单词 | neighbour |
释义 | neighbours是neighbour的复数
复数:neighbours 现在分词:neighbouring 过去分词:neighboured 例句释义: 邻居,邻近的人,邻国,邻座,邻近,使邻近,与…有睦邻关系,左邻右舍,邻居们,芝麻绿豆 1. For almost a year they had waged a war of nerves on their neighbours; now it was to be war in earnest. 他们同邻居进行精神战已将近一年;现在要郑重开战了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. But today, the river still harks back to a time when just a few early settlers shared the Ganges with their natural neighbours. 但今天,仍可看见从前的模样,就像为数极少的早期定居者与他们的天然邻居分享着恒河。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. All the neighbours suppose her to be a good daughter-in-law. 邻居们都认为她是个好媳妇。 zxxyyz.com 4. She rushed out of her home and banged on the neighbours door to ask for help. 她赶紧跑出家门,叫邻居帮手救火。 new.060s.com 5. But increasingly it appears that commitment has (waned), and Australia is less able to deal with its neighbours. 然而事实显示政府的重视程度已经越来越衰退了,澳大利亚在处理与邻邦关系方面的能力也在减弱。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Certain European nations are trying to move the goalposts so that some of their Eastern neighbours will find it easier to join the EU . 某些欧洲国家想尽力改变现有规则,以便于他们的东方邻国加入欧盟。 www.bing.com 7. If you took away the names of these Nazis, and just sat down to talk to them, they were like your friends and neighbours. 如果你事先不知道他们的纳粹恶名,而只是坐下和他们交谈,你会发现他们就像你的朋友和邻居一样。 www.bing.com 8. His brutality and fraudulence have become so plain for all to see that neighbours who once defended him are changing their tune. 他的野蛮和欺诈已经清楚的表露出来,使得那些曾经支持他的邻国改变了态度。 www.ecocn.org 9. Even among the rubble it is possible to hear neighbours greet each other and visitors with polite humour. 即使在废墟中,人们仍可能听到邻居们以良好的情绪,礼貌地问候彼此和来访者。 www.360doc.com 10. She thinks her neighbours look down on her a bit because she's neverbeen abroad. 她认为她的邻居们因她从来没有出过国而有点瞧不起她。 www.exam8.com 1. Asked later whether United's "noisy neighbours" would be quieter for a while, Ferguson replied: "Well, they'll always be noisy. " 当被问到曼联这个“吵闹的邻居”是否会安静一会儿时,弗格森答道:“他们会一直这样吵下去。” www.bing.com 2. Though neighbours disapproved of his vagaries, they did not treat him with hostility , as they might have done a stranger. 邻居虽然不赞成他为人怪癖,却也不象对生人那样敌视他。 www.jukuu.com 3. He went on in Soviet vein: "Russia endeavours to be a predictable, strong and accommodating partner" to its neighbours. 他带着前苏联式的腔调继续写道:“俄罗斯致力于成为(其邻国的)可预测的、强大且有帮助的合作伙伴”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Masako Masuoka, an 81-year-old divorcee, is still fit enough to work as a volunteer cleaner and cook for her elderly neighbours. 81岁的离婚妇女益冈雅子依然能胜任清扫志工,并为她的邻居们煮饭。 mailftp.lihpao.com 5. The uproar among its neighbours after the recent outbreak of E. coli has been a straw in the wind. 从最近大肠杆菌疫情爆发后邻国的愤怒情绪中就可以看出一些苗头来。 www.ftchinese.com 6. All her neighbours suppose her to be a teacher. 他的邻居们都猜测她是老师。 www.tjjy.com.cn 7. Sometimes, for variety, I looked up and down the street to see what the neighbours were up to. 有时候,为了换点花样,我会看看街道前后,看邻居们都在干些什么。 bbs.newacad.com 8. She had the surprise of her life. Her neighbours'big dog had got into her garden, jumped onto the table and was looking at her baby. 她大为震惊。她邻居的大狗已进了她的花园,跳上了桌子,正看着她的孩子。 resource.ahedu.cn 9. Everyone is in a state of shock. One of our neighbours is frightened to open their curtains. 每个人都深感震惊。我的一个邻居害怕得都不敢拉开窗帘。 www.bing.com 10. The bank warned that although China's remarkable resilience will benefit its Asian neighbours, its effect would be limited. 亚行警告称,尽管中国令人瞩目的抗跌能力将惠及其亚洲邻国,但作用将较为有限。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Unlike some of its neighbours, Germany has no Eurosceptic party worth mentioning. 不像其邻国,德国已没有值得一提的欧元怀疑党。 www.ecocn.org 2. Still, Egypt's press remains relatively free compared with that of its Arab neighbours. 尽管这样,埃及与其阿拉伯邻国相比,其媒体还是具有相对的自由。 www.ecocn.org 3. Certainly, after a while in Washington I began to develop a grudging respect for my neighbours at the Tribune. 确实,在华盛顿待了一段时间后,我开始勉强对《芝加哥论坛报》产生了一些敬意。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Asked what he thinks of his neighbours, a man across the street scratches his head and asks "We have Gypsies here? " 随便问一个正穿街而过的居民,他对这些吉普赛邻居的印象如何,对方通常会挠挠头问,“我们这里有吉普赛人么?” www.bing.com 5. Robert Willard, commander of US forces in the Pacific, recently said the ship would be watched closely by China's neighbours. 美军太平洋司令部司令罗伯特?威拉德上将(RobertWillard)最近表示,中国邻国将严密关注瓦良格号。 www.ftchinese.com 6. There was no mechanism to allow richer provinces downstream to help poorer, polluting neighbours clean up, he added. 而且没有一种机制,促使下游较富裕的省份帮助贫穷的邻近省份搞清洁。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The last is all the more striking as neighbours to the north race to attract business. 在其北部邻居竞相吸引商业之际,非国大的态度显得愈发引人注目。 www.ftchinese.com 8. If my wife wants to tell me she's ducking out to the shops, that's fine, but I don't want to hear what just happened on Neighbours. 如果我妻子想要告诉我她要去商店,那是可以的,但是我不想听刚才邻居们发生了什么。 www.elanso.com 9. Some neighbours believe one or two people might have disappeared, but authorities said no deaths had been reported. 街坊的居民认为有一两个人失踪了,但当局表示目前还没有死亡被报告。 www.bing.com 10. For your information some of our neighbours already declared Chinese as a Second Language compulsory. Why not we ? 我们的一些邻居已经宣称将中文作为第二必修外语了,为什么我们不可以呢? 942dh.com 1. The next day , he found that the door of some neighbours locked double- locked . 第二天,他发现偶好几家邻居的门上都上了双把锁。 