单词 | northeast |
释义 |
例句释义: 东北,〈诗〉东北风,东北地方,在东北的,自东北的,在东北,从东北,东北部,东北方,位于东北的 1. The *automation junior at Northeast *Petroleum University has worked as a part-time tour guide for her university for three years. 这位东北石油大学自动化专业的大三学生做校内兼职导游已有三年时间了。 www.hxen.com 2. The area, on Beijing's northeast side, contained two or three nearby compounds, and several other expat housing clusters a few miles north. 这个地区位于北京东北部,附近有两三个小区,北边几英里的地方还有几个外国人居住区。 www.kekenet.com 3. The February sales pace was undoubtedly depressed by harsh weather in the Northeast, and a rebound in March or April is possible. 二月的房产销售无疑会受到东北部恶劣天气的影响,在3月或4月会有所反弹。 www.bing.com 4. "I've received an impression from a tree about two or three miles northeast of here, " he said. 我从距离两到三英里、东北方向的地方的一棵树那儿获取到一个意念。 www.bing.com 5. Not for a while, I went to the northeast part of this Mosuqe. I found a quiet place against the sun. 不一会呢,我就跑到清真寺的东北方去了,那是顶着烈日的一片小宁静。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. People began the clean up in the Northeast after nearly a week rain left many areas flooded. 东北近一个星期的大雨使许多地区淹水之后,人们开始清理。 bbs.putclub.com 7. All day long the sound of helicopters filled the air as they ferried up and down the northeast coast. At ground levels progress was slower. 在东北部海岸,直升机的声音一整天在空中回荡,在地面上的进展非常缓慢。 www.tingclass.com 8. The ship is wrecked off an unknown island near the northeast coast of South America. Crusoe is the only survivor. 他们的船在南美洲东北海岸一个不知名的岛屿附近失事,鲁滨逊是唯一的幸存者。 www.jukuu.com 9. Soon a number of missionaries, soldiers and merchants began to fan out toward the outlying regions of the European orth and northeast. 不久之后,一些传教士,士兵和商人开始涌向欧洲北韩的边远地区和东北地区。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Prime Minister al-Maliki says seven of Zarqawi's associates died with him in a "safe house" near Baquba, northeast of the capital. 马利基总理说,扎卡维在巴格达东北的巴古拜附近的一个“藏身之地”和他的七名同夥一起被炸死。 www.taiyang888.com 1. The wind came again. It had veered from the northeast to the southeast. 风又刮起来了,风向从东北转东南。 2. How does "northeast electric" going? How much does it cost? 东北电气的事情现处理如何?请问一共多少钱? bbs.fobshanghai.com 3. Afternoon thunderstorms zaccur, and to the earthquake, the wind turned the northeast, rudder no Lord, turn the boat what dangerous. 午刻,大雷雨以震,风转东北,舵无主,舟转侧甚危。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. So, the wind is now coming from the northeast out of India, across the Indian Ocean, this way towards Africa. 于是,风就从东北方向吹过来从印度大陆吹过印度洋沿这个方向吹向非洲。 www.ted.com 5. North Korea's relationships in the Northeast Asian region could also improve as it abandons its nuclear weapons and programs, he said. 他说,随着北韩放弃核武器和核项目,它与东北亚地区各国的关系也可以得到改善。 www.america.gov 6. The two-day contest attracts swimmers from all over the country to the northeast region where it's especially cold this time of year. 为期两天的比赛吸引了全国各地的冬泳爱好者来到这个东北地区,这里每年这个时候极为寒冷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The sun arose in the northeast - at least the day dawned in that quarter, for the sun was hidden by gray clouds. 太阳从东北方升了起来——至少也得说那个方向出现了曙光,因为太阳给乌云遮住了。 www.putclub.com 8. He said the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant on Japan's northeast coast is one of at least three nuclear facilities at risk. 他说福岛第一核电站设在日本的东北海岸线上,是至少三个处于险境的核设施之一。 news.bangkaow.com 9. City is a famous historical and cultural city northeast is the only one with the name of the country to the city. 吉林市被誉为“北国江城”,是东北著名的历史文化名城,也是全国唯一一个与省名相重的城市。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It was gradually weakening as it headed over the open Atlantic northeast of the British territory of Bermuda. 当它朝着开阔的大西洋东北的英属百慕大移动时,便逐渐减弱。 www.aitrans.net 1. I was born and brought up in northeast Liaoning, and I thought I might encounter difficulties in the heat of Sichuan. 我在辽宁东北出生长大,可能适应不了四川的炎热。 www.bing.com 2. Abbr. ME , Me. A state of the northeast United States. It was admitted as the 23rd state in 820. 缩写ME,Me。缅因州:美国东北部的一个州,于820年被收归为第二十三个州。 www.poptool.net 3. The DPRK Nuclear Crisis has always been the key issue that afflicts the security of Northeast Asia since the end of the Cold War. 冷战结束以来朝核危机一直是困扰东北亚地区安全的核心问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "Altogether, since 2001 the United States has improved [its] relationships with every state in Northeast Asia simultaneously, " she said. 国务卿赖斯说:“总体而言,自2001年以来,美国同时改善了同东北亚地区每一个国家的关系。” www.america.gov 5. The land of the Northeast is hilly and rocky. Much of it is still covered by heavy forests. 东北部的土地丘陵起伏,岩石耸立,大部分仍为茂密的森林。 www.zftrans.com 6. Rikuzentakata, on Japan's northeast coast about 250 miles from Tokyo, was one of the communities hardest hit by the March 11 disaster. 位于日本东北部沿海的陆前高田市离东京大约250英里(约400公里),是受3月11日天灾冲击最严重的地区之一。 chinese.wsj.com 7. A city of northeast South Carolina east-northeast of Columbia. It has been a transportation center since the Civil War. Population, 29, 813. 美国南卡罗莱纳州东北部一城市,位于哥伦比亚东北偏东。自内战以来成为一个交通中心。人口29,813。 odict.net 8. Much of the northeast was impassable, and by late Saturday rescuers had not arrived in the worst-hit areas. 东北地区多处仍无法通行,在受灾最严重的地区截止到周六晚还无救援人员到达。 www.bing.com 9. To the east and northeast, the glacier is covered by ash and other volcanic debris, giving it a rumpled, brown look. 在东部和东北部,冰川为尘埃和其他火山碎屑所覆盖,看起来是一种皱巴巴的棕色。 www.bing.com 10. And the wind , the northeast wind swooshes it around and carries it off across the ocean to Africa, where it 's raining . 而风,东北风,把它卷起来,又带着它穿越大洋直到非洲,而那里正在下雨。 www.bing.com 1. One Northeast cooperative, Agri-Mark, sent a letter to its members last month instructing them to dump milk if it had been tested by the F. 美国东北部的一家名为Agri-Mark的奶制品合作社,上个月在发给其成员的一封信中,指点他们若牛奶被F。 