单词 | no. 1 |
释义 | 例句释义: 第一 1. He said detection of the radioactive element caesium outside the No. 1 reactor today was "a bad sign" for a core meltdown. 他说今天在第一核电站检测到放射性元素铯,这是核心融化的不好迹象。 www.bing.com 2. There was no sentiment on show in Arsenal's 2-1 defeat as he hacked down Ginola, becoming one of six Arsenal players booked. 在阿森纳输给热刺1:2比赛中,他直接丢翻了吉诺拉,成为阿森纳第六个得黄牌的球员。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. It's easy to make eating ice cream a regular habit in the summer, but try to limit frozen treats like ice cream to no more than once a week. 在夏天,吃冰淇淋很容易成为一种习惯,但是要努力限制冰的宴飨比如冰淇淋一周不能超过1次。 www.bing.com 4. China limits each to working on no more than two deals at a time, and deals can take a year or more to complete. 中国限定1名保荐人同时处理的交易不得超过两桩,而每桩交易可能要花费一年甚至更长的时间才能完成。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Activated Sludge Model No. 1(ASM1) is often used to predict the behavior of biological wastewater treatment plants. 活性污泥1#数学模型(ASM1)常常用于预测污水处理厂中的生物过程。 www.chemyq.com 6. For me, Mourinho is number one. . . At first when I said it, it may have seemed obvious, but a year down the road I maintain this. 对我来说,穆里尼奥就是No.1…赛季初我这么说时看起来是显而易见的,但一年后我仍然保持这样的看法。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Assuming you have no innate preference towards either of the two colors, it might be hard to choose between a red Civic and a blue Civic. 假设你对于两种颜色是没有先天喜好的,因此在红色思域[1]和蓝色思域之间,让你选择一辆可能很困难的。 www.bing.com 8. Hull totally refused and said, 'No, under the loan agreement he's here until January 1 and we're not prepared to allow him to go back. 赫尔城彻底地拒绝了我们的要求。他们说:‘不行,按照租借合同他必须呆到1月1日,我们不准备放他回去。’ www.ept-team.com 9. An integer greater than 1 is said to be prime if it has no divisors other than itself and one. 一个比1大的整数如果除了1和它本身外再也没有除数因子的话,就称为质数。 www.bing.com 10. Tepco spokesman said the sample had been taken just beyond the cement containment foundation of reactor No. 1 at a depth of about 15 meters. 东电发言人说,地下水样本是在一号反应堆水泥密封地基以下、地面以下约15米处采集的。 www.bing.com 1. Frenzied Regeneration: This ability is no longer noted as Rank 1 (it has no subsequent ranks). 狂暴回复:这个技能不再标记为等级1(它没有更高的技能等级了)。 wow.tgbus.com 2. Less than one percent of men died during incarceration, and there was no difference between black and white inmates. 结果表示,有1%的人在服刑期间死亡,这个结果黑人和白人是一样的。 www.bing.com 3. The marches have begun again: on May 1st, up to a million people across the country took to the streets, by no means all of them Hispanic. 抗议游行活动已经开始:在5月1日,全国多达100万的民众走上街头,绝非他们所有的人都是西班牙裔。 www.ecocn.org 4. He said he was hopeful the "heirloom" , a mint condition copy of Action Comics No 1, would be returned to his family. 他说他希望这件“传家宝”--一本仍旧崭新的副本能物归原主。 www.bing.com 5. And yet Coyne and his wife both have a profile on the site, and the algorithms have determined that she is his No. 1 match. 可是科因和他妻子都在网上有简介,配对规则确定她就是他最般配的人。 www.bing.com 6. And while Paulson didn't get sued, because the SEC said he made no misrepresentations, he did make $1 billion on the deal. 虽然鲍尔森没有被控诉,因为SEC表示它没有误传,而且他还因这笔贸易狠赚10亿。 www.bing.com 7. Qin Lan has no language to wish a sky, is all 1 flock only and perhaps world no disorderly guys! 秦岚无语望天,都是一群唯恐天下不乱的家伙们啊! nanhai.hinews.cn 8. Mr Reqabi gets just an hour or two, making it impossible to produce mayonnaise, as he has no reliable refrigeration. Reqabi先生仅有1个或2个小时的用电时间,没有足够的制冷,也就不可能生产蛋黄酱。 www.ecocn.org 9. If you said the meeting would last no longer than one hour, make sure the meeting lasts for only an hour. 如果你说了会议不会超过1小时,那就要保证会议只持续1小时。 www.gzu521.com 10. With 1. 3 billion people like this, able to grind out the toughest and most grim situations, no wonder they will be the next super power. 13亿人同样如此,能机械地坚韧近乎冷酷地面对这种情况,所以无怪乎他们是一个超级大国。 blog.163.com 1. A smoothness of 0 has no effect, 1 and above determine the Gaussian blur matrix radius that determines how much to blur the image. 平滑为0表示没有效果,1和以上数字决定着高斯模糊矩阵半径,从而决定着图像模糊化程度。 translations.launchpad.net 2. Let go of that which no longer serves and dispel all thoughts of matters that do not belong within your energy of Love. 让哪些不再服务地1切逝去,驱散全部不再跟随你内心之中爱之能量地难题与想法。 www.xiaotieba.com 3. In June, Voyager 1 relayed data that showed it was no longer traveling amongst the outward flow of solar wind particles. 今年6月,旅行者1号发回数据表明,它不再在向外传送的太阳风粒子流中旅行。 kusolong.blog.sohu.com 4. In January, Raymond told Walter he was no longer fit to work as chairman and chief executive because he had bipolar affective disorder. 1月份,郭炳联告诉郭炳湘,他不再适合担任主席和行政总裁职务,因为他患有躁郁症。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Lala thought she was tells a lie since the NO. one vehicle is belongs to local government how could used for a company's CEO? 拉拉觉得她在吹牛,1号都是当地政府的车,怎么能给一个公司的CEO坐呢? www.bing.com 6. There was no ill-fitting glove, no dream team, no slow-motion car chase, and no plaintive wail of a dog. 没有戴不上的手套,没有梦幻律师队,没有慢镜头的汽车追捕,也没有狗的哀号[1]。 www.bing.com 7. Assuming no changes in his net worth, he could spend $1, 150 a minute for the next 100 years before he ran out of money. 假设他的净资产不变,就算他每分钟花1150美元,在花光所有钱之前,他得再活上100年。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. While Brown was my No. 1 choice, Penn was a close second, and I desperately wanted to make sure I got into one of the two. 布朗大学是我的第一个选择,而宾夕法尼亚州立大学是我的第二选择,我非常希望我能保证进入其中的一所。 www.hjenglish.com 9. He said Chinese investors were among those asking him to consider participating in a bid for Potash Corp, the No. 1 fertilizer supplier. 他表示,一些投资者希望他考虑参与竞购Potash,其中也包括中国的投资者。 cn.reuters.com 10. Assumption #1: That Lampard (and that's who I'm centering on as he's the one mostly being targeted) is no longer of any use to Chelsea. 