单词 | normal operation |
释义 | 例句释义: 正常操作,正常运行,正常工作,正常运转 1. Or, to put it another way, use the same code path for errors as you use in normal operation. 或者换一种说法,正常操作运行的代码和错误时运行的是一样的。 www.bing.com 2. At this point the system has entered a state of normal operation. 此时系统已进入正常运行状态。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Currently, security personnel have been found wrapped around the isolated, but did not affect the normal operation of the MTR system. 目前,安全人员已经隔离了发现包裹的周围,但是没有影响地铁系统的正常运营。 www.englishtang.com 4. To ensure a normal operation of the project, I 'd like to ask you to render assistance in training the operating personnel . 为了保证工程的正常进行,我想请你们帮助训练操作人员。 www.jukuu.com 5. The general goal is either to coerce the application into performing unauthorized operations or to disrupt its normal operation. 通常的目的是强制应用程序执行未授权的操作或者破坏其正常操作。 yeebang.com 6. To guarantee the normal operation of this product, please do not replace its batteries by yourself in case of the unrecoverable damage. 为了产品的正常运行,请不要自行更换电池,以免造成产品不可回复的损坏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Maintain the trap regularly. Clean up the dirt in the front of the gauze filter to guarantee the normal operation of the trap. 要定期保养,清除过滤网前的污物,保证疏水阀正常工作。 tr.bab.la 8. The establishment of a sound social credit system is one of the foundations of the normal operation of the market economy. 建立健全社会信用体系是市场经济正常运行的基础之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The present invention has excellent dust removing effect and has no influence on the normal operation and maintenance of the machine. 本发明使得在遇到故障或停机时不影响正常操作和维修,并具有良好的除尘效果。 ip.com 10. In normal operation of a power system, the total power generation is balanced by the total load and transmission losses. 在电力系统正常运行的,总发电是平衡的总负荷和传输的损失。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Production lines have resumed normal operation and the company expects financial and business impact to be limited, TSMC said. 台积电并称公司的生产线已经恢复正常工作,而这次地震对台积电所造成的财政和业务影响将“非常有限”。 cnbeta.com 2. "Harmony as integration" by Laotse and Chuang Tzu means the harmony of each parts of a machine for normal operation. 老子、庄子所说的“通为一”,指的就是如何整合一部机器的各个零件,并使其正常运作的协调性而言。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. and fault lights out, then normal, normal operation can be carried out, on the contrary are not normal and should not operate pumps. 而故障灯灭,则说明正常,即可进行正常操作,反之则不正常,泵机不能运转。 blog.china.com 4. Mr Qu's absence has not disrupted the normal operation of the group's publications, but it has added uncertainty to the sports media group. 瞿先生的缺席并不会打乱集团旗下出版物的正常运作,但会为这家体育媒体集团平添不安。 www.bing.com 5. We hope your normal operation have been started without obstruction and hope that there should not be any restriction from regulatory. 我希望你们已经开始正常没有任何障碍的运转,希望规章对你们没有任何限制。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 6. Redundancy is improved, as the normal operation of the system can be maintained as long as any one disk is functional. 冗余得到了改善,因为只要有一块磁盘是可以用的系统就能正常运行。 www.bing.com 7. "Dumping" does not include the discharge of wastes arising from the normal operation of vessels, aircraft, or other vehicles and facilities. “倾倒”不包括船舶、航空器及其他载运工具和设施正常操作产生的废弃物的排放。 en.pkulaw.cn 8. In accordance with the normal operation of the machine at the time of induction time adjustment cam, and fixed-roof, troubleshooting. 按照机器正常运转时的感应时间调整凸轮,并固定顶丝,故障排除。 www.bing.com 9. Launch vehicle GPS tracking to open blocked Power, the system power source signal lights show that it is normal operation. 发动汽车打开GPS追踪阻断器电源之后,系统电源显示灯源信号,表示是正常运作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Malfunction of single equipment has no influence on the normal operation of whole system. 一台设备出故障不会影响整个系统的正常操作。 word.hcbus.com 1. This grid also can withstand impact of large slag, to ensure the normal operation of the Bottom Ash Dry Handing System. 密集格栅下面设置有大型钢结构,可承受巨大渣块从炉膛高处下落的冲击。保证除渣系统的正常运行。 baike.baidu.com 2. Enterprise management is a complex systematic project, and ensure the normal operation of the system, a reasonable authorization is granted. 企业经营管理是一个复杂的系统工程,保证这个系统的正常运行,合理授权是必然的。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Disposing paper machine malfunction in time can reduce the time of machine shut down and ensure the normal operation of production. 通过对纸机故障的及时处理,减少了纸机停机时间,保证了生产的正常运行。 www.chemyq.com 4. In the site of a company, you can easily find out whether the manufacturer is an active company in normal operation. 在公司现场,你可以很容易地看出你的生产商是不是一个经营正常有活力的公司。 www.royalaw.com 5. the VA that the intact fungus culture self-synthesized was enough to support the normal operation of degradative culture system. 完整菌体自身合成的VA足以维持降解培养体系的正常运作。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 6. When under normal operation, the hydrostatic oil pressure can be shut down, and the bearing can run within hydrodynamic lubrication regime. 平时正常操作时,可关闭液静油压,使轴承以液动润滑型态运转; www.ceps.com.tw 7. Also be responsible for plant instrument operation management and tracking record including spares fulfillment after normal operation. 正常运行后负责装置各类仪表运行情况的管理和跟踪记录包括备件的落实情况。 sh.jobems.com 8. Bus stop is an important part of city transit system, where normal operation was ensured by passenger' s getting on and off the bus. 公交站是城市公交系统的重要组成部分,客流通过在公交站点上下车的方式实现了公交系统的日常运营。 