单词 | muscular |
释义 |
例句释义: 肌肉的,强壮的,肌肉发达的,强健的,肌的 1. His aggressive style, flowing hair, and muscular build have made him a fan favorite as well. 他咄咄逼人的风格,流畅的头发,肌肉和建设,使他成为球迷最喜爱的好。 www.ccebook.net 2. Actually your image is very soft and you know, very sweet usually. But I feel very muscular, and look like a real man today. 其实你一般的形象都是很柔和,很可人的类型,不过我觉得你今天穿得好强健,看起来像个真正的男生。 bbs.westlife.cn 3. a short, Broad muscular man, in a shirt open at the Bosom and dirty trousers, pushed his way through the crowd. 一个腰宽肩背粗的矮个子,身着衬衫,袒露胸脯,下穿一条很脏的长裤,在人群中一个劲地往前窜。 dict.veduchina.com 4. Jane begins to have this thick neck and muscular arms, which she did not have in real life. Jane开始有了粗壮的脖子和肌肉发达的手臂,而现实中,她不是这样的。 www.bing.com 5. An inch taller than I, he had a lean, muscular frame, clear blue eyes, blond hair and a strikingly handsome face. 他比我高一英寸,身材修长,肌肉结实,蓝蓝的眼睛,金黄的头发,还长着一张异常英俊的面孔。 www.ebigear.com 6. Captain Nemo and his muscular companion were already stretched out in this clear crystal, setting us a fine nap time example. 尼摩船长和他的壮健同伴,早就躺在清澈的水晶体中,先给我们作出睡眠的榜样了。 novel.tingroom.com 7. Any of a branching system of muscular, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body. 动脉任何树枝形系统,将血液从心脏输送到身体各细胞、组织和器官的肌肉的,一种有弹性的血管。 www.godict.com 8. She was thin, her arms muscular, not in a way a man's were but as though she had worked hard. 她身材苗条,可是胳膊上肌肉却很结实,虽不是像男人那样肌肉发达,但是看得出她很下力地干过活儿。 www.ifanshu.com 9. The body should be moderately short with ribs extending well back into a short, strong loin, deep flanks and very muscular hindquarters . 身体适度的短,肋骨扩张良好,后面是短、结实的腰部,较深的侧腹和肌肉发达的后躯。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. All those campaign stops on the factory floor, posing beside muscular men in overalls and hard hats, seem to have paid off. 所有竞选活动在工厂地板上进行,身穿罩袍头戴安全帽的肌肉发达的汉子站在旁边,看来他们已经发完工资了。 club.topsage.com 1. Paolo Di Canio and Cesar , who have been out of action for a while due to muscular problems return to train with the squad. 因为肌肉问题已经休息了一段时间的保罗。迪卡尼奥和塞萨尔今天恢复了训练。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. If this were even possible, it would require a muscular style of leadership he appears, so far, to have no taste for. 即使这有可能做到,他还需展现出强硬的领导风格,而他迄今似乎没有意愿这么做。 www.tesoon.com 3. Proteins are used in the construction of each cell of every organ, gland or system along with the muscular structure. 蛋白质被用在每一器官、腺体或系统及细胞结构每一细胞的构造中。 www.tisheng.org 4. He was almost moved to some muscular display as he thought of it. He decided to go immediately after supper. 他这样想着,兴奋得几乎要手舞足蹈了。他决定一吃完晚饭就去。 www.bing.com 5. Then a series of setbacks convinced him to stand up to China with a more muscular strategy. 但是随后一系列的挫折使得奥巴马确信,必须以更强硬的策略与中国进行对抗。 www.bing.com 6. With a revolver in his right hand, Johnny hurled his muscular body against the door and smashed it down with a crash. 约翰尼右手拿着左轮,健壮的身体猛扑在门上,轰隆一声把门撞开了。 bbs.wwenglish.org 7. The view that phosphocreatine was the direct source of energy for muscular contraction lasted only a few years. 认为磷酸肌酸作为肌肉收缩直接能源的观点,流行了不过数年。 dict.veduchina.com 8. He was over six feet tall, with the lean muscular body of a man who kept himself in good physical condition. 他身高六尺过头,有一副坚持体育锻炼的男人们的瘦削而结实的身体。 9. The thighs should be very muscular and powerful for the size of the dog with the stifles well bent and the legs straight from hock to heel. 对这样体型的狗而言,大腿的肌肉应该非常发达而且有力,后膝关节适当弯曲,从飞节到脚踝部分非常直。 sbuhua.appspot.com 10. The scale ranges from grade I, in the case of very low muscular activity, to grade V, characterized by an excessive mimetic activity. 规模范围从I级,此时病人肌肉活动很低,到V级,其特点是过度的模仿的活动。 luyishengzx.blog.sohu.com 1. This afternoon Chiellini was added to the injury list, as he pulled up during the training session with a muscular problem. 今天下午基耶利尼也进入了伤兵名单,因为肌肉问题他退出了训练。为了以防万一,这名后卫将在周二的比赛上作息。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Spinal muscular atrophy in childhood is one of the most common neuromuscular disorders with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. 儿童型脊髓性肌萎缩症是常见的遗传性神经肌肉病,为常染色体隐性遗传。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 3. So when you're trying to do an ECG trace, the readout doesn't show the results of the muscular movement involved in respiration. 所以当你试图观察心电的情况时,解读器并不输出和呼吸相关的肌肉运动结果。 www.bing.com 4. It was very difficult. I think Song has all the attributes to play centre back and was a bit concerned about Sol's muscular problems. 这是非常非常困难的选择。我认为宋有担任中后卫的所有特质,另外,我还有一点担忧坎贝尔的肌肉问题。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 5. The heart is a muscular organ that beats in rhythm to pump the blood through the body. 心脏是一个肌肉组织,它有节奏地跳动从而把血输送到全身。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Due to his muscular body Cruz had planned to be a wrestler originally, but one accident shattered his dream. 肌肉发达的他原本打算作一名摔跤运动员,但一次意外的受伤打破了他的梦想。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. She was in a comatose state and had a bilateral lower limb skin rash , arthralgia, mild muscular rigidity and hyperreflexia. 她处于昏迷状态,伴有双下肢皮疹、节痛、度肌强直和反射亢进。 dict.veduchina.com 8. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is one of the most common fatal genetic disorders to affect children around the world. 杜氏肌营养不良(DMD)是最常见的致命的遗传疾病之一,影响到世界各地的儿童。 www.jingcai.org 9. Both speeches struck the same rhetorical chord: that Dole is no ditherer but decisive, muscular leader who will stand up to foreign foes. 这两个演说采用同一种修辞语调:多尔不是不知所措的人,而是果决、强硬的领袖,敢于对抗外敌。