论点1:兰帕德(我支持,却是他最主要的攻击对象)对切尔西不再有任何用处。 www.qieerxi.com 1. In January of 1987, Hu no longer held the office of the General Secretary of the Communist Party, and I often went to his home to visit him. 1987年1月,耀邦同志不再担任中央主要领导职务后,我经常到他家中去看望。 zhoudengyuan.com 2. Around one thirty in the morning, the planchette suddenly froze in Mary's hand. It wouldn't move, no matter how much we pushed and pulled. 大概凌晨1点30分,占写板突然在玛丽的手中停住了,无论我们怎么推拉,都不动。 www.bing.com 3. She could have been blamed for barking up the wrong tree and hurting the image of Fuyang No 1 Hospital, one of the best in the city. 她会被因为攻击错了目标,同时损坏了市里最好的阜阳第一医院的声誉而受到责备。 wenwen.soso.com 4. There is going to be SHORT TERM PAIN for the next 1 - 4 months, no doubt about it. 不可否认的是,在接着的一到四个月内形势会比较麻烦。 www.bing.com 5. John 1 : 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile! 约1:47耶稣看见拿但业来,就指着他说:“看哪,这是个真以色列人,他心里是没有诡诈的。” www.cardiffccc.org 6. The coordinator, however, never wrote any record to its log and tells Database-1 it has no knowledge of this transaction. 但是,协调器没有把记录写入它的日志并且告诉Database-1它没有发现该事务。 www.ibm.com 7. The only fruit on this list I consider ranked is No: 1, as it deserves the spot, in clearly being the coolest fruit on the planet. 列表中我唯一认真考虑的是排名第一的水果,排在这个位置,成为地球上最酷的水果,它当之无愧。 www.kekenet.com 8. No need for storing sweaters and winter jackets here; they'll be just as necessary in July as they were in January. 在旧金山,无需为存放针织毛衣、冬季夹克衫这类的事情发愁,因为这些东西在7月和在1月一样,同样必不可缺。 www.bing.com 9. She said no one at Ambue Ari, which sprawls over 1, 991 acres of forest, had been killed by the cats since the refuge was created in 2002. 她说,自阿布?阿里避护所2002年建所以来,在其1991英亩林地的保护范围内,还没有发生一起猫科动物伤人致死的事件。 www.bing.com 10. Similarly, even if he doesn't like to do it, Obama seems to be embracing Bush as his No. 1 adversary. 同样,即便内心不愿如此,但奥巴马似乎应当将布什视作自己的头号敌人。 www.bing.com 1. Money was no object when it came to Jennifer Lopez giving birth: The star spent a whooping $1. 4 million for the arrival of her baby twins. 詹妮弗·洛佩兹生孩子简直就是挥金如土,这位女明星花了令人咂舌的140万美元来迎接她的双胞胎宝贝的到来。 www.elanso.com 2. Kwame Brown, one of the worst No. 1 overall draft picks ever, is at the end of a deal that pays him $9 million this season. 夸梅-布朗是有史以来最烂的状元,他那张每年9百万的合同即将到期。 www.tianya.cn 3. McKinsey found in surveys that saving for the cost of a university education was the No. 1 reason for families to save. 麦肯锡的研究报告说,大学教育的花费是中国家庭储蓄的头号理由。 www.bing.com 4. But if he was not aware, in equity (Rule 1 - 4) no penalty is incurred, and the ball must be played as it lies. 但是如果在这名球员不知道的情况下,本着公正的原则(规则1-4),他不受处罚,球也得在现有的位置打。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. If "Mocha emphasizes, " I were to fill gram adult in Delhi, I would in no case will allow different men to see her 1 extra eye. 摩卡强调,“如果我是塞德里克大人,我绝不会允许别的男人多看她一眼。” www.cqlxjt.net 6. If no other phenomena to circumstantial evidence to this point, the home has a pair or a Hom 1 cylinder, will be able to confirm. 倘若能再有其他的现象来旁证这一点,那上家手里有一对或一坎1筒,便能够证实了。 www.444mu.com 7. 'Definitely, our goal is to be No. 1 in the market' as measured by the amount of searches handled, he said. 他说,可以确定的是,我们的目标是要成为这个市场上所处理的搜索量最多的搜索引擎。 c.wsj.com 8. Q-Cells said earlier this month that it had overtaken Sharp as the world's No. 1 maker of solar cells in terms of volume in 2007. Q-Cells本月稍早表示,以产量而言,该公司在2007年已取代夏普成为全球最大太阳能电池制造商。 cn.reuters.com 9. "Firing 1, 000 people over six months was no fun at all, " he said. 他说:“六个月解雇了1000个员工可不是好玩的事儿。” www.bing.com 10. A few hours later, the company said that it observed smoke coming from the building housing the No. 1 reactor at the plant. 关闭几个小时之后,该公司说看到有烟从这座核电站一号核反应堆所在的建筑内冒出。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Anne Hathaway took the No 2 spot, earning the studios $64 off of her films for every dollar they spent for her. 女星安妮·海瑟薇夺得第二名,其每1美元片酬可带来64美元利润。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. He was very proud of it and once said he would always be the NO. 1, which made Bill Frith a little angry. 他为此感到十分自豪,有一次曾说他将永远是第一名。这让比尔有点恼火。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Indicates no descendant nodes are retrieved and a - 1 indicates that all descendant nodes might be retrieved and cached by the provider . 指示不检索子代节点,-1指示提供程序可检索和缓存所有子代节点。 www.bing.com 4. IN A country where livestock outnumber people by an order of 16 to one, animal welfare is no small matter. 在一个人畜比为1:16的国度,牲畜的生活条件如何绝不是件小事。 www.ecocn.org 5. Analysts said there was no sign of relief on the horizon, judging from the depth and breadth of January's labor market plunge. 分析师表示,从1月劳动力市场下跌的深度和广度来判断,短期内并无缓解迹象。 cn.reuters.com 6. Active A BIT column that indicates if the customer is currently active (1) or if the company no longer deals with this customer (0). active一个BIT列,用于说明客户当前是处于活动状态(1),还是公司不再与此客户有业务关系(0)。 www.ianywhere.com 7. Most importantly, there was no evidence of varus collapse as a result of polyaxial screw failure. 最重要的是,没有1例有预示多轴固定系统失败的内翻塌陷出现。 www.med66.com 8. And for that you will pay the investment professional 1% to 2% of your portfolio value annually, no matter the performance. 为此,不论你的投资回报如何,你每年都需要向他们支付投资组合总价值的1%到2%。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Globally, we are the No. 1 provider of sparkling beverages, juices and juice drinks and ready-to-drink teas and coffees . 在全球范围内,我们是第1提供商起泡饮料,果汁和果味饮料和即饮茶叶和咖啡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. 'I think the appetite is growing because once we deal with the budget, jobs are the No. 1 issue and China is the biggest concern, ' he said. 舒默说,我想有这种想法的人越来越多,因为一旦我们着手处理预算问题,就业将被摆在首位,中国也因此成为最大的关切。 