lib.cqvip.com 9. I hope that you can give me a chance to serve you and allow WMHK to enter into the track of normal operation. 希望各位会员能够给我一个机会服务诸位,令协会踏上正常运作的轨道。 www.wikimedia.hk 10. As the number of databases in a storage group increases, more transaction log files are created during normal operation. 随着存储组中的数据库数的增加,正常运行期间会创建更多的事务日志文件。 technet.microsoft.com 1. At present, air-conditioning equipment have been put into normal operation, excellent performance, spoke highly of the results by the user. 目前空调设备已投入正常运行,卓越的性能、效果受到用户高度评价。 blog.eastmoney.com 2. It assured the power of shareholders and the normal operation of the bank which general manager made in control of. 既确保了股东们的权力,又保证了总经理掌握银行的正常运营。 www.fabiao.net 3. in the normal operation, the nuclear power plant on the surrounding radiation dose produced by the public is not a threat to people. 在正常运行情况下,核电站对周围公众产生的辐射剂量对人们并不构成威胁。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Work out a technical process, process data and ensure normal operation of the production. 制定工艺流程,处理工艺数据,保证生产正常运行。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Because malfunction, the cement mill fan of A plant cann't supply enough air, which affect the normal operation of the separator. A厂水泥磨风机因失效提供不了足够风量,影响选粉机的正常操作。 www.chemyq.com 6. Do not lay paint on LCD, since paint will block sundries in the removable components and influence the normal operation. 不要用颜料涂抹显示器。涂抹会在可拆部件中阻塞杂物从而影响正常操作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. So far, the water-wall of boiler no. 2 is in normal operation, corrosion and hydrogen damage under scale haven't been discovered again. 迄今,2号炉水冷壁管运行正常,没有再发生垢下腐蚀和氢损伤。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Whether the tuition can be charged in full and on time will directly affect the normal operation of colleges and universities. 大学生欠费是当前高校存在的一个普遍问题,学校能否及时足额收取学费将直接影响高校正常运转。 lib.cqvip.com 9. The bandwidth available to a grid and that used by the grid in its normal operation. 网格可用的带宽和网格正常操作时使用的带宽。 www-128.ibm.com 10. If it is not mounted in normal operation, you cannot accidentally overwrite these files. 如果在正常的操作中没有挂载它,那么您就不会意外地覆盖这些文件。 www-128.ibm.com 1. The railway signal power supply is the key device to ensure the safe and normal operation of the train. 铁路信号电源是保证列车安全正常运行的关键设备。 www.eeb.cn 2. During normal operation in a BWR, the control rods are used to maintain the chain reaction at a critical state. 在正常运行过程中,控制杆BWR被用来维持链式反应在一个重要的状态。 bbs.hpu.edu.cn 3. Supervise the normal operation of environment protection facilities, and carry out the environment protection inspection regularly. 监督环保设施的正常运转,定期进行环保检测。 www.job592.com 4. It will not affect normal operation of your mobile phone, so you can still listen to music, receive and initiate calls and messages. 它并不会影响你的手机的正常运行,那么你还可以听音乐,接受并开始要求和信息。 www.opda.net.cn 5. Normal operation of fire fighting equipment is very important for your safety and the safety of your properties. 为保证消防设施设备的正常运行,确保业主人身、财产的安全。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. 13 total box seal submersible pump is the key to sealing components, and its direct impact on whether the normal operation of the motor. 整体式密封盒是潜水电泵的关键密封部件,其好坏直接影响电动机能否正常运行。 shuibengzhishi.blog.china.com 7. Water processing system is a set of device supplying qualified water for a dialyzers normal operation. 水处理系统是为保障血液透析机正常运行而提供符合透析用水的装置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Software self-diagnostic system. Normal operation of monitoring instrument. Code alarm is given in case of failure. 软件自诊断系统,监视仪器正常运行。故障时,代码报警。 www.vata2000.com 9. Among this vast network, the basic node that supports the normal operation of the system is the network host. 在这个巨大的网络当中,支撑着系统正常运行的基本节点就是网络主机。 www.boshuo.net 10. For a fixed bed gasifier speaking, thermal stability of coal gasification is affect the normal operation of important factor. 对固定床气化炉来说,煤的热稳定性是影响正常气化操作的重要因素。 www.zhongyangjiqi.com 1. In fact, during normal operation of the U. S. economy, the housing market relatively low job creation capacity. 事实上,在美国经济正常运转时期,住房市场的就业创造能力相对较低。 wenwen.soso.com 2. NEVER place the transceiver or remote controller where normal operation of the vehicle may be hindered or where it could cause body injury. 严禁将主模块或控制器放置在可能会影响到车辆正常操作或可能对人身造成伤害的位置。 www.showxiu.com 3. the area of infrastructure, public facilities construction in the normal operation of the dispute is an important reason. 有关小区基础设施、公共配套建筑的正常运行也是入住纠纷的一个重要原因。 www.showxiu.com 4. A wiring device shall be rated for the temperatures, locations, voltage, and current encountered during normal operation. 配线装置在正常工作期间,应有其额定的温度、定位、电压和电流值。 wapvst.blog.163.com 5. To this end the immigration control points during the normal operation of the business ready. 为此期间口岸旅检业务正常运行做好了准备。 www.xjwmw.com 6. The normal operation of DC system is of great significance to the safety and stability of substation. 直流系统正常对于变电站安全稳定运行意义重大。 lib.cqvip.com 7. The main problem of fluidized bed is sticking. It must be solved for the normal operation of fluidized reduction. 要使其正常运转还必须避免流化床还原过程中出现粘结失流。 www.chinamet.cn 8. Maintain the normal operation of the system, access control and basic data management, etc. 维护系统正常运作,权限管理,基础数据管理等。