www.bing.com 2. Porridge is endemic in northeast China food, peel the corn to hilum (hereinafter referred to as the corn) primarily, add green bean cooked. 玉米粥是东北地区特有食品,是以去皮去脐的玉米粒(以下简称玉米粒)为主,添加芸豆煮熟而成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Northeast of the icefall, the glacier's surface is mostly smooth for several kilometers until a network of crevasses mark the surface. 在冰瀑布东北数公里长的范围里,冰川的表面基本上变得很光滑,直到在其表面出现一系列的冰裂缝。 www.bing.com 4. At least five people have been killed as a result of widespread flooding over in the mid-Atlantic and in the Northeast. 因为亚特兰大中部和东北地区的大面积洪水灾害,导致至少五人死亡。 www.bing.com 5. An early morning storm dumped up to a foot of rain on Northeast Kansas Sunday. Sparking flash floods that stranded peoples homes and cars. 星期天一大早,堪萨斯州东北部突降大雨,降水量达一英尺,引起的洪水把人们困在了家里和车里。 bbs.putclub.com 6. His return runs a similar arc to that of many Northeast distillers. 他的回归犹如很多东北蒸馏器上的弧线。 www.bing.com 7. The Huangbaiyu project sought to transform a small village in northeast China's Liaoning province into a more energy-efficient community. 黄柏裕项目试图将中国东北的一个小村庄改造成一个更节能的社区。 www.bing.com 8. In this paper, the theory of a regional financial center of Shenyang as a regional financial center in Northeast Construction of the theory. 本论文以区域金融中心理论作为分析沈阳构建东北区域性金融中心的理论依据。 www.fabiao.net 9. There's an old pumping settlement in the bottom of an impact crater just northeast of here. 就在这里的东北方,有一个冲击火山口,火山口下方,有一个以前的抽水站。 group.lehu.shu.edu.cn 10. PAOLA, Kansas (Reuters) - Farmer Mark Nelson bends down and yanks a four-foot-tall weed from his northeast Kansas soybean field. 佩奥拉,堪萨斯州(路透社)-美国农夫马克·尼尔森弯下腰从他的大豆田中拔掉一根四英尺长的杂草。 www.youfind.com.cn 1. China insists that this section of northeast India has historically been part of Tibet, and should be part of China. 中国坚持印度东北部的部分区域历来是西藏的一部分,当然也应该是中国的一部分。 www.bing.com 2. The place of the Kuroshio entering into the continental shelf is always at the northeast area of Taiwan. 黑潮水入侵陆架的位置主要集中在台湾东北区域。 www.lw23.com 3. To tell you the truth, dad, I never drink spirit even if I am from the northeast. 爹地,说老实话,虽然是东北人,可我从来不喝白酒。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Cold air which reaches the basin from northeast tends to stagnate there during the late autumn and winter. 在晚秋和冬季,从东北方向进入盆地的冷空气趋向于在那里滞留。 dict.veduchina.com 5. Northeast Asia seems to have to return to "Cold War" signs. 东北亚似乎又有重返“冷战状态”的迹象。 www.englishtang.com 6. Healthier regions, including 'many parts of the Northeast, ' have only just begun to suffer price declines, Ms. Meyer says. 梅耶说,包括东北部很多州在内的状况较好的地区才刚刚开始遭受价格下滑。 www.bing.com 7. I can be in the southwest monsoon. But the wind above is from the northeast monsoon. 但是这上面的风是从东北季候风来的。 www.ted.com 8. Sanjiang Plain, Heilongjiang, China. The green fields nurtured by the dark soil of the 3 Northeast Provinces. 中国,黑龙江三江平原,东三省黑土地滋养出的绿色农田。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. The Green Mountains glow as a rose-colored sunset descends on a far corner of Vermont known as the Northeast Kingdom. 绿山像一轮玫瑰色的日落在佛蒙特一个被称为“东北王朝”的遥远的角落沉落一样闪耀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Before the government attempts to turn Taipei into a Northeast Asian Double Gold Hub, it needs to draw up plans for a new Sungshan Airport. 在擘画台北未来成为东北亚双黄金航线之前,可能政府必须先规画出一个新松山机场的建设计画来; datelinetaipei.wordpress.com 1. The northeast turned black and menacing. There was a mountain of a wave on the sea. 东北方向变得墨黑吓人,海上涌起山一般的巨浪。 bbs.wwenglish.org 2. In its northward trek over the Arabian Sea, Cyclone Phet gave Oman a glancing blow, cutting across the northeast edge of the country. 沿阿拉伯海缓慢北上的过程中,“钻石”侧面袭击了阿曼,从阿曼的东北部穿过。 www.bing.com 3. Finally, there is the question of how a change in the North Korean regime will affect the delicate politics of northeast Asia. 最后,还有朝鲜政权更迭将如何影响东北亚微妙政治的问题。 www.stnn.cc 4. And yet it clearly already shows the Basque Country (in the north) and Catalonia (in the northeast) as two separate entities. 它还清楚地揭示了两个独立的实体巴斯克国(北部)和加泰罗尼亚(东北)。 www.bing.com 5. NATO said the helicopter 23 in the Afghan capital, Kabul, Kapisa province, northeast of the Arabian race (Alasay) zone crash. 北约称,这架直升机23日在阿富汗首都喀布尔东北部的卡比萨省阿拉赛(Alasay)区坠毁。 www.englishtang.com 6. We begin this topic by discussing the region of the United States known as the Northeast. 我们先从美国东北区的区域范围说起。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Not only in the Northeast was the president losing support. People all over the country were suffering because of the economic depression. 总统不仅在美国东北部失去了支持,全国人民还因经济大萧条而遭受苦难。 www.bing.com 8. The application of this model in a Northeast Iron & Steel Group revealed the feasibility and effectiveness of this model and its algorithm. 经东北某钢铁集团的实际应用表明了该协同库存控制模型的有效性和实用性。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. We hit the road with our guide, heading for the best place to see baby lemurs up close, some 80 kilometres northeast. 跟着导游上路,能近距离观察狐猴的最佳地点,往东北方走八十公里。 video.2u4u.com.cn 10. After the Second Opium War , Yingkou was opened up as a commercial port , and the door of the Northeast was opened under foreign big powers. 第二次鸦片战争后,营口被开辟为商埠,东北的门户在外国列强的炮口下打开了。 www.fabiao.net 1. From 1644 onward, the vast region of Manchuria to China's northeast became part of the country's central concept of its power. 从1644年往后,中国东北满洲的广大地区成为中国权力概念的核心。 www.ecocn.org 2. This complex is located near the intersection of northeast-trending littoral marine bars and a southeast-trending delta system. 该复合体位于北东走向的滨海沙坝与南东走向的三角洲体系交汇处附近。 3. Located off Brazil's northeast coast, Fernando de Noronha is one of the best scuba diving locations in South America. 它坐落在巴西东北部海岸,费尔南多·迪诺罗尼亚是南美洲最适合深潜的地点之一。 