单词 | all-men | ||||||||||||
释义 | all-men
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 所有人,所有的人,万人 1. At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge. 我初次申诉,没有人前来帮助,竟都离弃我。但愿这罪不归与他们。 www.ebigear.com 2. He did not know how the world is simplified for kings. To them, all men are subjects. 他哪里知道,在那些国王的眼里,世界是非常简单的:所有的人都是臣民。 www.zftrans.com 3. All men hate to hear "We need to talk about our relationship. " These words strike fear in the heart. 所有男人都不愿意听到“我们需要谈一谈我们的关系”这句话,它会引起恐慌。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. 也不用人手服事,好像缺少什么,自己倒将生命气息,万物,赐给万人。 www.ebigear.com 5. Fortunately, all men were in the area and he was able to ask each one, " How do you account for your success? " 幸运的是,这些长成人的孩子还都在这个地区,因此教授有机会挨个去问他们:“你是如何获得你的这些成就的?” www.kekenet.com 6. It is also, as an old schoolmate of the prime minister's puts it to me, "all men, men, men. Not a woman in it. " 作为首相的老党派人士,民主党对我灌输:“民主党全是男人,男人,男人。民主党中不包括任何一个女人。” www.bing.com 7. and although all of us would more gladly learn than teach, to be counted fit to teach is something of a crown to all men. 尽管我们都更乐意学习而不是教授,能有资格去教授仍是所有人最大的光荣。 blog.163.com 8. All men whilst they are awake are in one common world; but each of them, when he is asleep, industrial tires, is in a world of his own. 所有人在醒着的时候都是置身于同一个世界,但在睡着后,却都置身在自己的世界。 wenwen.soso.com 9. If all men had as honest tongues, and no more promised what they did not mean to perform, there would be less wrong done in the world. 要是所有的男人都长着诚实可靠的舌头,不准备去做的事就不胡乱答应下来,世上的坏事就少了。 10. Thus ye shall be filled at my table with horses and chariots, with mighty men, and with all men of war, saith the Lord GOD. 你们必在我席上饱吃马匹和坐车的人,并勇士和一切的战士。这是主耶和华说的。 www.ebigear.com 1. If, based on your experiences, you think all men are jerks and ain't about nothing, guess what type of men you're going to meet. 如果,被基于的你经验,你认为所有的男人是性情古怪的人而且不是有关无的事,猜测什么打字的你将要遇见的男人。 bbs.chaoshanren.com 2. All men are bastards or wimps, she said, and no one wants to be married to a wimp. 她说,世上的男人不是坏蛋,就是懦夫,没有人想嫁给一个懦夫。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The clarity of his position in the end is what helped him win such a decisive victory. He did not try to be all things to all men. 这一清晰的定位到头来帮助他赢得了决定性的胜利,他并没有面面俱到取悦于所有人。 dongxi.net 4. He took his son's hand. He looked him in the eye, and he said, with his dying breath: "The debt that all men pay. " 他握住他儿子的手,看着儿子的眼睛,用最后一口气说到:“凡人皆要还之债”。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Who ever heard of a cobbler saying that there was no such thing as boots, or a tailor maintaining that all men are really naked? 有谁听到一个补鞋匠自己说,毕竟上没有靴子这种对象?可能一个裁缝师说,天下上悉数人都没穿过衣服? yibar.com.cn 6. Asked at the time about his use of the term "young boys" , Mitterrand said he called all men "boys" and it did not refer to minors. 当时,密特朗被问及他使用的“年轻男孩”一词,他说他把所有的男人都称为“男孩”,这并不是指未成年人。 www.bing.com 7. Believe that all men are salacious , all having affairs out of home, except for her husband. 相信天下男人都好色,都背着自己的老婆和外面女人多多少少有一手,但是自己老公除外。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology can control the minds of men-all men. 说穿了,谁掌握了这种技术,谁就控制了人的思想-所有的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. They are almost all men, with a small attachment of women in non infantry jobs. Many are begging to see combat. Others dread the prospect. 士兵中大多数是男人,只有一少部分做技术工作的女性。大多数人都渴望战斗,其他人则对前途感到担忧。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. They say to me, 'Would you know yourself you would know all men. ' And i say, 'only when i seek all men shall i know myself. 他们告诉我:当你了解了自己,你就了解了全人类。我说:当我感知一切人,我了解了我自己。 spaces.msn.com 1. In his most famous speech, he said: all men are created equal and must enjoy the equal rights that are given by God. 在他最著名的演讲中,他说:人生来是平等的,必须享受上帝所赋予的平等权利。 wenwen.soso.com 2. I do not preach universal salvation, what I say is that I cannot exclude the possibility that God would save all men at the Judgment. 我不鼓吹普救论,但是我不排除上帝会在审判日拯救众生的可能性。 www.bing.com 3. There's almost no women in this text at all. It's all men, virgin men who have never been polluted by touching women. 在这篇文献里几乎没提到女人,全都是男人,没有碰过女人,没有被污染过的处男。 open.163.com 4. It surprises me that you , all men, should be so foolish . 你们这些男子汉如此愚蠢,真使我吃惊。 www.tingroom.com 5. obvious lies; a demonstrable lack of concern for the general welfare; practical truth provable to all men- Walter Bagehot. 明显的谎言;明显的对普通福利的关心;实际的真相可被所有人而言查明-沃尔特·白芝浩。 tr.bab.la 6. The godly have been swept from the land; not one upright man remains. All men lie in wait to shed blood; each hunts his brother with a net. 地上虔诚人灭尽,世间没有正直人。各人埋伏,要杀人流血。都用网罗猎取弟兄。 www.bbintl.org 7. And the earth shall be wholly rent in sunder, And all that is upon the earth shall perish, And there shall be a judgement upon all (men). 并且,大地将会彻底分裂离析,并且,在大地上的万物都将会灭毁。并且,在那时的所有朲将面临审判。 