单词 | might as well |
释义 | 例句释义: 不如,不妨,倒不如,最好 1. She insisted that she had accidentally added too much milk to her cereal, and instead of wasting it, she might as well give it to Banjo. 她坚持说她无意之中往麦片粥里加多了牛奶,与其浪费不如给班卓。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. Then, his sister told him that if he liked drawing so dang much, he might as well make a buck or two at it. 后来,他姐姐对他说,他那么喜欢画画,也许可以因此挣点钱。 www.bing.com 3. He might as well have picked a family at random out of the telephone book and stayed with them. 他还不如从电话薄里随便找一个家庭和他们住在一起。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Nor with such a man could you expect the appeal to conscience to be effective. You might as well ask for a reflection without a mirror. 和这种人你也不能期望良心的要求能起作用。要这样想,你还不如在没有镜子的情况下去要映像。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If I were to try to read, much less to answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well as be closed for any other business. 哪怕我曾经想过要看这些对我的攻击言论,这个店可能就已经关门改做其它的业务了,更不能说去回复它们了。 bbs.translators.com.cn 6. So you might as well be a little more verbose and create better self-documentation for your annotation type. 所示的简写形式中获益,所以您需要创建虽然稍微有点冗长,但是更容易理解的注释类型。 www-128.ibm.com 7. You'll only ask me again in 10 minutes, so I might as well tell you that. . . When anyone goes off the side of the pitch, they're offside. 10分钟之后你肯定还会再问我,我不妨告诉好你了……当任何人在球场跑错位置的时候,他就越位了。 www.bing.com 8. She might as well have said it straight to his face and, for good measure, kicked him in the shins. 或许,她不妨当面告诉老板她的感受,再在他小腿上踢一脚。 www.bing.com 9. We might as well rest here for a while. We've got to wait for our luggage to come out. 我们可以在这里休息一下,行李呆会才能来。 www.zhksw.com 10. He might as well have tried to legislate the word "dream" out of American public discourse. Dreams? Reality? 他莫不如试着通过立法将“梦想”一词逐出美国的公众话语。梦想?现实? www.ftchinese.com 1. I've been holding this stuff for a while, so I might as well let some of it out. 这些东西我一直都没有说,现在我想让大家也知道一些。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 2. With its own tightly wrapped inside, might as well such as Chinese rose despite ups and downs like the wind and rain! 与其将自己的内心紧紧包裹,还不如如月季花大起大落般任凭风吹雨打! blog.sina.com.cn 3. We are stuck with its obligations. In the Whole Earth Catalog, my first words were, "We are as Gods, and might as well get good at it. " 在《地球目录》的第一句话是:“我们就像上帝一样,我们也许真的能做得像上帝那么棒。” www.ted.com 4. He returned to the pet store that afternoon, reasoning that he might as well convert the snake's lair into a rat's nest. 那天下午他又返回宠物店,照此推测,莫不如把蛇窝儿变成养老鼠的地方。 www.bing.com 5. He said, "I might as well try to clip my own nose into shape with scissors. The book bleeds" (2). 他说,“就像我试着拿剪刀修剪自己的鼻子一样,书也会流血”。 www.bing.com 6. Since you will know the matter sooner or later, I might as well tell you now. 既然你迟早都会知道这件事,我倒不如现在就告诉你。 log.hjbbs.com 7. The poverty mentality thinks, "There's such a tiny bit of cake; I might as well eat it. " 导致贫穷的心态认为,“就这样一点点的蛋糕,我还不如吃了。” www.bing.com 8. In this time of a batch ", we might as well, " to " the iron ore to a whole " . 在这变局稍稳的“间歇”,我们不妨对“铁矿石之变”来一个全程追踪。 www.51wufengguan.cn 9. And the cost of iteration is so cheap that you might as well give it a go. 重复操作是如此简单,你也许会想也试一把。 www.ted.com 10. We might as well go deeply into the matter someday. 找一天,我们不妨进一步研究这件事情。 www.iselong.com 1. And, now I come to think of it, I might as well ride round there myself and report to him or squire. 我现在想起来了,我应该亲自去他家,向他或乡绅报告这件事。 www.jukuu.com 2. I suppose he figured he might as well get what he could out of it. 我猜他是算计着也许仍能从中尽量捞一把。 www.bing.com 3. After all, here we are. It may not be where we expected to be, but for the time being we might as well call it home. 毕竟,事已至此,这或许不是我们所期望的局面,但眼下我们不妨称之为家吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Okay, if I was going to be lonely for the next few years, I might as well start by being lonely in Europe. 好吧,如果在以后的几年中我注定要一个人度过,那么,也许我可以从独自一人去欧洲旅行开始。 www.51speaking.com 5. Might as well when apply face film wipe redundantly a few go up in the hand, let both hands also can share profit. 敷面膜时不妨把多余的抹一些在手上,让双手也能分享到益处。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. There was the swinger, who had decided that if she was going to do it anyway, she might as well get paid for it. 也有人想法前卫,认为既然无论如何都会有性行为,那么不妨拿些报酬。 bbs.internet.org.cn 7. There's no one to hear. You might as well scream. They never woke up from the American dream. 这里没有人听得到。你可以一直大声叫。他们在美国梦中不会醒来。 www.yappr.cn 8. Really, we might as well cancel officials' overseas study tours, then we'll see if the results of reforms might be a little better. 真的,我们不妨取消官员出国考察试试,看看是不是改革效果能好一些。 www.ourblogs.cn 9. The one we have installed has not reached the lowermost position yet. You might as well open it and press it down to see if it will sink. 我们组装好的那个没有达到最低位置,你可以打开,往下压,看是否下沉。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. When I got to another ocean, I figured since I've gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going. 