单词 | natural world |
释义 |
n. wildlife,environment,nature,biosphere,ecosphere 例句释义: 〔哲〕自然界,物质世界,自然世界,大自然相片,自然的世界 1. While there was great destruction, the vast majority of it was part of the natural world and necessary for Gaia's transformation. 同时这里依旧有着大量的破坏,绝大部分来自于自然,以及盖亚母亲转变的需要。 www.lxxsd.com 2. The natural world like this Thanksgiving, more people should have the heart of Thanksgiving. 自然界尚且如此感恩,人更应该具有感恩之心。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The natural world has such a large range of brightnesses, but a computer screen can only display a very narrow range of them. 自然世界的亮度是一个非常大的范围,但是电脑屏幕只能显示他们之间的一段很窄的范围。 www.asiacg.net 4. If any sexual behaviour is out of tune with the natural world, it is surely that of the priesthood. 如果有任何和这个自然界唱反调的性行为,那无疑就是这种天主教的僧侣生活。 www.bing.com 5. It's an advance that means living cells could be persuaded to make proteins with properties that have never been seen in the natural world. 这是很大的一个提升,意味着活细胞如今能够利用自然界中前所未有的方式来合成蛋白质。 www.bing.com 6. Next week, I'm going to be looking at how, about ten thousand years ago, we began to transform the natural world by starting to farm. 下一周,我将继续去探索近万年前,我们是如何去将自然世界改造成农场。 www.bing.com 7. The natural world, which she explored with her brother, Harry, was one retreat from an otherwise miserable existence. 而与兄弟哈利对自然环境的探索,成了她对有些悲惨的生活的某种逃避。 www.bing.com 8. Connaught for the life of the natural world is large, the moment is only small, and groups, leaving only scattered traces. 人的一生对于诺大的自然界来说,仅仅是渺小的一瞬,而群体的活动,也只是留下星星点点的痕迹。 www.bing.com 9. Sperm competition theory does seem to bear out in the natural world. 精子竞争理论在自然界似乎被证实了。 www.bing.com 10. Linnaeus sought to reveal what he saw as the divine order of the natural world so that it might be exploited for human benefit. 林纳斯一生致力于揭示自然世界的神圣秩序,并希望其能为人类服务。 www.ecocn.org 1. For as long as I can remember I have had a sense of living somewhat freely in a natural world. 从记事时起,我就已经萌生出在大自然中自由自在生活的意识。 dongxi.net 2. Heraclitus developed an entire philosophy of life based upon his observations of the natural world. 凭借对自然界的观察,赫拉克利特发展了一整套生活哲学。 www.bing.com 3. We found that the natural world has continued to be destroyed as fast as ever. 我们发现自然界仍被飞速破坏。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Young Charles was intensely interested in the natural world from an early age. But his father wanted him to be a doctor. 年轻的查尔斯对自然世界有着异乎寻常的兴趣,但他的父亲希望他能够成为一名医生。 www.bing.com 5. Because of his infatuation with the natural world, one could almost understand Malick as a sort of modern day Francis of Assisi. 和母亲一样,杰克对自然界十分地迷恋,他的形象让人不禁将他视为现代亚西西的方济格。 dongxi.net 6. Her mother died when she was young; her father, a security guard, encouraged her early to explore the natural world. 当她还很小时,她的母亲就去世了。她当保安的父亲鼓励年幼的她去探索自然世界的奥秘。 www.bing.com 7. A natural world recreated by man, the garden was a traditional retreat for Chinese scholars. 园林是人工再造的自然世界,也是中国古代学者们传统的静修之所。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Behind these questions is for me a practical concern with the relentless devastation of the natural world. 这些问题背后是个现实的担忧,对自然世界无情的摧毁的担忧。 open.163.com 9. So I think part of the art is an overwhelming sense of delight and appreciation and celebration of the natural world. 因此,我因为艺术中的一部分是一种让人难以控制的喜悦、一种对大自然世界的赏识与庆贺。 www.bing.com 10. In the middle of one of the United States' greatest concrete jungles, you'd think there'll be no space for the wonders of the natural world. 在美国这片硕大无朋的钢筋森林里,你会认为里面没有空间给自然世界的奇景。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. Here are a few things from the natural world that I find amazing and try to take in every chance I get. 这里我想分享一些我从大自然发现的美妙,而且只要有机会我都会尽量好好地享受一番。 www.bing.com 2. On AS IT IS we take a look at two recent environmental studies that improve our understanding of the natural world. 今天我们的节目将会带您了解最近两个提高我们对自然世界认知的两个环境研究。 www.bing.com 3. The grass shacks, tee pees and mud huts did not separate these indigenous peoples from the natural world. 草屋、圆顶帐篷和泥棚并没有使这些土著人与自然界分离。 www.tisheng.org 4. Shiva and Vishnu were a couple that came to earth to experience the glory of natural world delights and then carried in into a transfusion. 湿娃(Shiva)和毗湿奴(Vishnu),是来到地球以体验大自然的愉悦辉煌,然后进入到融合中的一对夫妻。 rfive.blog.sohu.com 5. It means treating humans not as insignificant observers of the natural world but as central to its workings, elemental in their force. 这意味着,不能将人作为自然界的一个无足轻重的旁观者,而是将其作为整个自然界的中心,并且是最为重要的力量。 www.ecocn.org 6. Holism: The holism refers to the unity and integration of the body, and the relationship of the natural world to the human being. 整体观念:整体观念是中医学对人体本身的统一性和完整性,以及对人与自然界相互关系的整体认识。 www.nnyuyu.com 7. In the natural world and the practical engineering materials you can use a combination of these models to form known as complex models. 