单词 | monolayer |
释义 | 例句释义: 单层,单分子层,单层细胞,单细胞层 1. The at least one non-semiconductor monolayer is constrained within a crystal lattice of adjacent base semiconductor portions. 所述至少一个非半导体单层在邻近的基础半导体部分的晶格内被约束。 ip.com 2. The non-wetting monolayer may include molecules which include at least one atom of each of carbon and fluorine. 该非湿润单分子层可以包括分子,该分子包括碳和氟中的每一个的至少一个原子。 www.pat365.com 3. The electromagnetic coupling among the particles in the particle monolayer resulted in a blue shift of the SPR band. 同层内的银粒子相互间电磁偶合可导致银粒子偶极子等离子体共振蓝移; www.ceps.com.tw 4. The monolayer can be durable and can be insoluble in most solvents, allowing multiple types of inks to be used with the fluid ejector. 该单分子层是耐用的,并且在大多数溶剂中是不溶解的,从而允许在流体喷射器中使用多种类型的墨水。 www.pat365.com 5. In still another aspect, the invention features a method for forming a non-wetting monolayer on a selected portion of a fluid ejector. 在又一个方面中,本发明的特征在于在流体喷射器的选定部分上形成非湿润单分子层的方法。 www.pat365.com 6. It was found that, the self-assembled interfacial monolayer can improve the corrosion protection of the epoxy coating greatly. 结果表明,引入的自组装单层可极大地改善涂层的腐蚀防护性能。 dict.bioon.com 7. If a small amount of these dendrimers is spread, they form an extremely thin molecular film, only one molecule thick (a monolayer ). 如果少量的这样的高聚物被铺展开来的话,会形成单分子层薄膜。在洗涤剂里加少许即可大大增加其洗涤效果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. It is for instance in the monolayer house with a very big area, make up rotate stair, can create two buildings " false photograph " . 比如在一套面积很大的单层房子里,做出一个向上的旋转楼梯,可以造成两层楼的“假相”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The invention discloses a cyclodextrin modified monolayer graphite, a supramolecular complex thereof, a preparation method, and application. 本发明公开了一种环糊精修饰单层石墨及其超分子复合物和制备方法及用途。 ip.com 10. A laboratory evaluation for detecting moisture in monolayer roof specimens without thermal insulation is presented by infrared thermography. 模拟了无保温层的单层屋面渗漏情况,探索了其红外热像检测方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Monolayer or combined packaging of ceramic thermosensitive components is selected in dependence on their application environment. 陶瓷热敏元件可视不同的使用选择单层或复合包封。 www.magsci.org 2. Surface morphology of silver assembled monolayer determine their corrosion performance, stability and density. 银片表面组装膜形貌的变化决定其缓蚀性能、稳定性和致密性等条件。 stae.com.cn 3. A non-wetting monolayer can be deposited easily and accurately in desired regions on a substrate. 可以将非湿润单分子层容易且精确地沉积在衬底上所需的区域中。 www.pat365.com 4. The results showed that rat hepatocytes in gel-entrapment culture and monolayer culture were both susceptible to sodium salicylate toxicity. 第三部分讨论了凝胶包埋培养大鼠肝细胞用于药物肝毒性研究的可行性。 www.fabiao.net 5. The results showed that dodecylamine inhibited corrosion of the alloy by monolayer adsorption on the alloy surface. 结果表明:十二胺在合金表面形成单分子层吸附膜而起到缓蚀作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Moreover the basic idea and research method in this paper offer a important reference to other types of monolayer workshop structure. 论文的基本思想和研究方法对于其他类型的单层厂房结构的安全控制也有很大的参考价值。 www.fabiao.net 7. the arrangement of the cells was also becoming regular which presented glandule-Iike texture with monolayer. 细胞排列也变规则,呈单层类似腺样结构。 www.13191.com 8. This paper introduces the monolayer superabrasive grinding wheel and its application in production. 文中介绍了这种砂轮及其在生产中的应用。 