单词 | oil pollution |
释义 | 例句释义: 石油污染,油类污染,油渍污染,油液污染 1. Procedures to be followed by the Master or other crew in case of oil pollution. 一旦发生油污染船长和其它船员要遵守的程序。 www.cdcteam.com 2. Checking the certificates of type approval of oil pollution prevention equipment. 检查防油污设备的型式认可证书。 www.ccs.org.cn 3. Taiwan is an island country, her ships transportation is developed, the oil pollution is serious in her harbor. 台湾是海岛型国家,船舶运输发达,港湾的石油污染严重。 4. Oil pollution such defects can only be recognized by the reflected light, star-shaped mark is recognized by the transmitted light. 油污类瑕疵只能被反射光识别,星形痕迹则由透射光识别。 www.texclo.net 5. however the regulators rejected that, saying that oil pollution remained on the sea floor and that oil was still seeping from the seabed. 然而,监管者否认这点,表示海底仍存在石油污染,石油仍在从海床渗出。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The proper method to oil pollution is by means of biotechnology, which can be widespread. 油污染处理最为妥当的方法是生物处理技术,可进行推广使用。 www.chemyq.com 7. WILDLIFE group WWF Scotland warned yesterday (Monday) of the threat of an oil pollution incident from ship to ship transfers of Russian oil. 世界野生动物基金会WWF苏格兰分会在2月警告,污油事件可能发生在俄罗斯石油以船只接力运送的方式之间。 www.bing.com 8. Oil pollution is considered as a result of waste water drained from rivers and ships, and it has effects on the ocean environment. 初步认为,油类污染与江河径流和船舶排放废水有关,并对海洋环境有一定影响。 www.chemyq.com 9. Today, the birds face continuing hurdles from oil pollution and a dwindling food supply. 现在这些鸟又要面对原油污染造成的围栏和不断减少的食物来源。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. OIL POLLUTION CONTROL EQUIPMENT FOR WATERS. BASE PLATE FOR ATTACHMENT ON VESSELS OF DISPERSANT SPREADERS. SPECIFICATIONS. 水的油污染控制设备.分散剂撒布容器上附着的基板.规范 www.mapeng.net 1. The chapter four are discussions on the puzzle that how to bear the liabilities of oil pollution damage between(among) the crashing ships. 第4章针对碰撞的各船之间如何对油污损害承担责任问题进行论述。 www.13191.com 2. in order to improve water use efficiency and reduce the cost of raw materials must be kept clean water roll, from oil pollution. 为了提高水辊的利用率,降低原材料消耗,就必须保持水辊清洁,不沾油污。 www.bing.com 3. Any oil pollution founded round my vessel should be reported to captain during the watch. 在值班期间发现本船周围有任何油污迹象都应立即报告船长。 www.shipman.org.cn 4. The modern situation of oil pollution, the category and the way of its engendering in the process of oil production were analyzed. 从分析石油工业生产过程石油污染的现状、石油污染物的种类及其产生途径入手。 www.chemyq.com 5. OFFSHORE INSTALLATION OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE No. 海上设施防止油污染证书。 www.ccs.org.cn 6. This paper introduces the application of information technology in combating oil pollution. 文中介绍该技术在防治油污染中的应用。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 7. The United Nations Environment Programme over 14 months has toured the length and breadth of Ogoniland to assess the oil pollution. 联合国环境规划署在14个月的时间内走访了整个奥戈尼兰,评估石油污染的严重性。 www.24en.com 8. It evaluates and forecasts the affect of oil pollution on the marine ecological environment and fishery . 科学地评价和预测油污染对海域生态环境的影响; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. SUPPLEMENT TO THE OFFSHORE INSTALLATION OIL POLLUTION RPEVENTION CERTIFICATE FOR FIXED OFFSHORE PLATFORM No. 固定平台防止油污染证书附件。 www.ccs.org.cn 10. Risks of oil pollution in global sea transportation rise with the increase of oil transportation. 全球海洋环境的油污染风险随着海上石油运输量的增加而加大。 www.13191.com 1. Liability Convention " means the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969. " “1969年责任公约”是指1969年国际油污损害民事责任公约。 www.lawyee.com 2. The paper discussed the origin and harm of oil pollution in soil and also included the newest bioremediation technology in the world wide. 