单词 | old girl |
释义 |
复数:old girls 例句释义: 女校毕业生,老女人,对女性比较友好的称呼,女校友,老姑娘,老女孩 1. A thirteen-year-old girl from Kentucky wrote me to say that I'd made a mistake, but I couldn't quit, because my opponents were mean. 肯塔基的一个13岁女孩写信给我说,虽然我犯了一个错误,但我不能辞职,因为我的敌人是卑鄙的。 www.bing.com 2. The latest deaths include a six-year-old girl, hit by a sniper on Wednesday on the roof of her parents' apartment, he said. 他还说,最近死于冲突的人里面还有一名6岁的小女孩,星期三的时候她被她父母所住公寓楼顶上的一名狙击手击中。 news.chinaunix.net 3. The 21-year-old girl told Du she was standing at the edge of a dorm roof and if he did not show up in five minuets she would jump off. 这位21岁的女孩说,她站在杜的边缘,如果他宿舍屋顶上并没有出现在五分钟内,她会跳下车。 wenwen.soso.com 4. An 8-year-old girl is old enough to learn about menstruation, just as a boy that age is ready to learn how his body will change. 一个8岁的女孩已经可以了解什么是月经,就好像一个8岁的男孩应该可以了解自己身体将要发生的变化。 www.iyaya.com 5. One day there was a 14 year old girl in a nice short skirt. A boy about 16 walked up to her and said, "I bet you can't climb that tree" . 有一天,一个14岁左右的小女孩她穿着很漂亮的裙子,一个大约16岁的男孩走过来对她说:我敢打赌你爬不上那棵树。 bbs.city.tianya.cn 6. All during the sit-down dinner, the host's three-year-old girl stared at her father's boss sitting across from her. 在整个饭局当中,主人的三岁大的女儿一直盯着坐在她对面的人,即她父亲的老板。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He was the only adult I knew who talked to me as if I was a person, and not just some silly eight- or nine-year-old girl. 科比是唯一的一个我认识的成年人当中跟我说话把我当大人看待的人,而不像一个傻傻的八九岁的小女孩。 www.bing.com 8. After a fight with her mother last night, the 13-year-old girl leave home without telling anyone and got on a down train. 那个13岁的女孩昨晚跟妈妈吵了一架,于是便擅自离家,上了一辆南下的火车。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. Police also found a two-year-old girl with a gunshot wound to the chest in a nearby van. 警方在案发地点附近的一辆小货车上发现一重伤两岁女童。 bbs.putclub.com 10. Eight residents are recovering from injuries, including an eight-year-old girl who was hit twice as she tried to leave the village. 8名当地居民重伤,经治疗已脱离生命危险。其中有一名8岁的女孩,因为要离开村庄而被枪击中2次。 www.ecocn.org 1. Social workers in the Netherlands are trying to stop a 13-year-old girl from pursuing her dream to sail around the world on her own. 荷兰社会工作者试图阻止一名13岁的小女孩实现其独自航行世界的梦想。 club.topsage.com 2. A 13-year-old girl, also in the northwest, used to live with her mother, a day labourer, and stepfather, a hunter. 一名同样住在西北部的13岁少女,跟当工人的母亲和当猎人的继父同住。 www.oxfam.org.hk 3. I was the oldest and just a year before had all the hopes and dreams of any normal 16 year old girl. 我是最大的孩子。就在一年前,像其他所有普通的十六岁女孩一样,我对生活充满希冀和梦想。 blog.163.com 4. Last week protesters prompted him to cancel a speech in which he was to have highlighted the fears of a nine-year-old girl in urban poverty. 两周前,抗议者们促使他取消了一场演说,他本打算在那次演说中强调一名九岁城市贫困女童的恐惧。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Most of the children were between three and six; there was also a twelve-year-old girl, Jeanel, and a fifteen-year-old, Ayida. 这里孩子们的年龄大多数是3至6岁,除了12岁的吉妮尔和15岁的阿伊达两个女孩。 www.bing.com 6. But for him to do this for a 14-year-old girl he'd never met, and for it to be his idea . . . I couldn't be more impressed. 然而他为一个从未见过的14岁女孩所做的,发自内心…我无法比这更受感动了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. She had been a fifteen year - old girl with braces on her teeth, fiercely shy and overweight, a lonely rebel. 她还是个十五岁的女孩子,牙齿上戴着牙套,非常害羞,体胖,是个孤独的叛逆者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Prison officials in Colombia say they've caught an 11-year-old girl trying to smuggle dozens of mobile phones and a gun into a jail. 哥伦比亚监狱官员表示,他们逮捕了一名11岁的女孩,她试图向监狱中偷运数十部手机和一支手枪。 www.voanews.cn 9. Her immature behaviour helped me realize that she was just a 16-year-old girl. 她不成熟的行为让我想起她还只是个16岁的小孩。 files.hiknow.com 10. Carefully to see that she is like a village shi ba jiu -year-old girl. 可仔细一看,她像是一个十八九岁的村姑娘。 bookapp.book.qq.com 1. Weir is like a 13-year-old girl at a slumber party - no secrets. He talks about everything. He says anything. He seems to relish it. Weir就像个在派对上睡着了的13岁女孩-没有任何秘密。他什么都说,似乎还很享受这个过程。 www1.eachtennis.com 2. The then eight-year-old girl in a pale-blue Sunday dress sits turned to the left, the perfect model, her hands in her lap. 当时8岁的小艾琳,身穿淡蓝色假日礼服,转向左侧坐着,完美的姿势,她的手搭在膝盖上。 www.bing.com 3. "I get scared when I hear bullets, " says Lina, an 11-year-old girl with big eyes and a white headscarf with flowers embroidered on it. “当我看到子弹时,我吓呆了,”Lina说道,Lina是个11岁的小女孩儿,眼睛大大的,带着一条绣着花的白色围巾。 www.bing.com 4. A guy observed a woman in the grocery store with a three-year-old girl in her basket. 有个人在杂货店里注意到一名妇女,篮子里带着一个三岁小女孩。 www.kekenet.com 5. He was the uncle of the country's initial case, a 15-year-old girl who died 17 January, and provided care for her during her illness. 患者是该国第一个病例,即死于1月17日的一名15岁女孩的叔叔,曾在女孩患病期间照料她。 www.who.int 6. A 7-year-old girl succumbed to infection in the Tangerang district of the Banten province about a week after her symptoms first appeared. 万丹省(Bantenprovince)一名七岁的女孩在出现感染症状一周后死亡。 www.america.gov 7. The four-month-old girl had been swept from her parents' arms when the deadly wave crashed into the family home. 致命的浪头在冲垮房屋时将这名四个月大的女婴从父母的怀抱中卷走。 www.bing.com 8. When he spoke of Christina Green, the murdered 9-year-old girl, he spoke as the father of a 9-year-old himself, his voice straining a bit. 当他的克里斯蒂娜绿色,杀害9岁的小女孩一边说,一边说话作为一个9岁的他自己的父亲,他的声音有点紧张。 www.englishtang.com 9. Ordinary Chinese, however, have been more preoccupied with a hit-and-run accident that caused the death of a two-year-old girl. 