单词 | objects to | ||||
释义 | objects to
例句释义: 是反对后面加名词,不同意 1. If there really was some sort of unknown or magnetic force holding the objects to the body, the person should be able to lean over. 如果那里真的有一种神秘力量或者磁性力量使得物体粘在人的身上,这个人应该能够弯下身子而东西不掉。 www.bing.com 2. The specific objects to which speakers adapt can be categorized into linguistic reality, social conventions and psychological motivations. 我们可以把社交指示语的顺应对象分为三类,即语言现实、社会规约和心理动机。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. It demands a mental transformation of these objects to bring them into a similar perspective for comparison before a judgement can be made. 它要求受试者在内心对这些物体进行变换,从而把它们转到类似的视角进行比较,然后才能做出判断。 www.scidev.net 4. Just as in the Java programming language, you can drill into objects to see their underlying member variable values. 与Java语言中一样,可以深入到对象中,查看它们的底层成员变量值。 www.ibm.com 5. For example, reflection is often used in frameworks that persist objects to databases, XML, or other external formats. 例如,反射经常在持续存储对象为数据库、XML或其它外部格式的框架中使用。 www.ibm.com 6. A user interface that consistently uses Word objects to capture test data in a way that's easy to serialize to XML. 用户界面一直使用Word对象,以易于序列化为XML的方式捕获测试数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. and which, in defining your powers, designates the objects to which your attention is to be given. 它规定了各位的权限,提出了各位应该注意的目标。 www.kekenet.com 8. It was Newton's inspirited thought that this force might be the same as the familiar force that pulls objects to the surface of the earth. 牛顿富有灵感地想到,这个力可能和人们熟知的将物体拉向地球表面的力相同。 9. It should be noted that the option object itself is an abstract object and is only used to define properties for other objects to inherit. 应当注意,option对象本身是一个抽象对象,只用于定义其他对象将继承的属性。 www.ibm.com 10. By arranging for most objects to survive less than one collection, garbage collection can be very efficient. 通过安排大多数对象的存活期不超过一个收集周期,垃圾收集可以变得非常有效。 www.ibm.com 1. It is so odd to me, that you should never have read Udolpho before; but I suppose Mrs. Morland objects to novels. 我觉得真怪.你以前居然没看过《尤多尔弗》。不过我想,莫兰太太反对看小说。 novel.tingroom.com 2. Because there was no evidence linking space objects to the remaining mass extinctions scientists began looking back to earth. 由于没有证据显示太空天体跟其余的灭绝事件有关,科学家们又开始返回来关注地球。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 3. Enables you to work with a business object or other class and create Web applications that rely on middle-tier objects to manage data. 允许您使用业务对象或其他类,以及创建依赖中间层对象管理数据的Web应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Ordos today revealed that the company objects to specific applications of non-public offering of stock has not been approved by the SFC. 鄂尔多斯今日披露,公司向特定对象非公开发行股票申请未获证监会审核通过。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. You define objects to represent the ship, your bullets, the enemies, and the enemy's bullets. 首先定义几个对象来分别代表飞船、玩家的子弹、敌人和敌人的子弹。 www.ibm.com 6. Women are socialized to see themselves as objects to be looked at, and consequently view themselves from the perspective of others. 女人视自己为符合社会需要的产物,结果就是以他人的眼光看待自己。 www.bing.com 7. Active Directory networks can vary from a small installation with a few hundred objects, to a large installation with millions of objects. 使用活动目录的网络可以从只包括几百个对象的小型安装到包括几百万个对象的大型安装。 en.wikipedia.org 8. However we're careful not to overload our objects to keep them simple, elegant and easy to use. 然而我们必须注意防止过多地载入对象,以保证使用的简单,优雅和方便。 www.yeewe.com 9. IBM i has all the characteristics and information to be able to identify and move certain most frequently used objects to SSDs. IBMi拥有所有相关特征和信息,能够识别那些使用频率最高的对象并将其移动到SSD。 www.ibm.com 10. Dialog box that shows info on the number of objects to be placed on the surface. 对话框,其中显示的表面上放置对象的详细信息。 game.ceeger.com 1. When the garbage has been removed from the heap, GC can consider compacting the resulting set of objects to remove the spaces between them. 当已经从堆中删除垃圾时,GC可以考虑整理由此产生的对象集,以删除它们之间的空间。 www.ibm.com 2. The German said he objects to the two- tiered concept, however. 德国说,他反对分两个层次的概念,但是。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. An application that exposes programmable automation objects to other applications , which are referred to as automation clients . 向其他应用程序(称为自动化客户端)提供可编程自动化对象的应用程序。 www.bing.com 4. Quit trying to find beautiful objects to photograph. Find the ordinary objects so you can transform it by photographing it. 不要试著去找美丽的物品来拍摄了。找些平凡的物品来让你藉著摄影来改变它们的样子。 www.fluidr.com 5. Auxiliary Particles In Particular, particles can emit their own 'auxiliary' particles, enabling objects to leave bright or smoky trails. 细节的粒子在粒子系统里,粒子可以发射Auxiliary类型,可以制作光亮的或是烟的拖尾效果 wenku.baidu.com 6. Look at the simplest SQL data binding task: mapping an object that doesn't refer to any other objects to a single table. 最简单的SQL数据绑定任务:把没有引用其他任何对象的对象映射到一个表。 www.ibm.com 7. Association does not create impulses or affection and dislike, but it furnishes the objects to which they attach themselves. 联合并不创造喜爱和厌恶的冲动,但是提供他们依附的对象。 blog.cersp.com 8. Members of other database roles can only view or update the data objects to which they have specifically been granted such permissions. 其他数据库角色的成员仅可以查看或更新那些针对其专门授予角色相应权限的数据对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. We also pass it a list of Panel configuration objects to display as tabs. 还要将一系列的tab配置项对象参数传入到面板中。 extjs.com 10. The wind tunnel allows engineers to examine real-world aerodynamics around objects, to confirm or test their calculations. 风洞允许工程师验证实际的空气动力学情况,验证、确认他们计算得出得结果。 