blog.roodo.com 8. If I stumble I will rise and my falls will not concern me for all men must stumble often to reach the hearth. 摔倒了,再爬起来,我不灰心因为每个人在抵达目标之前都会受到挫折。 www.8875.org 9. and a natural ability to mingle with all men on a basis of equality are more important than any degree of technical skill. 以本质才能与人类同情,在平等的基础上,对人处事,实比任何巧妙的技术更为重要。 www.jukuu.com 10. But he said to them, Not all men are able to take in this saying, but only those to whom it is given. 耶稣说,这话不是人都能领受的。惟独赐给谁,谁才能领受。 spring4life.net 1. not every men with bph experience symptoms . less than half of all men with bph do not show any symptoms of the disease. 并非所有患有良性前列腺肥大症的男性都会出现症状,当中不足一半会没有任何病徵。 www.ichacha.net 2. My apologies to all men if this list sounds as if they all were the same, I simplified. 但倘若这个列表里把你们归为一类,那么我对不是这类的男性朋友们表示十分的歉意。 www.bing.com 3. They were all men of considerable culture and had their respective aesthetic pursuits. 他们具有深厚的文化修养,有各自的美学追求。 wenwen.soso.com 4. This would be fine world if all men showed as much patience all the time as they do while they are waiting for fish to bite. 如果所有的人能够随时展现出像他们在钓鱼时等待鱼儿上钩的耐性的话,那将会是一个多么美好的世界。 lianzai.china.com 5. For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. 我虽是自由的,无人辖管,然而我甘心作了众人的仆人,为要多得人。 www.ebigear.com 6. I shall give her the gift of beauty, so that all men shall look at her and a great king take her for wife. 我要赠给她美貌,这样,所有男人见了她都会倾慕她,一位显赫的国王会娶她为妻。 www.jukuu.com 7. One third (33 percent) of all men and just over a quarter (27 percent) of all women who were single had not had a sexual partner. 在所有被调查者中,三分之一(33%)的男性和刚刚超过四分之一(27%)的女性都是单身,没有性伴侣。 gb.cri.cn 8. you know that all men today enjoy a higher standard of living than your ancestors did before the age of capitalism. 你知道今天所有人比资本主义之前的祖先享有更高的生活水平。 9. St Luke says, "The Kingdom of God is within man. " Not in one man nor a group of men, but in all men. In you! 圣徒路加说过,“上帝的国就就在人间”。不在一个人也不是在一群人中,而是在所有的人中,就在你们之中! www.hjenglish.com 10. From the beginning all men by nature were created alike , and our bondage or servitude came in by the unjust oppression of naughty men . 创始之初,一切人生来都是平等的。其后,奸人作孽,施行压迫,我们这才失去自由,沦为奴隶。 hi.baidu.com 1. And He said to them, Not all men can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 他就对他们说,这话不是众人都能接受的,唯独赐给谁,谁才能接受。 edu.china.com 2. Eg. He wanted nothing but ill to all men, to rich and poor, men and women, young and old alike. 他什么都不要,只要降祸于一切人,不分贫富贵贱,男女老少。 blog.163.com 3. All men might be brothers but just how close are these bros? The new version emphasizes their looks and emotions too much, some say. 梁山好汉们可能彼此间都称兄道弟,但这些兄弟间到底有多亲密呢?有人认为新剧过于强调他们的外表和情感了。 www.24en.com 4. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. 这张期票向人承诺——不论白人还是黑人——都享有不可让渡的生存权、自由权和追求幸福权。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. All men are frauds . The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it. 所有男人都是骗子。唯一的区别便是有些人承认而已。不过我自己不承认。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Singing of Christmas carols in a festive atmosphere after the Mass reflects joy of this season for all men of good will . 弥撒后,在过节的气氛中欢唱圣诞歌曲,反映了这个季节所有基督徒的喜悦。 www.bing.com 7. live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. " 实现她信条的真谛:“我们把这些看作是不言自明的真理,所有的人生来就是平等的。” www.tingroom.com 8. Chaucer, Shakespeare, Hemmingway and Churchill were all men of letters. 乔叟、莎士比亚、海明威和邱吉尔都是文人。 www.hotdic.com 9. Poverty and low position are hated by all men, but if they cannot be rid if in the right way, they should not be given up. 贫穷与卑贱是人人厌恶的,但不用正当的方法,有了也不能摆脱。 www.putclub.com 10. Theyare almost all men, with a small attachment of women in noninfantry jobs. Manyare begging to see combat. Others dread the prospect. 他们大多是男人,以及一少部分做技术工作的女性。大多数人都渴望战斗,其他人则对前途担忧。 www.bing.com 1. Beccaria was even of opinion that all men might be poets and orators, and Reynolds that they might be painters and sculptors. 拜克雷亚甚至认为所有人都可能成为诗人和演说家,雷诺兹则认为所有的人都可能成为画家和雕塑家。 www.ebigear.com 2. Yet I would that all men were even as I myself. Howbeit each man hath his own gift from God, one after this manner, and another after that. 我愿意众人像我一样;只是各人领受神的恩赐,一个是这样,一个是那样。 www.spring4life.org 3. Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets. 人都说你们好的时候,你们就有祸了,因为他们的祖宗待假先知也是这样! www.ebigear.com 4. All men are not created equal but should be treated as though they were under the law. 并非所有人都是生来平等的,但是在法律面前应把所有人视为平等的。 www.bing.com 5. The measure of a master is his success in bringing all men around to his opinion twenty years later. 大师就是二十年后能让周围的人认可他的想法的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. For, 'All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall. 因为凡有血气的,尽都如草,他的美荣,都像草上的花。草必枯干,花必凋谢。 chrischu.blog.hexun.com 7. Walsingham: All men need something greater than them to look up to and worship. 人们都需要比他们更伟大的事物来敬仰和崇拜。 