www.yingyu001.cn 2. My neighbours had no idea I even played for United, so they must have had a shock to see me! 我邻居甚至不知道我在为曼联踢球,所以他们看到我都很惊讶! forum.sports.sina.com.cn 3. Dad loved to read. Reading newspaper was his favourite pastime. He would relate the news to his neighbours. 爹是书迷,一有空就看书看报,看到新鲜事,就出去讲给老夥计们听。 www.slideshare.net 4. South Africa, which had a rash of blackouts in 2008 and imports electricity from its neighbours, sorely needs more generating capacity. 2008年,南非曾发生了一连串的断电事故,而平时得从邻国进口电力,迫切需要增加更多的发电量。 www.ecocn.org 5. If it fails to strengthen regional ties, it is destined to see its economic expansion hemmed in by unsympathetic and threatening neighbours. 如果印度不能加强区域联系,它就注定会看到,自己的经济扩张被冷漠而充满敌意的邻国所遏制。 www.ftchinese.com 6. All her neighbours supposed her to be an actress. 她的邻居都认为她是个女演员。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. But Lula's pledge that Brazil would be generous to smaller neighbours to boost integration has not always been reciprocated. 卢拉承诺,巴西会对稍小的邻国慷慨解囊以促进区域的整合,但这种承诺总无法做到互惠互利。 www.ecocn.org 8. Summits sometimes dissuade leaders from beggaring their neighbours, since the neighbours' complaints may have to be faced in person. 本次峰会也不时劝阻国家领导人去哀求其邻国,因为其邻国的抱怨可能会转化为直接的措施。 www.ecocn.org 9. It has offered no evidence for the claim. But past Indian arrogance makes neighbours ready to believe anything. 但是,印度过去的狂妄自大让邻国愿意相信任何说法。 www.bing.com 10. In a word, people quarreled in this little place a great deal more than neighbours do in London. 总之,在这个小地方,人们争争吵吵,比伦敦厉害得多。 www.jukuu.com 1. The downfall of Mr Bakiyev seems to have opened a new rift between Kyrgyzstan and its neighbours. 巴基耶夫大倒台似乎撕开了吉尔吉斯斯坦和他的邻国之间新的裂痕。 www.ecocn.org 2. it was too early in the morning for visitors , and besides , the equipage did not answer to that of any of their neighbours. 这么一大早,理当不会有客人来,再看看那辆马车的配备,便知道这位访客决不是他们的街坊四邻。 www.ichacha.net 3. The police are trying to get help from her neighbours and friends. 警方尽力从她的邻居和朋友那里获得帮助。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Meanwhile a squabble with Lithuania has annoyed neighbours that would prefer to see Poland as a leader, not a score-settler. 同时与立陶宛的口水仗显然惹恼了邻国,他们视波兰为领袖而不是score-settler。 www.ecocn.org 5. The cloak could also be used in concert halls to direct noise away from problem spots, or to deal with loud neighbours. 该材料也可应用于音乐厅,以消除问题地点的噪音;亦可用来对付喧吵的邻居。 www.ftchinese.com 6. locking myself out of my room with just a pair of knickers on, and no neighbours in their rooms to help me. 穿着内裤把我自己锁在了门外面,邻居都窝在房间里不帮我! www.ltaaa.com 7. about freedom, loving ur neighbours, about having your way. . . . thats what i wish u all. . . this republic day. spontaneous poem time! 关于自由,爱你的邻居,走自己的路…这是我对你们的希望…共和日。在无意中写的诗 blog.sina.com.cn 8. When a communication path changes, nearby routers inform their neighbours through a system known as the border gateway protocol (BGP). 当通信路径改变,附近的路由器会通过一个名为边界网关协议(bordergatewayprotocol,BGP)的系统告知邻近的路由器。 www.bing.com 9. The cuisine of Cambodia is similar to that of its Southeast Asian neighbours. 柬埔寨的烹饪方法与临近的东南亚国家相似。 www.ebigear.com 10. With the help of a ladder, neighbours were able to rescue the children from the blaze. 邻居们借助一把梯子把孩子们从大火中救了出来。 wenwen.soso.com 1. To be sure, they (or their parents and grandparents) built a state from scratch, and it has prospered relative to its neighbours. 无可置疑地,他们(或者说他们的父辈与祖父辈)白手起家建立起了一个国家,与其邻国相比,其发展可以用繁荣来形容。 www.ecocn.org 2. He was playing his trumpet but I told him to leave off because the neighbours were complaining about the noise. 他在吹喇叭,可是我告诉他别吹了,因为邻居们都在抱怨太闹了。 sprew.net 3. The president said the waterway would boost trading opportunities for Malawi as well as its neighbours, Zambia and Zimbabwe. 总统表示,这条水路将刺激马拉维及其邻国,赞比亚和津巴布韦的贸易机会。 www.tingclass.com 4. Neighbours said the suspect had asked them to call an ambulance but had allegedly said "it was nothing serious" . 邻居说,嫌疑人要求他们叫救护车,但据称说:“没什么大事”。 www.sdsky.com 5. Mr Kikwete may use a second term to try to integrate Tanzania and its neighbours into a revived East African Community. 总统先生也许会利用自己的二次任期,来试图将坦桑尼亚与其邻国整合,以重新复苏东非国家共同体。 www.ecocn.org 6. He made battle with all his neighbours, and vanquished them. 于是他对所有的邻国掀起战争,并且征服了它们。 www.shici08.com 7. Unlike China and Russia it is a full-blooded democracy; unlike India it has no serious disputes with its neighbours. 不象中国和印度,巴西有纯正的民主制度;不象印度,巴西同邻国没有严重冲突。 www.ecocn.org 8. The little boy used to put his mother to the trouble of apologizing to their neighbours for his carelessness. 小男孩总是给妈妈找麻烦,让她为了他的粗心大意向邻居们道歉。 www.engnety.com 9. Germany's economy is often more volatile than that of neighbours like France. 德国经济往往比像法国这样的邻国更加不稳定。 www.ecolion.cn 10. She resembled Miss Hancock attempting by archness and by an assumption of frivolity to persuade her neighbours that she was juvenile. 她象汉考克小姐一样使用巧计,伪装风流,来使她的邻人们相信她青春正茂。 www.jukuu.com 1. And they were all old neighbours in the graveyard, most of them friends; there was nothing to feel awkward or embarrassed about. 而且他们的墓地,其中大多数是朋友,都没有什么可感到尴尬或难为情的老邻居。 xixi.home.24en.com 2. Traders had also been betting that the rest of the eurozone lacked the political will to help its southern neighbours through the crisis. 交易员们也一直在押注,认为其它欧元区成员国缺乏帮助其南部邻国度过危机的政治意愿。 www.ftchinese.com 3. All this time she had never visited them or even noticed them who were her next-door neighbours. 在这期间她未来看过甚至没有注意过住在她隔壁的邻居。