user.ccw.com.cn 1. Do not try to put every element of warcraft III objects to this world. 不要试图把每一个魔兽争霸III对象元素这个世界。 www.wow8.org 2. We were unable to observe the reflection of light it can only be affected by surrounding objects to indirectly understand the black hole. 我们无法通过光的反射来观察它,只能通过受其影响的周围物体来间接了解黑洞。 www.citynoon.com 3. The collection views for a collection of objects and the detail views for specific objects to be shown in the workarea frame. 对象集合的集合视图和特定对象的详细视图将显示在工作区窗格中。 www.ibm.com 4. do not place a blanket sharp hard objects, but do not blanket a prominent sharp metal objects or other hard objects to use. 不要把一条毯子尖锐硬物,但不要一刀切突出锋利的金属物品或其他硬物使用。 www.qiyeku.com 5. A collection of XmlSchema objects to which element declarations obtained from type mappings are to be added. XmlSchema对象的集合,其中将添加从类型映射获取的元素声明。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Program. cs is where the client sets up the objects to be passed to the Web service and processes objects returned from it. cs是客户端创建将要传递到Web服务的对象和处理从Web服务返回的对象的地方。 www.ibm.com 7. First select the connector style from the Connector toolbar, then move the mouse cursor over one of the objects to be connected. 首先从连接符工具栏选择连接符样式,然后鼠标光标移动到要连接的对象之一上。 ooo.pingju.org 8. An Administrator adds objects to a set by specifying the name of the set in the respective section of the objects properties. 要向集合添加对象,管理员在对象属性的相应部分指定集合名称。 www.ibm.com 9. This parameter sets aside a place in the heap for class objects to be stored. 此参数为要存储的类对象在heap内留出了一个空间。 www.ibm.com 10. When its constructor is called, the Session creates many objects to assist with its management responsibilities. 当其构造器被调用时,Session创建许多对象来协助进行管理。 www.ibm.com 1. Objects to which XML Schema element declarations are to be added. 类的新实例,该类提供要添加XML架构元素声明的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Sends changes that were made to retrieved objects to the underlying database, and specifies the action to be taken if the submission fails. 将对检索到的对象所做的更改发送到基础数据库,并指定提交失败时要采取的操作。 msdn.microsoft.com 3. YUI Profiler allows you to register functions, class constructors, and objects to be measured. YUIProfiler可以注册要测量的函数、类构造函数和对象。 www.ibm.com 4. For such objects to be sharable, you need to make sure that the target of these pointers resides at the same address in all the processes. 要让这种对象可以共享,您需要确保在所有进程中这些指针的目标都驻留在相同的地址。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Control works with a business object or other class in Web applications that rely on middle-tier business objects to manage data. 控件使用依赖中间层业务对象来管理数据的Web应用程序中的业务对象或其他类。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. In the end I added some detail objects to give the painting some life, like the ship, the towers and flag. 最后我添加了一些细节性的物体来给这幅绘画增加一些生气,比如航船,塔以及旗帜。 www.cgbegin.com 7. Rather, it is much more of a cache manager, in that it utilizes the atomicity of transactions to persist objects to a database. 相反,它更象是高速缓存管理器,因为它利用事务的原子性来将对象持久保存到数据库。 www.ibm.com 8. It acts like a Python dictionary that allows objects to be placed at (and later deleted from) names identified by string-typed keys. 其工作方式类似于Python字典,允许将对象放在由字符串类型的键确定的名称处(并在以后从该位置删除)。 www.ibm.com 9. Results The satisfaction rate of the community service objects to nursing service was up to 99%. 结果社区服务对象对护理服务满意率达99%,护士综合评分为94。 www.chemyq.com 10. These data files are again JSON files, like the Resource Model definition files, and they contain objects to be loaded into the model. 与资源模型定义文件一样,这些数据文件同样是JSON文件,并包含将加载到模型中的对象。 www.ibm.com 1. iBATIS 3 is an ORM persistence framework that allows you to map the properties in Java objects to table columns in a database. iBATIS3是一个ORM持久框架,用来将Java对象内的属性映射到数据库内的表列。 www.ibm.com 2. Some of the adapters used in the scenario require meta-objects to determine the way in which the adapter will operate. 一些在方案中使用的适配器需要元对象来决定适配器操作的方式。 www.ibm.com 3. Basically, it allows multiple objects to be combined into a single larger object. 基本上,它允许多个对象被绑定到一个单个的大对象。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This strategy is about connecting objects to the Internet and applying intelligence and services on top of that. 该战略是在将物(实际的物体)与因特网相互连接,并在此基础上赋予其智慧与服务。 www.bing.com 5. Yet officially it objects to America's missile strikes and, in Waziristan itself, it is observing an on-off ceasefire agreement with him. 然而从官方层面上讲,其反对美国在瓦济里斯坦的导弹袭击,遵守一项与其签署的停火协议。 ecocn.org 6. Objects To discuss the function of nursing that prevent the complication and improve the result of mechanical ventilation. 目的讨论护理在提高机械通气效果及并发症预防中的作用。 www.chemyq.com 7. So in a Java and XML environment, marshalling would involve converting some set of Java objects to an XML document (or documents). 因此在Java和XML环境中,编组就是把一些Java对象转化成一个(或多个)XML文档。 www.ibm.com 8. As the controller, it is the servlet's job to call the appropriate objects to fulfill the user's request. 作为控制器,调用合适的对象来履行用户的请求是servlet的工作。 www.ibm.com 9. There are numerous third-party libraries available for converting Python objects to JSON and vice-versa, but we did not need them. 有许多第三方库可用于相互转换Python对象与JSON,但是我们不需要这些库。 www.ibm.com 10. The Schema Generation Wizard modifies the underlying objects to which the changed object is mapped . 架构生成向导会修改已更改对象映射到的基础对象。 www.bing.com 1. Objects sometimes need to ask other objects to send them a message whenever a certain event occurs. 对象有时需要问其他对象在特定事件发生时向他们发送消息。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The number indicating an argument to format is less than zero, or greater than or equal to the number of specified objects to format. 