本论文论述了石油土壤污染的起因、危害及当前国际国内对于土壤石油污染的最新修复技术。 www.fabiao.net 3. Oil pollution in polar ocean increases with the exploration and utilization of polar area. 随着南极考察活动的发展和北极地区的开发利用,极地海洋中的石油烃污染逐渐增多。 www.dictall.com 4. This paper conceives a plan to operate the emergent oil pollution emergency response system. 笔者提出了针对突发性油污染应急响应体系的模式构想。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The Pollution Control Unit of the Marine Department formulates the government's Oil Pollution Contingency Plan and cleans up oil spills. 海事处污染控制小组负责制订政府的油污紧急应变计划,并负责清理海面油污。 www.hotdic.com 6. Oil pollution in soil caused by the oil extraction wastewater and oil-contained solid wastes is becoming serious. 采油废水和含油固体废弃物的排放,在一些区域造成了严重的土壤石油污染。 www.chemyq.com 7. In the legal terms, we will improve the prevention of oil pollution of the marine environment of the legal system. 从法律上讲,就是要完善防止船舶油污污染海洋环境的法律制度。 www.fabiao.net 8. For long-term use, in addition to the net surface oil pollution, good, especially bearing in mind that stainless steel net more. 为了恒久搁置,不兴净网背油污,安妥留存好,格外差不锈钢网更给夺目。 www.bing.com 9. By using mud tower cleaning system, we effectively solved oil pollution problem. 采用污泥塔排污系统,有效地解决了油泥污染问题。 www.chemyq.com 10. Shoed by many statistics data, more than 70% of the failures of hydraulic system are caused by hydraulic oil pollution. 大量统计资料显示,液压系统的故障率70%以上都是由于液压油的污染造成的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And this is one of the plights of penguins, oil pollution. 石油污染是企鹅所面临的困境的一种。 www.ted.com 2. ordinary offsctdruckereien operation, to keep the water clean rollers, from oil pollution. 本分胶印操纵时,水辊给保留肮不净肮不净,不沾油污。 www.bing.com 3. To solve the problem of compensation of oil pollution damage is our first imperative. 解决油污损害赔偿问题已经成为了当务之急。 www.fabiao.net 4. The nice thing is, if you look down here in Argentina, there's no surface oil pollution from this composite map. 好的事情是,如果你从阿根廷往下看,在这个综合性地图上,没有一处石油污染。 www.ted.com 5. That disaster led Congress to pass new measures to prevent oil pollution. 这一灾难性事故导致国会通过一项新措施,禁止这里的石油开发。 www.bing.com 6. Oil pollution can cause-and-glue dust and weak iron box bond. 尘埃油污会变成胶水与铁框粘结不牢。 www.bing.com 7. It can be said that China's legal system of preventing ship oil pollution from the marine environment is relatively perfect . 可以说,我国防止船舶油污污染海洋环境的法律制度是相对完善的。 www.fabiao.net 8. He is now leading a team to handle Chinese No. 1 biggest oil pollution case, the claim amount is more than RMB1, 200 millions. 其领导的小组正在处理建国以来索赔金额最大的一起外轮油污损害案件,涉案金额高达12亿多人民币。 www.falvm.com.cn 9. a little toothpaste Banshang Cuoxi clothes detergent mixed on oil pollution, in addition to Youzi. 少许牙膏拌上洗衣粉混合搓洗衣服上的油污,油渍可除。 www.showxiu.com 10. I hope this paper will provide some useful information for the establishment of Compensation Fund for Oil Pollution in China. 希冀本文能给我国油污赔偿基金制度的构建提供一些有益的参考。 www.zidir.com 1. The results showed : oil pollution of soil fungi have some oil degradation. 结果表明:石油污染土壤中的真菌都有一定的石油降解能力。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Chapter 3: The study of law issue of public service ship in ship oil pollution. 第三章:船舶污染中公务船法律问题探究。 www.fabiao.net 3. Less comforting is the $75m cap on liability for economic damages under the Oil Pollution Act (OPA) of 1990. 而更令人不安的是,《美国1990年油污法案》(OPA)将经济赔偿金的最高限额定位7500万美元。 www.24en.com 4. Shearer hydraulic system which is approximately 70%due to hydraulic failure caused by oil pollution. 其中采煤机液压系统的故障约有70%是由于液压油污染引起的。 www.chemyq.com 5. More and more interest has been paid to super oil - absorbable resins (SOAR) due to the aggravation of oil pollution. 随着日趋严重的油污问题,高吸油性树脂的研究日益受重视。