单词 | needy |
释义 |
比较级:needier 最高级:neediest adj. penurious,destitute,indigent,deprived,disadvantaged 例句释义: 缺乏生活必需品的,贫困的,缺乏自信的,需要精神支持的,穷困的人,贫穷的,非常贫穷的,贫困状态的 1. Thou art poor and needy, bring thy child to me, I will take her with me and be her mother, and care for her. 你很穷,需要帮助。把你的孩子给我吧。我愿意把她带走,做她的母亲,好好照料她。 www.hjenglish.com 2. He gave away part of his income to his needy friends. 他把一部分收入分给他贫困的朋友。 zxxk.com 3. He gave away a part of his income to his needy friends. 他把收入的一部分送给经济困难的朋友们。 wenku.baidu.com 4. If there's no meaning in it , ' said the King, ' that saves a world of trouble, you know, as we needy't try to find any. “如果诗里没有任何意义,”国王说,“那就免除了许多麻烦。你知道,我们并不要找出什么意义,而且我也不懂什么意义。” www.jukuu.com 5. That we may buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair of shoes; yea, and sell the refuse of the wheat? 好用银子买贫寒人,用一双鞋换穷乏人,将坏了的麦子卖给人。 www.ebigear.com 6. Now his son has turned around the sorrow by buying rice and daily necessities for needy families to continue the great love of his father. 现在他的儿子转化悲伤,还自掏腰包买米以及生活用品,分送清寒家庭,要延续父亲无私的大爱。 www.newdaai.tv 7. Support for the needy is often expected to come from the family. 支撑它的开支所需的收入往往是来自普通家庭。 www.bing.com 8. The government is to meet the British Retail Consortium and the Office of Fair Trading to help thousands of ' needy' families affected . 英国政府是为满足零售财团和公平交易办事处协助成千上万的贫困家庭的影响。 www.bing.com 9. But He had gone out of His way to help the poor, the needy, the blind, the leper, the deaf, and the demon-possessed. 然而,祂却经常主动去帮助穷人、困苦的人、瞎子、痳疯病人、聋人和被污鬼附著的人。 blog.163.com 10. I do not understand, I see only a very needy person and a woman next to that person. 我不明白,我只看到一个非常需要的人及一名女子,旁边的那个人。 www.panoramio.com 1. Give to the needy, or to a neighbor, or to a child you know. 给需要的人,或者邻居,或者你认识的孩子,提供帮助。 www.bing.com 2. He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well with him: was not this to know me? Saith the LORD. 他为困苦和穷乏人伸冤,那时就得了福乐。认识我不在乎此吗。这是耶和华说的。 bible.popcastle.com 3. At a time of painfully surging food prices, that would be a hefty boon for the needy. 时值食品价格猛增,沃尔玛降价对穷人来说将是雪中送炭之举。 www.ecocn.org 4. BARBARA KLEIN: The Hersheys were unable to have children, so they decided to help needy children by creating a school for them. 芭芭拉因:该Hersheys不能生孩子,所以他们决定帮助学校为他们创造一个有需要的儿童。 www.englishtang.com 5. He was generous, and the needy, laughing at him because he believed so naively their stories of distress, borrowed from him with effrontery. 他很大方,那些手头拮据的人一方面嘲笑他那么天真地轻信他编造的不幸故事,一方面厚颜无耻地伸手向他借钱。 6. Stand up for yourself and she'll respect you more. Letting a woman walk all over you is a clear sign to her that you're needy. 自立将使她更尊重你,让一个女人老是围着你转,这清楚的标志着,你需要她。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. His father was the front-page editor of a local party newspaper and his mother worked for a social service bureau helping the needy. 他的父亲是一家地方党报的要闻版编辑,母亲做社会公益工作,帮助贫困人员。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Incapable of showing his emotions, he never felt able to praise his needy daughter or offer her support. 不能显示他的情绪,他从来没有觉得,称赞他有需要的女儿,或提供她的支持。 kk.dongxi.net 9. This story isn't to say that people should stop funding or supporting programs that deliver livestock to needy areas, not in the least! 讲这个故事并不是想说人们应该停止捐款给或支持那些向有需要的地区输送家畜的慈善项目,一点也不是! www.bing.com 10. They were to leave some of the harvest in the field for them, and every third year they took up a special tithe for the needy. 收割时,必须把田里的庄稼留给她们一些;每到第三年,要取出特别的十一奉献给有需要的人。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 1. She spent the last few years of her life working closely with UNICEF to help needy children in different parts of the world. 她花了生命中的最后几年和世界儿童组织紧密地工作在一起来帮助世界各地的贫苦儿童。 blog.163.com 2. In my country, we make so much waste, we buy and throw away, buy and throw away, and yet northern countries will not share with the needy. 在我的国家,我们浪费太多,我们买了又扔掉,买了又扔掉,却不肯分享给需要的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. She provides food for her family, opens her arms to the poor, and extends her hands to the needy. 她把食物分给家中的人,张手救济困苦人,又伸手帮助穷乏人。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Because that he remembered not to shew mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart. 因为他不想施恩,却逼迫困苦穷乏的,和伤心的人,要把他们治死。 www.ebigear.com 5. The needy advertise themselves, and how much they want. 需要钱的就公布自己,以及所需要的金额数目。 www.bing.com 6. He made a lot of unforced errors today and never has one player looked more needy of a break than our Frank. 他今天有很多次在无压力之下犯错,从来没有一个球员能够比我们的弗兰克看起来更需要一个休息了。 bbs.qieerxi.com 7. Being a volunteer, he no longer sees his physical handicap as a problem, and has vowed to commit himself to helping the poor and needy. 身为一名志工,他不再把身体上的残疾视为一个问题,并且把自己奉献出来,帮忙贫穷和有需要的人。 www.newdaai.tv 8. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. 所以我吩咐你说,总要向你地上困苦穷乏的弟兄松开手。 www.ebigear.com 9. Understanding about the lives of others and helping the needy are important elements in nurturing a strong sense of civic consciousness. 懂得关心身边的人,特别是有需要的人,是培养学生拥有社会责任感的重要元素。 