here's why yesterday doesn't matter: one day of overeating makes almost no difference over the long term. 为什么昨天无关紧要呢?在漫长的岁月里,一天吃得过多几乎没有差异。 www.bing.com 2. That puts your body in prime fat-storage mode and increases your odds of overeating at the next meal. 这使得你的身体处于一种脂肪储存模式,并且增加了下一餐暴饮暴食的概率。 www.bing.com 3. Symptoms include sleep difficulties, a sense of hopelessness, overeating, irritability and loss of sexual desire. 症状包括入睡困难,绝望,暴饮暴食,易怒,缺乏性趣。 www.bing.com 4. Practice stress management techniques since stress promotes overeating and obesity by enhancing food reward processing. 练习压力管理技巧,防止为寻求更强大的食物奖赏效应而在高压下进食过量; blog.sina.com.cn 5. Drink little or no alcohol on board the plane. Drink plenty of still mineral water and avoid overeating . 在飞机上少喝酒或不喝酒。饮用足够的无气矿泉水并避免暴食。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Osteoporosis. Regular overeating decalcifies bones and increases the risk of Osteoporosis (brittle bone disease). 长期饱食易使骨骼过分脱钙,患骨质疏松的概率会大大提高。 www.china.org.cn 7. Disease is usually caused by overeating. 疾病常常是由于饮食过量而引起的。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Indeed, the new study concluded that the hormonal shifts were likely a consequence of overeating, rather than a cause. 确实如此,新研究的结论是激素的转变更像是吃的过饱的结果,而不是使其产生的原因。 www.bing.com 9. Russia's chief medical officer on Wednesday urged people to abstain from overeating and drinking too much during the New Year holidays. 俄罗斯首席医疗长官在星期三敦促人们在新年的假日期间摈弃暴饮暴食的做法。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. If overeating is not in itself a disease, it certainly has health consequences. 即便吃的过多本身不是一种病,它肯定也会带来其他健康问题。 www.bing.com 1. Although you may think you're saving calories for later, not having a healthy breakfast may lead to overeating later in the day. 尽管你可能会认为你是为晚上节省卡路里,但是不吃健康的早餐可能会导致后来吃得过多。 www.bing.com 2. Earlier, we mentioned that eating with a group of people sometimes stimulates overeating. 稍早,我们曾提到和一群人聚餐有时会刺激你吃得过多。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 3. Therefore, eat a wholesome breakfast and lunch to avoid overeating at the party. 因此,要吃好早餐和午餐,以免在派对上吃得过多。 edu.5151doc.com 4. And the negative impact of short-term overeating could last for years, not to mention adding unsightly fat. 哪怕是短期暴饮暴食,不仅体重会上升,对全身的伤害也会持续多年。 www.china.org.cn 5. Avoid satiation overeating, eating too full, will increase the incidence degree hemorrhoids. 忌饱食暴饮暴食、进食过饱,会加大痔疮的发病程度。 www.xiami360.com 6. Drinking enough water can help boost your concentration as well as keep you from overeating. 喝足够多的水,帮助你集中注意力,防止你过渡饮食。 www.bing.com 7. skipping meals can lead to out - of - control hunger , often resulting in overeating. 不吃正餐可会引致无法控制的饥饿,继而导致过量进食。 www.ichacha.net 8. Binge eating, also called compulsive overeating, is different from simply overeating. 暴食,也就是不可控制的过度饱食,它不同于一般的过度饱食。 www.bing.com 9. We walked right past the first opportunity for overeating, the Dairy Building, where the world's finest strawberry melts are served. 我们刚好遇到大吃一顿的第一个机会,乳品大楼。这里有世界上最好的草莓麦芽。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Eating too cold, hot, excellent food, Baoyin, overeating, drinking alcohol, tea, espresso, etc. , leading to gastric inflammation. 进食过冷、过热、过硬的食物,暴饮、暴食、饮用烈酒、浓茶、浓咖啡等,导致胃粘膜炎性病变。 www.youboy.com 1. Lack of sleep may disrupt natural hormonal balances, triggering overeating. 睡眠缺乏会打乱自身的激素平衡,促使饮食过量。 