单词 | oil painting |
释义 |
复数:oil paintings 例句释义: 油画,油画艺术,油画作品,油画类,油画儿 1. Elizabeth Hunter, judging by the studio portraits, and the oil painting, had been a beautiful, a passionate woman. 从照片和油画中看出,伊丽莎白?亨特当年是位姿容美丽、热情洋溢的女人。 www.jukuu.com 2. But the fun's over, is at a loss, emptiness and confusion, it seems like a realist oil painting with the concept of a sudden someone else. 但热闹之余,便是迷惘、空虚和困惑,似乎对具象写实油画这一概念突然陌生起来。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Li: At last, this painting still needs to be represented in the form of oil painting. This one is just a referential sketch. 李:这个最后的话都要用油画来表现出来,这个只是一个参考的一个稿。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But its rapid development in China does not change the fact that Oil painting is only one hundred years of Chinese history. 但油画艺术在中国的迅速发展还不能改变其在中国只有百年历史的事实。 5. But it was a tour of the Isle of Wight when he was 20, which provided him with the inspiration to produce his first major oil painting. 但20岁时到怀特岛的一次旅行激发了透纳创作第一幅重要油画作品的灵感。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. This technique is often used in oil painting, where the different coloured paints are applied directly to the canvas with a palette knife. 这种技术通常用于油画,其中不同颜色的油漆是直接用调色刀涂在画布上。 www.douban.com 7. The spokeswoman for the auction house said she did not know how the oil painting had wound up inside the sofa. 拍卖行的专家表示他们也搞不明白这副油画是怎么跑到沙发里面的。 kissbb.5d6d.com 8. The appearance of oil painting on velvet created a gleaming effect, there was an incredibly phoney real feeling to it. 但是丝绒油画表面金灿灿的,有种特别假的真实感。 www.zhuokearts.com 9. It's easy to discover that the handling of frontier line and the model, the basic element in oil painting are closely related. 研究它与油画最基本因素——造型之间的关系,不难发现二者的相关性。 lib.cqvip.com 10. Oil painting from nature, as one of the major means of improving color skill, plays a significant role in the basic oil painting teaching. 风景油画写生,作为训练学生提高色彩能力的主要教学手段之一,在油画基础教学体系中占有十分重要的地位。 www.showxiu.com 1. In oil painting, Mr. Zhang paints better than Mr. Liu. But when it comes to water colors, Mr. Liu appears to be a notch above Mr. Zhang. 论油画,张先生比刘先生画得好。,谈到水彩画,刘先生可就比张先生略胜一筹了。 www.ttxyy.com 2. The vision, as you can see, is like an oil painting. God's tapestry on Earth. 如你所见,这景象简直就是一副美丽的油画,上帝尘世的地毯。 www.360doc.com 3. Missing and richly likes like the oil painting being sincere, has fallen in love with this old city for you. 思念如油画般厚重,为你爱上了这座城。 blog.hc360.com 4. This dissertation is an individual practice article wrote by an oil painting-major graduate student. 本文是一篇油画专业的研究生针对自己的绘画实践所作的论文。 www.fabiao.net 5. Sir, why does crewel embroidery look so much like an oil painting? 先生,请问乱针绣为什么看上去这么像油画呢? www.hellomandarin.com 6. Oil painting is just a medium. You express your hope and love to the tradition with modern art language. 油画其实只是一个媒介、载体,您是用现代的艺术语言去表达你对传统的向往和热爱。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I've been thinking of taking oil painting class for over a year, but in the end, I'll be taking writing class first. 好笑的是,我明明想要上油画课都想上一年了,结果最后竟然要先上写作课。 www.simplykat.com 8. The texture of the brushwork is an important means of performance for oil painting in Modeling and language forms. 运笔是油画造型语言形式美的重要表现手段。 www.fabiao.net 9. Jane did quite well in her oil-painting exam, but fell down on are history. 简的油画考得不错,但艺术史考坏了。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 10. Mr Shi used to be Professor and Chairman of Oil Painting Department, School of Arts, Harbin Normal University. 曾任哈尔滨师范大学艺术学院教授,油画教研室主任。 blog.artintern.net 1. A piece of such fabric on which a painting, especially an oil painting, is executed. 画布一块这样的帆布织物,人们可在其上作画,尤指油画 www.jukuu.com 2. Qiu specializes in oil-painting, with a strong expressiveness under the influence of contemporary art. 他是学油画出身,受现代艺术影响,一出手就有很强烈的表现性。 exhibit.99ys.com 3. Oil painting does not come within the scope of a course of this kind. 油画不在这一类课程的范围内。 www.tingroom.com 4. Finally the last part discusses the significance and existence of complanation in contemporary Chinese oil painting. 第四部分剖析了中国当代油画平面化特征的现实意义和存在的问题。 www.boshuo.net 5. Oil painting does not come within the scope of a course of this. 油画不在这一类课程的范围之内。 jyk.xidian.edu.cn 6. Due to the shock of the image culture, China's contemporary figurative oil painting lacks of necessary humane care in its blind creation. 中国当代具象油画创作由于受到了图像文化的冲击,在盲目的创作中缺少了必要的人文关怀。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 7. Any more offers for this fine oil painting, then? Going, to the man in the black suit, going, going, gone! 这幅精美的油画还要人要喊价吗?要卖了!卖给那位穿黑衣服的先生!