单词 | muscle |
释义 | muscled是muscle的过去式
复数:muscles 现在分词:muscling 过去式:muscled 例句释义: 肌,力气,用力挤着前进,〈美俚〉发挥膂力,富有肌肉的 1. The two bailiffs muscled him through the door and his frantic shouts echoed through the courthouse for what seemed like an eternity. 这两名法警使劲地挟他出门,而他那疯狂的喊声还久久回荡在法庭中,似乎无穷无尽。 www.bing.com 2. The belly should be well shaped and tightly muscled and, with the rear of the thorax, should swing up in a pleasing curve (tuck-up). 腹部肌肉紧绷,形状良好,与后胸连成优美的曲线(收腹)。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I used to watch her from my kitchen window, she seemed so small as she muscled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground. 我曾经常常从厨房窗口观察她,她用力挤过操场上的一群男生时显得那么瘦小。 www.elanso.com 4. The first impression of a good German Shepherd Dog is that of a strong, agile, well muscled animal, alert and full of life. 一条好的德国牧羊犬给人的印象是:结实、敏捷、肌肉发达、警惕、且充满活力。 www.3316.cn 5. More recently, UK banks have muscled in to meet demand from clients while more US and European banks are hosting courses in London. 最近,英国银行已经开始满足这些客户的需求,同时更多的美国和欧洲银行在伦敦举办了课程。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Roy Hall, a well muscled guard headed to Ohio State on a football scholarship, bodied him all over the court. 罗伊会堂,以及肌民警卫队前往俄亥俄州状态对一个足球奖学金,健全他都法院。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Instead she took a two-foot-long, fully erect, fully veined and muscled phallus, which she had made of latex and plaster. 而她却选了一个两英尺长,完全直立的,充满纹理和肌肉感的阳具,这是她自己用乳胶和石膏做成的。 www.ecocn.org 8. The nipples on his muscled breastplate had a pair of iron rings through them. 而强健的胸甲的乳头上穿了一对铁环。 www.cndkc.net 9. sure, substantially boned and muscled, and able to do a full day's work in and out of the water. 可靠,骨量充足,肌肉发达,能全天候在水中或陆地上工作。 www.3316.cn 10. Shoulders--The shoulders are well laid back, well muscled , and lie close to the body. 肩膀向后倾斜放置,肌肉发达,隐藏在身躯里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. He was a broad, bandy-legged little man with a walrus mustache, with square hands, puffed and muscled on the palms. 沉思着,那双灰色的眼睛有些潮湿。他是一个宽肩,腿有点弯,带着海象胡子的年轻人,有一双充满肌肉的宽大手掌。 dict.kekenet.com 2. its upper body is humanlike , powerfully muscled and sporting a pair of ram like horns atop its head. 上半身则像人类,有着强壮的肌肉和头顶一对羊角。 www.ichacha.net 3. The modern Budyonny is a horse of good height with a clean, solid build and heavily muscled body. 现代布琼尼为一体的好马用干净的高度,牢固建立和严重肌肉。 www.scdjlm.cn 4. In his obsessive pursuit of Sampras's record number of grand slam victories, Federer had crashed into the muscled wall of Nadal. 在对桑普拉斯的大满贯冠军数量历史记录的执着追求中,费德勒撞上了纳达尔这个坚硬的屏障。 www.bing.com 5. Perhaps clever marketing could make "double-muscled" fish into a premium product, too. 也许聪明的营销方式可以使“双肌”鱼也成为质优价高的产品。 www.ecocn.org 6. The shoulders are well laid back, well muscled, and lie close to the body. 肩膀向后倾斜,发达的肌肉,紧贴著身体。 bbs.sgou.com 7. Under that muscled body of his he was a mass of quivering sensibilities. 在他那肌肉鼓突的身体下面是一堆颤颤巍巍的敏感神经。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. When viewed from the side, the hindquarters exhibit strong rear drive that is transmitted through a well- muscled loin to the forequarters. 从侧面观察,后躯提供的强大驱动力通过肌肉发达的腰部传递给前躯。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. He was tanned and muscled, and he wore slim pants and silk shirts open to the waist, showing gold chains on a hairy chest. 他皮肤黝黑、肌肉发达,总穿着紧身长裤,真丝衬衫领口一直开到了腰部,袒露出坠满金链子的毛茸茸胸脯。 www.bing.com 10. Neck - Strong, well muscled, carried proudly erect, set on sloping shoulders to carry head with dignity when at attention. 结实、肌肉发达,骄傲地昂起,立正时,在倾斜的肩上支撑着高贵的头部。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Since then it has also muscled up, bolstered by American military aid, new attack helicopters and heavier guided bombs. 从那以后,他们羽翼更丰满了,通过美国的军事援助,增加了新的攻击直升机和重型制导炸弹。 www.bing.com 2. Thorpe breezed through both events, his dark hair flopping, his smile flashing, his muscled body gliding along the track. 