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Due to its central location Germany has more neighbours than any other European country. 由于地处欧洲中心,德国的邻国比其它任何欧洲国家都多。 www.ebigear.com 5. Finally mom, who always taught us to tell the truth, looked at dad and said, " We have no bad neighbours in our area. " 最后,妈妈,谁总是教导我们说实话,看着爸爸说:“我们已经在我们地区没有坏邻居。” iask.sina.com.cn 6. Over the years, Col Gaddafi had fallen out with both his neighbours and the West, although he had bankrolled many African leaders. 多年以来,卡扎菲与邻国和西方国家都处于长期失和状态,但他资助过不少非洲领导人。 www.bing.com 7. Even now there have been a few vile, jubilant voices among Japan's neighbours. 即便在现在这种情形下,在日本的邻国还是出现了某些无耻的幸灾乐祸之声。 www.ecocn.org 8. But the bank found consolation in Thailand's growing sales to its neighbours and to "new" markets farther afield. 但是该银行从泰国对邻国以及更加遥远的“新”市场日益增长的销售额中找到了安慰。 www.ecocn.org 9. On the outside, Tony said, not wanting to spend time with your criminally insane neighbours would be a perfectly understandable position. 托尼认为,表面上看来,这种不愿意与那些不正常的罪犯们同流合污在一起的态度很容易被人理解。 www.bing.com 10. His neighbours at home have been shot dead, his house has been burned, and his wife and children are lost. 他的邻居被枪杀,房子被烧毁,妻子孩子都丢失了。 www.ecocn.org 1. Neighbours described their only hobby as "takeaways, " as they frequent the local fish and chip shop three times a week. 邻居形容说他俩的爱好是“打包”,因为他们每周都一定要去附近的炸鱼薯条打包回家三次。 www.jfdaily.com 2. The investigation was launched when two young women, who were neighbours, died within a week of each other. 当作为邻居的两名年轻妇女在一周之内死亡,就发起了调查。 www.who.int 3. He talks, albeit vaguely, of his desire to make peace with his neighbours, presumably including Palestinians. 尽管措辞含糊不清,但他渴望与周围的邻居和平相处,很有可能包括巴勒斯坦人民。 www.ecocn.org 4. He shouted, struggled, pleaded with his neighbours to help him, but they looked on in a silent group outside the door. 他叫唤着,挣扎着,乞求邻人来搭救,可是他们只是在门外冷眼旁观。 www.jukuu.com 5. Their country remains introverted, nationalistic, distrusted by its neighbours, unsure of itself and its place in the world. 俄罗斯仍是一个内向、民族主义、得不到邻国信任、对自身及其在世界上所处地位没有把握的国家。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Unlike India, it has no insurgents, no ethnic and religious conflicts nor hostile neighbours. 不像印度,巴西没有革命,种族和宗教冲突,也没有一个敌对的邻国。 www.ecocn.org 7. Maybe he could sweep snow for the neighbours. But it was not winter, He had to wait for a long time for that. 可能他可以帮邻居家扫雪,但是现在不是冬天,他需要等很长的时间才能做。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. My neighbours reported me to the police for firing my rifle in the garden . 我的邻居向警察告我在花园里放枪。 www.bing.com 9. One of the poorest countries in Asia, Nepal should benefit greatly from improving economic ties with its booming neighbours. 作为亚洲最贫穷的国家之一,尼泊尔应该从改善和生机勃勃的邻国的经济关系中大大地受益。 www.ecocn.org 10. He worked hard in the garden every Sunday and set out to impress the neighbours with his flower-beds and lawn. 他每周日在花园辛苦工作,用他的花床和草坪打动邻居。 www.itpub.net 1. Macedonia remains fragile eight years after it almost lapsed into war. Testy relations with its neighbours do not help. 距上次险些滑入战争已过去八年后,马其顿仍然是一个脆弱的国家;而它与邻国的紧张关系也未能促进国内团结。 www.ecocn.org 2. However, if she became the dominant partner, neighbours transferred the power of the slipper to her, and christened her "the old boot" . 然而,如果女人在家里占了主导地位,邻里们就会把掌握拖鞋的权力移交给她,并给她取绰号为“旧靴子”。 sfs.cumt.edu.cn 3. Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few. 以利沙说,你去,向你众邻舍借空器皿,不要少借。 bible.popcastle.com 4. It makes me very nervous and poorly, to be thwarted so in my own family, and to have neighbours who think of themselves before anybody else. 我在家里既然过得这样不称心,又偏偏碰到这些只顾自己不顾别人的邻舍,真弄得我神经也坏了,人也病了。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Like North Korea, it has borne isolation and rhetorical hostility from the West by cosying up to the neighbours, notably China. 像北朝鲜一样,它通过讨好它的邻居,特别是北京,忍受住了西方的孤立和敌意。 www.ecocn.org 6. The planet and its neighbours are bathed in the solar wind, a stream of charged particles ejected from the upper atmosphere of the sun. 地球与其邻近的行星都处于太阳风(从太阳上层大气层发射出的带电粒子流)的势力范围之内。 www.ecocn.org 7. It is all about the present, specifically Russia's claim of having "privileged interests" in its post-Soviet neighbours. 都是关于当今,具体是俄罗斯的拥有其后苏联邻国“特权利益”的主张。 www.bing.com 8. It looks slightly out of place. Its neighbours are a pawnshop, a petrol station and a couple of fast-food restaurants. 这处铺面附近是当铺、加油站和两三家快餐厅,使其看起来有点不协调。 www.ecocn.org 9. Nor did for Sir Everard's apprehensions of personal consequence seem to correspond with the reports spread among his Whig neighbours. 如果说埃弗拉德爵士是害怕个人受牵累,这似乎跟他的辉格党领导之间的流传说法不相符合。 www.showxiu.com 10. Brazil has a culture all of its own, but it looks for inspiration to America more than it does to its Spanish-speaking neighbours. 巴西有自己独特的文化,但其更希望启迪美国,而非它讲西班牙语的邻国。 www.bing.com 1. Co-operation would also be vulnerable to any new friction between the Asian neighbours. 如果这两个亚洲邻国发生新的摩擦,合作可能再生变数。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Just to complete the sense of deja vu, the next door down has been taken over by the Secret Service so even his neighbours look familiar. 作为这一似曾相识幻觉的点睛之笔,新家隔壁已被美国特工部买下,这样,即使他的邻居,对他来说也很眼熟了。 www.bing.com 3. Such memories never fade, but Hungary, unlike some of its neighbours, is making growing efforts to come to terms with its past. 惨痛的记忆永远不会褪色,但是匈牙利不像邻国,它一直致力于对过去负责。