要卖了,要卖了,卖掉了! sun.e-say.com.cn 8. The paper analyzes four basic characteristics of synthetic materials used in Chinese oil painting, as well as its influence. “综合材料”在当代中国油画作品中运用的四个基本特征; www.fabiao.net 9. Oil painting art of painting portraits is an important component form, and a distinct language of art. 油画肖像画是油画艺术的一个重要组成形式,具有相当鲜明的艺术语言。 www.fabiao.net 10. If she were no oil painting, she would stay home all day long. 如果她长相不好,她将整天呆在家里。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The original Mona Lisa is an oil painting on a board of poplar and is housed at the Louvre Museum in Paris. 《蒙娜丽莎》的原作是一幅画在白杨树板上的油画,如今收藏在巴黎的卢浮宫博物馆。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Realistic oil painting is a broad concept. It is a complement to Chinese traditional painting and it is the needs and result of the times. 写实油画是一个很宽泛的概念,它是对中国传统绘画的补充,是时代的需要和时代的产物。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. It is the Best Soft Decoration Supplier that integrates the geographical advantage of Dafen Oil Painting Village into the design and sales. 将大芬油画村的地理优势融合于设计与销售的最佳软装饰供应商。 www.88ht.com 4. Be fond of your oil painting technical skill always specially and show way , splendid color and unique style being appreciated by us. 一直特别喜欢您的油画技法与表现方式,绚烂的色彩与独特的风格为我们所欣赏。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The maturation period changes to excavating attaching importance to oil painting body language and the system to west art tradition study. 成熟期转向注重油画本体语言的挖掘和对西方艺术传统的系统学习。 www.fabiao.net 6. On behalf of Lee, A Chinese contemporary artist, we are pleased to invite you to attend the oil painting exhibition opening party. 我们诚挚邀请您出席中国当代艺术家黎明先生的个人油画展开幕。 www.mahoo.com.cn 7. As the main painting method of north Europe, oil painting's styles have been diversified with each passing day. 北欧以油画为主要表现手段,但其风格追求也日趋多样化。 www.hsmd.lingd.net 8. Wutong Mountain works as the city's "green lungs, " and the Great Nanshan Mountain be-comes an oil painting at sunset. “城市绿肺”梧桐山期待着人们去尽情呼吸沁人心脾的空气; www.sznews.com 9. We hope to hold the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese oil-painting influenced by the post-modernism current of thought . 以期把握后现代主义思潮对中国油画产生的利害关系。 www.fabiao.net 10. Oil painting language is a present of the artist's own scheme and a portrayal of the true artist. 油画创作语言是画家自身图式的呈现,是画家真实的写照。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. As to the handmade oil painting, the premise of existence is to keep the special sense of vision appearance. 对于手工制作的油画来说,存在的前提是保持其特有的视觉风貌。 www.fabiao.net 2. It would be a large oil painting , an extraordinary work of genius. 它将是一幅伟大的油画作品,一幅天才的非凡之作。 www.1x1y.com.cn 3. This central element of this paper is the research of the cartoon style in Chinese contemporary oil painting. 本文中心内容是对我国当代油画创作中的出现的卡通风格加以浅论。 www.fabiao.net 4. As he told me this, he was standing underneath a giant oil painting of himself. 他跟我说这个的时候,正站在他的巨幅自画油画像前。 www.bing.com 5. How will Chinese oil painting develop as a cultural container when culture background of modern China has changed so tremendously? 由于当今中国大的文化背景已发生了深刻而巨大的变化,中国油画作为一种文化载体,如何发展? www.fabiao.net 6. The production procedure include design, wooden work, machine carving, oil painting, gold pressing, coloured drawing, packing and marketing. 设计、木工项目分类、机械雕刻、油漆、按金、彩绘、包装、销售服务等各生产程序组成。 www.ecocn.org 7. The color is the important art language of the painting, it has an important function more in the oil painting art. 色彩是绘画的重要艺术语言,它在油画艺术中更是具有重要的作用。 www.fabiao.net 8. She bought the oil painting with a very low price in a Dutch auction. 在一个低价拍卖会上,她以非常便宜的价钱买了一幅油画。 jdh96515.blog.163.com 9. Over the carved mantelpiece, flanked by elaborate sconces and two arched recesses for books, hangs a much-admired oil painting. 在一个饰有雕刻花纹的壁炉架上,挂着一幅备受推崇的油画,两侧有精美的烛台和两个用于放书的拱形凹格。 www.ebigear.com 10. This article will analyze Chinese modern oil painting's development and its attendant problems in different times. 文章将从每个时代油画的话语范式浅析中国当代油画的发展及其问题。 www.ebigear.com 1. The oil painting vividly depicts an old farmer who has gone through various trails of life. 油画生动地描绘了一位老农夫所经历的各种生活痕迹。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The different ways of handling frontier line in oil painting works are the symbols of personalized art language and art style. 油画作品中边缘线处理方式各不相同,它是一种个性化艺术语言和艺术风格的标志性符号。 lib.cqvip.com 3. However, the oil painting market in Shanghai is still in the course of initial development. 然而上海油画市场仍旧处于起步发展的阶段。 www.fabiao.net 4. Oil Painting is thick, and with rich colors, it gives people magnificent feeling. 油画比较厚重,色彩浓郁,给人气势磅礴之感。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Accomplishing an oil painting requires the artist's artistic ideas and researches, as well as his facture technique and art skill. 