www.soudoc.com 2. You just keep on keeping on with the temper, the drinking problems, drugs, stress, overeating, and whatever else you do. 你继续经受磨练,饮酒问题,毒品,压力,暴饮暴食,和其它的一些你所做的事。 www.elanso.com 3. In any event, it is the brain, not the hormones, that influence the overeating or under-eating decisions. 但是无论如何,是大脑影响着贪食或厌食的决定,而不是激素的原因。 www.bing.com 4. According to the professional dieticians who conducted this particular study, this type of training contributes to overeating and obesity. 根据饮食专家的报告,这种习惯会导致饮食过度和肥胖。 www.bing.com 5. Weight problems often run in families, or you may be overeating to comfort yourself when you are sad, stressed or lonely. 这些问题通常产生于家庭,或是在伤心,感到压力或孤独的时候,你可能通过过量进食以舒缓自己。 www.bing.com 6. When warned about the dangers of overeating, we get briefly spooked and try to do better. 当我们被警告说吃得太多的时候,一时总会被吓倒并努力做好一些。 www.bing.com 7. The health problems associated with fatness may not be caused by it but be another consequence, another symptom, of overeating. 与肥胖有关的健康问题或许并不是肥胖本身引起的,而是暴饮暴食的又一个后果,又一个症状。 www.ecocn.org 8. Stress, because it causes the body to release hormones that, over time, can stimulate appetite and cause overeating. 压力。因为压力能导致机体过度释放激素,激发食欲,导致暴饮暴食。 www.bing.com 9. The relative balance of overeating to lack of exercise is a matter of debate, however. 然而过量饮食和缺乏锻炼哪个更罪孽深重是一个值得辩论的问题。 www.bing.com 10. No Clean Plate Club: Eating communally with family style plates encourages less overeating. 不采用分餐制:大家用家庭式的盘子吃饭时让人不容易多吃。 blog.163.com 1. It also requires thorough chewing before swallowing to avoid overeating. 它还要求再吞下食物以前完全的咀嚼,避免吃得过多。 www.elanso.com 2. Can people get fat -- and risk debilitating diabetes -- without overeating? 没有过度饮食能变肥胖或有患糖尿病的风险吗? news.dxy.cn 3. You can help prevent overeating and maintain blood sugared healthy and practice portion control. 你自己可以帮忙阻止过度饱食,维持血糖健康和进行分量控制。 www.suiniyi.com 4. No matter where the calories come from, overeating will still cause weight gain. 不论卡路里来自何处,过量饮食也会增加体重。 english.gongwu.com.cn 5. believe that overweight results from overeating and stress. 很多人认为肥胖超重是因为吃得过多和压力造成的。 www.ebigear.com 6. Cancer. Japanese scientists have found that overeating can switch off a gene that combats cancer. 日本科学家指出,吃得太饱会抑制细胞抗癌因子,增加患癌几率。 www.china.org.cn 7. The knowledge and power derived from Yoga also makes us aware of problems like obesity which may prevent the individual from overeating. 从瑜伽的来的知识和能力也可以提醒我们对个体暴饮暴食所产生的肥胖问题的警惕 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Distraction is the final and lingering step that those in denial take. Work, play, overeating, overexercising, or getting drunk or dopey. 心烦意乱,转移注意力是有些人对此事采取了否定态度之后持续时间最长的阶段,也是最后一个阶段。 club.china.com 9. Symptoms include "feelings of guilt, shame or disgust after overeating" . 其症状包括“暴食后自感内疚、羞耻或厌恶。” www.bing.com 10. Rub your belly after every meal. Most of us do this instinctively, especially after overeating. 每餐后按摩你的腹部。 www.bing.com 1. This strategy prevents overeating, since you're never ravenously hungry. 少吃多餐可以防止吃太多,因你还没有饿到肚皮贴背。 www.bing.com 2. But recent findings have suggested that exercise can actually help to slow overeating. 但如今却有研究显示,事实上训练将减缓消化。 www.bing.com 3. Aerobics also help you relax. And since stress is a common cause of overeating, relieving it is a step in the right direction. 有氧运动还可以帮你放松身心。因为压力也是暴饮暴食的一个常见的原因,所以减轻压力是减重正确的一步。