www.chemyq.com 9. An organic compound-stilbazium salt with large molecular hyperpolarizability was synthesized which can form molecular monolayer. 合成了一种能够形成单分子层膜,又具有很大分子二阶非线性极化率的有机分子材料——菧盐。 www.opticsjournal.net 10. A copper line having self assembled monolayer for use in ULSI semiconductor devices and methods of making the same are presented. 本发明提供用于ULSI半导体器件的具有自组装单分子层的铜线及其制造方法。 ip.com 1. The release characteristics of silk compound membrane and silk monolayer membrane were studied. 分别考察了丝素蛋白单层膜与双层膜的释放性能; www.13191.com 2. The orifice may be formed in the fluid ejector substrate prior to forming the non-wetting monolayer. 可以在形成该非湿润单分子层之前在流体喷射器衬底牛形成该孔。 www.pat365.com 3. This shopping plaza created Chongqing supermarket to sell the field monolayer area biggest record. 该购物广场创造了重庆超市卖场单层面积最大的记录。 www.huochepi.com 4. The non-wetting monolayer may not cover any portion of an inner surface of the fluid ejector. 该非湿润单分子层不能覆盖该流体喷射器的内表面的任何部分。 www.pat365.com 5. A floating barrier separates a clean water surface from a water surface containing the monolayer . 一块浮动隔板将清洁的水面与含单分子层的水表面隔开。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Results At the 20th passage, the SHEE cell remained monolayer, anchorage-dependent and attachment-inhibited growth. 结果细胞培养呈单层,锚定依赖和接触抑制生长。 www.51qe.cn 7. TEM photograph showed the orientation and arrangement of PMMA molecular chains in the monolayer film. TEM照片显示PMMA分子链在单分子膜中是有序规整排列的。 www.chemyq.com 8. Monolayer cable net system for point-supported glass facade is a kind of flexible tension structures with relatively strong nonlinearity. 点支玻璃建筑单层索网体系是一种几何非线性较强的柔性张拉结构,其刚度受索中预应力影响较大。 www.dictall.com 9. The collecting duct is composed of the monolayer columnlike epithelia and there are abundant membrane labyrinths in cytoplast. 收集管由单层柱状上皮细胞组成,胞质内可见较丰富的膜迷路。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A non-wetting monolayer can reduce the accumulation of fluid on the outer surface of the fluid ejector. 非湿润单分子层可以减少该流体喷射器的外表面上流体的聚集。 www.pat365.com 1. Methods: The chondrocytes of auricular cartilages from 6 rhesus monkeys were isolated and cultured in monolayer and in matrices. 材料与方法:对6只猕猴进行耳廓软骨取材、软骨细胞的分离,并行单层贴壁培养及在人工基质上的培养。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Increased level of LM and Col protein resulted in reduced cell monolayer permeability. 高水平的层粘连蛋白和I型胶原使细胞的通透性减低。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. According to this model a monolayer of fines coating the coarse is the minimum needed to bring the viscosity down . 按照这个模型,粗粒物料覆盖以单层细粉是使粘度降低至细粉粘度的最小需要量。 www.bing.com 4. Molecular mechanics simulation is used to study the static behavior of a metal Ag monolayer on the two bilayer models of Perylene Polyimide. 利用分子力学模拟研究了单层金属银在双层聚苝酰亚胺的不同表面模型上的静态行为。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Study on the Surface Characteristics of Phospholipid Monolayer 磷脂单分子膜表面特性的研究 www.wanfangdata.com.cn 6. Adaptability of brazing filling metal used for monolayer diamond tools with vacuum furnace brazing 金刚石工具真空钎焊钎料的适应性 www.ilib.cn 7. Structure Characterization of Self-Assembled Monolayer Film on the Surface of Ammonium Nitrate 硝酸铵表面单分子层自组装膜的结构表征 ilib.cn 8. Study of the transport properties of self-assembled alkanethiol monolayer by conduction atomic force microscopy 自组装硫醇分子膜电输运特性的导电原子力显微镜研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Electrochemical