油画作品的创作,既包含了作者的艺术思维和艺术探索,又包含了作者的制作技术和油画技法。 www.fabiao.net 6. Hemingway taught her piano, cello Rafah, encouraged him to participate in the school choir, the Hemingway painting, oil painting. 她教海明威弹钢琴,拉大提琴,鼓励他参加学校合唱团,也教海明威写生,画油画。 www.5yhua.org 7. The first part of the essay demonstrates the function of "light" in oil painting. 本文第一部分阐释了“光”在油画艺术中的作用。 www.fabiao.net 8. In fact, realistic oil painting has its own advantages, characteristics and existing significance and value. 事实上,写实油画有其自身的优势和特点,有其存在的意义和价值。 www.lw23.com 9. a wooden frame on which canvas is stretched and fixed for oil painting. 画油画时用来撑开和固定帆布的一个木架子。 www.1stenglish.com 10. It's the modern portraiture of historical painting that interpreting contemporary detailed style by traditional oil painting skill. 以传统油画技法再现当代写实风格,是历史画的一种当代写照。 www.bjbiennale.com.cn 1. The first chapter of this article briefly elaborated the Western oil painting scenery this main body evolution. 本文第一章简要论述了西方油画风景这一本体的演变。 www.fabiao.net 2. This discovery has a great guiding significance for further considering the social roles of Chinese oil painting art. 这一发现对中国油画艺术社会角色的进一步思考具有很强的指导意义。 3. Chinese paintings are generally a combination of private and Zhang Jin calligraphy inscriptions, and basically no oil painting. 中国画一般都结合私人的书法衿章与题字,而油画基本没有。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. So, the explore and reform of The Europe oil painting teaching system are valuable for Chinese oil painting education. 本文以此展开对中国和欧洲高等美术院校油画专业教育的比较研究。 www.fabiao.net 5. Guangzhou City Qingyun Wood Co. , Ltd. is specialized in producing wooden frames, picture frame, oil painting box, PU box enterprises. 广州市青云木业有限公司是一家专业生产木制相框,镜框,油画框,PU框的企业。 www.tonke.cn 6. Therefore, the oil painting and spiritual links between the tightly bound together. 所以,油画写生与精神之间的联系紧紧地绑在一起。 www.fabiao.net 7. The oil painting expresses the uncertainty of individuals, and the annoyance exceeding existence under anarchic condition. 这幅油画表达了个人的不确定性,以及无政府状态下超越了存在的苦恼。 www.bjbiennale.com.cn 8. He was admitted by the Department of Fine Arts of Southwest Normal University with his major oil painting. 西南师范大学美术系七七级油画专业毕业。 wap-art.com 9. Oil painting is to be appreciated at a distance. 油画要在一定的距离外欣赏。 www.hxen.com 10. The gallery is now exhibiting the artist's finest collection of oil painting. 这家艺廊目前正在展示这位艺术家的最佳油画作品系列。 hi.baidu.com 1. My original paper is also a bit special, Oil painting stick coated paper used before. 原来我的画纸也有点特别,画纸上用油画棒涂过了。 www.cutpic.cn 2. It is a good gallery, full of artistic atmosphere. Oil painting is well known here. Most of the visitors are drawing collectors. 不错的画廊,充满这浓郁的艺术气息。近来就被这里的油画所吸引,平时这里人也不少,都是些名画收藏者。 www.mralethe.cn 3. On the wall there is an oil painting of a grand palace. 墙上有一幅宏伟宫殿的油画。 tr.bab.la 4. That famous oil painting is now in the possession of Metropolitan Museum. 该著名油画(名画)现由大都会博物馆收藏。 bbs.wwenglish.org 5. Gallery: Online Oil on Canvas Painting Gallery, We Sell affordable oil on canvas Paintings, This oil painting all from Qingdao China. 油画青岛提供您平价的油画装点高雅生活。 www.soso.com 6. Oil painting removed light and shadows, so become flat painting, now those pictures became just oil painting Chinese pictures. 油画除去了光影,所以成了平涂,现在看那些画也就是用油画画的中国画而已。 blog.99ys.com 7. Oil painting art develops from the birth to until now, never has stopped to the practical spiritual pursue and the technique exploration. 油画艺术从诞生发展到至今,对写实的精神追求与技法的探索就从未停止过。 www.fabiao.net 8. Artist Graham McKean stands with his oil painting of Michael Jackson at Govan Old Parish Church in Glasgow, Scotland. 苏格兰格拉斯哥的戈万老教区教堂,艺术家格雷厄姆·麦基恩(GrahamMcKean)站在自己绘制的迈克尔·杰克逊肖像油画作品旁。 www.bing.com 9. This article recalls the main achievements in peasant's image of the Chinese oil painting beginning with the earliest painter Wang Yuezhi. 本文重点回顾了中国油画中农民形象创作的主要成果。从早期画家王悦之说起。 www.fabiao.net 10. As an important kind of art, the oil painting possesses the quality of commodity. 油画作为重要的艺术门类之一,其作品具有商品的属性。 www.fabiao.net 1. His artistic education started with oil painting, which is the foundation for his later painting of dramatic characters in Chinese ink. 事实上,关氏的艺术学习都是从油画开始,而且其中国式水墨戏剧人物,也是以西洋油画基础发展起来。 www.christies.com 2. An official came forward to present Ian with an oil painting of Etretat (Big Ben's Father). 一个官员走过来送给伊恩一张本的父亲的油画作为礼物。 www.bing.com 3. The oil painting art passes the sketch, color, tone and skin texture etc. the shape means, became the special oil painting language. 摘要油画艺术通过素描、色彩、调子、肌理等造型手段,形成了独特的油画语言。 dict.bioon.com 4. One is "Cockscomb Flowers" oil painting series, the other is "Flying Sands" comprehensive material series. 其一是“鸡冠花”系列油画作品,其二是“飞沙”系列综合材料作品。 www.artnow.com.cn 5. And watercolors and oil painting a different color, Crayons is a solid color, or color palette that need preparations. 