而在自然界和工程界的实际材料,则可以用这些模型的组合来构成,称为复杂模型。 img7.zhubajie.com 8. Interpretation of That "The Human Reason Legislates for Natural World" 解读“人的理性为自然界立法” service.ilib.cn 9. Self-location people, identification of the natural world is always cannot leave the shapes and colors. 人们差于自然界风光的辨别,老是离不开轮廓和颜色。 www.bing.com 10. His painting philosophy is one of natural beauty and he integrates himself into the natural world. 这是一种绘画哲学的美,他在表现大自然深邃美丽的同时,也把自己融进了自然界。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Today humans are losing touch with the natural world and finding themselves living and working in cement prisons that are known as cities. 今天,人类正在丧失与大自然的联系,发现自身生活和工作于被称为『城市』的水泥监狱之中。 cqly186.blog.163.com 2. When we look around us at the natural world, there is often an ulterior motive. 当我们在大自然世界中环顾四周时,心里往往怀有一个动机。 www.bing.com 3. The natural world is vastly complex web of competing interests with no allegiance to any species or philosophy. 自然世界是一个各种利益互相竞争的巨大而复杂的网络,它并不忠于任何一个物种或思想。 www.bing.com 4. This perfect visual ability gives it a 360 degree field of vision, unique in the natural world. 这个绝妙的视觉能力使它可以看到360度的方位,这在自然界中绝无仅有。 www.hjenglish.com 5. But , as in the natural world , their existence does not preclude the evolution and continued existence of smaller species . 但是,正如在自然世界中那样,它们的存在并不会妨碍更小物种的进化与继续存在。 www.bing.com 6. Always consider what influence you might have on the natural world. 总是考虑如何影响你可能对自然世界。避免损害植物。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Chitosan is the only alkaline polysaccharose in the natural world, which has good bioadhension, biodegradability and biocompatibility. 壳聚糖是自然界存在的唯一的碱性多糖,具有良好的生物粘附性、生物可降解性及生物相容性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The natural world features a few amazingly strong creatures of its own. 其实,在自然界中,也有一些这样具有超凡力量的生物。 www.putclub.com 9. Charles Darwin's thinking about the natural world was profoundly influenced by his revulsion for slavery. 查尔斯.达尔文对于自然界的思考受到他痛恨奴隶制的深刻影响 www.bing.com 10. Whatever the reason for producing this dazzling light show, it remains as one of the natural world's most bizarre and spectacular facts. 无论这种炫目光影秀是出于何种缘由产生的,它始终都是自然界最奇异壮观的现象之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Its recurring cycles of light and darkness formed the basis for the first organizing principle of our natural world: Day and Night. 以它带来的光与暗的循环交替为基础,形成了自然界最基本的组织原则:日与夜。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. This subject introduces skills needed to build within a landscape establishing continuities between the built and natural world. 本课程主题将介绍如何在景观中建造建筑物时让自然界与构造物之间产生关联的技巧。 www.myoops.org 3. Earth was a vast wilderness of natural world delights and far from a human civilization. 地球是一个广袤的荒野,只有自然界的美妙而没有人类文明。 rfive.blog.sohu.com 4. It's a joy to see this land preserved and opening these kids eyes to the natural world. 看到这片土地得到保护,孩子们认识自然世界,是让人快乐的事情。 www.daliandaily.com.cn 5. It helps young people take action for the environment and care for the natural world, both in their own neighbourhood and around the world. 它帮助年轻人为自然界行动起来,并且关爱自然,不仅在身边,而且在全世界范围。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. He emphasized that true wisdom transcends materialistic knowledge, and that the natural world is also a manifestation of the divine. 他强调,真正的智慧是超越物质主义知识层面的,自然界也是天堂的示现。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If the body fails to adjust itself to adapt to the changes of the natural world, it will cause diseases. 如果机体不能对自然变化作出适应性调节时,也会发生疾病。 zhooushi.blog.163.com 8. In so doing, you will fill your own food source with the love of the natural world returned into the food that you cook and eat. 这么做,你将用自然界循环回来的爱充盈到你烹饪和进食的食物之中。 dwbbs.qiudao.net 9. E. O. Wilson's Encyclopedia of Life project invites the world to help in documenting the rich variety of species in the natural world. 爱德华·威尔森的“生命大百科计划”呼吁全世界都来帮助记录丰富的自然物种。 www.bing.com 10. His large attempt was to find common ground between the observable natural world and the worlds of myths and mysticism. 他的大方向是寻找看得见的自然世界与神话及通灵世界的共同点。 www.bing.com 1. I mean we can inspire him for a deeper understanding of the natural world. 我的意思是说我们可以启发他更深刻地了解自然界啊。 edu.qq.com 2. To understand better matter and energy is the natural world is the purpose of chemistry. 更好地理解自然界的物质与能量是化学研究的目的。 wenku.baidu.com 3. with ironic humour she foils interactions between men and women by a natural world that serves as a powerful mysterious backdrop. 她以自然界的强大神秘为背景,用反讽的幽默手法衬托了其所设定的男女交往关系。 news.99ys.com 4. In this respect he follows the Aristotelian conception of a teleological or purpose driven natural world. 在此他服从了亚里士多德对于目的论和驱动自然世界的意图的观念。 