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. It is obvious that the ground investigation methods can not effectively detect the oil pollution on the ocean. 由于地面的调查无法有效的侦测及量测海域的油污染。 ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw 7. The 1990 Oil Pollution Act mandates that a compensation fund for spills be set up. 1990年《石油污染法》规定应设立石油泄漏赔偿基金。 hk.lexiscnweb.com 8. First of all, I clean the window, wiping the window it is very difficult because there is oil pollution and dust. 虽然我家不大但要使它整洁并不是一件简单的工作。首先我把窗子擦干净,窗子很难擦因为有油污和灰尘。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Analysis of the subject status of administration on behalf of the nation in claims for the compensation of coastal oil pollution 行政机关代表国家进行沿海油污索赔的主体地位分析 www.ilib.cn 10. General introduction of the meeting of International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 国际油污赔偿基金组织会议概况 scholar.ilib.cn 1. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE OR OTHER FINANCIAL SECURITY IN RESPECT OF CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE 燃油污染损害民事责任保险或其他财务保证证书 wenku.baidu.com 2. International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage 设立国际油污损害赔偿基金国际公约 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Suggestion on the Construction of Chinese Legal Regime of Compensation law of Oil Pollution Damage From Ships 我国船舶油污损害赔偿法律制度构想 www.ilib.cn 4. Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage; 设立油类污染损害赔偿国际基金公约; www.sinobay.com 5. International Convention Relating to intervention on the High Seas in Case of Oil Pollution 年国际干预公海油污事故公约 big5.chinataiwan.org 6. Determinate marine oil pollution responsibility by the application of spectrum technology 应用光谱扫描技术进行海上石油污染责任的判定 www.ilib.cn 7. Mathematical Model of Oil Pollution in Ground Water and its Computing Method 地下水石油类污染的数学模型及计算方法 www.ilib.cn 8. Thoughts and Revelations from Training Program in United States on the Marine Oil Pollution Control Technology 参加交通部溢油应急技术代表团赴美培训的启示和思考 www.ilib.cn 9. International Oil Pollution Prevention Certification 国际防污染证书 www.bing.com 10. Convention on bunker oil pollution damage; Compulsory liability insurance; Limitation of liability; 燃油公约;责任限制;强制保险; www.zidir.com 1. The Oil Pollution Act signed into law in 1990 greatly expanded the US government's ability and resources necessary to respond to oil spills; 石油污染法案在1990年施行,其极大的扩展了美国政府应对石油井喷事故的能力和资源; www.bing.com 2. Biosurfactant and Its Application to Bioremediation for Oil Pollution 生物表面活性剂及其在油污染生物修复技术中的应用 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Necessity On the Construction and Improvement of the Procedure of Limitation of Liability for Oil Pollution 论建立和完善我国有关船舶油污损害赔偿责任限制程序的必要性 www.ilib.cn 4. International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate 国际防止油污染证书国际油污预防合格证书 www.mfyyw.com 5. the fine dispersion of clean: the key engine components to provide protection against oil pollution and carbon deposition; 优良的清净分散性:对发动机的关键部件提供保护,防止积炭和重油污染; wenda.tianya.cn 6. BITS; International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate; 国际防止油污证明书; www.sinobay.com 7. Preliminary Analysis on Oil Pollution of Seawater adjacent to the No. 3 Sewage Discharge Outlet of Dalian Port and Its Diffusion 大连港3号排污口对海水的油污染及其扩散分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Lubricating oil pollution and its control of engineering machinery 工程机械润滑油的污染控制 www.ilib.cn 9. International Conference on Cooperation on Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response; 预防和应付油类污染国际合作会议; www.sinobay.com 10. Conference on International Cooperation on Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response; 国际合作预防及处理石油污染会议; www.powerdict.com 