和水彩和油画不同的颜色,油画棒是一种纯色,或调色板,需要的准备工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. My research is "early European Renaissance art and contemporary Chinese oil painting research. " 我的研究方向是“欧洲早期文艺复兴美术与中国当代油画研究。” www.fabiao.net 7. In face of this abnormal development, what kinds of development problems will Chinese modern oil painting have to confront? 面对这种畸形的成长,中国当代油画的话语范式将面临怎样的发展问题? www.ebigear.com 8. The most anticipated item is the oil painting "A Thousand Miles Long Yangtze River" , by late prestigious painter Wu Guanzhong. 最受期待的作品是已故著名画家吴冠中的油画《长江万里图》。 www.hxen.com 9. Clarify the oil painting art language real meaning and the existence values of the critical appearance. 阐明油画艺术语言临界状态的真正意义和存在价值。 www.fabiao.net 10. China crafts: Pyrograph, Silk painting, Cloudy grass painting, Root carving, Oil painting. 主营产品或服务:中国工艺画:烙画,彩帛画,云草画,根雕,油画。 dict.kekenet.com 1. One stands opposite an oil painting of the Beatles, whose final album, Let it Be, was produced by her absent husband, Phil, in 1969. 蕾切尔的丈夫菲尔此时仍身陷囹圄,甲壳虫乐队的最后一张专辑《顺其自然》就是他在1969年监制的。 www.bing.com 2. Oil painting artist oil painting on the Color Image masterpiece to the screen of the core issues. 油画艺术家把对意象油画的色彩表现力作为了画面研究的核心不足。 www.zidir.com 3. What but this article main discussion is in the practical oil painting abstracts US. 而本文主要探讨的是写实油画中的抽象美。 www.fabiao.net 4. The two funds invest in three major areas: Chinese ink painting, classic oil painting and contemporary art. 这两只基金投资于3个主要领域:中国水墨画、经典油画和当代艺术品。 www.ftchinese.com 5. But no matter what it changes, oil painting still carries on the tradition of its own nature and features in the original path. 但无论怎样变化,油画依然在原来的路径依赖中传承自身的本质和语言特征。 lib.cqvip.com 6. Wang Yidong is one of the representative artists of the contemporary realistic oil painting in China. 王沂东是中国当代写实油画的代表画家之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. We offer the class: sketching , Chinese painting, Chinese calligraphy and oil painting class. 我们有色彩素描班、国画班、书法班和油画班。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The combination of traditional Peking Opera and modern oil-painting restarts the new journey of Chinese art world. 国粹京剧与现代油画跨界而生,启航中国艺术世界的新旅程。 bbs.china-shufajia.com 9. If you enjoy oil painting, then you're a man after my own heart. 如果你喜欢油画,那你就是完全符合我心意的男人。 www.tjyz.org 10. Oil painting frame, picture frame, photo frames, ornamental frames, word picture frames, photo frames and other advertising. 油画框、镜框、相片框、观赏画框、字画框、广告相框等。 www.z599.com 1. In this chapter, we mainly discuss the latest situation of the survival of oil painting in today's world. 在本章里,我们把重点集中在探讨大众消费时代的国内外油画的最新生存状态。 2. Chinese traditional painting and oil painting are a kind have the representative east and west cultural ethos painting respectively. 国画和油画是分别具有典型东方和西方文化气质的画种。 www.juyy.net 3. Oil painting originated as a Western art form; ink painting developed in Asia. 油画源自西方,水墨画却是亚洲的土产。 c.wsj.com 4. 4 hand-painted personal portraits, wedding oil painting, individual sculptures, decorative painting, etc. 手绘个人肖像,婚纱油画,个人雕塑,装饰性油画等。 qingdao.qite8.com 5. In 1993, his oil painting Around The House owned an excellent prize in Boya Oil Painting Competition. 年油画《屋前屋后》获博雅油画大赛优秀奖; www.sjzshb.com 6. We stop at one of the works of fine art, a nineteen thirty-two oil painting of the New York City skyline. 在我们面前的是这些杰出艺术作品其中之一,它是创作于1932年的一幅关于纽约市天窗的油画。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. These oil landscape painters and their works have added the florid chapter to the history of oil painting. 这些众多的油画风景艺术家和他们经典的油画风景作品为油画史增添了绚丽的篇章。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. shanghai hummingbird has integrated in frame and art design , oil painting creation and other art collection sales within company. 本公司是集油画画框艺术设计油画艺术创作与画框制作各类艺术品销售为一体的品牌公司。 www.ichacha.net 9. Unique printing, in colors of both presents gorgeous but not mixed and disorderly feeling visual effect, as oil painting in general. 独特的印花,在色彩缤纷的同时呈现了绚烂却没有杂乱感的视觉效果,如同油画一般。 www.79882.com 10. In the social changes, Oil Painting Art inevitably has a relationship with society, and acts as several social roles. 在变革中,油画艺术必然要与社会产生关系,并且在社会中担当一些社会角色。 1. Push the oil painting professional color course reform in education thus further thorough. 从而推动油画专业色彩课程教学改革的进一步深入。 www.fabiao.net 2. Oil painting masterpieces can take pride and joy on the fireplace and the Wizards and Witches can become the new fun family game! 引以自豪的油画杰作可以挂在壁炉上,巫师游戏又可以作为新的家庭游戏! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Market is a double-blade sword, and commercialization of oil paintings has dual effect on oil painting creation. 市场是把双刃剑,油画市场化对油画创作产生了双面效应。 