www.bing.com 5. Stewardship of the natural world stands as an obligation of certain religious traditions. 自然世界的职能在某些宗教传统中代表了一种恩惠。 www.bing.com 6. There is a real world, independent of our senses; the laws of Nature were not invented by man, but forced upon him by the natural world. 存在一个真实的世界,与我们的感官无关;大自然的规律不是由人发明的,而是自然世界强加给他的。 www.bing.com 7. Future generations are unlikely to forgive our lack of concern for the integrity of the natural world that supports all life. 我们缺乏对万物赖以生存的自然界生态统一的关心,对此,我们的后代是不可能原谅的。 www.ebigear.com 8. therefore anything living inside of a matrix energy flow separates oneself from the natural world. 因而任何生活在矩阵能量流内的事物都是与自然界分离的。 www.tisheng.org 9. they then add in direct consumption of such services as recreation and aesthetic appreciation of the natural world. 他们然后在如娱乐和天然的世界美学赏识的服务直接消费方面增加。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. Lake Bogoria in Kenya boasts one of the most flamboyant spectacles of the natural world. 肯尼亚的伯哥利亚湖以全自然界最炫目的景观闻名。 video.2u4u.com.cn 1. We humans like to think of ourselves as somehow outside the natural world, but we have a circadian clock as well. 我们人类喜欢把自己视为多少有点超乎于自然世界之外的高等动物,但我们也有一个生物钟。 www.bing.com 2. without aligning with the natural world, one will be hard pressed to enter the new dream as the new dream is a natural world phenomenon. 如果没有与自然界相校准对齐的话,你将难以进入新梦想,因为新梦想是一个自然世界的现象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Shapes of animals and plants in the natural world, human beings and cartoons are simulated and applied to practical design. 我们在设计中模拟自然界动植物、人物、卡通的形态运用到设计实践中去。 www.boshuo.net 4. This interest is based on an understanding of the human's role as a toolmaking animal who survives via his or her use of the natural world. 这种兴趣是建立在理解了人是一种能通过他们对自然世界的利用来生存的,能制造工具的动物的基础之上的。 www.76616.com 5. Marxist thinks that labor is not the source of wealth; labor together with the natural world is the source of all wealth. 马克思主义认为劳动不是一切财富的源泉,劳动和自然界一起是一切财富的源泉。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. We tend to look on nature conservation as some kind of favour that human beings are granting to the natural world. 长期以来,生态保护被看作人类赏给大自然的一种恩赐。 www.bing.com 7. Although waste is not expressed in the natural world dream, and all is recycled , it does appear in the human dream. 尽管废弃物并没有表达在自然界梦想中,那里一切都是循环利用的,但它却的确出现在人类的梦想当中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. People living in the natural world, the human diet is to maintain the material basis of life activities. 人生活在自然万物中,饮食是维持人体生命活动的物质基础。 blog.163.com 9. Change that improves living standards while reducing our impact on the natural world will not be easy. 能同时改善生活标准并减少我们对自然环境影响的变革不会轻而易举地实现。 www.wwf.org.hk 10. Scientists use observation and experimentation to develop a correct description of the natural world. 科学家们运用观察和实验,对自然界作出正确的描述。 bbs.gter.net 1. when in reality all that one requires to do is to attune to nature and the natural world as to what is edible surrounding oneself. 在那时事实上关于你周围有什么可食用的你需要做的一切就是调谐至大自然与自然界。 www.tisheng.org 2. And I study that in the natural world, the interconnectedness of species. 我研究自然界中,物种彼此之间的关系。 www.ted.com 3. The Grand Canyon is one of the wonders of the natural world. 大峡谷是世界自然奇观之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Indeed, many parts of the natural world are under threat in Australia. 实际上,澳大利亚的多处自然景观都处于威胁之下。 www.ecolion.cn 5. Here we see an interesting concept: the natural world and human events are often intermingled . 我们在这里看到一个有意义的概念﹕自然世界和人类通常是相融合的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Even before the invention of written language, man left records of his impressions about the natural world. 早在发明文字之前,人类就留下了他们对自然界看法的记录。 7. And the ecology of the natural world above ground would be greatly improved. 地面上的自然生态问题将会大大地提高。 www.8875.org 8. Likewise, town dwellers are more distanced from the natural world than earlier generations were. 相似地,城市居民与自然的距离比前几代的更远了。 www.bing.com 9. Decisions we make now will profoundly affect the natural world and the quality and sustainability of our lives. 我们现在的决定将对自然界有深远的影响,(同样也影响了)我们的生活质量和可持续性。 ngmchina.com.cn 10. North Korea's state media have foreshadowed the funeral with descriptions of the natural world venting its grief. 为了在追悼会之前烘托气氛,朝鲜官方媒体报道了天人同悲的种种现象。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon, one of the wonders the natural world. 我站在大峡谷边缘,它是自然界中的奇观之一。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Yet at no point in that process did we stop to consider our impact on the natural world and the consequences of our "progress" . 但是我们从来没有停下来考虑我们对自然的影响和我们“进步”的后果。 www.bing.com 3. I haves strong love of the natural world, and my enthusiasm has led me into varied investigations. 我强的爱的自然世界,和我的热情,引领我到不同的调查。