他一头黑发扑颠着,脸上闪烁着微笑,那肌肉强健的身体沿着跑道轻捷地飞奔着。 jpkc.swu.edu.cn 3. Jean Genet wrote poems to a "thief-boxer" and a "muscled rose" . JC曾用诗歌向“小偷拳手”和“铿锵玫瑰”致敬。 www.ecocn.org 4. a noticeably athletic animal, well muscled, with the appearance of power. 一种引人注目的好动的动物,肌肉发达,有强有力的外形。 www.qqywf.com 5. Body is dry and well muscled without the appearance of sluggishness or coarseness . 干燥且肌肉发达,没有任何行动迟缓或粗糙低劣的样子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Being a hunting dog, he should be shown in hard muscled working condition. 作为一种猎犬,他应该显示出在工作条件下的发达的肌肉。 dogsky.com 7. This powerfully muscled stag is covered in thick white fur. Crooked black antlers spring from its head. 蛋白色的皮毛厚厚地覆盖在有着这只壮实肌肉的牡鹿身上。它头上长着黑色而弯曲的鹿角。 www.ellesime.net 8. Strongly muscled and of medium length, with minimal dewlap. 笔直有力肌肉和中等长度,喉部有少许的垂肉。 bbs.sgou.com 9. Of medium length, strong and erect, well muscled, with a slightly convex upper line. 中等长度,结实,直立,肌肉发达,有微微凸起的上线。 www.5bn.org 10. As the bear gives chase, snow sloughs off its back, revealing massively muscled flanks covered in pure white fur. 鬼熊暴起追赶山猫的时候,雪块纷纷从它背上掉落,露出了肌肉厚实、盖着雪白毛皮的腰。 tbsgame.net 1. A long raised scar ran across his brown chest and down into his heavily muscled abdomen. 一道长长的隆起伤疤越过褐色的胸脯一直伸到肌肉发达的腹部底下。 www.jukuu.com 2. Watching well-muscled actors scale the sides of tall buildings may make you wonder about climbing's other requirements. 看着肌肉发达的男演员攀登高楼外侧,或许会让你好奇攀岩的其他必备条件。 edu.beelink.com.cn 3. He's a muscled, tattooed eunuch who's looking for a hidden Masonic pyramid. 他是一个肌肉发达,身上布满纹身的阉人,正苦寻一座神秘的共济会金字塔。 www.beatenglish.com 4. Shoulders--The sloping shoulder blades (scapulae) are strongly muscled , yet flat. 倾斜的肩胛,肌肉发达,而且平坦。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Neck--Powerful, well muscled , moderately long, slightly arched and without loose skin. 有力、肌肉发达、中等长度、略拱、无松弛的皮肤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This heavily muscled reptile stalks about on four limbs, its fluid movements and feline grace belying its size. 这只四足爬行的生物有着不符于其体型的迅敏行动和如猫般优雅。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The Pakistanis have muscled their way to the table for what looks like a planning session for the endgame in Afghanistan. 这场看似关乎阿富汗终局的计划会议,巴基斯坦人硬是挤了进去。 www.ecocn.org 8. What you want when you're down is soft and jiggley, not muscled and stable. 失落时,你需要的是温柔的话语和安抚,而不是坚毅的行为和挺立。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Andrei Kirilenko can easily be out-muscled, but his extraordinary length and quickness can also shut down scores who mostly rely on finesse. 基里连科虽然肌肉不算发达,但是他的长臂和速度能封盖任何靠技巧得分的球员。 club.learning.sohu.com 10. The thighs are heavily muscled and, when viewed from behind, the rear is round and broad. 大腿肌肉沉重,且从后面观察时,后躯圆而宽。 www.3316.cn 1. Legs moderately long, well muscled , neither too straight nor too inclined. 长度适中,肌肉发达,既不太直,也不太斜。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The image of Italian men as muscled, smooth-talking Lotharios who prey on female tourists has been shattered. 根据最新的调查显示,以前意大利男人留给女性旅游者的那种肌肉发达且开朗健谈的形象已经荡然无存。 www.24en.com 3. Neck - Fairly long, without throatiness, well enough muscled to form a slight arch at the crest. 颈部-长短恰当,没有松弛的喉部,肌肉发达并形成轻微的弧度。 www.3316.cn 4. WITH America in or near recession, the economy has muscled its way to the top of most people's priorities. 美国已经或者即将进入衰退,经济问题一跃成立大部分民众最关心的议题。 www.ecocn.org 5. Croup slopes very slightly; rump moderately broad and well muscled. 臀部,非常轻微的倾斜,宽度适中且肌肉发达。 dict.kekenet.com 6. Tom Smith is a newcomer, but he has already muscled in the political circles that control the town. 汤姆·史密斯是一个新来者,但已强行挤进统治这个城市的政界圈子里。 www.tdict.com 7. He stood just under two metres tall; a navy blue business suit wrapped his muscled frame. 他身高差不多有两米,发达的肌肉把深蓝色西装绷得紧紧的。 www.bing.com 8. He was muscled out of the club. 