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Now mothers who stay at home are likely to feel isolated and lonely because their female neighbours are all likely to be at work. 现在,全职在家的妈妈们比较容易觉得和社会分离,觉得孤单,因为她们周围其它女人可能都在工作。 www.bing.com 5. But then the American neighbours, who seem generally hostile, complained about noise and threatened to call the cops. 邻居们抱怨戴安娜太吵闹了,还威胁如果再这样的话他们就报警。 xiaozu.renren.com 6. Like a number of its Asian neighbours, the Philippines has begun to rebound from the economic downturn. 正如其诸多亚洲邻国一样,菲律宾已经开始从经济低迷中反弹。 www.ecocn.org 7. The two national holidays are also an occasion for me to reflect on some of the contrasts between these North American neighbours. 两个国家的国定假期也给了我机会,让我反思两个北美邻国的某些异同。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The neighbours hope foreign governments will rally generously round the Mugabe-Tsvangirai arrangement to help the Zimbabwean people. 邻国希望外国政府能慷慨帮助Mugabe-Tsvangirai联合政府,以救助津巴布韦人民。 www.ecocn.org 9. It benefits from American markets and good relations with its neighbours, just as it did in 2001. 它仍像01年那样从美国市场及与邻国保持友好关系中受益。 www.ecocn.org 10. The "Community Building Activities" section of the Handbook lists seventeen informal opportunities for neighbours to meet one another. 在这本公民手册的“社区建设活动”部分,列举了17种非正式的促使邻里们相互见面的机会。 www.bing.com 1. And Mr Obama needs to signal that America will balance a rising China in such a way that China's neighbours never have to take sides. 此外奥巴马还应该表态,美国会权衡与日益上升的中国的关系,这点中国的邻国不用担心。 ecocn.org 2. on the other are their neighbours who gain nothing but a darkened skyline. 另一方面是他们的邻居,他们没有任何好处,除一条黑暗的天际线。 www.bing.com 3. Many plants constantly compete with their neighbours for light by elongating to try and get out of their shade. 许多植物可能与它们的邻里之间为了光而不断地通过延长生长方式去竞争,从而努力地使自己走出荫下。 chuchuguyue.blog.163.com 4. Now, his neighbours can no longer legally gay marry at their local church, but mine in Brooklyn can (and a few will). 现在,他的邻居们不能再合法地在当地教堂里搞同性恋结婚了,但是布鲁克林我的邻居们可以(确有人在)。 www.ecocn.org 5. Ifthe neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. 如果邻居不给糖果,孩子们可能会对他们搞恶作剧。 www.bing.com 6. In such a scheme, friends and neighbours have to make up the shortfall if someone can't pay. 在该计划中,如果有人不还款,朋友和邻居就必须弥补差额。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in East Asia: Did China Crowd Out FDI from Her Developing East Asian Neighbours? 东亚地区外来直接投资的决定因素:中国的排挤效应是否存在? www.info.gov.hk 8. Yet the bigger threat to its ambitions to reassert regional influence lies in its own attitude towards the neighbours. 俄国妄图重振区域影响力的威胁在于其对邻国的态度。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Englishman 's suburban house has its little garden with a hedge or a fence all round it to shut him off from his neighbours. 英国人的郊区房子都有个小花园,四周用树篱或栅栏围起来,以便和邻居隔开。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Yet being saddled with nasty neighbours and demanding partners is not the only reason for Egypt's relative decline. 然而,令人厌恶的邻居和难伺候的伙伴所带来的负担并非埃及国力相对下降的唯一原因。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The decision has strained at a relationship between the Pacific neighbours that has been difficult at the best of times. 此决定对和平年代本已紧张的太平洋地区邻邦关系(特指澳大利亚和印度尼西亚)无疑是火上浇油。 www.ecocn.org 2. And situate in the heart of the sea. Thy neighbours, that built thee, have perfected thy beauty. 你的领域伸入海心,你的建筑者造成了你的豪华。 www.ccreadbible.org 3. All his neighbours supposed him to be a doctor. 他的邻居都猜他是医生。 school.ecp.com.cn 4. His capacity for living his own life without attention from his neighbours made them respect him. 他有能力过自己的生活而不用打搅邻居们,以此赢得了他们的尊敬。 5. Such a war would bear little resemblance to the previous clashes between Israel and its neighbours. 而这次中东可能爆发的战争和以往以色列和邻居们之间的冲突没什么相同之处。 www.ecocn.org 6. cross pat ch cross patch, draw the latch, sit by the fire and spin ; take a cup and drink it up, then call your neighbours in. 克劳斯·帕奇,画上门插销克劳斯·帕奇,画上门插销,坐在炉子和纺车边上;拿起一杯茶,把它喝光,然后把邻居们叫进来。 baike.soso.com 7. So much more respect have we to what our neighbours shall think of us than to what we shall think of ourselves. 所以我们对我们的邻人将怎样想我们,比我们将怎样想自己要重视得多。 chinsia2007.blog.163.com 8. Historically, relations between the US and its southern continental neighbours have been marked by economic as much as political factors. 历史上,美国与其南方邻邦的关系中,经济和政治因素同样重要。 www.bing.com 9. The next day two of Hathaway's neighbours posted bonds guaranteeing that no lawful claims impeded the marriage. 次日两位哈瑟维的邻居担保婚姻没有任何法律障碍。 www.bing.com 10. This was not the neighbours' dog; it was paler and a different shape. 这不是邻居家的狗,它的颜色更浅一些,而且形状也不同。 word.hcbus.com 1. She depends on the charity of her new neighbours. But at least she is alive, and fairly healthy. 她只能依靠新邻居的施舍,可起码她还算健康的活着。 www.ecocn.org 2. Beijing is trying to reassure its neighbours about its intentions. 北京方面正试图让邻国对中国的意图放心。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Less than one-sixth of the total Mekong catchment is in China, but that upstream flow is crucial to neighbours during the dry season. 湄公河不足六一之一的水域在中国境内,但在旱季,上流水流量对邻国至关重要。 www.bing.com 4. An Irish problem has quickly become a euro-zone problem-and a British headache, too, given the close links between the neighbours. 爱尔兰的问题迅速变成了一个欧元区的问题,也是英国的头痛,应为和爱尔兰有很紧密地联系。 www.ecocn.org 5. Only in a handful of places do Easter celebrants alter their own arrangements to take account of their neighbours. 只有在少数的一些地方,复活节的司仪神父会考虑到其他基督教组织,对庆祝活动作出调整。 