用来表示要格式化的参数的数字小于零,或者大于等于要格式化的指定对象的数目。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. These data models represent business objects to be used by the COATS business processes and for communication across components. 这些数据模型表示COATS业务流程要使用的业务对象,用于在组件间进行通信。 www.ibm.com 4. The Schema Generation Wizard deletes the underlying objects to which the deleted object is mapped. 架构生成向导会删除已删除对象映射到的基础对象。 technet.microsoft.com 5. The Schema Generation Wizard renames the underlying objects to which the renamed object is mapped. 架构生成向导会重命名已重命名对象映射到的基础对象。 technet.microsoft.com 6. With the bottom-up development approach, you start with one or more database objects to create and expose as Web service operations. 使用自下而上的开发方法,您需要创建一个或多个数据库对象并且公开为Web服务操作。 www.ibm.com 7. Object. It might be helpful to compare identity and principal objects to familiar concepts like user and group accounts. 将标识和主体对象同用户与组帐户这样常见的概念进行比较,可能会有所帮助。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. 该信息架构视图返回当前用户对其拥有权限的对象的相关信息。 technet.microsoft.com 9. The VBFixedString attribute can be applied to string fields in objects to indicate the size of the string, in bytes, when written to disk. VBFixedString属性可应用于对象中的字符串字段,以指示字符串写入磁盘时的大小(以字节为单位)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. But there are always many interesting and beautiful objects to see at the Vatican Museums. 但是梵蒂冈博物馆总是有许多十分吸引人的精美展品。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. BCEL's implementation of bytecode handling also seems overly complex, with great flexibility but a large number of objects to manipulate. BCEL实现的字节码处理看起来也过于复杂,虽然有很强的灵活性,但是要操纵的对象数量也极为巨大。 www.ibm.com 2. The maximum number of objects to be provided at a time. 一次提供的对象的最大数目。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The dispatching logic simply publishes business objects to all applications interested in the change (in this case, only one application). 调度逻辑直接将业务对象发布到所有与更改相关的应用程序(在本例中只有一个应用程序)。 www.ibm.com 4. Like the broker adapter, the workflow adapter also requires meta-objects to be set up. 与代理适配器一样,工作流适配器也需要建立元对象。 www.ibm.com 5. I wondered if performance improvements might be gained by using something other than Java objects to provide SOAP bindings. 我怀疑如果使用其他东西而不是Java对象来提供SOAP绑定是否能够改进性能。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Then slim down some of those objects to a size that left headroom for later expansion or higher data volumes. 然后对这些对象减肥,为以后的扩展或者更大的数据量留下空间。 www-128.ibm.com 7. The Add method allows you to add Control objects to the end of the control collection. Add方法使您能够将Control对象添加到控件集合的结尾。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Includes a complete list of automation event objects to which you can respond. 包含可以响应的自动化事件对象的完整列表。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Displays a list of data objects to which the control can be bound. 显示控件可以绑定到的数据对象的列表。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. As part of a series of experiments, the researchers showed slide shows of colored objects to a group of participants. 作为实验的一部分,通过幻灯片,研究人员给一组参与调查的人员展示了一些带有不同色彩的事物。 www.bing.com 1. Containers allow for objects to be configured by the container, as opposed to being configured by the client application. 容器考虑到对象被容器配置,因此反对通过客户端程序配置。 blog.163.com 2. Enables multiple collaborating objects to participate in a single transaction, by passing the transactional context as part of the thread. 通过将事务上下文作为线程的一部分进行传递,以允许多个合作对象参与单个事务。 www.ibm.com 3. Interface, an implementation of the Factory design pattern that enables objects to be created and retrieved by name. 接口,它是工厂设计模式的实现,允许通过名称创建和检索对象。 www-128.ibm.com 4. The behavior objects to widespread evidence method, including witness testimony, the appraisal as well as the litigant states. 妨碍行为的对象指向广泛的证据方法,包括证人证言、勘验以及当事人陈述。 5. Level B: The child mention some related or non-related characters of objects to judge objects whether floating or sinking. 水平b儿童考虑到物体的物理属性,用多种相关和非相关因素判断物体沉浮; 6. This series chronicles the building of a Web storefront in PHP using PHP Data Objects to access a Derby database. 本系列介绍了用PHP构建一个用PHP数据对象访问Derby数据库的Web店面。 www-128.ibm.com 7. The Schema Generation Wizard adds underlying objects to which the new object is mapped. 架构生成向导会添加新对象映射到的基础对象。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB): Provides a binding compiler and a runtime framework to map Java objects to XML documents. XML绑定的Java架构(JavaArchitectureforXMLBinding,JAXB):提供一个绑定的编译器和一个运行时框架将Java对象映射到XML文档。 www.ibm.com 9. From time to time, users have been bothered by the fact that gnosis. xml. objectify does not reserialize its objects to XML. 用户经常受到这样的困扰,gnosis.xml.objectify没有把对象重新序列化为XML。 www.ibm.com 10. The WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance allows the crypto objects to be created individually and then selected in the configuration needed. WebSphereDataPowerSOAAppliance允许逐个创建crypto对象,然后在所需的配置中进行选择。 www.ibm.com 1. It reads a Prolog data file like the sample, then creates Python objects to model the Prolog declarations. 它读取像样本那样的Prolog数据文件,然后创建Python对象来对Prolog声明建模。 www.ibm.com 2. My wife said he was very helpful whenever there were any heavy objects to lift or things to fix. 我妻子说每次要拿重物或者有东西要修理时,托尼都非常乐意帮忙。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Composite allows a group of objects to be treated in the same way as a single instance of an object. 