当我到达另一片海洋,我想我已经跑了这么远了,或许我该回去了,只为了继续跑下去。 lifesinger.3322.org 1. He felt that the time was up. An explanation might as well come now as later. Therefore, he shook his head in the most gentle negative. 他觉得是时候了。迟早都要解释,现在就解释也一样。因此,他极其温柔地摇摇头表示否定。 www.bing.com 2. What appears to be true might as well actually be true, because we tend to process the illusion as though it were the truth. 因为我们容易把真相的幻影当作真相,所以看起来真实的事物也可能是真的。 www.bing.com 3. See you. Being so weak and not in a bear, you might as well to see a doctor. 瞧你。都这么虚弱了,不要在硬撑了。你最好去看看病。 blog.diandian.net 4. We might as well make hay while the sun shines. Let us finish the task before the boss comes back from his business trip. 我们不妨利用大好时机。让我们在老板出差回来前,把任务完成了。 www.kekenet.com 5. Unfortunately, most runners warm up and then stand around for a while before their races begin. They might as well not warm up at all! 然而绝大多数跑步者在比赛前热身后都站立停留一段时间,这样就可能完全没有热身。 www.bing.com 6. Eg. He decided that he might as well have it out with them. 他决定还是和他们把问题谈清楚的好。 www.kekenet.com 7. I figured that the train might as well, and set out to ask the conductor. 我觉得火车上没准也有,就去问列车员。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. She allows that if JPMorgan Chase is allowed to go bust, "we might as well as get on a boat out of the country. " 她承认如果摩根大通破产了,“我们最好坐小船逃离这个国家。” www.bing.com 9. If you're going to spend so much of your life sleeping, you might as well put the time to good use. 如果你打算将你部分的人生用于睡眠,那你也会充分利用这些时间的。 www.bing.com 10. I think you might as well be from Mars as far as she's concerned, you know what I mean? 我认为对于她而言,你就像火星人那么遥远,你明白我的意思吗? book.sina.com.cn 1. At your request, we might as well put off the meeting for a few days. 根据你们的请求,我们姑且把会推迟几天再开。 www.meshfire.com 2. Since she had come up to London, she might as well speak her mind. 既然她已来到了伦敦,她还不如说出真心话。 wenku.baidu.com 3. He figured that he might as well try to sell the stuff by packing it in small eggs and advertising it through novelty catalogs. 他们指出他们也可以将这种材料填充到小蛋中去并以新奇类产品出售。 www.bing.com 4. May we all have our hopes, our will to try. If we don't we might as well lay down and die. You and I. 愿我们都怀有希望和意志去努力,如果没有,就犹如坐以待毙,你我皆然。 www.e-say.com.cn 5. No matter what you wear on Monday, the day is going to be blazingly fun -- so you might as well wear something outrageous. 不管你周一穿啥,这一天都是分外耀眼,所以可以出位一点。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I'm not ready to go yet so you might as well leave without me. I'll see you there. 我还没准备好,所以你不如先走,我到那和你会合。 soohi.com 7. He did not, as far as anyone knows, wear a sign on his back saying "Kick me, " although he might as well have. 就我们所知,他虽然没有在背后写上:踢我吧,但他真应该这麽做。 www.bing.com 8. Some big pop-music hits are so cyberized the singer might as well be telling you to press 1 if you know your party's extension. 一些流行歌手实在是太网络化了,就像让你拨一个分机号一样简单。 bbs.dili360.com 9. If you were lost in how to make a real man or how to search for a real man, might as well see the point of chairman MAO. 如果你还迷失在如何做个真男人或者如何寻找一个真男人的地步,不妨看看毛主席。 www.bwbd.info 10. If the shipowner doesn't authorize you to do so, you might as well telephone him for his instructions. 如果船东未授权你这样做,你不妨打电话请示他。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The owner of the house had the wardrobe and figured he might as well add a touch of magic to the house for a pretty amazing result. 屋主拥有这个衣柜,并设想一下他还可以为房子非常令人吃惊的效果增加一点魔力。 www.hxen.com 2. Since we were all in our PJ's, might as well just turn off the lights and party in the darkness. 既然是“睡衣晚会”,那就干脆关上灯,在黑暗中狂欢吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. You might as well not know a thing at all as know it only a little. 只知道一点点,不如完全不晓得。只知道一点点,不如完全不晓得。 wenku.baidu.com 4. But with just that handkerchief of a mizzen, and stays' I and working jib, we might as well have been trying to row her to the canal. 可是凭着这后桅上的手帕一点大的帆,支索帆和船首三角帆,我们本来可以设法把它划到巴拿马运河的。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 5. So, I mean, if they're gonna follow me around all day I might as well make friends with them, you know? -Mm-hmm. 所以,我是说,如果他们整天跟着我,我也会与他们交朋友,你知道?-嗯嗯。 zhaidou.com 6. Since the "central dogma" thesis cuts across traditions, I might as well start with my own. 既然“中心教条”的理论打乱了传统,我就开始我自己的传统吧。 www.51zanmei.com 7. If you were to do business with people who only paid lip service to you, you might as well give them all your money! 如果要跟一个口不对心的人做生意,倒不如把你的钱直接送给他吧! www.gznf.cn 8. After all, once you quit, you're never going to see them again anyway, right? Might as well give it a try. 然后,一旦你辞职,你就永远不用再见到他们了,是吗?可以试试看。 www.en369.cn 9. In this time of an "a" to "intermittent, might as well change" to the iron ore a track, heavy to think rationally. 在这变局稍稳的一个“间歇”,不妨对“铁矿石之变”来一个全程追踪,沉下心来进行理性的思考。 www.51wufengguan.cn 10. Take the redundancy and blow the cash on an MBA. If you're going to be unemployed you might as well be unemployed and overqualified . 自愿离职,用这笔钱读一个MBA。