www.ecocn.org 6. It is possible that its leaders decided that a lower-key affair a few weeks later might avoid stoking the neighbours' suspicions. 可能是中国的领导人认为,航母几周后以低调姿态亮相能避免激起邻国的怀疑。 www.bing.com 7. On the day of the viewing of Henry's body, I glanced over to the coffin and saw Cathy, one of our neighbours. 在遗体告别的那天,我透过棺木看到了凯西,我们的一个邻居。 www.bing.com 8. A worrying minority form "parallel societies" , and a few actively plot harm against their German neighbours. 令人担忧的少数族群形成“平行社会”,而一些人积极谋划伤害他们的德国邻居。 www.ecocn.org 9. Though, you know, dad, no matter how many times I ask neighbours to please climb out to their windows, they insist on using those doors. 知道吗,老爸,虽然我多少遍的要求邻居,让他们从窗户那儿爬出来,他们就是坚持要用门。 bbs.putclub.com 10. Such was the transmission mechanism by which the contagion originating in Thailand spread to its neighbours. 这就是泰国货币贬值风波向邻国扩散的传导机制。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Growth demanded stability, which in turn required that China's neighbours did not feel threatened. 增长需要稳定,稳定又需要睦邻不感到威胁。 www.ecocn.org 2. Why are China's neighbours not always susceptible to its charms? 为什么中国的邻居们不易受它的美丽的感染呢? blog.sina.com.cn 3. He wishes his wife wouldn't spend so much time gossiping with the neighbours. 他巴不得(但愿)他的妻子不要花那么多的时间和邻居们闲谈是非。 www.way2english.com 4. My neighbours are continually quarrelling, but it is usually a storm in a tea-cup . 我的邻居们老是争吵不休,常常是为了点小事儿大吵大闹。 z.tougao98.com 5. The solution is not for America to abandon Israel, but to guide it to peace with its neighbours, applying pressure on both sides. 解决的办法不是要美国放弃以色列,而是引导他与其邻国和平共处,施压力于双方。 www.ecocn.org 6. Inflationary US policies chased funds into Germany, forcing rate increases that sucked money out of its European neighbours. 在美国通胀政策的压力下,资金纷纷流向德国,迫使德国加息,进而吸走了其欧洲邻国的资金。 www.ftchinese.com 7. It shocked me to see how my neighbours treated their children. 看到我的邻居那样对待他们的孩子我很吃惊。 www.teachercn.com 8. My neighbours are continually quarreling, but if is usually a storm in a tea-cup. 我的邻居们老是争吵不休,常常是为了点小事而大吵大闹。 www.hotdic.com 9. There is no way of putting the invention of "historical fact" or the existence of our cosmic neighbours across in a gentle palatable way. 没有一种方式来把“历史事实”的介绍和我们遍及宇宙的邻居的存在以一种合意的方式传递给他们。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. They should limit the grounds on which people can object to neighbours' solar installations through the planning process. 政府应该出台人们计划安装太阳能设施场地的相关限制条例,以免会影响周边的人们。 xiaozu.renren.com 1. Bahrain, like Oman, has just been promised $1 billion of aid per year over the next decade from its wealthier Gulf neighbours. 巴林(如同阿曼)刚获得承诺,未来十年波斯湾的富裕邻国将每年提供十亿美元援助。 www.ecocn.org 2. Europe must deal with the neighbours it has, not the ones it would like. 欧洲必须同它该有的邻国打交道,而不是同它想有的邻国打交道。 www.ecocn.org 3. But cuddling up to regional actors still committed to violence risks taking Turkey beyond a sensible good-neighbours policy. 但是,与仍致力于暴力活动的区域势力发展友好关系,有可能使土耳其超出明智的睦邻友好政策的范畴。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In contrast to a decade ago, Japan now exports more goods to its Asian neighbours than to the US and Europe. 与10年前不同,日本如今对亚洲邻国的出口高于欧美。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The results show that the number of neighbours in a same channel is close to the ideal neighbour number. 分析表明:同一频道上邻居节点的数目接近理想邻居节点数目; www.fabiao.net 6. Two days after the Moscow attacks, a pair of bombs exploded in Dagestan, which neighbours Chechnya, killing many and injuring scores. [size=10.5pt]莫斯科爆炸过后两天,毗邻车臣的达吉斯坦又发生了两起爆炸,并致多人死伤。 www.ecocn.org 7. "As two large neighbours in Asia, there is bound to be an element of competition, " said Anand Sharma, India's commerce minister. “作为亚洲两个相邻的大国,两者之间必然存在竞争因素,”印度商务部长阿南德?沙玛(AnandSharma)说道。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Iceland's position reflects its internal political stability and its good relations with its neighbours. 冰岛的排名反映出该国内部政治局面稳定、与邻国关系良好。 www.ftchinese.com 9. North Korea said it was sending a satellite into orbit, but its neighbours suspect the launch was a cover for a long-range missile test. 北朝鲜官方说他们将一颗人造卫星送入了轨道,但是它的邻国们怀疑这次发射代替了远程导弹试射。 club.yule.sohu.com 10. The best way for Nigeria to show leadership is to help its neighbours to stop rigging their polls. 尼日利亚展示领导力的最好方式是帮助它的邻国停止选举作弊的行为。 www.ecocn.org 1. And his tastes are so plain that you can barely tell him apart from his neighbours. 他的品味平淡无奇,以至于你很难把他和邻居区分开来。 www.ecocn.org 2. China's commodity-rich Asian neighbours are all too aware that its economy is no longer booming at a double-digit pace. 中国那些大宗商品储量丰富的亚洲邻国,现在都清楚地意识到,中国经济不再以两位数速度增长。 www.ftchinese.com 3. There is always a plausible-sounding reason for the fights that Singapore's neighbours pick with it. 周边邻国对新加坡的不满看起来似乎也有些道理。 www.shuwo.org 4. I get woken up by bin lorries, the rush-hour traffic and my neighbours shouting, instead of birdsong and the wind in the trees. 我在大货车、交通嘈音和邻居的大声喧哗中醒来,而不是鸟儿的歌唱和林间的风声。 www.bing.com 5. The very early Mormons were quite liberal for their time: their neighbours in Missouri complained that they did not own slaves. 很早期的摩门教徒在当时都非常自由主义:他们在密苏里州的左邻右舍抱怨他们不蓄奴。 www.ecocn.org 6. He does not want to know whether any of his neighbours were among those who set fire to his business. 他不想知道,在自己的邻居中,是否有人参与放火烧毁他的生意。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The rules emphasise individual responsibility while encouraging staff to intervene to help their colleagues and respect neighbours. 