单词 | middle-of-the road | ||
释义 | middle-of-the road
例句释义: 中间路线,中庸的 1. Then they cut him in two with a sharp sword, and left both halves of his body in the middle of the road. 强盗们用一把锋利的剑把牧师砍成两截留在了路中央。 english.31931.cn 2. Overall, it feels like an update that makes sense and Red Lobster feels more contemporary but it's quite middle-of-the-road logo design. 总的来说,它像一个有意义的更新和红龙虾感觉更现代的感觉,但它是相当中间的道路标志设计。 gtn9.com 3. They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he crashes into a pig in the middle of the road and break his car. 他们继续行驶在自己的道路上,当这个男人开到下一个拐角时,他看到一只猪在路中间泵装上了他的车。 bbs.hxen.com 4. Mr Rove failed to appreciate the degree to which the "politics of division" can lead to a backlash from middle-of-the-road voters. 罗夫没能把握好这个可能会使中间派选民反对“分裂政治”的“度”。 hi.baidu.com 5. The child ran into the middle of the road, a policeman hurried up to seize his hand, pulled him to a safe place. 那小孩闯到马路中间,一个警察赶紧抓住他的手,把他拉到安全的地方。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. "I've always been a middle-of-the-road working man, " he says. “我一直都属于中间派工人,”他说。 www.bing.com 7. In the middle of the road, we found a nice waterfall, then stopped and took some pictures with it. 半途中,我们发现了这个美丽的瀑布,于是下车拍了几张像片。 r-and-k.travellerspoint.com 8. Lieberman is a veteran politician that has always been a middle- of - the -road Democrat. 李伯曼是资深政治家,过去在民主党内一直居中间派。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Very proper. The next time you see a man on a horse, don't run out in the middle of the road till he's passed. 很有分寸。下次你见到有人骑马过来就别在路当中逛。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Meanwhile, Mula quickly ran around the bend and placed the man's sack in the middle of the road where he would have to come upon it . 而此时,姆拉已经迅速跑过弯道,把布袋放到了那个人必经之路的正中间。 blog.163.com 1. Do not cross one traffic lane at a time and do not wait in the middle of the road other than on an island . 不要每次只横过一条行车。除非路中央有安全岛,否则不可在路中央停候。 www.bing.com 2. It appeared to be wondering what to do next as it stayed poised in the middle of the road. 它呆呆站在路中间,好像不知道该怎么办。 www.bing.com 3. "I wouldn't say he's excessively high in energy, " she said, but still a "little bit more than middle-of-the-road. " “我不能说他精力超常,但是仍然略高于平均水平。”她说。 www.bing.com 4. He thought he was going off the rails when he saw a strange animal sitting in the middle of the road. 当他看到路中间坐着一只怪兽时,他还以为自己的脑袋出毛病了。 dict.veduchina.com 5. Next time you see a man on the horse, don't run out to the middle of the road till he's past. 下一次你看到有男士骑着马,不要跑到到路的中间,直到他过去了。 blog.163.com 6. The electorate was heavily skewed to the right in 2010, whereas presidential years tend to draw out a more middle-of-the-road crowd. 尽管总统选举年试图将公众描绘得更为中立,但2010年各大选区的选民则极为倾向右翼。 www.ecocn.org 7. The centre is the name for moderate, middle-of-the-road parties and politics, scorned by the doctrinaire and idealist. 中间派是用于指温和的,走中间道路的党派和政治,他们受到教条主义者和唯心主义者的藐视。 www.dictall.com 8. Because most take place in natural environments, sometimes nature finds its way to the middle of the road. 因为多数比赛在自然环境中进行,有时会受到各种自然因素的阻挠。 chinese.wsj.com 9. When he almost walked to the middle of the road, a yellow car rushed out of the corner of the Third Street. 当他快走到路中间时,一辆黄色轿车从第三大街拐角处冲出来。 www.englishtang.com 10. Cute Young Silhouette Standing In The Middle of the Road: Gosh, I sure hope no cute young couples hit me with their car. 路中间站着一个酷酷的影子:天啊,我当然不希望有哪对小情侣开车撞到我。 tieba.baidu.com 1. As we listened to the laid back, middle-of-the-road live band, dancing was the last thing on our minds. 听着乐队放送的现场演奏,跳舞是我们脑子里的一切。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. What if you are the blinding light in the middle of the road that strikes me like the guy in the Bible. 如果你就是路中央照在我身上的那盏耀眼的明灯,就像圣经里的那男人。 www.qafone.org 3. Although a solution at either end of the spectrum might sound good, the elusive answer will surely be much closer to the middle of the road. 尽管任何一方的解决办法都听起来不错,但是最难懂的答案肯定离中点最近。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Almost certainly the dogs would be returned to the middle of the road again within minutes. 