如果你将失业,不妨做个资历过高的失业者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Otherwise, he might as well move out of the White House, and hand the keys over to the Tea Party. 不然,他还不如从白宫搬出去,将大权交给茶会党。 www.bing.com 2. You will get tired, your technique will deteriorate, and you might as well call it a day. 你将会变得疲劳,你的技术将会退步,而你同样也把它称为一天(游泳练习)。 www.xmswim.cn 3. If you fail this test then you know for sure that you are not gradient field so you might as well do that. 如果通不过检验,那么可以肯定,它不是梯度场,你可能也会那样做。 open.163.com 4. Inviting the men might as well say the move is the most primitive desire, a woman is tempted by a move prior to the brain. 男人动心了还不如说动了最原始的欲望,女人动心了是之前动了脑筋。 www.mercicoffee.com 5. We might as well make use of the hotel's facilities. She makes use of people she meets as raw material for her fiction. 她把她所遇见的人们作为她创作小说的素材。的素材。 wenku.baidu.com 6. It might as well have been any of the others, so far as he was concerned. 就他而言,原本随便对谁都是一样的。 www.bing.com 7. The crocodile called it a 'chance' , but he might as well have dragged me into the river right then and there. 鳄鱼称之为一次‘机会‘,但它还不如在当时直接把我拖进河里。 www.bing.com 8. He might as well have been a trained monkey. 于是,他倒不如做个训练有素的猴子。 www.bing.com 9. She had reportedly said then that they might as well go public, since they were in a serious, long-term relationship. 据当时的报导说燕姿觉得不如将恋情公开,因为他们是认真要发展长期感情的。 www.yanzi.tv 10. Likewise, if you write down your pass phrase and stick it on a post-it note on your monitor you might as well not use encryption at all. 此外,如果您喜欢把密码写在便笺上,然后把它粘贴到您的显示器上,那么您还是干脆不要加密的好。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 1. The Louvre might as well replace it with copy; no one would be able to tell. 卢浮宫完全可以用一幅复制品代替真迹,没人发现得了。 www.bing.com 2. He might as well have said: "Sticking with our strategy while remaining a public company just isn't going to work. " 他同时还称:“继续保留上市公司的身份,同时又坚持我们既定的战略,这条路在未来行不通。” www.fortunechina.com 3. It was scarcely noon, and I conceived that I might as well pass the night under my own roof as in an inn. 那时还不到中午,我想我不妨在自己的屋子里过夜,反正和在旅店里过是一样的。 www.jukuu.com 4. When Nansen and Johansen returned to Norway in the summer of 1896, they might as well have been returning from the dark side of the moon. 当南森和约翰森于1896年夏天回到挪威的时候,他们简直就像从月球背面返航一样。 www.bing.com 5. I thought, well, I'm a sex object anyway, I might as well have it out on the table. 我那时候想,好吧,我本来就是个性对象,那我就索性把这想法摆台面上好了。 www.bing.com 6. He mentions that everything we share is in the "public domain, " so people might as well get used to it or limit what they say. 他提到,我们分享的所有东西都在“公共领域”里,因此人们倒不如习惯于这一点,或者约束自己的言辞。 dongxi.net 7. He knew he needed to adapt faster, for if you do not adapt in time, you might as well not adapt at all. 他知道,他需要做出更快的调整。因为,如果不能及时调整自己,就可能永远找不到属于自己的奶酪。 www.kekenet.com 8. Not having known her address, I might as well telephone her to come over. 由于还不知道她的地址,我只好打电话让她过来。 wx.jtyjy.com 9. This was one of the leftover ones so I thought I might as well sow it and see what happened. 这是吃剩下的葵花籽,所以我想也能种下看看会发生什么事。 www.ebigear.com 10. And as for her, one might as well expect her to produce a diamond necklace as to show a spark of passion. 至于这个姑娘,希冀她表现出一丝一毫的激情犹如指望她拿出一条宝石项链一样不切实际。 www.bing.com 1. To draw out of others more valuable opinions upon the problem, I might as well cite my own experience. 为了抛砖引玉,我不妨先说说自己的经历。 www.24en.com 2. Alice thought she might as well wait, as she had nothing else to do, and perhaps after all it might tell her something worth hearing. 爱丽丝想反正没什么事,不如在这儿等一等,也许最后它会说一点儿值得听的话的。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Yet it's this type oflogic that convinces people who have wound up in a bad situation that they might as well stay in it. 也正是这种逻辑使在不利状况中的人们确信他们将一直困于其中。 club.astro.sina.com.cn 4. So saving for college, though a worthy goal, isn't always a realistic one when a week might as well be a lifetime. 虽然存钱上大学是一个很不错的目标,但我们的目标绝对不局限于它必须是现实存在的东西,也不局限于要在固定的时间内完成。 www.bing.com 5. If I had something to say as an artist I think I would be a bloody awful artist, I might as well be a journalist. 如果我作为一个艺术家我需要用语言表达,那我就是最差劲的艺术家,那还不如跟你一样当记者。 www.douban.com 6. Nationalization will inevitably be the solution, so Beijing might as well get it out of the way now. 国有化将是必然的解决方案,因此中国政府倒不如现在就行动起来,清除这些债务负担。 chinese.wsj.com 7. But critics say you 'might as well hit your penis with a hammer' because such technology is designed to be destructive. 但也有批评者称这跟“用锤子打阴茎”没什么区别,因为这种技术显然非常有破坏性。 www.jfdaily.com 8. Once the notion of injustice has come into your mind, you might as well get up and start your day regardless of the fact it is still dark. 一旦脑子中冒出不公平的想法,你最好爬起来,开始一天的事情,尽管天还没亮。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Now that have such a good chance, you might as well take advantage of it to improve your oral English. 既然有了这样的机会,你不妨好好利用,来提高你的英语口语。 wenwen.soso.com 10. He woke them both up getting to bed, but when they tried to wake him up afterwards they might as well have tried to wake the dead. 他去睡觉的时候把他们两人都弄醒了,但是后来他们想唤醒他时,简直就像唤死人一样。