www.fabiao.net 4. The oil painting brought into relief the determination of the African people to liberate the whole African continent. 那幅油画表现出非洲人民解放整个非洲大陆的决心。 www.hotdic.com 5. When we entered the Revolutionary Museum of Mount Jinggang a realistic looking oil painting Path of Jinggang came into our eyes. 走进井冈山革命博物馆,实景油画《井冈路》映入眼帘。 www.bing.com 6. The artist was born in Sichuan Province, 1968, and studied oil painting at the acclaimed Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in Chongqing. 邓无书于1968年出生于四川省,在重庆著名的四川美术学院学习油画。 www.mahoo.com.cn 7. Oil painting is created by colors and brush touch while traditional chinese painting is by line and strokes. 西方油画重色彩与润饰,而中国画则重线条与笔触。 www.showxiu.com 8. If an oil painting enters a market, its art worthiness will be necessarily influenced by the market. 油画作品进入市场后,其艺术价值必然受市场的影响。 www.fabiao.net 9. oil painting : Painting in oil colours, a medium consisting of pigments suspended in drying oils. 油画:用易于干燥的油料调和磨研过的颜料所作的绘画。 chinafanyi.com 10. Lan is major in sculpture, her boy friend is major in oil painting, they both graduate from the Central Academy of Art! 佳齐姐姐是雕塑家,她男朋友是油画家,都是中央美院毕业的,牛啊! blog.sina.com.cn 1. I appreciate this oil painting much more now that you have explained it to me. 8日,我对此表示赞赏油画更为现在你向我解释。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Use in the dye, painting, oil painting, gouache paint, full use; that was not enough, I also used the juice, coffee, tea. 在染料使用上,国画、油画、水粉画颜料,全用;这还不够,我还用了果汁、咖啡、茶水。 shenyang0704.blog.163.com 3. Oh, did I also mention that dermatologists are mostly visual artists, as Dr. Linder loves oil painting? 啊,我有说过皮肤病学家几乎是视觉艺术家这样的话吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Fragments of silk commingle with old documents amid Wang's expressive oil painting on the canvases. 王的表现主义作品中,他在画布上精心嵌入了丝绸片段和古老的文献残片。 news.artxun.com 5. Image of oil painting color performance on the research, has become a trend of the times. 对意象油画色彩表现力的研究,已经成为了一种时代趋势。 www.zidir.com 6. A long-lost oil painting by the master was found in the attic of an ancient house. 那位大师一幅失去已久的油画,在一栋古老房子的阁楼里找到。 dict.bioon.com 7. The product contains oil painting box, canvas, paintbrush and pigments. 产品包含油画框、油画布、画笔和颜料。 hi.baidu.com 8. Movies is the use of water, water and grease paint using the principle of separation of the high oil painting of the performing arts skills. 水影画是使用水和油脂类颜料运用油水分离的原理进行高技巧作画的表演艺术形式。 www.163fzl.com 9. In my high school days, no oil painting was allowed. We only painted watercolours, which were prerequisite. 我读附中的那个年代,没有油画课,图画课都是画水彩的,水彩画是最基本的要求。 www.vi21.cn 10. However, we ought to remember that his works played an important role in the renewal of Chinese oil painting in the 80s. 但我们应该看到,他的作品八十年代给刚刚起步的中国油画界带来一股清新气息,引人瞩目。 e.pku.edu.cn 1. I am poor at charcoal sketches , oil painting and watercolors , but i am good at finger painting . 我虽然不精通炭笔素描,油画与水彩画,但我擅长手指画。 www.bing.com 2. In the domain of Chinese drawing, the practical oil painting still holds the very big share. 在中国架上绘画领域,写实油画仍占有很大的份额。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. I'll either buy this fabulous oil painting of Jade Mountain or this seascape painting of Kenting. 我要不就是买这幅玉山的绝美油画,要不就是这幅垦丁的海景画。 epaper.pchome.com.tw 4. This article is about realistic oil-painting technique and teaching . 这是一篇探讨写实油画技法与教学的文章。 www.fabiao.net 5. By referring to the world's top oil painting design, we would give you a visual shocking and promise you a vast market . 参照世界上流行的油画设计成浮雕艺术品,这种艺术品在视觉上更有震撼力,市场前景广阔; www.ok630.com 6. In Oil painting it is a traditional technique to paint an underpainting or a rough sketch on the canvas before finalizing your painting. 在油画这是一个传统工艺画你的画才敲定的打底或画布上的轮廓。 dukadk.blog.artron.net 7. He pointed to that oil painting and told us about its history. 他指着那幅油画,向我们介绍它的历史。 yingyu.eduu.com 8. The color bottom research is helpful in us carries on another kind of possible to the Chinese scenery oil painting style discovery. 色底的研究有助于我们对中国风景油画样式进行另一种可能性的发现。 www.fabiao.net 9. The third part describes the tendency of free style of Chinese contemporary oil painting in general, and categorizes it into three groups. 第三部分对中国当代油画中的写意倾向进行了整体描述和分类研究; www.fabiao.net 10. There is abundant tradition culture and nationality characteristics in Chinese oil painting. 中国油画具有民族性特征,并隐含丰富的文化传统。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. An oil painting entitled, "Field of Dreams" sees Michael Jackson leading a menagerie of children along a yellow brick road. . . 在一幅名为《梦想之地》的油画作品中,迈克尔杰克逊领着不同肤色的孩童漫步在一条黄砖路上。 www.bing.com 2. I appreciate this oil painting much now that you have explained it to me. 我现在更欣赏这幅油画了,这你已给我做了讲解。 