1. An introduction of the American Oil Pollution Certificate 美国油污证书介绍 www.ilib.cn 2. Oil Pollution Damage from Ships; Domestic Compensation Fund for Oil Pollution; Compensation for Damage; 船舶油污损害;国内油污基金;损害赔偿; www.zidir.com 3. Hydraulic Oil Pollution of Electro-hydraulic Servo System and Its Control 电液伺服系统的液压油污染及其控制 ilib.cn 4. Establishment and Implementation of Yingkou Oil Pollution Contingency Plan 营口水上油污应急计划的制定与实施 www.ilib.cn 5. MERCHANT SHIPPING (LIABILITY AND COMPENSATION FOR OIL POLLUTION) ORDINANCE 商船(油类污染的法律责任及补偿)条例 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. Quantitative Assessment Method for Ships Oil Pollution Control Engineering 内河船舶油污染整治工程的治污效果评估方法初探 www.ilib.cn 7. Oil pollution damage; compensation; compensation fund; 船舶油污;损害赔偿;损害赔偿基金; www.zidir.com 8. Standard Specification for Shipboard Oil Pollution Abatement System 船用油减轻污染系统规范 www.std168.com 9. Contribution to the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 国际油污赔偿基金摊款 www.diyifanwen.com 10. Oil pollution analysis and example of its control for hoist hydraulic system 启闭机液压系统油液污染分析及控制实例 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Preliminary Analysis on the International Regime on Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage 国际油污赔偿系统简析 2. International Convention Relating to Intervention on High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties 国际制止公海油污染事件公约 www.zftrans.com 3. Tanker Owners Voluntary Agreement Concerning Liability for Oil Pollution 1969年油船所有人自愿承担油污责任协定 www.bing.com 4. International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties; 国际干预公海油污事故公约; www.sinobay.com 5. Analysis on Influence of Mechanical lubricating Oil Pollution on Engine Reliability 机油污染对发动机的可靠性影响分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Establish Chinese compensation system for oil pollution damage resulting from ships 关于建立我国船舶油污损害赔偿体系 www.ilib.cn 7. A. INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE 国际防止油类污染证书 www.etest8.com 8. British Advisory Committee on Oil Pollution of the Sea 英国海上油污染咨询委员会 www.bing.com 9. Diplomatic Conference on Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response; 预防和应付油类污染外交会议; www.sinobay.com 10. Protocol to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 年国际油污损害民事责任公约的议定书 big5.chinataiwan.org 1. Discusses shallowly overflows the oil medicinal powder in oil pollution preventing and controlling application 浅议溢油分散剂在油污染防治中的应用 scholar.ilib.cn 2. INTERNATIONGAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE 国际防油污证书 wenku.baidu.com 3. International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation, 1990 1990年国际油污防备、反应和合作公约 www.eastwestlaw.com 4. specification for shipboard oil pollution abatement system 船载除油系统的规范 www.ichacha.net 5. Application of Information Technology in Combating Oil Pollution 信息技术在防治油污染中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 国际油污补偿基金国际油污染补偿基金会 www.bing.com 7. Actualities and Countermeasures of Marine Oil Pollution of Jiangsu Province 江苏省海洋石油污染的现状和对策 www.ilib.cn 8. Thoughts on legality construction of prevention and control of shipping oil pollution 船舶油污染防治法制建设的思考 www.ilib.cn 9. On the prevention from oil pollution of hydraulic system on construction engineering 工程机械液压系统油液污染的预防 service.ilib.cn 10. Regime and Experience of Canada on the Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage Resulting from Ships 加拿大的船舶油污损害赔偿机制及运行经验 1. Collision of Ships; Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage; Tort Liability; 船舶碰撞;油污损害赔偿;侵权责任; www.zidir.com 2. Contract Regarding an Interim Supplement to Tanker Liability for Oil Pollution; 