Behavior of o-Aminophenol at a Thionin Self-Assembled Monolayer-Modified Gold Electrode and Its Determination 邻氨基酚在硫堇分子自组装膜修饰金电极上的电化学行为及其测定 www.ilib.cn 10. Inhibition of wound healing of lens epithelial monolayer wounds by an applied electric field 电场暴露抑制晶状体上皮伤口的愈合 www.ilib.cn 1. Preparation of an Anthracene-derived Self-assembled Monolayer and Its Fluorescent Recognition for Metal Ions 蒽衍生物自组装膜的制备及其对金属离子的识别作用 www.ilib.cn 2. Contrast Measurement of Transient Magnetic Shielding Effectiveness of a Monolayer Metal Shielding Room 金属板屏蔽小室暂态磁场屏蔽效能的对比测试 service.ilib.cn 3. Calculating analysis and experimental study of load-carrying properties of sunk-typed point-supported monolayer glass plate 沉头式点支承单层玻璃板承载性能的计算分析与试验研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Synthesis of a Network Structure Hydroxyapatite by Bovine Serum Albumin Monolayer Induction 牛血清蛋白单层膜诱导形成网状结构的羟基磷灰石 www.ilib.cn 5. Monolayer protected clusters modified electrode for determining promethazine hydrochloride 纳米修饰玻碳电极阳极示差脉冲伏安法测定盐酸异丙嗪 www.ilib.cn 6. The Polymer Monolayer and the Probable Existence of Rubbery State in Two-dimensional Polymer Monolayer 聚合物单分子膜和可能的二维橡胶态 www.ilib.cn 7. Preparation of Molybdenum Disulfide Nanoparticles and Its Monolayer Suspension 二硫化钼纳米微粒及其单层悬浮液的制备 www.ilib.cn 8. Preliminary Experimental Study of Monolayer Diamond Brazed Grinding Wheel 单层钎焊金刚石砂轮工艺研究初探 www.ilib.cn 9. Improving the Efficiency of Organic Light-Emitting Devices with a Quinacridone Sub-Monolayer 沉积亚单层荧光染料提高有机发光器件的发光效率 www.ilib.cn 10. Progress on the Electrochemical Study of Thiol Selfassembled Monolayer 硫醇自组装膜的电化学研究进展 service.ilib.cn 1. Difficult Problems and Its Countermeasures of Brazed Bonded Monolayer Diamond Grinding Wheel 钎焊单层金刚石砂轮的现存问题及其对策 www.ilib.com.cn 2. Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness calculation of monolayer plate shielding cabin using finite 单层金属板屏蔽小室电磁屏蔽效能的有限元法计算 www.wenloo.com 3. Inhibiting Effect of Hirudin on Thrombase-Induced Monolayer Permeability Increase in Vascular Endothelial Cells 水蛭素对凝血酶造成的血管内皮细胞单层通透性增高的抑制作用 service.ilib.cn 4. Comparison between Monocyte Monolayer Assay and Antibody Titre in Predicting the Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn 单核细胞单层试验和技体效价测定预判新生儿溶血病的比较 www.ilib.cn 5. The Preparation of 6-Mercaptopurine Self-assembled Monolayer on a Gold Electrode and Its Electrochemical Behavior 6-巯基嘌呤自组装膜的制备及其电化学行为表征 www.ilib.cn 6. Experimental Investigation of Brazing Monolayer Diamond Grinding Wheel under Vacuum Atmosphere 真空条件下钎焊单层金刚石砂轮的研究 www.ilib.cn 7. study of the effect of n - dodecanethiol self - assembled monolayer on the improvement of corrosion protection of epoxy coating 正十二硫醇自组装单层膜改善环氧涂层腐蚀防护性能的研究 www.ichacha.net 8. Studies on Quantized Capacitance Charging of Monolayer-protected Clusters with Microelectrode 微电极研究单分子层保护团簇的量子化电容充电 www.ilib.cn 9. Density Functional Theory Calculations of Cuprous Chloride Monolayer Supported on Activated Carbon 氯化亚铜在活性炭载体表面单层分散的密度泛函理论计算 www.ilib.cn 10. Granular separation of the monolayer horizontal vibration granular system 单层水平振动颗粒系统中颗粒分离的研究 service.ilib.cn 1. An Electrochemical Enzyme Sensor for Hydrogen Peroxide Fabricated by Self-assembled Monolayer Technique 自组装膜技术构筑双氧水的电化学酶传感器 service.ilib.cn 2. Electrochemical Behavior of Morin at a