www.ln.edu.hk 10. The furthest distance in the world is not between rich and needy but when i covet at the bank yet i can't get the money. 世界上最遥远的距离不是贫富差距,而是我看着银行的钞票却拿不到手。 www.xici.net 1. You should be able to charge $20 to $35 per hour to rent out a desk, computer, printer, phone and support services to a needy entrepreneur. 把桌子、电脑、打印机、电话和维修服务出租给一个创业者,你可以每小时收费20到35美元。 www.bing.com 2. Our clothes wet with sweat, but our hearts hot days like this, like, taken the trouble to help every needy person. 我们的衣裳被汗水沾湿,但我们的心就像这火热的天一样,不厌其烦地帮助每一位需要帮助的人。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. His first public statement was that God had anointed him to preach the gospel to the poor and needy (Luke 4: 16-18). 祂在首次公开讲道中,便表明是神膏立祂去向穷人和有需要的人传讲福音(路四16-18)。 www.seewant.org 4. Newsflash : The guy who asks career advice for his wife sounds way more needy and off-track than his wife does . 电讯:这个帮他妻子问职业建议的家伙听起来比她妻子自己问更贫乏和不受关注。 www.bing.com 5. The money raised from lottery sales will be used to help the poor and the needy. 出售彩票获得的资金将被用于帮助贫困的人。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Your positions provide you with many opportunities to open your mouth, judge righteously; defend the rights of the poor and needy. 你们的职业也让你们有很多开口伸张正义﹐维护那些贫穷和有需要的人的权益的机会。 word.hcbus.com 7. Do not let the oppressed retreat in disgrace; may the poor and needy praise your name. 不要叫受欺压的人蒙羞回去。要叫困苦穷乏的人赞美你的名。 www.ebigear.com 8. He was speaking to those who felt they were self sufficient and did not see themselves as needy sinners before God. 他是刻意讲给那些自以为义的人的,他们认为自己并不像其他罪人那样需要神的怜悯。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. We learn by watching the river flow, missing the boat, daydreaming, shutting down for the night, slapping cold water on the needy. 我们通过观察河水流动来学习,却错失良机,整天在做白日梦。 www.looooker.com 10. She left her equipment on the ground and walked back to the house as if marching toward a spank-needy child. 她把设备放在地上,像要去打个小孩屁股似的走回屋。 www.bing.com 1. The only way mothers could have highly needy offspring every couple of years is if they were getting help. 只有如此,每隔几年如果她们得到帮助,母亲们会更需要后代。 www.bing.com 2. She cared for her parents and other needy relatives, turning her residence into the Home for Indigent and Aged Negroes. 她照顾她的父母和其他需要帮助的亲戚,将自己的住所变成了“贫困和老年黑人之家”。 www.bing.com 3. To help the needy, religious and service organizations across the country serve special Thanksgiving meals. 为了帮助那些有需要的人,宗教和社会服务组织都会提供特殊的感恩节饭菜。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Or, it may seem your partner is very needy lately and you need to help him or her more, but have too many obligations of your own to do so. 或者,它可能看起来你的伴侣是非常困难最近,你需要帮助他或她多,但有太多自己的义务这样做。 2008.chinatarot.com 5. Once more the humble will rejoice in the LORD; the needy will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. 谦卑人,必因耶和华增添欢喜。人间贫穷的,必因以色列的圣者快乐。 www.bbintl.org 6. And I will gain merit with the fourth lump by giving it to the poor and needy and for other good works. 第四块金子施舍给穷人和需要帮助的人,和交换其它的好东西,这样我就可以获得很多好处。 ycc1982.r2lly.com 7. Yet I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; O my God, do not delay. 但我是困苦穷乏的,主仍顾念我。你是帮助我的,搭救我的。神阿,求你不要耽延。 www.ebigear.com 8. On another occasion, two years later, Sri Ramakrishna showed a similar sentiment for the poor and needy . 两年之后的另一个场合,室利罗摩克里希纳在贫穷者面前表现出类似的情操。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Be a treasure to the poor , and admonisher to the rich , an answer of the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge . 作穷人的财富,富人的忠告,贫穷者呼叫的应答,自己神圣诺言的捍卫者。 www.bing.com 10. e. g. Catherine could have bought that coat, but she chose to lend the money to a needy friend. 凯瑟琳本来可以买那件大衣的,但是她把钱借给一个更急需的朋友了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. King admits to being needy about the emotional feedback he gets when he lets his wife read a new story for the first time. 当金让妻子第一次读一个新的故事时,他承认自己渴求人们的情绪反馈。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. of helping the poor and assisting the needy, and there lie abundant social resources for poverty relief among the masses of people. 中华民族历来具有扶贫济困的优良传统,人民群众中蕴藏着扶贫开发丰厚的社会资源。 www.jukuu.com 3. He will defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy; he will crush the oppressor. 他必为民中的困苦人伸冤,拯救穷乏之辈,压碎那欺压人的。 www.ebigear.com 4. But she was needy and narcissistic, anxious for the approval of others and incapable of being alone. 然而,她生活贫困,孤芳自赏,急于得到他人肯定,又不堪忍受孤独。 www.ecocn.org 5. To be able to help truly needy people, oh! 能够帮助真正需要的人,噢! sm2000.org 6. Maintaining supply of public rental housing for needy applicants with an average waiting time of around three years . 以平均大约三年的轮候时间为目标,继续为有需要的家庭提供公共租住房屋。 www.bing.com 7. Afflict not the heart of the needy, and defer not to give to him that is in distress. 不要扰乱忧苦人的心灵,也不要迟延接济有急难的人。 www.ccreadbible.org 8. But the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish. 穷乏人必不永久被忘,困苦人的指望,必不永远落空。 www.ebigear.com 9. State- subsidized educational loan package which aims to help needy students complete their college education, has achieved greatly. 