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Now things have turned to be better. With my new ambition, I might as well carry it out step by step. 现在总算是慢慢好起来了,有了新的目标,一步一步来吧! zhidao.wangchao.net.cn 2. It may take a while, but then again; life is a journey. It's an ongoing process, so you might as well enjoy yourself. 这可能需要一段时间,但可以反复寻找,生命是一个过程,是一个历程,所以你不妨让自己快乐。 www.bing.com 3. The Chengs had the doctor in to look at her, and the doctor told them they might as well get her coffin ready, because she was a goner. 程家请了医生来看她,但是医生对他们说还是早点准备棺材吧,她快要死了。 www.028edu.com 4. In reality, I might as well be throwing her into walls, down the stairs and beating on her because that is what I am doing to her spirit. 现实生活中,我也可能让她撞墙,踢他下楼,打她,因为这也是我想过的。 www.bing.com 5. Rachel: Well, alright, then, forget it. (Getting up to go) Might as well just go home. Ow ow ow ow! 恩,那好吧,那么还是算了吧。(站起来准备走)我正好还能坚持到回家。噢噢噢噢! www.xieyidian.com 6. Because in looking at the other team, these two teams might as well be staring into a mirror. 看看他们各自的球队,就好像在镜子里看自己一样。 www.t1.hk 7. At least it's in one piece. - Might as well be back in the Abbey. 至少还没碎.-也许和在教堂里面一样的好。 www.tingroom.com 8. But almost all useful math is heavily automatable , so you might as well get some automated servants to help you with it. 但几乎所有有用的数学都是重型自动机,所以你能够让一切都变的自动化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. He knew they were busy betting in the harvest. He might as well go and join them. 他知道他们正忙着收庄稼。他不妨和他们-块儿去干。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Well, he decided, he might as well take it like a man. There were worse ways to die. 好吧,就这样了,他决定像个男人那样接受这一切。世界上还有很多比这糟糕得多的死亡方式。 www.unsv.com 1. The road of life, in the face of all the sorrow and difficulties, we might as well try to smile on! 人生道路上,面对一切悲哀和困难时,不妨试着微笑一下吧! www.bing.com 2. It'll be a few minutes before they're ready for you, but you might as well head on over. . . 他们还要过几分种才准备好,不过你还是可以直接过去… www.bing.com 3. After the war he justified himself: the Jews had been killed anyway, and might as well have died significantly. 战后他为自己辩解说:反正犹太人已经被杀了,还不如死得有些意义。 www.bing.com 4. When I began lifting weights, I got injured so often I might as well have simply beaten myself about the head and face with a barbell. 当我开始举重锻炼时,受伤之频繁,差不多等于在用杠铃敲自己。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Since you're not going to get rid of her, you might as well accept the situation and make the best of it. 既然你没有可能摆脱她,那么你最好承认现实接受她,从而尽可能化不利为有利。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But I have to tell you at first, the house is near to the railway. And if you can't put up with the noise you might as well save the trip. 但是我得事先告诉你,这栋房子靠近铁路。如果你无法忍受噪音,就不用白跑一趟。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. In our view, he might as well have been treating a raging pneumonia with a vitamin. 在我们看来,他可能也在使用一种维生素来治疗肆虐的肺炎。 www.bing.com 8. The General looked round for a waiter. 'But we might as well have another drink. 将军四处张望,寻找服务生的踪影。“我们最好再喝一杯。” blog.sina.com.cn 9. but man, even if yao and t mac heats up, if our role players shoot like this, we might as well pack it in. 但是哥们,如果姚明和麦迪热了起来,而我们的角色球员打成这样子,我们或许还是会打包回家的。 club.sohu.com 10. If you're going to the library, I might as well go with you and return these books. 如果你要去图书馆的话,我倒不如跟你一起去把这些书还了。 www.hxen.com 1. But hey, we might as well give it a shot. 但嘿我们还是试一试吧 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He might as well had said he was moving to the moon. 他如果是要搬到月球上去住大概也是这个效果。 www.bing.com 3. You might as well talk it over with Joe. He's good at drawing , you know. 你不妨和喬商量一下,他擅長畫畫。 www.qeto.com 4. The ageing pharaoh might as well try to blot out the sun with his finger. 日渐衰老的法老还不如试着用手指遮住太阳。 www.ftchinese.com 5. All is not lost unless they're a commitment-phobe, in which case you might as well have followed it up with . . . "And I have an STD. " 一切还不会结束,除非他们厌恶承诺。如遇这种情况,你可以接上一句“嗯,我有性病”。 www.bing.com 6. We'll round off these 40 Tokyo facts with a few that you might as well start forgetting immediately. 就算要列出一些你可能过目即忘的事实,我们也要凑足40个东京轶事。 dongxi.net 7. They might as well introduce a 'coin slot' solution to be, rent the capsule by the hour instead of a full day. 或许他们可以引用“投币”租房的解决方案,通过以小时计算而不是以天计算的方式来租用胶囊房。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. You might as well give me your phone number if you're going to be here a few days. 你要是来这住几天的话,倒不如把电话号码也给我。 bbs.enfamily.cn 9. Now that you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. 既然你有了这个机会,你可以充分的利用它了。 wenku.baidu.com 10. The only problem for a Gemini gal is that if you want to experience the passionate love then you might as well get a Scorpio man. 双子女孩面临的唯一问题就是如果你想幽畅激情昂扬的恋爱的话,最好去找天蝎座的男生。 www.bing.com 1. We might as well learn to use both hands of the feelings of a handful of sand to treat love and treasure them, good grip both hands. 每个人都希望自己永远拥有幸福美满的爱情,那么不妨学着用捧一捧沙的情怀来对待爱情,好好珍惜,好好捧握。