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. PTMSC's main mission is to foster respect for the natural world and encourage environmental stewardship Science Programs. 该中心的主要任务是培养尊重自然世界的意识、鼓励自然环境保护的研究工作。 www.biositemap.com 5. Each day, try giving kids one hour of unstructured play in the natural world, suggests the National Wildlife Federation, an advocacy group. 自然野生动物联合会(一个倡导性的组织)建议每天尽量让孩子在大自然中自由玩耍一个小时。 www.bing.com 6. These photographs capture the human spirit at play and in turmoil within the natural world around us. 这些照片捕捉了在欢笑中抑或在自然界苦难中的人文精神。 www.bing.com 7. Humans learned to manipulate DNA and intermix that which may have never intermixed if left to natural world procreation. 人类学会了操控DNA,并混合了如果自然界自我繁衍的话永远不会混合的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Whether lion or antelope, run continually for existence in the natural world, otherwise been eliminated from the competition. 在自然界中,不管狮子还是羚羊,为了生存,只有不停的向前跑,才不会被自然界淘汰。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Your inner life can be a source of vitality and inspiration when the natural world is gray and seems dormant. 当你觉得整个世界是灰色的、好像处于休眠状态时,你的内心世界就是活力和灵感的源泉。 www.webi.com.cn 10. A werewolf may try to escape into the natural world, but that realm has also been dying steadily. 一个狼人会试图逃到自然中去,但是那个世界也正在稳步消亡。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Your inner life can be a source of vitality and inspiration when the natural world is gray and seems dormant. 当你觉得整个世界是灰色的、好像处于休眠状态时,你的内心世界就是活力和灵感的源泉。 www.webi.com.cn 2. A werewolf may try to escape into the natural world, but that realm has also been dying steadily. 一个狼人会试图逃到自然中去,但是那个世界也正在稳步消亡。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. And perhaps, inciting such controversy was part of the artist's agenda, asking us to rethink our relationships to the natural world. 也许煽动起这样的争议恰恰是艺术家刻意安排的一部分,要求我们重新思索我们与自然世界的关系。 www.mayongfeng.com 4. Life experiences to tell her that the lack of water, so the natural world will lead to depression. 生活经历告诉她,水的缺乏,才会导致自然万物如此萧条。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Darwin's thought always extended beyond the natural world. His ideas always had, and were meant to have, a social dimension. 达尔文的思考经常超越自然层面,而总会有对社会层面的考量。 www.bing.com 6. Happily for both mankind and the natural world, Ms Marris concludes, many such causes can be aligned. 玛丽总结道,有很多原因让我们保护自然,这对于人类和自然界都是好事一件。 www.ecocn.org 7. Just under half of all Americans believe the natural world was created in its present form by God in six days as described in Genesis. 接近一半以下的美国人相信自然世界如「创世纪」所描述,是上帝在6天内创造成现代的形貌。 mailftp.lihpao.com 8. The drones in development here are designed to replicate the flight mechanics of moths, hawks and other inhabitants of the natural world. 这里正在研发的无人驾驶飞机旨在复制飞蛾、老鹰及自然界其他动物的飞行力学机理。 dongxi.net 9. His detailed knowledge of ecology and love of the natural world stitches his poems into the fabric of specific landscapes and locales. 他将丰富的生态学知识和对自然的热爱融入到诗歌中,描绘编织出独特的风景。 www.bing.com 10. Universal patterns are all around us in the natural world, yet each is affected by the local environment. 自然界的普遍模式无处不在,但每种模式都受当地环境的影响。 www.bing.com 1. Universal patterns are all around us in the natural world, yet each is affected by the local environment. 自然界的普遍模式无处不在,但每种模式都受当地环境的影响。 www.bing.com 2. The theory of environmental interests is developmental economics theory and new view of exploring in natural world and natural law. 环境利益论是发展的经济学理论,是探索自然世界与自然法则的新视角。 soso.361xs.com 3. It refers to the natural world touched by people's everyday action and practice. It is a- visual, subjective and original existence. 它是人们在日常行为和实践中所接触到自然状态下的世界,是可直观的、主观的、原初性的存在。 epub.cnki.net 4. which captured the wildness of the natural world around him but which bordered on abstraction. 这种技法抓住了他周围自然世界的粗犷,但接近抽象派。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. We might therefore define the natural world as whatever the scientific method eventually discovers. 这样,也许我们可以将自然世界定义为科学方法所做出的最终发现。 www.bing.com 6. Mysterious natural world usually use sudden disasters to remind human: Prophecy exists indeed. 神秘的自然世界经常用突兀的灾难提醒人类:谶语是存在的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The strangest stories from the natural world are investigated this month on National Geographic Channel. 本月国家地理频道将调查自然界最稀奇古怪的事件。 swsh.tw 8. The pleasures, the values of contact with the natural world are not reserved for the scientists. 与自然世界接触的乐趣与价值并非只留给科学家。 www.59edu.com 9. These colored X-ray pictures help us get a closer look at the complex beauty of the natural world. 这些彩色的X光照片让我们更清楚地认识自然界错综复杂的魅力。 space.yoka.com 10. But the scale of our mishandling of the natural world is much bigger than this. 我们粗暴对待自然世界的程度比这还严重得多。 