旨在帮助贫困大学生完成学业的国家助学贷款政策已经取得了显著的成效,但是还存在一些问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. She has the skill and energy to cook, sew, teach, do business, care for her family, help the needy, and deal with difficulties. 她有本事和精力去烧菜、缝纫、教导、营商、照顾家庭、帮助有需要的人,以及解决种种困难。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Guided by his sense of duty, he helped needy people. 他出于责任感向贫困的人提供援助。 www3.060s.com 2. BC: World Vision is a great organization. I have travelled with several friends to various countries to help the poor and needy. 黑人:世界展望会是个了不起的组织,我曾经和一些朋友一同到许多国家去帮助贫苦无依的人。 www.95magazine.com 3. Communicates that you're not needy, that you're not going to just jump her bones because she's a woman. 交流与沟通,您并不需要,那你不会仅仅因为她跳她的骨头是一个女人。 paoxue.com 4. They thrust the needy from the path and force all the poor of the land into hiding. 他们使穷人离开正道;世上的贫民尽都隐藏。 new.fuyinchina.com 5. The people of the land practice extortion and commit robbery; they oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the alien, denying them justice. 国内众民一味地欺压,惯行抢夺,亏负困苦穷乏的,背理欺压寄居的。 new.fuyinchina.com 6. and is choosing not to call me. Now I'm needy and snubbed. 而且选择不回电,我既渴望又被人冷落 www.bing.com 7. We might have hated ourselves for being needy, for being hurt, for being angry, for believing in things our parents didn't. 我们可能曾经讨厌自己那么贫瘠、那么受伤、那么愤怒、或者相信父母不同意的事。 www.bing.com 8. Master prepared these extra cash Herself for the most needy and poorest among the poor. 师父亲自为最需要和最贫困的穷人准备额外的礼金。 sm2000.org 9. My uncle carpentered a table and a few stools for his needy neighbor. 我叔父给他穷困的邻居做了一张桌子和几只凳子。 www.kekenet.com 10. Wikipedia offers a number of definitions but generally being charitable refers to providing help or relief to the poor and needy. 维基百科提供了不少定义,但狭义的做善事意味着为贫困的需要帮助的人提供帮助或救助。 www.bing.com 1. He could be an emotionally needy husband and an absentee father, a man who purposely avoids people he fears might criticize him. 他可能是情感上十分吝于付出的丈夫,一个经常缺席的父亲,也是个对他担心可能批评他的人、敬而远之的男人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. This involved the expectation of his imminent return and fellowship expressed by material support of the needy. 这包含了对他(耶稣)即将重返的期待和以穷人的物质支持来表达的伙伴关系。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 3. If the LifeStraw can get into the hands of those needy people, it would be refreshing news indeed. 倘若能把「生命饮管」送到那些穷人手中,不啻是让人精神一振的喜讯。 hi.baidu.com 4. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for remembering the poor and needy and for dying so that we could be forgiven of our sin. 主耶稣,感谢祢,因祢记念困苦和穷乏的人,又为我们受死,好叫我们的罪得赦免。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If so, dedicate the next issue to the topic of Zakat and Sadaqa and how they help the poor and the needy. 如果有,下一个话题就致力于写天课和伊斯兰教寺院怎样帮助贫困和有需要的人。 bbs.gounahaozi.org 6. Mary should have bought two coats, but she chose to lend the money to a needy neighbor. 玛丽本来可以买;两件外套,但她却把钱借给了一个需要钱的邻居。 wljy.axhu.cn 7. Adversity had deepened her sympathy for the poor and needy as well as her aversion to the heartless rich. 母亲没有灰心,她对穷苦农民的同情,和对为富不仁者的反感却更加强烈了。 www.dioenglish.com 8. International aid means money and materials that are donated by international communities to help the needy. 国际援助就是国际社会捐助用于帮助穷人的钱物。 www.1363.cn 9. In response to the unrest, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki cut his own pay and increased funding for food programs for the needy. 伊拉克总理马利基对动乱作出回应,他削减了自己的工资并增加了困难户食品救济项目的经费。 www.voa365.com 10. In these houses good and aid were given freely to all the poor and needy who came along, even to unknown travellers. 这些房子为所有贫穷的、缺乏生活必需品的人甚至于陌生的行者提供无偿帮助和支持。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. When he distributed food to the hungry, and other necessary things to the needy, he was always generous, kind and sympathetic. 他也总是慷慨、和蔼而满怀怜悯地将食物分给饥饿者,把生活必需品分给穷人。 george.shi.blog.163.com 2. They were not to forget the needy, so they were reminded to leave the gleanings (23: 22). 上帝要他们不忘记穷苦人,所以再次提醒他们不要收取落穗(23:22)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. remove the old posters in the classroom and replace them with some proverbs like "an idle youth, a needy age" . 4把教室里的旧海报拿掉,然后写上一些比如“少壮不努力老大徒伤悲”的谚语。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. "To feed the poor and the needy, and to help others out, is also an act of worship that brings us closer to Allah, " said Asal. 萨迈赫说:“向穷人和有需要的人提供食物以及帮助其他人也是一种敬神的行为,这种行为能使我们更靠近真主阿拉。” www.bing.com 5. Once I digested this insight my feelings changed from those of a needy child to ones of a very proud daughter. 一旦我领悟了这点,我感觉自己一下从一个贪婪的小孩变成了一个骄傲的女儿。 www.kekenet.com 6. In Proverbs 31, we read of the virtuous woman who "extends her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy" (v. 20). 在箴言31章,我们看到一个有才德的妇人,「她张手周济困苦人,伸手帮补穷乏人」(20节)。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. This was also always the time when the mayor would hail the unity of the county and pass handouts to those who were still needy. 镇长也总在这个时候热情赞扬本县的团结一心,向那些仍然贫困的人发放一些免费物品。 bbs.3gbbs.com 8. He raises the poor out of the dust, And lifts the needy out of the ash heap. 