组合允许一组对象当作一个对象的单独的实例,采用统一的处理法方式来进行处理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. If a mother objects to this, she risks legal action, and may even have her baby removed from her care. 如果母亲表示反对,那么这将被认作风险法律行为,甚至可能有取消她对孩子的照顾权。 www.bing.com 5. Increasing the JVM heap size permits more objects to be created before an allocation failure occurs and triggers a garbage collection. 通过增加JVM堆大小,可以在出现分配故障并触发垃圾收集之前创建更多对象。 www.ibm.com 6. Volume Trapping: Fields now include volume trapping attributes, which allow objects to be trapped inside volume fields. 体积引力:现在场将包含一个体积引力属性,使得物体会堆积到体积场的内部去。 bbs.hxsd.com 7. Where verbs take objects, an ending will tell their size: kitobana means "gives three large objects to a man in the sunlight. " 当动词后接宾语时,动词词尾则要说明宾语的大小:kitobana,意思是“在日光下把三件大型物体给予某人”。 www.ecocn.org 8. Additionally, you can use Business Objects to translate the actual Business Object parameters of a service invocation. 此外,可以使用业务对象转换服务调用的实际业务对象参数。 www.ibm.com 9. The volunteers were asked to mentally rotate images of three-dimensional objects to determine if the objects were the same of different. 志愿者们需要凭感觉转动三维的对象并判断对象是否相同。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. You add objects to a collection by calling the Add method of your custom collection class or of the BindingSource. 通过调用自定义集合类或BindingSource的Add方法,可将对象添加到集合中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Objects to set, evaluate, and convert the expression string based on the syntax for that type of expression. 对象根据该类表达式的语法来设置、计算和转换表达式字符串。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Signals are a lot like events, except that they connect objects to one another. 信号除了将对象相互连接之外,与事件非常相似。 www.ibm.com 3. Myopia (nearsightedness) is an abnormal elongation of the eye, causing distant objects to appear blurred. 近视是视力不正常的伸长,使远距离的物体模糊不清。 www.bing.com 4. True object- orient programming requires objects to support three qualities : encapsulation , inheritance, and polymorphism . 真正的面向对象的编程需要对象支持三种特性:封装、继承和多态性。 www.bing.com 5. A sequential least square method with distance constraint was used to locate ribbon objects to reduce noise effect. 为消除噪声点对的影响,利用距离约束的序贯最小二乘拟合方法定位边缘映射图中的带状目标。 airiti.com 6. The following tables list objects to which you can add extended properties. 下面的表列出了可以向其添加扩展属性的对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The client calls one of the WaitHandle class's wait methods, and waits for one or more synchronization objects to be signaled. 客户端调用WaitHandle类的一个等待方法,然后等待一个或多个同步对象得到通知。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Inheritance allows prototype-based objects to share a common set of properties and methods that can be dynamically added or removed. 继承能使基于原型的对象共享一组可动态添加或移除的通用属性和方法。 technet.microsoft.com 9. You'll use the standard tag library along with Spring data binding to bind your data objects to the JSP views that you're going to create. 您将使用标准标记库以及Spring数据绑定将数据对象绑定到将要创建的JSP视图。 www.ibm.com 10. So, we'll use the Land and Building classes to give our developers more comprehensive objects to work with. 所以,我们要用Land和Building类给我们的开发人员提供更具体的操作对象。 www.ibm.com 1. It allows parameters and extension objects to be invoked from within the style sheet. 它允许从样式表内调用参数和扩展对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Do not use sharp objects to scratch or scrape the surfaces of the solar panels. 切勿使用尖锐物品刮擦太阳能电池板表面。 www.myjidian.com 3. Shortsightedness is a common eye condition that causes distant objects to appear blurred, while close objects can be seen clearly. 近视是一种常见的眼病,导致看远方的物体时模糊不清,而看近处的物体时却很清晰。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Allows other objects to serialize a group of components into a binary object. 允许其他对象将一组组件序列化为二进制对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. This method enables you to add Button objects to the end of the ControlCollection. 此方法使您能够将Button对象添加到ControlCollection的末尾。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. That's why it might make sense to limit the number of business methods in domain objects to a necessary minimum. 这就是把域对象中的业务方法数量限制为必要的最少数量的理由。 www.ibm.com 7. Control by the personalization objects to be used later during the initialization process. 控件的自定义个性化设置数据,以便稍后在初始化过程中使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Do not allow any objects to be put into wall inlets. 禁止将任何物体塞入吸尘入口中。 www.huskyces.com.cn 9. As such, Gru eventually conspires to steal no less than the moon using a stolen device that's capable of shrinking objects to pocket size. 就这样,格鲁最终阴谋策划要偷走的原来是月亮。他准备使用一件偷来的设备,这一设备能将物品缩小至衣服口袋大小。 www.china.org.cn 10. Level E: The child mention the weight of objects to judge objects whether floating or sinking. 水平e儿童从轻重维度正确对应判断物体沉浮; 1. What he objects to is not benevolence, but the coercive imposition of alien moral objectives onto individuals. 强迫性利他的目的不是慈善,而是将某种道德目标强加给某个个人。 wlxt.whut.edu.cn 2. A simple example would be a J2EE application that uses in-memory HttpSession objects to store user session information. 一个简单示例是J2EE应用程序,它使用内存中的HttpSession对象存储用户会话信息。 www.ibm.com 3. Reflecting on the standard of judgment, the objects to be assessed are whether confirmed or falsified . 反映在评判标准上,则表现为所评价的对象不是被证实就是被否证。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. An Edge is a line segment, and you add Edge objects to a design through the add_line method of the Entities class. Edge是一条线段,可以通过Entities类的add_line方法将Edge对象添加到设计中。 www.ibm.com 5. Our first bit of code simply creates two color objects to use in our program. 