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 9. In automotive use they really are not the best choice because of the very wide RPM ranges used in normal operation. 汽车被使用他们真的最好的选择不被因为非常宽的RPM范围使用在里正常的操作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. public facilities. new contract for the seller to infrastructure, public facilities construction and normal operation of commitment. 公共设施方面。新合同要求出卖人对基础设施、公共配套建筑正常运行作出承诺。 www.showxiu.com 1. water supply and drainage water supply to ensure the quality and quantity of water, must be to meet the equipment normal operation needs. 供水和排水供水要保证必须的水压、水质和水量以满足仪器设备正常运行的需要。 www.cnqr.org 2. According to the network security, check the updates of the virus prevention system updates, to ensure the normal operation of the system. 根据网络系统安全需要,检查病毒防范系统的更新状态,确保系统正常运行。 lfjob.inhe.net 3. Once orepass block happens, the normal operation of the mine would be seriously influenced, even resulting in operation stop. 一旦发生放矿溜井堵塞,则严重影响矿山的正常生产,乃至于造成停产。 www.chemyq.com 4. impact breaker normal operation, and then began to release. 反击式破碎机正常运转后,方可开始投料。 www.posuiji168.com 5. Accessibility of a live part shall be determined by the articulate probe test of Clause 14. 4 during user maintenance and normal operation. 带电部件的可接触性应取决于用户在维护和正常使用过程中用高灵敏度的探针测试的结果,如第14.4条所述。 wapvst.blog.163.com 6. However, to maintain the normal operation of ATM machines is still the key to effectively improve the speed. 但是保持ATM机的正常运转仍然是有效提高速度的关键。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Thus, it's significant for the normal operation of the power system to establish the power facilities anti-theft alarm system timely. 于是,及时建立电力设施防盗报警系统,对电力系统的正常运行有十分重要的意义。 www.boshuo.net 8. Accurate operation and installation circumstance of medical instruments and equipment directly affect their normal operation. 医疗设备的正确操作及安装环境,直接影响它的正常使用。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The existence of heavy debts in township and village influences severely the normal operation of primary-level organizations. 乡村两级沉重债务包袱的存在,严重影响了基层组织的正常运转。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 10. The scraps bounce in high speed and progressive stamping will influence the quality of the work pieces and normal operation of the stamping. 高速级进冲压生产中的废料回跳会影响制件的质量和冲压生产的正常运行。 www.juyy.net 1. The observation list does not affect the normal operation of business of the securities company. 观察名单不影响证券公司正常开展业务。 www.flguwen.com 2. The pig is blocked frequently when pipeline pigging , which will influence the normal operation due to severe plugging sometimes. 现场清管作业时清管器经常被卡堵,严重时会影响正常生产。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Booth partition and compartmentation height should not impact normal operation of fire alarm system . . . 展台的分隔及分隔高度,不得影响消防自动报警、灭火系统的正常工作。 blog.163.com 4. A certain reservoir dam spillway slope stability and affect the normal operation of the reservoir storage key projects. 某水库工程溢洪道边坡是影响大坝稳定和蓄水后水库正常运行的关键工程。 www.fabiao.net 5. adhesive aging period should be higher than you must design a publication that, to ensure the normal operation of your publication. 胶粘剂的老化期限应当高于所设计的出版物的使用期限,以保证出版物的正常使用。 www.bing.com 6. During the National Day, the weather is smooth, flow control, for airlines flight created better normal operation conditions. 国庆期间,各地天气情况比较平稳,流控较少,为航空公司航班运行正常创造了较好的条件。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 7. The ash- flushing wastewater brings about many unfavorable factors to the normal operation of the thermal power station. 火电厂的冲灰废水对电厂的正常运行带来许多不利因素。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. At the onset of the vertical blanking interval, Inject Inhibit is released returning the camera to normal operation. 在垂直熄灭间隔开始的时候,注射机制被释放来返回照相机到正常的状态。 bbs.instrument.com.cn 9. Companies capital flows free is of one, the necessary conditions for market economy exist and normal operation. 公司资本自由流动,是市场经济存在并正常运行的必要条件之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Also the radial flow velocity torque distribution trend is expounded at the two conditions of free overflow and normal operation. 同时还阐述了自由泄流和正常运行沿径向水流速度矩的分布规律。 www.fabiao.net 1. As a transportation system to maintain the normal operation of city, city transportation takes an important role. 城市交通作为维持城市正常运转的运输系统起着至关重要的作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Build a safe, stable and reliable network environment is the foundation to the normal operation of the digital hospital. 建设一个安全、稳定、可靠的网络运行环境是保障数字化医院正常运行的基础。 lib.cqvip.com 3. The cut-off of supply will affect the normal operation of the power consuming unit with major political and economic significance. 中断供电将影响有重大政治、经济意义的用电单位的正常工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. the expanded quality management system meet the requirements of the standard in normal operation, effective. 扩大后的质量管理体系总体满足标准要求,运行正常、有效。 www.cnqr.org 5. Computer ability to design, configuration and implementation of office LAN, and ensure that the network to normal operation. 计算机能力能够设计、配置和实施各种办公局域网,并确保网络正常、有效运行。 women.wenda.sohu.com 6. Tenderers shall list separately parts and components that satisfy the recommended three years' normal operation, and quote their prices. 投标人应将满足设备正常运行的推荐性叁年备品配件单独列出并报出单价。 www.kingerenglish.com 7. When selecting ATSE in electrical design, utilization category should be considered according to the load in normal operation. 