www.bing.com 4. We're in the middle of a heat wave here in the Northeast and it's been pretty uncomfortable to run outdoors -- at any time of day. 置身于夏季的滚滚热浪中,不管是一天之中的哪一时段,出门跑步确实令人不适。 www.bing.com 5. The swell direction with these premier northeast swells can be a bit more east than later in the season. 在后面一点的季节里风浪的方向从最主要的东北方向会更加的偏东方向。 www.surfinghainan.com 6. But due to a variety of factors, make northeast Asia regional cooperation potential far from full play. 但是由于各种制约因素,使得东北亚区域合作的潜力远没有充分发挥。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. An explosion at a fireworks factory injured at least ten people in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province Monday, local authorities said. 当地官方消息,中国北方黑龙江省一家烟花厂发生了爆炸,至少十人受伤。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Finally, the article concluded, to understand the revitalization of old industrial bases in northeast China's significance. 文章最后的总结了振兴东北老工业基地的重要意义。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The biggest gas field has been found in northeast area of Sichuan basin up to date. Puguang gas field is one of them. 在四川盆地东北地区(川东北地区)找到了迄今为止该盆地最大的天然气田,其中之一为普光气田。 www.fabiao.net 10. But composure reigned elsewhere to an extent barely consistent with the awful pictures filtering out of the country's stricken northeast. 但是,全球其他股市的镇定表现在某种程度上与日本东北部地区传来的可怕画面很不相符。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Second, The form of the anti-Japanese national united front in northeast China is an anti-Japanese troop leaded by CPC. 第二,东北抗日民族统一战线的组织形式是党领导的抗日武装队伍。 www.lw23.com 2. The U. S. army stationed in Korea has tremendous value for our strategies toward Northeast Asia, for instance as a deterrent against China. 美军进驻韩国对我们的东南亚战略有巨大的价值,例如作为对中国的震慑。 www.stnn.cc 3. Parliament Hill and Wang Zigong northeast India, the garden gate, they are the magnificent buildings. 小山东北的议会大厦和王子公园里的印度门,也都是壮丽的建筑。 blog.163.com 4. In fact, the U. S. is attempting to form a strategic containment toward China from the Northeast to Southeast Asia along the Pacific region. 美国正沿太平洋,从东北亚至东南亚一线,事实上形成了针对中国的战略围堵。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Residents of the Midwest and Northeast are digging out from up to nine inches of snow from weekends storms . 上周末的暴风雪给中西部及东北部带来九英寸以上的降雪,那儿的居民现在正忙着清除积雪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In the evening, the weather broke: the wind shifted from south to northeast, and brought rain first, and then sleet and snow. 到了晚上,天气变了,南来的风变成了东北风,先是带来了雨,跟着就是霜和雪。 putclub.com 7. China is a core nation in northeast Asia, and northeast China is in the heart of northeast Asia. 我国作为东北亚的核心国家,我国东北地区又地处东北亚中心腹地的重要位置。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. James and the SEALs in helo two watched all this while hovering over the compound's northeast corner. 庭院东北角悬停的2号机中的James和海豹队员们目睹了整个过程。 www.bing.com 9. At least four deaths have been blamed on the ice storm that struck the Northeast late last week. 暴风雪袭击东北部已经持续一个星期了至少造成四人死亡。 bbs.putclub.com 10. Electricity has been knocked out in most of the Japan's northeast, affecting mobile phones as well as landlines. 日本东北部大部分地区断电,影响了移动电话和固定电话。 www.hxen.com 1. Beichuan, which is traversed by the Jianjiang River, consists of an old county seat in the southwest and a new county seat in the northeast. 北川,横穿建江河,由坐落在东南的老县城和坐落在东北面的新县城组成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. each fall , nature ' s spectacular display in north america brings millions to the northeast to see it. 每年秋天,大自然在北美洲展现的壮丽景色吸引数百万人前往东北部观赏。 www.ichacha.net 3. Mr. Hatoyama said the three countries agreed the sinking is 'a serious matter for peace and stability in Northeast Asia. ' 鸠山由纪夫说,三国一致认为,沉船事件是关乎东北亚和平与稳定的严重事件。 www.voa365.com 4. Dalian Bonded Zone , the only bonded zone in Northeast China and one of the most developed among China's 15 bonded zones . 东北地区唯一的保税区——大连保税区,现已成为全国15个保税区中开发最全面的保税区之一。 www.bing.com 5. It wants to hold the Games in a mountainous region on the country's northeast coast near the small town of Pyeongchang. 韩国想在东北部沿海小城平昌附近的一个山区举办此次冬奥会。平昌位于韩国旅游人数最少的一个道。 c.wsj.com 6. My family in Northeast, my family in Northeast, my family in the Northeast Songhua River, there has all over the soybean sorghum. 我的家在东北,我的家在东北,我的家在东北松花江上啊,那里有满山遍野大豆高粱。 www.dota123.com 7. A number of oil refineries caught fire along the northeast coast and at least 11 nuclear reactors have been closed. 东北海岸的炼油厂和至少11家核电厂都已经关闭。 www.bing.com 8. The northeast end of the peach tree, there are Yigai arched branches, trees have been bent down, wait until the ground, like a natural door. 这棵桃树的东北一端,有一概拱形的枝干,树梢一直弯下来,挨到地面,就像一扇天然的大门。 www.langfly.com 9. Experts believe the move is of great significance, marking the cooperation between Northeast Asian countries to achieve new breakthroughs. 专家称,该项目标志着东南亚地区国家的合作有了新的突破,意义重大。 www.putclub.com 10. A partial eclipse would be seen in most of the rest of China, except for the northeast tip of Heilongjiang Province, said Cheng. 程卓称中国的其余地区可以看到日偏食,但黑龙江省东北部的一小块地区就不行了。 www.hjenglish.com 1. He said that "a lot of elite Northeast establishment liberals" viewed him as someone "who belongs in the second tier and not the top tier. " 他说“许多有着自由主义思想的精英们”把他看做“属于二等公民而非优等公民”。 www.bing.com 2. They offered to lay down their guns as government forces swept across the last Tamil Tiger strongholds in the northeast. 他们在政府军横扫他们位于东北地区的根据地时缴械投降。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Flooding from Hurricane Irene in August ruined the heating systems in thousands of homes across the Northeast. 八月份袭击美国的艾琳飓风所带来的洪灾曾经摧毁了东北部数以千计家庭的供暖设备。 www.bing.com 4. The Forbidden City is in the middle of Beijing, and the Great Wall is at northeast, 110km away from Beijing. 