chinese.wsj.com 1. And from a variety of circumstances we have no one to tell us whether it be worth attaining. 但是,死因尽管多种多样[1],却没有一个人能够告诉我们这件事情到底值不值得实现。 www.ebigear.com 2. There was no placebo control in this phase 1 study, but the apparent dose-dependent pain relief was encouraging to us, " Fink says. " 虽然在这项1期临床试验中并没有采用安慰剂进行对照,但是令我们感到鼓舞的是治疗导致的疼痛缓解作用具有明显的剂量-依赖关系。 news.dxy.cn 3. I get so excited when a song I wrote that's very personal to me goes No. 1 and I look down and see people singing the words back to me. 自己写的一首如此私人的歌拿到了第一名;站在舞台上往下看,人们唱着我写的歌,这些都让我无比激动。 www.i21st.cn 4. The government spokesman, Yukio Edano, said reactor No. 1 was the focus of attention but that there was no sign of new damage. 日本政府发言人枝野幸男(YukioEdano)说,一号反应堆是关注焦点,但没有新的受损迹象。 c.wsj.com 5. They found a nearly complete fossil skeleton, no bigger than a swallow, with a wingspan of just 10 inches (25 centimeters). 他们发现有一个接近完成的化石骨架,没有大于1海燕,翼展仅10英寸(25厘米)。 www.en400.com:8080 6. It is no use being able to produce ethanol from trees if it costs $5 a gallon. 若花5美元从树木中制造1嗧乙醇就失去了意义。 www.ecocn.org 7. They have no interest in watching 1, 000 flowers of innovation bloom all over the company. 他们没有兴趣看到公司开遍创新之花。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Over and over again, they were asked to tell the difference between the 1, 000 Hertz tone and a lower tone but showed no improvement. 经过很多次培训后,在被要求区分1000赫兹标准音与某较低音之间的差别时他们毫无进步。 www.bing.com 9. I mean, only very few players have finished a year as No. 1, and to do it two years in a row is very special. 我是说只有极少数的球员能够以第一的排名结束一个赛季,而连续两年如此就尤其难得。 www.yayan123.com 10. If no number of activities turns out to be greater than 1, then it exits and does not proceed with delivery. 如果活动的数量没有超过1,那么它就会存在并且不会继续交付下去。 www.ibm.com 1. Asahi is also planning to start talks with South Korea's No. 1 soft drinks maker Lotte Group for a tie-up in South Korea, the paper said. 该报报导称,朝日啤酒还计划与韩国软饮制造业龙头乐天集团(LotteGroup)就在韩国结盟一事进行商谈。 cn.reuters.com 2. In carrying out "No. 1-" process, the company accumulated a great deal of wealth of experience. 在开展“一号通”过程中,我公司积累了大量丰富的经验。 www.tonke.cn 3. An integer representing the next character to be read, or -1 if no more characters are available or the stream does not support seeking. 表示下一个要读取的字符的整数,或者,如果没有更多的可用字符或该流不支持查找,则为-1。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Step 1: Finish the following sentences by writing down whatever comes from your gut, no matter how silly it may seem to your brain. 第一步:用第一时间想到的回答完成下列句子,不论这在你的脑子看来多么愚蠢。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. There was no evident difference between the reaction of two spring wheats (Jinchun1 and 1608) and the winter wheat (Xiaoyan 22) to PDJ. 两种春小麦(金春1号、l608)和一种冬小麦(小偃22)之间对PDJ的反应没有明显的冬春性间的差别; word.hcbus.com 6. On the basis of the above research, we find that: (1) International trade has no significant effect on Fujian's technological innovation. 通过以上研究,我们发现:(1)福建省基于国际贸易的技术创新效应并不显著,自主研发是福建技术进步的主要动力; www.fabiao.net 7. The birds fell over a 1-mile area of Beebe, and an aerial survey indicated that no other dead birds were found outside of that area. 鸟群掉落在毕博市内方圆一英里的范围内,一份天线调查报告显示,区域外未发现其他死亡掉落的鸟。 www.bing.com 8. While he was at the university, he was determined to be the No. 1 in his class, but he approached this goal step by step. 在上大学的时侯,他就下决心成为班上的第一名,但他是一步一步迈向这个目标的。 www.8875.org 9. No, Even a dollar is all right. Here's your passbook, sir; just sign your name on it. 没有。即使1美元都行。这是你的存折,先生;在上面签上你的名字。 www.hxen.com 10. "No. 1" big dipper ground control center of the system can be expanded to a new generation of navigation system ground control center. “北斗一号”系统的地面控制中心站可扩建为新一代导航系统的地面控制中心站。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. There is an air hole nearby of the flange of No. 1 sanitary pump inlet pipe, to be renewed. 1号清洁泵入口管的法兰盘附近有气洞,需换新。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Mr Liveris says he is considering several $1 billion-plus deals, but has no intention of buying businesses if he harbours doubts about them. 利伟诚先生说他正考虑几个价值10多亿美元的交易项目,但若心存疑虑则无意进行并购。 www.ecocn.org 3. On the broader question of whether the 1. 5m women constituted a single class, the court's five conservatives said no. 在更深层的问题上,150万女性员工是否能作为单单一个集体来发起诉讼,法院五名保守派成员的答案是否。 www.ecocn.org 4. For now, Japan has no trouble raising funds to meet its debts, and interest rates on government bonds are barely above 1%. 目前,日本在筹集资金偿还债务方面尚未遇到困难,政府债券利率也仅勉强高过1%。 www.ecocn.org 5. Eleven thousand letters later, the software engineer from Portsmouth, N. H. , has no plans to slow down. 即使已写了1万1千多封信,这位来自朴茨茅斯的软件工程师仍未觉得满足。 www.hjenglish.com 6. It's hard to say, but I think definitely in the top two countries and I wouldn't be surprised if China finishes No. 1. 这很难说,不过我想前两名的位置是很肯定的,而且中国最终获得第一我也不会觉得奇怪。 lechengpie.g.ifensi.com 7. 'It is amazing they have come become No. 1 in the world with so little financial support, ' he said bemoaning the low salaries of the women. 在严重缺乏资金支持的情况下日本女足还能夺冠真是令人惊讶,但他也感叹女性的工资较低。 3us-old.enghunan.gov.cn 8. If I were a parent counseling other parents right now, the No. 1 thing I would say is stay away from College Confidential. 如果我是一个家长辅导其他家长现在,第一件事我想说的是远离学院机密了。 www.englishtang.com 9. Mercury will no longer be retrograde as of January 15, so you can safely launch plans and sign key documents a few days after that. 水星将不再逆行年1月15日,所以你可以放心的发布计划,并签署了几天之后,重要文件。 www.douban.com 10. The duration of a performance routine is no more than 2 minutes and no less than one (1) minute. 其中表演环节的持续时间不得超过2分钟,同时也不能低于1分钟。 www.sycste.org 1. 