摘要提出电气设计中选择ATSE时,应按正常使用时的负荷情况考虑使用类别; www.jzdq.net.cn 8. The adoption of the standard parts must be a regular in the brand-name manufacturers, in order to ensure the normal operation of the device. 在标准件的采用中必须是正规名牌厂家生产的,才可以保证设备的正常使用。 www.bing.com 9. CBA league operations is no exception, it is relying on the League to achieve its products to normal operation. CBA联赛的运营也不例外,它也是依靠联赛产品的销售实现其正常的运作。 www.13191.com 10. Commercial secrets is a enterprise or internal company secrets, is these institutions themselves to normal operation down life. 商业机密是一个企业或者公司内部的秘密,是这些机构自己得以正常运转下去的生命。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Supplier selection is the foundation and prerequisite of the supply chain cooperation's normal operation. 供应商的选择是供应链合作关系正常运行的基础和前提条件。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Make computerized accounting system in safe environment under normal operation, to ensure implementation. 使会计电算化系统在安全无虞的环境下正常运行,确保实施。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Solving various equipment problems for workshops, guarantee normal operation of manufacture. 解决分厂各类设备机械故障,保证生产的正常运转。 www.gao8dou.com 4. Mandatory civil liability is to guarantee the normal operation of civil liability, civil and consultative so that the law more humane. 民事责任的强制性是保证民事责任的正常执行,民事责任的协商性让法律更人性化。 www.bing.com 5. responsible for normal operation of mall property, equipment, security, housekeeping and greenery, etc. 组织协调商场整个物业、设施设备、安全、保洁绿化等正常运做; www.vipcareer.com 6. Mobile e-commerce develops fast, but its security is a key factor that restricts its development and normal operation of business systems. 移动电子商务发展迅速,但安全不足是制约其发展的重要因素,关系到商务系统能否正常运行。 www.zidir.com 7. Instead, it writes to the smit. script file the commands it would have run under normal operation. 相反,它会把在正常操作过程中将要执行的命令写入到smit.script文件。 www.ibm.com 8. The observatory also issued a rainstorm warning signal. Transports resumed normal operation after the strong wind signal was downgraded. 气象台也发布了一项暴雨预警。在强风信号解除时,交通恢复正常。 www.eoezone.com 9. equipment in normal operation, the business card printing and membership card making speed is relatively high. 摆设在侧常息业时,制卡和会员卡制息速率是比力矮的。 www.bing.com 10. How to implement plans and correlative works to guarantee normal operation of the whole corporation and ordered running of each work? 如何才能使计划及计划相关工作得到最好的执行,保证企业的正常运营,各项工作的正常有序的运转? gci-corp.com 1. Ferromagnet is magnetized easily by magnetic field, which affects the precision finishing of material and the normal operation of equipment. 铁磁性材料容易受磁场影响而带有剩磁,影响精密加工和设备的正常运行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. "The fifth space" has put forward the normal operation of the challenges that nots allow to ignore, crime and punishment? 已给“第五空间”的正常运行提出了不容忽视的严峻挑战,罪与罚? zhishi.sohu.com 3. The time during which a system or functional unit is capable of normal operation. 系统或操作部件能够正常运行的时间。 www.dictall.com 4. Half of the servers go down during normal operation without affecting overall system availability. 在做日常操作时,一半的服务器当机,却不影响整个系统的可用性。 sunner.cn 5. Commercial bribery crimes violations of the commodity normal operation of the economy order . 商业贿赂罪侵犯的是商品经济正常运行秩序。 www.bing.com 6. the anti-corrosion control measures were suggested under conditions of normal operation and sealing reactor in shutdown time. 提出了在正常生产和停车封塔情况下的防腐控制措施。 www.chemyq.com 7. During oilfield production, phenomenon of paraffin deposit in the oil well is common, which badly affects the normal operation of oil wells. 油田开发过程中油井结蜡现象普遍存在,严重影响了油井的正常生产。 www.chemyq.com 8. The investigated range of speeds and angles of attack greater than the values encountered in normal operation of the aircraft. 研究的飞行速度范围和攻角比日常飞行中遇到的要大。 www.5i8866.com 9. Be responsible for implementation of technical renovation and measures during normal operation. 负责装置正常运行后的技改、技措项目实施。 sh.jobems.com 10. Fifth, proposing policy suggestions to ensure normal operation of industry financing mechanism. 四是提出了确保工业反哺机制正常运行的政策主张。 www.13191.com 1. The fourth recruit: don't often rush for driving speed, nasty brake and urgent to wait not to normal operation. 第四招:行车时不要经常进行急加速、急制动和急转向等不正常行驶。 www.cwzyc.com 2. The justice is as important as the most fundamental element to maintain normal operation and steady development of human society. 正义不足之所以如此重要就在于它是人类社会维持其正常运行和稳定发展最基本的要素。 www.zidir.com 3. The government of each member country should provide financial support for the normal operation of the NEAT. 各国政府应为东亚思想库网络正常运转提供资金保障。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. Its coder phase detector is proved for lts normal operation during drum imitation test and signal of coder works with no errors. 在模拟钻机滚筒振动试验中,验证了设计的鉴相电路工作正常,编码器测量信号未发生误计数现象。 www.chemyq.com 5. This may cause performance degradation, when compared to the normal operation of the server. 与服务器的正常操作相比,这可能导致性能下降。 www.ibm.com 6. Traffic microcirculatory system as a subsystem of urban traffic system, to maintain the normal operation of city traffic. 交通微循环系统作为城市交通系统的子系统,维系着城市交通的正常运行。 www.zidir.com 7. This adapter is passive during normal operation, and waits for a failure to occur. 在常规操作中,该适配器是被动的,并一直等待发生故障。 www.ibm.com 8. Ensure all sorts of equipment are clean and normal operation, in accordance with regulations are clean program operation. 