然而,中国普通民众更多的人集中精力于一起引起两岁女孩死亡的肇事逃逸事故。 www.ecocn.org 10. We present a case of a nine month old girl with an established diagnosis of vertebral osteomyelitis. 本病例的九个月岁女孩与一个既定诊断椎体骨髓炎。 www.syyxw.com 1. The spark for his first book, A Time to Kill, came from a court case when Grisham observed a 12-year-old girl give evidence of her rape. 格里森姆的第一部小说《杀戮时刻》(ATimetoKill)的灵感来自于一个真实案件(12岁的女孩被强奸)。 www.bing.com 2. Recipients were allowed a maximum of 60 seconds to deliver their acceptance speech, a time limit enforced by an eight-year-old girl. 获奖者将作出60秒以内的受奖感言,而时限将由一个8岁的女孩执行。 www.bing.com 3. The posture of this small bird reminded me of that 13 year old girl who wrote the following poem "Slow Dance" . . . 这个小鸟身体姿态让我想起了那位13岁小女孩儿,下面的那首标题为“慢舞”的诗就是她写的…… dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Hearing about this family's plight, a friend of the eight-year-old girl decided to help. 听说了这个家庭所遭遇的困境,他们八岁女儿的一个小朋友决心帮忙。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. This game turned out to be a pile, even to a wimpy seven year old girl like me. 即使是对于像我这样懦弱的七岁小姑娘来说,这种游戏也最终成为了一笔财富。 www.bing.com 6. The two of them and a 13-year-old girl who had helped forward the photo were arraigned before a judge the next day. 次日,他们两个以及之前帮助转发裸照的一名13岁女孩一起被带到一名法官面前接受提审。 kk.dongxi.net 7. China has been gripped by the fate of a 14-year-old girl who tried to kill herself so she could donate her liver to her dying father. 这几天,中国民众关注着一个13岁(译注:原文误为14岁)小女孩的命运,她为了将自己的肝脏捐给病重的父亲而选择了自杀。 www.bing.com 8. US$250, 000 (NZ$349, 000) a year is an impressive paycheck for any model but it's an income practically unheard of for a nine-year-old girl. 一年25万美金(合纽币34万9千)的薪酬对任何模特来说,都是不错的收入了,何况是一个闻所未闻的9岁模特呢? www.bing.com 9. Nearing pensionable age, he was officially rehabilitated and was finally in a stable and legal relationship - with a 16-year-old girl. 到了差不多可以领退休金的年纪,他终于正式安定下来了,并与一个16岁的女孩确立了合法的关系。 www.bing.com 10. Romeo & Juliet - The timeless story of a fickle man-slut and his one-week romance with a thirteen-year-old girl. 罗密欧与茱丽叶---关于一个轻浮和好色的男人和他与十三岁姑娘一周的浪漫故事的不朽剧本。 www.bing.com 1. But I heard that she had a three-year-old girl. 我听说她有个三岁大的女孩。 talk.oralpractice.com 2. Guo Bolu (see photo), a 11-year-old girl from Dalian, Liaoning, has become an Internet celebrity and is well-known for her beauty. 中国大连11岁的小美女郭柏鹭(见图)最近成了网络高人气明星。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Rough in manner but withal a noble, tender-hearted man, he suddenly saw a three-year-old girl toddling out of an alley accompanied by a dog. 他举止粗犷,但侠骨柔肠,这时忽然看见一个三岁女孩从一条小巷摇摇摆摆走出来,身旁有一只狗。 forum.bomoo.com 4. My dad and I shared a room with two double beds and a bathroom way too small for a modest 15-year-old girl and her father. 我跟我爸爸共用一个有两张双人床和一个洗手间的房间,这房间对于一个正常的15岁女孩子和她爸爸来说实在是太小了。 www.jheasy.com 5. She likes to draw, play World of Warcraft, and now, she's the only fourteen-year-old girl who understands the U. S. economic crisis. 她喜欢画画,玩魔兽世界,而且她现在是唯一懂美国经济危机的14岁女生。 docs.google.com 6. A two-year- old girl has made an almost complete recovery after spending nearly 20 minutes at the bottom of a pool. 一二岁(的)的女孩在在泳池底部度过将近20分钟之后(已经)获得一个几乎完全的恢复。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The child was a typical four-year-old girl--cute, inquisitive, and bright as a new penny. 她是个典型的四岁小女孩--可爱,好奇,看起来一尘不染。 www.bing.com 8. In another incident, there was an attempt to rape a 5-year-old girl in Mauli Jagran. 在另外一起事件中,有人试图强奸毛里杰格朗的一名5岁女孩。 www.santaihu.com 9. "Hit an 11-year-old girl in the head, " he says, "and there is all hell to pay. " “一名11岁女孩的头部就被它击中,代价十分惨重。”沃丁顿如是说。 www.ecocn.org 10. She had invited a seven-year-old girl to bring in her teddy and then encouraged the class to vote on a name for the toy. 她让一位7岁小女孩带她的泰迪熊到学校,并鼓励整个班级投票为它选出一个名字。 www.ecocn.org 1. Lucy was a 17 year-old girl from a prosperous middle class family in London suburb. 露西是一个17岁的来自伦敦郊区一个富裕的中产阶级家庭的女孩。 q.163.com 2. There was a four-year old girl who requested to talk with her newly born brother alone in the room without the parents. 有一位四岁的小女孩要求父母亲离开,让她跟刚出生的弟弟单独在房间里说话。 sm2000.org 3. Unrelenting media attention has brought hope, and a lot of disturbance, to a 10-year-old girl struggling through a difficult life. 对于一个生活贫困,勉强度日的十岁女孩来说,媒体无休止的关注在给自己带来希望的同时,也增添了许多困扰。 www.i21st.cn 4. On this day a nurse calms a four-year-old girl named Amelia. She was recently hurt in a motorbike accident. 这一天,护士安抚着一个名为阿米莉亚的4岁小女孩,她最近在一次摩托车车祸中受伤。 www.ebigear.com 5. After graduation, she was hired as a teacher for Helen Keller, a six-year-old girl who was blind and deaf due to illness. 毕业之后,她成为了一个又盲又聋又哑的六岁女孩的家庭教师,这就是海伦·凯勒。 www.booksfly.com 6. A seven-year-old girl brought in her favorite cuddly toy and the rest of the class was invited to name him. 一名7岁的小女孩带了她最喜欢的抱抱熊,其他的小朋友被邀请来替他取一个名字。 www.bing.com 7. Ms Munley, the mother of a three-year-old girl, is in a stable condition, with injuries to the upper leg and thigh. 曼蕾已经是一个三岁小女孩的妈妈,她目前大腿的伤势情况稳定。 www.bing.com 8. Last June, a 12-year-old girl was the sole survivor of a Yemeni plane crash off the Comoros. 无独有偶,去年6月也门一架客机在科摩罗群岛附近坠毁,唯一幸存的是一名12岁的女孩。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. unseen by the elders , may , the nine - year - old girl , while playing with her sister , had shut her in the vault. 在大人们不留意的时候,9岁的小女孩梅和她妹妹玩着玩着就把她锁进了地下室。 www.ichacha.net 10. A16- old girl runs away from a dangerous man and gets into a faraway village near the border. 