bbs.gamebean.com 8. But if we shall say, Of men; they feared the people: for all men counted John, that he was a prophet indeed. 若说从人间来,却又怕百姓。因为众人真以约翰为先知。 bible.popcastle.com 9. They knew, as an abstract proposition, that in matters of business all men are to be accounted liars. 作为一个抽象的理论,他们知道在买卖上,一切人都可以算作骗子。 www.jukuu.com 10. Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets. 人都说你们好的时候,你们就有祸了,因为他们的祖宗待假申言者也是这样。 edu.china.com 1. new England traveler, and Mungo Park, the Scotch one; of all men , they possessed the least assurance in the parlor. 那个新英格兰的大旅行家勒特耶特,和那个苏格兰的孟果·派克,他们在会客厅里远没有别人那样悠然自得。 dict.hjenglish.com 2. Paul was willing to be all things to all men so that he might win some to Christ. 保罗却愿意为了向人传福音,为了赢取他们归向基督,而甘愿做任何事情。 blog.163.com 3. I am Father Melchizedek and I exhort you to listen, listen to the hidden silent voice for this is what all men seek on his outward journey. 我是FatherMelchizedek,我劝告你们去倾听,倾听那隐藏的寂静之音,因为这就是所有人在外在之旅中所追求的。 www.angozj.com 4. For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 因为上帝救众人的恩典已经显明出来, new.fuyinchina.com 5. Its stance was tragic, becauseno, all men were not the enemy. 这是一种悲剧立场,因为答案是否定的,并不是所有的男人都是敌人。 www.bing.com 6. If possible, all men want to become friends Valentine's roots, if possible, and then she became his wife. 如果有可能,男人都在想把红颜知己变成情人,如果再有可能,再把她变成妻子。 blog.163.com 7. He sealeth up the hand of every man; that all men may know his work. 他封住各人的手,叫所造的万人,都晓得他的作为。 www.ebigear.com 8. I deduced that Socrates would die from the fact that Socrates was a man and the principle that all men will die. 我从苏格拉底是一个常人的事实和凡是常人皆会死的原则,引出苏格拉底会死的结论。 dict.ebigear.com 9. And I shall draw all men unto myself. 我会使人都归向我 blog.sina.com.cn 10. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. 我若从地上被举起来,就要吸引万人来归我。 www.ebigear.com 1. Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. 就好像我凡事都叫众人喜欢,不求自己的益处,只求众人的益处,叫他们得救。 www.ebigear.com 2. All men hate to hear "We need to talk about our relationship. " 17.所有男人都讨厌听到:“我们需要谈谈我们的关系了。” www.bing.com 3. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that given to all [men] liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. 你们中间若有缺少智能的,应当求那厚赐与众人、也不斥责人的神,主就必赐给他。 www.cardiffccc.org 4. And all men shall fear, and shall declare the work of God; for they shall wisely consider of his doing. 众人都要害怕,要传扬上帝的工作,并且明白他的作为。 www.jdtjy.com 5. The assumption underlying this statement is that there exists a law of nature according to which all men are equal. 构成这个定义基础的前提是存在一种人人平等的自然法。 6. Carrie: Maybe all men are a drug. Sometimes they bring you down and sometimes, like now, they get you so high. 也许所有男人都像药物。有时他们使你情绪低落,有时,像现在,他们使你格外开心。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. for it is unreasonable to expect all men to be great artists, and born with the genius of Mr. Williams. 因为期望所有人都成为伟大的艺术家,并且天生就有威廉先生的才智,是不合情理的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. All men and women under thirty years of age are cordially invited to enter the competition. 诚请未满三十岁之青年男女报名参加。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It was the first work used the materials from All Men Are Brothers in Chinese traditional opera. 它是我国戏曲文学史上第一部取自《水浒》题材的作品; www.ceps.com.tw 10. This isn't to say that all men direct the course of their relationships. Plenty don't. 这并不是说男人总是在两性关系中占据主动,至少很多不是。 www.bing.com 1. Peter answered and said unto him, Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended. 彼得说,众人虽然为你的缘故跌倒,我却永不跌倒。 www.for68.com 2. O Arjuna if ever I would not engage in prescribed activities certainly all men would follow My path in all respects. 阿诸那啊,一旦我不再做该做的事情,所有的人,一定从各个方面,都会追随我走过的路。 www.biguan.cn 3. By this, he said, all men will know you are my disciples. 祂说,这样众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了。 wenku.baidu.com 4. "All men are created equal. " We've heard it many times, but it still has important meaning for education in a democratic society. “所有的人生下来就是平等的”,这句话我们已经听了无数次了,但它对民主社会的教育仍然具有重要意义。 bbs.wwenglish.org 5. Someone asked me a bow Zhang, or Zhang Li as early as . . . all men know more polite, this has you so who was too uneducated. 人家又问我是弓长张,还是立早章……所有的男人多懂得礼貌,这有你这样的人,太没有教养了。 shenyang0704.blog.163.com 6. All men are snobs about something. One is almost tempted to add : There is nothing about which men cannot feel snobbish. 人人都有势利之处。人们几乎很想加一句:任何东西都可引起人们的势利感。 yanni-teresa.blog.163.com 7. We are all men with the same power of making and destroying, with the same divine foresight mocked by the same animal blindness. 我们都是人,具有同样的创造力量和毁灭力量,又都有神一般的远见卓识,只是这种识见时被共同的盲目兽性所嘲弄。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. All men are unremittingly bloodthirsty here, poised at a peak of violence, the ''meridian'' from which their civilization will quickly fall. 这里所有的人都不可避免地变成嗜血成性,并泰然自若地处于暴力的顶峰上,处于他们即将迅速衰落的文明的“子午线”上。 