这个规则强调个人的责任,同时鼓励工作人员相互进行干预,以帮助他们的同事并尊重邻国的关系。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Do not take me away with the sinners and the workers of evil, who say words of peace to their neighbours, but evil is in their hearts. 不要把我和恶人,并作孽的,一同除掉。他们与邻舍说和平话,心里却是奸恶。 www.he-lead.com 9. Like my new neighbours, I then sweep the leaves which the wind left in front of my door during the night away. 于是,我就像我的新邻居们一样,打扫门前夜晚被风吹下的落叶。 blog.163.com 10. I had my neighbours asking me about that and I've read about it in the newspapers but it's not true at all. 我邻居曾经问过我,我也从报纸上读到过。但这并不是真的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A "defector" who refuses to donate to his co-operating neighbours will, however, benefit at the expense of those neighbours. 游戏中的“叛逃者”,即拒绝将分数赠送给邻人的参与者,能够从别人的损失中获益。 www.remword.cn 2. Neighbours aided him with money when he almost lost everything in the fire . 当他在火灾中几乎失去一切的时候,邻居们用钱来帮助他。 www.bing.com 3. During a search, the person to be searched or his family members, neighbours or other eyewitnesses shall be present at the scene. 第一百一十二条在搜查的时候,应当有被搜查人或者他的家属,邻居或者其他见证人在场。 cq.netsh.com 4. South Africa, one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, and its neighbours are prime locations for adding to the species catalogue. 世界上最具有生物多样性的国家之一的南非以及它的一些邻国都是发现新物种的黄金地区。 www.bing.com 5. Neighbours need more understanding between them. 邻里之间需要更多的理解。 360.ebigear.com 6. China prefers to deal with its neighbours one by one, rejecting attempts to "internationalise" the issue. 它更喜欢在双边基础上与邻国打交道,拒绝企图将南海问题“国际化”的努力。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Most importantly, relatives, neighbours and his teachers should give the very kid as much love as possible to make him feel least abandoned. 最重要的是,亲戚、邻居以及他的老师应尽可能多地爱这些孩子,尽量使他感觉到自己没有被抛弃。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 8. When having dinner, the bride should, with her husband, toast her relatives and neighbours, thank for their congratulations to her marriage. 就餐时,新娘要陪着新郎,一一向父母、亲友和邻里敬酒,感谢大家对自己新婚的祝福。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. One of my neighbours is spitting in his washbowl, another one is screaming something I can't understand. 有个邻居在往痰盂里大声吐痰,另一个则在大声叫唤,嚷什么我也听不明白。 blog.163.com 10. Energy remains almost the only effective tool that Russia has to shape its relations with its neighbours. 目前,能源几乎成为决定俄罗斯与周边多国关系的唯一政治工具。 ecocn.org 1. but until china embraces openness and pluralism at home , no charm offensive is ever going to set its neighbours ' minds completely at ease. 但除非中国接受在国内接受开放和多党制,否则,即使笑容满面也难以完全消除邻居们心中的疑虑。 www.ichacha.net 2. He is keen to identify the ways in which a country's policies, including its exchange-rate policies, "spill over" to its neighbours. 卡恩急切地想弄明白一国的政策——包括汇率政策在内——是如何“溢出”从而影响到邻国的。 english.51ielts.com 3. An uninhabited house of two storeys stood at the blind end, detached from its neighbours in a square ground. 街道尽头有一栋两层的房子,无人居住,一方操场把房子跟邻居隔开。 www.bing.com 4. The other day, my neighbours and I marvelled together at a moose running down the street toward the lake. 有一天,我和邻居们一起惊奇地看着一只驼鹿穿过大街向湖边跑去。 www.bing.com 5. In an Old Havana street, a group of women are working on the pavement, giving manicures and pedicures to neighbours. 在OldHavana街上,一些妇女正在人行道上工作,给邻居们修甲和足疗。 www.bing.com 6. Germany's brightest business prospects do not involve its slow-growing neighbours but the charismatic economies of Asia and Latin America. 德国商业的大好前途并不和它那些发展缓慢的邻居们有关,而是和亚洲以及拉美那些极富魅力的经济体密切相关。 www.ecocn.org 7. The beach is public land, like all beaches under state law, and the Obamas may see neighbours out for a walk or jog. 海滩是公共场所,跟所有的海滩一样受国家法律管辖,所以奥巴马可以看到邻居去散步或者慢跑。 www.bing.com 8. But Mr Obama, so far, has been much more diplomatic, urging only dialogue between the two tetchy neighbours. 但是至今为止,奥巴马表现得更有外交手腕,他只是呼吁剑拔弩张的印巴双方能进行对话而已。 www.ecocn.org 9. Yet the country is no more popular with its neighbours than it is among thrifty Swabian housewives. 然而如今希腊既不受邻国爱戴,也不被以节俭著称的斯瓦比亚家庭主妇所看好。 www.ecocn.org 10. In turn, these neighbours will have to choose between appeasement and deeper entanglement with the United States. 反过来说,这些邻国将不得不从缓和和同美国更深入的纠缠中做出选择。 www.bing.com 1. The noise from his house was so loud that it was a nuisance to the neighbours . 从他家传出的那声音大得让邻居们讨厌。 www.bing.com 2. Yet all is not sweetness and light, either within Greater Manchester or with its near neighbours, Liverpool and Leeds. 可是也并非一切都是美好和光明的。不仅是在大曼彻斯特内部,就连其睦邻利物浦和利兹也存在着问题。 www.ecocn.org 3. Seeing friends and neighbours struggle with inadequate pensions can be a powerful incentive to save more. 目睹到朋友和邻居为不足的养老金而挣扎,是增加储蓄强大的激励。 www.ecocn.org 4. we have not recovered the land looted by our neighbours, so how can we boast of being a strong nation? 连被邻国掠夺的领土都没有收复,怎能妄自称之为强国? www.ecocn.org 5. The existence of so many neighbours suggests that planetary systems tend to be stable, and stability is good for the evolution of life. 这么多邻居的存在说明了行星体系越来越趋向稳定,而这种稳定对生命的进化起着十分积极的作用。 www.ecocn.org 6. he had to ask neighbours for help for a long term. 很长时间他都不得不靠邻居帮忙 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Border disputes with a host of neighbours have been resolved and smouldering suspicion has been turned into constructive partnerships. 中国解决了与多个邻国的边境纠纷,挥之不去的猜疑变成了富有建设性的合作伙伴关系。 www.ftchinese.com 8. I think you are just a mortgage slave buying boats to impress your neighbours. 