几乎可以肯定,小狗们很快就会被放回到路当中去。 www.bing.com 5. It's really just a middle-of-the-road car. Nothing special. 这也就是一辆普通的车,没什么特别的。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Need to dodge that exhaust pipe sitting in the middle of the road (something you see in Detroit a lot) at the last second? 需要回避的排气管坐在中间的道路(你看到了很多在底特律)在最后第二个? usa.315che.com 7. EXAMPLE: I hate driving behind a road hog who drives in the middle of the road and won't let me pass him. 我讨厌跟在一个爱抢路的人后面开车,他在路中间开,不让我超车。 www.fortunechina.com 8. A car had broken down in the middle of the road, and the family were waiting in it for help. 一辆车坏在了路中心,而且车上的家人都在等待着救援。 www.bing.com 9. Then on to Bedford where we pay thoroughly modern prices for bed and no breakfast in a middle-of-the-road hotel. 宿在一个途中旅店,为不带早餐的铺位支付了最现代的费用。 ezitong.com 10. Suddenly one of the bags fell off the truck. It landed in the middle of the road. 突然一袋米从卡车上掉了下来,落在了马路中间。 he.ah.vnet.cn 1. The holy cow anchored itself in the middle of the road just when a taxi turned on the corner of Duncan Road. 这只圣牛把它自己定在马路的中央,就在这时一辆出租车开到了邓肯公路的拐角处。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Grandfather and I watched the donkey. It was still in the middle of the road. 我和爷爷看着那头毛驴,它还在路中央。 www.tingclass.com 3. In An Yi near the exit, the middle of the road suddenly appeared tens of meters long crack. 在通安驿出口附近,路中央突然出现数十米长的裂缝。 news.bangkaow.com 4. KWS discovered the elephant's body lying in the middle of the road with its tusks taken by poachers. KWS人员发现大象尸体躺在路中间,象牙已被偷猎者带走。 www.bing.com 5. Blair thinks that economic development is the utmost priority and that government power is won with middle-of-the road voters. 布莱尔认为经济发展是最优先,而政权的胜利来自于中间选民。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. An analyst said bottled water firms were moving away from middle- of - the -road products, placing the emphasis on premium or value brands. 某分析员分析,瓶装水公司正将产品从中庸转向对高档、品牌价值的强调上去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The shepherd was pursuing a stray sheep, and they stood still for a minute in the middle of the road. 牧羊人去追赶一头离群的羊,羊群一时停在了大路中间。 www.nexoncn.com 8. As soon as we approached the intersection and turned round the corner to Grant Road the cow ambled out lazily to the middle of the road. 当我们一靠近十字路口并从拐角处拐到格兰特公路上时,那头奶牛慢悠悠地、懒洋洋地走出来,一直走到公路的中央。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The narrow steep Wong Road, an old man carrying firewood in the middle of the road. 狭窄陡峭的黄泥路,一位老人背着柴火走在路中间。 www.bing.com 10. but the place of the blood-pool was still visible in the middle of the road, though scratched and scraped over by passing vehicles. 但是路中间的一大摊血迹依然可见,尽管它被过往的车辆碾压过、磨擦过。 www.hjenglish.com 1. 'We can't leave him here, sitting in the middle of the road by himself, in the distracted state he's in! 瞧他那副神不守舍的样子,咱们总不能把他独自个儿撂在路当中吧! www.bing.com 2. Do not wait in the middle of the road, especially at night. 不可在道路中央等候,夜间更不可如此。 www.td.gov.hk 3. But a huge rock fell from a nearby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road. 但是一块巨大的岩石从附近的山,停在路中央。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Trucks would stop in the middle of the road and put you at risk of decapitating yourself if you drove into the back of them. 有时卡车在路中间将阻碍列车行驶并且会投入乘客的危险。 www.dltcedu.org 5. There was a wolf standing in the middle of the road. 当时有只狼挡在路中间 www.kekenet.com 6. In this article, you'll learn about a true middle-of-the-road approach: using JSP pages to output your VXML. 在这篇文章中,您将学习一种真正的折中方法:使用JSP页面来输出VXML。 www.ibm.com 7. "Of course, it's strange that there's this house standing in the middle of the road. " “当然,马路中间立着一栋房子也太奇怪了吧。” www.bing.com 8. Most middle-of-the-road commentators question the effectiveness, rather than the morality, of Israel's actions. 大多数中立的评论员只是质疑以色列军事行动的效率问题而非道德问题。 www.ecocn.org 9. The courier's package comes to a halt in the middle of the road with cars driving by. 该送货员的方案来为在驾驶汽车与道路中间停下。 www.kk8k.cn 10. Well, we have no other choice. The car may stop in the middle of the road. 没办法。照这样下去这车可能在中途停止工作。 www.hjenglish.com 1. The earthquake left an enormous crack running down the middle of the road. 