www.bing.com 1. But the scale of our mishandling of the natural world is much bigger than this. 我们粗暴对待自然世界的程度比这还严重得多。 www.bing.com 2. It is currently found in the natural world of cosmetics with the best moisturizing properties of the material. 它是目前自然界中发现的化妆品用保湿性能最好的物质。 www.b2easy.com 3. This is a pair of jeans washing wastewater treatment process, and more sewage is free to the natural world. 这是牛仔裤洗水污水的处理过程,而更多的污水被随意排到自然界。 www.texclo.net 4. Throughout history, most inventions were inspired by the natural world. 纵观历史,大多数的发明都是被自然界所激发的。 www.bing.com 5. We'll come with a design challenge and we find the champion adapters in the natural world, who might inspire us. 我们会带着设计上的难题然后在自然界中找到可以给我们提供灵感的那些适存者。 xiuxianqu.com 6. Nature , in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the natural world , physical world or material world . 自然,最广泛的意义,是等同于自然世界,物质世界和物质世界。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. After this theory for the development of the law of conservation of charge , which is the most basic law of one of the natural world. 以后,这个理论发展为电荷守恒定律,这是自然界最基本的定律之一。 www.showxiu.com 8. Asexual reproduction does exist in patches of the natural world, but sex is everywhere. 无性繁殖只部分地存在于自然界,但“性”随处可见。 www.bing.com 9. The natural world is closed-loop. It does not create things that serve no purpose. 自然界是一个封闭循环的世界,它从不会做毫无意义的创造。 www.bing.com 10. TCM holds that yin-yang is both the fundamental law in the natural world and the origin of growth, development, change, and decline. 中医学认为阴阳是自然界的根本规律,是事物生长、发展、变化、衰亡的根源。 www.bing.com 1. TCM holds that yin-yang is both the fundamental law in the natural world and the origin of growth, development, change, and decline. 中医学认为阴阳是自然界的根本规律,是事物生长、发展、变化、衰亡的根源。 www.bing.com 2. It is in the Mara that perhaps the most spectacular event of the natural world takes place. 在马拉自然保护区,也许发生着自然界最为壮观的事件,那就是一年一度的大迁徙。 www.51kantie.com 3. Fortunately for our safety and unfortunately for our energy policy, antimatter is rare in the natural world. 反物质在自然界相当稀少,这对我们的安全来讲是件好事,但对能源政策却不是。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 4. The scientific innovations of Galileo Galilei are pivotal to our understanding of the laws of the natural world. 科学创新的伽利略是关键,以我们的了解,加深对法律的自然世界。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I was on the edge of the Grand Canyou, one of the wonders of the natural world. 我站在大峡谷的边缘,领略自然世界的一个奇观。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. Communities may choose to coexist with nature in the natural world dream that all kingdoms are holding the gate open for. 社区可以选择在自然界梦想中与大自然共存,所有王国都为此正敞开大门。 www.tisheng.org 7. The natural world is organized into interrelated units called ecosystems. 自然世界是由相互关联的单位称为生态系统。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Learning about the natural world is one thing, learning from the natural world -- that's the switch. 认识自然界是一回事,向自然界学习,这才是转变的开始。 www.ted.com 9. For inspiration about the form such protection could take, the IBM team turned to the natural world. 为了寻求关于这种保护的灵感,IBM公司转向求助于自然界。 hotdic.com 10. All kingdoms must connect with the natural world to receive a blueprint for ascension. 一切王国都必须和自然界相联系,以获得提升的蓝图。 www.2nana.net 1. All kingdoms must connect with the natural world to receive a blueprint for ascension. 一切王国都必须和自然界相联系,以获得提升的蓝图。 www.2nana.net 2. Today we highlight the best images of the natural world. 这里展示的是自然界类最突出的优秀照片。 www.bing.com 3. Human beings are living in the natural world and the natural world provides them with the necessary conditions for existence. 人生活在自然界中,自然界存在着人类赖以生存的必要条件。 zhooushi.blog.163.com 4. Before they settle down, the starlings put on one of the most spectacular shows in the natural world. 以前他们定居下来,把椋鸟在自然界最壮观的节目之一。 www.hazhu.com 5. For me personally it's all about discovering the natural world around and within you. 对于我个人而言,攀岩是去发现自己身边的自然世界。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But how can we teach Darwin and also teach that humans are somehow exceptional in the natural world? 但是我们如何既教授达尔文(理论),同时又教育学生人类在某种程度上在自然世界占据优越地位? www.bing.com 7. In short, Darwin gave us a framework for asking questions about the natural world, and about ourselves. 一句话,达尔文给我们提供一个探究自然世界和我们之谜的研究框架。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The natural world is a source of happiness and fulfillment, but only when prescribed in the right doses. 自然界是一个快乐和满足的源泉,不过只有在按照指定的要求用以适当的剂量的时候。 www.ebigear.com 9. A personal interest in science, mathematics, and the natural world are useful in this area of study. 对科学,数学和大自然的兴趣将对该专业的学习有所帮助。 college.strong-study.com 10. I was fortunate to be influenced by relatives that had such passion for their gardens and the natural world. 我很幸运被家人影响,他们对于自己的花园和自然世界都有很强烈的热情。 