我想你只是一个买帆船给你的邻居们留下好印象的船奴。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. SMUGNESS is Estonians' least attractive feature, at least in the eyes of their Baltic neighbours, Latvia and Lithuania. 至少在其波罗的海邻国拉脱维亚和立陶宛看来,自视甚高是爱沙尼亚最不受欢迎的特点。 www.ecocn.org 10. Unlike his neighbours, Gaddafi had come to power by denying western control of his country's natural wealth. 于他邻国不同的是,卡扎菲主要是通过对西方在利比亚财产的否任而上台的。 www.bing.com 1. It was thought by his neighbours that he had made a wrong decision. 他的领居都认为他做了一个错误的决定。 www.bing.com 2. Algeria is frustrated by the apparent inertia and alleged lack of backbone shown by some of its southern neighbours. 阿尔及利亚对它南部的邻居们明显的冷淡和表现出的缺乏中坚力量的行为很是沮丧。 www.ecocn.org 3. Washington has tried to persuade Ankara, as one of Syria's most influential neighbours, to increase pressure on Damascus. 美国政府试图说服土耳其向叙利亚施加更大压力,土耳其是叙利亚最有影响力的邻国之一。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Speaking to the Asean regional forum, she all but declared that the US would not allow China to coerce its smaller neighbours. 她在东盟(Asean)地区论坛讲话时几乎明白无误地宣示,美国不会允许中国胁迫其弱小邻国。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Historically, few relationships between neighbours have been as schizophrenic as the love-hate relationship between Russia and Poland. 历史上,邻国之间的关系很少有像俄波关系这样的,不断徘徊在爱与恨之间。 www.bing.com 6. Does that mean greater EU engagement with its neighbours amounts to a policy of high risk and low reward? 这是否意味着欧盟同邻邦更大的接触是一项高风险、低回报的政策呢? www.ecocn.org 7. In the case of the Bolsheviks, this would have meant such neighbours (Ger- many in particular) having their own revolutions, too. 在布尔什维克时期,这意味着这样一些邻居,(尤其是德国)他们也在闹革命。 www.bing.com 8. The wasp thinks that the honey hive of the neighbouring bees is too small . His neighbours ask him to build one still smaller . 黄蜂认为他邻居的蜜巢太小。他的邻居要他筑个更小的巢。 www.bing.com 9. He did not allow his neighbours to poke into his garden. 他不允许邻居到他园中翻来翻去。 dict.veduchina.com 10. But for you, only the people that you work with or our neighbours know(s) you for those people say good things about you. 但是对你来说,只有和你一起工作的人和我们的邻居才知道你的美德。 www.hxen.com 1. Ms Tha, for example, pays about 7, 500 riels a month for her supply. But much of that she recoups from neighbours. 例如Tha女士每个月必须为她的自来水支付7,500里尔的费用,但是这大部分费用她都从邻居那里收回来了。 www.ecocn.org 2. Do not take advantage of the hawkers; help poor relatives and neighbours. 与肩挑贸易,勿占便宜;见贫苦亲邻,须多温恤。 www.24en.com 3. Similarly, in the 2004 case, Ms Constantine was described by neighbours as desperate to leave her marriage. 2004年康斯坦丁女士同样被邻居描绘成心灰意冷的离家妇女。 www.ecocn.org 4. And the second step of the project is to help all the neighbours of my grand parents learn some knowledge of science. 第二步,对这个项目旨在帮助所有的邻居的爷爷奶奶那里学到一些科学知识。 wenwen.soso.com 5. "Men will become neighbours, " he wrote. "Whether they like it or not. . . The TV satellite is mightier than the ICBM. " “人们会成为邻居,”他写道,“不论他们喜欢与否……卫星电视比洲际导弹要强有力的多。” www.bing.com 6. The sun zaps its planetary neighbours with the "solar wind" , a stream of highly energetic charged particles. 太阳不停的以“太阳风”,这是一个高能带电粒子流,攻击与其相邻的行星。 www.ecocn.org 7. Noisy neighbours are one of the most emotive causes of domestic upset for a very good reason. 如果一个在职同事对我们表示威吓的话,会造成难以言语的抑郁情绪。 www.hjenglish.com 8. When their mother was ill the children were looked after by neighbours. 孩子们的母亲生病时,他们由邻居们照顾。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. As a hedge, it has also been forging links farther east with China's own maritime neighbours, including Vietnam, South Korea and Japan. 作为一种防御手段,印度还把手伸向了东边,与中国的海上邻国加强了联系,这其中包括越南、韩国和日本。 club.topsage.com 10. If agreed, the supply of submarines, worth as much as $3bn, would be the largest defence purchase between the two neighbours. 如果达成协议,这笔价值高达30亿美元的潜艇供应合同,将成为中巴两国最大的一笔国防采购交易。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Things have come to a pretty pass it you can't even light a bonfire without all the neighbours complaining. 甚至连你们点燃篝火邻居都会抱怨的话,事情是有些麻烦了。 www.hotdic.com 2. It is in the power of Zimbabwe's neighbours to make sure of that. 津巴布韦的邻国的当权者最希望确定下来这一点。 www.ecocn.org 3. The broader problem for Russian foreign policy is that the country's rulers do not know how to deal with their post-Soviet neighbours. 就俄罗斯的外交政策而言,一个更普遍的问题是,该国领导人不懂得如何与前苏联解体后的各邻国打交道。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If the miserable waste ground lying near it could have laughed, it would have laughed it to scorn, like many of the miserable neighbours. 如果附近可怜的荒地能够发笑的话,那么它也会像许多可怜的邻居一样,对它冷嘲热讽一番的。 www.kekenet.com 5. A host of other films on Gaza betrayed a fascination with Sderot's Palestinian neighbours that Israel has locked out for years. 许多关于加沙的其他影片则使人们对斯德洛特的巴勒斯坦邻居们存有的美好印象几近幻灭。以色列已经对巴勒斯坦封锁了好几年。 www.bing.com 6. But Japan's relations with its nearest neighbours are still bedevilled by problems of acknowledging its rapine wartime past. 但是,日本和它最近的邻居的关系仍被它对战争历史的态度所侵蚀。 bbs.ecocn.org 7. Russia's latest row with Georgia is not the only source of anxiety for its neighbours. 让俄罗斯周边国家担心的不仅仅是这次与格鲁吉亚的新冲突。 www.ecocn.org 8. Although countries farther afield have offered to help the rebels, Libya's seven immediate neighbours have remained wary. 尽管远离战场的国家已经答应为反对派提供援助,利比亚最接近的七个邻国却仍在慎重考虑。 www.ecocn.org 9. One was still able to share the street with neighbours, the outdoor barber, a game of chess, skaters and people fishing on the frozen lake. 