L-cysteine Self-Assembled Monolayer-Modified Gold Electrode 桑色素在L-半胱氨酸自组装膜修饰金电极上的电化学行为研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Visible Light Diffraction in a Monolayer Periodic Array of UV Laser Dye Bis-MSB Doped Polystyrene Spheres 掺杂Bis-MSB紫外激光染料的聚苯乙烯小球单分子层周期阵列形成的可见光衍射 www.ilib.cn 4. Influence of Stiffness of Glass Panels and Joint Constraints on Dynamic Properties of Monolayer Cable Net for Point- supported Facade 玻璃刚度及节点约束对点支式玻璃单层索网动力特性的影响 www.ilib.cn 5. Effect of Subcrustal Tissue Fluid on Endothelial Cell Monolayer Permeability Under Hydrostatic Perfusion 烧伤痂下水肿液对内皮细胞单层通透性的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. Mechanism of Influence of the Explosive Blast on the Permeability of the Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells Monolayer 冲击波对肺血管内皮细胞通透性影响的机制 www.ilib.cn 7. Influence of Surfactant on Electrochemical Behavior of Gold Electrode Modified with Thiol Monolayer 表面活性剂对硫醇单层膜修饰金电极电化学行为的影响 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Studies of the Monolayer of Cysteine on Silver Mirror 半胱氨酸在银基底表面吸附机理的拉曼光谱研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Study on the Electrochemical Enhanced Selfassembled CobaltPorphyrin Monolayer 电化学氧化增强金属钴卟啉的自组装研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Self-assembly monolayer formation and hydrophilicity modification on HDPE film surfaces by PEG diazo-resins 聚乙二醇重氮树脂在聚乙烯膜材料表面的自组装及亲水改性 ilib.cn 1. Fabrication and Structural Evaluation of Self-assembled Monolayer of Quinoline Derivative on Gold 喹啉衍生物自组装单分子膜的制备与结构 www.ilib.cn 2. Aerospace; fibre-reinforced plastics; tensile test of monolayer flat tension specimens 航空和航天。纤维增强塑料。单层扁平拉伸试件的拉伸试验 www.std168.com 3. Influence of glass and joint constraint on loading capacity of monolayer cable net for point supported glass buildings 玻璃及节点约束对单层索网承载性能的影响 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Study on Octadecylamine Monolayer at the Air-Water Interface 十八胺单分子膜的研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Development of Conductance Measurement Technique for Permeability of Monolayer Endothelial Cells 单层内皮细胞通透性电导测定方法的建立 www.ilib.cn 6. Calculation of the Relative Permittivity of Langmuir Monolayer 单分子层膜的相对电容率计算 www.ilib.cn 7. Experimental Study on Reconstructing Monolayer Filter Material Tank into Dual-media Filter 单层滤料滤池改建为双层滤料滤池的试验研究 bbs.cnffww.com 8. Numerical Simulation of Pulsed Laser Induced Ultrasound in Monolayer and Double Layer Materials 单层和双层材料中的脉冲激光超声数值模拟 www.opticsjournal.net 9. Generalization of Surface State Equation for Phospholipid Monolayer 磷脂单分子膜普适表面状态方程研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in monolayer culture in vitro 人骨髓间充质干细胞向软骨细胞诱导分化的实验研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Establishment of co-culture system for mouse embryos development with human decidua monolayer cells 人早孕蜕膜单层细胞与鼠胚共培养系统的建立 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on the methods and analysis of improving the properties of brazed bonded monolayer diamond grinding wheel 提高单层金刚石钎焊砂轮综合性能途径及分析 www.ilib.cn 3. A Study on Neural Differentiation from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells by Monolayer Differentiation 用单层分化法进行胚胎干细胞神经分化的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Converse Optimizing Method for Monolayer Absorbing Materials 单层吸波材料的逆向优化方法 