这场地震让道路中央出现一道巨大的裂缝。 www.360doc.com 2. There was a huge brown ox in the middle of the road. 路中间有一头巨大棕色的水牛。 www.kekenet.com 3. Oh. So you found her in a diner, not in the middle of the road. 原来是在餐馆啊不是在马路中央 www.kekenet.com 4. Through my tears I failed to notice a porcupine in the middle of the road. 眼泪迷糊了我的眼睛所以我没注意到路中央的一只豪猪。 www.tianyayidu.com 5. Ouchi ignores the middle-of-the-road approach and investigates a policy shift most systems could not even imagine. 奥齐对走中间路线的方法不予理睬,而是研究一个很多系统都不曾考虑过的政策调整。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Today, I saved a bird from being run over as it lay in the middle of the road. 今天,我救了一只停在路中间的小鸟,它差点被车压死。 www.kongduan.com 7. There is a man in the middle of the road , but no one stops him. Why? 有个人站在马路中间,但是却没人阻止他,为什么? wenwen.soso.com 8. A bag of rice fell off the truck and landed in the middle of the road. 一袋大米从卡车上掉下来,落在道路中间。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Washington instructed that Boulay gram remains, buries in the middle of the road. 华盛顿指示把布莱道克的遗体,埋在路当中。 lms.ctl.cyut.edu.tw 10. A single broken line, in the middle of the road, with long markings and short gaps, is a Hazard warning line. 危险警告,是道路中央的单行虚,条长而距短。 www.td.gov.hk 1. It must have shut and locked itself while i was in the middle of the road, i thought. 它必须关,锁上本身,但是我在路的中间,我想。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. I can't get excited about voting for him. His policies are so middle of the road. 我不想投他的票,他的政策太一般般了。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous, you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides. 站在路中间是很危险的,因为你会被从两个方向来的车辆撞倒。 edu.qq.com 4. A single broken line in the middle of the road, with short markings and long gaps, is a Centre line. 双程路分界,是道路中央的单行虚,条短而距长。 www.td.gov.hk 5. He cut a little celebratory caper in the middle of the road. 他高兴得在路中央蹦跳了几下。 6. leaving him lying severely injured in the middle of the road. However, the driver of the truck didn't stop his vehicle. 严重受伤的他躺在道路中间。然而,卡车司机并没有停车。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But the donkey suddenly stopped in the middle of the road , and held the traffic . 毛驴突然在马路中间停下了,并且堵住来往的车辆。 www.bing.com 8. And in a climate as polarised as this one, being middle-of-the-road is a good way to get run over. 并且,在这种两极分化严重的风潮中,走中间路线也不失为保身良策。 www.ecocn.org 9. His plans for health-care reform, like Mrs Clinton's, are middle-of-the-road. 他关于医疗改革的计划,如同克林顿夫人的计划,都是走中间路线。 www.ecocn.org 10. Go with passion and avoid middle-of-the-road choices or decisions. 跟随你的激情,不要做“中间道路”的选择或决定。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A policeman stood in the middle of the road, directing the traffic. 一名警察站在马路中间,指挥着过往的车辆。 test.2u4u.com.cn 2. When I saw a huge round anonymous object land directly on the middle of the road. 当我看到一个巨大一轮匿名对象土地直接对中间道路。 qq.iyaya.com 3. "There is a more middle of the road sentiment out there than before. " “现在市场上的中庸人气比以前浓厚了。” www.ftchinese.com 4. But Mr Obama is busy signalling that he belongs in the middle of the road. 但是通过这些议题,奥巴马先生急于向选民证明他将要走的是中间道路。 www.bing.com 5. Imagine how you would feel if the person lying in the middle of the road was our family member. 试想如果躺在路中间的是你的家人,你会是什么感受呢。 bbs.mytimes.net.cn 6. But it is striking that all these former leaders are middle-of-the-road moderates, not wild-eyed leftists. 但是最有趣的是,所有这些前领导人都是走中间路线的温和派,而不是狂热激进的左派。 www.ecocn.org 7. they are fed up with the banal, middle-of-the-road taste that America does so well. 他们厌倦了平庸,中间的道路意味着美国是如此之好。 club.topsage.com 8. leaving Jane Eyre standing alone in the middle of the road . 急驰而去,留下简爱独自站在路的中央。 www.bing.com 9. don't run out into the middle of the road, please pass . 可别跑出去站在路中央,请让开。 www.jukuu.com 10. Courage, horizontal block in the middle of the road. 鼓足勇气,横挡在路中间。 www.93576.com 1. The dominant Qatari brand of faith is middle-of-the-road. 中庸路线是卡塔尔人心中的占据统治地位的信仰。 www.ecocn.org 2. It is use for anyone who having car problem in the middle of the road or anywhere. 使用它的人谁是有问题的汽车在道路中间或任何地方。 