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. He was muscular and in superb condition, but he never pitched another inning, having given up baseball for English literature. 他非常的健壮和有着几好的状态,但他自从放弃了棒球而选择了英语文学以后,他就再也没有做投手了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But the physicians who attended him on his deathbed marveled at his muscular arms and chest. 但是,在林肯临终时为他治疗的医生对他的手臂和胸部肌肉感到惊讶。 www.bing.com 2. Several years ago, he was diagnosed with a muscular condition characterized by involuntary jerking of parts of the face. 几年前,他被诊断出患有肌肉性疾病,该疾病具有不受意识控制的面部抽搐的特点。 www.bing.com 3. He was a big, muscular, hairy guy with tattoos all over his body and a ring pierced through his nose. 他是个大块头的家伙,浑身是毛和纹饰,还戴着鼻环。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Mrs Bachmann offered something called a "beef sundae" , an apt analogy for her sunny yet muscular bearing. 巴赫曼准备的却是一堆叫“牛肉圣代”东西,简直就是对她热情又强硬的行事风格最恰当的比喻。 www.ecocn.org 5. So when he started developing a stockier, more muscular physique and his sprint times got longer, Wes' confidence took a serious bruising. 因此,当他的体格变得更粗壮更强健,短跑的时间变得更长,韦斯的自信心就彻底破灭了。 www.bing.com 6. In early 2007, Will contracted a rare muscular disease, Polymyositis, which sidelined him for most of the year. 2007年初,将感染上一种罕见肌肉萎缩症,多发性肌炎,这缺阵在一年的大部分他。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. These muscular fish can leap several feet out of the water, but no one is quite sure why they do it. 这些飞行蝠鲼可以跃出水面几英尺高,但没有人很确定它们为何这样做。 big5.cri.cn 8. Del Piero: he did not take part in the game against Lecce due to a muscular problem to his right leg. 德尔。皮耶罗:由于右腿的肌肉问题让他错过了与莱切的比赛。 www.bing.com 9. Madonna is quite muscular for a woman. Her arms are very toned. 麦当娜在女生中属于肌肉发达的,她的胳膊很结实。 www.bing.com 10. The heart is a muscular pump at the center of the cardiovascular (circulatory) system. 心脏位于心血管(血液循环)系统的中枢,相当于一个由肌肉组织构成的泵。 www.bing.com 1. They typically involve meditation, emphasizing cardiovascular circulation and alignment of the body instead of muscular development. 它们通常也包含了冥想,强调气血循环以及身体协调,而不强调肌肉锻炼。 www.readywin.com 2. Also, gay men are more emotionally expressive, leading to a general 'tightness' and muscular activation throughout the entire face. 而且,男同性恋表情更情绪化,导致经常性的“紧绷”和整个脸部的肌肉活跃。 www.bing.com 3. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a fatal genetic mutation in about one of every 3, 500 boys. 杜氏肌萎缩症是一种致死性的基因突变疾病,平均每3500个男孩中就有一个罹患此病。 www.bing.com 4. That wider stance also allowed designers to give the vehicle a more muscular stance with a lower roofline without compromising headroom. 更宽的车身也使得设计者在增加车身肌肉感的同时而不减小车内空间。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Pierre did as he was bid, and carefully craning his neck to avoid entanglement with the quilt, kissed the broad-boned, muscular hand. 皮埃尔极力地把颈子伸长,以免碰到伯爵的丝绸被子,又用嘴唇吻吻他那骨胳大的肥厚的手,履行了她的忠告。 club.topsage.com 6. Invention of any kind is a muscular activity, one that requires constant use in order not to atrophy. 任何类型的发明都是肌肉运动,需要我们持续的使用才能避免萎缩。 www.bing.com 7. Here, over subsequent years, he built a chapel, decorating it with his own muscular sculptures of Noah, the Virgin and an Unknown Soldier. 随后几年,他在此处修建了小教堂,并装饰有他创作的人体雕塑,诺亚、圣母和一位无名英雄。 www.putclub.com 8. The trouble is caused by the faulty oesophageal sphincter, the muscular ring at the lower end of the oesophagus, near the diaphragm. 原因是由食道括约肌引起的,肌肉环在食道的近末端,靠近横膈膜的地方。 www.showxiu.com 9. The wall of the alimentary canal is made up of two layers: tunica mucosa and tunica submucosa, lacking muscular layer except the esophagus. 消化道管壁由粘膜层和粘膜下层组成,除食道外缺乏肌层。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Interestingly, women do not like muscle-bound men, and men misperceive how muscular women want them to be. 有趣的是,女人不喜欢肌肉男,而男人误以为女人希望他们肌肉发达。 www.bing.com 1. Should be very muscular, long, arched and clean, tapering from the shoulders to the head and it should be free from loose skin. 应该肌肉非常发达,长,拱形而且整洁,从肩膀到头部逐渐变细,不受松弛的皮肤影响。 bbs.sgou.com 2. Heat is constantly produced by the body as a result of muscular and cellular activity. 由于肌肉和细胞的活动,身体不断产生热。 eblog.cersp.com 3. Called a " muscular pouch" folk is generally referred to as " lying silkworm . " 称叫“肌性眼袋”,民间一般称之为“幄蚕”。 www.cn56tong.com 4. So, Ggong told them about his regular exercises he does in the camp these days and his goal to be muscular with six packs in his tummy. 所以孔刘说起最近他经常在军队里每天都做健身,目标是练出腹部的六块肌肉。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The sensation and muscular spasm caused by an electric current passing through the body or a body part. 一股电流通过身体或身体的一部份所引起的感觉和肌肉的痉挛 zhidao.baidu.com 6. To spring off the ground or other base by a muscular effort of the legs and feet. 通过腿部和双脚肌肉的活动,跳离地面或其它基底。 www.chinabaike.com 7. The next doctor-in-training has hands like a butcher's, short muscular fingers and spatulate thumbs. 下一个实习医生的手像屠夫的手,短而肌肉发动的手指和刮刀样的拇指。 www.bing.com 8. Germany's muscular economic recovery is evaporating its own budget deficits, putting it in the best position to lead the initiative. 德国强劲的经济复苏抵消了德国本国的预算赤字,因此德国是领导这一创举的最佳人选。 chinese.wsj.com 9. This cat can sleep on his brick, but as soon as he begins to dream his muscular tone disappears, and he falls into the water. 这只猫可以在砖头上睡觉,但它一开始做梦,肌肉紧张性就消失,它就掉进水中。 www.thnu.edu.cn 10. Some people are just born with a perfect figure, super-speedy metabolism, and a lean, muscular build. 有些人生來就有一副好身材,代謝超級迅速,精瘦剛健,肌肉發達。 www.bing.com 1. After a preliminary examination, the Bianconeri medical staff are convinced that there is no muscular tear but only a strain. 