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 4. The reason: Diet drinks often lead to overeating as people "spend" the calories they just saved on a second slice of pizza or a cookie. 原因:饮食饮料往往导致饮食过量的人“花”的,他们只是在一个比萨饼或第二块饼干保存热量。 www.zhong-yao.net 5. However, at noon to eat does not mean necessarily overeating, general can eat Ba Jiufen eat. 不过,中午吃饭并不意味着一定暴饮暴食,巴一般可以吃九分吃。 www.qiyeku.com 6. Tom's overweight resulting from overeating and stress brings much inconvenience to him. 汤姆因吃得多,压力大而造成的肥胖超重给他带来了诸多不便。 www.kekenet.com 7. Excess weight gained from emotional overeating has its place on the Language Monitor's list. 情绪性暴食所致体重超标在“语言监测器的清单”上占有一席之地。 www.bing.com 8. Shunning doctors, he feels as strong as an ox, although he has been drinking and overeating for years. 他从来不看医生,自以为体壮如牛,尽管过了多年的酗酒和暴饮暴食的生活。 www.ecocn.org 9. When we were not overeating at fine restaurants with bank customers, then were grabbing quick meals of "empty-calorie" foods. 当不用与银行客户在高级餐厅暴饮暴食时,便会以「没有卡路里」的快餐式食物糊口了事。 blog.jrj.com.cn 10. Similarly, someone who recovers from an overeating disorder does not stop eating entirely but learns how to manage diet. 类似地,一个从暴食性紊乱中恢复的人不会完全停止进食,而是学习如何管理饮食。 blog.163.com 1. A new study suggests that getting a good night's sleep can prevent overeating and help curb obesity. 一项新的研究表明,良好的睡眠能防止暴食,并且有助于抑制肥胖。 www.tingclass.net 2. We know too much stress can cause major health drama, including heart disease, depression, headaches, overeating, and loss of sex drive. 压力过度会导致常见的健康问题,包括心脏病,抑郁,头疼,饮食过量和性能力丧失。 www.bing.com 3. Snacking on healthy foods every few hours helps you avoid hunger and the associated overeating. 每隔几小时吃一些健康零食有助于避免饥饿及暴饮暴食。 www.bing.com 4. Overeating and drinking also leaves many with excess winter weight to worry about. 暴饮暴食还引发很多人对冬季体重飙升的担忧。 www.bing.com 5. Hence, abused children may turn to overeating, which causes obesity. 因此,受虐待的孩子会求诸于过分进食导致发胖。 www.bing.com 6. With overeating and inactivity, it's no wonder why many travelers end up gaining weight. 因为暴饮暴食以及缺乏运动,许多旅行者的体重在旅行结束时都增加了。 www.bing.com 7. Well as overeating binge eating, eating pungent, greasy foods, some strong pungent odor, etc. , can induce seizures. 还有如饮食暴食暴饮,食用刺激性、油腻性食物,一些强烈刺激气味等,都可以诱发癫痫发作。 www.bing.com 8. When I was not overeating at fine restaurants with bank customers, I was grabbing quick meals of "empty-calorie" foods. 当我不用与银行客户在高级餐厅暴饮暴食时,我便会以「没有卡路里」的快餐式食物糊口了事。 www.chinesetodays.org 9. Walking around, and doing other things when you eat is a major cause of mindless overeating. 一边走动一边吃饭,或在吃饭时做着其它事情,是让我们不经意间过量饮食的主要原因。 www.elanso.com 10. Too much activity of this gene can lead to putting on weight by overeating. 这个基因的过度活跃有可能通过过量进食导致体重增加。 www.bing.com 1. A great time to eat them is when you're hungry before dinner, so you can satisfy your hunger pangs and avoid overeating during dinner. 吃的最佳的时间是当你在正餐前饿了,那样的话你可以降低你饥饿的痛苦,同时可以避免在正餐时吃的过多。 www.bing.com 2. Overeating and other bad eating habits is another important factor leading to indigestion. 暴饮暴食等不良的饮食习惯是导致消化不良的又一重要因素。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Obese people find it difficult to stop overeating. 胖人觉得一吃就过量,难以控制。 www.kekenet.com 4. Don't eat too much sweets and processed foods. Avoid overeating. 不要吃过多的甜食和加工食品,避免过饱。 www.medlive.cn 5. The primary causes of obesity are lack of exercise and overeating. 肥胖病的主要原因是缺乏锻炼和饮食过量。 terms.shengwuquan.com 6. Too much MSG can actually lead to overeating and obesity, as well as headaches, fatigue, eye damage and more. 