油轮油污责任暂行补充约定; www.sinobay.com 3. Technique of Immobilized Microbe Remediation for Oil Pollution in Surface Water 微生物固定化技术对地表水油类污染物的修复 zhidao.baidu.com 4. International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 国际油污损害民事责任公约, blog.sina.com.cn 5. International Convention of Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 年国际油污损害民事责任公约 www.zftrans.com 6. Tanker Owner's Voluntary Agreement Concerning Liability for Oil Pollution 油轮船东自愿承担油污染责任协议 www.bing.com 7. Comparisons of Marine Oil Pollution Compensation Systems between Canada and US 加拿大、美国船舶油污损害赔偿机制的比较 service.ilib.cn 8. Contract Regarding on Interim Supplement to Tanker Liability for Oil Pollution 1971年油船油污责任暂行补充协定 www.bing.com 9. MARPOL Maritime Agreement Regarding Oil Pollution of Liability 有关油污责任的海运协定 wenku.baidu.com 10. Study on Application of Laws of Oil Pollution Damage of Non-foreign Vessels Occurred in Coastal Waters 关于沿海非涉外船舶油污损害赔偿适用法律相关问题的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Advisory Committee on Oil Pollution of the Sea 海洋石油污染咨询委员会 www.diyifanwen.com 2. Two-tier Parties Bearing the Obligation of Compensation for Damage of Oil Pollution from Ships 试论船舶油污损害赔偿义务主体 www.ilib.cn 3. My Humble Opinion on Working out National and Provincial Contingency Plan on Oil Pollution 国家和地方油污应急计划制定刍议 ilib.cn 4. Application of Aerial Surveillance Systems to Investigation and Comprehensive Analysis of Oil Pollution Caused by Ship 航空监视系统在船舶油污染调查综合分析中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Protection and Indemnity Oil Pollution Indemnity Clause 保赔协会油污赔偿条款 www.bing.com 6. Qualification Standard of Oil Pollution Response System 油污治理体系的合格标准 www.ilib.cn 7. The International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 国际油污赔偿基金 www.bing.com 8. REMEDIATION PROGRAMME STUDY ON OIL POLLUTION IN GROUNDWATER SYSTEM 地下水系统油类污染治理方案研究短句来源 wenku.baidu.com 9. Guidelines on Preparing the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan 制订船上油污应急计划指南 www.bing.com 10. Hydraulic System Oil Pollution and Its Control 液压系统油液的污染及控制 www.ilib.cn 1. Law Case of Claim for "Tasmansea" Oil Pollution Damage Compensation and It's Profound Significance “塔斯曼海”溢油事故索赔案及其深远意义 service.ilib.cn 2. International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage 国际油污损害赔偿基金 blog.sina.com.cn 3. TOVALOP Tanker owners' voluntary agreement concerning liability for oil pollution 油轮船东资源承担油污责任协定 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The Operation of Emergent Oil Pollution Emergency Response System 突发性油污染应急响应体系的运作模式 www.ilib.cn 5. IOPP International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate 国际防止原油污染证书 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Effective measure for reducing hydraulic oil pollution 减轻液压油污染的有效措施 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis of Setting up Compensation Regime of Oil Pollution for Fujian Province 建立福建省油污赔偿机制对策分析 www.ilib.cn 8. On Jurisdiction of China Maritime Safety Administration on Oil Pollution from Ships 我国海事主管机关的船舶油污管辖权 service.ilib.cn 9. Deep-insight of the Third Tier Compensation of International Oil Pollution Compensation Regime 解读国际油污损害第三层次赔偿机制 service.ilib.cn 10. The State of Oil Pollution of China's Coastal Waters and the Prevention 中国近海石油污染现状及防治 www.ilib.cn 1. On the Compensation Scope of the Oil Pollution Damage from Coast Ships 船舶油污损害的赔偿范围 www.ilib.cn 2. The law responsibility of oil pollution and compensation 海上油污法律责任及其赔偿 www.ilib.cn 3. Oil Pollution at Sea and Chinese Legal System for Sea Environmental Protection 论海上石油污染与中国海洋环保法制 www.ilib.cn 4. Oil Pollution of Coal -mine Machinery and Its Control 煤矿机械油液污染及其控制 www.ilib.cn 