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The bank is busy. We'll have to wait for ages. We might as well go home. 银行太挤了,我们得等很长时间,不如回家吧。 www.learnmore.com.cn 3. What's more, many employers verify degrees and will ask you to provide graduation dates, so you might as well provide them. 此外,很多雇主会核实应聘者的学历,要求你提供毕业时间,所以你最好还是在简历中写明。 chinese.wsj.com 4. We might as well admit the fact that we developers can be a fairly lazy lot at times. 我们要承认这样一个事实,有时我们开发人员是相当懒惰的。 www.ibm.com 5. To do with a lawn where the grass, might as well become a towering oak tree on Bald Hill on. 与其做一棵草坪里的小草,还不如成为一株耸立于秃丘上的橡树。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Now that they were all there she might as well speak out her mind. 既然大家都在,她不妨把想法都谈出来。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. "If you sorry, might as well buy me a drink tea. " Man pointed to a nearby tea shop said. “如果你过意不去,不妨请我喝一杯奶茶。”男人指了指不远处的一家奶茶店说。 www.mp3dj8.com 8. Perhaps I am fooling myself, but if I am going to be that gullible I might as well take advantage. 也许你们可以叫我阿Q,但是如果那样对我有好处,我情愿自欺欺人。 www.bing.com 9. But if you are looking at a company that's going to be acquired for $30 million. . . you might as well buy Apple stock. 但如果你正在寻找一个将获利3000万美金的公司,那么你还不如购买苹果公司的股票。 www.bing.com 10. I nodded in mock agreement, but he might as well have been speaking Swahili . 我点头假装赞同,但是他仍在讲着他的鸟语。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. He might as well have taken out an advert announcing that his celebrity was on the wane. 他不如干脆登广告直接宣布他的名气正在衰减算了。 www.ecocn.org 2. You might as well change it into apple pieces. Food that has fresh color can promote appetite of the child. 色彩鲜艳的食物可促进宝宝的食欲,太冷或太热的食物也会使幼童感觉害怕。 www.elanso.com 3. I might as well flame a bit about my personal unhappiness with the current trend toward multicore architecture. 也许我个人的一些观点会为当前流行的多核架构趋势泼一盆冷水。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. As the weather forecast says there will be a heavy rain , the organizer might as well cancel this outdoor activity . 由于预报有大雨,组织者索性将户外活动取消了。 www.bing.com 5. Therefore, if you're going to be with yourself all the time, you might as well be nice to yourself. 因此,若你即将在所有的时间和自己相处,不妨善待自己。 blog.renren.com 6. Then the father weighed in from the other room, shouting that that they might as well give the child crack cocaine. 接着小孩的父亲从房间里出来插上一嘴,嚷嚷道这样还不如喂孩子吃可卡因。 www.bing.com 7. Two years later the big turtle said to the middle turtle, "Well, I guess he isn't coming back, so we might as well drink his coffee. " 两年后,大乌龟对中乌龟说,“好吧,我猜他肯定不回来了,我们可以把它的咖啡喝掉了。” edu.sina.com.cn 8. If a forecaster is going to deviate from the average, he might as well go all the way. 因此,如果预测者想脱颍而出,可能就得走向极端。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Since we are a superpower and a nation on our way out, might as well try it. . . desperate times call for desperate measures. 既然我们是一个正在消亡的超级大国,不妨试一下……绝望时期用绝望手段。 tianya.8684.cn 10. There is nothing worth watching on television, so we might as well go to bed. 没有什么值得看的电视节目,我们还是睡觉吧。 waiyu.kswchina.com 1. But even if really no, even at parents' unit, also might as well stay a few days write. 不过即使实在没有,就算是在父母的单位呆过几天,也不妨写上。 www.268r.com 2. Billionaire investor Warren Buffet might as well be known as the same for companies in crisis. 然而对于深陷危机的公司来说,亿万富翁沃伦?巴菲特也扮演着同样的角色。 www.fortunechina.com 3. We might as well give it a try. 我们试一试也不错。 cache.tianya.cn 4. He might as well have claimed he found ancient Rome in a cow turd. 他也许还会声称在牛粪里发现了古罗马。 www.bing.com 5. Bit expensive. Might as well. We could try again - a threesome. That barman's been looking, he's up for it. 贵了点。这有什么。我们可以再试一次-三人行。那个酒吧招待在钓人呢,他一定愿意。 movie.douban.com 6. But you might as well bid a man struggling in the water rest within arm's length of the shore! 可是你能叫一个在水里挣扎的人在离岸只有一臂之远的时候休息一下吗! www.putclub.com 7. look , before we get started with any of this , you might as well know i had a vasectomy. 嗯,在我们开始做任何事前,你最好知道我做过输精管切除术。 www.ichacha.net 8. As the train won't leave until one o'clock , we might as well grab a bite at the snack bar . 火车一点才开,咱们干脆去卖小吃的地方随便吃点儿什么东西吧。 www.bing.com 9. This legal case since says not and up what difficulty odd, I might as well break rules once and say my viewpoint in advance a while. 这案子既然说不上什么疑难离奇,我不妨破一次例,把我的看法预先说一下子。 www.csqsng.com 10. He said that I might as well apply for this job . 他说过我还是申请这项工作为好。 www.jukuu.com 1. You might as well emerge at some future point as the owner of income-generating systems as opposed to a lifelong wage slave. 与一生都当工资的奴隶相反,你在将来也可能会成为一个收入产生系统的主人。 www.elanso.com 2. "I said that without them, the pilots might as well stay on the ground, " Richenbacker recalled. “我说,没有他们,飞行员就只能待在地面,”瑞肯波克回忆道。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Quite a few musicians music in the end is not yet clear for what, I think we might as well learn it young. 国内不少音乐人还没有搞清楚音乐到底是为了什么,我个人建议不妨向这个少年学学。 wenwen.soso.com 4. NEW FLASH: there is no shortcut. Might as well get that out of your 22 year old head right now. 世上无捷径,你最好在二十二岁的时候就明确这一点。 