紫禁城在北京的中部,长城在北京东北部110公里处。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. The Canada Road is a long lost trail between the Canadian province of Quebec and Main in the northeast corner of the United States. 这条加拿大古道是一条消失已久的小路,连接加拿大魁北克省和美国东北角的缅因。 bbs.xiaoma.com 6. According to an up to the minute outcome about estimation of resource: the overplus energy mainly lives in the northwest and northeast. 据最新石油资源评价结果显示:我国油气资源剩余可采储量主要分布在西北和东北地区。 www.13191.com 7. Proliferation in Northeast Asia might be a nightmare, but if so, it will be a nightmare shared by all, including the PRC. 东北亚地区的核扩散会是一场噩梦,但是如果噩梦成真的话,这也将是所有国家共同的梦魇,当然也包括中国。 www.bing.com 8. Now it has long connections with the outside from the inside to turn off, from the northeast to the country. 如今它早已从关外走向了关内,从东北走向了全国。 www.fabiao.net 9. Yet, the land sold this week isn't downtown, but instead in Yangpu district, far to the northeast of the city near Fudan University. 但本周卖出的地皮不在市中心,而是在杨浦区,偏居城市东北部,邻近复旦大学。 c.wsj.com 10. The long-term trend in the US is a gradual shift in population away from the Northeast and Midwest to the South and West. 美国的长期趋势是,人口从东北部和中西部逐渐向南部和西部转移。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Ms. Anchalika is currently gearing up for the December opening of a 50-villa hotel located on a secluded beach in Koh Samui's northeast. 安查丽卡打算12月份在苏梅岛北部幽静的海滩上再开一家由50套别墅组成的酒店,目前她正忙于新酒店的筹备工作。 cn.wsj.com 2. This from the Jilin Northeast Asia Technology Park out of the cultural and creative animation, indeed animation Jilin fire. 这部从吉林东北亚文化创意科技园走出的动画片,着实让吉林动漫火了一把。 www.dw188.com 3. Team is gathered from the name of the effect that the Great Lakes in the Northeast who work or live. 队名也是征集来的名字,大意是在美国东北部五大湖工作或者居住的人。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. A mystery on how, when and why it was built, the Castlerigg is not a full circle and is flattened on the northeast. 人们在怀疑它是如何被建,何时被建和为何被建的同时发现卡塞里格不是一个完整的圆圈,在东北部被弄平了。 www.bing.com 5. Besides, I grew up in a city in the Northeast. I have lots of acquaintances in the region, which might help to push sales. 另外,我是在东北地区一座城市长大的,我在该地区有很多熟人,这可能有助于促销。 www.kekenet.com 6. Checked up with the demonstration of the Northeast-expressway incorporated company, the early-warning method works in effect. 通过对东北高速公路股份有限公司进行的实证分析,证明是有效的预警方法。 www.fabiao.net 7. Through better cooperation, bamboos in a new direction and goals, and Northeast region and a tremendous base. 通过不断的加深合作,博奇有了新方向和目标,打造东北地区最大的代工基地。 www.bing.com 8. The storm broke snowfall-total records in cities throughout the U. S. Northeast, Capital Weather Gang reported. 这场雪打破了整个美国东北部降雪的整体记录,中央气象局报道说。 www.bing.com 9. Boats were being pulled from the water in the Northeast, and lobster men in Maine set their traps out in deeper water to protect them. 船只正被从东北水的,在设置和缅因州龙虾养殖在较深水的陷阱,来保护他们。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In this background the convening of this conference is to use concrete actions to support the revitalization of northeast China strategy. 在这样的大背景下召开这个会,就是用实际行动对振兴东北战略的支持。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It's not just the scale of the snow that has thrown the northeast coast into transport chaos, it's also the speed of it. 使东北部的交通陷入混乱的不仅是暴风雪的范围,还有降雪的速度。 www.tingclass.com 2. Northeast Asia is one of the most convenient and most potential regions for northeast China's reform and opening-up. 东北亚是中国东北地区对外开放最为便利、也最具潜力的地区之一。 www.neasiaexpo.org.cn 3. It still beckons to striking regional it is in the Northeast this piece of fertile black soil grew up loved by the folk vocal music. 它鲜明的地域性仍昭示着它是在东北这片富饶的黑土地上成长起来的喜闻乐见的民间声乐艺术。 www.fabiao.net 4. Those states became more blue . In the south , in the northeast , almost everywhere but with a couple of exceptions here and there . 那些州也变的更蓝了。在南部地区,东北地区,几乎到处都是但是各个地方也有那么几个例外。 www.bing.com 5. Located in the northeast of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Qinghai is an important corridor linking up the country's inland areas and Tibet. 青海位于青藏高原的东北部,是中国内陆地区通往西藏的重要通道。 www.gowoo.com 6. Clay is main property of soil in northeast China , intensity or deformation characteristic property is the basis of the building stability . 一般粘性土是东北地区的主要区域性土质,它的强度、变形特性是该地区建筑物稳定性的基础,因此受到岩土工程界的广泛重视。 www.13191.com 7. Finally, divides the regional types and presents development pattern of these types of Northeast China. 并进行东北地区响应地域类型的划分,提出了不同类型地域的发展模式。 soso.361xs.com 8. The urban skyline falls behind the horizon as our journey via steam train progresses across the frozen plateau to the more rustic northeast. 城市天际线落后地平线作为我们的旅程通过蒸汽火车进展跨越高原冻土的更多乡村东北。 www.qqzhi.com 9. second, to help end a wave of re-drawing school in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia between the rise. 是结帮拉派的风潮再度在东北亚与东南亚之间兴起。 www.englishtang.com 10. Do you know? It's a street that's known for drinking. Ah, on the north, no, northeast side, northeast side of the city. 你知道吗?那是一条街,是非常有名的喝酒的地方。啊,在北边,不,是在东北边,在城市的东北边。 1. Xinhua News Agency says the carrier left Dalian port in northeast Liaoning province on Wednesday morning. The test run had been anticipated. 新华社说,星期三上午航母离开在东北辽宁省的大连港。如期海试。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. " Silk Texts " easy pass " in the term " cis " who should be the " Year of the meaning, began in the northeast, as in the Southwest. 帛书《易传》中所称“顺”者,应该是“岁之义,始于东北,成于西南”。 jztu.5d6d.com 3. The Northeast is one of the relatively few regions in the country that are actually well suited to lawns. 北东郡是这个国家少数相对适合种植草坪的郡县之一。 www.elanso.com 4. The 9. 0 earthquake that struck the northeast coast of Honshu this past March is not likely to have such an impact on Japan's history. 