我们第一个代码简单的建立了两个颜色对象,用于我们的程序。 www.nc11.net 6. Writes a formatted string that contains the text representation of two objects to the output stream, along with any pending tab spacing. 将包含两个对象的文本表示形式的格式化字符串连同任何挂起的制表符间距一起写入到输出流。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Allows you to add the selected objects to a group you select. 允许您将选定的目标添加到您选择的组。 www.fan6.net 8. The Democratic group also objects to a measure in the Senate's version that would extend tax breaks for businesses. 这些民主党议员还反对参议院版本中的一项措施,这个措施将扩大给商家企业的减税。 www.kekenet.com 9. Not surprisingly, subjects were exceptionally good (more than 90 percent correct) even though there were thousands of objects to remember. 毫无意外,实验者们的表现格外优秀(超过90%正确),尽管要记住的有数千件物品。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. The objects to the north appeared to be elliptical through an 8-12 power lens. 对象以北似乎是椭圆形的一个8月12日通过电力镜头。 www.aoshu.com 1. It is just one example of a program that depends on external shared objects to function properly. 以下是一个依赖于外部共享对象才能正常运行的程序的示例。 www.ibm.com 2. The algorithm clusters neighboring spatial objects to a cluster on the neighborhood relation in spatial. 该算法按照空间相邻关系,将空间相邻的空间目标聚类成一类。 www.dictall.com 3. Apart from that, we have a pretty straightforward structure definition: two pointers and a number of objects to copy. 除此之外,我们还给出了一个简单的结构定义:里面有两个指针,以及要拷贝的很多对象。 www.ibm.com 4. The following example retrieves the names of parameters (and the objects to which they belong) defined on user-defined type ComplexNumber. 以下示例检索针对用户定义类型ComplexNumber定义的参数(及其所属对象)的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Changing the migration policies from CM to TSM fixed this issue by keeping the objects to be indexed on hard disk. 通过更改从CM到TSM的迁移策略,在硬盘上为对象建索引,这个问题得以解决。 www.ibm.com 6. Objects to specify access rights to be audited for a user or group. 对象指定要为用户或组审核的访问权限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. This interface is intended to wrap servlets, but a servlet container can create RequestDispatcher objects to wrap any type of resource. 该接口目的是包装servlet,但是servlet容器创建的RequestDispatcher可以包装任何类型的资源。 bbs.chinaunix.net 8. Moreover, deletion of objects in the logical layer will cause anything that uses those objects to fail but should not affect anything else. 此外,删除的对象,在逻辑层将导致任何使用这些对象失败,但不应影响别的。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Desperate for drinking water, he used holy objects to make a simple desalination device . 他拼命地想喝到水,情急之下,就用供神用的东西做了一个简易的脱盐装置。 www.24en.com 10. The tacky display first took shape when theater goers waiting in line stuck coins and other small objects to the wall using chewing gum. 最初,因为在此处排队看演出的人顺手将硬币或其它小玩意用口香糖粘在墙上,久而久之,这面墙就变成了这副模样。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Delegate Delegate-level COM impersonation level that allows objects to permit other objects to use the credentials of the caller. 委托级别的COM模拟级别,该级别使对象可以允许其他对象使用调用方的凭据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The directory service failed to identify the list of objects to delete while attempting a tree deletion. 删除目录树时,目录服务未能识别要删除的对象列表。 dict.veduchina.com 3. We do not like to pass the uid and pwd as parameters or store in some objects to pass from the Web tier to the EJB tier. 我们不想将uid和pwd作为参数传递,或者存储到一些从Web层到EJB层传递的对象中。 www.ibm.com 4. Finally, XML message parsing usually involves dynamically creating the memory structures (like objects) to store the retrieved data values. 最后,XML消息解析通常需要动态创建内存结构(如对象)来存储检索的数据值。 www.ibm.com 5. Tensions are simmering in the South China Sea, where China makes disputed sovereignty claims and objects to US reconnaissance. 南中国海的紧张局势正在升温——中国在那里提出有争议的主权主张,并反对美方的侦察行动。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 6. It converts keys in the map entries of JSON objects to Clojure keywords, which are more idiomatic to work with in Clojure. 它允许将JSON对象映射项中的键转换为Clojure关键字,后者在Clojure中更具惯用语特征。 www.ibm.com 7. When running, the DLL can check the current application's list of CDynLinkLibrary objects to find the one for that particular extension DLL. 运行时,DLL会检查当前应用程序的CDynLinkLibrary对象列表,以查找用于特定扩展DLL的对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The system has very good expansibility for it can be updated immediately as the customers or the actual objects to detect requires. 测试系统随时可以按照客户,以及客观检测需要升级更新,具有很好的可扩展性。 www.juhe8.com 9. The AddButton method enables you to add Button objects to the end of the ControlCollection. 使用AddButton方法可以将Button对象添加到ControlCollection的末尾。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Beijing also said this week that it objects to American efforts to limit Chinese poultry imports, and asked the WTO to investigate. 本周,中方还宣称其对美方限制来自中国的家禽表示不满,要求世界贸易组织对此进行调查。 www.bing.com 1. The outbound or marshalling side (converting Java objects to transmitted XML) is a little more difficult. 出站或封送端(将Java对象转换为传输的XML)的处理稍微复杂一些。 www.ibm.com 2. List must understand the type of objects to add to the list and must understand how to create a new instance of that type. 列表必须了解要添加到列表的对象的类型,并且必须了解如何创建该类型的新实例。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Rather than concentrate on objects to acquire and possess, focus on fulfilling your desires to do, to produce, and to contribute. 把注意力集中在促使你去行动、去创造、去贡献的欲望上,而不是那些你想要得到和占有的目标上。 www.myspokenenglish.cn 4. A modeling tool such uses a consistent set of objects to represent the business process. 这样的建模工具使用一致的对象集来表示业务流程。 www.ibm.com 5. Objects to determine the transactions that the resource manager has prepared. 