人们与邻居分享街道,大街上的理发师,棋局,还有人们敲开冰冻的湖面钓鱼。 woshao.com 10. They have become the strongest out of the new central Asian nations, after having good results against their footballing neighbours. 在接二连三地对他们的邻国们在足球方面取得好成绩以后,他们已经成为了中亚群雄中的佼佼者。 tieba.baidu.com 1. This is a RESIDENTIAL AREA. Please leave QUIETLY so as not to disturb our neighbours. Thank you for your co-operation &your kind attention. 这里是居民区。请您离开时不要喧哗,以免影响左邻右舍。谢谢您的合作与关注。 www.hicoo.net 2. She had no patience with her nosy neighbours. 她不能容忍爱管闲事的邻居们。 eduho.com 3. The country's strong tax base means it has a welfare budget that poorer African neighbours can only envy. 强大的税基确保了南非的福利预算,较贫困的非洲邻国只能望而生羡。 www.ftchinese.com 4. We seized the opportunity to improve our economy and improve our relations with our neighbours and improve our relations with the U. S. 我们抓住了机会去改变我们的经济状况,我们与邻国的关系,以及和美国的关系。 www.bing.com 5. been happy to put them on the back-burner, favouring a charm offensive aimed at convincing neighbours that its rise poses no threat. 迄今为止,中国一直乐于把这些争议放在不太重要的位置上,倾向采取魅力攻势,力图使邻国相信,中国崛起不会构成任何威胁。 thykiss.blog.163.com 6. Some neighbours were wonderful and turned up with food and money while others began to gossip. 一些邻居非常友好,送过来一些食物和钱,而其他人开始说闲话。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Sensible policies and a benign global economy helped it catch up with European neighbours that for decades had left it languishing. 明智的政策和有利的全球经济环境帮助它追赶上几十年来一直远远将它甩在背后的欧洲邻国。 www.ecocn.org 8. Lately it has become embroiled in numerous territorial disputes with its neighbours. 近年中国卷入了一系列与邻国的领土纷争。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The likelier prospect would be a long war that sucked in neighbours (Turkey, Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia are all candidates). 一种可能的前景是,两派内战持续不断,最后把邻国也拖下水(土耳其,叙利亚,伊朗和沙特都有可能)。 www.ecocn.org 10. On Thanksgiving, we go to visit my grandma. Clifford has to stay at home. Our neighbours take care of him. 感恩节那天,我们去看望奶奶。Clifford不得不呆在家里,我们的邻居照看他。 www.rr365.com 1. He likes to turn on the radio at full volume, and all the neighbours are complaining of the noise. 他喜欢把收音机开到最大音量,因而邻居们都抱怨这噪音。 zy.swust.net.cn 2. China's emergence as the workshop of the world started with the shift of labour-intensive manufacturing from its neighbours. 中国作为世界工厂的崛起正是起源于向周边的劳动密集型制造业方向的转变。 www.ecocn.org 3. She might have been killed if the neighbours hadn't intervened. 要不是邻居介入,她可能会没命了。 www.kekenet.com 4. And we are more likely to keep an eye out for neighbours, as well as give up seats to elderly people on public transport. 而且我们会更愿意帮邻居留心,在公交车、地铁上给老人让座。 www.kekenet.com 5. Tunnels are often so close together, however, that other females may break in to their neighbours' underground, to try to steal dung. 每个洞穴常常相距不远,所以其它雌性蜣螂可能会闯入邻居的地底试图偷卵。 www.ecocn.org 6. When their mother was ill neighbours looked after the children. 孩子们的母亲生病时,邻居们照顾他们。 www.enread.com 7. Even those neighbours who had called Peter Featherstone an old fox, had never accused him of being insincerely polite. 有些邻居骂彼得·费瑟斯通是老狐狸,但即使这些人也从没指责他虚情假意。 www.dictall.com 8. This may give our neighbours the impression that Singapore is unwilling to be a part of South-east Asia. 这可能使我们的邻国认为新加坡并不热衷于作为东南亚的一分子。 www.zaobao.com 9. He joined a gang at the age of 12. By the time he was 18, he was making $1, 000 a day selling crack to his neighbours. 科尔普斯12岁就加入黑帮,到18岁的时候,他每天可以挣1000美元,靠的就是兜售强效可卡因给邻居。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Yet they were thwarted when Colombia declined to join because of its neighbours' equivocal attitude to its FARC guerrillas. 但是当哥伦比亚因其邻国与哥革命武装力量游击队的暧昧关系而拒绝加入时,领导人们遇到了障碍。 www.ecocn.org 1. The parents of one of the neighbours, you learn, are farmers with dairy cows, free range chickens and several acres of vegetables. 你的邻居中有一个人的父母是一对农民,他们养了几头奶牛、一些到处乱窜的小鸡,还种了几亩蔬菜。 www.elanso.com 2. In communications, a network topology in the form of a ring so that each node is connected only with two neighbours on each side. 在通信技术中,一种环形的网络拓朴,其中每个节点只在两侧各与相邻的一个节点连接。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. So, fiddle with the atmospheres of these neighbours and you open new frontiers for human settlement and far-fetched story lines. 所以,你可以篡改这些临近星球的大气问题,开辟新的人类居住地,编出离奇的故事情节。 www.bing.com 4. She smiled to herself gaily and went out of the cave to welcome her friends and neighbours. 她微笑着对自己快活地走出了洞穴,欢迎她的朋友和邻居。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Whatever tales this candid woman heard , she was sure to impart them to her neighbours . 这个心直口快的女人不论听到什么,必定要告诉她的左邻右舍。 www.bing.com 6. In March China broke its silence over dams, denying that it was responsible for reducing the Mekong's flow reaching downstream neighbours. 三月,中国对修建大坝一事打破沉默,否认湄公河下流邻国水流量减少该由中国负责。 www.bing.com 7. TYPICAL USE: The solicitude shown to him by his neighbours after the robbery impressed him very deeply. 抢劫之后,他的邻居的焦念之情,给他以深刻的印象。 www.cublog.cn 8. Yet Libya is a very different place from its neighbours along the Mediterranean. 当然,利比亚和它地中海沿岸的邻国有着非常大的不同。 www.ecocn.org 9. The solicitude shown him by his neighbours after robbery touched him deeply . 抢劫发生之后,他邻居的焦虑之情给让他印象深刻。 www.bing.com 10. Several of Eliot's neighbours put up a petition for a right of way over his ground. 埃略特的几个邻居提出申请,要求在他的土地上有通行权。 www.jukuu.com |
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