在日本历史上袭击了本州岛东北海岸的九级地震在今年的三月里不太可能会有这么大的冲击性。 www.bing.com 5. When filling out the application form for college, she insisted to choose universities far from home in northeast China. 考大学填报志愿的时候,她执意填了远在东北的高校。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Mr Northeast's first success was a space rocket-shaped sandwich with stars made out of cheese. Northeast先生的第一个作品是奶酪做的一个航天火箭与星星三明治。 www.bing.com 7. Ties between the two parties date back to the struggle to oust colonial power Japan from northeast China and Korea before World War II. 两党之间的联系可以追溯到二战前两国驱赶日本殖民者的战争时期,当时日本占领了中国东北和朝鲜。 www.bing.com 8. Then the front moves into the northeast monsoon. 然后锋面移走,就进入东北季候风。 www.ted.com 9. The heaviest rain was in the northeast part of Beijing, which had 68 millimeters. 在北京北部的大雨降雨量达到68毫米。 www.ourtra.com 10. Around the equator, it is the hottest, and temperature drops gradually south and north of the equator. China is northeast on the earth. 在赤道地区,温度最高,气候特别炎热,从赤道向南北两个方向,气温逐渐变低。我们国家是地处地球的东北边。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. From the above reason, we believe that there should be rich gas hydrate in the northeast slope of the South China Sea. 因此认为南海东北部陆坡应是南海天然气水合物最丰富的地区。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. At least 141 inmates escaped Friday from a prison in Mexico's northeast border city of Nuevo Laredo, CNN reported. CNN报道,本周五在墨西哥东北部的边境城市新拉雷多至少有141名囚犯逃狱。 ts.hjenglish.com 3. The Cold War had finished twenty years, and the international order in Northeast Asia is at a new historical turning point. 冷战结束已经二十年,东北亚国际秩序处于新的历史转折期。 www.fabiao.net 4. The officer was fatally shot with an assault rifle yesterday morning while responding to the robbery in northeast Philadelphia . 在费城东北部,该警察昨天早晨在应付抢劫案的过程中遭到歹徒的来福枪的射击。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Much of that gain tied to rebuilding in the Northeast after Hurricane Sandy. 而飓风过后桑迪肆虐后的是大部分涨幅是为了东北地区的重建。 www.bing.com 6. Extremely low levels of radioactive material have been detected from the air in the northeast of Heilongjiang Province. 黑龙江省东北部空气中检测出极微量的放射性物质。 www.studio888.cn 7. The winds blowing off the Mediterranean lose their moisture along the northeast coast. 吹过地中海的风沿着东北海岸失去大量的湿气。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. It doesn't sound like he's trying to imitate someone from the Northeast. 听起来他不像在模仿美国西北部的口音。 www.yidutie.com 9. areas in North China and the Northeast and also some suburban areas, two winters and springs, or two waves, will suffice. 第二种地区有两个冬春、两个浪潮就够了。比如在华北,东北,还有一些郊区。 www.jukuu.com 10. Most of these long, linear and very deep cracks trend northeast or northwest and form parallel, often regularly spaced sets. 大部分这些长线行而且很深的裂缝向东北或西北延伸以及形成平行线,经常定期地形成一组组(套套)间隔。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 1. Located in the central part of northeast China, Jilin Province is hinterland of Northeast Asia as well. 吉林省位于中国东北地区的中部,亦是东北亚地区的腹地。 www.dictall.com 2. In June, it was heat, as the Northeast began roasting through weeks of the worst drought since the 1960s; 256 people died. 六月,天气酷热,东北部连续几周在热浪下炙烤,遭受了自六十年代以来最严重的旱情,256人丧生。 www.thnu.edu.cn 3. The blast took place in Malegaon town, 260km northeast of Mumbai, India's financial hub. 距印度金融中心孟买以东北260公里的马乐高镇发生爆炸。 word.hcbus.com 4. The reformation and rejuvenation of the northeast old industrial Base is a very complicated systematic engineering. 东北老工业基地改造与振兴是一个十分复杂的系统工程。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Off the northeast coast of Nova Scotia sits Cape Breton Island, a beautifully rugged destination that has retained its Scottish flavor. 新斯科舍省的东北部外海是布列顿岛,崎岖险峻而又美丽的终极旅游景点,还保留着苏格兰历史风貌。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The fourth part, the question which exists to the contemporary Northeast culture dissemination in proposes the rationalization proposal. 第四部分对当代东北文化传播中存在的问题提出合理化建议。 www.fabiao.net 7. The says the growth in patent filings by several countries in northeast Asia confirms shifting patterns of innovation around the world. 世界知识产权组织指出,东北亚国家申报专利的数量快速增加,正在扭转世界发明创新的大趋势。 www.goldenenglish.net 8. But in early February, a strong sea level anomaly appeared northeast of Australia (center globe). 但在二月初,澳大利亚东北部出现了强烈的海平面异常(中间球面所示)。 www.bing.com 9. The unearthing of a new fossil in northeast China, described online today in Nature, could explain the apparent contradiction. 今天自然杂志网站刊登了在中国东北部新发现的一种新的化石,这种化石能够很好地解释这明显的矛盾。 www.bing.com 10. The quake, which killed at least 147 people, struck in central Chile, 70 miles northeast of the city of Concepcion. 地震震中位于智利中部城市Concepcion东北115公里处,导致高速公路及桥梁损毁,至少147人死亡。 cn.reuters.com 1. In the clear blue waters off the northeast coast of Australia lies the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park . 大堡礁海洋公园位于澳洲东北部外海的湛蓝海域。 dictionary.osun.org 2. At present, countries in Northeast Asia have made many efforts in building the atmosphere, improving the circumstances. 目前,东北亚各国在区域经济合作方面进行了许多有益尝试,营造了气氛,改善了环境。 www.juhe8.com 3. Springs from the Jurassic volcanic quarter of the northeast and northwest parts of the fault for high-quality spa. 泉水出自侏罗季火山岩的西北与东北向断裂复合部位,为优质矿泉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Both countries claimed land that bordered the British colony of Guiana on the northeast coast of South America. 委内瑞拉和英国都声称对英国位于南美洲东北海岸的殖民地圭亚纳地区拥有领土主权。 www.bing.com 5. A city of southeast South Korea on an inlet of the Sea of Japan north-northeast of Pusan. 韩国东南一城市,位于日本海的一海湾沿岸、釜山东北偏北。 odict.net 6. Several of his works were contributed to 'Art Exhibition Charity Sale for Northeast Army of Volunteers'. 以多幅作品参加全国艺术家捐助“东北义勇军作品展览会义卖”。 