方法来确定资源管理器准备好的事务。 www-128.ibm.com 6. The European Commission also publishes its consultation paper on common euro zone bond issuance, something Germany strongly objects to. 欧盟执委会也将发布其关于发行欧元区共同债券的咨询报告.德国强烈反对发行这种债券。 cn.reuters.com 7. Objects To investigate the correlation between the parameters of timeintensity curve and microvessel density (MVD). 目的探讨卵巢肿瘤超声造影时间强度曲线定量参数与微血管密度(MVD)的相关性。 all.zcom.com 8. Anyone who objects to this utopian mandate, they maintain, is just making an excuse for low expectations and bad teachers. 而且他们也断言,那些反对这项乌托邦式法令的人只是在为低期望值和坏老师找借口。 www.bing.com 9. Allows objects to provide credentials to use for connecting to a report server. 允许对象提供用于连接到报表服务器的凭据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. You have specified a few database objects to be opened automatically, using startup options. 您用启动选项指定了一些要自动开启的资料库物件。 translations.launchpad.net 1. Beijing typically objects to the island signing any formal deals that would suggest that it is a separate state. 北京明确反对岛内签署可能暗示台湾是分离于中国的任何正式协议。 www.bing.com 2. Persistent object-mapping strategies can provide automation for state storage and retrieval by mapping objects to persistent data. 持久对象映射策略可以通过将对象映射到持久数据来自动化状态存储和检索。 www.ibm.com 3. The sun is also the solar system only their luminous objects to the earth, it bring light and heat. 太阳也是太阳系里惟一自己发光的天体,它给地球带来光和热。 www.sunmine.com.cn 4. After you modify the ADF, you update the instance of Notification Services to add subscription class objects to the application database. 修改ADF之后,您可更新NotificationServices实例以将订阅类对象添加到应用程序数据库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. During the garbage collection process the garbage collector often moves objects to different locations in the heap. 在垃圾收集过程中,垃圾收集器经常吧对象移动到堆中的另外一个位置。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The next two patterns illustrate how to employ delegation and mock objects to check both aspects of your aspect (pun intended). 下面两个模式展示如何使用委派和mock对象检查方面的这两个部分。 www.ibm.com 7. Create the XML configuration files that will be used to map your Java objects to your database tables. 创建XML配置文件,用它把Java对象映射到数据库表。 www-128.ibm.com 8. If your application does not use datasets, use command objects to execute SQL statements or stored procedures directly against a database. 如果应用程序不使用数据集,可以使用命令对象直接对数据库执行SQL语句或存储过程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Objects to relate one table to another, to navigate through the tables, and to return child or parent rows from a related table. 对象来使一个表与另一个表相关,在多个表之间导航,以及从相关表中返回子行或父行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Figure 3 showed you that you can select a number of BAPIs and add them to the Objects to be imported section in the wizard. 图3显示了您可以选择许多BAPI,并将其添加到向导中的Objectstobeimported部分。 www.ibm.com 1. This allows users to determine how subtle or intense they want their graphic objects to appear in their work. 这使得用户可以决定工作表中图形对象颜色的深浅程度。 www.ejchina.com 2. SMT adaptive lighting system provides a suitable environment for the detected objects to create high-quality images. 贴片机自适应光源系统主要负责对被检测物体提供合适的光照环境以形成高质量的图像。 www.fabiao.net 3. You've already seen one form of outjection in which the @DataModel annotation exposes a collection of objects to the rendering view. 您已经看到一种注入形式,即@DataModel注释向要呈现的视图公开一个对象集合。 www.ibm.com 4. Caching allows operations that drop and create the temporary objects to execute very quickly and reduces page allocation contention. 缓存允许删除和创建临时对象的操作非常快速地执行,并减少页分配的争用问题。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. It has the same basic form, but is used for assigning syntax objects to template variables. 它具有同样的基本形式,但是用于将语法对象分配给模板变量。 www.ibm.com 6. Describes how multithreaded applications can use wait handles and monitor objects to synchronize multiple threads. 介绍多线程应用程序如何使用等待句柄和监视器对象来同步多个线程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. You can scale the different objects to meet your needs, although that wouldn't be recommended for a complex interface. 可以调整不同的对象以满足自己的需要,但是对于复杂的界面不建议这么做。 www.ibm.com 8. They told the Polos they were ill and returned home, giving Marco's father some scared objects to take to the Emperor of China. 他们跟波罗家的人说自己病了,转讬马可的父亲一些要交给中国皇帝的神圣物品,然后就回家了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The Kremlin vehemently objects to the shield; it has poisoned US-Russian relations. 克里姆林宫强烈反对美国在东欧设防;这已经恶化了美俄关系。 www.bing.com 10. It uses an SWT tree widget to display the items, and it uses a number of other objects to help it, too. 它使用SWT树窗口构件来显示各项,并且还使用许多其它对象来协助它。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Objects to represent different menu structures for your form. 对象来表示窗体的不同菜单结构。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Provides a type converter to convert single-precision, floating point number objects to and from various other representations. 提供将单精度浮点数字对象与各种其他表示形式相互转换的类型转换器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Adds a number of objects to the directory to be used in searching. 向目录添加许多要在搜索中使用的对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Note that to write persisted objects to a resource file, the objects must be serializable. 请注意,为了将持久对象写入资源文件,这些对象必须是可序列化的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The routing engine reads all attributes from these connector objects to determine address spaces, cost values, restrictions, and more. 路由引擎从这些连接器对象中读取所有属性,以确定地址空间、开销值、限制等等。