'People seem to be using the election as the No. 1 excuse to sit on their hands, ' Mr. Hickey said. 希基说,人们似乎是把选举当成了按兵不动的头号借口。 c.wsj.com 2. Nokia's Symbian operating system has maintained the No. 1 spot worldwide, thanks to the company's broad distribution of its handsets. 诺基亚的Symbian操作系统一直保持世界排名第一的位置,这源于该公司手机在各地区的广泛分布。 www.bing.com 3. The Catholic Church has examined the story of Martin of Opava and has shown that there was no interval between Benedict 111 and Nicholas 1. 天主教会审阅过奥帕瓦的马丁的描述后表示,在教皇本笃三世至尼古拉一世之间并无间期。 www.bing.com 4. Chiew said an IDC survey of hospitals found that the No. 1 strategic business focus in the next one to two years is 'upgrading technology. 她说,IDC一项对医院的调查显示,今后一年或两年的首要战略业务中心是“更新技术”。 www.voa365.com 5. The results were found as the followings: 1. There was no difference in APTT and PT among different fitness index groups. 2. 所得结果如下:1。不同体能指数组在活化部分凝血活酶时间及凝血酶原时间上,没有显著差异。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. JSF 1. x has no facility for handling these so component developers typically have to develop their own mechanism. JSF1.x无法方便地处理这些内容,所以组件开发者不得不开发自己的处理机制。 www.infoq.com 7. Spend 1 hour on this small island with friendly monkey's that will no doubt join you on the beach. 花一个小时的时间在这个岛上游玩,友好的猴子们会毫不犹豫地跟你们在海滩上玩耍。 www.formyshop.com 8. 1 Let no one therefore despise him, but send him forward in peace that he may come to me; for I am awaiting him with the brothers. 1所以无论谁,都不可藐视他。但你们要送他平安前行,使他可以到我这里来,因我正等待他和弟兄们同来。 edu.china.com 9. Government documents in the matter make no mention of the 18, 000 rupees. 相关政府文件中没有提到这1.8万卢比。 www.cn.wsj.com 10. Stallone then offered him $1, 000 for the dog, to which the man replied, "No amount of money is going to buy you this dog. " 史泰龙出到1000美元。但那个人回答:“不管多少钱都不会卖。” www.elanso.com 1. The bottom line of the goods is 10 thousand yuan, there's no chance of a lower price. 这批货的底限价是1万元,低于这个价钱没得商量了。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. It recently climbed back to the No. 1, according to research firm Dealogic, but the fact that it had to stage a come back was unusual. 最近根据全球数据处理公司的调查,它爬回了第一,但事实上,它能走上舞台已经实属不易。 www.bing.com 3. Without the hidden field (see Figure 1), the refresh machinery has no way to detect if the next postback is a refresh or a submit. 如果没有隐藏字段(参见图1),刷新机制将无法检测下一个回发是刷新还是提交。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. It was nice for a day or two to stand on top of the mountain and breathe in the fresh, rarified air of the No. 1 seed all alone. 能够只身站立在山顶,呼吸一下第一的新鲜空气,即使只有一两天,想必感觉也相当不错了啊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. If no text appears in the next step, it is possible your host assigned a different device, so increment 0 to 1 and try again. 在下一步如果没有文本出现,很有可能您的主机分配了一个不同的设备,因此,从0增加到1再试一次。 www.ibm.com 6. If it exceeds $1, 000, they will be upgraded to the standard platform and will no longer be able to trade minis. 若账户净值高于1,000美元,则账户将被升至成为通用账户,不再以微账户平台交易。 tieba.baidu.com 7. If the manufactory has no clear stipulation, arrange for 1 year or so in general after being put into operation formally. 若制造厂无明确规定,一般安排在正式投产后1年左右。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. A woman may earn 76 cents on the dollar for the same work as a man, but she can fabricate, like, 85 cents no problem. 同样的工作,一个男人挣1美元的时候,一个女人只能拿到76美分,但是她可以捏造,比如说,写成85美分是没问题的。 www.bing.com 9. One major casualty of this breakdown has been a more engaged policy toward China, which is Taiwan's No. 1 trading partner. 这种崩溃中,受到重大伤害的是加强对大陆接触的政策。大陆是台湾头号贸易伙伴。 www.stnn.cc 10. I have no to this kind of person good cope with move, will say 1 to have no fighting strength of: You are so boring. Then force-out just. 我对这种人没有很好的应付招数,只会说一句毫无战斗力的:你好无聊。然后封杀而已。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. eg: 1. There is no question of her guilt. 意思是:毫无疑问她是无罪的。 www.unsv.com 2. The state faces a deficit of $19. 1 billion and still has no budget, three months after the state constitution says it was due. 州政府面临着191亿美元的赤字,而且至今还没有预算,这离宪法规定的预算确定时间已经过去了三个月。 www.ecocn.org 3. There was no evacuation of the roughly 1, 000 workers stationed at Daiichi after the high radiation levels were discovered. 在如此高的辐射等级被测出后,安置在第一核电站的周围的约1,000名工人并没有撤离。 www.bing.com 4. No. 1 engine fire warning. Engine shut down in flight. Left fire bottle was discharged. Fault light was illuminated. 1发火警警告,空中关车,左把火弄灭瓶已释放,妨碍灯亮。 www.feedschina.com 5. I've had no injuries recently, I've worked well and am really prepared to fight for the No1 position. 我最近没有伤病,我干得很好,准备好了为争夺1号门将而战。 www.bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. But from his point of view (he probably owns no more than 1% of Cadbury), what's the downside to bluffing? 不过从他的角度说(或许他在吉百利的持股还不到1%),说大话又有什么坏处呢? chinese.wsj.com 7. and a heat treatment step in which the substrate (1) is heated in an atmosphere containing substantially no oxygen and hydrogen. 在镀敷处理工序后,将基材1在实质上不含有氧和氢的气氛中加热的热处理工序。 ip.com 8. Their 1993 paper reported that 9. 1% of the economists gave no money at all -- more than twice as many holdouts as in any other field. 他们在1993年的一篇论文中透露,其中9.1%的经济学家没有任何捐款,这个比例是其他领域的教授的两倍多。 c.wsj.com 9. After all, fighting inflation and preserving the integrity of working citizens' hard-earned euros is the bank's No. 1 task. 毕竟,抗击通胀保护工薪阶层辛苦挣来的欧元是欧洲央行第一要务。 www.bing.com 10. Set in your calendar to open your letter 1 year from now. Put this envelope in a safe place where no one can access to it. 在日历上注明,1年后的今天你要打开这封信。把这封信放在安全的地方,确保别人看不到。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Set in your calendar to open your letter 1 year from now. Put this envelope in a safe place where no one can access to it. 