单词 | pacifier |
释义 |
复数:pacifiers 例句释义: 安抚奶嘴,抚慰者,平定者,橡皮奶嘴 1. When you can, remove the breast, bottle, or pacifier from his mouth and let him finish falling asleep without something in his mouth. 当你可以的时候把乳头,奶瓶,橡皮奶头从他的口中移开不要让他嘴里含有东西入睡。 www.elanso.com 2. Parents often wonder about what effect thumb sucking or sucking on a pacifier might have on their baby's teeth. 父母经常担心吸拇指或者吸奶嘴会对婴儿牙齿造成什么样的影响。 www.kuenglish.info 3. Parents often wonder what effect thumb sucking or sucking on a pacifier might have on their baby's teeth. 父母常想知道吸拇指或者橡皮奶头对他们孩子的牙齿有什么影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. She's not all grown up yet! The tot keeps company with her cuddly teddy and holds tight to a pacifier during a March trek around Vancouver. 她还没长大!三月在温哥华时,这小孩带着软绵绵的泰迪熊还咬着个奶嘴。 www.hjenglish.com 5. If your child takes great comfort from his pacifier, you can let him continue to use it until he develops other coping mechanisms. 如果奶嘴能够给你的宝宝带来极大的安慰,那你就让他继续使用,直到宝宝其他的协调处理能力得以发展为止。 www.bing.com 6. "The Pacifier" played for, like, a year. “超级奶爸”大概上映了一年。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. At the moment, I refer to myself as "shambling amateur" , "ambulant pacifier" or "milch cow" . 现在我会当自己是“蹒跚的业余人士”、“移动奶嘴”或是“奶牛”。 www.bing.com 8. And during his waking hours, be sure to provide plenty of nurturing (rather than a pacifier) as well. 在宝宝醒着的时间里,也要确保为宝宝提供多样的照顾,而不是一味的使用奶嘴。 www.bing.com 9. If you're nursing your baby, wait until he's a month old to give him a pacifier, to make sure breastfeeding is well established. 如果你正在用母乳喂养宝宝,那么请等到他一个月大以后再给他使用奶嘴,以确保良好的母乳喂养模式。 www.bing.com 10. Get great ideas that really work from our list of 10 ways to help your child give up the pacifier. 那就看看我们列的十种方法来帮助你的宝宝戒掉奶嘴,这些方法真的很管用。 www.bing.com 1. Improved pacifiers having less than two air holes within the pacifier shield. 一种改进的安抚奶嘴,所述安抚奶嘴在安抚奶嘴罩内具有少于两个气孔。 ip.com 2. If flying, give children sugar-free gum to help with pressure in the ears. For babies, a pacifier may help. 如果要乘坐飞机,给孩子嚼无糖的口香糖帮他们平衡耳膜两侧的压力。如果是婴儿,可以用一个橡皮乳头替代。 news.dxy.cn 3. We are told our vote counts, but that's the equivelant of a pacifier to a baby, it isn't real, but it makes us feel good. 我们被告知投票数目,但这相当于橡皮奶嘴之于婴儿,那是假的,但我们却感觉很好。 www.ltaaa.com 4. Mention to your child's dentist that he uses a pacifier, though, and she'll watch for problems at each checkup, just in case. 为了以防万一,记得提醒你宝宝的牙医他正在使用奶嘴,那牙医就会在每次检查的时候注意宝宝的牙齿问题。 www.bing.com 5. Yeah. And while I was leaning on the windowsill, my pacifier fell out of my mouth. 是的。当我靠着窗沿的时候,我的奶嘴掉了出去。 dict.veduchina.com 6. The exposure of interest was pacifier use, and the primary study endpoints were breast-feeding duration or exclusivity. 所关心的是安抚奶嘴的使用,初级研究终点是母乳哺喂期间或专一性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Temperatures measured orally, by electronic pacifier, or by ear canal are also accurate if done properly. 温度口头地测量,藉着电子慰抚者,或藉着耳朵运河也是正确的如果适当地做。