一名16岁的少女从一个危险的男人身边逃走,来到遥远的边境小村。 www.jukuu.com 1. Can you believe that this abstract painting was painted by a six-year-old girl? 你相信这幅抽象画是出自一个六岁的女孩之手吗? www.koexam.com 2. Qiao Xuemei, a 19-year-old girl, has just been enrolled in a key university in Beijing when her mother died in a car accident. 年仅19岁的乔雪梅考上北京一所重点大学时,母亲突遇车祸身亡。 www.cnave.com 3. This case represents a rare presentation of an intramedullary insertion of the patellar tendon in an otherwise healthy 8-year-old girl. 这起案件是一个罕见的提出一个髓内插入髌腱在一个健康的8岁女童。 www.syyxw.com 4. Utah jury says the polygamous sect leader is guilty for his role in arranging the marriage of a 14-year-old girl to her 19-year-old cousin. 一位犹他州的陪审员称一夫多妻的习俗在他将一个14岁大的女孩被迫与他19岁兄弟结婚中占了很大因素。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Katara is a 14-year-old girl with a big heart who's determined to save the world - or at least never stop trying. 卡塔拉(14岁)对于拯救世界有很大的决心-或者说至少从没停止过。 forum.gamer.com.tw 6. We present the case of a 13-year-old girl who had PCG with an erythematous congestive plaque on the anterior maxillary gingiva for 4 years. 我们目前的情况,这个13岁的女孩谁曾与一个红色的前4年上颌牙龈充血牌匾盈科。 www.syyxw.com 7. 5-year-old girl was not until that year chasing butterflies out of their homes, in the depths of the forest lost control and hit the wolves. 直到女孩5岁那年自己追着蝴蝶跑出了家门,在森林深处迷了路,撞上了狼群。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. I heard a great story recently, I love telling it, of a six-year-old girl who was in a drawing lesson. 前些日子我听到了一个很棒的故事,我喜欢逢人就讲。有个6岁的小姑娘在上绘画课。 www.joyen.net 9. The 7-year-old girl with buck teeth had this to say when asked if she was upset about what had happened. 7年岁的小女孩与推卸责任的牙齿是这样说当被问到如果她底价约发生了什么事。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. We also see a little three-year-old girl. She's three, but she's also learning the repentance verses. 也看到了陈品宇,那小女孩三岁,可以身、口、意能忏悔。 ebuddyproxy.com 1. Osteomyelitis of the proximal femur was diagnosed in a 5-month-old girl after BCG vaccination at the age of 2 weeks. 骨髓炎股骨近端被确诊的5岁女孩后,卡介苗接种的年龄为2周。 www.syyxw.com 2. A French rescuer said he had spotted the 14-year-old-girl in choppy waters amid bodies and wreckage. 一位法国救援者说,他在飘满肢体和残骸的水面上发现了这名14岁女孩。 www.bing.com 3. That same day, a grief-stricken family identified the body of a 27-year-old mother of a 6-month-old girl who was not so lucky. 同一天,有人没那么幸运了,一个悲伤欲绝的家庭在那里确认了一具27岁女人的尸体,她是一名六个月大女婴的母亲。 www.ryedu.net 4. Another even more alarming problem is shown by the case of a 17-year-old girl which was recently reported in the British Medical Journal. 另一个更令人担忧的问题表明了一个17岁的女孩这是最近在英国医学杂志。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Shooting a machine-gun out of a moving car at an eight-year-old girl, that's just cowardly. 在行进汽车内伸出机枪朝着八岁女孩,那只是懦夫。 wenwen.soso.com 6. A man who kidnapped a 14-year- old girl and raped her for a week is sentenced to 421 years in prison. 一名男子由于绑架并强奸一名14岁少女长达一周之久被判处421年监禁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Last Halloween, a five-year-old girl showed up at my doorstep wearing a tube top, miniskirt, platform shoes and eye shadow. 去年万圣节前夕,一个5岁大的小女孩出现在我家门口,她身上穿着一件直筒式抹胸(tubetop),配了一条超短裙,脚上穿着松糕鞋,脸上打着眼影。 www.bing.com 8. At 64 I got to play a nine and a half year old girl. I got to play with dolls. 我64了都必须去扮演一个9岁半的小女孩,我必须和洋娃娃玩耍。 www.mtime.com 9. The movie Juno brought kind of hope to us, as the pregnant 16-year-old girl took her own responsibility and fortunately had a happy ending. 电影《朱诺》为我们带了某种希望,一个16岁未婚先孕的女孩承担了自己的责任,获得了一个美好的结局。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A three-year-old girl is so addicted to eating harmful objects that she ate an entire lightbulb. 据英国《每日邮报》9月26日报道,一3岁女童食用有害物体上瘾,竟吃下整只灯泡。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 1. Brazil recently a 15-year-old girl on suspicion of robbery, was with more than 20 male prisoners held in the same prison, up to one month. 巴西一名15岁女孩最近因涉嫌抢劫,被与20多名男性犯人关在同一个监牢里长达一个月。 bbs.d9it.com 2. The parents of an 18-month-old girl are set to go on trial soon, charged with first-degree criminal mistreatment. 一对夫妇被指控对其年仅18个月的女儿犯有一级虐待罪,即将受审。 www.bing.com 3. Today I read that the Taliban used an 8 year old girl to carry an explosive charge which, of course, killed her when it was detonated. 今天,我读到塔利班使用了8岁的女孩进行人弹攻击的新闻,当然,当它被引爆,这会杀死她。 www.ptfcn.com 4. Don't understand as well from while mushroom, summer Anne Han decides that the strength that he uses he protects little his 3-year-old girl. 也不知道从什么时候起,夏安翰决定他要用自己的力量保护小他三岁的女孩。 www.zlqh.com 5. A giant sculpture of the head of a 14-year-old girl has been unveiled on the famous Botafogo beach, in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. 巴西城市里约热内卢著名的博塔弗戈海岸,一座巨大的14岁少女头像雕塑被揭开面纱。 www.enread.com 6. A seven-year old girl who weeps stones is baffling doctors who are unable to say what is causing the phenomenon. 一名七岁的小女孩眼中竟哭出石头,这使得医生们十分困然,谁都说不出究竟是什么导致了这种现象的发生。 mag.e-say.com.cn 7. We met often in the hallway when we coming or going. I always spoke, but the only answer I ever got was a hello from the four-year-old girl. 进进出出的,我们经常在走廊上碰面。我总是跟他们交谈,但我只从那个四岁的小女孩子那里得到一个你好。 wenwen.soso.com 8. During my last weeks at Frost Valley, one of my campers, a 19-year-old girl with mental retardation, began having seizures. 在霜谷的最后两个星期,营里一名19岁的智障营员有出现痉挛的征兆。我便非常留意她的情况。 www.usastudy.com.cn 9. A 13-year-old girl was found with her hands and legs bound and left in a shrine toilet, we hear. 我们听说一个13岁的女孩被发现手脚被捆着丢弃在一个寺庙的厕所中。