在日历上注明,1年后的今天你要打开这封信。把这封信放在安全的地方,确保别人看不到。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. Tips: Did you know? Making a presentation in public is the no. 1 fear reported by people in the U. S. 你知道吗?对公共演讲的恐惧被美国人视为在所有恐惧中是排在第一位的。 www.hxen.com 3. NO. 1 engine fire warning. Engine shut down in air. Fire bottle left was discharged. Fault was illuminated. 1发火警警告。空中发动机关车。左灭火瓶已释放。故障灯亮。 zhan.renren.com 4. I suddenly feel some self-ridicules, read so book for several years, have no 1 to tell me, how get away from the circumstances in present. 我突然觉得有些自嘲,读了这么多年书,就没有一条告诉我,要怎样摆脱现今的境遇。 www.yycaf.com 5. For foreign investors, the prospect of having access to a market of 1 billion consumers no longer seems like a pipe dream. 对于外商来说,进入拥有10亿消费者市场的前景不再是白日梦。 bbs.med66.com 6. 'We can expect to see more fluctuations in the radiation levels as we continue venting the No. 1 and No. 3 reactors, ' he said. 他说,随着一号反应堆和三号反应堆继续排放蒸汽,预计辐射水平会出现更多波动。 chinese.wsj.com 7. A SABMiller spokesman had no comment to make on Foster's and said it planned no announcements on Monday. SABMiller发言人未就富仕达作评,并表示周一无计划作出宣布.公司股价周一收盘上扬1. cn.reuters.com 8. The formula is all natural with no added hormones, yet it's so concentrated, you only need to take 1 or 2 capsules per day. 其配方不但全天然,不含任何添加荷尔蒙,且十分浓缩,您每天只需食用1或2粒。 www.sunrider.com 9. During his tenure, H. P. surpassed I. B. M. as the No. 1 technology company, as revenue increased to $115billion a year, from $80 billion. 在其任期内,惠普超过I.B.M.成为了最大的技术公司,年收入从800亿美元增加到1150亿美元。 www.bing.com 10. Asked if he saw himself reaching No. 1, he said 'Why not? ' 被问到他是否认为自己会成为首富时,他回答说,为什么不会呢? chinese.wsj.com 1. As you can see in Listing 1, no explicit reference is made to any XML tag. 从清单1中可以看出,这里没有明确引用任何XML标签。 www-128.ibm.com 2. I'm trying to catch college students. You're the No. 1 notebook on college campuses. 我试着吸引大学生的注意力。因为你在大学圈子里是首选的笔记本。 qac.yappr.cn 3. She said that since then, members have uploaded more than 4 million photos a day, making Facebook the No. 1 photo sharing site on the Web. 她说,自从那时起,用户每天上传400多万张照片,这使Facebook成为网络上照片分享网站的头号网站。 www.bing.com 4. When such a request was received, the blood was given a No. 1 priority and sent to Japan immediately on a cargo or passenger plane. 当接到这样的要求是,血液会优先供给,通过货船或客机立即被运送到日本。 cbs.ausbio.com 5. It says there is 'no convincing evidence' to support the Department of Health's assertion that screening saves 1, 400 lives a year. 而且,目前没有令人信服的证据来支持卫生署所谓的“定期做乳腺癌检查每年可以挽救1400人的生命”这一说法。 www.bing.com 6. No Contracting Party shall be obliged to apply paragraphs (1), (2) and (5) to any mistake which cannot be corrected under its law. 任何缔约方均无义务对其法律无法纠正的错误适用第(2)款、第(2)款和第(5)款。 dict.ebigear.com 7. In January, the U. S. had no response to my two page abstract submitted to the African American AIDS 2000 conference. 今年1月,美国没有对我提交给2000年非洲裔艾滋病会议的两个页面摘要作出反应。 club.china.com 8. Excuse No. 1: Just around the corner, there's a rainbow in the sky. 借口1:光明就在前头,天空已经出现彩虹。 www.bing.com 9. Combining with the weight normalized method, so that the weighted support is no more than 1, which is easier to understand. 通过结合权值归一化思惟,使加权支持度不大于1,更易于理解。 www.qk114.net 10. From January 1 this year onwards, the total flights Yongqiang Airport is no longer restricted. 从今年1月1日开始,永强机场的航班总量不再受限制。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 1. No table may contain two or more 1: n or n: m relationships that are not directly related. 没有表会包含两个或更多一对多或多对多的关系,如果这些关系不是直接相关的话。 www.bugsboard.net 2. However, this is now a powerful army generals retired, actually no match for a plot of calumny. 1 "Man Jiang Hong, " tells all his thoughts. 然而,这个现退了千军万马的将军,竟敌不过一句阴谋的谗言。一曲《满江红》道出了他所有的思绪。 www.tradeask.com 3. To the international audience of money men and critics assembled here, it shows that in the pop-culture business, America is No. 1. 对于聚集于此的全球商界人士和批评家而言,它表明在流行文化领域,美国仍是No.1。 www.bing.com 4. The host the program '%1' was trying to reach is unreachable, no route to host. 程序“%1”试图连接的主机无法接通,没有到主机的路由。 translations.launchpad.net 5. 1 Means that the publication has active subscriptions, and 0 means that the publication has no subscriptions. 1表示发布具有活动订阅,0表示发布没有订阅。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Host: what reason you think . you still no. 1 in this business? 你认为是什么原因造成了你现在仍然排名第一? hi.baidu.com 7. "We're trying to do more things with the same clients -- that's job No. 1, " Guyett said. 他表示:“我们正尝试给同样的客户提供更多服务--这是首要任务。” cn.reuters.com 8. These recommendations begin on 1 cause they are in some of no practical significance of the factors do not know the set up up up. 这些建议一开始就导致他们是在一些没有任何实际意义的不知道的因素上建立起来的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. As long as the pointing error is no more than 1 or 2 percent of the main mirror's diameter, it makes no visible difference. 只要误差在主镜直径的百分之一或二以内,目视是觉察不到的。 www.showxiu.com 10. Tasks with no regular reminders might as well be entered by hand or set up using at(1) to be entered at an appropriate time. 不需要常规提示的任务可以手工输入,或者使用at(1)设置为在适当的时候输入。 www.ibm.com 1. There was no significant difference on the storage effects of hosui pear fruit between different dose of 1-MCP. 不同剂量1-MCP处理对丰水梨果实的保鲜效果无显著差异。 www.chemyq.com 2. Some also said there might have been missteps in handling Reactor No. 1. 有一些人还表示在处理第一反应堆时可能存在失策。 www.bing.com 3. Despite the hyped talk of China's rise, most Americans operate on the assumption that the U. S. is still No. 1. 尽管中国地位上升的大肆炒作,大多数美国人仍然停留在美国是世界第一的假设上。 www.bing.com 4. Hold No. 1 was on fire and timber stowed in it was burning fiercely. Obviously, fire spread was due to heat transference through bulkhead. 