www.51lunwen.org 3. Oil painting Mother Earth Series was collected by Shanghai Arts Gallery. 油画《大地系列》被上海美术馆收藏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Landscape painting and the oil painting scenery context analyse China. 中国山水画与油画风景语境分析 www.8bai.com.cn 5. Chinese painting is quiet different from western oil painting. 中国画与西方油画很大不同。 clairebleue.yculblog.com 6. Oil painting portraits created when the passion and control of the problem. 以及油画肖像画创作时绘画的激情与控制的问题。 www.fabiao.net 7. The shapes, colors and lines in Guan's oil painting are arranged with originality. 关良油画中的形、色、线等方面别开生面,匠心独运。 www.christies.com 8. The investigation of'self language'within oil painting can be carried out by combining a series of different methods. 而油画的自我语言的的探索可以由很多种方式的结合来形成的。 www.boshuo.net 9. Oil painting of scorched earth taste drawing pain on his face. 焦土味的油画在他的脸盆上绘现痛苦。 www.showxiu.com 10. Asahi Satoko was born in 1979 in Chiba, Japan. She works and lives in Tokyo. She studied oil painting at Tama Art University. 朝日聡子,1979年生于日本千叶市,现居东京。她毕业于多摩美术大学油画系。 blog.jiazazhi.com 1. China new realism oil painting of creation is not by chance. 中国新写实主义油画的产生并不是偶然。 www.fabiao.net 2. enrolled by Oil Painting Department of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts . 就读四川美术学院油画系。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Russian is a special channel for oil painting spread into Xinjiang. 俄罗斯是油画教学传入新疆的特殊渠道。 www.fabiao.net 4. Dad: Both the pop music and the oil painting are arts, but with different aesthetic values. 爸爸:流行音乐和油画都是艺术,但它们有不同的美学价值。 www.tingclass.com 5. In the mid-1980s, Western culture and arts poured into China, exerting great influence on Chinese oil painting. 80年代中期,西方文化艺术涌进国门,对中国油画产生很大冲击。 chinafanyi.com 6. First China Oil Painting Society Show, Beijing, National Art Museum of China. 年首届中国油画学会展(北京·中国美术馆)。 www.zwbk.org 7. And the oil painting on this fan is really a vivid miniature of Hungshan's magnificence . 这把扇子上的油画逼真地描绘了黄山的壮美。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The art of oil painting and colorful psychology are closely related. 油画艺术与色彩心理有着密不可分的关系。 www.fabiao.net 9. Now for the Academy, the water color was inferior to oil painting. 在学院看来,水彩画比油画显得略低一筹。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. He advocates chinization of oil painting and modernization of chinese painting. 他主张油画的中国化和中国画的现代化。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Xu Yang is skilled in oil painting, Chinese Painting, and plane design. 徐杨擅长油画、中国画、平面设计。 www.sjzshb.com 2. For the spring term 2010 the Institute will provide classes in Chinese Oil Painting, Chinese philosophy and Chinese law. 明年春季计划开设中国国画,中国哲学,中国法律等课程。 www.confuciusinstitute.net 3. The oil painting is the jewel of my collection. 这幅油画是我藏画中最为宝贵的一幅。 www.nmhrjy.com 4. It is our ultimate goal to prosper oil painting art of China together with other genres through our effort. 同时我们要使它和其它流派的油画艺术一道发展,以此共同繁荣中国油画艺术。 www.fabiao.net 5. His eyes were fixed on the oil painting. 他的两眼注视着这幅油画。 www.jxenglish.com 6. I think only do that, can we make Chinese oil-painting to have nationality, age and speciality. 认为只有这样才能创造出具有民族性、时代性、独特性的中国油画艺术。 www.fabiao.net 7. He regards oil painting in the early days belongs to "dancai" style. 他认为,早期油画与中国唐代绘画同属蛋彩型画种。 www.artist.org.cn 8. Although he also studied oil painting, his primary interest has always been in the graphic arts and photography. 尽管他学习过油画,但主要兴趣始终在绘画和摄影上。 chambersfineart.com 9. Therefore, I believed that we must use oil painting this kind of tool, draws belongs to our nationality own thing. 因此,我认为,我们应当用油画这种工具,画出属于我们本民族自己的东西。 www.fabiao.net 10. So, I think: oil painting need advertising visual language for reference! 因此,我认为:油画创作需要借鉴广告的视觉语言! zhidao.baidu.com 1. Even the parking lot have such exquisite oil painting. 连停车场都有这么精美油画。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. This oil painting looks much better at a distance. 这副油画远看起来好多了。 eol.njnu.edu.cn 3. and, in 1986, a second Asian art award for his oil painting "snow" . 1986年,油画作品《雪》参加日本举办的第二届亚洲美展。 dongxi.net 4. Her oil painting takes examples from the western artists. 她的油画借鉴了西方艺术家的风格。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. The fourth chapter contains several Reflections about the value of TB in oil painting. 第四章对油画艺术中运笔价值的几点思考。 www.fabiao.net 6. An interesting little red French oil painting. 一个有趣的小的红色法国油画 zh.wikipedia.org 7. The paint is very thick and the secret to the oil painting is to build up layer on a canvas. 颜料很厚重,而油画的秘诀在于在画布上层层构建。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Sheku Wu Division of the Arts for many years the concern of traditional Chinese painting oil painting! 