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. An 8-year-old girl suffers from hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) which makes her look like an 80-year-old grandma. 秘鲁卡哈马卡省的一位8岁女童阿拉塞莉·迪亚斯患上了罕见的儿童早衰症,其模样看上去像80岁的老奶奶。 gb.cri.cn 1. An 8-year-old girl suffers from hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) which makes her look like an 80-year-old grandma. 秘鲁卡哈马卡省的一位8岁女童阿拉塞莉·迪亚斯患上了罕见的儿童早衰症,其模样看上去像80岁的老奶奶。 gb.cri.cn 2. The famous line was penned part of a real 1897 New York Sun editorial written in response to the letter of a curious 8-year-old girl. 这个著名的线索是1897年纽约的《sun》报纸编辑回复给一个充满好奇的8岁女孩的信中提到的。 www.elanso.com 3. Excuse me? A pony? ! ? Do I look like an 11-year-old girl to you? Do I have pink ribbons in my hair of which I'm unaware? 你说什么?矮种马?!?你看我像11岁的小女孩么?我脑袋上绑着粉色的丝带而我却不知道么? www.ellesime.net 4. I'm a 22-year-old girl from Yichun, Jiangxi province. I graduate from medical college and I always look forward to working at the airport. 我是来自江西宜春的一位姑娘,我今年22岁,毕业于医学院,我非常向往机场的工作,也是一直以来的追求。 www.i21st.cn 5. Tess was a precocious eight-year-old girl when she heard her Mom and Dad talking about her little brother, Andrew. 听爸爸妈妈谈起小弟安德鲁的事情时,苔丝已是一个早熟的8岁小女孩。 www.24en.com 6. Disabled from Beijing maternal health with a lively, lovely old three-year-old girl to produce. 来自北京的残疾产妇带着一个健康活泼、可爱年仅三岁的女孩来生产。 bookapp.book.qq.com 7. A three-year-old boy took a three-year-old girl's hand and said: "I love you. " 一个三岁小男孩拉着一个三岁小女孩的手说:“我爱你。” zhidao.baidu.com 8. at the beginning of this year, a 17-year-old girl in Liaoning Province was raped after meeting a friend she had found on QQ. 今年年初,一位17岁的辽宁省女孩在见过一个在QQ上认识的网友后被强奸。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Just last month, police freed a 12-year-old girl who they said had been imprisoned in a Knights Inn hotel in Laurel, Md. 恰巧在上月,警察解救了一名12岁女孩,并称其原来被囚禁在位于马里兰州劳雷尔的骑士旅店。 www.bing.com 10. Let me put it more clearly, since no one will believe that a thirteen year-old girl is completely alone in the world. 让我说的更明白点儿吧,由于没有人会相信一个13岁的女孩儿在这个世界上是完全无依无靠的,而我的确也不是。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. and one 10-year-old girl who was there with her father got some special recognition from the President. 而一名和她的父亲一起的10岁女孩在那里得到总统的特别表彰。 www.yappr.cn 2. Police have questioned the would-be devil, aged 30, and another man who jumped from the window with a two-year-old girl in his arms. 警方已聆讯这名年纪30岁的男“鬼”,以及以为跳窗时怀抱一名两岁女婴的男住户。 www.hjenglish.com 3. He recently got into a wrestling match with a 9-year-old girl. 最近他还和一个9岁的女孩进行了一场摔跤比赛。 dongxi.net 4. All of the public opinion and speculation, all the 19-year-old girl raises in the body. 各界的舆论和猜测蜂拥而至,全部加注在这个19岁女孩的身上。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. After all I'm just a 17 year old girl. . . How could you not understand me like that? 我毕竟是一个17的小孩子啊……你怎么那么不理解我呢? wyeee.blog.163.com 6. This case describes a 9-year-old girl with torsion of a wandering spleen, complicated by splenic infarction and managed by splenectomy. 这种情况下描述了一个9岁的女孩扭转了游荡脾,复杂脾梗死和管理的脾切除术。 www.syyxw.com 7. A 7-year-old girl from the U. K. faces brain damage if she eats anything but fruit and vegetables, the Daily Mail reports. 英国《每日邮报》报道,英国一名7岁小女孩波希?贝迪克患有先天怪病,只能吃蔬菜与水果,否则会损伤头部。 www.china.org.cn 8. We report on a 13-month-old girl with synovial sarcoma in the lateral aspect of her right ankle. 我们报告的13个月岁女孩与滑膜肉瘤的侧面她的右脚踝。 www.syyxw.com 9. That's after a 16-year-old girl called to say she was being abused here. 此事开始被关注是因为一个16岁的女孩说她在这里被虐待。 bbs.putclub.com 10. I was only a 7-year-old girl, but I was the center of attention. 我还只是一个7岁的小女孩,但我是大家关注的焦点。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. They said the "ninja team" that hacked HBGary included a 16-year-old girl named Kayla. 他们说黑掉HBGary的“忍者组”包括一名16岁的女孩凯拉(Kayla)。 www.bing.com 2. That three year-old girl is still part of you. 那个三岁的小女孩,依然在你心里。 www.ted.com 3. The devastating quake in Sichuan destroyed the little psychological world of a 9-year-old girl named Wang Yue. 四川毁灭性的地震摧毁了9岁女孩王越的幼小的心理世界。 epaper.bjnews.com.cn 4. In this article, we present a 13-year-old girl with this primary intracranial tumor and its pellucid magnetic resonance imaging findings. 在此,我们提出一个十三岁女孩罹患此罕见肿瘤的病例及清晰的磁振造影影像。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. A four-year-old girl was the sole survivor when a Northwest Airlines plane crashed in Detroit in 1987, killing 156 people. 1987年西北航空公司一架飞机在底特律坠毁,造成了156人死亡,只有一个四岁小女孩存活。 www.bing.com 6. These, then, were the backstories of the young African man and the 18-year-old girl who would meet on a Russian language course in Honolulu. 这些都是一个年轻的非洲男人和一个18岁的女孩在火奴鲁鲁的俄语课程上见面前的背景故事。 www.bing.com 7. It was removed by Apple when the image of a topless and mostly bottomless 15-year-old girl appeared on the app last month. 当上月一个15岁女孩上身真空并且几乎无底的照片出现在该app上的时候,苹果砍掉了这个软件。 www.bing.com 8. Another six-year-old boy and a five-year-old girl were injured, together with the boy who'd brought in the gun. 另外一名六岁的男孩和五岁的女孩受伤,带枪来的这名小男孩也受伤。 www.hxen.com 9. A 7 year old girl was hospitalized with purpura-like bruises and lesions on both thighs after she had suffered from febrile infection. 7岁的女孩被送往医院紫癜样病变青肿和大腿上,她一直患有发热感染。 www.syyxw.com 10. He was charged after a newspaper reporter went undercover, posing as a depressed 16-year-old girl and a bullied 14-year-old boy. 一家报纸的记者假扮成一名抑郁的的16岁女孩和一名软弱的14岁男孩向他寻求帮助。 