第一舱起火,舱内木材猛烈燃烧,火的蔓延显然是由于舱壁传热所致。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Gao San's mathematics touch bottom a boy ask: Teacher draw to have no pencil, lend 1 to still keep using a fountain - pen? 高三数学摸底一男生问:老师,画图没有铅笔,是借一支还是用钢笔? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. All passengers of deck No. 1 are requested to follow the crew members who will escort you to your assembly stations. 所有在1号甲板上的旅客请跟随船员,他们将带你们到集合地点。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Results There was no death of patient in hospital, however, a patient died 7th month postoperatively because of cerebrovascular accident. 结果本组无住院死亡,1例术后7个月因脑血管意外死亡,1例术后并发房颤。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Zhang Qin, a 31-year-old tourist from Beijing, said the No. 1 appeal of Japanese products was their perceived superior quality. 31岁的张琴(音)来自北京,她说日本产品的首要吸引力是公认的上乘质量。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. In January 2007, he described creating a thing 'which has no purpose, which is absolutely conceptual and highly theoretical. ' 在2007年1月,他形容在设计一个“没有目的、纯粹概念式的,且极其理论化”的东西。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Third Officer: The lashings of the deck cargo on No. 1 hatch top have released. Some packs of timber are lost over the side. 三副:1号舱上部甲板货的帮扎绳索松开。几捆木材掉到了舷外。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Editor & Publisher also said the decline could threaten USA Today's No. 1 position. 该杂志还称,这可能会威胁《今日美国》全美发行排行第一的地位。 cn.reuters.com 2. Ballmer said Microsoft has no plans to boost a cash-and-stock offer for Yahoo that stood at $31 a share when announced Jan. 1月31日微软宣布以现金加股票的方式收购雅虎,在当时相当于每股31美元。 www.qeto.com 3. The worst solution, of course, is no protection at all against the #1 vulnerability. 当然,最糟糕的解决办法就是根本不对这个第一号的缺陷提供保护。 www.ibm.com 4. And yet no one has tried seriously to close the gap, which can be done only by (1) raising taxes or (2) cutting expenditures. 然而,从来没有人认真考虑来弥补这个缺口,方法有两个,要么提高税率,要么降低支出。 www.bing.com 5. I've got no way of knowing whether current defences (in Holland, say) are able to withstand an extra 1 metre of mean sea level. 我没有其他途径来了解现存的堤坝(比如说在荷兰的)是不是可以抵御一米高的海水。 www.bing.com 6. No surprise, considering 100 million of them, in their many variations, are still believed to be in circulation. 这不奇怪,想想看据信有1亿只这种步枪(包括各种型号)仍在流通。 www.bing.com 7. I may be the only one against it, but no good deal sees the release of 1, 000 killers. 也许只有我一个人反对这次交易,但是没什么理由释放上千个杀人犯。 www.bing.com 8. Hostesses are often ranked according to popularity among clients, with the No. 1 of each club assuming the status of a star. 女招待通常会根据客户人气进行排名,每个俱乐部都设有头牌明星。 www.bing.com 9. Comparisons showed no significant difference between the automated and manual counts: the average difference was only about one percent. 比较的结果显示两种方法所得值没有明显差异:平均差异仅1%。 news.dxy.cn 10. Third Mate: The dock side crane is not working. The stevedores used our cranes one hour ago. No. 1 crane motor is inoperative as well. 三副:岸吊不好用,1小时前装卸工用我们吊。1舱吊的电机也不好用。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. His nurse calls for an ambulance (no, my wife cannot drive me 1. 5 miles to the hospital - the doctor said this would be too dangerous). 他的护士打电话叫了一辆救护车。(不,我太太不可以载我去2.5公里远的医院-医生说这太危险) www.bing.com 2. Rule No. 1 for teaching your kids what you do for a living: Bring them along for some of the ride. 教你的孩子明白你是靠什么为生的,首要规则是:把他们领到路上来。 www.bing.com 3. RB: No, he told me jump, but once his weight had gone, the balloon just shot up to 12, 000 feet and I . . . 理:不,他告诉我跳伞,但是一旦他挑出舱外,给飞船减负气球就直窜1万2千米高空 www.ted.com 4. It says the Ugandan government moved fewer than 10, 000 people and that the company's employees witnessed no violence. 它说,乌干达政府迁走的居民数量不到1万人,公司的员工没有看到任何暴力行为。 cn.wsj.com 5. What they found was a company with a No. 1 position in servers and cash-generating businesses in software, services, and printers. 他们发现惠普在服务器领域的老大地位仍然无人能撼动,另外惠普的软件、服务和打印机业务也是赚钱的。 www.fortunechina.com 6. Just 1 little things, the taxi drivers may not know the actual location of this hotel coz it's not located at main road, but no big deal. 只有一件小事情,的士司机可能不知道这家酒店怎么走,因为这家酒店真正的位置不是设在主要道路,但没什么大不了的。 www.vikecn.com 7. "It's nice to be the world's No. 1, but it's just a passing mark, " Takanashi said. “能够成为是世界第一当然很好,但是它现在只是一个停车场,”Takanashi说。 www.bing.com 8. The Russian stock market has added no less than $1 trillion in wealth, fueled by a surge of foreign investment getting in on Russia's boom. 在参与俄罗斯繁荣的外国投资大潮的助推下,俄罗斯股票市场增加了不少于1万亿美元的财产。 blog.163.com 9. "Today the problem is a rising China that is not democratic and is challenging for the No. 1 position in the world, " he said. 他说“现在的问题是日益崛起的中国不是一个民主国家并且正在挑战世界第一强国的地位。” www.bing.com 10. All meetings shall continue to be held when Storm Signal No. 1 or No. 3 is hoisted , or when a Rainstorm Amber or Red Warning is in force . 当悬挂1号戒备信号或3号强风信号,或当黄色或红色暴雨警告生效时,所有会议将继续如期行。 www.bing.com 1. The result presents the mean rate of flow velocity is 0. 91 which has no relationship with sand trap in the flow field. 得到的主要结论有:1。流场中有无集沙仪两种情况下测得速度的平均比值为0. www.juhe8.com 2. Also, you will no longer be able to configure a transport rule on the Edge Transport server to stamp a message that has an SCL value of -1. 此外,您无法再将边缘传输服务器上的传输规则配置为标记SCL值为-1的邮件。 technet.microsoft.com 3. As referred to Listing 1, there is no longer need to connect to two databases. 正如清单1中引用的,不再需要连接两个数据库。 www.ibm.com 4. Meanwhile, reports in Italy suggest Juventus, who tried to sign Alonso last summer, have once again made him their No 1 target. 