经过初步检查,斑马军团的队医确认这不是肌肉撕裂,只是扭伤。 juventusblog.blog.163.com 2. Objective To evaluate neck muscular strength(NMS) of the air force pilots and its role in the circum-stance of aerial dynamics. 目的研究空军飞行员颈部各肌群的强度及其在航空动力环境中的意义。 lib.cqvip.com 3. Webber was short and muscular, with spiders tattooed across his head and chest and arms. 韦伯矮个却筋肉发达,头上,胸膛和臂膀爬满蜘蛛纹身。 www.cndkc.net 4. The disorder is characterized by chorea, muscular weakness and a number of neuropsychiatric symptoms. 这种疾病的特点是舞蹈病,肌肉无力和一些神经精神症状。 www.syyxw.com 5. The system of actin and myosin that , with other substances, constitutes muscle fiber and is responsible for muscular contraction . 肌动球蛋白由肌动朊与球蛋白组成的系统,并与其他物质一起再组成肌肉纤维并导致肌肉收缩。 www.bing.com 6. The neck is of good length, strong and muscular, slightly arched and broadening to the shoulders, without throatiness or coarseness. 颈部长度适度,强健有力,微显弓形并且逐渐加宽延伸至肩部。 bbs.aigou.com 7. Perhaps you should look with your eyes and not your muscular Nebraska man hands. 你光用眼睛看就行了,把你那肌肉发达的汉子手拿开。 www.hjenglish.com 8. It led to a crushing diagnosis: the motor-neuron disease known as spinal muscular atrophy Type 1. 得出的诊断是毁灭性:1类脊髓性肌萎缩症。 www.bing.com 9. Being good enough to evict her favor this will never for suddenly and since then of sensitive grief, the nerve leading has muscular spasms. 这样足以排除她绝对不是是因为骤然而来的剧痛,牵引出来的神经抽搐。 lionwind990718.sclub.tw 10. The American Water Spaniel is an active muscular dog, medium in size with a marcel to curly coat. 美国水猎犬性格活泼,肌肉发达,中等大小,具有波浪形至卷曲的被毛。 bbs.zaqi.net 1. giant. He kept growing everyday until he separated the universe into the sky and the earth with His sheer muscular strength. 他力大无穷,体大无比,且日长一丈。他坚持不懈,用力将天地分开。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Muscular soreness does indicate that the muscle fibers have been damaged, but muscle fibers repair themselves all the time. 肌肉酸痛的确告诉我们肌纤维已经受损了,但肌纤维是从来不停止修复工作的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The forelegs are straight and muscular, with a fair amount of bone considering the size of the dog. 前腿应该笔直肌肉发达,与犬大小适度的骨骼。 www.yz666.net 4. Just as everyone has different muscular strength, we all possess different levels of self-discipline. 就像每个人都有不同程度的肌肉力量,我们有着不同程度的自律能力,每个人都有。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Neck of medium length, muscular, well set up with a slight arch and with no loose skin on the throat. 中等长度,肌肉发达,位置恰当,略微圆拱,喉咙没有松弛的皮肤。 bbs.ttpet.com 6. to be arch-shape, then cause slenderest ligament and muscular of low back to strain, and expand abdomen muscle. Body will benefit few. 这种动作,将迫使背部弯曲成拱形,而使背部下方最狭部分的韧带和肌肉紧张,并扩张腹部肌肉,对于身体弊多益少。 dict.kekenet.com 7. Neck round and of medium length, strong and muscular, free of throatiness , set to carry head with dignity, but arch not accentuated. 颈圆而中等长,强健而肌肉发达,喉部无过多松弛皮肤,头昂起,但拱形不明显。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The hind legs should be muscular at the thighs, clean and sinewy below, with well bent stifles. Hocks well let-down and powerful. 后腿大腿肌肉发达,下部整洁强壮有力,膝盖弯曲良好,飞节放松有力。 www.yz666.net 9. Electrical impulses in the myocardium, the heart's muscular wall, keep your heart beating. 包围在心脏外面的肌肉墙,也就是心肌层,里面的电脉冲让心脏保持跳动。 www.bing.com 10. Herpestes javanicus is a small, agile creature with a slender body, short legs and a muscular tail. 红颊獴(Herpestesjavanicus)拥有细长的身体,短腿和肌肉发达的尾巴。 dongxi.net 1. I mean, sex and are religion, restless intellectual curiosity of , a really muscular intellect, really sinuous intellect. 性,是宗教,激荡不已的智慧所碰撞的结晶,相当有劲,而且乖僻。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Beneath the wooden table her hand rested on the muscular thigh of her groom. 木桌下面,她的手落在了她丈夫那肌肉结实的大腿上。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. One of the dumbest things that people will say when they see an extremely muscular person is "yea, one day that will all turn to fat. " 很多人会指着一个肌肉非常发达的人说,“嘿,你看,总有一天这些肌肉会变成肥肉”。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We must train the entire muscular system for this sudden electric-shocklike contraction during which the body appears to be motionless. 我们必须训练全部的肌肉系,因为在这个突然电击振动般的收缩中,身体看起似乎是不动的。 www.pianoweb.cn 5. Samson Towers was described as a big man in both height and figure, being over six feet tall with a solid muscular build. 参孙。托尔斯被描写成一个又高又大的人,超过六英尺高,体格健壮。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Interval training to improve the heart as a muscular pump. 区间培训,以提高心脏的肌肉泵。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. There was a real and "muscular" debate in the industry in the US, he added. 他补充称,美国业内正在进行一场真实而“激烈”的辩论。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Heat is constantly produced by the muscular and cellular activity of the body. 由于肌肉和细胞的活动,身体不断产生热量。 wenku.baidu.com 9. What's more, women are more likely to report physical manifestations of stress like upset stomach, muscular tension and appetite change. 而且女性更容易有如胃不适,肌紧张,食欲改变这样的身体表现。 www.bing.com 10. Nationalists at home, however, are pushing for a "more muscular" posture. 而国内的民族主义者在奋力争取“更强硬”的姿态。 kk.dongxi.net 1. She returned to movies in the early 2000s and played a woman with Muscular Dystrophy, which launched her superstardom. 而她重返影坛是在本世纪初,扮演一个患肌营养不良症的妇女,这个角色让她跻身巨星行列。 www.bing.com 2. Anyone driving into London from Heathrow Airport will have noticed the gigantic poster of a muscular, semi-naked male. 任何从希思罗机场(HeathrowAirport)驾车驶入伦敦的人都会注意到一张肌肉发达的半裸男性巨幅海报。 