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. Offer the baby a pacifier, help her find her thumb, or slip your own clean pinkie into her mouth, nail side down. 给宝宝一个安抚奶嘴,帮她找到自己的拇指;或者,悄悄地把你自己已经弄干净的小拇指放进她嘴里,指甲朝下。 www.bing.com 9. In one series of embodiments, a single enlarged air hole is provided through the pacifier shield. 在一组实施方式中,单个加大的气孔贯穿安抚奶嘴罩设置。 ip.com 10. At that age, pacifier use can cause lasting dental problems, so your child should be off the binky by then. 在这个年龄段使用奶嘴就会造成长久性的牙齿问题,所以你的孩子在那之前必须戒掉奶嘴。 www.bing.com 1. A rectal or electronic pacifier temperature is preferred. 直肠的或电子的慰抚者温度被偏爱。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Finally, in some cases, the pacifier can cause your child's upper teeth to tip forward toward the lip. 最后,在有些情况下,奶嘴会让宝宝的上牙向外倾斜。 www.bing.com 3. And don't use the pacifier as a substitute for nurturing. 别用奶嘴代替了喂养的一切。 www.bing.com 4. Once we gave the baby her pacifier, she stopped crying immediately. 我们一给这个小宝宝她的奶嘴,她就马上不哭了。 studioclassroom.net 5. Early pacifier use may interfere with breast-feeding. 太早使用安抚奶嘴可能影响哺乳 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It is very natural for a newborn to fall asleep while sucking at the breast, a bottle, or a pacifier. 非常自然的一个现象是:新生儿常在你给他喂乳与喝奶及吸橡皮奶头时会睡着。 www.elanso.com 7. Many children use a pacifier well into their toddler and even preschool years. 很多孩子直到初学走路甚至是学龄前时期仍使用奶嘴,也没有什么不妥。 www.bing.com 8. Your baby may become dependent on the pacifier. 宝宝可能会对安抚奶嘴产生依赖 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A pacifier for an infant. 婴儿用的奶嘴 wenwen.soso.com 10. The telly is a universal pacifier. 电视成了万能的抚慰者。 blog1.ielts.com.cn 1. Not for use as a pacifier or toy. 请不要用作安抚奶嘴或者玩具使用。 taobao.yijia.com 2. Prolonged pacifier use may lead to dental problems. 过长使用安抚奶嘴有可能导致牙齿问题 blog.sina.com.cn 3. One, as mentioned above, is that pacifier use can interfere with speech development. 第一,文章上面提到过,使用奶嘴会妨碍宝宝的语言发展。 www.bing.com 4. my father gave my small hand a gentle squeeze , then tugged the pacifier out of my mouth. 爸爸轻柔地握了一下我的小手儿,然后把安抚奶嘴从我的嘴里拨了出去。 www.ichacha.net 5. A pacifier may soothe a fussy baby. 安抚奶嘴让焦躁的宝宝平静下来 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Consider offering the baby a pacifier at nap time and bedtime. 可以在婴儿小睡时间和就寝时间提供安排一人看护。 news.dxy.cn 7. ivan : that ' s cool ! i want to get myself a pacifier and a cradle . i am sure i ' ll surprise everyone. 伊凡:酷!我要买一个婴儿奶嘴和小摇篮。让每个人大吃一惊。 www.ichacha.net 8. Infants less than 2 years old: Place one drop onto a pacifier or mother's nipple and allow the baby to suck for at least 30 seconds. 2岁以下婴儿,滴一滴在安抚奶嘴上或是母亲的乳头上,让宝宝吸吮至少30秒。 www.eb-mag.com.cn 9. i gave the pacifier , my beloved bubbup , a few good tugs with my lips and tongue , my cheeks hollowing with the effort 我用嘴和舌头使劲地吮了几下心爱的奶嘴,脸颊都凹了下去。 www.ichacha.net |
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