同时,报告说尤文图斯也在试图签去年夏天他们的1号目标:阿隆索。 tieba.baidu.com 5. it has no formal alliance, but is recognized for lackey potential by Houses #1-7. 这个家族没有正式的盟友,但是被公认为可能会成为1-7家族潜在的走卒。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Single accounts can now take no more than 0. 1 per cent of any deal, reducing the incentive to throw out ever-higher bids. 如今,单一账户不能竞购超过任何交易之0.1%的股票,此举降低了提交越来越大竞购额的动机。 www.ftchinese.com 7. As you should remember from Part 1, marker annotations have no member variables. 您应该还记得第1部分中曾经提到,标记注释没有成员变量。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Vendor which has no major quality deficiency in past business since 01 Jan 2006 before this procedure is effected. 2自2006年1月1日起,在公司推行本程序前已经往来,且无重大质量不良厂商。 img3.zhubajie.com 9. The USA has no intentions of repaying 1. 6 trillion dollars to China. . . a war with China will erase that debt fast enough! 美国根本就不想还中国1.6万亿美金债务,与中国打一场战会很快抹去这笔债务。 www.ltaaa.com 10. The bar counter style hot pot was introduced to the mainland in 1998. The company said it puts its sanitation as a No 1 priority. 1998年,呷哺呷哺吧台式小火锅被引入大陆,企业称“坚持卫生清洁第一”。 www.360doc.com 1. The next character from the input stream, or negative one (-1) if there are currently no more characters to be read. 输入流中的下一个字符;如果当前没有更多的字符可供读取,则为负一(-1)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. That is pure luck, because my accuracy is no better than a tenth of a second. 这是纯靠运气,因为我的准确度不会,比0。1秒高。 open.163.com 3. When a country of 1. 3 billion has no political dissent. . . something is wrong. 一个有十三亿人口的国家没有政治异见……这可有问题了。 forum.nationonline.com 4. NO. 1 is a place for you to experience the atmosphere of Sado . 在1号楼,你可以体验到茶道的氛围。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. is not a valid computer name. A valid name must: 1. Be at least one character, but no longer than 15. 2. 不是有效的计算机名,有效的名称必须:1。至少1个字符,但不能多于15个字符。 www.tdict.com 6. So a teenager who can beat any world No. 1 obviously I knew is going to become a future champion really. 因此一个能够击败世界第一的小娃娃毫无疑问会成为一个未来的真正的冠军。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Patek Philippe watches the output of the company, there are strict limitations, each no more than 1 million. 百达翡丽公司对手表的产量有严格的限制,每款不会超过1万只。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Average Joe's are a 50-1 underdog here today. No one is giving them much of a chance. 大众健身队今天的获胜赔率是1赔50。没有人相信他们有机会获胜。 www.engxue.com 9. The Beijing No 1 Intermediate Court did not respond to requests for comment. 北京第一中级人民法院也未对置评请求作出答复。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Chandrayaan-1's flawless launch has boosted India's image in the world. There is no doubt about it. 月球初航1号飞船的发射提升了印度在全球的国家形象,这点是无庸置疑的。 bbs.ifeng.com 1. LIBOR Range Risk - If the USD 3 Month LIBOR moves up to a certain level , there will be no interest return after Year 1 . LIBOR息率风险除第1年外,假若3个月美元LIBOR上升至某个水平,存户将不会获派任何利息。 www.bing.com 2. you for the prompt execution of this order. Everything appears to be correct and in good condition except in case No. 1-92. 非常感谢贵方对此订单及时执行,除了1-92号箱货物外全部货物正确无误,安全抵达。 www.hnfjc.cn 3. The clots were thought to occur in a handful of every 1, 000 patients, but no one knows how long the risk continues. 每千人中只有很少的病人会出现血栓形成,但是没人知道这种风险会持续多久。 www.dxy.cn 4. There was no serious complication. 1 case occurred periorbital extravasated blood (2. 2%). 无严重并发症发生,出现下睑肿胀、轻微眶周淤血1例(2.2%)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The pain is being felt throughout the U. S. industry, but it's especially keen in California, the No. 1 dairy state. 美国工业正在感受到这种悲哀,而一号奶制品大州加利福尼亚州感受尤其强烈。 www.suiniyi.com 6. Conclusion : 1. NO mouse serum levels of increased intestinal inflammation may be the basis for one of the pathophysiology. 2. 结论:1.小鼠血清NO水平的升高,可能是肠黏膜炎症的病理生理学基础之一。 www.fabiao.net 7. The runners were neck and neck in the beginning of the race but the world no. 1 overtook the others in the last 20 meters. 起步时,各个跑手都相当接近,但在最后20米,世界排名第一的选手抛离了其他对手。 news.mso.com.cn 8. Clerk: At least 600 yuan. To-morrow is Sunday. Why not get a student guide from Sanya No. 1 Middle School? 服务员:至少六百元。明天是星期天。您可以到三亚一中找一位学生导游。 www.sycb.com.cn 9. Do you think China's economy is well-positioned for future growth, or must bigger changes occur for it to become the world's No. 1 economy? 你认为中国经济能在未来发展中良好定位吗?或者中国经济成为世界第一经济体会必然产生巨大的变化? www.bing.com 10. If he had no patience of holding money, he would impossibly keep buying 1 dollar stock for 4 dimes. 如果巴菲特不善于持币,是不可能总能以4毛钱买到1块钱的股票的。 www.ccjk.com 1. Step 5 - If, in a previous step, a bottleneck has been broken (i. e. a bottleneck is no longer a bottleneck) go back to Step 1. 如果在之前的步骤中,一个瓶颈被打破(比如某个瓶颈不再是瓶颈),那就回到步骤1。 www.infoq.com 2. TC-1 requires no environmental labelling according to EU legislation and has no bioaccumulation. 根据EU的规定,TC-1不需标注环保标签,不造成生物体内积累。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. She was voted No 1 as the Most Desirable Woman in 2005 by visitors of the men's lifestyle website, AskMen. com. 2005年,她被男性时尚网站AskMen.com的网友评为“男人最想得到的女人”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. A second single, " Just to Hear You Say That You Love Me, " hit No. 1 on Aug. 1998年8月12日,又一首歌《只想听你说你爱我》勇夺排行榜冠军。 news.xinhuanet.com 5. And in a fund where even 1% of the assets have no buyers, says Crane, "the fund could break the buck. " 一只基金即使有1%的资产没有买家,这个基金也会跌破净值。 www.bing.com 6. I have been a happy man ever since January 1, 1990, when I no longer had an email address. 从1990年1月1日起不再拥有电子邮件地址之后,我一直是一个快乐的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. IBI Group is an international company ranking No. 1 in Canada. The head quarter is in Toronto, Canada. IBI是加拿大排名第一的国际化集团,总部位于加拿大多伦多。 