www.ftchinese.com 3. muscular system consists of the 206 bones and hundreds of muscles that protect and support the internal organs and heLP the body move. 骨骼肌肉系统由206块骨骼和数百块肌肉组成,它们保护、支持内部器官,帮助身体运动。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Results from a number of tests indicate that speed and muscular strength of many of the elderly can be extended. 从一些测试结果表明,速度和肌肉力量的许多老人可以延长。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "It's unfortunate because it is not muscular problems, it is joint problems and you cannot do anything about that, " said the manager. 很不幸,这并非肌肉的问题,它发生在骨骼的关节处,对此你毫无办法。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. The long muscular legs, coupled with short stubby paws, make them look anything but Olympic athletes. 腿长且肌肉发达,再加上短硬的脚掌,看起来完全不像奥运选手。 video.2u4u.com.cn 7. Conclu-sion: Color Doppler ultrasound can diagnose muscular veniplex thrombosis of calf, and it would be spread as the routine examination. 结论:彩色多普勒超声完全可以检测小腿肌肉静脉丛血栓形成,并能够成为常规方法加以推广。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. At very first sight the new M3 exudes a sense of superb power, wide and muscular looks, as well as beautiful elegance. 在第一眼看到M3,它就散发出一种极好的动力,宽阔和强健的外型,以及美丽的优雅。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 9. The heart is a muscular organ that contracts rhythmically . 心脏是个肌肉性器官,具有节律性收缩能力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The veteran pulled up during yesterday's training session and tests have now confirmed a serious muscular strain to his left calf. 这个老将中断了昨日的训练,检测确认他的左腿有严重的肌肉拉伤。 www.laziofly.com 1. atlantoaxial dislocation; traction; electric stimulation therapy; muscular power exercise. 寰枢关节脱位;头带水平牵引;电脑中频;肌力训练。 big5.39kf.com 2. The defender suffered a muscular problem against Chievo on Saturday and a decision on his fitness will be taken just before the match. 周六和切沃的联赛当中,马尔蒂尼的大腿肌肉出了一点问题,本场比赛之前才能决定他是否能够出场。 www.bing.com 3. A newly muscular Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is now going after government employees, too. 新近有力度的证券交易委员会也在调查政府的雇员。 www.ecocn.org 4. In her 1997 Body Image Survey, both girls and boys reported that "very thin or muscular models" made them feel insecure about themselves. 年机构形象调查中,少男少女们的报告说,非常瘦或肌肉发达的模特儿,使他们对自己觉得没有安全感。 www.elanso.com 5. Both of them are out with muscular problems in the short term. 他们俩都因为肌肉问题会缺席短期的时间。 bbs1.arsenal.com.cn 6. Acupuncture can markedly decrease muscular tension in stroke patients. The change in muscular tension has a certain regularity in the time. 针刺可明显降低中风患者肌张力,且肌张力变化有一定时间规律。 www.bing.com 7. Objective To introduce a surgical treatment for muscular imbalance in congenital talipes equinovarus and its effects. 目的介绍一种解决先天性马蹄内翻足肌力不平衡的手术方法和效果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer. 大多数的训练都涉及技术,因为音乐家需要有运动员或者芭蕾舞者那样的肌肉的熟练。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. He was extremely muscular, an adventurer, and he would tell these bawdy stories. 他是肌肉猛男,一个冒险家,而且会讲荤故事。 www.bing.com 10. She was the poster child for muscular dystrophy. 她是海报上那个患肌肉萎缩的小孩。 www3.060s.com 1. CAT: Carnivorous mammal with a supple muscular body and paws ending in retractable claws; it is a very common pet. 猫:食肉的哺乳动物,有柔软而健壮的身体,爪子的末端有可收回的脚趾。是非常普遍的宠物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Diaphragm: Dome-shaped muscular and membranous structure between the thoracic and abdominal cavities. 膈:哺乳动物体内分隔胸腔和腹腔的由肌肉和膜组成的穹窿形结构。 www.tdict.com 3. I made a really good friend last night, but she blew me off for this really muscular guy . 我昨晚交到了一个很不错的朋友。但是因为这个肌肉男的原因她又和我告吹了。 www.bing.com 4. I'm coming off a muscular injury and played 90 minutes against Nastic on Sunday, so it would be risky to get back out there immediately. 周日对塔拉戈纳的比赛打满了90分钟全场让我伤到了肌肉,所以如果本周立即出场可能会冒一些风险。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Nor is lipoprotein lipase the only molecule affected by muscular inactivity. 脂朊脂酶并不是唯一受肌肉不活跃影响的分子。 www.bing.com 6. They have long muscular tongues with which they scoop mollusks and lesser amphibians from the Naboo swamps. 长舌肌肉发达,便于从纳布的沼泽中挖掘软体动物和小型两栖动物。 starwarsfans.cn 7. However, some producers age in a combination of both French and American oak for increased complexity in more muscular styles. 然而,一些生产者年龄双管齐下法国和美国橡树增加肌肉风格更加复杂。 www.wines-info.com 8. Its muscular looks, retro cockpit design and potent powertrain options convincingly recreate the muscle and attitude of the original models. 该车炫目的外观,复古的驾驶室设计以及独特的传动系统,重塑了强大的影响力和新颖的理念。 www.xinheaudio.com 9. He always undoes up the three buttons from the top so that a small part of his muscular chest can be seen easily. 那时,他经常将衬衫最上面的三个扣子解开,部分展示出他健美的胸部。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The drug, known as PTC124, has already had encouraging results in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis. 被称为PTC124的药物,已经在治疗Duchenne肌营养不良和囊性纤维化的病人中获得了激动人心的成果。 news.dxy.cn 1. And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw, Has lasted the rest of my life. 因此我练得下巴肌肉发达,这使我受用终身。 www.bing.com 2. Now that Taiwan prefers healthy, toned women and energetic, muscular men, fitness centers have gained popularity throughout the island. 因为现在的台湾人喜欢健康结实的女性和精力十足的肌肉男,健身中心因而在岛上大行其道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The tunica cuticula of muscular stomach is not obvious, and muscular stomach is used to do chemical digestion more than grind the food. 肌胃壁薄而无明显角质膜,用来进行化学消化,而不起研磨作用; www.ceps.com.tw 4. But it could also make it easier to treat Parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease and muscular dystrophy. 