他被逐出了俱乐部。 9. Warriors of magnificent physique, naked to the waist, broad-chested and strongly muscled. 这支队伍中的人们有着战士般的健壮体格,上身裸露,胸部宽大,肌肉结实。 www.bing.com 10. We barely recognize skinny Norm, since his avatar body, like all of them, is powerfully muscled. 我们勉强认出Norm,与骨瘦如柴的Norm相比他的Avatar肌肉更为强壮。 www.bing.com 1. Another level was a gruelling coin dash, which has already muscled its way to my top moments of 2010 before the game is even out. 另一个关卡是伤脑筋的“硬币雨”,在这款游戏过时之前,它一定是我2010年的艰难时刻。 www.bing.com 2. Flanks and loins short, wide and well muscled , without weakness. 宽、短且肌肉发达,没有松懈。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. As the truck stopped, she saw the scowling, muscled man with the mustache. 小货车停了下来,劳娜看到的是个怒气冲冲、满脸胡须、肌肉发达的男人。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The thighs are strong and well muscled , bent at the stifles and set true. 结实而肌肉发达,膝关节弯曲,且位置正确。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. His arms were muscled and toned, the skin pale, soft looking and slick with sweat. 他的双臂富有肌肉,很耐看,皮肤苍白,看起来很软,上面全是汗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Once plagued by injuries and erratic playing, over the past year she has muscled her way back into the top 10. 莎拉波娃一度受伤病和不稳定的发挥困扰,但在过去的一年中,她努力使排名回升到世界前十。 chinese.wsj.com 7. He slowly muscled up the cliff. 他全靠体力攀登悬崖。 8. Back is broad and well muscled. Loin is short and meets the croup smoothly. 宽肌肉发达,腰部短而平稳地与臀部接合。 www.3316.cn 9. Thighs and second thighs are large, broad, and well muscled. 大腿和第二节大腿:巨大,宽阔,且肌肉发达。 www.dogsky.com 10. The croup is well muscled and slightly sloped to give a well-rounded finish. 臀部肌肉发达,略微倾斜,形成非常完美的圆弧形末端。 www.dogsky.com 1. Upper thigh : Long, broad, strong and well muscled. 大腿上部:长且宽,结实,肌肉发达。 www.chinapet.net 2. Back is straight and strong. Loin is short, deep and well muscled. 背部直而结实,腰部短、深而肌肉发达。 www.3316.cn 3. But there arose one, Long Jef, a Yankee-man, big-boned and big-muscled. 可是有一个人站了起来,他叫朗·杰弗,是一个美国佬,身材魁梧,肌肉强壮。 www.tdict.com 4. Loins : Hard and well muscled. A long loin that may weaken the back is a fault. 腰:硬以及肌肉。一项长期腰部,可能削弱了回来是一个错误。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Upper thighs powerful and well muscled . 有力而肌肉发达。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Level back with firmly-muscled loin and moderate tuck-up. 背部水平,腰部肌肉坚实、适度折起。 www.3316.cn 7. He muscled through the crowd. 他从人群中硬挤过去。 www.hotdic.com 8. She wandered off. We muscled a lawnmower into the car. 她走开了。我们把一台,,割草机塞到车上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Forearms long and well- muscled. 前臂长,且肌肉发达。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. These are the poster-boys of the angel world, blond, muscled and shining. 他们都是天使世界中的典范,有着金黄的头发和强健的肌肉,闪耀着金光。 www.ecocn.org 1. The Blazers cut the lead to 13 early in the fourth quarter, but Yao muscled in a layup and Brooks hit a 3-pointer to make it 81-63. 在第四节,开拓者一度将差距缩小到只有13分,但是姚明的上篮和布鲁克斯的3分命中让比分又变成了81:63。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 2. Akhal-Tekes have short cannon bones and low-set hocks, while the forearm and gaskins are long and smoothly muscled. 阿哈尔特克斯有短炮骨骼和设置低,飞节,而前臂和加斯金斯长,顺利的肌肉。 www.hc263.net 3. It's a different story this time around, as the Sherman muscled the Shelby to 60 mph in 4. 5 seconds. 这是一个不同的故事围绕这一时间,因为谢尔曼肌肉的Shelby到时速60英里,在4.5秒。 usa.315che.com 4. Until the 1980s , when Britain's Foreign Office muscled in , Hong Kong's colonial administrators strove to keep London out of its affairs . 直到上世纪80年代,在英国外交部介入前,香港殖民政府一直力争不让伦敦干预其内政。 www.bing.com 5. Nice to see Yao muscled his way in. And the defender is Shaq 很高兴看到姚用力量挤进去,防守者恰恰是沙克 bbs.zol.com.cn 6. Hunk is a slang term for a sexually appealing man, a person who is sexually attractive or a well-muscled, sexualized man. Hunk是个俚语表达,指性感有魅力的男子,或者身形健壮、有吸引力的男子。 edu.sina.com.cn |
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