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Experimental Investigation on Induction Brazing of Monolayer Diamond Grinding Wheel with Ni-CrAlloy under vacuum Atmosphere 真空感应钎焊单层金刚石砂轮的实验研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Recent Progress of Studies on Electron Transfer through Organic Monolayer Junctions 电子在有机单分子膜中传递研究的新进展 www.ilib.cn 7. Monolayer Structure Calculations for Phosphate Esters 磷脂分子单层膜结构计算 www.ilib.cn 8. Long-term Expansion of Retinal Progenitor Cells in Vitro by Culturing Intact Neurospheres in Monolayer 全神经球贴壁培养法体外长期扩增视网膜前体细胞 www.ilib.cn 9. Growth of biological organic crystals modulated by monolayer and self-assemble monolayer 单分子膜和自组装单分子膜调控生物有机晶体生长 www.ilib.cn 10. Ferrocenyl Self-assembled Monolayer on Silicon Surfaces: Preparation and Current-Voltage Measurement 硅表面含二茂铁基团自组装单分子膜制备及电流-电压关系测量 www.ilib.cn 1. Construction of Net Shell Container Roof with Monolayer Bi-directional Meridian Fornix Shape 单层双向子午线穹形网壳罐顶的施工 www.ilib.cn 2. The abut design and practice of rebuilding and expanding monolayer industrial workshops 单层工业厂房改扩建的毗邻设计及其实践 ilib.cn 3. Experimental Research of Brazing Monolayer Diamond Grinding Wheel 钎焊单层金刚石砂轮的实验研究 www.ilib.cn 4. forming using an electroless process a copper seed layer on the self-assembled monolayer having the catalytic particles adsorbed thereto; 使用化学镀工艺在吸附具有催化颗粒的自组装单分子层上形成铜籽晶层; ip.com 5. Application of Monolayer Anthracite Filtration Media 无烟煤单层滤料的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. The Principles of the Spontaneous Monolayer Distributionon in the Research of the Supported Catalysts 负载型催化剂研究中的自发单层分散原理 www.ilib.cn 7. Electrochemical Recognition for Saccharide by Boronic Acid Carrying Self-Assembled Monolayer 含硼酸基的自组装膜对糖的电化学识别 www.ilib.cn 8. Corrosion Protection of Copper by a Self-assembled Monolayer of Schiff Base 席夫碱自组装膜对铜的腐蚀保护 service.ilib.cn 9. Study on biological behavior of human articular chondrocytes in monolayer culture 单层培养的人关节软骨细胞生物学行为研究 www.ilib.cn 10. The finite element analysis to the axial stiffness of monolayer and multilayer U-shape bellows 单层及多层U形膨胀节轴向刚度有限元分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Effects of PMN adhesion on the permeability of pulmonary microvascular endothelial monolayer after severe burn injury 烧伤后PMN粘附对肺微血管内皮细胞单层通透性的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Synthesis and characterization of monolayer of amphiphilic 8-hydroxyquinoline ligand 8-羟基喹啉两亲配体的合成、表征和单分子成膜性能 www.ilib.cn 3. Effect of potassium citrate and pH value on crystallization of calcium oxalate beneath monolayer 柠檬酸钾和pH对单分子膜诱导草酸钙晶体生长的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. Simultaneous determination of metol and p-benzenediol at a 2-mercaptobenzothiozol self-assembled monolayer gold electrode 2-巯基苯并噻唑自组装膜电极同时测定米吐尔和对苯二酚 www.ilib.cn 5. adsorbing catalytic particles on the self-assembled monolayer; 在自组装单分子层上吸附催化颗粒; ip.com 6. Development and application of an immunoperoxidase monolayer assay based kit for detection of porcine circovirus type 2 猪圆环病毒2型免疫过氧化物酶单层细胞试验抗体检测试剂盒的研制及应用 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis on Dynamic Properties of Monolayer Cable Net for Point -supported Glass Facade 点支式玻璃建筑单层索网体系的动力特性分析 www.ilib.cn 8. The Application of Home-produced Monolayer Balay Tobacco Technology 国产单层白肋烟处理技术的应用 