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The servlet then calls the appropriate objects to handle the method calls against back-end objects, passing the UserDataBean as a parameter. 然后servlet调用适当的对象来处理调用后端对象的方法,将UserDataBean作为参数传递。 www.ibm.com 7. You can limit the number of exported objects to decrease the size of the tag file. 您可以限制导出对象的数目,减小标记文件的大小。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Photoelectric infrared sensors are objects to the interference of sunlight and illumination light . 在应用中容易受阳光和照明光线等杂散光线的干扰。 www.elecfans.com 9. Control was used to add insertable OLE objects to your forms. 控件用于向窗体中添加可插入的OLE对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. When the container invokes the proxy, it passes request, response, and filter chain objects to it. 当容器调用代理时,它将向代理发送请求、响应以及过滤器链对象。 www.ibm.com 1. It automatically translates calls to the model objects to SQL queries optimized for the current database. 它会自动转换调用模型对象到SQL查询当前数据库优化。 bluoe.blog.163.com 2. This walkthrough needs some objects to bind to, so the first step is to create some sample objects to represent customers and orders. 此演练需要一些用于绑定的对象,所以第一步是创建一些表示客户和订单的示例对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. In Rhino, regular expressions are passed to methods of string objects to make text-processing tasks more straightforward. 在Rhino中,正则表达式被传递给字符串对象的方法,以便更简单地执行文本处理任务。 www.ibm.com 4. Specify data and database objects to publish; optionally filter columns from table articles, and set article properties. 指定要发布的数据和数据库对象;(可选)筛选来自表项目的列,并设置项目属性。 technet.microsoft.com 5. In the object-to-position-assignment condition, subjects only needed to assign the objects to the correct, pre marked position. 在物件定位这个情况里,参与者仅需要将物件放置到未做任何标记的对的位置上。 www.aboutcase.com.tw 6. Thus, the primary job of most programmers is to use existing objects to solve their application problems. 因此,对于大多数程序员来说主要的工作是使用这些现成的对象去处理他们的程序所要解决的问题。 www.douban.com 7. Writes the text representation of the specified array of objects to the standard output stream using the specified format information. 使用指定的格式信息将指定的对象数组的文本表示形式写入标准输出流。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Assign instantiated objects to the Session object on the server, and then retrieve from Session in a new page. 将实例化的对象分配给服务器上的Session对象,然后从新页中的Session检索。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Relashio! - The Banishing charm. Releases objects to a specific place. 驱逐咒。使物体转移到特定位置。 www.hoolee8.com 10. Impersonate-level COM impersonation level that allows objects to use the credentials of the caller. 模拟级别的COM模拟级别,该级别允许对象使用调用方的凭据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Keyword allows derived objects to override characteristics inherited from parent objects. 关键字可使派生对象重写从父级对象继承的特征。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. In the simplest terms, DWR is an engine that exposes methods of server-side Java objects to JavaScript code. 从最简单的角度来说,DWR是一个引擎,可以把服务器端Java对象的方法公开给JavaScript代码。 www.ibm.com 3. Linking objects to create executables and shared libraries and objects is perhaps the most difficult aspect of porting applications to AIX. 通过链接对象创建可执行程序以及共享的库和对象,这可能是把应用程序移植到AIX时最困难的一步。 www.ibm.com 4. This code displays the values of these objects to the console. 此代码将这些对象的值显示到控制台。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. When people offer unclean and defected objects to God, they are profaning the name of God. 当神的百姓在外邦中,玷污自己或是沾染偶像,就使神的名大大受到亵渎。 www.occca.net 6. When the configuration system serializes a hierarchy of configuration objects to XML, it checks the value of this property. 当配置系统将配置对象的层次结构序列化到XML中时,它会检查此属性的值。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Using the editor you can adjust the source code of these objects to work around any issues. 可以使用编辑器调整这些对象的源代码以解决任何问题。 www.ibm.com 8. Using opaque objects to cover the face when installing to avoid the generation of electric current. 安装时用不透光物遮挡正面,避免电流产生 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Several descriptive strings are implemented as objects to allow language specific identifiers. 我们还实现了若干描述性字符串,作为允许使用特定于语言的标识符的对象。 www.ibm.com 10. The analysis showed that many objects to be indexed were already stored on tape. 分析表明,很多要建索引的对象已经被存储在磁带上。 www.ibm.com 1. A CORBA system accomplishes this magical task by confining the interaction between objects to well-defined interfaces. CORBA系统通过将对象之间的交互定义为明确的接口完成了这一不可思议的任务。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Objects to evaluate and convert the expression string based on the syntax for that type of expression. 对象根据这种类型的表达式的语法来计算和转换表达式字符串。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Caching allows operations that drop and create the objects to execute very quickly and reduces page allocation contention. 通过缓存,删除和创建对象的操作可以非常快速地执行,并可减少页分配争用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. To write persisted objects to a resource file the objects must be serializable. 若要将持久对象写入资源文件,这些对象必须是可序列化的。。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The objects to be added to Subject (principal, tgt, and skey) are from the login phase. 要加到Subject的对象(principal、tgt和skey)来自登录阶段。 www.ibm.com 6. Contains flag values that indicate the kinds of objects to which custom attributes are applied. 包含指示自定义属性应用到的对象的类型的标志值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Before you can map remote objects to a local proxy table, you must define the remote server where the remote object is located. 在可以将远程对象映射到本地代理表之前,您必须定义远程对象所在的远程服务器。 