www.bing.com 5. House: That's an HMO lab; you might as well have sent it to a high school kid with a chemistry set. 那是卫生组织的东西,你最好把它和一套化学试验装置一起送给高中生。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. You might as well just visit their house and just ask them to leave the country. 你可能也会去拜访她们并要求她们离开这个国家。 www.bing.com 7. "Arguing with press aides and senior officials" might as well be part of the job description for White House correspondents. “与新闻助手和高级官员争论”,可能就是白宫记者本职工作的一部分。 cn.nytimes.com 8. I might as well explain the process to you, and you won't make any more mistakes. 我还是给你讲一下这个程序为好,免得你再犯错误。 www.bing.com 9. Finally giving up, the fox says to himself: "I might as well look for something else to eat because those grapes are green and sour" . 最后放弃了,狐狸对自己说:“我也可以吃别的东西,因为这些葡萄看起来是绿色的,酸的”。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. You're new in town and you don't know anyone, so you might as well buck up and try something that you've always wanted to do. 你是新人,完全不认识任何人,所以你也可以振奋精神,试试你一直想做的事。 www.bing.com 1. You might as well talk to a stone as try to argue with a stubborn woman. 你与其跟一个倔女人争吵,还不如对一块石头说话。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. As long as your competitor is up for the challenge, you might as well go for it. 只要你的竞争者可以挑战,那么你也可以去为奖学金而奋斗。 www.bing.com 3. Both reports suggest that the group must acquire more bite, as a promoter of democracy and human rights, or else it might as well shut up. 两份报告均建议,英联邦应有更多执行力,以促进民主与人权,否则就不要再扩大了。 www.ecocn.org 4. "It was left in my bag, and on summit day I thought I might as well bring it, " he says with a shrug. 艾伦耸耸肩开玩笑似的说:「我忘了把它拿出来了,攻顶当日,我想乾脆就顺便带它上去好了!」 toastmasters.org.tw 5. The pen shops usually provide free service of cleaning, so you might as well bring your loved collection to have maintenance in the shop. 通常,笔店都提供免费清洗服务,空闲时不妨带着心爱的笔到店里保养保养。 www.elanso.com 6. Therefore, you might as well bring a pack of high-quality cigarettes with you when dealing with the Chinese people. 所以你在与中国人的交往中,不妨随身带上一包上档次的香烟。 www.jukuu.com 7. As there is no direct stearmer sailing for your port in the near future, we might as well mark " transshipment at Hongkong" in the contract. 由于近期没有去你港口的直达船,我们不如在合同中写上“香港转船”吧。 www.englang.cn 8. She thought that since she had failed to save him, she might as well jump in and make an end of herself. 她想,竟然来不及拉他一把,自己也跳进井里去吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Finally, we give you number one, which isn't really a sex-related death, but might as well be on this list due to the way this person died. 最后,我们给你带了排名第一的故事,虽然不完全是与性有关的死,但考虑到这人死的方式,还是可以登上这个榜单的。 www.bing.com 10. Colin: Either way, it's impossible for us to go back in time so we might as well hit the multiplex and see a teen flick. 柯琳:不论怎样,我们不可能让倒转时空,回到过去,所有我们切换一下,看一部青少年电影。 www.xianzai.cn 1. In a place like China you need to escape the system and explore the view, just to know where you are, or you might as well have stayed home! 但是在中国这样有特色的国家你需要开阔视野,为了确定了解身在何处,否则你就还像是呆着家里一般! www.bing.com 2. We might as well do something for parents to, let the old man happy, happy so yes, if not do, then this is the sixth of sin. 倒不如我们为父母来做些什么,让老人开心、开心这样没错,如果没有做到,那么此为第六罪。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. If you're going to spend money on these things anyway, you might as well try to get a discount. 无论如何,如果你打算在这些方面花钱的话,你还不如尝试打折。 www.bing.com 4. You might as well be wife of 30 years who doesn't come in her quick encounter with her husband. 你应该是一个和丈夫结婚了30年都没能很快进入高潮的那种女人吧。 www.bing.com 5. 'Any slower and you might as well ride a bicycle, ' she said. 她说,要是低于时速,你最好骑自行车算了。 www.ttxyy.com 6. You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to that rascal. 你借钱给那个无赖,不啻把钱丢在海里。 www.ebigear.com 7. T: It's too late. I'm beyond repair. I have nothing. No future, no friends, no job, no lover, what's the point? I might as well be dead. 已经太迟了,我早已病入膏肓。我什么也没有。没未来,没朋友,没工作,没爱人,还有什么意义?不如死了算了。 qaf.cn 8. Also one kind of possibility was to Bureau of Education, might as well also asks, wished your good luck. 还有一种可能就是到了教育局,不妨也去问问,祝你好运。 www.fenleimama.com 9. I'll fix this aspect of XM in a future column, but until then I might as well avoid falling into the same trap with this project. 我将在今后的专栏文章中修正XM这方面的问题,但直到那时我才可能避免陷入本项目中相同的陷阱。 www.ibm.com 10. Those who believe in carrying on with business as usual might as well suggest powering cars with a troika of horses. 那些主张因袭以往的经营者实际上无异于想用马匹来拉动汽车。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I might as well go, said the Snow Man, for I think I am breaking up as it is. 我想还是去的好,雪人说。因为我已经感到自己在融化了。 www.bing.com 2. Well, she figures, "If I'm going to die, I might as well look good. " 她认为:「我若要死,不妨装扮得漂亮一点。」 www.chinesetodays.org 3. I might as well be teaching her to eat fire or swallow a sword. 我可能比较适合教她去吃火或吞剑。 sfile.ydy.com 4. Since we are going to be connecting to the hadoop file system, we might as well test that as well. 因为我们要连接到hadoop文件系统,我们不妨测试。