www.bing.com 1. A 2-year-old girl was diagnosed as having acute gastroenteritis with severe diarrhoea, for which she was prescribed a loperamide solution. 一个2岁的女孩被诊断为急性肠胃炎严重腹泻,为她开出洛哌丁胺的解决办法。 www.syyxw.com 2. A 16-year-old girl was shot in the back, and a 20-year-old woman broke her ankle when she escaped by jumping from a second-storey window. 一名16岁女孩背部中枪,而一名20岁女子在从二楼窗户逃脱跳下时摔断了脚踝。 www.bing.com 3. Police in the United States used the Google Street View service to track down a 9-year-old girl allegedly abducted by her own grandmother. 美国的警察运用谷歌街景视图服务追踪一名据称被自己的祖母绑架的9岁女童。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Journalists surround the parents of a 2-year-old girl identified as Yueyue in a hospital in south China's Guangdong province. 记者们在中国南部的广东省围着一个名叫悦悦的2岁女童的父母。 www.bing.com 5. Plus, they wouldn't hit on a 14-year-old girl. They're old enough to be my dad, so. 另外,他们不会泡一个14岁的小丫头。他们老的跟我爸差不多 www.kekenet.com 6. Far away, in the mountains of Cuso, a 7-year-old girl confidently reads the same text in her native Quechua. 在遥远的库索(Cuso)山区,一个七岁女童自信地朗读着用土著克丘亚(Quechua)语编写的同样的课文。 web.worldbank.org 7. The seven-year-old girl likes playing the piano so much that she has kept practicing it for two years. 这个七岁的小女孩酷爱弹钢琴,以至于她已经坚持练琴两年了。 hi.baidu.com 8. I'm going to draw a picture of God, " a four-year-old girl said to her teacher. " 一个4岁的女孩对老师说:“我要画一幅上帝的画像。” www.hjenglish.com 9. From a distance, Callie (not her real name) appears to be a normal if quiet 5-year-old girl. 科学日报(2011年6月2日)——远程聊天里卡莉(化名)给人的感觉是一个安静的5岁女孩。 www.bing.com 10. Peas are wine, liquor, like the gentle, even if the 45-year-old, and still allow the two 20-year-old girl crazy. 豆豆是酒,酒一样的温柔,即使四十五岁,仍然让二十岁的少女发疯。 bookapp.book.qq.com 1. The middle of last month, both born to a 19-year- old girl to hospital suffering from serious illness, which makes the case to light. 上月中旬,两人所生的一名19岁女孩患重病去医院就诊,才使得案件曝光。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A 12-year-old girl was forced to beg on the streets of an Indian city by her middle-class father as punishment for poor school grades. 因成绩不好,12岁的印度女孩被中产的父亲逼迫上街乞讨以示惩罚。 www.hxen.com 3. Court-ordered medical exams reveal a 3-year-old girl with a broken hymen (most likely, doctors note, from finger and not penis penetration). 法院下令体检显示一个3岁的小女孩(最有可能破裂的处女膜,医生注意到,手指和阴茎的渗透,)。 www.englishtang.com 4. He is sympathetic to his neighbor, Mathilda, a typically rebellious twelve-year-old girl. 他对自己的邻居很有同情心,马婷达,是一个典型的叛逆时期的小女孩,仅仅只有12岁。 tieba.baidu.com 5. In 2006, a 4-year old girl in Fujian Province died of acute leukemia after living for ten months in her formaldehyde-polluted home. 2006年,福建省一个4岁女孩在含有甲醛的房间住了10月后死于急性白血病。 www.hjenglish.com 6. The 21- year-old girl, Laura Morrod from Tauton, Somerset won the title who said taking part made her a positive people again. 来自萨默塞特郡陶顿市的21岁劳拉·莫罗德夺冠,她称参加比赛让她重拾信心,更加积极的生活。 en.cnxianzai.com 7. There's a real difference in the maturity level of a 13- and a 15-year-old girl. 13岁和15岁女孩子的成熟程度确实有差异。 www.tingroom.com 8. Keisuke's arms shook as he watched the 16 year old girl walk away and disappear into the evening. 奎介的手臂都在颤抖着,眼睁睁地看着这个16岁的女孩大步走开,消失在街角。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I learned that men from the adjoining slum had formerly broken into the orphanage and sexually assaulted a four-year-old girl. 我知道了先前有个男人从毗邻的贫民窟强行进入孤儿院强奸了一名四岁女童。 www.gounahaozi.org 10. Becky freer says adopting a 10-month-old girl from China was the best thing she ever did. 蓓琪·弗里尔称其曾做过的最好的事,就是领养了个十月大的中国女孩。 www.bing.com 1. We present an unusual case of juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG) of clitoral connective tissue in a 6-week-old girl. 我们本不寻常的案件少年黄色肉芽肿(JXG)的阴蒂结缔组织在6周大的女孩。 www.syyxw.com 2. With parents running a program called Tiger Encounter, the 17-year-old girl will return it to the other tigers when it turns one year old. 弗里斯克今年17岁,父母负责一项名叫“邂逅老虎”的教育项目。小虎满一岁后弗里斯克便会放它“回归故里”。 gb.cri.cn 3. Rescuers freed Jessica McClure, an 18-month-old girl who had been trapped in an abandoned well for 58 hours in Midland, Texas. 年,救援人员释放杰西卡·麦克卢尔,在得克萨斯州米德兰,18个月大的女孩杰西卡·麦克卢尔在废弃的井下被困58小时候被营救人员救出。 www.kekenet.com 4. We report on a 11-year-old girl with a first migrainous attack presenting as a confusional state. 我们报告一个11岁的女孩第一次提出偏头痛发作的混乱状态。 www.syyxw.com 5. It was reported last week in The Times that nine-year-old girl who have puppy fat are 15 times more likely to become overweight adults. 它在泰晤士报被报告上星期九岁的女孩有小狗脂肪是15次更有可能的到成为超重的成人。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. External diagnostic confirmation of this patient, an 18-year-old girl from the Kafr El-Sheikh governorate, is pending. 正在等待对该名患者即卡夫拉?谢赫省1名18岁女孩的外部诊断确认。 www.who.int 7. The attack comes a day after a 13-year-old girl wrestled with a great white shark. 这次袭击发生在一名13岁女孩HannahMighall拼命从一个大白鲨嘴里逃脱后一天内。 www.bing.com 8. A few weeks ago a fifteen -year-old girl was raped on a subway train . 几个星期前,一个年仅15岁的女孩在地铁中遭人强暴。 www.bing.com 9. Helena, a 15 year old girl in a family of circus entertainers, often wishes she could run off and join real life. 生长在马戏团艺人之家的十五岁女孩海伦娜,时常希望可以逃离出去,融入到真正的生活中去。 www.kankan.com.cn 10. Patient(s): A 14- year- old girl and her younger sister, who presented with primary amenorrhea, deepening of the voice, and clitoromegaly. 患者:14岁女孩及其妹妹,表现为原发闭经、声音低沉和阴蒂增大。 epub.cnki.net 1. The 11-year-old girl's father contacted Guinness World Record staff, requesting that they consider her for the title of hairiest child. 这名11岁女孩的父亲与吉尼斯世界纪录的工作人员取得了联系,并请求他们考虑授予自己女儿“最毛孩”的称号。 