5. The research on the present situation and the countermeasure of the oil pollution of the ships 船舶油污染的现状与对策的探讨 www.ilib.cn 6. Consideration on Emergency Monitoring through Fuel Oil Pollution Accident in Yiluohe River 由伊洛河柴油污染事故谈应急监测的几点思考 service.ilib.cn 7. Control Strategy for Oil Pollution of Oil Lubricating System of High Speed Wire Rod Finishing Rolling Mill 高速线材精轧机稀油润滑系统油液污染控制策略 ilib.cn 8. Research on applicable law in the compensation of oil pollution damages from the coast ship 沿海运输船舶油污损害赔偿法律适用问题研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Discussion on the inspection of oil pollution prevention in Port Sate Control 谈港口国管理中的防油污检查 www.ilib.cn 10. Analysis on Oil Pollution Accidents from Ships in Guangzhou Harbor in the Recent Years 广州港近年船舶油污事故的分析 service.ilib.cn 1. Control of Oil Pollution and Its Precautions 机油的污染控制及预防措施 www.ilib.cn 2. Research Advances on Bioremediation of Crude Oil Pollution 石油污染生物修复技术研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Laws applicable to ships oil pollution damage compensation 船舶油污损害赔偿的法律适用 www.ilib.cn 4. The Oil Pollution of Main Transformer and the Treatment for It 主变压器油质污染及处理 service.ilib.cn 5. On the Determination of the Compensation Liability of Oil Pollution Caused by Ships'Collision 船舶碰撞造成油污损害民事赔偿责任的承担 www.ilib.cn 6. A Brief Introduction to the controlling of the oil pollution in hydraulic system 浅谈对液压系统油液的污染控制 ilib.cn 7. Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage by Ship 船舶油污损害民事责任的强制保险 www.bing.com 8. Risk Assessment of Accidental Oil Pollution at Wharf in Tideway of Yangtze River 长江感潮河段码头油污染事故风险影响预测 www.ilib.cn 9. Application of law in civil compensation for oil pollution damage from ships 试论我国船舶油污民事赔偿责任中的法律适用 www.ilib.cn 10. Discussion on shipboard oil pollution emergency plan 船上油污应急计划编制探讨 service.ilib.cn 1. The Effect and Prevent Measures of Oil Pollution to the Marine Ecological Environment 石油污染对海洋生态环境的影响与防治对策 service.ilib.cn 2. Emergency techniques for oil pollution at different coast 不同海岸环境下的油污应急处理技术 service.ilib.cn 3. IMO Will Raise Compensation Limits for Oil Pollution Disasters IMO将提高海上油污损害赔偿额 ilib.cn 4. Study on the Method for Fluorescent Determination of Oil Pollution in Water 荧光分析法监测水中矿物油污染的研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Analysis and Measures for Oil Pollution of Hydraulic System in Coal Shearer 采煤机液压系统油液污染分析与对策 ilib.cn 6. Estimation of Ship's Oil Pollution Damage Based on An Artificial Neural Network 基于人工神经网络模型的船舶油污损失估算 ilib.cn 7. The Prevention and Control of Oil Pollution off Chinese Coastal Waters 我国近海面临的石油污染及其防治 www.ilib.cn 8. Some Suggestions on Dealing with Oil Pollution Accidents 对国家应对油污染事故若干措施的建议 ilib.com.cn 9. Question on System of Direct Action against Insurer of Responsibility of Oil Pollution 关于对油污责任保险人直接诉讼制度的若干问题 www.ilib.cn 10. International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 2001年国际油轮油污损害民事责任公约 club.sol.com.cn 1. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON OIL POLLUTION PREPAREDNESS, RESPONSEAND CO-OPERATION, 1990 1990年国际油污防备、响应和合作公约 www.chinalawedu.com 2. Study on china's Compensation Mechanism for Oil Pollution Damage by Ships 我国船舶油污损害赔偿机制研究 service.ilib.cn 3. Biological Remediation of Oil Pollution 石油污染的生物修复 www.ilib.cn 4. On Extents of Compensation and Quota System of Liabilities in Oil Pollution Damages of Ships at Sea 浅论海上船舶油污损害赔偿的范围和责任限额制度 www.ilib.cn 5. Direct Action; Compulsory Liability Insurance in Oil Pollution; The Third Party; The Right of Direct Claim; 直接诉讼;油污强制保险;油污受害第三人;直接请求权; www.zidir.com 6. Adverse effects of oil pollution on water quality of heating systems 施工油污对供暖系统水质的影响与危害 