但是,新治疗技术也将使帕金森病、运动神经疾病和肌肉萎缩症的治疗变得简单容易。 www.bing.com 5. In its place, the prime minister championed a 'muscular liberalism' that 'believes in certain values and actively promotes them. ' 卡梅伦拥护的是“支持某些价值观并积极保护这些价值观的有力的自由主义”。 chinese.wsj.com 6. One snap of her huge muscular jaws and she could break my arm, or my neck. 只要它强健的大嘴猛地咬我一口,就能咬断我的胳膊,或咬断我的脖子。 wiki.jukuu.com 7. Neurologic symptoms of hypermagnesemia are muscular weakness, paralysis, ataxia, drowsiness, and confusion. 高镁血症的神经系统症状表现为肌肉无力、瘫痪、共济失调、嗜睡和意识模糊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The policy itself was derived from a variety of sources, including Confucianism, muscular Christianity, and Social Darwinism. 这项政策来源很多方面,包括儒家思想、强身及愉快的基督教活动和社会达尔文主义。 www.bing.com 9. The decision was the latest in a series of muscular First Amendment rulings from the Roberts court. 罗伯茨在任上作出了一系列维护第一修正案的强力裁决,这个只是最新的例子。 www.bing.com 10. The Saint Bernard is a very large , strong , muscular dog, with a powerful head . 圣伯纳是一种非常大、壮、雄、还有个强有力的头。 www.bing.com 1. Short hill repeats a few times a month will help your stride length, muscular strength and ankle flexibility. 每个月进行若干次短距离的山坡反复跑训练可以帮助你保持步幅、肌肉力量和踝关节的灵活性。 www.bing.com 2. Bell palsy (a type of neuritis) paralyzes the muscles of one side of the face. Muscular dystrophy causes paralysis by attacking muscle. 贝尔氏麻痹(神经炎的一种)引起面部一侧的肌肉瘫痪。肌营养不良侵袭肌肉也能导致瘫痪。 dict.ebigear.com 3. More muscular tonicity in together instigates your metabolism, you will be so more inclined to mobilize you in sustained efforts. 更多的肌肉方面的滋补会加速你的新陈代谢,你将会因此而更倾向于调动长期的毅力和不懈的努力。 www.360doc.com 4. He has a very muscular build, and is a superb fighter, who lapses into the deadly Calian battle madness when provoked. 他肌肉发达,是一个健美的斗士,如果被激怒,将陷入致命的卡利安战斗疯狂状态。 starwarsfans.cn 5. Another deals with creating body rigid ness , aching restlessness , blurred vision, severe muscular pain, trembling and fogged cognition . 另一种是导致身体变硬,无休止的疼痛,视力模糊,严重的肌肉疼痛,发抖及意识模糊。 www.bing.com 6. The intramuscular implantation in mice induced no muscular necrosis or fibrous capsule formation, except for slight inflammatory reaction. 小鼠肌内埋置后植入部位无肌肉坏死,炎症反应轻,无纤维包裹。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The soft body of the African Snail has a muscular foot on which it creeps. 非洲蜗牛的身体柔软,靠强壮有力的腹足蠕动。 www.wwf.org.hk 8. After removal of the grafts, accurately appose and suture the periosteum and muscular origins with strong interrupted sutures. 取骨后,将骨膜和肌肉起点确切对合,行牢固的间断缝合。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Conclusion: The characteristic pathology changes in the muscular tissues supply useful basic bata for pathology examination in trichinosis. 结论:肌组织的特征性病理变化,为旋毛虫病时病理检测提供有用的基础资料。 www.21mishu.com 10. I used to be much bigger , much more muscular . 我之前很壮实,有很多肌肉。 www.bing.com 1. As the depth of muscular layer and adjacent tissue invasion increased, the blood flow signals within tumor increased, RI was rising too. 随着肿瘤浸润深度加深,邻近器官浸润趋势增加,血流信号显示增多、RI值增高。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The fleshy , muscular back part of the human leg between the knee and ankle . 腓,小腿肚人腿部位于膝关节和踝关节之间的多肉的、腿后部的肌肉部分。 www.bing.com 3. Statues or architecture since the Baroque HAs a dark, muscular, looming quality acres you. 巴洛克风格的雕塑和建筑雄伟、高大、格调阴暗。 www.ffenglish.com 4. He suffers from a rare form of muscular dystrophy, a ventilator supplying his oxygen. 他患有一种罕见的肌失养症,靠吸氧器供氧。 bbs.pep.com.cn 5. You've got a group of member states that are worried about its muscular approach toward foreign policy issues. 一些会员国对在外交政策问题上采取强硬的手段表示担心。 www.ebigear.com 6. The neck is strong and muscular, clean-cut and relatively long, proportionate in size to the head and without loose folds of skin. 颈部结实,且肌肉发达,轮廓鲜明且相对较长,与头部比例协调,且没有松弛的皮肤。 www.3316.cn 7. The captain is the latest addition to the injury list, suffering from a muscular problem in training and has not made the trip to Florence. 队长是新近增加到伤病名单中的,因为在训练中的肌肉伤病发作,并且没有前往佛罗伦萨。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 8. Muscular, well coordinated with hindquarters and capable of free movement. 强健、与后躯协调良好,动作自如。 bbs.zaqi.net 9. Average height, muscular build, black hair worn short, and a soul patch beneath his lower lip. 他个头适中,肌肉结实,黑色的头发剪得短短的,下唇下面蓄着一小撮胡子。 www.bing.com 10. It has long wanted to develop more muscular military capabilities, but has been repeatedly thwarted, especially by Britain. 他长久渴望发展起一支更加强有力的军事力量,但一次又一次遭到挫败,尤其是因为英国。 www.ecocn.org 1. You overheard her say that she likes men with large muscular arms. 你偷听到这位MM说她喜欢手臂肌肉多的男性。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The head joins the neck forming a strong muscular arch. 头颈部加入拱形成了强烈的肌肉。 www.5bn.org 3. The public was undergoing the physical fitness test to check their muscular endurance, body flexibility and percentage of body fat. 市民正接受肌耐力、柔软度、脂肪比例等体适能测试。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 4. The expression of FHIT and PCNA protein in endometrial carcinoma was significantly correlated with pathological grade and muscular invasion. FHIT和PCNA蛋白在子宫内膜癌组织中的表达与其病理分级及肌层浸润均密切相关。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Study mechanism of the stem cell therapy, stroke, acute renal failure, and spinal muscular atrophy by transgenic and knockout mice. 利用小鼠动物模式探讨干细胞治疗,中风,急性肾衰竭,人类脊髓肌肉萎缩症分子机制。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Give up the idea of "more nourishment and more health" and you will build a muscular body in the long run. 