单词 | Both arms | ||||
释义 | Both arms
例句释义: 两臂,双臂 1. "You've got to get the knack of working both arms at once, " he said. "It takes a little practice. " “你得掌握同时使用双臂的诀窍,”他说,“这需要练习一下。” www.bing.com 2. And while she is moving both arms and legs, it's uncertain how much strength she has on her right side. 虽然她正在双臂和双腿,它的不明朗多少力量,她在她的右侧有。 www.englishtang.com 3. shrieked the man, in wild desperation, extending both arms at their length above his head, and staring at him. 那男人拼命地狂叫,两条胳膊高高地伸在头上,眼睛瞪着他。 www.jukuu.com 4. Usually just before the zip, there is a pose where the characters raises a leg and bends both arms as if he's about to run. 角色在奔跑前,通常会先抬起一条腿,弯曲他的胳膊即使他马上就开跑了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The only other available seat was next to a woman with both arms in casts, a black-and-blue-face, and a gloomy aura. 只见剩下唯一的空位旁边是个女人,双臂打了石膏,脸上一块青一块黑,笼罩着一片愁云惨雾。 qkzz.net 6. Two days later, the patient returned to his primary care physician with dyspnea, worsening cough, and a pruritic rash on both arms. 两天后,患者被送回至他的初级护理医生,此时呼吸困难,咳嗽加重,双臂皮疹瘙痒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In just a matter of months, Michael has tattooed his chest, back and both arms down to the wrists. 仅仅几个月时间,迈克已经纹遍了胸部、背部以及两个手臂一直到手腕。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It was an accident at the training ground and I broke both arms in the gym. 这是在训练馆一次意外,我在体育馆里双臂骨折。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. The second one is called Simple Bridge and is characterised by the curved shape cut away from both arms and footstool. 第二组设计叫“简洁的桥系列”,其特点在于扶手和脚蹬那柔和的弧线。 www.bing.com 10. She cried out in fear and flung both arms up to protect her face. 她害怕得哭起来,急忙伸出双臂以保护自己的脸。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature, but can be suspicious, cynical. 向往型睡姿就是侧卧,双臂向前伸展的睡姿。采用这种睡姿的人性情开放,但疑心较重,容易愤世嫉俗。 www.kukuspeak.com 2. A small child clutched a satchel with both arms as though it were her most prized possession. 小孩紧抓住自己的书包,似乎那是她最宝贵的财产。 www.tingroom.com 3. She spun herself around several times with her leg and whilst spinning raised pulled one leg up behind her head with both arms. 纺她自己周围多次与她的腿,而纺纱提出扳回一站起来的背后,她的头部,双方的武器。 www.ruanti.org 4. s sign was found to be positive: elevation of both arms resulted in an inspiratory stridor and venous congestion. 彭伯顿的签署被认为是积极的:海拔双臂导致吸气鸣和静脉堵塞。 www.syyxw.com 5. Sixty-two-year-old Qu Yuan, holding a rock with both arms, drawned himself in the Miluo River near present-day Changsha, Hunan Province. 那时,已是六十二高龄的屈原绝望地将自己和一块岩石绑在一起,跳入靠近现在湖南省长沙市的汨罗河。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Extend both arms straight out in front of you so your wrists rotate and your hands are perpendicular to the floor. 双臂在面前伸展,这样手腕就会转动,双手与地面垂直。 www.kekenet.com 7. Blacksmith, you say? And he looked down at his leg. Then he held me by both arms and stared fiercely down into my eyes. “你说,铁匠?”他低下头看看自己的腿,然后抱住我,用凶狠的眼光盯着我的双眼。 www.okread.net 8. "O Mother Bear! " cried Little Bear, with both arms round her neck. "How did you know I wanted you? " “噢,妈妈!”小熊喊出声来,伸出双手抱住熊妈妈的脖子。“你是怎么知道我想你的?” www.dreamkidland.cn 9. For convenience when working, they often bare the right shoulder or even both arms, tying the two sleeves around the waist. 为了便于活动,常常将右肩或双臂露在外面,把两只袖子系在腰间。 www.hwjyw.com 10. I stood there, both arms down, waiting for her next command. 我双臂放下,等待她的下一个命令。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Each time I turn, she's still there, both arms in the air, her head following the rhythm. 我每次回头,都看到她还站在那儿,双手在空中挥舞,头随着节奏一点一点。 www.bing.com 2. She does not hold me with both arms. 她不再用双臂抱着我。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The doctor examines her blood pressure in both arms in different positions , heart , lungs, abdomen and pulses in neck, arm and legs . 医师检查过她身体位置不同时的双臂血压、心跳、肺和腹部、以及颈部、手臂及腿的脉搏。 www.bing.com 4. She walked out with both arms bandaged. 她走出来,双臂缠着绷带。 wenku.baidu.com 5. The person with suspected stroke may not be able to raise both arms and keep them there because of arm weakness or numbness. 中风与涉嫌人可能无法提高和保持双手因为手臂无力或麻木他们那里。 bbs.canjiren.net 6. Dropping the sword, Maura twined both arms around him, pressing her long, slender body to his. 莫雅的双臂缠绕着他,把纤细柔软的身体紧紧地贴在他的身上。剑落到地上。 www.bing.com 7. Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS. 要求病患两只手都举起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The robot, coded SDA10, has human-like flexibility of movement, with both arms capable of working together or independently. 这台型号为SDA10的机器人动作灵活性不逊于人类,其双臂既能协同工作,又可分别活动。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Du Toit hobbled along stiffly on her artificial leg, No. 23 written on her back and both arms. 