www.bing.com 9. it is a betray. . . . . Mao wanted to see all men are equal in economic sense. 这是背叛,毛想看到所有人在经济上平等 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? 从前西罗亚楼倒塌了,压死十八个人,你们以为那些人比一切住在耶路撒冷的人更有罪吗。 www.ebigear.com 1. Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 因为他愿意所有的人都得救,并得以认识真理。 www.ccreadbible.org 2. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. 这人来,为要作见证,就是为光作见证,叫众人因他可以信。 www.for68.com 3. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men. 耶稣却不将自己交托他们,因为他知道万人; www.ebigear.com 4. If all men were equal, God had no right to make distinctions among them, choosing some and not others. 如果所有的人都平等,神没有权力在他们当中作区别拣选一些人而不拣选其它人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. All men are liable to error; and most men are, in many points, by passion or interest, under temptation to it. 人都会犯错,在许多情况下,大多数人是由于欲望或兴趣的引诱而犯错误的.。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. All men have this sort of thing, eh. 男人都有这样的事情吧。 hi.baidu.com 7. A great sailor, until he run afoul of that which vex all men. 一个很棒的水手,直到他碰上了一个让任何男人都苦恼的东西。 www.1363.cn 8. All men have the same defect: they wait to live, for they have not the courage of each instant. 所有的人都有相同的缺点:他们等待着生活,他们没有决断的勇气。 www.tianya.cn 9. Yet I wish all men to be even as I am myself; but each has his own gift from God, one in this way, the other in that. 我愿意众人都像我一样;只是各人都有自己从神得来的恩赐,有人是这样,有人是那样。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. As the key figure in All Men Are Brothers, the image of Song Jiang has gone through a long process of dynamic spread and acceptance. 作为水浒故事序列中的核心人物,宋江形象经历了一个漫长的动态传播和接受过程。 anybing.com 1. I intend no modification of my hope . . . expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free. 我无意改变时常表达的个人愿望:愿天下所有的人都能自由。 www.dreye.com.cn 2. And that's not all. Men fantasize about sex nearly twice as often as women do, and their fantasies are much more varied. 但事实并不仅只是这样,男人对性的幻想将近两倍于女性,而且幻想的内容也多种多样。 www.bing.com 3. That is why James Madison said two centuries ago that "all men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree" . 这也就是为什么200年前,詹姆斯?麦迪逊说“在一定程度上,手握大权的人都是不可信任的”。 www.ecocn.org 4. There are only about 50 savants in the world (all men), but Tammet is unique in being able to describe how his mind works. 这样的怪才在全世界只有50个(全部男性)。而Tammet的独特之处,在于他能够告诉我们他是怎么想的。 www.bing.com 5. All men and women, rich and poor, white or colored, Anglo-Saxon or Latino, are to have the equal protection of equal laws. 所有男人、女人、富人、穷人、白人、有色人、盎格鲁萨克逊人或拉丁人,都享有平等法律的平等保护。 www.america.gov 6. This essay shows profound reflection on literature translation criticism through the anatomy of the fate of All Men Are Brothers. 本文通过对《水浒传》赛译本命运沉浮的解读,围绕我国的文学翻译批评事业进行了反省与思考。 lib.cqvip.com 7. perhaps all men every one had two such women, at least two. 也许每一个男子全都有过这样的两个女人,至少两个。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Atmosphere not only for the man of all men, wise and courageous performance, magnificent. 大气不仅为大丈夫男子汉所有,表现为英明果敢,气势磅礴。 www.bing.com 9. All men have happiness as their object: There is no exception. However different the means they employ, they all aim at the same end. 所有的人都以快乐幸福作为他们的目的:没有例外。不论他们所使用的方法是如何不同,大家都在朝着这同一个目标前进。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The soil in the valley is sweet to him; all men follow after him, and a countless throng goes before him. 他要以谷中的土块为甘甜,在他以先去的无数;在他以后去的更多。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 1. Yet, if the premises ('All men are tall, Fred is a man') are not true then although the argument is rational and logical, it remains false. 但是,如果前提(“所有男人都很高,佛瑞得是个男人”)不成立,那么即使论证合情合理而富有逻辑,结论依然是谬误。 www.bing.com 2. He is, perhaps, all things to all men, which might be a blessing or a curse. 他跟所有优秀的人差不多,这一点不知道是福是祸。 www.ecocn.org 3. On the contrary, it is a mark of disgrace, a public notice to all men to avoid you as an ill-mannered dog. 相反,它是一个耻辱标志,告诉所有的人避开有行为不端的你。 www.en400.com:8080 4. Every year the celebration of the American ideal that-- "all Men are created equal" --continues. 而庆祝美国常规理念「人人平等」的活动也一直持续着。 www.24en.com 5. " All men are liable to error ; and most men are. . . Under temptation to it " ( John Locke ) . “所有的人都会犯错误;大多数人都会…受它的诱惑”。(约翰·洛克)现代英汉词典。 www.bing.com 6. Burns is the very type of a most original force in letters, he was of all men the most imitative . 伯恩斯可以说是文学上最富有独创性的代表人物,他又偏偏是最善于模仿的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. As I have said, I believe I must help to safeguard to all men free expression of their views even though I may be in disagreement with them. 正如我所说过的,我认为我必须帮助所有人捍卫他们的言论自由,即使我和他们意见不同。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The subject looks directly at the camera, the pose in which all 'men of taste' in China would like to be photographed. 照片中的人物直视着照相机,他的姿势,是中国所有“有品位的男人”都喜欢在拍照时采用的。 