www.bing.com 1. I was fortunate to be influenced by relatives that had such passion for their gardens and the natural world. 我很幸运被家人影响,他们对于自己的花园和自然世界都有很强烈的热情。 www.bing.com 2. humanity and the natural world are separable things is profoundly damaging. 而且人文与自然界可分割的非常理念是毁灭性的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Both, trees and leaves, show their beauty in the wilderness of natural world. . . 树和树叶,在无人的荒野自生自美。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Roots, rocks, gourds and other objects from the natural world were similarly appreciated in the scholar's studio. 根,岩石,葫芦和其他对象从自然世界是同样赞赏学者的工作室。 word.hcbus.com 5. Some lump ATVs in with snowmobiles - noisy intrusions on the natural world. 几辆全地形雪上汽车打破了大自然的宁静。 www.bing.com 6. Since Darwin's birth, the natural world has changed beyond recognition. 从达尔文横空出世那天起,自然世界就已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。 www.bing.com 7. He uses his knowledge of the natural world to make his photographs as relevant to science as possible. 他运用他的自然知识尽可能地使得他的照片科学挂钩。 www.fanyitie.com 8. Few people appreciate that the natural world is a chemical one. 很少有人欣赏自然界是化学的世界。 www.ecocn.org 9. Now scientists may increasingly turn to the natural world for examples from the emerging field of quantum biology. 现在,科学家也许要日益向自然世界中新兴的量子生物学学习众多的例子。 www.bing.com 10. That is to say, it is subservient to the natural world; its importance is that it refers to that world. 也就是说,这些学科都是自然世界的奴仆;,它们存在的价值就是去解释那个自然世界。 www.bing.com 1. That is to say, it is subservient to the natural world; its importance is that it refers to that world. 也就是说,这些学科都是自然世界的奴仆;,它们存在的价值就是去解释那个自然世界。 www.bing.com 2. It turns out that the natural world is full of hyperbolic wonders. 而事实上自然界到处都有双曲线的奇观。 www.ted.com 3. Even problems with crime and aggressive behaviour are reduced when there is contact with the natural world. 在与自然界接触时,犯罪和挑衅问题也减少了很多。 www.bing.com 4. From animism to naturalistic pantheism, there are various belief systems that deify the natural world. 泛灵论、自然主义泛神论、盖亚理论——崇拜自然世界的信仰形形色色。 www.bing.com 5. These creatures are not part of the natural world. 这些生物不是自然界的一部分。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. Rupp has been thinking about the relationship between humans and the natural world for more than thirty years. 三十多年来,拉普一直在思考人与自然界之间的关系。 www.bing.com 7. For many, dinosaurs were the introduction to understanding the natural world. 对许多人来说,恐龙是了解自然世界的介绍。 www.cgfriend.org 8. The natural world contains about 8. 7 million species, according to a new estimate described by scientists as the most accurate ever. 根据最近由科学家作出的,到目前为止最精确的估计,自然界共含有870万个生物物种。 www.bing.com 9. is a new frontier in the struggle to quantify humanity's impact on the natural world. 自外太空衡量经济活动是确定人类对自然界影响的一个新的前沿领域。 www.bing.com 10. In the past, witches were thought to possess magical powers connected with the natural world. 曾经,巫婆被认为具有操纵自然世界的魔法力量。 www.elanso.com 1. In the past, witches were thought to possess magical powers connected with the natural world. 曾经,巫婆被认为具有操纵自然世界的魔法力量。 www.elanso.com 2. The Center aims to re-establish the connection between the built and natural world as one that is mutually beneficial. 中心试图建立人工建筑物与自然环境之间的关系,从而实现两者之间的互利共赢。 www.julemei.com 3. They loved the natural world, the outdoors and above all they loved fish. 他们热爱自然界,喜欢户外生活,特别是喜欢鱼。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In the natural world there are many types of biological production of cellulase. 自然界存在很多产纤维素酶的生物。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. It might not immediately goad our interest but this wiki lists 179, 317 taxonomic entries sourced from species records in the natural world. 可能不能立即引起我们的兴趣,不过这个维基列出了17万9317来自世界物种记录的分类目录。 www.bing.com 6. We may also have evolved to get pleasure from certain aspects of the natural world. 我们也可能已经进化到可以从自然界的某些方面获得快乐。 www.ebigear.com 7. The natural world was beautiful by day, but monsters prowled the Earth at night. 白天的大自然是如此美丽,但是夜里怪兽横行。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. He says taking inspiration from the natural world has become imperative. 他说从自然界获得灵感开始变成一种设计规则。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. In the natural world, when an animal fights the other one, live or death. 在自然界,当两只猛兽相遇,不是你死,就是我忘。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Many music store from xi xi, more natural world music store woman! 来自喜多乐店,喜多乐店女人的自然天地! store.eachnet.com 1. The era of his prime, he manipulated the natural world, to walk in the waves and make the sea calm. 及至孩童的时代,他的话使学问高深的人希奇。到他盛年的时代,他操纵自然界,能在巨浪中行走,又能使海平静。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Some 300 zoologists, botanists and palaeontologists are working with millions of specimens to add to our knowledge of the natural world. 