单词 | over the long run | ||||||
释义 | over the long run
例句释义: 长远,长期之观点来看,来看 1. It's unclear at this point if these changes would translate, over the long run, into more heart attacks or strokes. 从长远看,这些变化是否会引起心脏病和中风,这一点还不清楚。 www.bing.com 2. Over the long-run, if and when we do bounce out of this recession, municipals may prove to be an excellent long-term investment. 直到最后,假如到时候我们摆脱这次的经济衰退,地方政府债券也许会证明它是一种优秀的长期投资。 www.bing.com 3. But if you do not train, your victory may be like a one-time lottery win, which you cannot capitalize on over the long run. 但是如果你不训练,你的胜利可能就像赢得了一次乐透彩,而这种运气并不能供你长久利用。 www.bing.com 4. These probabilities represent expectations averaged over the long run and are subject to the law of probabilities. 这些概率代表的平均预期在长期内,并受规则的影响。 hi.baidu.com 5. Further substantial weakness in the dollar over the long run would have major implications for the U. S. and global economies. 长期来讲,美元若进一步明显走疲,对美国和全球经济而言意义重大。 cn.reuters.com 6. 'Over the long run, consumption should be lifted due to lower production cost, ' he said. 江新芳说,长期而言,生产成本降低将会提振消费。 chinese.wsj.com 7. With an expense ratio of 0. 25%, 'it's been a very good fund in this category' over the long run, says Mr. Tjornehoj. 从长期来看,“这是该投资类别中很好的一个基金。”托内奥吉说道。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The private sector needs to stand up for the system that will allow you to thrive over the long run. 私营企业需要站出来支持这个会让你在长期发展中茁壮成长的体系。 www.kekenet.com 9. So, they don't have the powerful incentive that stock ownership provides to make sure they run the company well over the long run. 所以,他们缺乏一个企业股东应该拥有的保证企业长期健康经营的足够动力。 www.pconline.com.cn 10. Over the long run, education, skills, strong appearance, and a grounded and positive outlook on life will pay enormous dividends for you. 长远看,教育、技能、良好仪表、脚踏实地并且积极的人生观将为你带来可观的回报。 www.bing.com 1. Price elasticity of demand for petrol will not be affected by the change in the price of petrol over the long run. 需求价格弹性对汽油的不会受在汽油上的价格的变化的从长远看影响。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Gold will never outperform stocks and bonds over the long run, because it does not grow or produce a cash flow. 长远来看,黄金投资的受益不可能超过股票和债券,因为它并不产生现金流。 www.bing.com 3. Studies show that shareholder payouts are the main reason that equities outperform other asset classes over the long run. 研究显示,股东派息是股票长期收益好于其他资产品种的主要原因。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Accordingly, saving is self-defeating, as a loss in income will disallow individuals to save over the long-run. 因此,储蓄是自我挫败的,因为它给收入造成的损失将阻止人们进行长期储蓄。 yyzznn2008.blog.163.com 5. Our objective . . . is to support our interests over the long run with a sound foreign policy. 我们的目的……是以健全的外交政策来支撑我们的长远利益。 jwc.ysu.edu.cn 6. For instance, one JVM might be faster to start up, while the other may maintain lower memory consumption over the long run. 比如说,一个JVM可以启动更快,但另一个可能长期内存占用较低。 www.ibm.com 7. Over the long run, these efforts usually prove counter-productive for the team as a whole. 长期以来,这些工作通常证明总体上对团队来说是反生产力的。 www.ibm.com 8. Reality: A buy and hold, value investing approach has done the best over the long run despite its boring simplicity. 事实:买入后就坚持持有,虽然简单地令人乏味,但价值投资方式在长期看来是最好的。 www.bing.com 9. the environmental and biological factors that hold this intrinsic capacity for population growth in check over the long run. 生态学家的使命就是调查清楚环境和生态因素长期以来是如何控制这种致使种群增长的内在能力的。 dict.kekenet.com 10. Clearing forests may enrich those who are doing it, but over the long run it impoverishes the planet as a whole. 毁林者也许能通过砍伐获得财富,但从长远来看,整个地球都会因此走向贫瘠。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Certainly over the long run the US must rediscover fiscal prudence and reduce its deficits or face a costly rise in borrowing costs. 长期来看,美国当然必须重拾财政审慎,并减少赤字,否则借贷成本将大幅上涨。