库艺术多年对吴晓科国画油画的关注! dukadk.blog.artron.net 9. This oil-painting landscape by Monet is priceless. 这幅莫内的油画风景画价值无法计算。 studioclassroom.net 10. By appreciating and analyzing some compositions, we can rationally ponder upon Chinese modern oil painting's present situation. 通过对当中某些作品进行赏析探讨,理性的思索中国当代油画语言的发展处境。 www.ebigear.com 1. Mounting a variety of professional painting, oil painting, cross stitch, all kinds of picture frames, frame, custom frame. 专业装裱各种国画、油画、十字绣,各种相框,镜框,画框的定制。 www.35mc.com 2. And the primary problem in front of us is how to orientate the developing direction of Chinese oil painting. 中国油画未来发展的方向该如何定位,是摆在我们面前的首要问题。 lib.nwnu.edu.cn 3. How can oil painting be a craft of Changzhou? 这油画哪里是常州的工艺品? www.hellomandarin.com 4. He is capable of drawing oil painting. 他有能力画油画。 blog.163.com 5. There is an oil painting on the wall. 墙上有一幅油画。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The Chinese character attraction is rare really, a picture likely is a beautiful oil painting is the same. 汉字的吸引力实在是超乎寻常,一笔一画就像是一幅美丽的油画一样。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Xiao Hong: We were really concerned about this during that time and thought about the future of Chinese oil painting. 肖红:那段时间很看重这个,考虑中国油画怎么办。 news.99ys.com 8. Although I enjoy Western oil painting I don't do it myself. 我虽然喜欢西方的油画,可是不会画油画。 www.nciku.cn 9. We visited an exhibit of oil painting yesterday. 我们昨天参观了油画展览。 www.jxenglish.com 10. Second oil painting, three layer is CaiFen drawings and paintings. 二层油画,三层是素描和彩粉画。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The picture can be performed by gouache color, oil painting stick, color pencil and color pen. 可以用水粉色、油画棒、彩色铅笔或是彩色水笔等各种工具材料去表现。 word.hcbus.com 2. In the skills of oil painting, Mr. Wang and Mr. Li are neck and neck. 在画油画方面,王先生和李先生不分上下。 bbs.enfamily.cn 3. As an European traditional painting, Oil painting has a history of over one hundred years in China. 油画作为欧洲的传统绘画,在中国已有百年的历史。 www.13191.com 4. crewel embroidery is more valuable than oil painting. 乱针绣比西洋油画更珍贵,价值更高。 www.hellomandarin.com 5. that is an oil painting of a landscape in spring. 那是一幅描绘春天景致的油画。 gzmiz.com 6. The Chinese image oil painting displays the unique artistic esthetic value. 中国意象油画表现出独特的艺术审美价值。 www.lw23.com 7. Smith painted an oil painting on the canvas. 史密斯在画布上画了一幅油画。 club.topsage.com 8. In 2006, An Invitational Chinese Oil Painting Artists Exhibition, Zhongwai Boyi Gallery, Beijing, China. 2006年中国油画邀请展,中外博艺画廊,北京。 blog.artron.net 9. p is my new homeland, its heaven and earth have shaped out an oil painting on which this old city showing its beautiful and charming scenes. 普拉托是我新的故乡,天和地是自然的画框。普拉托这座古城,就是这框中最美,最令人陶醉的一幅油画, zhidao.baidu.com 10. I have drawn ancient landscapes and characters with oil painting and you won't make any comment on them. 我看过用油画画的古代山水、人物,让你不知该说什么。 www.zhuweiartden.com 1. Father of poetic oil painting. 新古诗之父。诗意油画之父。 bbs.hxsd.com.cn 2. The oil painting always let me remind the enjoyable time of Gold Caost last year's holiday. 这幅油画经常使我想起去年暑假在黄金海岸的美好时光。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The fifth chapter summarizes the development and the forecast of modern Chinese practical oil painting concisely. 第五章简明概括中国当代写实油画的发展与展望; paper.pet2008.cn 4. on the basis of Western oil painting. 就是根据西洋油画创作的乱针绣。 www.cctv.com 5. In this sense, not only the Xinjiang realism oil painting the present exists, later also will be long-time exists. 从这个意义上讲,新疆现实主义油画不仅现在存在,以后也将长久存在。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. Oil painting Mayixing oil painting base. 油画作品油画家中国油画。 www.365baidu.com 7. It is very much like the transition from fresco painting to oil painting. 这与从湿壁画技术到油画技术的转变十分类似。 www.bing.com 8. Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (oil painting), Marcel Duchamp, 1912. 《下楼梯的裸女,第二》(油画),(法)杜尚,1912年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This is a study in oil painting art symmetry pattern of the article. 这是一篇研究油画艺术中对称性图式的文章。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. Can you use crayons, oil painting brush strokes? 你会用水彩笔,油画笔画吗? zhidao.baoliaoguan.com 1. They have restored the oil painting. 他们已经修复了这幅油画。 www.best1.cn 2. It therefore comprises the works of 12 artists coming from different backgrounds such as ink painting, oil painting, and multi media art. 本次展览集中了十二位来自不同背景--水墨、油画、行为、多媒体及装置艺术家的作品。 www.gdmoa.org 3. I engage in mural painting and oil painting since 2005. 2005年从事壁画创作及架上油画至今。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Le Bolan dome is a huge oil painting. 拱顶是勒勃兰的巨幅油画。 wenwen.soso.com 5. It is a much faster medium than oil painting. 它使用起来比油画颜料上色更快。 www.remword.cn 6. After you went to Dunhuang, was there any new variation that appeared in your oil painting expression? 