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. So I'm probably going to act like a parent until you're grown up. We might as well find ways to get along. 因此,在你们长大之前,我恐怕就得像父亲那样行事,咱们最好能找出个和睦相处的办法。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. I don't really need it, but I suppose I might as well jump on the bandwagon. 说实在的我不需要,不过我也想赶赶时髦。 www.i21st.cn 7. So we might as well do it in a civilized way and simply move that object in from infinity along a straight line. 所以我们也可以用,用更开明的方式来做,仅把这物体沿着直线,从无穷远处移动过来。 open.163.com 8. Seeing as at the moment I don't have any bands to put up, I might as well upload some more Into Eternity. 眼看着因为在现阶段,我没有把任何频带,我还不如上传到永恒的更多一些。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 9. He said, "Honestly, I don't know, I'm not a mother. " 'Might As Well Go to a Strip Club' 他回答道:“说实话,我也不知道,因为我不是母亲。”“不如去脱衣舞夜总会” www.in2english.com.cn 10. It is not going to get easier; it is going to get harder. So, we might as well do it now. 这是不会变得更加容易,它是将更难获得,所以我们还不如做现在。 www.maynet.cn 1. Stands resentfully with it, the might as well stands in ours behind supports the team, this young team will repay your cherishing. 与其站在旁边愤懑,还不如站在我们的后面支持球队,这支年轻的球队会回报你的钟爱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. He decided that he might as well inform the old man completely. 他决定索性将全部情况都告诉老人。 www.yeworld.net 3. And if you're going to do that, you might as well get your pronunciation lessons online, in your pajamas, for free. 假如你打算这麽做,那还不如穿著睡衣上网去上免费的发音课。 www.anglepedia.com 4. For the worst internet security -- well, San Antonio might as well be handing out copies of its credit cards. 对于圣安东尼奥市来说,最严重的网络安全威胁就是如何管理信用卡的拷贝。 www.bing.com 5. You might as well ask him in person. 你仍是问问他本人好了。 www.noforget.com 6. Rocky: It's a cruel world, doll-face. You might as well get used to it. 罗基:这真是个残忍的地方,小可爱,或许你也习惯了。 www.d-bar.cn 7. The Board of Health has seen me They want to quarantine me, I might as well be miserable with you. 卫生局已经为我作过诊断,他们想把我隔离,我可能和你们一样可怜。 www.dutianya.com 8. Since the town is far from here, you might as well go by bus. 既然那座城离这个很远,你还是坐汽车去的好。 www.sqedu.com 9. We're not going to need this until October, but I decided we might as well get it over with now. 我们在十月份之前,估计用不到乘法,但我觉得现在还是讲一下比较好。 open.163.com 10. I guess it's a world in which you might as well do exactly what you want. 我想在这个世界里,人们不妨想干什么就干什么吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. We might as well develop a science of synthetic ecosystem creation since we've been creating them anyway in a haphazard fashion. 我们不妨开发一门关于合成生态的科学,反正我们已经在不经意间创造了合成生态。 dongxi.net 2. Without a proper counterweight, the Cyclops might as well be a paperweight! 没有合适的平衡物,独眼巨人只能象个纸镇! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. If you are interested in greenery , might as well plant in the home a few canes kind plant, let them be climbed on frame. 假如您对绿色植物感爱好,不妨在家种一些藤类植物,让它们攀在架子上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. You might as well sleep as play games all day. 你与其整天玩游戏还不如睡觉。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Now, the reason this matters is we pay lots and lots of money for teaching people, we might as well get it right. 问题的关键是我们花了很多钱来教育大众,我们应该正确地来做这件事。 www.ted.com 6. "I might as well have them! " I said sadly! “我还是买下吧!”我沮丧的说。 blog.163.com 7. He might as well have asked me my grandmother's opinion of protoplasm. 他或许还问了我奶奶对原生质的看法。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. You've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. 既然得到了一个机会,你就得充分利用它。 www.aqedu.com.cn 9. Actually, nothing seek friends seldom, might as well to close my eyes, will demand something friends, and lastly one remove several? 其实,无所求的朋友难得,不妨闭上眼,将有所求的朋友一一删去,最后还有几位? wenwen.soso.com 10. You might as well give your money tome as you spend it gambling. 如果你花钱去赌的话,还不如把钱给我了。 www.nce200.com 1. Van Persie will not win balls in the air and add to this the lack of quality delivery from the full backs and they might as well stay back. 范佩西不擅长接空中球,而且多说一句,既然边后卫没能给范佩西输送有质量的传球,那他们还不如老老实实待在后场。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. Any other ingredients might as well be absent as far as flavor is concerned. 而任何其他可能的成分,都会被这种风味盖住而消失。 www.bing.com 3. If you're going to make a lot of films about a particular group of animals, you might as well pick one that's fairly common. 如果你想要拍摄一系列关于不同动物的纪录片,你可能也需要首先选择一种相当常见的动物。 www.ted.com 4. If you're going to the library, I might as well go with you; I have to return this book. 如果你去图书馆,我不妨和你一起去,我得去还书。 beike.dangzhi.com 5. Everyone starts somewhere so I might as well come clean from the beginning. 每个人都从某处开始,所以我还不如从一开始就干干净净。 www.bing.com 6. When husband wants chronically to touch me, I prevented him, let him might as well a few directer . 老公习惯性地想要抚摸我的时候,我阻止了他,让他不妨直接一些。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. As long as we are spending money on advertising, we might as well put a few extra dollars into specifics. 