放弃“多吃补品就会健康”的想法,你将从长远角度拥有一个强健的身体。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Research into gene therapy may eventually provide treatment to stop the progression of some types of muscular dystrophy. 到基因治疗研究提供治疗最终可能停止恶化的某些类型的肌肉营养不良症。 acctc.com 8. The amount of energy required by the muscular action indicates the person's endurance. 实际中肌肉需要消耗的能量则称为那个人的耐力。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Objective: To observe the curative effect of traditional chinese medicine combined with western medicine on treatment muscular asthenopia . 目的:观察结合中医治疗眼肌性视疲劳的疗效。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The behavioral investigation on Duchenne muscular dystrophy animal model after marrow transplantation. 型肌营养不良模型鼠骨髓移植后的行为学观察。 www.ilib.cn 1. Being muscular provides a sense of excitement and security in women. 强壮可以给女性带来兴奋感和安全感。 www.bing.com 2. I hope he can play again this season, even if he will be out for at least 15 days, as a muscular problem needs time to heal. 因为肌肉的问题需要时间医治,他至少会缺阵15天,但即使这样,我还是希望他能在这个赛季的剩余比赛中出场。 www.tianya.cn 3. Possessing a muscular physique and 60 sharp, serrated teeth, the Komodo dragon is a giant animal with a fearsome reputation. 具有强健的体格,60颗尖利、锯齿状的牙齿,科莫多龙是一个有着吓人名声的巨兽。 www.bing.com 4. Many current programs focus not only on developing muscular strength and endurance but on aerobic fitness as well. 许多目前的方案,不仅着眼于发展肌肉力量和耐力,但对有氧健身的好。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The concept explored the human muscular system and applied it to an architectural system. 这个概念探讨人类肌肉系统,并将其应用到建筑体系。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Since cell growth is a fundamental biological process, the research may shed light on everything from miscarriages to muscular dystrophy. 由于细胞生长是基本生物学过程,该研究将对流产、肌营养失调等各个领域产生影响。 news.dxy.cn 7. Methods The effects of 14 patients with the soft tissue defect in heel treated with flaps and muscular flap had been analysed. 方法对14块皮瓣、肌皮瓣移植修复足跟软组织缺损效果进行分析。 www.chemyq.com 8. For the real worId Max lost 15 pounds because I felt that this Max should not be strong and muscular but rather weak and frail. 我要演现实中的Max,就要减掉十五磅,因为觉得Max不应该是很强健的肌肉男,而应是羸弱的。 hkpag.org 9. Your body was meant to be lithe, supple, muscular, full of red -blooded energy and vitality. 你的躯体本该就是柔软、有韧性、强健的、充满血肉能量和活力的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Physical therapy As muscular dystrophy progresses and muscles weaken, fixations (contractures) can develop in joints. 由于肌肉萎缩症的进展和肌肉减弱,录制品(挛缩)可发展的关节。 acctc.com 1. Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a direct non-muscular communication or control channel between brain and computer or external devices. 脑-机接口是在脑与计算机或其他外部设备之间建立的直接的通信和交流通道。 www.lifescience.net.cn 2. Whether you seek to become a professional bodybuilder or simply improve your physique, nothing is as impressive as a big, muscular chest. 无论你是试图成为一个专业的健美运动员还是单单想改进你的体格,没有什么比一个健壮的胸部更能给人以深刻映像了。 www.bing.com 3. ABSTRACT: Objective To investigate the clinical and lab features of sibling brother and sister both with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). 摘要:目的探讨同患假肥大型肌营养不良症(DMD)兄妹的临床以及实验室检查特点。 www.actacams.com 4. Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of color Doppler ultrasonography in congenital muscular torticollis (CMT). 目的探讨彩色多普勒超声诊断小儿先天性肌性斜颈的价值。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. They help to control muscular contractions in the gut as well as the secretions of glands and cells. 它们帮助控制肠道的肌肉收缩、腺体分泌和细胞。 c.wsj.com 6. Combined with his muscular personality, it was enough to change the culture of Morgan Stanley. 再加上他的满身肌肉,已足够改变摩根斯坦利的文化。 www.bing.com 7. standing by the bar , in the corner of the room , was a brawny , muscular man , full six in height. 屋角上的柜台前面,站着一个胸脯宽阔,魁梧有力,足有六英尺高的彪形大汉。 www.ichacha.net 8. and between supporters of a muscular, militarist foreign policy and those who want to close American bases overseas. 此外一些人支持用武力解决问题的外交政策,而另一些人希望关闭美国在海外的军事基地。 www.ftchinese.com 9. High concentrations of mercury vapour inhaled once been human, either muscular paralysis, mental disorders, stress is little. 高浓度的汞蒸汽一旦被人体吸入,轻则肌肉瘫痪、精神失常,重则一命呜呼。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 10. The body is firm, hard and muscular, a trifle long in proportion to the height. 身躯稳固、坚实、且肌肉发达,比例上,体长略大于身高。 www.123pet.com.cn 1. Software Description: About Muscular Mustangs , This is an animated screen saver of a racing Mustang front end. 这是一个赛马野马的一个屏幕保护程序。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Does anyone, particularly in Beijing, believe Mr Obama would do anything nearly as muscular faced with comparable belligerence today? 有谁、尤其是北京有谁相信,如果今天面临类似的交战状态,奥巴马会做出类似的强硬举动? www.ftchinese.com 3. The neck should be moderately short, strong, thick and muscular, blending smoothly into well laid back shoulders. 颈部长度适中,结实,粗壮且肌肉发达,平滑的与肩部衔接。 sbuhua.appspot.com 4. one tall and thin, the other a swarthy, hirsute , muscular fellow with a flattened nose. 一个又高又瘦;另一个黧黑,多毛,肌肉强健,长了个扁鼻子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Recent studies have shown that moderate drinkers of wine can prevent heart disease, cancer, and alzheimer's disease and muscular dystrophy. 最新研究已经证实,适度饮用葡萄酒可以预防心脏病、癌症、老年痴呆以及肌肉萎缩症。 www.9999jiu.com 6. he stands well up at the shoulder on straight forelegs with a topline sloping slightly toward strong , moderately bent , muscular quarters. 他直站时前腿笔直,肩部耸起,背线向强壮、略弯曲、肌肉发达的后躯略微下倾。 