杜托伊特戴着一条假腿,蹒跚起来,姿态有些僵硬。背上和胳膊上写着她的号码,23号。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Hoi Po's image and self-confidence to use both arms warm smile welcomes friends from around the world. 海博的形象和自信,用双臂温暖的微笑欢迎世界各地的朋友。 www.gupiaochina.com 1. VII, triceps: Use dumbbells to do one arm or both arms neck arm flexion and extension exercises, can reach a horseshoe triceps fat. 肱三头肌:用哑铃做单臂或双臂颈后臂屈伸练习,可使肱三头肌发达成马蹄形。 www.xiami360.com 2. Tot squats (hamstrings): Standing with feet shoulder-width apart cradle baby with both arms. Keeping a straight back repeat deep knee bends. 幼儿蹲坐(腿腱):两手放在婴儿车上,然后双脚与肩同宽,保持背部挺立,然后重复弯曲膝盖。 www.tiantianbt.com 3. The squire was falling off his mule, but managed to hold its neck with both arms. 随从快要从骡子上滚落下来了,但是还设法用双手抱住它的脖子。 www.qeto.com 4. Both will link these ports on the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal -- both arms of the Indian ocean-by rail to western China. 这两个海军基地都将通过铁路把阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾——印度洋的两翼——的这些港口与中国的西部连接在一起。 www.bing.com 5. At high school he toyed with joining the marines but had to change his plans after a fall in which he broke both arms. 高中时,他曾想参加海军,但在一次意外中他摔伤了双臂,因此不得不改变自己的计划。 www.ftchinese.com 6. She moves behind him and wraps both arms around his neck in a choke hold. Like Jill, Steve is powerless. 她走到斯蒂芬的身后抓住了他的双手绕到他的脖子上,像对待吉尔一样,斯蒂芬没有力量了。 www.xici.net 7. Hoi Po' s image and self-confidence to use both arms warm smile welcomes friends from around the world. 海宝的抽象和自立用单脚暖和的笑颜欢迎来自世界各地的网友。 www.ccue.com 8. But he also knew that he could not finish his house before winter unless he used both arms. 然而他也知道他是无法在冬季之前完成建造他的屋子除非他使用双手。 dipan.kekenet.com 9. Lifting leg and swinging toward left, simultaneously both arms swinging toward left. 抬起腿跟向左摆动,同时两臂也向左摆动。 edu.5151doc.com 10. Lying on your back with both arms pinned to your sides. 背靠床仰面平躺,双手紧贴两侧。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Another expert agreed that when it comes to blood pressure monitoring, both arms matter. 另一名专家也同意在血压监测的时候采取双臂监测的方法。 www.bing.com 2. He was limbless, missing both arms at shoulder level, as well as legless. 他天生是没有四肢,双臂在肩膀处就没有了,也没有腿。 music.yeshj.com 3. If you open both arms to protect the angel, wildly and lonely you fly high, once you fall, you are sure to shatter into pieces. 你伸开双臂保护它,狂野而又寂寞地飞的狠高狠高,摔下来时,注定支离破碎,尸骨无存。 hi.baidu.com 4. She developed intermittent jerking motions of both arms and legs , and expired4 months after the first symptoms developed. 后发展为四肢出现间断性急拉的动作,死于首次症状发生后4个月。 www.jukuu.com 5. Walking aids manipulated by both arms. Requirements and test methods. Part 1 : walking frames. 双臂操作的助步器.要求和试验方法.第1部分:步行支架 www.mapeng.net 6. Lying on your side with both arms down by your side. 双手在两侧笔直向下伸展,身体靠一边平躺。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I raise both arms in the air and sit down slowly on the bench. 我举起双臂慢吞吞地坐在长条椅上。 qinxlth.blog.163.com 8. The first patient jumps into the pool and breaks both arms. 第一个病人照做了,结果把两只胳膊摔坏了。 www.bing.com 9. Opponent Mounts, Posts Both Arms. 对手骑乘位双臂支撑解脱 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Discomfort in other areas of the upper body such as pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. 上半身其他区域的不适如单侧或双侧臂部,背部,颈部,下颌或腹部的疼痛或不适。 dict.bioon.com 1. She has a buzz cut, a nose ring and tattoos on both arms. 她留着短头发,带着鼻环,两臂上刺有纹身。 www.bing.com 2. In boxing, to clinch means to hold the opponent's body with one or both arms in order to prevent or hinder punches. 在拳击中,扭抱意味着用一只或两只手臂抓住对手的身体,以阻止或阻碍击打。 www.bing.com 3. Onset: 4 hours of "crushing tight" retrosternal chest pain, radiating to neck and both arms, gradual onset over 5-10 minutes. 起病特征:胸骨后压榨性疼痛4小时,向颈与双臂放射。 www.medtrans.cn 4. I will take embracing the world with both arms. 我会用双臂拥抱这个世界。 www.ted.com 5. Even then, the smallest Toodle but one remained in her lap, holding on tight with both arms round her neck; 甚至在这时候,第二个最小的图德尔还依旧坐在她的膝盖上,两只手紧紧地抱着她的脖子; www.hxen.com 6. walking aids manipulated by both arms - requirements and test methods - walking tables 双臂操作的助步器.要求和试验方法.步行台 www.ichacha.net 7. walking aids manipulated by both arms - requirements and test methods - walking frames 双臂操作的助步器,要求和试验方法.步行支架 www.ichacha.net 8. And, turning to Marius and Cosette, with both arms extended in blessing, he cried 于是他转身向着马吕斯和珂赛特,两臂举起祝福他俩并且叫着 www.ebigear.com 9. Walking aids manipulated by both arms - Requirements and test methods - Rollators 双臂操作的助步器,要求和试验方法.滚动器 www.mapeng.net 10. Walking aids manipulated by both arms - Requirements and test methods - Part 2: Rollators 双臂操作的助步器,要求和试验方法.第2部分:滚动器 www.mapeng.net |
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