www.opda.net.cn 3. It stopped in the middle of the road and it stopped all the traffic, too! 毛驴在路中央停下了,并且挡住了来往的车辆。 www.bing.com 4. You're right, I do see a palm tree right there in the middle of the road! -It's an optical illusion. 没错,我确实看到一棵棕榈树在路中间! blog.sina.com.cn 5. Zhang Changfu's street address could almost be: the middle of the road. 张长福的街道住址几乎可以写成:马路中间。 www.bing.com 6. Why did Howard leave you in the middle of the road anyway? 到底Howard为什么把你扔在半道上? www.kekenet.com 7. Look out! There's something in the middle of the road. 小心!马路中间有东西。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Suddenly the brothers ran into each other in the middle of the road. 突然,在路的中央,俩兄弟碰上面了。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Who's that girl standing in the middle of the road? 正站在路中间的那个女孩是谁? bbs.ebigear.com 10. He was standing in the middle of the road. 他站在路中间。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Don' t stop your bike in the middle of the road. 别把你的自行车停在路当中。 www.jukuu.com 2. It landed right in the middle of the road. 它正落在路中间。 www.teachcn.net 3. Don't dump that sand in the middle of the road. 不要把沙子倒在路中间。 www.edustock.cn 4. It landed in the middle of the road. 它落在了马路中间。 www.diyifanwen.com 5. Don't stand in the middle of the road. 不要站在路的中间 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Appeasers end up being average because they always gravitate to the middle of the road. 取悦别人的人最终会变得平庸,因为他们总是会随大流。 www.elanso.com 7. We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over. 我们都知道为什么他们待在路的中间,因为他们越轨了。 www.bing.com 8. Said I've gone middle of the road. 他们说我的作品变得平庸了。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. There is a broken white line in the middle of the road. 路中央有一条白色的虚线。请注意 bbs.koolearn.com 10. He is standing in the middle of the road. 他正站在路的中间。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. A large stone lying on the middle of the road, I have a moment's inattention fell to the ground. 一块大石头躺在路中间,我一不留神,摔倒在地上。 www.tradeask.com 2. Placed in the middle of the road selling all kinds of commodities in small stalls . 路中间摆放着销售各种商品的小摊位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In the middle of the road. 在路的中间 bbs.ebigear.com 4. Suddenly, my father U-turned in the middle of the road and said, "I can't stand it! " 突然,爸爸在路中间把汽车掉头,说了一声,“我无法忍受!” www.bing.com 5. There is a bus stop in the middle of the road. 在这条公路中间有个车站。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I was stuck in the middle of the road. 我被卡在路中间。 an9.name 7. I stood in the middle of the road, where are you? 我站在马路中间,你在哪里? wenwen.soso.com 8. In the middle of the road is my car that has broken down. 在马路中央的就是我那辆抛锚的车。 dict.bioon.com 9. Cass was sixty-six years old. He was a middle-of-the-road Democrat. 卡斯当时66岁,他是民主党的中间派。 www.bing.com 10. You went past villagers, cattle, bullock carts and buffaloes which refused to move out of the middle of the road; 你从村民、牲畜、牛车的旁边经过,还有拒绝离开马路中央的水牛们; blog.sina.com.cn 1. do not cross the yellow line in the middle of the road 不要越过道路中间的黄线 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Form resistance is middle of the road (it increases as the square of the velocity), and 形状阻力其次(它按游速的平方增加),和 bbs.chinaswim.com 3. for a girl to walk alone in the middle of the road, is dangerous 对一个女孩来说,半夜独自走在路上是危险的 zhidao.baidu.com 4. A traffic accident happened in the centre of the road. F A traffic accident happened in the middle of the road. T 马路中间发生了一起交通事故。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by traffic from both sides. --Margaret Hilda Thatcher 站在马路的中间十分危险,因为你可能被来自两边的车所撞倒。--玛格丽特·撒切尔 en.chinabroadcast.cn 6. the middle-of-the-road type, cool, conservative, composed and reliable 走的是中间路线,沉着冷静,可靠保守 blog.sina.com.cn 7. or wrong or somewhere down the middle of the road 也许是个错误,也许在一个旅程中间 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Land right in the middle of the road 恰好落在马路中间 www.chinateaching.cn 9. There's A Hole In The Middle of the Road 路中央有个洞 wenku.baidu.com 10. keep the middle of the road 一直沿着路中间前进。 www.ichacha.net |
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