service.ilib.cn 9. Advances in the Studies of Spontaneous Monolayer Dispersion of Oxides and Salts on Supports 盐类和氧化物在载体上自发单层分散研究新进展 www.ilib.cn 10. Reinforcing design and analysis on beam and panel zone of monolayer light-weight gabled frame 单层轻钢厂房刚架梁和节点域的加固设计与分析 ilib.cn 1. The Assembly of Gold Nanoparticulate Monolayer onto Mica Substrate 云母表面金纳米颗粒单层膜的制备 service.ilib.cn 2. Application of finite beam element method in special monolayer shells design 空间梁元法在单层网壳设计中的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Development and application of monolayer superabrasive grinding wheel 单层超硬磨料砂轮的发展与应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Applicatoin of steel frame bamboo glue board combination cyclostyle in monolayer industry workshop 钢框竹胶板组合模板在单层工业厂房中的应用 service.ilib.cn 5. Kinetic Studies on the Formation of Self-assembled Monolayer of Thioctic Acid Using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance 石英晶体微天平对硫辛酸自组装成膜动力学的研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Experimental study on monolayer cable net for point supported glass curtain wall 点支式玻璃幕墙单层索网体系承载性能试验研究 service.ilib.cn 7. Study of Thiol-assembled Monolayer on Gold 金上硫醇自组装膜研究进展 service.ilib.cn 8. The effect of terminal group on the electronic transport property of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayer 硫醇自组装分子膜末端基团对其电荷输运特性的影响 wulixb.iphy.ac.cn 9. Research on the Key Problems of Brazed Bonded Monolayer Diamond Grinding Wheel 钎焊单层金刚石砂轮关键问题的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Effect of ligustrazine on the expression of Bcl-2 protein and apoptosis in rabbit articular chondrocytes in monolayer culture 川芎嗪对家兔软骨细胞Bcl-2蛋白表达及凋亡的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. Dynamic characteristics of monolayer cable net for dot point glass facade 点支式玻璃建筑单层索网体系的动力特性 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Culture of monolayer retinal pigment epithelium 视网膜色素上皮单细胞层的培养 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Monolayer double channel scraper round-link chain conveyor 单层双通道圆环链刮板输送机 www.ilib.cn 4. Using a Self-assembled Monolayer with Coumarin Group as Photoalignment Film of Nematic Liquid Crystal 光敏自组装单层膜用于液晶光控取向的研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Corrosion Resistance of Self-Assembled Monolayer Film on Silver 银保护用自组装单分子膜的防腐蚀研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Determination of Monolayer Structure of Vanadium Oxide Supported on Titania Catalyst by Thermal Analysis 热分析法钒钛负载型催化剂单分子层结构的测定 www.ilib.cn 7. Amperometric Immunosensor Based on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems and Gold Nanoparticles Self-assembled Monolayer Techniques 基于微机电系统技术和纳米金自组装膜的安培型免疫传感器研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on the monolayer dispersion behavior of AgCl on activated carbon 氯化银在活性炭载体上的单层分散行为 www.ilib.cn 9. As the concentration increases, it becomes dificult for a dye molecule to find vacant sites, and so monolayer formation occurs 当集中增加,它变成dificult让一个颜料分子找空的位置,而且因此monolayer形成发生。