www.bing.com 2. He had had enough when the robbers stripped an 18-year-old girl sitting next to him and tried to rape her right in front of her parents. 他已经受够了当强盗剥夺18岁的女孩坐在他旁边,并试图强奸她在她父母面前的权利。 lt.cjdby.net 3. The case was a 15-year-old girl from the northern part of the country who died of severe respiratory disease on 17 January. 该病例为来自该国北部地区的一名15岁女童,她于1月17日死于严重呼吸道疾病。 www.who.int 4. A five-year-old girl, wearing a dress several sizes too large and broken shoes, followed Barrett around, mesmerized. 一个五岁的小女孩身穿一条大几号的裙子,脚蹬一双破烂的鞋子,紧跟着巴雷特,显然已经为之着迷。 www.enteacher.cn 5. The other case was a 10-year-old girl with the diagnosis of chronic leukemia with acute blastic crisis. 病例二为10岁女孩,罹患慢性骨髓性白血病并急性淋巴球白血病危象。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Wuzhong s deputy mayor was fired after his motorcade forced a 13-year- old girl off a narrow bridge and he then watched her drown. 吴忠的副市长因他座驾开上窄桥迫使桥上一13岁女孩堕水,且见死不救而被革职。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Dutch court has placed a 13-year-old girl on the temporary state supervision to prevent her from attempting to sail solo around the world. 荷兰一所法庭近日对一名年仅13岁的女孩实行临时性的状态监控,以阻止她独自进行环球航行。 www.eoezone.com 8. Also on Tuesday, health officials in Vietnam said an 8-year-old girl had tested positive for the disease, the Associated Press reported. 据美联社(AssociatedPress)报导,越南卫生部门官员周二也表示,一位8岁的女童经检测禽流感病毒呈阳性反应。 www.ebigear.com 9. A 17-year-old girl saw a skirt that set her heart racing in the ship window. 一个十七岁的少女在一家商店橱窗里看到一件令她心动的连衣裙。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Liang Jinghuan, father of a 1-year-old girl, told the Global Times that a men's day would not solve men's problems. 良京欢(音译),有一个一岁的女儿,他告诉《环球时报》单单一个男人节不能解决男人们的问题。 wordnet.sparke.cn 1. Age is no barrier to the crime: a seven-year-old girl was repeatedly raped in school toilets by three boys aged nine, 11 and 11. 年龄并没有成为犯罪的障碍:一个七岁女孩在学校厕所多次被三名男孩强奸。一个9岁,两个11岁。 www.bing.com 2. It then related the story of a district police commander who forced himself on a 16-year-old girl. 随后联系到一位地区指挥官的故事,他曾强奸了16岁小女孩。 www.bing.com 3. Asking around at the hospital, she found Linda, a sixteen-year-old girl with incurable leukemia. 在医院打听了一圈下来,她发现了琳达,一个16岁的女孩,她患上了无法治愈的白血病。 www.bing.com 4. As I stood in the rape center corridor, reeling from the encounter with Jessica, a 4-year-old girl was brought in for treatment. 我慌忙地刚从杰西卡那里出来,站在强奸受害者诊疗中心的走廊上,就看见一名4岁的女孩被带了进来接受诊疗。 www.yayan123.com 5. This was a 13-year-old girl who had never been in hospital before. 这个13岁的小女孩从来没有去过医院。 www.bing.com 6. Pablo Kuri, a Mexican epidemiologist, said three of the dead were children: a 9-year-old girl, a 12-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy. 一位墨西哥流行病学专家巴勃罗库里说,死亡案例中有三名是儿童:一个9岁的女孩,一个12岁的女孩和一名13岁的男孩。 www.bing.com 7. A twelve-year-old girl would go to war for Rometra. "They were awesome, " she said. 一个12岁的女孩曾对Rometra动粗。“她们真疯狂。”她说道。 www.bing.com 8. Wu Wenchou, a bright-eyed 15-year-old girl, is one of those who was poisoned. 吴文绸(音)是一名有著明亮眼睛的15岁女生,也是受到铅中毒的一员。 www.ecocn.org 9. Don't find fault with her, she is still just an 18-year-old girl. Every coin has two sides. 别挑她的毛病,她还是个18岁的女孩。对她要一分为二嘛。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. The heroine, a 9-year-old girl named Xiaoyu, first appeared in the childhood dreams of the Hunan-born author and cartoonist Xia Da. 主人公是一位9岁的女孩小语,这一形象最早出现在湖南籍作家兼漫画家夏达童年时的梦境中。 www.voa365.com 1. He enjoys a string of affairs as a young man, even abducting a ten-year-old girl so he can mould her into the perfect life-companion. 他甚至还诱拐一个10岁大的女孩,将她塑造成一位完美的终身伴侣。 blog.ecocn.org 2. One five-year-old girl brought the house down by singing an old Chinese song. 一位五岁小女孩高歌一曲中文老歌,逗的爷爷奶奶们开心不已。 www.newdaai.tv 3. One 14-year-old girl told him she started compensated dating when she lost her cell phone. 一个14岁的女孩告诉他,当她丢失手机后开始了有偿约会行为。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. One of the mastheads was designed by a 12-year-old girl. 其中一个报头是由一个12岁的小女孩设计的。 www.bing.com 5. Niyaz from the 18-year-old entered the circle, 28-year-old home to a "confession" and a 25-year-old girl to marry. 阿木从18岁开始进入圈子,28岁为了给家里一个“交代”和一个25岁的女孩结婚。 www.chinavalue.net 6. The case occurred in a 9-year-old girl from a remote village in Garut district, West Java Province. 该病例发生于西爪哇省牙律县一个偏远村庄的1名9岁女童。 www.who.int 7. Initial reports mentioned a five-year old boy, but later ones identified the survivor as a 14-year-old girl. 最初的报道提到一名5岁的男孩,但后续报道确认幸存者是一名14岁的女孩。 www.bing.com 8. Blood coats the floor and walls of a bathroom in Lancaster days after gunfire took the life of a 14-year-old girl. 兰卡斯特的一个浴室里,血流四壁,一位14岁的女孩在这被枪杀,其余还有六人受伤。 dongxi.net 9. Washed the dust baths, no makeup, no makeup looks pretty much over. 20-year-old girl was also due pristine form. 洗过澡的烟尘没有化装,看起来比没化装好看多了,也有了20岁女孩应有的清纯的模样。 bbs.renyu.net 10. Innocents are occasionally killed, as happened to a seven-year-old girl in Detroit on May 16th. 无辜的人还不时地被杀,5月16日,底特律一名7岁女童就死于警察的枪下。 www.ecocn.org 1. The nineteen-year-old girl was the youngest daughter in the family. 十九岁的姑娘是家里最小的女儿。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Iron was a good boy. He has already been engaged with a 8-year-old girl. 她说:“艾昂是个好孩子,已与一名8岁女孩订婚。” www.bing.com 3. The victims, a 12-year-old girl and 13-year-old boy, said a man lured them into the woods at the Rocky River Reservation in Cuyahoga County. 