而且进食过量的味精会导致肥胖、头痛、疲劳、眼睛受损等疾病。 lifenutritionusa.com 7. During lean times, people in relatively wealthy countries drink and smoke less and stop overeating. 在经济困难时期,生活在相对富裕国家的人们抽烟和饮酒都减少了,并且停止了过度饮食。 www.bing.com 8. Cai believes his team has discovered a master switch for the diseases caused by overeating . 蔡认为他的团队已经发现了过食导致疾病的关键因素。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. But overeating can lead to liver damage, muscle spasms and problems with the nervous system. 但是过度食用就会导致肝损伤,肌肉痉挛和神经系统问题。 www.hxen.com 10. Indigestion is induced by overeating. 吃得过多会导致消化不良。 dict.hjenglish.com 1. Its 'good' fatty acids trigger a protein that tells your body it's full, to prevent you from overeating. 这是一种很好的油酸,能够激活蛋白质告诉身体饱了,防止你饮食过量。 www.bing.com 2. A problem for many overweight people, he says, is that the closest they ever come to experiencing this feeling is through overeating . 他表示,许多过重者的问题在于他们最能体验这种解放感觉的方法是藉由暴饮暴食。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Make overeating painful and exercising pleasurable --- and you will be irresistibly drawn to do the right things. 使吃得过饱变得痛苦,锻炼身体变得愉快——这样你肯定会被牵引到正确的事情上。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Experts note that low self-esteem is a major cause of overeating. 专家发现缺乏自尊是造成暴饮暴食的一个主要原因。 bbs.hlgnet.com 5. Regular meals avoid the irritability and overeating that can come from skipping meals. 规律饮食可避免出现由于隔餐饮食出现的暴饮暴食。 www.biodic.cn 6. The research could open doors to better understanding destructive behaviors such as overeating, drinking, and smoking. 这项研究能够为研究人员打开一个窗口,使他们更好地了解过量饮食、喝酒和吸烟之类的有害行为。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 7. If you scarf down your meals, you are probably overeating because of it. 如果你狼吞虎咽,很有可能吃撑。 www.bing.com 8. To become ill from overeating. Used of livestock. 因过食而得病。用于家畜 zhidao.baidu.com 9. One effect of overeating may be obesity. 吃得过多能导致痴肥。 www.hxen.com 10. Overeating has become a serious social problem in the US, with over 300, 000. Americans eating themselves to death every year. 在美国,暴饮暴食已成为一个非常严重的社会问题,每年有超过30万的美国人死于暴食。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Here are some negative habits to eliminate: gambling, drug and alcohol abuse, overeating, procrastination, shyness, etc. 这里也有一些需消除的消极习惯:赌博,吸毒以及醺酒,过度饱食,拖拉,胆怯等等。 bbs.24en.com 2. Many people, especially women, deal with stress by overeating. 许多人,尤其是女性,以暴饮暴食来排解压力。 www.elanso.com 3. overeating and dieting are both very harmful to our stomach and heath. 吃得过多和节食都非常有害于我们的胃和健康。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. That's why overeating has been likened to drug addiction. 这就是为什么有人把过量饮食比作吸毒。 www.bing.com 5. But you can't solve the problem of overeating by stopping eating. 但是你不能通过绝食来解决暴食的问题。 www.bing.com 6. And they have strategies to keep from overeating, little things that nudge them away from the table at the right time. 他们有办法避免饮食过量,几乎没有什么能把他们推向餐桌。 www.ted.com 7. (Overeating will do the opposite and drag you down! ) Moderation is key! (吃得过度会得到相反效果并让你精力下降),关键是适度。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Studies link smaller plates and bowls with weight loss because it helps prevent overeating. 研究显示使用小尺寸的餐盘和碗有助于减肥,因为它可以帮助防止过量饮食。 www.bing.com 9. For millions of people, this habit is overeating. 有数百万人的不可控习惯则是吃的过多。 www.bing.com 10. Many people believe that subaloneytcontra -ingly more than weight results from overeating and stress. 