dongxi.net 9. After all, men generally have been considered the main source for the spread of H. I. V. 毕竟男人通常被认为是H.I.V主要的传播源。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Heather: All men do that, it's one of their most annoying habits. 希瑟:男人都是这样的。那是他们非常惹人厌的习惯。 www.examda.com 1. Yet although low, it is perfect in its kind, and is the only use of nature which all men apprehend. 但尽管地位低下,它在这一方面还是完美的,这也是人理解的自然的唯一用处。 yanni-teresa.blog.163.com 2. And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. 也叫我们脱离无理之恶人的手。因为人不都是有信心。 www.ebigear.com 3. The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and, therefore, brothers. 好邻居留意超越外在的意外及辨别组成所有人类的内在的品质,因此,(如)兄弟。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Not until the father how to express their feelings, it seems that all men are like this. 不直到该如何向父亲表示自己的情感,似乎所有的男人都这样吧。 www.bing.com 5. And may the Lord multiply you, and make you abound in charity towards one another, and towards all men: as we do also towards you. 愿主使你们彼此间的爱情,和对众人的爱情增长满溢,就像我们对你们所有的爱情。 www.ccreadbible.org 6. The Lefebvrists apologised to the pope "and all men of good will" over any offence caused, but not specifically to the Jews. 勒费弗尔主义人士也对教皇和“所有善良的人们”就此冒犯做出道歉,但是并未特别面对犹太人。 www.ecocn.org 7. The declaration of independence, of truth "all men are created equal" and to protect the slavery, the contrast is so strong. 《独立宣言》认定的真理“人人生而平等”与奴隶制的得以保护,这对比是如此的强烈。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Mr. Smith was viewed as a very liberal person who believed, among other things, that all men were equal under the law. 史密斯先生被认为是一位十分开明的人,除了别的之外,他还认为在法律面前人人平等。 383603260.qzone.qq.com 9. From the activists' perspective, every turn of renovation suggests the incoming new opportunities, before which all men are equal. 在积极者的眼里,每一次革新意味着新的时机。时机面后人人对等。 www.yxad.com 10. In truth you owe naught to any man. You owe all to all men. 事实上,你不欠任何人,但你又欠所有的人。 www.bing.com 1. But in the name of justice, all men should be equal before laws. 但在公正的名义下,人人在法律面前平等。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men. 不要毁谤,不要争竞,总要和平,向众人大显温柔。 www.ebigear.com 3. I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. 我愿意众人像我一样;只是各人领受上帝的恩赐,一个是这样,一个是那样。 new.fuyinchina.com 4. Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. 我们又劝弟兄们,要警戒不守规矩的人。勉励灰心的人。扶助软弱的人。也要向众人忍耐。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. The song ended with a specious conclusion that all men are the same. 这首歌以所有的男人都是一样的具体结论结尾。 www.ebigear.com 6. He should assume that all men are his potential rivals and should try hard to play them off one against another for his own advantage. 他应该假设所有人都是他的潜在对手,并应为了他自己的优势和利益,尽全力使他们互相争斗。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 7. All men should coexist peacefully; and all men should be given the equal rights. --(South Africa)Nelson Mandela. 所有的人都要和平相处,具有平等权利。(南非)纳尔逊。曼德拉。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. To slander no one, to be uncontentious, gentle, showing all meekness toward all men. 不要毁谤人,不要争竞,乃要谦让宜人,向众人显出十分的温柔。 www.71630.com 9. How could such a beautiful bride marry a blind husband of all men? 这么漂亮的新娘怎么偏偏就嫁给了一个瞎眼的新郎? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Jn. 12: 32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself. 约十二32我若从地上被举起来,就要吸引万人来归我。 big5.china.com 1. Good things that everyone loves, that all men would be moved by the beauty. 美好的事物人人爱,所有的男人都会为美色所动。 www.xiami360.com 2. not poets alone , nor artists , nor that superior order of mind which arrogates to itself all refinement , feel this , but dogs and all men. 并非只有诗人艺术家或者感情细腻的上流人物才感受到了这种愁思。连狗和普通人都受了感染。 ichacha.net 3. All men are afraid of eyelash curlers. I sleep with one under my pillow, instead of a gun. 所有男人都害怕睫毛夹。所以我的枕头下面放着一个睫毛夹,而不是一把枪。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Hume argued that in designing rules of governance, that it would be best to assume that all men are knaves. 休谟争论说,在制订统治的规则时,最好将所有人都假设为恶棍。 www.bing.com 5. They are all men of high moral standards and are never to be tempted to take such expensive gifts. 他们都具有很高的道德标准,绝不会受诱惑接受如此贵重的礼品。 wenku.baidu.com 6. It was a place without rich or poor, where all men and women were created equal. 在那里,人人平等,没有贫富不均和阶级压迫。 blog.yangyang.cn 7. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. 若行,总要尽力与众人和睦。 www.nmgt.net 8. And she took a pan, and poured them out before him; but he refused to eat. And Amnon said, Have out all men from me. 在他面前将饼从锅里倒出来,他却不肯吃,便说,众人离开我出去吧。 www.ebigear.com 9. All men are born equal, but quite a few get over it. 所有人生而平等,但很多人克服了这种观点。 zhongkao.ewstudy.com 10. All men were seen as "created equal, " equally sinful, and equally saved through faith in Christ, regardless of background. 所有的人都被视为「生而平等」,罪性平等,也平等地藉由相信基督而得蒙救赎,无论其背景如何。 1home.hainan.net 1. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. 我们若靠基督,只在今生有指望,就算比众人更可怜。 www.ebigear.com 2. For thou shalt be his witness to all men, of those things which thou hast seen and heard. 因为你要向众人,对你所见所闻的事,为他作证人。 wiki.ccreadbible.org 3. Marriage is the one subject on which all women agree and all men disagree. 男人因厌倦而结婚,女人因好奇而结婚,彼此都会失望。 ming8801.blogcn.com 4. Now He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all men are living. 神不是死人的神,乃是活人的神,因为在他,人都是活的。 edu.china.com 5. 4 Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth. 提前二4他愿意万人得救,并且完全认识真理; edu.china.com 6. All men are equal before the law and are equally entitled to its protection. 所有的人在法律面前都是平等的并有权获得平等的法律保护。 je005.blog.163.com 7. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. 罪是由一人入了世界,死又是从罪而来的,于是死就临到众人,因为众人都犯了罪。 www.bing.com 8. All men are born with speech, but, from speech to freedom of speech is an endless process of history evolution. 人,生而可以言论,但是,从言论到言论自由不是一个当然的过程,而是一个漫长的历史演化过程。 www.fabiao.net 9. Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. 当叫众人知道你们谦让的心。主已经近了。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 10. All men, said he, know that the moon is a god, and he agreed with all men. 苏格拉底否认谴责,并说,大家知道月亮是个神,他也赞成。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this will give pleasure for all men, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 敬畏上帝,遵守他的戒律,因为这将带给所有人快乐,同时引导我们避开诱惑,但从罪恶中解放出来。 bbs.guqu.net 2. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. 所以我们有机会、就要趁机会向众人作善事﹔向信仰一家的人、更要这样。 www.bing.com 3. Let us fight for a world of reason - a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness. 让我们为一个公正世界而斗争,一个科学和进步将会创造全体人类的幸福的世界。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. And all men shall fear; And they shall declare the work of God, And shall wisely consider of his doing. 大家都恐惧;他们要述说上主的工作,思想他的作为。 www.jdtjy.com 5. The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law. 最稳定的状态是法律面前人人平等。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The original nature of all men was good. 人之初性本善。 www.proz.com 7. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal. 我们认为这些真理不言而喻:所有男女生而平等。 www.america.gov 8. Our "embedded partnering team" was all men (since there are no women in the ANA). 我们的“嵌入式合作团队”皆为男性(因为阿富汗国民军中没有妇女)。 www.fortunechina.com 9. I said in my haste, All men are liars. 我曾急促地说,人都是说谎的。 www.ebigear.com 10. Main Idea: All men are mortal . But the death may be either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. 格言大意:人总是会死的,有的人死得比泰山还重,有的人死得比鸿毛还轻。 bnu.eduwuca.org 1. He that holds his peace of , is at peace with, all men. 保持缄默就能与人人和睦相处。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We hold these truth to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. . . 我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的:一切人生来就是平等的… yaleygj99.vip.sina.com 3. The intense Chinese flavor in All Men Are Brothers manifests Pearl's cultural attitude and literature standpoint. 赛珍珠译本中浓厚的中国气息彰显了她的文化观和文学观。 www.fabiao.net 4. The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it. 事实不是为所有人,只是为那些寻求它的人存在的。 www.bing.com 5. He believed that all men were created equal, and he therefore spurned all men outside Group Headquarters with equal fevour. 他相信人是生来平等的,因此他用同样的热忱抛开了不在大队司令部工作的全体部下。 www.jukuu.com 6. all "Men are all the same, they are liars! " . This is an idea common among women all around the world. “男人都一样,他们都是骗子!”这是全世界女人的共识。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Dancing, singing, acting, even find delicacy all men and women big PK, entertainment effect is absolutely double. 跳舞、唱歌,演戏,甚至觉得美食都男性和女性大PK,娱乐效果绝对加倍。 bdg.cc 8. Thomas Kempis said, "All men commend patience, although few are willing to practice it. " 托马斯坎佩斯(古罗马僧侣作家)曾说过“所有的人都称赞耐心,尽管只有一小部分愿意这么做。” www.bing.com 9. As Agesilaus, a Spartan king, said, "If all men were just, there would be no need of valor. " 正如斯巴达国王阿杰西劳斯所说,“如果每个人都是正直的,勇猛就没有必要。” www.zftrans.com 10. Truly, then, God overlooking the times of ignorance, now He strictly commands all men everywhere to repent. 世人蒙昧无知的时候,神并不监察,如今却吩咐各处的人都要悔改。 www.occca.net 1. Yet not all men are alike, and some men may actually be unable to reach The Promised Land. 当然,并不是所有的男人都是一样的,也有些男性不能到达幸福的乐土。 www.bing.com 2. All men owe it to their children to be present in their lives. 所有的男人都因跟他们的孩子一起生活。 www.bing.com 3. As I also in all things please all men, not seeking that which is profitable to myself, but to many, that may be saved. 但要如我一样,在一切事上使众人喜欢,不求我自己的利益,只求大众的利益,为使他们得救。 www.ccreadbible.org 4. Asl walked away, l had a thought -maybe all men are a drug. 边走着,我有个想法,也许所有的男人都像毒品一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The kernel of his religious teaching is love for all men. 他的宗教教导的核心是热爱所有的人。 zinisha.anyp.cn 6. Page full of fantastic talk, Penned with bitter tears; All men call the author mad, None his message hears. 