受害人,一名12岁的女孩和13岁男孩声称一名男子在凯霍加县罗基里弗保护区(RockyRiverReservation)的树林里诱奸他们。 www.bing.com 4. It's called "Pastel Fauve" and tells a story of a 14-year-old girl losing her virginity. 这本名叫《彩兽》的书讲述了一个14岁少女失贞的故事。 voa.hjenglish.com 5. Two weeks ago, a 14-year-old girl after taking Tamiflu, from the Aichi Gamagori jumped off an apartment building the city of death. 两周前,一名14岁少女在服用达菲之后,从爱知县蒲郡市一座公寓楼跳下死亡。 auto.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The 13-year-old girl brought down the house with her dance. 13岁小女孩的舞姿赢得了全场的喝彩。 www.joyen.net 7. Jim really had egg on his face after he lost the bicycle race to a 10 year old girl. Jim在比赛中输给了一个10岁的女孩,他感到很没面子。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. It was exceptional fora ten-year-old girl to win the national champion. 一个10岁的女孩赢得全国冠军是异常的。 www.ebigear.com 9. A ten-year-old girl, her eight-year-old sister and two of their relatives died from the poison gas. 一个十来岁的女孩,她八岁的妹妹和其亲属的两个死于毒气。 www.englishtang.com 10. The police are hunting a killer of a 14-year-old girl. 警察正在搜寻一个杀害14岁女孩的杀人犯 zhidao.baidu.com 1. More than 30 years ago, he pleaded guilty to having sex with a 13-year-old girl but fled from America before being sentenced. 30多年前,他承认强奸一名13岁少女,但是在被判刑之前就从美国逃逸。 club.topsage.com 2. The pair notified the Virginia state police of their findings, who then found the 9-year old girl and her grandmother in the motel. 这两名警官把他们的发现通知了维吉尼亚州的警察,随后警察在这家汽车旅馆里找到了这名9岁女孩和她的祖母。 www.bing.com 3. Villagers said that two children had been taken to hospital bleeding profusely and that a 13-year-old girl had gone missing. 村民称,两名儿童大量出血,被送往医院;一名13岁的女孩失踪。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A guy was seated next to a 10-year-old girl on an airplane. 在飞机上,一个男人坐在一个10岁小女孩的旁边。 www.elanso.com 5. We had a 14-year-old girl suffering from acute lower abdominal pain without effect of painkillers. 我们有一个14岁的女孩患有急性下腹部疼痛的止痛药没有效果。 www.syyxw.com 6. UK team had some successes but one agonising failure when an 18-year-old girl died minutes away from rescue. 英国救援队救了不少人,但也有遗憾的时候,一个十八岁的女孩在被救出后几分钟离开人世。 www.bing.com 7. A 14-year old girl had to be admitted to a psychiatric ward because of acute confusion. 一个14岁的女孩因精神问题在接受精神病治疗。 news.dxy.cn 8. Jo is a fifteen-year-old girl. She is average at her high school work and she is involved in school tennis in summer and netball in winter. 乔是个15岁的姑娘,中学的学习成绩一般,她参加了学校夏季网球和冬季的无板篮球活动。 www.bing.com 9. The death occurred in a previously announced patient, an 18-year-old girl from the northern governorate of Minufiyah. 该死亡发生于以前宣布的1名患者,即北部米努夫省1名18岁女孩。 www.who.int 10. he in the face of the demon that controlled a young 12-year-old girl. 也没有人能够面对一个控制12岁女孩的魔鬼产生他那样的情感意志力。 www.tingroom.com 1. Last Saturday, the 9-year-old girl was among 6 people killed by a gunman at a political event in Tucson, Arizona. 上个星期六,在美国亚利桑那州的图森市举行的政治活动中,一名持枪者杀害了6个人,其中一名是9岁的女孩。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. Here we report a case of necrotizing pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae in a 13-year-old girl. 我们报告一个十三岁女孩,感染肺炎双球菌,而且并发坏死性肺炎。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. We report on a 7-year-old girl with anorexia nervosa and consider factors contributing to this early emergency. 我们报告一个7岁的女孩与神经性厌食症,并考虑到这个因素,早期的紧急情况。 www.syyxw.com 4. It took the death of a two-year-old girl to bring greater awareness to what it means to do the right thing. 一个两岁的女孩死了,让人们进一步意识到应尽义务的意义。 www.bing.com 5. An unnamed six-year-old girl accepted the cash prize in his name. 一位姓名不详的6岁女孩代表连战领取了这一现金奖。 www.ftchinese.com 6. That's when police started talking to the five-year-old girl still inside the home. 于是他们开始和这名只有五岁还在房间里面的小女孩谈话。 www.bing.com 7. A two-year-old girl born with four arms and four legs has regained consciousness after a 24-hour operation to remove the extra limbs. 一出生就是四手四脚的2岁女孩在接受了24小时的移除多余肢体的手术后,已经恢复意识。 bbs.putclub.com 8. Stiles is accused of molesting a three-year-old girl and recording it on videotape. 并被指控调戏一位仅三岁的小女孩,调戏过程被记录在录像带上。 www.sogood.cn 9. I started out as an eight-year-old girl, just like Megan. 起步时,我和梅根一样,也是个八岁的小女孩。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. A 12 year old girl walked by, I grabbed her leg, and she kicked me in the face. 一个12岁的小姑娘走过来,我伸手抓她的腿,她就一脚踢在我脸上。 www.bucter.com 1. An acute vulvar ulcer was diagnosed based on a case history of a 17-year-old girl with genital ulcers. 急性外阴溃疡被诊断为基础的情况下历史上的17岁女孩与生殖器溃疡。 www.syyxw.com 2. Police have found the parents of a 22-month old girl found wandering the street. 警察发现一对父母抱着一个22个月的女孩在街上徘徊。 bbs.kao100.com 3. He knows an editor, Komatsu, who knows a 17-year-old girl who has written a remarkable story called "Air Chrysalis. " 他认识一个名叫小松的编辑,后者认识一个17岁的女孩,她写了一个叫《空气蛹》(AirChrysalis)的精彩故事。 dongxi.net 4. Georgina: Yeah, but to a 15-year-old girl, I mean, there really isn't a difference. 是啊,不过对一个15岁的姑娘而言,两者还真没什么差别。 www.ebigear.com 5. But now, the scientists tried in the laboratory from 5 year-old girl's ovary organization sample to cultivate the egg. 但现在,科学家们在实验室里设法从5岁女孩的卵巢组织样品中培育出了卵子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Malawi's highest court is deliberating on Madonna's bid to adopt a three-year-old girl. 马拉维的最高法院正在仔细审查关于麦当娜收养一名三岁小女孩的请求。 www.kekenet.com 7. A 12-year-old girl poignantly notes in her diary, "only Tanya is left" . 一个12岁的女孩在她的日记中令人辛酸地指出,“只有坦亚还在”。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. We described a 13-year-old girl who developed four episodes of severe abdominal pain with massive ascites. 