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Over the long run, many economists say the structural imbalances on both sides of the Chinese-American debt symbiosis could be disastrous. 许多经济学家认为,从长远来看,中美债务互相依存的结构性失衡导致的结果可能是灾难性的。 dongxi.net 3. With these requirements well known, pulp andpaper clients are in a position to manage lifecycle costs over the long run. 有了这些众所周知的要求,从长远来看纸浆和纸张的客户就可以实现对生命周期成本的管理。 www.bing.com 4. Economists worry that price controls can distort markets and exacerbate problems over the long run. 经济学家担心,价格控制可能会扭曲市场,从长远发展来看会使问题恶化。 www.bing.com 5. Both will have great difficulty being considered serious candidates over the long run. 长期看来,他们被纳入有力候选人的困难很大。 www.bing.com 6. Indeed, one's chances of making money in the stock market over the long run increases significantly if you buy cheaply. 的确,如果你买的便宜,长期来看你在股市赚钱的机会就会大增。 www.bing.com 7. Mr Goolsbee also questioned whether the behaviour of the rich hurt growth over the long run. 对于富人的行为是否对经济增长造成了长期影响这个问题,Goolsbee也提出了疑问。 www.ecocn.org 8. It may not be much, but it probably adds up over the long run. 或许这并不多,但也许这加在一起就超过了一段长期的时间。 www.bing.com 9. Slower growing plants may force to adjust your initial views of spending, but will save you money over the long run. 植物生长较慢,可能会迫使您的初步意见,调整支出但是你可以节约资金逾远。 actuafreearticles.com 10. Most people can't bring themselves to do this, even though it improves returns over the long run. 大多数人无法下决心这么做,即使从长远来看,这能提高投资回报水平。 dongxi.net 1. 'We are still very positive on many commodities on a fundamental basis over the long run, ' said Goldman's Mr. Greely. 高盛的格里利的说,长期来看,从基本面分析,我们仍然非常看好很多大宗商品。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Over the long run, that will not improve Sino-American relations. 从长远来说,这不会改善中美关系。 www.ecocn.org 3. Over the long run, financial innovation begins at a common trunk. 从长期角度来看,金融创新始自于一个共同的主干。 www.ftchinese.com 4. What will be the main drivers of changes in global and regional food and fuel security over the long run (to 2050)? 长期来看(直到2050年),在全球和区域粮食和燃料安全领域推动变革的主要动力是什么? www.fao.org 5. The paint must not deteriorate in quality over the long run. 这种油漆千万不能在经过一段时间后质量下降。 www.sogood.cn 6. The model has worked very well over the long run, for Yale at least. 至少对于耶鲁自己来说,耶鲁模式长期以来运转的都很不错。 www.ecocn.org 7. But Mr Noda said Japan should cut its reliance on nuclear energy over the long run. 但是野田说从长远来看,日本应当减少对原子能的依赖。 www.ecocn.org 8. Over the long run they provide the bulk of equity investors' returns. 从长期来看,它带给股票投资者可观的回报。 www.ecocn.org 9. Share prices have tended, over the long run, to go up. 股票的价格从长期来说,有上涨的趋势。 www.ecolion.cn 10. Combined, small steps will lead to big improvements that will be easier to maintain over the long-run. 小小改变的积累就可以成为大的改进,这样更容易维持长久。 www.bing.com 1. The last two are the most important, over the long run. 长远来看,后两个问题最重要。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Perhaps plutonomy, in the 21st century, will prove stable over the long run. 也许在二十一世纪,经过长时间的磨合,人们可以证明这种政治经济学是稳定的。 www.bing.com 3. Trading and short-term views are all very well but, over the long run, nothing beats a well-constructed portfolio. 交易和短线观点都不错,但从长期来看,没有什么比一个结构合理的投资组合更好。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Markets always rise over the long run. 从长期看,市场总是上扬的。 www.fzwebi.com 5. Over the long run, the future for biofuels may be looking up. 从长远角度看,生物燃料的未来可能正在改善。 www.ecocn.org 6. That makes sense, it saves lives, and it will also save money over the long-run. 这有好处,它拯救生命,长远看来也会省钱。 www.bing.com 7. The American people hire a President to do the right thing for our country over the long run. 美国人雇用他们的总统是让他为国家的长远将来做正确的事。 www.bing.com 8. Over the long run, equities and corporate bonds should provide a positive return over a risk-free rate such as Treasury bills; 经过长期经营,股票和公司债券会给出还不错的回报,高于类似国债那样的无风险利率。 club.topsage.com 9. Profit maximization over the long run 长远最大利益 www.pkuyy.com |
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