满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪! blog.hjenglish.com 7. Women think that all men want is sex, and that men will leave a relationship for the next prettier face. 女人认为所有男人要的就是性,男人会见异思迁,投奔另一张更漂亮的脸蛋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. "It's incumbent on us all, men and women, to get the best people into professorial roles, " adds Prof Olian. 奥里安教授补充说:“谁当院长,无论是男是女,聘用最好的老师,都是义不容辞的责任。” www.ftchinese.com 9. He learns that all men have burnt toast for breakfast now and then and that he shouldn't let their grumbling get him down. 他知道,所有的人都不时有将早餐吐司烤焦的时候,他不可以因为他们的抱怨而让自己沮丧。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The fundamental rights of all men are enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. 人人所享有的基本权利已庄严载入联合国宪章。 www.hotdic.com 1. Happiness is superficial though desired by all men; Pain is attractive though terrible. 快乐虽然人人向往,但它总不免是肤浅的;痛苦虽然可怕,但它是深沉的。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. There is a place in my memory call friends. Friend are those people when all men doubt you, they can always believe you. 有一个在我的记忆中叫做朋友。朋友是那些在所有人都怀疑你时,他们总是可以相信你。 wenwen.soso.com 3. All men naturally desire to know . 求知是人类的天性。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. To the weak I became weak that I might gain the weak. To all men I have become all things that I might by all means save some. 向软弱的人,我就成为软弱的,为要得软弱的人。向众人,我成了众人所是的;无论如何,总要救些人。 xn.2000y.net 5. Do all men kill the things they do not love ? 难道所有的人都要除掉他们所不爱的东西吗?。 www.bing.com 6. The two thing no man can ever understand; Women and what makes all men complete damn fools over women. 有两件事没一个男人能搞明白:女人,和是什么让所有男人在女人面前变得绝对愚蠢。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. " Then, " Sally's just starting to date. If I leave now, she'll hate me and hate all men, and it will scar her for life. 然后又是“萨俐刚刚开始约会,如果我现在选择离开,他会恨我,会恨所有的男人,会让她终生受伤”; blog.sina.com.cn 8. God sees the minds (ruling principles) of all men bared of the material vesture and rind and impurities. 神注视所有人的去掉了质料、罩衣、外壳和杂物的心灵(支配原则)。 www.showxiu.com 9. We hold this truth to be self-evident that all men are created equal. 人生而平等,我们坚信此真理不必论证就是成立的。 blog.163.com 10. Calling all men: Grand Ball wherein ye fair Princess Olive will choose her Prince from amongst Ye males. 呼叫所有的男人:盛大的舞会即将开始,漂亮的奥利夫公主将从所有男人中选择她的王子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. all men seek after happiness, and that without any exception. 所有的人都要追求幸福,无人例外。 www.dictall.com 2. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 并且你们要为我的名,被众人恨恶,惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救。 www.crazyenglish.org 3. All men between 18 and 45 without exception are expected to serve in the army during the war. 凡18岁到45岁间的男子战时一律应征服军役。 dispub.njtu.edu.cn 4. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, but not all can write. 人人生而平等,我们往往坚信这是一个不言而喻的真理,但是事实上,却不是所有人都能写作。 www.bing.com 5. Tt stays in places loathed by all men. Therefore, it comes near the Tao. 它处在人们所不屑的地方。却因此而更接近于道。 hi.baidu.com 6. All men at arms and most others had horses and could fight mounted if necessary. Cannon were widely used. 所有战士和其他大多数人可以投入到有马匹和安装,如果必要的话。大炮被广泛的应用。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. However, since in 1776, "all men are created equal" as the basic principle of nations, as people's beliefs and ideal, have in the world is. 但是,自1776年以来,“人人生而平等”作为美国立国的基本原则,作为人们的信念和理想,就一直在全世界为人传颂。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Benjamin: All men are equal in the eyes of the God. We have the equal partnership in team. 本杰明:上帝眼里每个人都是公平的。我们在团队里应该是平等的。 www.jysls.com 9. And to finally extend that fundamental proposition that all men are created equal, to every human being on the planet. 并且终于使“人人生而平等”这一命题拓展到这地球上的所有的人类。 www.ted.com 10. This declaration may well become the international Magna Carta for all men everywhere. 这份宣言完全可以成为全人类的国际宪章(MagnaCarta)。 www.america.gov 1. South Korea's mandatory conscription has all men serving in the army or the police force. 韩国的强制征兵制是许多男人在军队或警察部队服役。 www.elanso.com 2. All men are made of the same clay. 所有的人都是同一块粘土。 www.ebigear.com 3. This series of games allows players to live out the dream of all men, building an empire. 这个系列游戏让玩家实现全人类的梦想——建造一个帝国。 www.bing.com 4. Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. 你们要追求与众人和睦,并要追求圣洁;非圣洁没有人能见主。 new.fuyinchina.com 5. Father's Day has become a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. 父亲节变成了尊敬你的父亲,而且尊敬所有担任父亲角色的男人的节日。 www.ttxyy.com 6. Most women like A. window-shopping while all men don't. 大部分女士都喜欢逛街,而大部分男人不喜欢。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. All men, they lounged against the counter, chain-smoking. 所有的男人都懒洋洋地靠着柜台,连续不断地抽烟。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. 