保证各种设备清洁和正常运行,按照规定都清洁程序操作。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Consolidation of existing abutments is key to ensuring construction period and normal operation of railway line. 既有桥台加固是控制工期、确保线路正常运营的关键。 www.dictall.com 10. In power system, transformer fault happens sometimes, which threatens the normal operation of power system. 在电力系统中变压器运行时出现故障的情况时有发生,对电力系统的正常运行造成了严重威胁。 www.dxzxcn.com 1. When normal operation, the double draught microcomputer protection puts the operation. 正常运行时,双套微机保护均投入运行。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The redundancy self-healing mechanism play an important role in ensuring the normal operation of industrial network. 冗余自愈机制对于保障工业网络的正常运行有着重要的意义。 lib.cqvip.com 3. Find out in time to maintain normal operation of the machine. 发掘题目准时修理,包惯机械侧常运转。 www.bing.com 4. It also has some dependencies on external software for normal operation (windows and networking support). 它的正常操作还依赖于外部软件(窗口和连网支持)。 www.ibm.com 5. False accounting information has seriously disturbed the current normal operation of China's national economy. 会计信息失真问题严重干扰我国国民经济正常运行。 www.vezzs.com 6. Every item should include a standard complement of accessories and special tools to ensure the normal operation . 为保证设备的正常运转,每个品目都应包括一套标准定额的附件和专用工具。 www.jukuu.com 7. Exchange then uses the shadow copy (rather than the working disk) to create the actual backup, therefore normal operation can continue. 然后,Exchange使用卷影副本(而不是工作磁盘)创建实际备份,因此正常操作可以继续进行。 technet.microsoft.com 8. It is introduced how to regulate the process and restore a normal operation of the sewage treatment system on condition of a loading shock. 在此介绍了针对负荷的冲击,如何调整工艺,恢复污水处理系统正常运行。 www.chemyq.com 9. The actual data of building fire system are collected and the factors that affect building fire system's normal operation are analysed. 收集建筑消防系统实际运行资料,分析影响建筑消防系统正常运行的因素; www.chemyq.com 10. The control unit regulates the fuel flow to the combustion chamber, during starting and normal operation. 控制组件用来在起动及正常操作期间调节流进燃烧室的燃油量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The normal operation of thermal power plant is depend on the control system, and the interference influences the control system. 火电厂运行过程中控制系统的好坏直接影响整台机组的运行,干扰双直接影响控制系统的运行。 www.airiti.com 2. It's also a good idea to cross-train other personnel within testing as well as normal operation. 最好还要对测试以及正常操作中涉及的其他人员进行交叉培训。 www.ibm.com 3. In normal operation, the reverse bias voltage should not reach the breakdown rating. 在正常工作时,反向偏置电压不应高于击穿电压。 etran.5d6d.com 4. In the end, suggestions are made on the technical management to how guarantee the normal operation of the dehydration plants. 最后就如何确深脱水装置正常运行从技术管理的角度提出了建议。 www.magsci.org 5. Branch guarantee the normal operation for real estate brokers and record shops in all matters, things of unified management. 保证分行的正常运作,办理房产经纪人备案事宜及店铺内一切人、事、物的统一管理。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. According to experience, usually must be compensated amplifier to normal operation. 根据经验,放大器通常必须经过补偿才能正常操作。 www.hxzi.com 7. The frequent corrosion failures of pipelines in Zhongyuan Wennan Oil and Gas Field have affected the normal operation of the oil field. 中原文南油气田管线因腐蚀严重造成频繁穿孔,严重影响了油田的正常生产。 www.chemyq.com 8. These legitimacy resources have played an important role for the Soviet regime's normal operation. 这些合法性资源都曾经对苏共政权的正常运行发挥过重要作用。 www.zidir.com 9. Aero-engines are the hearts of aircrafts, the normal operation of which is the prerequisite for the safe flight of the airplane. 航空发动机是飞机的心脏,它的正常运行是飞机安全飞行的前提。 www.juhe8.com 10. Small and medium-sized thrust ball bearings are, for normal operation, equipped with pressed sheet-steel cages. 正常操作情况下,小型和中小型推力球轴承配有压入钢片支撑架。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Finally, This paper points out normal operation of eco-agriculture models needs security measures. 最后指出生态农业模式的正常运行,需要有相应的保障措施。 www.fabiao.net 2. Operating in single channel debug mode . Please populate memory in matched sets for normal operation . 警告!系统以单通道调试模式运行。请按组安装匹配的内存以使其正常运行。 www.bing.com 3. Retrofits the plant room to ensure normal operation of the broadcasting studios. 为保证广播电台演播室的正常工作,对原有的空调机房进行了改造。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The ground wire plays an important role in auto electric, it directly influences the normal operation of auto electric. 在汽车电器中,搭铁线起着重要的作用,它直接关系到汽车电器的正常工作。 www.aojauto.com 5. The reason to use pure water is to limit the corrosion potential of the coolant water during normal operation. 用纯净水的目的是为了限制日常操作中对冷却剂潜在的腐蚀。 www.bing.com 6. It directly affects the normal operation of the process and the quality of billets. The Shaanxi Special Steel Co. , Ltd. 温度合适与否,直接影响到连铸工艺能否正常进行及铸坯表面质量及内在质量。 www.chemyq.com 7. To ensure the normal operation of the circulating cooling water system, it is required to treat the cooling water. 为了保证循环冷却水系统的正常运行,必须对冷却水进行必要的处理。 www.fabiao.net 8. Once power transformer goes wrong, which will destroy the normal operation, cause big economy losing. 变压器一旦发生故障,会破坏电力系统正常运行,产生极坏的影响,引起重大经济损失。 www.71155.com 9. During normal operation, the container flow only passes the buffer section on the middle conveyor chains. 正常运转过程中,容器只在中间传送链上通过缓冲区。 www.krones.com 10. Target: To ensure the safety of goods in warehouse and keep the normal operation of goods receiving, issuing and stocking. 