既然我们花钱做广告,我们不妨在细节上也花些钱。 www.kekenet.com 8. If I'm going to build a business no matter what, it might as well be my own. 如果我要自己创业的话,不论它是什么,它都将属于我自己。 www.xinnb.com 9. We might as well face up to the fact that we live in a car culture, and it won't change overnight. 我们也许会面对这样一个现实:我们生活在汽车文化里,这样的生活不会一晚上就改变。 www.hjenglish.com 10. One might as well focus on resolving other conflicts and maintain other surviving relationships well, lest new regrets and resentment form. 有人会花更多的心思在解决其它的冲突和维持生存的关系上,以形成新的悔恨和怨恨。 www.bing.com 1. Otherwise, you might as well be repeatedly rubbing the alarm clock's snooze button instead of your own. 否则的话,你把弄自己的效果还不如多按几次闹钟的贪睡键。 www.bing.com 2. Doing this action, if difficulty breathing, might as well from the washbasin, up from face outer take a deep breath. 在做这一动作时,若感到呼吸困难,不妨从脸盆中抬起脸来,在外深呼吸一下。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Since it's a fine day, we might as well walk. 既然是好天气,我们一不妨走走。 bbs.yytree.com 4. Friends, if you want to have a good state of mind, that might as well try to learn to be grateful, each day as your Thanksgiving. 朋友,如果你想有一个好的心境,那不妨试着学会感恩,把每一天都当作你的感恩节。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Might as well have had the blue light flashing on top. 不过车顶上很可能会有蓝色警灯。 www.b2b99.com 6. There's nothing to do, so I may [might] as well go to bed. 既然没什么事可做,我还是去睡觉为好。 www.hxen.com 7. Struggles with it with the mad dog to bite, the might as well lets him pass first. 与其同疯狗争道被咬伤,还不如让他先过去。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Hody: Ugh, I might as well tell you now, since you're going to die soon anyway. 我:嗯,我告诉你,因为你很快就会死了。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Since I get asked this question all the time, I might as well answer it publicly. 因为我经常被问到这样一个问题,我可以公开的进行回答。 www.bing.com 10. We have just a few more days here in Stockholm, so I guess you might as well buy what you need now. I hate last minute shopping. 我们在斯德哥尔摩只剩下几天了,所以我想你现在干脆把你所需要的东西买齐。我不喜欢最后一刻急急忙忙的采购。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 1. Tony: He created crazy English . He is a person with enthusiasm and his speech is inspiring. I think you might as well listen his speeches ! 他创立了疯狂英语.是个充满激情的人,尤其是他的演讲特别的鼓舞人.我觉得你应该去听一下他的演讲。 www.bing.com 2. "Oh, she says she isn't engaged. But she might as well be! " this impartial parent resumed. “啊,她说没有。不过我看还是订婚了的好!”这位心胸豁达的母亲说。 3. You might as well go there to see whether there is the information you need. 你不妨去那里看看资料 zhidao.baidu.com 4. This wears me to miss your a person to always serve as next, if need help, you might as well keep informed, either. 这一着我想你一个人总担任得下,如果需要助力,你也不妨随时通知。 www.yycaf.com 5. xiao wang is coming here tomorrow, too, so you might as well come with her. 小王明天也来,所以明天你还是和她一起来吧。 wenku.baidu.com 6. To make both ends meet, you might as well set aside part of your pay every month. 为了收支平衡,你最好把你每个月工资的一部分留存起来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I am nominally awarded a father, he might as well say that I became a grandma at home a parasite. 名义上我判给了爸爸,倒不如说我成了姥姥家的寄生虫。 www.dota123.com 8. I might as well bring her in for an interview. If nothing else, I'll learn about treasure hunting. 最好也面试一下她,就算没有别的,多少也会知道点怎么才能寻宝。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. You spend too much of your life at work, you might as well enjoy it! 你耗费了太多生命在工作上,但你可能却乐在其中! www.elanso.com 10. When boils the system, might as well increases the animal fat the amount of use. 在烹制时,不妨增加动物油脂的使用量。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. You might as well expect the sun to rise in the west as hope to move me. 你不能动摇我的决心,正如你不能指望太阳从西方出来一样。 2. Someone with enthusiasm, is not know the color of qiu Lin. 4 in autumn, I was in there, so might as well tell the preference. 有人以老气横秋骂人,可见是不懂得秋林古色之滋味。在四时中,我于秋是有偏爱的,所以不妨说说。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Maps show real things, not imaginary ones. You might as well look for happiness in a telephone directory. 如果地图不是虚构的,而是是真实的,那还不如乱打电话簿里的电话来寻找快乐。 www.ecocn.org 4. You might as well gives off light as the sun does. 发光并不只有太阳,你也可以发光。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Once a car becomes just a pretty tech gadget, you might as well have an iPad instead. 一旦汽车降格成漂亮的高科技小玩意儿,那还真不如买部iPad呢! www.ftchinese.com 6. By chaotic, we mean that the particle's location, while definitely in the attractor, might as well be randomly placed there. 靠混沌,我们指的粒子位置,虽然在吸引器里明确了,可能也是随机放在那。 chinaufo.com 7. I might as well tell you, Governor, that you can't shout me down. 我索性告诉你吧,州长,你总吓不倒我。 www.jukuu.com 8. If you don't feel uplifted at the thought of focusing on your goals, you might as well not do the exercise today. 如果你在专注目标时并不感到兴奋,就干脆改天再进行练习。 www.bing.com 9. As long as you're here, you might as well stay for dinner. 你既然来了,倒不如留下来吃晚饭吧。 bbs.enfamily.cn 10. We might as well have gone home as you suggested. 我们还不如按你建议的回家去呢。 hi.baidu.com |
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