www.ianywhere.com 8. Split the ship in objects to reach a good balance between dimensions and polycount. 把船拆分为对象来使多边形数与模型尺寸相适应。 www.infinity-game.com 9. Objects to provide status information in an application. 对象的事件提供状态信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Enables other objects to be notified when this property changes. 使其他对象在此属性更改时能得到通知。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. You can add the objects to the cache with a dependency on other files or cache entries. 您可以向缓存中添加依赖其他文件或缓存条目的对象。 msdn.microsoft.com 2. Wayne Bronner says demand for small objects to hang on Christmas trees has expanded over the years. 韦恩。布朗纳说,多年来,悬挂在圣诞树上小物件的需求持续上升。 www.unsv.com 3. The inventive strip can especially be used as a transfer adhesive strip for permanently fixing objects to various substrates. 它尤其可用作粘合剂转移带用于耐久连接制品到各种基底上。 ip.com 4. From a back-end perspective, he asks the question "Do we really need classes and objects to pass data around" ? 从后端视角来看,他提出了这样一个问题:“我们真的需要类与对象来传递数据吗?” www.infoq.com 5. Selects or deselects the highlighted item in the Objects To Be Checked In list box. 选择或取消选择在“要签入的对象”列表框中突出显示的项。 office.microsoft.com 6. The validator is not supposed to pass any objects to these methods that were not created by the same object's createValue method. 假设验证器不会像这些方法那样,传递由同一对象的createValue方法创建的对象。 www.ibm.com 7. However, because space-time itself is moving in the ergosphere, it is impossible for objects to remain in a fixed position. 然而因为时空本身是在能层里移动,物体保持在固定位置是不可能的。 chinaufo.com 8. However, it is desirable for objects to be translationally invariant. 然而,能保证被画目标的坐标值的不变性是再好不过的。 mxtctp.sourceforge.net 9. However, it does not use the JPA objects to ensure a strict separation of process and business data. 但是,它不使用JPA对象,因此可以确保流程和业务数据之间的严格隔离。 www.ibm.com 10. It is a common pattern for application objects to be facades for data stored elsewhere. 使用应用程序对象作为其他地方存储的数据的Facade,这是一种比较常见的模式。 www.ibm.com 1. Just like its input side counterpart XMLEventReader, this writer uses event objects to represent pieces of the underlying XML InfoSet. 与其对应的输入端XMLEventReader一样,这个编写器使用事件对象表示底层XMLInfoSet的各个部分。 www.ibm.com 2. Once you have added your objects to your object maps, you can generate your getters automatically by writing a few lines of code. 一旦你将你的对象添加到你的对象地图中,就可以通过编写几行代码自动产生你的getter方法。 www.ibm.com 3. then, the paper constructs the experience objects to solve the problem of specific voyage decision-making knowledge acquisition. 然后针对获取特定航次决策知识问题,本文构建了经验知识对象进行求解。 51haoming.com 4. Contains classes that define channels that use the TCP protocol to transport messages and objects to and from remote locations. 包含定义使用TCP协议与远程位置之间相互传输消息和对象的信道的类。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The algorithm of this system excludes other nonhuman objects to detect human. 该系统算法通过排除非人体目标实现人体检测。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 6. Radar uses the reflection of microwaves of objects to determine their location. 雷达利用物体的微波的反射来确定物体的位置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Objects to be publicly accessed through the ASP. 属性公共访问这些对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. During a 30-minute run, choose objects to run to telephone poles, trees, buildings, other runners, whatever. 你可以在30分钟的跑步时间内,为自己设定一个终点目标,这个目标可以是电线杆、几棵树、几座楼房,或者是其他的跑步人士。 www.bing.com 9. The sections that follow use dummy User and Order objects to simulate the dynamic portion of the template. 接下来这一节将使用虚构的User和Order对象来模拟模板的动态部分。 www.ibm.com 10. Sports sponsoring large amount of objects to communicate a wide, targeted. 体育赞助沟通对象面广量大、有针对性。 www.texclo.net 1. We only use 32bits to store pointers, and take advantage of 8 byte aligned objects to get a few free bits [ pointer 3 ]. 我们仅使用32位来存储指针,并充分利用8字节对象对齐(alignedobjects)来得到一些空位(指针3)。 www.bing.com 2. This allows the objects to remain ignorant about certain infrastructure and plumbing details, like transactionality and role-based security. 这允许对象对某种基础架构和管线(plumbing)细节一无所知,如事务和基于角色的安全。 blog.163.com 3. Provides a type converter to convert Unicode character objects to and from various other representations. 提供将Unicode字符对象与各种其他表示形式相互转换的类型转换器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Use Scripter AMO objects to serialize Analysis Services objects and creating XML for Analysis (XMLA) scripts. 使用ScripterAMO对象来序列化AnalysisServices对象并创建XMLforAnalysis(XMLA)脚本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. If you want to scatter different type of geometry, you can make a parent dummy object and link the child objects to this. 如果你想分散几何不同类型,您可以使家长虚拟对象和链接此子对象。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We tested 20 different objects to see if they would sink or float. 我们测试了20种不同的物体,看他们是否会沉或浮。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 7. This year we saw further commercialization of services that connect everyday objects to the Internet. 今年我们看到物联网(把互联网和现实物体相连接的服务)开始进一步商业化。 www.bing.com 8. This option is available only if the objects to enumerate are all members of the same ADO. NET dataset. 只有当要枚举的对象是同一ADO.NET数据集的所有成员时,此选项才可用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The tool rightly uses Unicode objects to render data, which ensures good internationalization for feed data. 该工具就是使用Unicode对象表示数据,从而很好地保证了消息包数据的国际化。 www.ibm.com 10. The array of objects to set as the items of the array. 要设置为数组项的对象的数组。 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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