很多人以为瘦削超重是由于吃得过多和压力变成的。 www.yixihei.org 1. But soon, hunger and food boredom lead to overeating . 然而,饥饿和厌食很快的导致了他们过度饱食。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. You will have a 70% chance of overeating throughout your day if you skip breakfast. 如果你跳过早餐的话,你整天就有70%的机会多吃了。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. He is sick from overeating. 他因暴饮暴食而呕吐。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The answer is that 90% of severe obesity is a result of overeating. 答案是大概有九成的重度肥胖者都是暴饮暴食的结果。 www.bing.com 5. Why should we pick up the tab when so much disease in our country stems from unhealthy behavior like smoking and overeating? 很多疾病是人们的不健康生活方式造成的,比如抽烟和暴饮暴食,为什么我们要为这样的人买单? www.bing.com 6. To learn how to protect themselves, take care of themselves, pay attention not to overeating, try eating less food cold. 要学会保护自己,照顾自己,注意不要暴饮暴食,尽量少食用生冷的食品。 www.bing.com 7. Great few people know that thin is not just overeating in fact incurred, but also with the physical body related to the lack of nutrition. 大少数人都知道,瘦削其实不单单是过量饮食所招致的,也跟身体缺少的营养肉体相关。 99mrw.5d6d.com 8. Members of Overeaters Anonymous(OA), for example, say they are "abstaining from overeating. " 例如,暴食匿名会的会员都说他们在“戒除暴食。” www.ivyenglish.com.cn 9. But if you're overeating often, there are some things that might help you avoid doing so. 不过,如果你经常过度饱食,看看下面的话对你也许有帮助。 www.bing.com 10. Can you help us cure addictions such as overeating? 你能帮助我们解决上瘾(如暴食)的问题吗? blog.sina.com.cn 1. After several weeks of overeating all kinds of holiday foods, people in many cultures turn their attention to not eating. 在连续享用节日美食、累积过多的热量之后,许多不同文化背景的人,几乎全都把焦点放在「不吃」上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In addition, many people who suppress their anger tend to have addictive behaviors, such as overeating, gambling, drinking, and so on. 另外,很多人通过沉溺于某些活动来抑制他的怒气,如贪食,赌博,酗酒,等等。 blog.163.com 3. Can not overeating, daily food intake should be adequate, but also to take more exercise. 不能暴饮暴食,每天应当适当的食物摄取,更要多运动。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Continued breastfeeding after delivery, not overeating, thin down soon, this is my experience talk. 产后坚持母乳喂养,不暴食,很快就会瘦下去,这是我的阅历之谈。 99mrw.5d6d.com 5. Stubborn, lethargic, possessive, depressed, prone to overeating 固执,昏昏欲睡,占有欲,沮丧,容易暴饮暴食 blog.sina.com.cn 6. From Emotional Eating, to Compulsive Eating, to Compulsive Overeating 从情绪化进食到强制进食再到强迫性暴食 www.bing.com 7. The Study of Building Comparatively Well-off Society and Overeating PE Cense by Scientific Development View 全面建设小康社会与体育事业协调发展的对策探析 www.ilib.cn 8. Minimize impulsive snacking and overeating at other meals 将吃零食的冲动和在其它餐次过食的可能降到最低 diversity.blog.hexun.com 9. eating in response to emotions but not hunger can result in overeating , unwanted weight gain , health problems and even greater stress 不是因为饥饿,而是由于心情开心或者心情不好的时候爱吃东西,可能会导致暴饮暴食,体重增加,健康问题,甚至更加巨大的压力。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Colpocele of dairy cattle by overeating coal cinder 奶牛过食煤渣引起阴道脱 www.ilib.cn 1. Injure one's stomach by overeating oneself 因过食而伤胃 www.120cn.net 2. we should avoid overeating , consuming too much meat but too few vegetables , or having a high intake of fat in processed food 我们应避免暴饮暴食多肉少菜或进食过多加工食物而造成脂肪摄取量过高等。 www.ichacha.net 3. 5 Reasons for Overeating 吃得过多的5个原因 www.bing.com |
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