岗位目标:保证仓库储存物品的安全及物品收,发,存等仓储业务正常运转 wenku.baidu.com 1. Why does Indy raise exceptions as part of its normal operation? 为什么Indy会在正常的操作中抛出异常? 43550.tomore.com 2. Now the two volume groups are available and attached to their respective servers as in normal operation. 现在,两个卷组都可用了,并按照在常规操作中一样挂到了各自的服务器上。 www.ibm.com 3. Strictly observe the rules of walk-around inspection and ensure the normal operation of production. 严格执行巡检制度,保证生产正常运行。 www.cngspw.com 4. Therefore, improving the quality of AC power supply has become a prerequisite to ensure normal operation. 交流供电品质的改善成了保证系统正常工作的前提。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. And the accident at any point in the power system will affects the whole power system's normal operation in varying degrees. 同时在电力系统中任一点发生故障,都将在不同程度上影响整个电力系统的正常运行。 www.zidir.com 6. value the study of legal movement anomaly, lack of the study of normal operation of the law. 重视对法律运行反常现象的研究,缺乏对法律运行正常现象的研究。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. A series of protective and strengthening measures were taken to avoid the deterioration and to ensure dam safety and normal operation. 为了遏制大坝进一步遭受到老化病害的危害,确保大坝安全运行,采取了一系列针对性防护和加固措施。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Provide the normal operation cost picture, operation cost management. 提供并管理日常操作成本情况。 www.gao8dou.com 9. To ensure the normal operation of the user base, and the normal use of the business, the maintenance work for WCDMA base in vigorously. 为保证基站的正常运作以及用户业务的正常使用,对于WCDMA基站的维护工作也在大力开展。 wujin.xkyn.com 10. The users require high-quality power to ensure the normal operation of the equipments, instruments and systems. 电力用户也要求高质量的电能来保证其设备、仪器、系统的正常运行。 www.lw23.com 1. The effect of circulating water cooling does directly affect the normal operation in wet-process phosphoric acid production. 湿法磷酸生产过程中,循环水冷却效果的好坏直接影响系统正常运行。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Check the lighting and electrical system for normal operation. If abnormal, please repair it. 检查全车灯光及电器系统是否工作正常,若不正常,予以检修。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 3. It is of most importance for normal operation of the Three Gorges project to prevent reservoir bank collapse systematically. 水库塌岸(岸坡再造)是影响三峡水库移民工程安全的重大地质灾害问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The second diode unit is configured to present no forward bias during normal operation of the apparatus. 所述第二二极管单元经配置以在所述设备的正常操作期间不呈现正向偏置。 ip.com 5. Engine coolant is the inevitably liquid medium for ensuring the normal operation of engine. 冷却液是确保发动机正常工作运转必不可缺少的主要液体介质。 www.13191.com 6. status-1 led: glows solid green when a boot-up process is underway, and blinks green during normal operation. 地位-1领导:绿色发光固体时启动过程正在进行,和闪烁的绿色在正常工作。 blog.ixpub.net 7. To return to normal operation, power on the RAID subsystem, expansion chassis first if one is present. 要重新正常的操作,接通RAID子系统电源,如果有底盘则先打开底盘。 e-support.hp.com.cn 8. "A drop in coal quality has also affected the normal operation of power facilities, " the report said. 报道中还提到:“煤炭质量的下降也对发电设备的正常运行造成了影响。” www.suiniyi.com 9. Now, Ono's research team is working to develop more than 10 years to the normal operation of the technology. 现在,大野教授的研究团队正在努力开发能够正常运转10年以上的技术。 www.englishtang.com 10. Tenderers shall list and quote separately parts and components that satisfy the three years' recommended normal operation. 投标人应将满足设备正常运行的推荐性三年备品配件单独列出并报出单价。 www.cn-teacher.com 1. IKE has recovered from denial of service prevention mode and has resumed normal operation. IKE已从拒绝服务防止模式中恢复并且已继续了正常操作。 www.fan6.net 2. Cooperate with other related staffs in the projects to ensure the normal operation of projects. 配合工程项目其他相关工作人员,确保公司项目的正常运行。 www.jobui.com 3. To skilled maintenance system, normal operation of equipment. 能够熟练维护系统,设备的正常运行。 www.i21st.cn 4. For the normal operation of power grids, it is necessary to locate the cable fault rapidly and accurately. 如何快速、准确的进行电力电缆故障测距,保障电网的正常运行,具有十分重要的意义。 www.fabiao.net 5. Level control system, to ensure of the normal operation of the equipment. 液位控制系统,确保设备正常运行。 detail.machine365.com 6. Talking about the Application and Management of "Off-normal Operation Entry Safety Monitor Unit" 浅谈“非正常作业进路安全监督装置”的使用与管理 www.ilib.cn 7. For the normal operation of enterprises serve to create a leak-free enterprise. 为企业正常运转服好务,创造无泄漏企业。 www.b2b128.cn 8. Alert! Operating in Debug Mode. Please Populate Memory in Pairs for Normal Operation. 警告!系统以调试模式运行。请成对安装内存模块以使其正常运行。 support.ap.dell.com 9. Therefore it is imperative to ensure normal operation of network and ensure security and integrity of HI. . . 因此,保证网络的正常运行,保证HIS系统的数据的安全与完整极为重要。 www.chemyq.com 10. These problems can seriously affect the normal operation of locomotive. 这些问题严重影响了机车的正常运用。 www.magsci.org 1. How to use the pricing mechanism to maintain the normal operation of the electronic journal market deserves our attention. 如何运用价格机制维护电子期刊市场良性运行值得我们关注。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 2. Detailed circuit, analysis of normal operation and short trouble are given. 文中给出了详细的电路,对正常工作和短路故障时的原理进行了分析。 stae.com.cn 3. This is normal operation of hydropower stations and ensure that people working and living conditions of the necessary electricity. 这都是保证水电站正常运行及人们工作,生活用电的必要条件。 