单词 | pack-a-day | ||
释义 | pack-a-day
例句释义: 打包一天 1. Indeed, it's as futile as trying to counter a daily Big Mac diet and a pack-a-day smoking habit with a daily jog, scientists say. 科学家表示,实际上,这就好比每天慢跑无法抵消每天吃一个巨无霸汉堡包(BigMac)和抽一包烟的习惯带来的害处一样。 c.wsj.com 2. If you are a pack-a-day smoker you could save yourself at least two thousand dollars a year by quitting. 如果你本来每天抽一包烟,戒掉的话每年就能省下至少2000美元。 www.elanso.com 3. Perhaps this was one of those pack-a-day smokers or somebody a bit older who smoked heavily in their early years? 或许这是发生那些一天一包烟的烟民或者是早年抽烟抽得很厉害的老烟民的身上。 www.elanso.com 4. I used to smoke one pack a day, but I'm trying to quit now. It's so hard you know. 以前我一天一包,现在想戒,你也知道,这挺难的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Within five years of quitting, your risk of dying from lung cancer will drop to half that of someone who smokes a pack a day. 戒烟5年,相比那些一天一包烟的人,死于肺癌的几率减少一半; www.bing.com 6. And [a few years] before that, I was a pack-a-day smoker, living a very sedentary lifestyle. 在这几年前,我每天抽一包烟。过着亚健康的生活。 www.ted.com 7. Smokers, consider this: If you smoke a pack a day, you could save $2, 555 a year (at $7 a pop) by quitting. 吸烟的人,要想到:如果你一天抽一盒烟,戒烟后,你就可以一年省下2555美元(每只7美元)。 www.bing.com 8. His team found several chemicals on the inside of the cab of a half-pack-a-day smoker's truck, including a carcinogen called a NNK. 他的团队在每天吸半包烟的出租车车内发现了几种化学物质,包括一种叫做NNK的致癌物。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. I smoked a pack a day, plus a soda or tea or coffee to go with the cigarettes, at a cost of about $5 per day. 我过去一天要抽一包烟,加上一瓶汽水、茶或咖啡,每天大约5美元。每年节省:1825美元。 www.bing.com 10. Only then did she kick her three-pack-a-day cigarette habit, overcome her addiction to alcohol, and begin to follow a balanced diet. 然后她戒掉了她每天三根香烟的习惯,克服她嗜酒成瘾的毛病,然后开始遵守健康饮食。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "Sometimes I used to catch a cab just to have a cigarette, " added the pack-a-day smoker. “我有时搭出租车,只是为了上去抽根烟,”每天抽一包烟的Oda说。 cn.reuters.com 2. If you want to stop smoking and you're a "pack-a-day" person, then don't go the whole hog and give up entirely overnight. 如果你想戒烟,而你是个“一天抽一包烟”的人,那么不要在一夜之间就彻底戒烟。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Smoking is the greatest risk factor for developing PAD : A half a pack a day habit can increase the risk by 30% to 50% . 吸烟是导致外周动脉疾病最主要的风险诱因:每天半包的吸烟习惯将会使患病几率增加30%至50%。 www.bing.com 4. Well, I cut down to one-half pack a day for the first week. 唔,我在一开始的第一个星期里减少了抽烟的数量,天天只抽半包。 91jie.com 5. If you smoke a pack a day, you spend about $ 63 per week, $ 252 per month, $ 3 285 per year and $ 16 500 within five years. 如果一天一包烟,你大概要花63美元一个星期,252美元一个月,3285美元一年,那么5年就要花16500美元。 www.bing.com 6. Twin B smoked half a pack a day for 14 years, while her sister never 双胞胎之一B,每天吸半包烟达14年之久。她的姐姐A从未吸烟。 www.bing.com 7. According to a 2007 study, if you puff a pack a day for 10 years or less, psoriasis risk goes up 20 percent; 根据2007年的一项研究,如果你持续10年,每天一包烟,患皮肤病的几率将会上升20%; www.24en.com |
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