www.zunke.com 7. There is an increase in the flow of immigrants to the Southeast, the upper Northeast and the Rocky Mountain states. 另外,前往东南部、东北端和落基山脉一些州的人数也在增多。 www.america.gov 8. It is grown and eaten in India's northeast for its taste , as a cure for stomach troubles and a way to fight the crippling summer heat . 这种辣椒生长在印度东北部地区,该地区的人们食用它来治疗胃病和抵御酷暑。 www.bing.com 9. Winter will further descend on Northeast China with a cold snap and heavy snow over the weekend. 在本周末,隆冬将进一步降临中国东北,伴随着寒风与大雪。 www.tianya.cn 10. demonstrate that the Qing state was in fact capable of building and maintaining institutions in Northeast China. 表明,清政府其实建设和维护东北是中国的机构能力。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The old Canada road is long lost trail between Canadian Province of Quebec and Maine, in the northeast corner in the United States. 老的加拿大公路是一条被遗弃的长长的小路,它主要连接在加拿大魁北克省和在美国东北角的缅因州。 bbs.xiaoma.com 2. You and Hurt take the northeast corner where the road turns. 你和赫特去东北方向的转角。 www.b2b99.com 3. A continuing trend of warmer night temperatures in the Northeast could shift maple syrup production from the United States to Canada. 东北部的夜晚气温有逐渐增高的趋势,这将使枫蜜生产从美国转移至加拿大。 www.bing.com 4. These laws in the United States, northeast of joint resource management Council to promote model on the basis of laws and regulations. 这些法律是在美国东北州联合资源管理协会制定的示范性法规的基础上建立的。 www.bing.com 5. On the northeast top of the tree grew an ARC-shaped branch bending down the ground, looking like a gate. 桃树的东北头有一根拱形枝干,弯弯的树梢垂到地面,像一扇大门。 dict.ebigear.com 6. In recent months, Boko Haram's operations have been expanding outward from its base in Maiduguri, a city in the country's northeast. 近几个月BokoHaram的行动已经由它的基地国家北部的Maiduguri向外扩张。 www.bing.com 7. In years following his donation, expansions were built at the northeast corner of future Jackson Park, south end of Burnham. 他捐款后的几年内,在伯纳姆南端的未来杰克逊公园东北角进行了扩建。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 8. Compared with the formal, decent written language and official language the Northeast dialect is a revelrous form of language. 东北方言相对于正规、得体、精确的书面语及官方语而言是一种富于狂欢色彩的语体。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Ramses ii in the Nile delta ordered a new city northeast of the capital, and its named cultivates er - ramses (meaning ramses palace). 拉美西斯二世下令在东北尼罗河三角洲新建一座城市为首都,并将其命名为培尔—拉美西斯(意为拉美西斯的宫殿)。 www.22826.com 10. A row of cliff in northeast New Jersey along the western bank of the Hudson River. Much of the area is parkland . 帕利瑟得一排悬崖,位于美国新泽西东北,沿哈得逊河西岸。该地区大部是公园。 dict.veduchina.com 1. A member of a Bantu people of southeast Africa, primarily inhabiting northeast Natal province in South Africa . 祖鲁人非洲东南部的一支班图人,主要居住在南非纳塔省的东北部。 www.bing.com 2. The temperature in some parts of Inner Mongolia and Northeast China will fall up to 10 degrees. 其中,内蒙古和东北部分地区下降幅度可达10℃左右。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Goguryeo was originally my husband over the Northeast branch of the nation, and later its power from strength to strength. 高句丽原本是我国东北夫余民族的分支,后来其势力不断强大。 wenda.tianya.cn 4. An old steam engine went slowly by, heading northeast, puffing great clouds of smoke and hauling a train of coal trucks. 一辆老式蒸汽机车喷着浓烟,拖着一节又一节的煤车缓慢地向东北方向开去。 tr.bab.la 5. Countries in northeast Asia regional development present condition analysis, emphasizes the necessity of regional economic cooperation. 二是东北亚区域内各国发展现状分析,强调区域经济合作的必要性。 www.13191.com 6. Michelle and I were saddened by the terrible accident in Northeast Washington D. C. today. 米歇尔和我对今天发生在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区东北部的这次可怕的灾难深感悲伤。 www.bing.com 7. He is from the Northeast but he has been used to living in the south. 他是东北人,但是已经习惯了南方的生活。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. In Changxing- Feixianguan period, the entire northeast of the Sichuan Basin region for a pattern of alternating trough and platform. 长兴期—飞仙关中后期,整个川东北地区为一“槽—台相间”的格局。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 9. If we do not take significant and effective action against the North Koreans now, we'll spark an arms race in Northeast Asia. 如果我们现在不对朝鲜采取有益有效的措施,我们将在东北亚地区引发军备竞赛。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. But though the U. S. has set speed limits off its northeast coast, the World Shipping Council has fought such measures internationally. 然而,虽然美国在其东北海岸以外限制了航速,但是世界航运理事会却企图在国际上取消这些措施。 www.bing.com 1. The bottom line: You need a lot more than the Northeast and the industrial Midwest to get elected president these days. 综述:如今,需要更多的东北部人口以及中西部的工业来获得总统选举的筹码。 www.bing.com 2. With the implementation of revitalizing of Northeast Old Industry Base, logistics industry has got unprecedented business opportunities. 随着振兴东北老工业基地战略决策的实施,交通物流业迎来了前所未有的发展机遇期。 yellowpage.nen.com.cn 3. We have high-quality vegetables, sweet fruit. We Pengcai production known as the Northeast Village! 我们有优质的蔬菜,香甜的水果。我们被誉为东北棚菜生产第一村! www.tonke.cn 4. Located in northeast Asian economic circle of the bohai economic circle, and the center is an important strategic position. 地处东北亚经济圈和环渤海经济圈的中心,具有重要的战略地位。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. You have been always longing for the heavy snow of Northeast, but I know, the man standing with you together in the white, is not me. 你一直向往东北洁白的大雪。但我知道,陪着你一起站在一片银妆素裹中的人,不是我。 www.tianya.cn 6. The northeast fried sauerkraut is a speciality in the northeast china and one of the favorite dishes of people all around China. 东北炒酸菜是我国东北地区特色菜肴,是全国各地人们最喜欢吃的菜肴之一。 ip.com 7. The invention relates to a cooking technology of northeast sauerkraut using Chinese cabbage and cabbage as raw materials. 本发明涉及一种东北酸菜(以大白菜和甘蓝为原料)熟制工艺。 