wenwen.soso.com 4. In order to guarantee system normal operation, we replaced the second, third and fourth supporting ring that have been damaged badly. 为消除安全隐患,确保窑系统正常运行,对损伤严重的第二、三、四档领圈进行了更换。 www.dictall.com 5. The leakage crack of concrete will affect the safe and normal operation of structures. 混凝土渗漏水裂缝影响建筑物的安全和正常运行。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Using single machine operation, if a device fails, will not affect the normal operation of other equipment. 采用单机操作,如果一台设备发生故障,不会影响其它设备的正常运行。 www.greesmd.com 7. In workover operations, well control is the key to ensuring the normal operation. 在修井作业中,井控是确保作业正常进行的关键。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 8. Note: As FTP creates two socket connections during normal operation, you cannot specify the port number in the bindto option. Note:因FTP在正常运行时创建两个套接字连接,此时不能在bindto选项中指定端口号。 de2.php.net 9. They let time normal operation, transportation, people of normal operation of the normal work, everything in the world to them! 他们让时间正常的运转,交通正常的运行,人们正常的工作,世间的一切都需要他们! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Selecting the faulty line as soon as possible will have the vital significance to ensure the systematic normal operation. 在配电网中,单相接地故障率最高,尽快选出故障线路,对于系统的正常运行具有重要意义。 www.lw23.com 1. A networking error that prevents normal operation has occurred. 发生阻止正常操作的联网错误。 www.fan6.net 2. A vote is taken, and normal operation is resumed with no further action needed. 获取投票,不需要执行其他操作即可恢复正常运作。 www.ibm.com 3. In order to guarantee the system normal operation, some anti-interference measures also have taken. 为保证系统正常运行,还采取了一些抗干扰措施。 www.chemyq.com 4. Besides, EMR is produced when the whole system start working, which would affect the normal operation of other airborne equipments. 整机系统对外的辐射干扰会影响其它机载设备的正常工作。 www.fabiao.net 5. The second shaft is rotatable via the test element during normal operation of the joint. 在接头正常运行过程中,上述第二轴可通过测试元件进行旋转。 ip.com 6. Ensuring the normal operation, there is responsibility to conserve and reduce maintenance costs. 在保证生产设备正常运行下,有责任去节省和降低维修成本。 www.job700.com 7. Once the staging area is empty, secondary resumes normal operation. 一旦暂存区域为空,次要服务器就会恢复常规操作。 www.ibm.com 8. Some metal parts of certain types of equipment can become electrically "live" in some conditions of normal operation. 在某些常规操作情况下,一些特定型号的金属零件会产生“带电”现象。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. session led: glows orange when there is over 90% utilization of sessions, and is dark during normal operation. 会议领导:发出橙色当有90%以上利用会议,是在黑暗的正常运作。 blog.ixpub.net 10. In normal operation on a single page, it all proceeds the same. 针对单个页面执行的普通操作都遵循这一过程。 www.ibm.com 1. Assure products in the pre-production development and the normal operation. 保证公司产品前期开发以及中后期生产的正常运转。 www.lietou.com 2. Security is the key to guarantee normal operation of CNG filling stations. 而CNG地下储气井的安全性是保证CNG加气站正常运行的关键。 www.chemyq.com 3. The cage has experienced light wear with little effect on the normal operation of bearing. 保持架发生了轻微的磨损,但并不影响轴承的正常工作。 www.boshuo.net 4. If the equipment fails to give normal operation , you are to repair them at your cost . 如果设备不能正常运行,由你方负责维修,并承担费用。 www.bing.com 5. Make sure electrical system and control system of CNC machine working in normal operation. 确保CNC机床的电气系统和控制系统的正常可靠运作。 big5.51job.com 6. The motor is then made reversible so that in normal operation the pin travel corresponds to symmetrical blade angles. 马达然后可以倒转,以便在正常运行中别针的运动方向与浆叶角相对称。 sports.zhishi.sohu.com 7. The normal operation of the current track, "GLONASS" system, a total of 23 satellites. 目前在轨正常运行的“格洛纳斯”系统卫星共有23颗。 www.englishtang.com 8. Optimize system related to computer use in the normal operation to achieve the best! 系统相关优化,使电脑在正常使用中达到最好的运行状态! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The harmonic sources tend to threaten the normal operation of power grids. 电力系统中的谐波源危及电网的正常运行。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. in the warranty period , you can enjoy warranty service by free by warranty cards and invoice if a failure occurs under normal operation. 在保修期内因正常使用出现的故障,可凭保修卡及发票享受规定的免费保修。 www.ichacha.net 1. Adjustable relief valve, may be caused by non normal operation of hydraulic system. 任意调整溢流阀后,可能会造成液压系统非正常运转。 www.sdxljxc.com 2. 7 establish verification procedures, that if the normal operation of HACCP system. 建立验证程序,证明HACCP系统是否正常运转。 bbs.517hb.com 3. Automatic procedures for the evolution of the environment, such as computer system without the normal operation of the High! 其程序的自动演化离不开高级系统环境如电脑的正常运行! leg8nd.xihai.com 4. Set BAR_DEBUG only if you want to analyze a problem, never during normal operation. 只有在想分析一个问题的时候才去设置BAR_DEBUG,在平时的操作中不能这样做。 www.ibm.com 5. The government swallows down all bad assets, the financial organ after the capital reorganization resumes the normal operation. 政府吞下所有不良资产,金融机构在资本重组后恢复正常运作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Reduce equipment inactive rates, and ensure the normal operation of equipments. 降低设备停机率,保证设备正常运行。 www.meijob.com 7. Electric power enterprises shall regularly examine and maintain their power facilities in order to guarantee normal operation. 电力企业应当对电力设施定期进行检修和维护,保证其正常运行。 www.bing.com 8. d. Ensure normal operation and safety of other equipment. 确保其它设备设施的正常运转和安全; blog.sina.com.cn 9. Replace filters weekly in normal operation and more often if heavily contaminated or dusty areas. 