去了敦煌,你的油画表现是不是出现了一种新的变化?。 news.99ys.com 7. I think I'll take up oil painting in my spare time. 我认为,我将在业余时间发展油画爱好。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But how to treat the influence of the post-modernism current of thought to the Chinese contemporary oil-painting is very important. 而如何看待后现代主义思潮对中国当代油画的影响至关重要。 www.fabiao.net 9. Above it hung an oil painting. 在它的上面挂着一幅油画。 wenwen.soso.com 10. This gold frame sets off the oil painting very well. 这个金框把油画衬托得很美。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 1. Why not take up oil painting in your spare time? 为什么不在业余时间发展油画爱好呢? english.31931.cn 2. The use of children in painting a variety of tools, and Oil painting stick, watercolor pen and so on. 幼儿在绘画中使用的工具是多种多样的,有油画棒,水彩笔等等。 www.cutpic.cn 3. This oil painting is very pleasing . 这幅油画可真够养眼的。 www.rainlane.com 4. So for the future development of oil painting image, we must correct their attitude, and sort out ideas. 因此对于意象油画未来的发展,我们必须端正态度、理清思路。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. Cui Yanshe was born in 1963. He graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts majoring in oil painting of in 1988. 崔彦社,1963年生,1988年毕业于西安美术学院师范系油画专业,现为深圳市宝安区龙华中学美术教师。 wap-art.com 6. Her new work moves towards installation and sculpture, in addition to the oil painting and sketching for which she is known. 除了宋琨为人所熟知的油画和素描作品,艺术家的最新创作开始转向装置与雕塑。 www.art218.com 7. april . 1994 oil - painting " winter moon " was chosen for the 2nd china oil - painting exhibition in china fine art gallery. 1994年4月油画《冬月》入选中国美术家协会油画艺术委员会《第二届中国油画展》,在中国美术馆展出。 www.ichacha.net 8. Image oil painting; the survival and the development not only are to the Chinese culture inheritance, also is to world art rich. “意象油画”的生存与发展既是对中国文化的传承,也是对世界艺术的丰富。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. Furthermore, I like the pen draft that Xiao-gang improvises upon preparation for his oil painting. 我更喜欢晓刚为了准备纸上油画而作的钢笔小画。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Can you tell me the title of this oil painting? 你能告诉我这贴画油画的名字吗? e.3edu.net 1. Who said this is an oil painting? 怎么就能说这是油画呢? www.hellomandarin.com 2. He graduated from Nanjing Institute of the Arts with the major of oil painting. 毕业于南京艺术学院美术系油画专业。 blog.artintern.net 3. We can see, regardless shuimo and oil painting, which is unimportant in old painter Wu guanzhong's word! 我们可以看到,无论水墨、油画,在老砸家吴冠中的笔下已经无关紧要了! www.fabiao.net 4. beautiful What a beautiful oil painting this is! 这是多么美丽的一幅油画啊! blog.sina.com.cn 5. I really like your oil painting. You paint very well. 丽丽:我很欣赏你的油画。你画得非常好。 sars.china.com.cn 6. This gold frame sets off your oil painting very well. 这个金色的镜框把你的油画衬托得很美丽。 3w.hongen.com 7. Many oil painting exhibitions are there. That is a kind of Museum Exhibition. 里面有很多油画展览,那是一种博物馆展览。 www.tingclass.net 8. There are some thing different with Chinese painting and oil painting . 中国画和油画有很多不同。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. My friend, is the oil painting master of Chen's friends. 我的朋友,是油画大师陈可之的朋友。 store.eachnet.com 10. In addition, to learn tempera as the origin of oil painting is necessary for us to comprehend oil painting language sufficiently. 另外,学习作为油画发展源头的坦培拉绘画,对于我们充分理解油画艺术语言也是必不可少的。 1. I think it's the most beautiful oil painting I have ever seen. 我认为那是我见过的最美的油画。 www.chinaedu.com 2. From their works, we can see the Japanese-based oil painting expression method. 从他们的作品中,可以看到日本化的油画表现方法。 sswwii.blog.163.com 3. Meiji era (1893) began in Japan would advance wave upon wave into oil painting artist's studies and learning. 明治时代(1893)开始日本的画家便前赴后继地投入油画的研究和学习中。 www.zidir.com 4. "Unveiling Nanfei's Curtain. . . " is the first Wang Nanfei oil painting and sculpture solo exhibition in Hong Kong. “掀起南飞的帷幔”是香港首个王南飞的个人油画及雕塑展览,其作品以探讨人性中的情与欲。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Mr. Wang: I graduated oil painting of Sichun Academy of Art. It is my major. 王:我以前是川美油画专业毕业的啊,算是老本行。 blog.artron.net 6. Given my interest in oil painting , this is the best place to study. 考虑到我对油画的兴趣,这是学习的最好地方。 www.qeto.com 7. The diplomatic reception hall assumes the ellipse, on the wall hangs has describes the American scenery the huge ring-like oil painting; 外交接待大厅呈椭圆形,墙上挂有描绘美国风景的巨幅环形油画; zhidao.baidu.com 8. Many oil painting exhibitions were held, which helped introduce more young painters to the society. 大型油画展的频频举办,推出了不少年青有为的油画家。 www.jukuu.com 9. What a delicate oil painting! Do you like it? 如此精美的油画,你喜欢吗? www.asianyoungentrepreneurs.com 10. The provenance of oil painting Oriental Goddess was an aspiration 《东方神女》油画创作起于一桩心愿 blog.sina.com.cn |
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