ip.com 8. Proven drilling engineering design and application technologies of gas fields in northeast of Sichuan province have not been formed. 川东北地区尚未形成成熟的钻井工程设计及应用技术,尤其是在井身结构设计方面影响因素较多,难度较大。 www.zshg.com 9. Indonesia will purchase another DART system from NOAA that will be deployed near the northeast cluster of islands, in the area of Halmahera. 印尼将向NOAA购买另一套DART系统,布设在哈马黑拉(Halmahera)地区的东北部岛屿群附近水域。 www.america.gov 10. At this time the struggle around the Open Door started in the Northeast China. 此时围绕“门户开放”的斗争主要在中国的东三省展开。 www.13191.com 1. TV crews captured Mr. Kim walking with a large entourage in a hotel in Dalian, a city on China's northeast coast. 电视台工作人员捕捉到了金正日在中国东北沿海城市大连的一家酒店里被一大群随行人员簇拥而行的画面。 chinese.wsj.com 2. It is a good paper but we need to be cautious about the result as it is only based on data from the northeast Pacific Ocean. 这是一个很好的研究报告,但我们需要对其研究结果持谨慎态度,因为它所依据的数据仅仅来自于太平洋的东北地区。 www.bing.com 3. China's vast northeast was a still underdeveloped territory of great potential wealth . 中国的巨大东北是很棒的潜在财富的仍然低度开发的领土。 www.bing.com 4. This was the first severe epidemic in northeast China, and the first large-scale pneumonic plaguedisaster in modern China. 这是东北地区第一次鼠疫大流行,也是近代中国的首次大规模肺鼠疫灾害。 www.zidir.com 5. But Hassan Chalghoumi, an imam in the suburb of Drancy northeast of Paris, said he supported the law because of the veil's effect on women. 但在巴黎东北部郊区德朗西的一名伊玛目查侯麦表示,他支持这项法案,因为罩袍对妇女的影响很大。 www.lihpao.com 6. Dalian Commodity Exchange , the first futures Exchange in Northeast China , and one of China's three largest futures exchanges . 大连商品交易所系东北地区第一家期货交易所,也为国内三大交易所之一。 www.bing.com 7. These islands of expensive residential real estate lie northeast of Bahrain, fronting the sea and artificial lagoons. 这些岛位于巴林的东北方,面对着海洋和人工泻湖,岛上都是售价昂贵的住宅地产。 www.bing.com 8. The window is open to the northeast, nearly the direction of the Xining train station which suited at the northeast of the whole city. 窗口向东北,几乎是火车站的方向,西宁火车站位于整个城市的东北角 bbs.ebigear.com 9. This case study is a good reference for the efficient state-owned enterprise reorganization of northeast old industrial enterprises. 本案例的研究,对于东北老工业企业有效地进行国企改制具有借鉴作用。 www.lw23.com 10. Luo Binji, who has shown his great strength on writing creation, is a coming man in the group of Northeast Chinese Writers. 骆宾基是“东北作家群”的后起之秀,但却表现出不俗的创作实力。 lib.cqvip.com 1. New roads, a railroad, and a gas pipeline are building northeast from Gwadar to the KKH, then into China. 从瓜达尔伸向东北,一直延伸到喀喇昆仑公路,然后进入中国的几条新公路,一条铁路和一条天然气管道正在建设中。 www.bing.com 2. have resources on the north. northwest. northeast. huazhong or other cities is preferred. 对华北。西北。东北。华中等城市有一定资源者优先考虑。 www.vipcareer.com 3. Northeast China has made great contribution to the construction of new China, and laid its relatively strong industrial foundation. 东北地区为新中国的建设做出过重大贡献,具有比较雄厚的工业基础。 www.sinoss.net 4. At this point the road turns northeast. 路在这里转向东北。 dict.hjenglish.com 5. The remains of one such crystal power station explosion can be seen to this day in the area of northeast Brasil called 'Sete Cidades'. 一个水晶能量站的爆炸遗址在现在可以在巴西东北部的“SeteCidades”地区看到。 www.douban.com 6. They found a new oil field in the northeast. 他们在东北发现了一个新油田。 www.ebigear.com 7. A turkey-like bird with a vulture's head, the vulturine guineafowl makes its home in the dry grasslands of northeast Africa. 这只样子像火鸡的鸟长着个秃鹫头,它的名字叫做鹫珠鸡,生活在非洲东北部干旱的草原上。 www.bing.com 8. Located in Northeast Oregon, this small house is conceived as a contemporary glass box that floats atop the surrounding wheat fields. 在位于俄勒冈州东北部,这个小房子被看作是当代玻璃盒子上盖的彩车周围的麦田。 huang1989.home.mt-bbs.com 9. The fifth part are the problems and recommendations of Changchun developing the headquarter economy Base in Northeast Asia. 第五部分是长春构建东北亚总部经济基地的问题与建议。 www.fabiao.net 10. Overview: The Division licorice tincture mainly produced in northeast China, licorice, licorice obtained by ethanol extraction tincture. 概述:本司甘草酊主要采用中国东北地区产的甘草,用乙醇浸提制得甘草酊。 www.gzpyxl.com 1. Therefore, in the Northeast, the land extending to the Atlantic coastline is mountainous and rocky. 因此,在美国东北部,一直延伸到大西洋沿岸的土地,处处山峦起伏,巉岩兀立。 www.zftrans.com 2. Two bored casino dealers are waiting at the craps table . A very attractive blonde woman from Northeast Tennessee arrived. And bet. 两个闲得无聊的赌场发拍人等在骰子桌旁。一个楚楚动人的从西北田那西来的金发女郎走过来,开始赌博。 www.bing.com 3. A man from Northeast China dressed up as Osama bin Laden to attract public attentions at a tourist spot in Qingdao, xinhuanet. com reported. 据新华网报道,日前,一男子为吸引游客,在青岛一景点装扮成“拉登”形象。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. The land degradation was basis on the frangibility of eco environment in the western semi arid area of Northeast Plain. 东北平原西部半干旱地区土地退化的形成是由其生态环境的脆弱性决定的。 www.dictall.com 5. Lot of northeast insurgencies which have been earlier taking shelter in Myanmar - the Myanmar government's cooperation is forthcoming. 过去东北部的叛乱在缅甸得到避难。现在缅甸政府愿意合作。 www.voanews.cn 6. When your corps is ready, send it up the northeast road from your base. 当你的部队已经准备好了,把它从你的基地东北路。 www.bing.com 7. Location near the Long Island Bay to facilitate the use of cruise ship northeast. 靠近长岛湾的位置为利用东北部游船提供方便。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 8. Developing the new industrial district is an important way of promoting the northeast industry. 发展新型产业区是振兴东北老工业基地的重要途径。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Zhang Xueliang in 1928 as the Northeast, "switch" , the Nationalist government in Nanjing in the form of the reunification of China. 1928年随着张学良在东北“改旗易帜”,南京国民政府形式上统一了中国。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. The National Weather Service reported record or near- record temperatures across the Northeast Saturday after a long warm spell . 