大约300个动物学家、植物学家和古生物学家正致力于成千上万的标本,增添我们自然世界的新知识。 www.bing.com 3. We get pleasure and fulfillment from the natural world. 从自然世界中我们得到了快感和满足。 www.bing.com 4. Fresh revelations from the natural world. 从自然界发现的新启示疑问和解答。 lib.forestpolice.net 5. complex ever documented in the natural world. 这在自然界中也是最复杂的情况 www.kekenet.com 6. You treat us as part of the natural world. 你应该把我们当作自然世界的一部分。 open.163.com 7. We stand half inside the natural world and half outside it. 我们一半立足于自然世界中,一半在其外。 dongxi.net 8. No tool is more powerful for understanding the natural world than the scientific method. 科学方法是认识自然界最有力的工具。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In other words, the natural world has only 4 types of ink blending is performed. 换句话说,板滞界丰裕的色彩,仅用4栽油墨和解是表现不不入来的。 www.bing.com 10. If we want to continue to romanticise our natural world, we, as a civilisation, must also avoid it. 如果我们想要继续感受大自然的浪漫,人类文明也必须懂得回避这种浪漫。 www.bing.com 1. All of which is astounding evidence for the deep mathematical basis of the natural world. 所有这些都为深对自然世界的数学基础惊人的证据。 www.ccebook.net 2. Viewers want to watch people having adventures in the natural world. 观众想看人们在自然世界中的冒险。 www.bing.com 3. In the natural world on a bigger scale there are fractal objects. 自然界中更大的尺度上也存在分形对象。 www.93ta.com 4. because linear orderings are common in the natural world. 因为线性排序中是常见的自然世界。 img15.vikecn.com 5. It was this kingdom that one communed with or allowed for a bridge between oneself and one's field and the natural world. 正是这个王国会和你交融,或允许在你、你的能量场和大自然之间带来一个桥梁。 cqly186.blog.163.com 6. with the nature to your baby, listen to the sounds, feel the music in the United States and the natural world. 带宝宝到大自然中去,倾听各种声音,感受自然界中的音乐美。 www.cutpic.cn 7. The natural world lives in balance. 自然界的生活有一种平衡。 www.bing.com 8. Her observations of the natural world are acute and fresh, but also objective, reaching beyond herself. 她对自然界的观察敏锐而新鲜,又兼有局外人的客观态度; www.bing.com 9. When I was in college, and for many years after, I liked the natural world. 在上大学以及此后的很多年中,我都很喜欢这个自热的世界。 dongxi.net 10. Live with fuwen river, in a natural world. 相伴符文河,自然天地间。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The natural world exists with certain immutable givens : gravity, sunlight, seasons, phases of the moon, etc. These are obvious to everyone. 自然世界存在某些不可改变吉文:重力,阳光,季节,各阶段的月亮,等这些都是大家有目共睹的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. eg: It's our duty to protect the natural world. 保护自然界是我们的责任。 360edu.com 3. In our results-driven culture, speed is rewarded, but in the natural world this just doesn't apply. 在我们的结果为导向的文化,速度是奖赏,但是在自然界这并不适用。 www.cdcteam.com 4. Our men's verve or hospitals'vitality, cultture, is that all things in the natural world transformation and social transformation. 我们的先贤气魄还是蛮大的,生机转化是说自然界万物和社会转化发展的规律。 www.bing.com 5. That we have a response to the natural world that's very profound. 即我们对自然世界有一种深刻的感觉。 www.ted.com 6. There are many reasons to value the natural world. 珍惜自然环境的动因有很多。 www.ecocn.org 7. Critics say it is unethical to patent something that is part of the human body or the natural world. 评论家们说,将人类身体或者自然界的一部分申请专利是不合乎道德的。 dongxi.net 8. Her exquisite sense of art probes into not only natural world but also her inner heart. 其独特细腻的艺术感觉,一是伸向自然界,一是伸向内心世界; lib.nwnu.edu.cn 9. For over 50 years her has been showing the world the natural beauty of the Earth and teaching us to protect this natural world. 50多年来,她(指大卫?艾登堡制作的自然节目)一直向世界展示地球的自然美景并教育我们去保护这个自然世界。 tinyurl.com 10. The greater the passion we can inspire for the natural world, the more effective conservation will be. 人们对于自然世界的激情愈旺盛,保护措施就愈见效。 www.bing.com 1. While exploring the park, they learn more about the nation's history, their own cultural heritage, and the natural world we share. 他们在探索公园的过程中,也学到更多有关国家历史、自身的文化传统以及我们大家共享的自然界的各种知识。 www.america.gov 2. How do you see yourself in relation to the natural world? 您怎样看待您自己和自然界的关系? wenwen.soso.com 3. Also called the Jurassic Coast, it is England's first natural World Heritage site because of the outstanding geology and great beauty. 也有人叫它加拉斯可海岸,由于它那不寻常的地理位置和美不胜收景色,是英格兰最棒的自然遗产。 www.bing.com 4. Ever since that moment, the natural world has been in retreat, equally undervalued by economists, accountants, engineers and politicians. 从那时起,自然界就在经济学家、会计师、工程师、政治家的低估下一退再退。 www.eucma.org 5. Mumford wants to use arts to guide and control the development of science and the machine and to affect the natural world. 芒福德企图用艺术控制科学和机器的发展,从而影响自然世界。 www.bing.com 6. And then, his missionary, death, went to conquer the natural world. 接下来,他的仆人——死亡——前去征服自然世界。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I love the natural world and do my best to honor the living Earth. Perhaps you do, too. 