他从灰尘里抬举贫寒人,从粪堆中提拔穷乏人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Indeed, it is the power of such relationships which has left Global Hand passionate about the need for more partnerships in a needy world. 确实,正是此类合作关系的能力让GlobalHand热衷于在这个需要帮助的世界促成更多合作关系。 business.un.org 10. Charity groups and religious organizations will also be busy this Thursday, serving Thanksgiving meals to the needy. 慈善团体和宗教组织本周四也将忙碌,为有需要的人提供感恩节大餐。 www.xuexichuguo.org 1. You are no longer a needy child and you become utterly grateful for all those things people have done for you in the past. 你不再是一个有依赖性的孩子,对一切过去人们为你所做过的事情而绝对感激。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Governments at the grassroots levels also operate community services for the poor and needy. 基层政府通过兴办社区服务业,为贫困对象提供照顾和服务。 www.bing.com 3. Begin the season by buying a gift for a needy person whose name was plucked from The Salvation Army Christmas tree at a local mall. 在当地商场的救世军圣诞树上取下一个穷人的名字,买点礼物送给他作为假期的开始。 www.elanso.com 4. I've seen neediness arise even when men and women do not particularly care for the person they're needy about. 我发现,对于人们需求的人,即使人们并不特别喜欢他们,人们的需求感还是会增加。 www.bing.com 5. The women's club decided to take a hand in the fundraising campaign for needy children. 妇女俱乐部决定加入为贫困儿童集资的运动。 www.hotdic.com 6. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. 当保护贫寒和穷乏的人,救他们脱离恶人的手。 www.ebigear.com 7. Needy, the sick mother needs home, her sister the next semester also not been available. 家境清贫,卧病在床的母亲需要家用,妹妹下学期的学费也还没有着落。 www.ezhaorc.com 8. Do not take advantage of a hired man who is poor and needy, whether he is a brother Israelite or an alien living in one of your towns. 困苦穷乏的雇工,无论是你的弟兄或是在你城里寄居的,你不可欺负他。 www.ebigear.com 9. It offered needy people everything from job applications and educational assistance to haircuts and a hot lunch. 这个项目给需要的人提供一切帮助,从工作申请,教育帮助到理发和美味的午餐。 www.ecocn.org 10. By being there for your partner, they won't be so needy and you'll get more independence. 支持你的伴侣,他们不总是有那么多的需求,而你也会得到更多的独立。 www.bing.com 1. As soon as he returned to Tianjin, Bai went back to work. All of his earnings went to support the needy students. 白芳礼一回到天津就回到工作中。他的所有收入都拿去支持贫困的学生。 www.hxen.com 2. I believe that such social and humanitarian efforts have alleviated the pain of needy people around the world. 我相信这些社会慈善工作已大幅地减轻了穷人们的痛苦。 sm2000.org 3. She had relished in his screams of pain, but his aroused, needy moans, groans and whimpers were even better. 她听他痛苦的尖叫时也津津有味,但是他欲火中烧的、饥渴的哼声、呻吟声和啜泣声更好听。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. 你当开口按公义判断,为困苦和穷乏的辨屈。 www.ebigear.com 5. Charity is a significant part of Ramadan and Muslims are expected to help the needy. 行善和帮助有需要的穆斯林是斋月的重要组成。 www.bing.com 6. Due to his needy family, he had to drop out from middle school and became a worker in a knitting factory. 因为家境贫寒,他读完初中就辍学到哈尔滨市第五针织厂当工人。 www.ebigear.com 7. You feel confident and assured that your partner loves you and suddenly you feel desperate and needy. 你充满自信,相信你的配偶爱你,却突然感到绝望与可怜。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 8. On the east and west coast of the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers hand out clothes and food bags to the needy. 在美国东岸和西岸,慈济志工发放衣物及食物袋给贫穷的人。 www.newdaai.tv 9. At your next youth group meeting, put the difficulties of the poor and needy in your community on the agenda. 在你的下一个青年组织会议上,把贫穷者的困难和在你社区中有需要的事情提到议程上来。 home.gounahaozi.org 10. It's said he had borne in a needy family. 据说他出生在一个非常贫困的家庭。 bbs.kekenet.com 1. Local politicians used to distribute Thanksgiving turkeys to needy families . 地方政客们过去常给穷人家分送感恩节火鸡。 www.bing.com 2. These aspects will mobilize the masses and spur political change over issues of the poor and needy. 这些面向会动员群众,刺激政治在贫穷和弱势族群上的议题改变。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Charity was an important duty toward the truly needy, such as the disabled, widows, and orphans, who could not help themselves. 帮助那些身体残疾、鳏寡孤独、不能自助而需要他人的帮助的人们做慈善事业在当时是人们的一个重要的责任和义务。 usacultures.blog.sohu.com 4. He deemed that it was his duty to help the needy. 他认为帮助穷人是他的责任。 www.kekenet.com 5. In the end, it is not clear whether these new approaches to philanthropy have made a tangible difference in the lives of the needy. 最终,这些从事慈善业的新方法是否使穷人的生活发生了实质性变化,这点并不清楚。 www.ftchinese.com 6. At least 10 centers for needy families regularly dispense free groceries to them in the Cleveland suburbs. 在克利夫兰郊区至少有十个为贫困家庭服务的中心,定期给他们发放免费家庭用品。 7. The care of the poor and needy is not the responsibility of the State only. 对穷人和有需要的人的关心不应该只是国家的责任。 www.tecsunhomes.com 8. But he lifted the needy out of their affliction and increased their families like flocks. 他却将穷乏人安置在高处,脱离苦难,使他的家属多如羊群。 www.ebigear.com 9. Mrs. Roberts gave away loaves of bread and cakes that she baked to folk who she knew were particularly needy. 罗伯茨夫人向她认为特别需要施舍的人发放自制的面包和糕点。 www.jukuu.com 10. The money I donated some time ago did go into the hands of the needy. 原来我曾经捐过的钱真的可以落在有需要的人的手中。 hk.geocities.com 1. But this was abolished by President Clinton, who changed it to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. 