在正常的操作方面和更时常代替过滤器周刊如果很重地污染或灰尘多的区域。 www.ov98.com 10. Impurities in the normal operation of pump leak suddenly. 杂质泵正常运转中突然泄漏。 blog.eastmoney.com 1. Normal operation of Ward Signal Device enables doctors and nurses to save time and to speed up rescue work. 保障病房医护信号仪正常运作,有利于医护人员节省时间,加快抢救速度。 www3.chkd.cnki.net 2. Electromagnetic interference not only affects the normal operation of the system, but also may result in flying accidents. 电磁干扰不仅影响系统的正常工作,而且还可能造成飞行事故。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. The safety for grouting curtain in Xiaowan has a narrow safety margin under normal operation. 但正常工作条件下帷幕的安全裕度不大。 www.rockmech.org 4. Now the normal operation of production line has been put into production. 现在生产线已经投产正常运营。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. To resume the normal operation, we should reconstruct its integration on a new basis, i. e. , non-profitable organization. 要恢复社会的良性运行,就必须使社会在新的基础上重建其整合,这种新的社会基础就是非赢利组织。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Additionally, the normal operation of cooling methods can be hindered by other causes, such as. 此外,正常运行的冷却方法可阻碍其他原因,如。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Air compressor is the important equipment factory, we must ensure that 24 hours a day to normal operation. 空气压缩机是厂里的重要设备,必须保证每天24小时能够正常运转。 www.sokongyaji.com 8. All kinds of heat loads of the TF magnets on EAST have been analysis in the normal operation conditions. 文章分析了EAST托卡马克核聚变装置在正常运行情况下产生的各种热负荷。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. In order to assure normal operation, testing hanging, which includes single and double operation, and stress test were done. 为确保起重设备正常运转,对起重机进行了试吊及应力测试,其中试吊包括单绳试运转和双绳试运转。 www.shigongjishu.cn 10. During normal operation, the apparent impedance is generally larger than the Zset. 在正常操作期间,明显的阻抗一般大于 zhidao.baidu.com 1. According to some scaling data on normal operation conditions, conversion rate of two-stage Claus is over 96%. 在正常操作工况下,两级克劳斯的转化率大于96%。 www.chemyq.com 2. The earthquake caused great loss of life and property, endanger the normal operation of the social system. 地震造成了巨大的生命和财产损失,危及社会系统的正常运行。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Cutting X-ray film is a normal operation in the hospital. Properly cutting X-ray film can save a lot of time and money. 医用X-线胶片的裁切是医院的-项常规技术操作,胶片的妥善裁切可以为X-线摄影部门节省大量人力、物力。 www.chemyq.com 4. After the bell hit violated the education management system, affected the normal operation of the teacher's work, This is unfaithful, a sin. 这次上自习讲话违背了教育管理体制,影响了老师的工作正常运转,此乃不忠,一罪也。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The faults caused by conductor icing seriously influences normal operation of power system and so brings huge losses to social economy. 输电线路覆冰引起的故障严重地影响了电力系统的安全正常运行,给社会经济带来巨大的损失。 lib.cqvip.com 6. Article 4 Any organization or individual shall not take any action to hamper the normal operation of Internet Domain Names System in China. 第四条任何组织或者个人不得采取任何手段妨碍我国境内互联网域名系统的正常运行。 www.lawyee.org 7. These are quite dangerous, so the drum water level control is necessary to ensure normal operation. 这些都相当危险,因此控制好汽包水位是保证锅炉正常运行的重要环节。 www.fabiao.net 8. Sixth, financial management, it is necessary to the normal operation, but also improve performance. 六是在财政管理上,既要规范运行,又要提高绩效。 www.xiami360.com 9. so as to ensure normal operation of boiler. 保证了锅炉正常运行调节。 www.juyy.net 10. Don't worry. It's a normal operation. He will be fine after that. 别着急。这是一般的手术。手术后她就会好的。 bbs.wwenglish.org 1. On the other hand, the normal operation of the system has been gotten by vibro-impact, so it can be used in centrifugal dewatering machine. 另一方面,许多机械系统是利用内部各个机械零件之间的相互碰撞来达到工作目的,例如,离心式脱水机等。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. This is the common case for normal operation. 对于常规操作这很常见。 www.ibm.com 3. Manage the office bills and make sure they are paid on time and keep the office normal operation. 管理办公室行政账单,确保按时交纳相应的费用。保证办公室的日常运作。 www.jobui.com 4. This option may limit memory available to SQL Server for normal operation. 此选项可能会限制可用于SQLServer正常操作的内存。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. In order to ensure the normal operation of pump, we must use the following methods. 为保证电泵的正常运行,必须按下述的使用方法进行。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. During normal operation, all categories of the Exchange MTA should have a logging level of None. 在正常操作期间,ExchangeMTA的所有类别都应当有一个为“无”的日志记录级别。 technet.microsoft.com 7. candy production machinery able to carry out day-to-day repairs, maintenance, and ensure the normal operation of production equipment; 能够对糖果生产机械进行日常的维修、保养,保证生产设备的正常运行; weike.taskcn.com 8. Parameters of HF controlling software have been set. Do not set by youself, otherwise the machine tool will not in normal operation; HF控制软件的有关参数已由厂方设置好,用户切记不要随意设置,以免造成机床无法正常工作; zhidao.baidu.com 9. Accumulator charging (if has): after normal operation, check the charging pressure once a week and record; 蓄能器的充气(若有):正常运行后,一周检查一次充气压力,并做好记录; baike.baidu.com 10. Instigates or summons non-employees to lay a siege to the working place which affects the normal operation of the Company 鼓动或纠集他人包围工作场所,影响本公司正常运作,情节严重者。 www.jukuu.com |
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