hr.wtojob.com 8. However, 1, 000 bad passing tests are worse than no tests at all because bad tests give you a false sense of confidence. 但是,1,000个坏的传递测试比不进行试测更糟糕,因为坏的测试会给您一个错误的自信意识。 www.ibm.com 9. The No. 1 domestic commitment of the next Administration is to control inflation. 下届政府对国内承担的首要义务是控制通货膨胀。 www.zhongzhao.com 10. For the Number1 time I HAs searched what I can truly love. Don't get if apart since me. 我生平NO·1次找到我真正的爱,你无所不能把她拿走。 www.ffenglish.com 1. Yet the No. 1 concern of Google's engineers was their access, or lack of it, to Google's production code. 然而工程师们最关心的当然是他们没有权限进入Google的产品代码库。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. As China's No. 1 leader, Mr. Hu heads the Central Military Commission, the top military body, as well as the Communist Party. 作为中国头号领导人,胡先生领导军队最高单位中央军事委员会和共产党。 www.bing.com 3. It was only later, she said, she realized, I became No. 1. 只是到后来,她说,她意识到我是第一。 yy.china-b.com 4. The first step to be a successful manager by admitting you don't HAs all the answers s. 要做唯一胜利的经理人NO·1步就要承认你否则全能。 www.bing.com 5. You know what our class is No. 1 in the basketball competition. 告诉你一个消息:我们班在篮球赛上获第一名。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. These transformations are still involutions with the set of fixed points having codimension 1, but they are no longer isometries. 这些变换仍对合于有余维度1的不动点的集合,但它们不在是等距的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. All of this means that pundits and prognosticators will now increasingly focus on the next milestone: No. 1. 这一切都意味着,权威人士和预测专家们现在将会越来越关注下一个里程碑:第一名。 c.wsj.com 8. ( Gen 1: 31) That means in God's creation there was no evil, God's Word separated good and evil. (创世记1:31)这是说神的创造中是没有邪恶的,神的话把美善与邪恶分开。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Switching parity regarding cores 0 and 1 also seems to make no difference with larger packets. 切换关于核心0和1的奇偶校验看起来也与较大的数据包没有什么不同。 www.ibm.com 10. Kansas State freshman forward Michael Beasley, the other potential No. 1 pick, worked out in Chicago and in Miami this past week. 堪萨斯州立大学的一年级前锋迈克。比斯利是另外一个潜在的头号新秀,在上周为芝加哥与迈阿密进行了试训。 club.sohu.com 1. They came up with three: a seamless transition with no shutdown at all, a shutdown in October or a shutdown in early January. 最终给出了三种解决方案:立即转型而不必停业;在10月或者明年1月初关门。 club.topsage.com 2. Just as simple as the NO. 1 great architect of the universe God creates everything in the world. 就如宇宙第一号建筑师上帝创造宇宙万物那么朴素。 chamrao.blog.163.com 3. u Excavated soil must be piled no closer than an equal to the depth and no less than 1 meter. 挖出的土必须堆放在不小于深度的地方,不少于1米。 sinohse.com 4. And it's not a nation any automaker can ignore: China passed the U. S. as the No. 1 vehicle market in the world two years ago. 而一个不容任何汽车厂商忽视的事实是:早在2年前,中国的汽车销量已经超过美国,成为世界第一。 www.bing.com 5. In January, my boss told me I was no longer needed. 今年1月,我的老板对我说他们不需要我了。 www.bing.com 6. No wonder nation-states are rushing to get their levers of control into cyberspace while less than 1% of the world's population is online. 因为全球上网的人口还不到1%,怪不得各国都迫不及待想取得进入网络世界的控制权。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Jones is hoping to eventually become the Socceroors No. 1 but at the moment he is No. 2 with Fulham's Mark Schwarzer the regular custodian. 琼斯希望能够成为一号门将,但是目前这个位置被富勒姆的施瓦泽所占据着。 www.ept-team.com 8. Could he stay No. 1 while waking up in the night for feedings and diaper changes? 晚上喂奶,换尿布,他还能呆在1号的位置上长久吗? www.bing.com 9. She was rated the No. 1 Hottest Teen Female Star for 2003 based on her acting, singing, public appearances, and charity work. 基于她出色的表演、歌唱、公众形象和慈善事业活动,2003年她登上了“最具人气青少年女明星”排行榜第一名。 qkzz.net 10. No health effects have been observed in people exposed to concentrations up to 50% at 1atmosphere for 24 hours or longer. 在暴露于含氧高达50%、压力为1个大气压的空气中24小时或更长的人群中没有观察到对健康的影响。 www.51qiti.com 1. Furthermore herb injection Antiphlogistic No. 1 has obvious curatively effect to alleviate itch sense of the cases too. 抗炎一号注射液对急性皮炎湿疹病例的瘙痒感亦有显著改善作用。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 2. The hit singles and No 1 album have, evidently, not made her clam up for fear of adverse publicity. 热门单曲和专辑销量第一也不能使她闭口不谈对不当宣传的担心。 www.bing.com 3. But her fund raising is still no match for Obama's Internet-fueled money machine, which has been bringing in about $1 million a day. 但她的筹款依然比不上奥巴马的“网络烧钱机器”,一天大概进帐1,000,000美元。 www.bing.com 4. "Life is much easier for No 2, " he added. "When the sky collapses, there will be a No 1 who will hold it up. " 他还说“当老二,活着会容易一些;当天塌下来的时候,总有老大支撑着。” www.bing.com 5. The difference was not obvious in the water between the seedling engrafted by the two pumpkin stocks and the 'Minyan No. 1' seedling. 以2个南瓜品种作砧木嫁接后在水分方面与闽研1号实生苗差异不明显。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Let me tell you , I wish I can study harder and harder , then get the NO. 1 in our class. 让我告知你,我盼望我学习越来越尽力,在我们班拿到第一名。 chinaka.org 7. Early on Saturday Tepco said it had lost the ability to control pressure at the No. 1 and 2 reactors. 星期六的早些时候,电力公司说在1号和2号反应堆的压力已经失控。 www.bing.com 8. No blistering or the amount of corrosion as shown in Table 1 after the designated minimum number of hours. 没有起水泡或相当数量腐蚀依照被显示在表1在几小时以后的选定的最小数字。 beidu.org 9. All normal designs are made of high speed steel quality material no. 1 . 3343 and can be supplied in cobalt alloyed too. 所有的普通设计都是选用高速钢材质,钢号:1.3343并可提供钴合金材料。 www.bing.com 10. Before we ushering Contestant No. 1, we'll take a look at a short piece of video. 在有请1号选手之前,让我们看一小段录像。 video.2u4u.com.cn |
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