单词 | opening-weekend | ||||||||
释义 | opening-weekend
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 首个周末,首映周末票房纪录,周票房 1. It's been a couple weeks since the movie came out, so you don't have to worry about dealing with those huge opening-weekend crowds. 这部电影已经出来几个星期了,所以你不必担心那些首映周里面拥挤的人群了。 www.bing.com 2. When "Avatar" came out last December, 71% of Americans who went to see it on opening weekend opted for a cinema showing the 3D version. 《阿凡达》去年年底上映时,首周末观影的美国人中有71%都选择看3D版。 bbs3.mso.com.cn 3. The movie has been embraced by left-wing groups, which mobilized members to see it during the opening weekend. 左翼团体大力支持这部影片并动员组织成员在首映周末观看该片。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. "Spider-Man" earned more money for an opening weekend than any other movie in history. “蜘蛛侠”在其开始上映的周末获得的收入比历史上任何影片都要多。 goabroad.sohu.com 5. But they were also given a test from a hungry Birmingham side looking to make it an unbeaten opening weekend for the promoted clubs. 但是他们仍然经受住了伯明翰的考验,看来一个不败的周末可以很好的激励球队。 www.chelsea.net.cn 6. This was the biggest opening weekend of this year, surpassing the $85. 1 million debut of ''X-Men Origins: Wolverine'' in early May. 这是本年度收入最高的开幕周,超过5月初“X-战警前传:金刚狼”的8510万美元。 www.bing.com 7. The Summit Entertainment film's box office take was the third-largest on record for a movie in its opening weekend. 该片由顶峰影业(SummitEntertainment)出品,是有史以来首周末票房排在第三的影片。 c.wsj.com 8. On average just 23 percent of the total domestic gross for a Pixar film comes from opening weekend, according to Hollywood. com. 根据Hollywood.com分析,皮克斯的电影平均只有23%的国内总票房收入来自首映周末。 www.bing.com 9. During her film's opening weekend, Miley is planning on surprising select audiences at undisclosed theater locations across the country. 在她的电影上映周时间,米莉打算在全国的影院里面给观众一个惊喜。 www.bing.com 10. Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive, hailed what he called a "stunning opening weekend" for the new device. 苹果首席执行官史蒂夫?乔布斯(SteveJobs)大呼这是这款新设备“惊人的首发周末”。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland brought in 116 million dollars in the United States alone on its opening weekend. 蒂姆波顿版《爱丽丝漫游仙境》在美国上映仅一周就席卷百万美元票房。 www.hjenglish.com 2. And Eclipse should be a blockbuster; it's expected to make $75 million during its opening weekend alone, according to Exhibitor Relations. 而且《月蚀》应该是部畅销大片;根据北美院线联盟(ExhibitorRelations)的预期,单单首周票房就可达7500万美元。 www.bing.com 3. Yash Raj films (YRF) goes on to add that RNBDJ has broken all earlier opening weekend collection records for YRF. 佳日拉吉影片(YRF)接着补充说,RNBDJ打破了所有的周末开幕前收集记录YRF。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Broke the international box office record for an opening weekend, bringing in nearly $250 million. 影片上映时,打破了世界电影上映首周末的票房收入纪录,总共收入将近2. www.bing.com 5. Rugby news hour on the opening weekend of the Six Nations, France, England and Ireland, all level of the beaten Scotland, Wales and Italy. 下面是周末六国橄榄球开赛新闻,六个国家是法国、英格兰、爱尔兰,还有被击败的苏格兰、威尔士和意大利。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Does Fox try to adjust their predictions for the film's opening weekend? 福克斯是否会调整周末首映的预期? www.bing.com 7. "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1" raked in an unbelievable $140 million during its opening weekend. “《暮光之城:破晓(上)》”首映第一周就创下了让人难以相信的1.4亿票房。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Almost 2 million iPhone 4 devices were sold its opening weekend, and when it hit Verizon, sales records broke in a mere two hours. iPhone4在其首发周末售出近2百万部。而当其Verizon版本上市时,这一销售记录在2小时内即被打破。 www.bing.com 9. The poorly reviewed family comedy 'Furry Vengeance' (Summit) earned $6. 5 million in its opening weekend. 遭到劣评的家庭喜剧片《动物复仇记》(FurryVengeance,顶峰影业(Summit)出品)上映首周末票房650万美元。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Avatar is expected to collect over $150m in its opening weekend alone. 《天神下凡》单是在周末的首映中就有望敛走1.5亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 1. Of course, the bigger question is will piracy affect the film's opening weekend? 当然,最大的问题还是盗版会影响到周末该片的首映,对吧? www.bing.com 2. The movie also set opening-weekend records in Italy and Spain, Sony Pictures said. 索尼电影公司说,这部影片在意大利和西班牙首映时,也开创了周末票房新纪录。 www.09668.com 3. Cole saw red in the 1-1 draw with Arsenal on the opening weekend of the Premier League season, but he insists he is not bitter. 科尔在我军首场联赛1;1枪手的比赛中遭到红牌判罚,但他强调他没有过分悲伤。 www.lfcbbs.com 4. Disney's Tron: Legacy, which was also released in 3D, had a modest opening weekend performance, in spite of an enormous marketing campaign. 尽管进行了声势浩大的宣传活动,但迪斯尼出品、同样是3D版本的《创:战纪》(Tron:Legacy)首映周末的表现平淡无奇。 www.ftchinese.com 5. This is the opening weekend for the movie version of " The Da Vinci Code. " 这个周末是电影达芬奇密码的开幕式。 www.dictall.com 6. The Warner Bros. film grossed $32. 2 million in its opening weekend. 华纳兄弟(WarnerBros.)推出的这部影片上映首周末票房3,220万美元。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The Disney 3-D film is notable for its poor opening weekend, earning just $6. 8 million. 值得注意的是,这部迪斯尼(Disney)3D电影上映首个周末战绩不佳,仅获得680万美元的票房。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Someone seems to have kidnapped all the deer as I didn't see a single one during the entire opening weekend of bow hunting. ; 似乎有人绑架了所有的鹿,因为在整个周末公开猎弓狩猎活动中我没有见到一头鹿。; www.equn.com |
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