国家气象局报告备案或接近全国纪录气温东北经过长时间热烈痴迷星期六。 www.bing.com 1. Beijing should see reunification as being in its best interests, eliminating the nuclear risk that has troubled Northeast Asia. 北京方面应当会认为朝鲜半岛的统一最符合其利益,这样就消除了困扰东北亚地区的核风险。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Black soil region of northeast China is one of areas that modern soil erosion is severest. 东北黑土区是现代土壤侵蚀严重的地区之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Organic reefs of Permian Changxing Formation have been the main reservoir in northeast of Sichuan Basin. 川东北地区二叠系长兴组生物礁内蕴含大量的天然气,为该区主力储层之。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The Northeast China has a typical economic development model which is at the cost of depleting a lot of natural resources. 东北地区是以耗竭大量自然资源为代价的外延型经济发展典型地区。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The main building of the Northeast Engineering Institute is being repaired by the workers. 工人们正在维修东北工学院主楼。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Increasing return of scale in the provinces located in the northeast, south and west, showing a certain degree of regional concentration. 处于规模报酬递增阶段的省份分布在东北、南方和西部地区,呈现出一定的区域集中现象。 www.fabiao.net 7. The paper analyses and discusses the formation and trends of culture individuality for the northeast people from culture anthropology. 本文从文化人类学的角度对东北地域文化人格的形成和走向进行分析与论证。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. I usually is called Dongdong by some friends, It means "The Northeast Winter for me" . 时常被些朋友呢称为东冬,我自己的解释是东北的冬天。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Underwater blast holes had been drilled under the Songhua River during the freezing season in the Northeast. 在东北严寒季节,在松花江上施工水下爆破孔。 www.dictall.com 10. San Francisco river length of 2900 kilometers, flowing through the arid northeast, is the region's main source of water for irrigation. 圣弗朗西斯科河系全长2900公里,流经干旱的东北部,是该地区主要的灌溉水源。 www.szfob.com 1. ecostratigraphic subdivision revealed a general pattern of basin evolution , which re - appears in many other sections of northeast china. 生态地层划分的结果显示了中生代晚期在辽宁省西部和内蒙古自治区东部地区具有代表性的盆地演变的一般模式。 www.ichacha.net 2. Parts of Northwest China, Inner Mongolia, North and Northeast China will see small to moderate snow or sleet. 西北地区东南部、内蒙古东部、华北北部、东北大部等地的部分地区将有小到中雪或雨夹雪。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. This festival, held in the small northeast village of Ilan, features dragon boat races, firecrackers, and throngs of cheering spectators. 这场盛会在宜兰东北方的村落里举行,由赛龙舟,鞭炮,和欢呼雀跃的观众组成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Ayers Rock is im the west, the Great Barrier Reef is in the northeast and Sydney is in the southeast. 艾尔斯岩在西部,大堡碳在东北部而悉尼在东南部。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Mr. Obama was strong in some of the wealthiest parts of the country: California, the Northeast and the new-economy states. 奥巴马在美国一些最富裕的地区支持度很高,比如加州、东北部地区和新经济各州。 www.ebigear.com 6. It is imperative and imminent for the northeast old industrial base as the eldest son of the public. 这对于作为“共和国长子”东北老工业地区,更是十分必要和紧迫的。 www.fabiao.net 7. He joined the Obama campaign early, working at the Northeast Field Desk out of Chicago. 他很早加入了奥巴马竞选班子,在芝加哥外围工作。 www.hjenglish.com 8. The fourth part sets out the strategy of the China's further participation in economic cooperation in Northeast Asia. 第三部分详细阐述了制约中国参与东北亚区域经济合作的内外部因素。 www.fabiao.net 9. The main trend of the loess in Changchun tableland is: gradual debasement from the Northeast to the southwest. 长春的黄土台地底板从大趋势上来看是:从东北部向西南部逐渐变低。 www3.060s.com 10. His office services the communities of the upper northeast coast that were lacerated by the tsunami. 他的公司是为被海啸摧毁的地处于上东北海岸的社区服务的。 www.bing.com 1. Qing Government opened up the post road, set up the post station, and established a systematic post system in Northeast China. 清王朝在东北地区开辟驿道,设立驿站,建立了比较系统的邮驿制度。 www.dictall.com 2. To face and no sense of shame ah, the Northeast is also General Secretary Hu under the rule of the northeast, north-east, like Chinese. 要脸不要脸啊,东北也胡总书记统治下的东北,东北人一样也是中国人。 bbs.t56.net 3. Northeast forest-rich labor resources and power, just as the bottleneck in the development of Guangdong Furniture offers a breakthrough. 东北丰富的森林、劳动力和电力资源,恰好为广东家具的发展瓶颈提供了突破的条件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Execution Hollow was a depression in the Northeast part of the parade ground . 它在阅兵场的东北部分的洼地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Friday's operation took place in the Arabian Sea, about 1, 300 kilometers northeast of Somalia. 星期五的行动发生在距索马里东北大约1千3百公里的阿拉伯海域。 www.voa365.com 6. The opening of an SEZ seaport will provide a valuable transport link for Chinese companies in landlocked areas in the northeast. 这个开放的经济特区海港将为处在东北部内陆的中国公司提供一条有价值的运输路线。 www.bing.com 7. The International Atomic Energy Agency voted to rebuke Syria on claims of an undeclared nuclear reactor in the country's remote northeast. 国际原子能机构进行了投票,指责叙利亚在东北部偏远地区设有一座未经申报的核反应堆。 www.hxen.com 8. anshan: a city of northeast China south-southwest of Shenyang. It has an enormous integrated iron and steel complex. 鞍山:中国东北部一城市,位于沈阳西南偏南。这里有大型钢铁合成制造基地。 dict.ebigear.com 9. In all, about 25, 000 Japanese soldiers started an intensive two-day search operation up and down the northeast coast Monday. 周一,在东北部沿海,共有约2.5万名军人开始了一场为期两天的密集搜索。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The worst nuclear accident in the history of Japan happened in a uranium reprocessing facility in Tokaimura, northeast of Tokyo. 发生在东京东北部东海村铀回收处理设施的核事故是日本历史上最为严重的核灾难。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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