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The Study on Preparation and Characteristics of Diphenylthiourea Self-Assembled Monolayer Electrode 二苯基硫脲自组装膜电极的制备及其特性 www.ilib.cn 1. The weaving technology of monolayer camber weaving 单层曲面机织布的织造技术研究 scholar.ilib.cn 2. forming a self-assembled monolayer on the metal line forming region; 在金属线形成区域上形成自组装单分子层; ip.com 3. The Formation of Self-assembled Monolayer by Schiff Base on Au Substrate 席夫碱在金电极表面的自组装成膜 www.ilib.cn 4. Monolayer Culture of Porcine Pituitary Cells 猪垂体细胞单层培养 www.ilib.cn 5. Failure analysis on the monolayer's solution of titanium anodes 钛阳极涂层溶蚀失效的研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Monolayer Diamond Tools Brazed with Active Filler 活性钎料真空单层钎焊金刚石 www.ilib.cn 7. Effect of scan rate on nonafriction properties of monolayer molecular deposition film on silicon 扫描速率对硅表面分子沉积膜纳米摩擦特性的影响 www.ilib.cn 8. Kinetic studies on formation of self-assembled monolayer of thioctic acid on gold electrode 硫辛酸在金电极上自组装成膜动力学研究 ilib.cn 9. Analysis on 317 cases with cesarean section by using monolayer suture of uterus wall under transverse incision 横切口子宫壁单层缝合剖宫产术317例 scholar.ilib.cn 10. The effect of frozen-thawed human decidua monolayer cells on mouse embryo development 冻融人早孕蜕膜单层细胞对小鼠胚胎发育的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. Immobilization Method on Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal DNA Sensors Based on Monolayer SAM 基于自组装单分子层技术的压电石英晶体DNA传感器固定方法的研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Kinetic Studies on Formation Monolayer of Thioctic Acid by Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance 石英晶体微天平对硫辛酸成膜动力学的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Further Study on the Monolayer Culture Method of Human Fetal Islet Cells 人胎胰岛细胞单层培养方法的进一步探讨 www.ichacha.net 4. Review of the present research on brazed monolayer cBN wheels 钎焊立方氮化硼砂轮的研究评述 service.ilib.cn 5. Amelioration Based on PLC to Monolayer Roller Kiln's Automatic Material Forward Control System 基于PLC的单层辊道窑自动入坯控制系统的改进 www.ilib.cn 6. The Effect of Polarization Time on the Schiff Base Self-assembled Monolayer 极化时间对含巯基席夫碱自组装膜的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Influence of Electron Transfer on Structure of Octadecanethiol Self-assembled Monolayer 电子传输过程对硫醇自组装单层膜结构的影响 service.ilib.cn 8. Amperometric Immunosensor Based on Mercapto Carboxylic Acid Self assembled Monolayer for Phytohormone Indoleacetic Acid Assay 基于巯基自组装单层膜的植物生长激素吲哚乙酸电化学免疫传感器的研究 9. The Studies on the Structure of PVK Monolayer Composite LB Films by Atomic Force Microscopy 用原子力显微镜研究聚乙烯咔唑单层混合LB膜的结构 ilib.cn 10. Effect of metal ions of subphase on the behaviors of monolayer of amphiphilic 8-aminoquinoline derivative 亚相金属离子对两亲8-氨基喹啉配体成膜性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. Research on Storaging Grain in Monolayer Metal Granary 对单层金属粮仓储藏粮食的探索 service.ilib.cn 2. Monolayer Dispersion and Structure of Cobalt on Anatase 氧化钴在二氧化钛表面的单层分散及结构研究 www.ilib.cn 3. The Development of Self-assembled Monolayer and Its Application as Sensor 自组装膜研究进展及其在传感器技术中的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Ways and Currmt Situation of Monolayer Studies 单分子膜研究的方法及现状 www.ilib.cn 5. Static mechanism of glass work in cooperation with cable net in monolayer cable net glass curtain 单索幕墙中玻璃与索静力协同工作试验 www.ilib.cn 6. Transport mechanism of Danshensu across Caco-2 monolayer model 丹参素在Caco-2细胞单层模型中的跨膜转运研究 www.ilib.cn 7. A big monolayer liposome was prepared by reverse rotary, the envelopment is 44. 32%; 结果表明,逆相蒸发法制备的为大单层脂质体,其包封率为44.32%; www.chemyq.com |
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