www.ichacha.net 7. When this is the case, the evaluation of the muscular response to a continuous tetanic stimulation may be useful. 在这种情况下,评估肌肉对持续强直刺激的反应性可能有用。 www.xqnmz.com 8. Also, some nervous systems randomly fire, causing seeming symptoms of involuntary muscular contraction. 同样,一些神经系统会随机发炎,产生看似肌肉偶然挛缩的症状。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The oils penetrate into muscular tissue increasing blood flow to the area, and encouraging the contracted muscles to expand and relax. 精油可以渗透到肌肉组织中,增加流回这个区域的血液量,从而可以促进绷紧的肌肉舒展和放松。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Conclusion: The therapeutic effect of Pi needle with Chinese herbal medicine on intensified muscular tension after stroke is remarkable. 结论:铍针配合中药治疗中风后肌张力增强疗效显著。 www.bing.com 1. Could this big, muscular, flat-chested, deep-voiced 800-metres runner, who took the gold, really be a woman? 这个高大、壮实、平胸、声音低沉的800米金牌得主真的是女性吗? club.topsage.com 2. It does not move my means of muscular tension. 它并不通过肌肉紧张的方式移动。 my.opera.com 3. Objective To investigate various therapies for congenital muscular torticollis in children. 目的探讨小儿先天性斜颈诊断治疗经验。 terms.shengwuquan.com 4. What is a desired product? It can be muscular size, muscular strength, muscle tone or any other muscle quality. 什麽是想要的结果呢?这可以是肌肉大小、肌力、肌肉张力、或任何其他的肌肉特质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Medium-sized, cobby , strong and muscular, with a long, thick coat and hanging hair that covers the eyes. 中型犬,强壮,强健,有长长的厚厚的被毛,悬挂的毛发覆盖着眼睛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Objective To establish a solid prenatal genetic diagnosis system for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) in Chinese Han populations. 目的建立完整的适合汉族人群的脊肌萎缩症(SMA)产前基因诊断体系。 xuebao.shsmu.edu.cn 7. No correlation was found between muscular strength and I. Q. scores. 但是,肌肉力量和智商得分之间不存在相关性。 dongxi.net 8. While doing that, those other appearances happened to be muscular body. 在这样做时,那些其他的面貌正巧成为肌肉体形的样子。 www.dreamyj.com 9. Mr Obama told Scott Van Duzer, a tall muscular man, that he was the biggest pizza shop owner he had ever seen. 奥巴马对这个名叫斯哥特.范.杜泽的高个子肌肉男说,他是自己所见过的最大快儿头的比萨店老板。 www.bing.com 10. dumbbell : a weight consisting of a short bar with a metal ball or disk at each end that is lifted for muscular development and exercise. 哑铃:短柄两端各有一金属球或盘的重物,用来举起以发展和锻炼肌肉。 dict.veduchina.com 1. Today, Dongbei is a rust belt, its once muscular industries falling victim to poor state planning and inefficient operations. 如今,东北则是“铁锈地带”,曾经强有力的国企都成了计划经济和低效运作的牺牲品。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Objective To review the states of etiological and pathologic research on congenital muscular torticollis (CMT). 目的综述先天性肌性斜颈的病因、发病机理及病理的研究现状。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He's seen her nice muscular legs because of the short skirt. Now he wants to see more. 由于托莎的裙子很短他看到了她的漂亮的肌肉发达的大腿。现在他像看得更多。 www.xici.net 4. Near-perfect facial features and slim, muscular body, was invited to serve as a debut on the idol drama actor. 近乎完美的五官与健美的身材,一出道就获邀担任偶像剧男主角。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. China says it's not a threat, but its diplomatic and military stance has became increasingly muscular, most notably at sea. 中国否认自己会成为他国的威胁,不过他的外交和军事立场越来越强硬,特别是在海上。 www.bing.com 6. Blood samples are examined for mutations in some of the genes that cause different types of muscular dystrophy. 血液样本进行检查的突变基因在一些引起不同类型的肌肉营养不良症。 acctc.com 7. But the fetus is already able to make muscular movement. 但是胎儿已经可以做肌肉运动了。 noorislam.org 8. Dennis Rodman, the muscular, tattooed, and much ballyhooed player formerly of the Chicago Bulls. 丹尼斯?罗德曼这个浑身肌肉兼刺青且爱搞怪的前芝加哥公牛队球员。 www.dictall.com 9. Instead, they are transported mainly by the movement of tiny hairlike structures inside the tubes and by muscular contractions. 替代的办法是,它们主要由输精管内纤细的毛状结构通过平滑肌的收缩来移动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Introduction: Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is the common disease among newborn. 背景:先天性肌肉斜颈为新生儿常见的疾病。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Modernisers in both parties tend also to support a more muscular role for Japan abroad, which means revising the pacifist constitution. 两党中的现代化派也倾向于支持日本在海外扮演更加重要的角色,这意味着重新修订和平宪法。 www.ecocn.org 2. Joruus C'baoth was a tall, lean and muscular man with unkempt gray hair and a long beard. 乔鲁乌斯·瑟鲍思是一位身材瘦长、肌肉发达的男人,长着蓬乱的灰头发和大胡子。 www.starwarsfans.cn 3. A powerful, sturdy, squarely built, upstanding dog of Arctic type, medium in size with strong muscular development and heavy bone. 体格强强健,身体呈方形,属中型犬,肌肉发达,骨骼粗壮,骨量足,适合寒冷地区,身体强健。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Shoulders sloping--clean, muscular, not heavy or loaded--conveying the idea of freedom of action with activity and strength. 肩胛倾斜,整洁,肌肉发达,不过分沉重或抗肩膀,能为舒展的、理想的动作提供灵活性和力量。 www.3316.cn 5. The back should be straight to the loin, medium in length, very muscular and neither long nor short-coupled. 后背从(马肩隆到腰)直,中等长度,连接既不太长、也不太短。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Racing thoughts impose general muscular tension that compromises the lymphatic system and immune system. 奔驰的思绪强加了肉体的紧张,危及淋巴系统和免疫系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A group of strong, muscular men come into your house, carry out all your possessions, and drive off in a truck. 一群壮汉,满身的横肉,走进你的房子,把你的所有东西统统搬出来,放到卡车上开走。 www.tingclass.com 8. It should be of great strength for its size and, although muscular, should be active and agile. 