这个国家是以自由为理念,并致力于人生而平等的主张。 www.jukuu.com 9. No one individual is ever completed with his or her growth. For the wisest of all men has death to face. 人的增长空间是无限的,因为最聪明的人也要面对死亡。 bbs.24en.com 10. Still, Trailwalker began as a military exercise. Soldiers, all men, were challenged to finish the 100km trail in 24 hours. 毅行者源于一项军人的训练活动,全男班的士兵,挑战自我,要在廿四小时之内完成100公里路程。 www.oxfam.org.hk 1. Nearly all men can stand adversity , but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. 几乎所有的人都可以抵抗住灾难,但如果你想测试一个人的性格,那么就给予他力量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The subjective conditions of all men of perfect practice are very sane and steady. 凡是修行完备之人,他们的主观条件是极其健全而隐固的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard. 因为你要将所看见的,所听见的,对着万人为他作见证。 www.ebigear.com 4. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. 你们若有彼此相爱的心,众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了。 www.ebigear.com 5. I contribute to Peace when I look upon all men and women as my brothers and sisters, regardless of race, culture, or religion. 在我无视种族文化信仰的区别把所有男人女人看做我自己兄弟姐妹的时候我促进和平 blog.sina.com.cn 6. All men have the stars, but they are not the same things for different people. 每一个人都有自己的星星,但其中的含意却因人而异。 www.24en.com 7. Not all men who dabble see it as a route to toe-curling orgasm. 但并不是所有的男人都想涉足性高潮。 www.bing.com 8. Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. 所以我今日向你们证明,你们中间无论何人死亡,罪不在我身上。(原文作我于众人的血是洁净的)。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. However, there's a saying which goes, "Love blinds all men, both the reasonable and the foolish. " 不过俗云:“不管是理智或是愚蠢的人都会被爱情所蒙蔽。” www.ivyenglish.com.cn 10. "All men are kids" - This particular line is the ideal hanger for any mistake or offense. “所有的男人都是小孩子”-这句特别的话,可充当任何错误跟冒犯的绞架。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 1. Because the data are based on men with known fertility problems, it's not clear whether the results apply to all men as they age. 因为这些数据是以有已知生育问题的男性为基础而得出的,所以还不清楚它是否适用于同年龄的所有男性。 www.bing.com 2. The Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal" . 独立宣言提出“人人生而平等”。 www.ryedu.net 3. All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers. 有伟大成就的人都曾经是伟大的梦想家。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. We learn that He created all things, that He is personal, and that all men depend upon Him. 我们知道祂创造万有,是所有人都需要倚靠的、与我们有个人关系的神。 distribution.blackmailedslave.com 5. All men have a pity, even though they had never trauma, witness the carnage, also will destroy our inner peace. 人皆有恻隐之心,即使自己未曾蒙难,目睹着惨状,同样也会破坏我们内心的平静。 www.pai-hang-bang.com 6. 'There is a History in All Men's Lives. . . ' reveals paintings of characters and events, some famous, others lost to history. “这是一部男人生存的历史…”绘画展示了一些著名的或者遗失了的事件和人物特征。 www.artnews.cn 7. I take it that what all men are really after is some form or perhaps only some formula of peace. 我接受所有人真正在追寻的某一种形式或也许只是某种表述的和平。 www.hfu.edu.tw 8. I see her father, aged and bent, but otherwise restored, and faithful to all men in his healing office, and at peace. 我看见露西的父亲衰老了、背驼了,其它方面却复了原,并以他的医术忠实地济世救人,过着平静的生活。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Unless the image of God be obliterated from the soul, all men cherish the love of liberty. 人人珍藏热爱自由之心,除非上帝的形象已在人的灵魂中抹去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. For you will be a witness to Him unto all men of the things which you have seen and heard. 因为你要将所看见所听见的,向万人为他作见证。 edu.china.com 1. But the bra, available in black, pink and white, is not an easy sell for all men. 但并不是所有男士都感兴趣。目前这款文胸有黑、粉、白三种颜色可选。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. All men do not livelong. 不是所有人都长寿。 res.ez.e21.edu.cn 3. After all, she had borne him a son, which was, presumably, what all men wanted. 毕竟,她为他生了一个儿子,而这按常理来说,这是所有男人都想要的。 www.elanso.com 4. Higher and higher with treason, clear reason, are all men guilty? 背负着背叛之名越飞越高,明确的理由,那些岂不都是人类的罪孽? tieba.baidu.com 5. it's not the case that all men are taller than all women. 并不是说明所有男人比女人高, www.bing.com 6. They share this trait with more than half of all men and it does not mean they will definitely develop prostate cancer in later life. 一半以上的男性都有这一特征,但并不意味他们以后肯定会患上前列腺癌。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. All men are equal; it is not birth but virtue alone that makes the difference. 人都是平等的,造成差别的不是门第,而是美德。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. We believe that all men are entitled to the blessings of liberty. 我们相信人类有权享受自由幸福。 9. She said and felt at that time that all men were no more to her than Nastasya Ivanovna, the buffoon. 她这样说,也感觉到:此时的男人对她来说完全与小丑娜斯塔西娅·伊万诺夫娜一样。 novel.tingroom.com 10. The Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. 独立宣言说所有的人都是生而平等的。 www.bing.com |
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