但是此政策被克林顿总统废除了并用临时资助贫困家庭政策来代替它。 www.bing.com 2. Don't appear to be needy no matter how badly you want to be in a relationship. 水瓶一定要保持高姿态不论你多么想发展一下你们的关系。 www.enread.com 3. If his time and means are profitably employed, I say there is no need of his being poor and needy to the end of life. 如果一个人的时间和财富得到了高效合理的应用,在我看来,是完全不必有晚景凄凉、穷途末路的担忧的。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 4. But I don't want a needy child in this area to ever go without playing with trains, or having fun things to do, or a place to do them. 但我不希望看到这个地区的任何一个穷孩子从没玩过玩具火车,或是没有好玩的事做,又或是没地方玩乐。 www.joyen.net 5. We hope our humble contribution to your great cause will alleviate some suffering of the needy under your loving cares. 但愿我们微薄的捐赠与您们伟大的工作将会为你们所爱心关怀的穷苦人士减轻一些痛苦。 sm2000.org 6. According to him, this money is to support your humanitarian activities and to help the poor and the needy in our society. 根据他的意愿,这些钱用来支持你的人道主义活动和去帮助我们社会上的那些穷人和需要帮助的人。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Be patient. A break can be an uncertain time, but don't rush back into things just because you're feeling needy. 耐心一点。分开的时间是不固定的,但是不要仅仅因为在某些方面需要对方就匆忙地回到原状。 www.kekenet.com 8. The prize committee also credited his efforts with helping to increase aid to needy families in the United States. 该奖委员会也对他的努力表示了充分的信任。他帮助全美国需要救助的家庭提高了救助标准。 www.unsv.com 9. Several funding for poor students, to help needy families of disabled people. 多次资助贫困学生,帮助有困难的残疾人家庭。 www.tjtychina.cn 10. For millions, life changed from prosperity to misery and thousands became needy from patrons in a matter of days. 在几天的时间里,数百万人民的生活从繁荣走向痛苦,成千上万的人变得一贫如洗。 www.gounahaozi.org 1. Buddhist or Chirstian, TIMA doctors around the world devote themselves to selfless medical service for the needy and poor. 不管佛教徒或是基督徒,全球人医会医师都为需要和穷困的民众无私的奉献。 www.newdaai.tv 2. Donations are shipped to schools and organizations to help needy people. 捐赠的物品会被送往学校和组织去帮助需要的人。 www.elanso.com 3. After your next group meeting, pass around a box to collect donations for the poor and needy. 在你下一个团体会议结束后,传递一个箱子为贫困和有需要的人募捐。 home.gounahaozi.org 4. It contributed to the rebuilding of schools hit by this year's earthquake in Sichuan, and builds free courts for needy institutions. 例如他们为四川地震受灾学校的重建作出贡献,还免费协助有需要的学校建立球场。 www.bing.com 5. The murderer rising with the light killeth the poor and needy, and in the night is as a thief. 杀人的黎明起来,杀害困苦穷乏人,夜间又作盗贼。 www.ebigear.com 6. How to Stop Being Needy - Many times in dating or friendships we let people walk all over us because we feel needy. 如何停止需要对方--在恋爱或友谊的许多时候,我们在让人们压着我们说话,因为我们感到需要对方。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. You can also include various charitable causes readers can give their money to locally to help the poor and needy. 你同样可以包含一些慈善事业那样读者可以把他们的钱捐给当地来帮助那些贫困和有需要的人。 home.gounahaozi.org 8. Many men, raised from infancy to be strong, are fearful of appearing vulnerable, scared or needy. 很多男性在孩童时就被教导要坚强,他们害怕表现出脆弱、害怕或是贫穷。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Progressive societies have found out ways to help out the needy. 进步的社会,发现的方法,帮助有需要的人士。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. During Her early years, She was often found providing help and comfort to hospital patients and the needy. 小时候,她就总是尽其所能地帮助医院里的病人和穷困的人。 sm2000.org 1. Woman is a regular school, every semester, she took cash to give her financial assistance to pay tuition fees of needy students. 女人是学校的常客,每到学期开学,她就带着现金来给她资助的贫困生交学费。 www.bing.com 2. Being selective. If you are selective, then it implies that you aren't needy and are valuable enough to want many people want you. 会挑选东西。如果你懂得如何精心挑选。那么就意味着你不贫困且值得人们去喜欢。 www.bing.com 3. Many children do not have the chance to be educated yet in some needy mountainous areas, off the beaten path. 在一些偏远的贫困山区,很多儿童仍然没有受教育的机会。 bbs.i21st.cn 4. Yet I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord , do not delay. 但我是困苦穷乏的。神阿,求你速速到我这里来。你是帮助我的,搭救我的。耶和华阿,求你不要耽延。 www.ebigear.com 5. And joy comes well in such a needy time: What are they, I beseech your ladyship? 在这样不愉快的时候,好消息来得真是再适当没有了。请问母亲,是什么好消息呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. 4They turn the needy out of the way: the poor of the earth hide themselves together. 4他们使穷人离开正道;世上的贫民尽都隐藏。 www.ccimweb.org 7. The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose ways are upright. 恶人已经弓上弦,刀出鞘,要打倒困苦穷乏的人,要杀害行动正直的人。 www.ebigear.com 8. It may force UN agencies, their budgets already under strain from soaring food prices, to divert help from other needy places. 它可能迫使联合国机构---该机构的预算已经因为高涨的食品价格而趋于紧张---将援助从其他需要的地方转移过来。 www.ecocn.org 9. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. 他从灰尘里抬举贫寒人,从粪堆中提拔穷乏人,使他们与王子同坐,得着荣耀的座位。 www.ebigear.com 10. Father was a needy scholars often rely on the borrower to live. 父亲是一位清寒的学者,经常靠借货来过日子。 money.wenda.sogou.com 1. Well-off parents believe, correctly, that they will have to pay more if funding is targeted at needy students. 对于富裕家庭的父母而言,假如资助方案偏向有需要的学生,他们将不得不增加支出(他们是对的)。 finance.sina.com.cn 2. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. 