就其体型而言,他的力气非常大,尽管肌肉非常发达,但他仍然十分活泼、敏捷。 www.3316.cn 9. and look more muscular injection of meat swelling, blood leaking from inside aspect can be seen. 并期待更多肌肉注射肉肿胀,血液从内部泄漏方面可以看出。 www.qiyeku.com 10. Muscular dystrophy is a group of more than 30 genetic diseases, characterized by progressive weakness and deterioration of skeletal muscles. 肌营养不良是30种遗传性疾病的一种,以骨骼肌进展性无力和变性为特点。 news.dxy.cn 1. Objective To perform early and presymptomatic diagnosis for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD). 目的对面肩肱型肌营养不良症(FSHD)进行早期诊断和症状前诊断。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. abstract: Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of Pi needle on intensified muscular tension after stroke. 目的:观察铍针治疗中风后肌张力增强的临床疗效。 www.bing.com 3. Objective: Discuss the function mechanism and effect on muscular tone strengthened of lower limbs after stroke by acupuncture . 目的:探讨针刺对脑卒中下肢肌张力增高的临床疗效及作用机理。 www.fabiao.net 4. Below the muscular diaphragm, which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, the esophagus joins the stomach. 在分隔胸腔和腹腔的肌质横膈的下界,食道和胃连接。 5. But thanks to Mr Gensler's muscular style and the financial crisis, its star is now rising. 不过,由于詹斯勒先生的强硬作风以及这场金融危机,它的明星地位正在上升。 www.ecocn.org 6. Some complain that, if you are muscular or "large-boned, " you may get a BMI that suggests you're overweight when you're really not. 一些人抱怨说,如果你肌肉发达或者是“大骨架”,你可能得到表明你超重的BMI,而实际上你并不是。 www.foodmate.net 7. The neck is muscular, rather short, clean in outline and gradually widening toward the shoulders. 颈部肌肉发达,较短,轮廓整洁,向肩部逐渐加宽。 www.3316.cn 8. The rational design of handle can better control force, reduce hand muscular fatigue and improve working efficiency. 可更好地掌握用力,减轻手部肌肉疲劳,提高工作效率。 detail.china.alibaba.com 9. In 2007, he posed shirtless in a magazine while he was on vacation in Siberia, showing off a muscular body. 2007年,他在西伯利亚度假时光着上身的照片刊登在一本杂志的封面上,向人们展示了他强健的身体。 www.dltcedu.org 10. Noticing that the muscular cheat was intent on selling his fake goods to me, the old lady whispered a warning to me and then disappeared. 老妇人注意到那个强壮的骗子下定决心要卖假货给我,她对我耳语了一个警告,随后消失了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Physically, the American Bully has an impressive, athletic build, which is both muscular and defined, and displays strength and agility. 在其身体结构上,美国恶霸犬给人一种令人印象深刻的夸张和肌肉强健,并具有力量爆发力和动作敏捷。 hi.baidu.com 2. Intra-muscular injection can lead to necrosis. Intravenous or subcutaneous injection can cause hemolytic anemia, hematuria and proteinuria. 不可作肌肉注射以免引起肌肉坏死。静脉或皮下注射能引起溶血性贫血﹐血尿,蛋白尿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Tail well set on, thick and muscular at the base, following the natural line of the croup. 尾根高,尾底部厚、肌肉发达,自然地延伸臀部线长。 bbs.zaqi.net 4. Hindlegs muscular at thighs, clean and sinewy below, with well bent stifles . Hocks well let down and powerful. 后大腿肌肉发达,小腿匀称规则且强壮有力,膝关节倾斜,飞节有力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Introduces the muscular, skeletal, circulatory and digestive system. 介绍肌肉、骨骼、循环和消化系统。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 6. I saw my cousin. The last time we met, he was stodgy[7] and fat. Now he's tall, muscular and handsome. 我碰见我表弟了。你知道我上次碰见他的时候,他好像一直小猪一样,胖嘟嘟又矮矮的,现在多帅啊,高大威猛。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The muscular boxer exerted every ounce of energy in this fierce vital punch to punish his opponent. 那位肌肉发达的拳击手竭尽全力向对手发出致命的一击。 www.bing.com 8. Strength training or resistance exercises use your existing muscular strength to improve muscle mass and burn fat. 力量训练将运用您的现有肌肉力量锻炼肌肉,消耗脂肪。 www.bing.com 9. At the rear, a roof spoiler and rear bumper diffuser with quad exhaust outlets distinguish the muscular sedan's tail. 在车尾,屋顶扰流板和后保险杠扰流与四排气管区分肌肉车的尾巴。 usa.315che.com 10. Patients suffer from muscular tremors and rigidity, and their movements are severely impaired. 病人经受肌肉震颤和僵直的痛苦,病人的行动能力严重削弱。 news.dxy.cn 1. The double lower limb cannot walk, has not seen the ischemic muscular atrophy and the myodynamia is not normal. 双下肢不能行走,未见肌肉萎缩和肌力不正常。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. This special formulation helps to relieve arthritic and muscular pain , whilst keeping skin soft and smooth . 此特殊配方可以缓解紧张和疲劳的肌肤,帮助保持肌肤光滑并富有弹性。 www.bing.com 3. Instead of teeth to break up the food. . . owls have a gizzard, a muscular stomach that grinds up the food. 鹰不用牙齿切碎食物,它有一个叫做砂囊的胃,能磨碎食物。 www.englishtide.com 4. Hindquarters: Powerful, muscular, with all parts being moderately angulated . 后躯:强壮有力,肌肉发达,所有部分都有棱角。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Any condition causing muscular incoordination . 任何导致肌肉不受控制的状况。 www.bing.com 6. Steve has a hard, muscular body and is built like a horse. 斯蒂文有一身健壮的肌肉像一匹种马。 www.xici.net 7. No, absolutely not, because muscular injuries are always very difficult to evaluate. 不是很清楚,因为肌肉受伤总是很难估量的。 www.r9sky.com 8. The hindquarters are broad and muscular, in profile sloping gracefully to the set on of the tail. 后驱宽广且肌肉发达,从侧面看,轮廓温和的向尾巴处倾斜。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. "Heidelberg Man" was muscular and tall, had a relatively large brain, and usually grew to heights of 6 feet or more. 海德堡人身材高大,肌肉发达,有较大的脑容量,他们通常能长到6英尺或更高。 www.elanso.com 10. We meet one young Taiwanese girl who may suffer from debilitating muscular dystrophy but who isn't afraid to pursue her dreams. 还有我们来认识一位台湾女孩,虽然患有肌肉萎缩症,却没有放弃追逐梦想; www.newdaai.tv |
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