本文报告一个十三岁女孩,前后发生四次严重腹痛合并大量腹水。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Another was a 15-year-old girl with many light brown or blue-grey papules on the forehead for over 3 years. 因额部淡褐色或青灰色丘疹并逐渐增多3年余就诊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. They were not comfortable with this 36 year old man's interest in a 15 year old girl. 因为他们对于这个36岁的老男人对15岁女孩感兴趣的行为感到恶心。 www.elanso.com 1. "My aunt, uncle, and cousin are in Tripoli, " Amina, a 10-year-old girl with short hair, told me. “我的阿姨,叔叔和表兄都在的黎波里,”头发短短的10岁女孩儿Amina告诉我。 www.bing.com 2. We reported a 8-year-old girl presented with left proptosis , red eye, eyelid swelling, blepharoptosis, and decreased vision for 4 weeks. 我们报告一个八岁大的小女孩,主诉为左眼突出,眼睑肿胀,眼皮下垂,视力减退有四个月之久。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. They wanted him extradited in relation to charges that he had sex with a 13-year-old girl 30 years ago. 因其与一项三十年前强奸一名十三岁少女的指控有关,美国当局当时希望将波兰斯基引渡。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 4. The case occurred in an 18-year-old girl from the Minufiyah governorate, north of Cairo. 该病例发生于开罗北部米努夫省一名18岁女孩。 www.who.int 5. "Ihave a 14-year-old girl and I would never let her go, " said OlindoPalozzi, 47, a grocer in downtown Rome. “我有一个14岁的女儿,我永远不会让她离开,”罗马市区的杂货商、47岁的奥林度.帕络兹(OlindoPalozzi)说道。 www.bing.com 6. A 10-year-old girl gave birth last week in the Spanish city of Jerez de la Frontera, the Daily Telegraph reported. 英国《每日电讯报》消息,一位年仅10岁的女孩上周在西班牙的赫雷斯产下一名婴儿。 www.china.org.cn 7. The case occurred in a 15-year-old girl who died on 17 January following a severe respiratory illness. 该病例发生于1名15岁女童,她在罹患严重呼吸道疾病之后于1月17日死亡。 www.who.int 8. They evacuated three people suffering from serious injuries, including a 9-year-old girl. 他们带3名重伤员撤离,其中包括一名19岁女孩。 www.bing.com 9. The 17-year-old girl I longed for as a 17-year-old boy had just kissed me. It was exactly like that. 举个贴切的例子,那种感觉就像17岁的我吻到了我一直心仪的同岁女孩儿。 www.bing.com 10. C. The situation was bad enough for a professional, let alone a 12-year-old girl. 这种情况对一个专业人员来说都足够糟糕的了,更不用说是一个12岁的女孩。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. A 17-year-old girl with double uteri and unilateral cervical obstruction on the left side is reported. 一位17岁女孩患有双子宫,并伴有左侧子宫颈不完全阻塞及左侧肾脏不发育。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. What would a game designed by a five-year-old girl look like? 一款由一个五岁小萝莉设计出来的游戏会长什么样? dongxi.net 3. We describe a 2-year-old girl with suspected tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis. 我们描述了2年,怀疑有结核性颈部淋巴腺炎岁女童。 www.syyxw.com 4. Some Jewish friends of ours had adopted a four-year-old girl from India through Holt, and they strongly recommended the agency. 我们的几位犹太朋友已通过霍尔特收养了一位印度的4岁女孩,他们向我们强烈推荐这家机构。 www.bing.com 5. An English priest named Chad Varah realized the need to reach out after he attended a funeral for a 14-year-old girl. 一位名叫查德?瓦拉的英国牧师在参加完某位十四岁少女的丧礼后,瞭解到适时伸出援手的必要性。 epaper.pchome.com.tw 6. The 8-year-old girl who saved her brother taught me what is to be brave. 救了自己兄弟的8岁小女孩教会我什么是勇敢。 www.yappr.cn 7. Selam is our most complete skeleton of a three-year-old girl who lived and died 3. 3 million years ago. 塞拉姆是我们所拥有的最完整的三岁小女孩的骨骼,她生活在330万年前。 www.ted.com 8. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a 5-year-old girl who was still wetting the bed every night. 数周前,我诊治了一个五岁了还每晚尿床的小女孩。 www.bing.com 9. Today, I was working as a camp counselor helping a five year old girl. 今天我给一个5岁的小女孩做辅导。 www.bucter.com 10. It was recorded on a cell phone by a 15-year-old girl. 它被记录在手机上通过一个15岁的女孩。 www.englishtang.com 1. A 14-year-old girl in Wuhan, Hubei Province, gave birth to a baby in May. 一位湖北省武汉市的14岁女孩在五月时生了一个小孩。 www.bing.com 2. One case of poliomyelitis has been reported in Mogadishu, Somalia where a 15-month old girl had onset of paralysis on 12 July 2005. 在索马里摩加迪沙已报告1例脊髓灰质炎,那里1名15个月大的女婴于2005年7月12日出现瘫痪。 www.who.int 3. Others are damning, with one pointing out that a 15-year-old girl should have more concerns than an obsession with make-up. 但也有人不屑一顾,认为15岁的女孩子应该关注更多其它的方面,而不是过多地沉迷于如何化妆。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Earlier this month, a 14-year-old girl married a 23-year-old teacher in a public ceremony in Kuala Lumpur. 本月初,一个14岁的女孩跟一个23岁的教师在吉隆坡举行了公开的盛大婚礼。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. Ben: Oh, and Mom, whatever punishment you should decide on, thanks for not freaking out about the eighteen year old girl. 本:哦,妈妈,不管你决定怎么处罚我,但跟那十八岁姑娘没关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Two years later Vic has turned into a ravishing 16 years old girl whose love life takes up more of her time than her studies do. 两年过去,慧琪已是亭亭玉立的十六岁少女,感情生活多姿多采。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The eight-year-old girl likes playing the piano so much that she has kept practicing for three years. 这个八岁的女孩酷爱弹钢琴,以致于她坚持练琴三年了。 www.sznewworld.net 8. The first newly confirmed case was a 16-year-old girl from Jakarta. 第一例新确认的病例为来自雅加达的一名16岁女孩。 www.who.int 9. Three and four-year-old boy kissed a three-year-old girl, girls to boys : You kissed me, I am responsible for my ah. 四岁的男孩亲了三岁的女孩一口,女孩对男孩说:你亲了我可要对我负责啊。 www.liecheng.com 10. On April 6, a 23-year-old girl from Cardiff named Michelle Sheldon hung herself in the Cefn Glas estate, in the town of Bridgend. 4月6日,一个来自加的夫的名叫米歇尔谢尔登的23岁女孩在布里真德的塞分格拉斯庄园上吊。 www.bing.com |
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