你施舍的时候,不要叫左手知道右手所做的,要叫你施舍的事行在暗中。 www.nvccc.org 3. It's the next day. How needy do I wanna seem? 才第二天,你要我显得多渴望? www.bing.com 4. Mother Teresa's dedication to the poor and needy set a great example for us. 德雷沙修女对于贫穷以及有需要人的奉献为我们立下了非常好的楷模。 hi.baidu.com 5. involved charity; religious organizations or neighbors would collect for the destitute and needy. 包括救济金发放外,宗教团体或邻居也会筹集善款帮助穷人及贫困者。 www.bing.com 6. Sometimes, because of our unbreakable commitments or other circumstances, we simply can't give a needy friend the time we'd like. 有时候,因为我们有事无法分身或别的原因,我们虽然想助一臂之力,但苦于没有时间。 www.jukuu.com 7. Open your mouth, judge fairly and defend the rights of the poor and needy. 张开你的嘴,呼吁公平,并且为穷困的人捍卫权利。 bbs.gounahaozi.org 8. Require your kids to give part of a weekly allowance to needy children. 让你的孩子将每周零花钱的一部分给那些贫困的孩子。 www.elanso.com 9. Some businessmen give large donations to educational institutions or charities helping needy children. 有些企业人士捐赠大笔金钱给教育机构,或帮助贫穷儿童的慈善团体。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. This was Mr. Cole's way of reminding his friends to spread holiday cheer by helping the needy. 这是科尔的方式提醒他的朋友们传播假期欢乐气氛,帮助有需要的人士。 www.en400.com:8080 1. The ex-communist countries of Europe realise that it hurts their cause to sound plaintive, needy or nostalgic. 欧洲那些前社会主义国家意识到,这使得他们的动机显得哀怨、乏力或怀旧。 www.bing.com 2. Reject not the petition of the afflicted: and turn not away thy face from the needy. 不要拒绝痛苦而哀求的人,也不要转脸不顾穷困的人。 www.ccreadbible.org 3. It always comes back to the needy with you, doesn't it? 总是能在你需求的时候到了,对吧? www.kekenet.com 4. This year, it announced it would eliminate loans for needy students and cap them for middle-income families. 今年,该大学宣布将取消特困生贷款,对中产阶级家庭的贷款进行限额。 www.21erb.com 5. After her wave peaked, suddenly she started feeling very needy and possessive. She became insecure and demanded more attention. 当她抵达高峰后,马上就觉得自己很脆弱、占有欲很强,变得没有安全感,要求汤姆给她更多的关注。 www.bing.com 6. And to the needy there shall he hope, but iniquity shall draw in her mouth. 如此,贫苦的人获得希望,邪恶将闭口无言。 www.ccreadbible.org 7. Though Taiwan is experiencing low temperatures during the Lunar New Year, Tzu Chi's love warms all needy corners. 台湾春节天气冷飕飕,但慈济的爱温暖了需要关怀的角落。 www.cn0851.com 8. He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy. 他要怜恤贫寒和穷乏的人,拯救穷苦人的性命。 www.ebigear.com 9. Ms Quintavalle's predictions that payment will attract needy and vulnerable people does appear to be true. 昆塔瓦莱女士认为付报酬将吸引穷人和弱者的预测,似乎是真的。 www.bing.com 10. It can be as needy as a newborn, yet marriages don't "cry" for attention the way a baby does -- not until something's seriously amiss. 它可能也脆弱如一个新生儿一般(没有任何抵御力),还有,婚姻不像孩子会“哭喊着”以引起相关者们的注意—直到真正失去。 hi.baidu.com 1. We decided to award scholarship to needy students. 我们决定把奖学金给贫困学生。 jyk.xidian.edu.cn 2. Formidable financial-assistance policies have eliminated fees or slashed them deeply for needy students. 强大的财政支持政策已经为贫困大学生免除或大大削减了学费。 www.ecocn.org 3. Having tasted the pleasure that come from material wealth, we may become needy and destitute, afflicted with suffering and pain. 既尝过了来自物质财富的快乐,我们也许变得贫困潦倒、痛苦不堪。 www.hicoo.net 4. The plan is to use more than half the savings to provide more federal Pell Grants to needy students. 该计划将用节约下来的半数以上的资金为贫困学生提供更多的联邦“佩尔奖学金”。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. 她张手周济困苦人,伸手帮补穷乏人。 www.ebigear.com 6. Touch your friend. When it is respectful and reassuring, not needy and demanding, touch between friends is sacred, connecting body and soul. 朋友之间,彼此珍重,互相安慰,肢体的接触是神圣的,传达了心灵的相知相惜。但急迫或苛求则令人不快。 www.tiantianbt.com 7. My cousins came, so did others, and surely, later on, other needy, traumatized refugee children from other bloody conflicts. 我的表兄表弟来到美国,还有其他人来到美国,在后来的人里肯定不乏从其他流血冲突中逃亡出来的深受创伤、需要帮助的难民子弟。 www.america.gov 8. The substantial public money spent can be better utilised for More needy purposes. 这些公款,可以用在更逼切的用途上。 dict.ebigear.com 9. So that they caused the cry of the needy to come to him, and he heard the voice of the poor. 致使穷人的哀号上达于他,使他听到了受苦者的哀求。 www.ccreadbible.org 10. They are raised to be strong, after all, not to appear sad, scared or needy. 毕竟,在人们眼里男人就是要坚强,不能显得悲伤、恐惧或者需要别人的抚慰。 www.bing.com 1. To avoid feeling this way, he might start becoming very clingy and needy. 为了避免这种不快的情感体验,他也许会开始变得缠人而且极具依赖性。 www.bing.com 2. Mr. Chang is such a bleeding heart, he will do anything for the needy. 张先生是位好心肠的人,他对穷人尽力帮助。 blog.163.com 3. just to see if I was okay? I mean, how needy is that? 只想确定我没事,有这必要吗? www.bing.com 4. To commemorate this event, worshippers sacrifice sheep, cows, and camels, and share the meat among family, neighbors, and the needy. 为纪念此事,信徒们宰杀牛、羊和骆驼,把肉拿出来与家人、邻里和穷人分享。 www.bing.com 5. Still, he admits he must largely trust the noodles are given to the needy and not to the military. 不过,他承认,他基本上必须相信面条是给了需要的人,而不是落到军方手里。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Americans are concerned about helping needy people in other countries, as well. 美国人也很关心于帮助其它国家中有需要的人们。 www.24en.com 7. On the College Needy Students'Information File Management and the Establishment of the "Green Route way" 贫困大学生信息的档案化管理与“绿色通道”的建立 www.ilib.cn 8. We probably have the fastest pace of living in the world, but we also pause to help the needy. 