我爱这个自然的世界,也尽全保护这个生机盎然的地球,也许你也是这样。 www.bing.com 8. We have a lot in common: He is a person of color, although not a color that appears in the natural world. 我们有许多共同点:他是一个有色人,但是他的颜色不是自然世界中的一种。 bbs.dengtian.com 9. I discovered that a person's ability to adapt is like grass in the natural world. 我发现人们适应改变的能力就如自然界的小草一样。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. Because life doesn't really deal in things; there are no things in the natural world divorced from their systems. 因为生命处理的并不是东西自然界中没有什么东西是与系统脱节的。 www.ted.com 1. The development of the natural world, is a steady decline in the process of symmetry. 自然界的发展,正是一个对称性不断减少的过程。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. And so the natural world wove a dream for humans of greater wisdom to join the red nation tribes upon Earth as this is what they desired. 因此自然界编织了一个更大智慧的人类会加入地球上红族部落的梦想,因为这是红族部落所渴望的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Love is the second sun in our natural world. 爱是自然界的第二个太阳。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. In the natural world these are survival skills. 在自然界,这些都是求生技能。 bbs.crazyenglish.org 5. Toads rescued from extinction, sexing a sloth and radioactive boar - the pick of this week's images from the natural world 拯救濒危蟾蜍,鉴别树獭的性别,有放射性的野猪—来自自然界的本周图片精选 www.bing.com 6. Whether of the natural world or of human expressions, should be objectively valid. Consequently, 不管是关于自然界的还是关于人类公式的,都应该是客观的、有根据的。因此, blog.cersp.com 7. It Cannot be Simply Concluded that Man Is a Member of the Natural World 不能简单地说人是自然界中的一员 www.ilib.cn 8. It makes visible that which would normally remain hidden and offers an opportunity for exploring and investigating the natural world 它令通常深藏不露的特质一览无遗,为探索和调查自然世界提供了一个机会。 www.bing.com 9. Feral hogs, sunlit seals and captured crocodiles - the pick of this week's images from the natural world 凶猛的野猪、晒太阳的海豹和捕获的鳄鱼——本周来自自然世界的精选图片 www.bing.com 10. Decision Method of Investment Combination with Incomplete Information about Natural World State 状态信息不确定的组合投资决策方法 scholar.ilib.cn 1. BBC Natural World - The Last Grizzly of Paradise Valley BBC自然世界-天堂谷最后的灰熊 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Need better ways to represent, understand, manage, and communicate our natural world 需要表达、理解、管理我们这个世界并与之进行交流的更好的方式 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Miraculous Function of Royal Jelly Created in Natural World and Life Sciences 蜂王浆在自然界和生命领域内创造奇迹 www.2muslim.com 4. one of the wonders of the natural world 自然界的奇观之一 wenwen.soso.com 5. Communicating Science in Exploring Natural World 在探索自然中传播科学,传承文明 www.ilib.cn 6. Is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder anywhere in the natural world? I know the answer. But what do you think. Module 大峡谷是自然界最伟大的景观吗?我知道答案,你怎么认为? wenku.baidu.com 7. The Snake Island and the Bird Island feature rich resources and give peculiar natural world; 蛇岛、鸟岛资源丰富,呈现奇特自然; gatefanyi.com 8. The greatest wonder of the natural world 自然界中最伟大的奇观 wenku.baidu.com 9. Architectural Wonders of the Natural World 自然界七大建筑奇观 bbs.cnnas.com 10. March 2009: From beavers to blossom, the pick of this week's images from the natural world 2009年3月20日:从海狸到鲜花,本周从大自然世界摄取的照片精选 www.bing.com 1. Not the round natural world, not the deep mind, 非浑圆之自然世界,也非深沉之心, www.bing.com 2. Living on the Edge: Amazing Relationships in the Natural World 和《紧张度日:自然世界中的奇妙关系》 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 3. Governance of relations with the natural world 政府与自然界的关系 www.cte.edu.cn 4. Fresh findings and revelations from the natural world 自然界的新发现你关于大自然的疑问和解答 lib.forestpolice.net 5. Speaking from the natural world and the unity of mankind society, Marxism 从自然世界和人类社会的角度来讲,马克思主义哲学 zhidao.baidu.com 6. 11 September 2009: From possum joeys to polar bears - the pick of this week's images from the natural world 2009年9月11日:从刷尾负鼠“乔伊斯”到北极熊——本周来自大自然的摄影精选。 www.bing.com 7. In pictures: Visions of the Natural World 卫报图说:自然世界景观 www.bing.com 8. From Reference to Deference: Daoism and the Natural World 从参照到敬重:道家与自然界 www.ilib.cn 9. Don't Mess with Mother Nature: Acids and Bases in the Natural World 不要打扰大自然母亲:自然界中的酸和碱 95book.com 10. The Natural World in Contemporary Yi Poetry 彝族当代诗歌中的大自然 iel.cass.cn 1. The former focuses on the natural world; 在自然世界的前焦点; zhidao.baidu.com 2. Five ways to find harmony with the natural world 五种与大自然和谐相处的方法 www.bing.com 3. BBC Natural World A Highland Haven 自然世界苏格兰高地栖息地 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The Natural World in Modern Yi Poetry 彝族现代诗歌中的大自然 iel.cass.cn 5. The Human and the Natural World 电子人和自动人人和自然世界 genders.zsu.edu.cn 6. BBC Natural World Big Sky Bears 自然世界天空之城的熊 blog.sina.com.cn |
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