www.ilib.cn 7. Oil Pollution Emergency Plan of the Zhoushan Port 舟山港港口油污应急计划 service.ilib.cn 8. Discussion on Investigating and Dealing withthe Accident of Oil Pollution from Ships 浅谈船舶油污事故的调查处理 service.ilib.cn 9. Guarantee for Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 油污损害民事责任信用证书 www.mfyyw.com 10. Study Progress on Bioremediation of Soil Oil Pollution 微生物处理土壤石油污染的研究进展 service.ilib.cn 1. Prevention and Management Measures on Ship's Oil Pollution 船舶油污染的防治管理对策 www.ilib.cn 2. Impact of Soil Diesel Oil Pollution on Seed Germination of Alfalfa 土壤柴油污染对紫花苜蓿种子发芽率的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. Fuzzy Analogy Method for Compensation Assessment of Oil Pollution Damage Caused by Oil Spill from Ships 船舶油污损害赔偿评估的模糊类比分析法 www.ilib.cn 4. Compensation for mid-term or long-term damage of oil pollution from ships 船舶油污中长期损失赔偿 www.ilib.cn 5. Gulf of Aden Subregional Training and Response Centre for Combating Oil Pollution; 亚丁湾防止石油污染分区域训练和反应中心; www.powerdict.com 6. Application of law concerning compensation for oil pollution caused by coastal vessel 沿海船舶油污损害赔偿的法律适用 www.ilib.cn 7. The Largest Oil Pollution Disaster in the Philippines 菲律宾最大油污灾害 www.ilib.cn 8. IOPP International Oil Pollution Prevention 国际防油污染 shipfriends.net 9. The Law and Practice relating to OIL POLLUTION FROM SHIPS 来自船舶汽油污染的法律与实践 fxylib.znufe.edu.cn 10. Oil pollution from ships and prevention thereof 船舶油污染及其防治 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis and control of hydraulic oil pollution 液压油的污染分析及其控制方法 www.ilib.cn 2. Oil Pollution and Control of Turbine's Speed Governor System 浅谈水轮机调速系统油质污染与控制 www.ilib.cn 3. On Problems of Arresting Ships in Marine Oil Pollution Cases 海上油污案件中船舶扣押问题研究 www.ilib.cn 4. The Multi-boundary Lubricating Oil Pollution Analysis Based on Wear's Dimension, Thickness and Grads 基于磨粒尺寸、浓度及梯度多重界定的滑油污染研究 ilib.cn 5. Prevention and Cure of Marine Oil Pollution Damage 海洋石油污染损害防治 www.bing.com 6. Prevention and Treatment of Oil Pollution in Press 压机管理过程中的液压系统污染防治 www.ilib.cn 7. civil liability for oil pollution damage 油污损害民事责任 www.bing.com 8. The Control over Hydraulic Oil Pollution 液压油污染控制 www.ilib.cn 9. Several Problems about Prevention and Control of Oil Pollution Caused by Ships in Zhu-ao Waters 防治船舶在珠澳水域油污染的几个问题 www.ilib.cn 10. A study on the liable party for oil pollution damage caused by non-CLC oil tanker following a collision 船舶碰撞造成的非CLC油船油污损害赔偿责任主体的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Discuss of method of oil pollution degree test standard 油液污染度试验标准的方法探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. On Establishing the Chinese Mechanism of Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage from Ships 试论建立我国船舶油污损害赔偿机制 www.ilib.cn 3. Effect of fuel oil pollution on use of engine of construction machinery and countermeasures 燃油污染对施工机械发动机使用的影响及对策 www.ilib.cn 4. Proposals for the prevention of oil pollution caused by inland ships 加强内河船舶防止油类污染工作的几点建议 service.ilib.cn 5. Calculation of oil pollution in tidal areas 潮汐水域油污染计算 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Study on China's Compensation System of Oil Pollution by Vessels 我国船舶油污染损害赔偿机制的初探 www.ilib.cn 7. Overview of China's laws on marine oil pollution damages 中国海洋油污损害法律综述 www.ilib.cn 8. Analysis of Clean-up Expenditure Level After Establishing Regime for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage in China 中国建立油污赔偿机制后清污费水平分析 www.ilib.cn 9. victim of oil pollution incident 油污事件的受害人 www.bing.com 10. to combat forest fires and oil pollution at sea; 扑灭山火和清理海上油污; www.1stenglish.com 1. 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