我们的生活节奏可能是世界上最快最急速的,但我们又会放慢脚步,帮助有需要的人。 www.budget.gov.hk 9. He is a true man giving true love to the world, he has made great effort to help the needy and advocated for earth protection. 他是个拥有大爱的人,他在世的时候不遗余力地做慈善,关怀弱势群体,呼吁人们保护地球。 www.mjjcn.com 10. The sick and the needy will be the beneficiaries of your gift to the community fund. 病人和有需要将社区基金的受益人为你的礼物。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Needy children, girls as well as boys, were indentured or apprenticed and were expected to work for their keep. 贫穷的儿童,女孩和男孩一样,也要签师徒契约做学徒,想保住这个生计就要工作。 www.waiyulm.com 2. I love orchids, love her elegant, self-Gan needy, Hermit's demeanor. Show her the green-yan in Linquan, the scent in the Valley of Turpan. 我爱兰花,爱她那高雅绝俗,自甘清寒,隐逸的风度。她展绿艳于林泉之下,吐清香于空谷之中。 www.bing.com 3. Virtually every health worker has a story of regret over care not given to a needy patient. 事实上,每个医疗工作者都有没有给予病人所渴望的关怀的遗憾。 www.tingclass.net 4. extend the non - means tested loan scheme , low - interest loan scheme and offer fee remission to the most needy students. 进一步扩大学生的免入息审查计划和低息贷款计划的资助范围;为家境极度贫困的学生提供学费减免。 www.ichacha.net 5. The website Little Prince is depressed tries to remove the stigma of depression and provide help to needy adolescents. 忧郁小王子网站希望能消除公众对抑郁症存有的误解,帮助需要协助的青少年人。 www.hku.hk 6. We are to go and comfort the downhearted, provide warmth for the needy, and security for the weak. 我们注定要去给伤心的人带来安慰,给需要的人带来温暖,给弱小的人带来保护。 middlekingdomlight.com 7. Fox Point is operated by Palladia, a non-profit group that specialised in providing housing and services to needy people. 福克斯?泊恩特由一个非营利组织Palladia运作,该组织专门为有需要的人提供住房和配套服务。 club.topsage.com 8. McClure says his company urges people to use the family network, not the business network, to support needy members. 麦克卢尔称,他所在的公司建议亲人之间利用家庭关系,而不是工作关系,来帮助有需要的家庭成员。 www.fortunechina.com 9. UCF is a group of volunteers who refurbish computer hardware together for donation to local needy families. UCF是一个志愿者组织,他们将计算机硬件组装成新的计算机,并捐给当地需要它们的的家庭。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. By giving this scary, needy part acceptance and love, the "inner child" part can transform into positive life energy. 通过给予渴求和害怕这部分的接纳和爱,‘内在孩童’部分就能够转化成积极的生命能量。 satiredu.blog.163.com 1. Thanks to Tzu Chi's bursaries, needy students can stay in further education, and learn extracurricular skills. 因为慈济的助学金,清寒学子不但得以继续学业,还能够发展兴趣。 www.newdaai.tv 2. While the poor needy't to be sad for lacking lf money. Without much money, you can also receive lots of happiness. 其实,穷人也不必因为缺少钱而自怜,没有钱,你同样也可以收获很多快乐。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Spending on food stamps has risen so quickly because, unusually, almost all the needy are automatically and indefinitely eligible for them. 用于食品救济券的费用增长如此快速的原因通常是因为,几乎所有的贫困人口都是自动地、无限期地符合救助资格。 www.ecocn.org 4. Leading a modest life, Chen has spent 50 years donating nearly NT$10 million to various causes to help the needy. 过著简朴生活,陈树菊50年之间共捐献了一千万新台币救助贫困。 epaper.edu.tw 5. If his mate is happy or not needy at this time, then he has one less problem to solve before coming out. 知道她乐于和他相处,可让他在洞穴里更有力量处理自己的问题。 liangying49812.blog.163.com 6. are prepared to share them with their needy fellow-creatures. 随时准备同需要帮助的生灵分享食物 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Most men are trying too hard to impress a woman. What they don't know, is that when you try too hard to impress, you come off as needy. 很多男士都希望给女生留下深刻的印象,但是他们不知道的是当他们努力这么做的时候,却会给人迫不及待的感觉。 www.elanso.com 8. what man as needy as mr . quiverful would have been more disinterested. 有哪一个象奎瓦富先生那么贫穷的人,会比他更没有私心呢。 www.ichacha.net 9. She had never hesitated in giving her pocket money to the needy. 她毫不含糊地把零用钱送给别人。 ma3454.blog.163.com 10. It is a hard nut to crack that there are many needy students in Chinese universities when China is building a harmonious society. 高校贫困生的客观存在,是我国构建和谐社会面临的一个棘手问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. You can pack and send a box that will provide hope to needy children whom will greatly benefit from your generosity. 你可以包装一个盒子并送出去,这将会给需要它的孩子带来希望,他们获益于你的慷慨大方。 www.elanso.com 2. We all should keep in mind "Idle young , needy old" , and exert our efforts to make our due contribution to society. 我们所有人都要牢牢记住“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”,尽力为社会做出我们应有的贡献。 wenwen.soso.com 3. And those are just two examples of program reductions that will leave needy Americans even more needy. 而这仅仅是将贫困的美利坚推向更加贫困的削减预案之中的两例而已。 www.bing.com 4. What can you, a teenager who doesn't have a lot of money or resources, do to help the poor and needy? 作为一个没有很多钱或资源的小孩,你能做些什么来帮助那些贫穷和有需要的人? home.gounahaozi.org 5. He is so helping and has a soft corner for poor and needy people. He wants to help poor and oppressed people in some way. 他这样帮助,并为穷人和有需要的人柔软的角落。他希望以某种方式帮助穷人和被压迫人民。 group.mtime.com 6. He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God. 欺压贫寒的,是辱没造他的主;怜悯穷乏的,乃是尊敬主。 www.ebigear.com 7. It's all determined by need. - And I'm. . . I'm we're not needy enough? 这要看谁比较贫困-我…我还不够贫困吗?。 www.engxue.com 8. In southern Europe, solidarity is measured in the billions sent by the EU to needy governments. 南欧团结一致是用欧盟送给有需要的政府数十亿欧元来衡量的。 www.ecocn.org 9. A scientist noted the "profound difference" between genetically engineered crops though he stressed that different needy't mean dangerous. 一位科学家提到转基因作物和传统作物有“重大不同”,虽然他强调不同并不意味危险。 www.thnu.edu.cn 10. All proceeds will be donated to help needy children. 据悉,当天活动全部收益将捐给贫困儿童。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. According to his organization, 43 states have slashed funding for higher education and financial aid for needy students. 据该组织称,43个州已经大幅削减高等教育经费以及贫困学生的助学金。 www.bing.com 2. Be good to your parents and relatives, the orphan and the needy and the neighbors who are strangers, and the friends by your side. 不仅要对你的父母、亲戚要友善,对于孤儿、贫困的人、邻居等陌生人和经过的朋友也一视同仁。 iseasy.bokee.com 3. It is an arduous task of building new socialist countryside in needy mountainous area. 在社会主义新农村建设中,贫困山区的新农村建设任务尤其艰巨。 www.dictall.com 4. But a lot of people is not a material beggarliness , the more needy is theirs thought. 但是好多人不是物质的贫穷,更贫乏的是他们的思想。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Strong bonds among extended families, neighbourly solidarity and the Muslim tradition of charity support many of the needy. 大家庭内部之间强健的联系,邻里之间团结和睦,穆斯林传统的施舍帮助了很多需要帮助的人。 www.ecocn.org 6. He told me that he recalled seeing my mother walk through town at times to bring something to a needy family. 校长说他仍记得,有时看见我母亲送东西给有需要的家庭。 www.chinesetodays.org 7. Reflection on Establishing the Needy Students'Archives and "Green Passage" 建立高校贫困生档案,建构“绿色通道” service.ilib.cn 8. I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. 我知道耶和华必为困苦人伸冤,必为穷乏人辨屈。 www.ebigear.com 9. Please save your money and spend the money on others who are needy instead of giving me presents. 请节省你们的钱,与其花在给我买礼物上,不如把钱给那些需要它的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The poor and needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. 困苦穷乏人寻求水却没有,他们因口渴,舌头干燥。 www.jukuu.com 1. These images and conversations can easily trap us in the traditional humanitarian view of disaster 'victims' being helpless and needy. 这些所见所闻,很容易把我们困在传统的人道主义观点:灾难「受害者」十分无助、生活艰苦。 www.oxfam.org.hk 2. collect money They collected money to help needy children. 他们集资帮助贫穷的孩子。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. They helped needy children around the world, too. 他们帮助贫困儿童世界各地,也是。 www.xkyn.com 4. When I needed you to make me needy, how surprising! 当我需要你让我有需要的,如何令人惊讶! zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 5. Start-ups are especially needy now, since many banks are loth to lend even to well-established companies. 新成立的企业目前尤其窘迫,因为很多银行甚至不愿意向运行良好的公司发放贷款。 www.ecocn.org 6. The student is difficult at the composition usually is lack a material, language needy. 学生难于作文往往是缺乏素材、语言贫乏。 www.lwlm.com 7. It's how I'll save the people I love from having me as a burden as I get older, more pathetic, more needy. 这就是我如何使我所爱的人在我变老时,变得更可怜时,变得更贫穷时免遭负担。 www.dltcedu.org 8. Government and universities need to improve the subsidy system to ensure needy students get an equal chance at education. 苏文平说:“政府及各高校需要不断改进补贴制度,以确保有需求的学生享有平等的受教育的权利。” www.langfly.com 9. The greedy man is always needy. 贪心的人总是在叫穷。 home.i21st.cn 10. Donate the budget of our birthday-present for the needy. 简介捐出买生日礼物的钱给有需要的人。 www.facebook.com 1. Helping others makes life meaningful. A small action of considerate love can mean a lot for the needy. 帮助别人使得生活有意义。一个小小的善举可能对需要帮助的人起到很大意义。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Many Americans also take time to prepare and serve meals to the needy at soup kitchens, churches and homeless shelters. 很多美国人还抽出时间在免费食堂、教堂和无家可归者收容所为需要帮助的人做饭、送饭。 www.america.gov 3. Striving for development needy't discard the history, respecting historical traditions doesn't mean pedantry. 求发展其实不必抛弃过去,尊重历史传统并不等于食古不化、拘泥于传统。 www.boshuo.net 4. The change was meant to give the needy access to justice, by making their custom more worthwhile. 现今的这一改变旨在使他们的习惯法更能帮助有需要的人诉诸法律。 www.ecocn.org 5. Meanwhile benefaction will be solicited for needy pupils and other charitable purposes every year domestically. 同时我们在国内每年都要捐赠贫困小学生及其他慈善事业。 www.zftrans.com 6. Some of them have programs by which donors can sponsor needy children. 捐献者可以透过某些机构中的一些计划去赞助有需要的孩童。 www.24en.com 7. Top of the to-do list is reform of subsidies, so that government handouts are confined to the needy. 上面的清单是改革政府发放的补贴,以便仅限于穷乏人辨屈。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Many people serve as volunteers with the Peace Corps for two years to provide assistance in some needy part of the world. 很多人志愿在「和平工作团」服务两年,去帮助世界上那些需要援助的地方。 www.24en.com 9. FROZEN meals containing horsemeat may be given to the needy. 含有马肉的冷冻肉可能将被发放给穷人。 www.putclub.com 10. Through prayer, we embrace the freedom to know ourselves as weak and needy people who must depend on God. 通过祈祷,我们拥抱自由并知道自己是弱者和贫穷的人,我们必须依靠上帝。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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