单词 | Mesopotamia |
释义 | 例句释义: 美索不达米亚,美索布达米亚,美索不达米亚平原,两河流域 1. Mesopotamia at least has a historic structure, with its three north-south oriented ethnic and sectarian entities. 美索不达米亚地区自南至北虽然有三个主要的种族和教派实体,但至少有其历史渊源。 www.bing.com 2. We are entering now upon a thousand years of warfare between the once quite separated civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Nile. 我们这会儿即将进入持续一千年的战争时期,以前完全分离的美索不达米亚文明和尼罗河文明之间冲突不断。 www.chinaorb.com 3. Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, the Subcontinent, not to speak of Latin America, were all seized long before Mesopotamia or the Levant. 撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲,东南亚,南亚次大陆,更不用说拉美了,在美索不达米亚或累范特(theLevant)之前,长期以来都处于西方的控制之下。 www.bing.com 4. If America could choose again, it would not step into a civil war in Mesopotamia. 如果美国能够再次选择,它不会卷入美索不达米亚平原的内战。 www.bing.com 5. But for a growing number of Americans the superpower's inability to impose its will on Mesopotamia is symptomatic of a deeper malaise. 但越来越多的美国人意识到:若说是美国已经重病的话,这个超级大国对美索不达米亚的无能为力仅是重病的一个症状。 www.cn-em.com 6. When the Lions of Mesopotamia won the 2007 Asian Cup, it was one of sport's greatest fairy tales. 美索不达米亚的雄狮赢得2007年亚洲杯时,他曾是体育界最大的童话之一。 www.bing.com 7. The Indus Valley was also known as Meluhha, the earliest maritime trading partner of the Sumerians and Akkadians in Mesopotamia. 印度河流域也被认为是麦路哈,是位于美索不达米亚的苏美尔人和阿卡德人的最早海上贸易伙伴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The zurna, also known as the surna, is an instrument from Islamic areas including Iran, Mesopotamia, and Syria. 唆呐、苏尔奈或金口角,是一种来自于伊斯兰地区(包括伊朗、美索不达米亚及叙利亚)的乐器。 www.24en.com 9. A similar scene found in Mesopotamia is associated with the Gilgamesh epic, in which the hero strangles a pair of lions. 而在美索不达米亚所发现的类似场景,则与《吉尔伽美什》史诗有关,史诗中的主角勒死了两只狮子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The ability to reinforce NATO forces in the Hindu Kush will depend on how soon American troops can be shifted out of Mesopotamia. 加强北约武装在兴都库什山脉的能力将取决于美国军队从美索不达米亚撤出的速度有多快。 www.ecocn.org 1. These guidelines win him the favor of the gods, allowing him to rule Mesopotamia once the flood waters recede. 这些准则令他赢得了神的青睐,让他在洪水退去后统治美索不达米亚。 www.bing.com 2. Some scholars claim that their early Mesopotamia and Anatolia (ANATOLIA) the long-necked guitar found especially sulfur. 还有一些学者宣称他们在早期美索不达米亚与安纳托利亚(ANATOLIA)的长颈琉特中找到了吉他。 www.xiami360.com 3. Originally money was a form of receipting grain stored in temple granaries in Sumer in ancient Mesopotamia, then Ancient Egypt. 起初钱是古美索不达米亚苏美尔的寺庙粮仓储存粮食时出具票据的一种形式,然后其也在古埃及出现。 www.bing.com 4. Elephants comprised the most feared ranks of ancient Indian armies and spread in use through Mesopotamia and parts of the Mediterranean. 战象组成了古印度军队中最为可怕的力量,对大象的使用传遍美索不达米亚和地中海的部分地区。 www.bing.com 5. All of these facts stand in stark contrast to what is known about its contemporaries, Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. 对这些事实的了解可以与同时代的美索不达米亚和古埃及形成对照。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. These features were associated with the Sumerians, but they quickly spread to other parts of Mesopotamia, including Assyria. 这一特征是联系了苏美尔人,但是,他们很快的就传播到了美索不达米亚的其他地方,包括亚述。 blog.club.sohu.com 7. However, toplessness was the norm in earlier cultures within Arabia, Egypt, Assyria and Mesopotamia. 然而在阿拉伯半岛、埃及、亚述和美索不达米亚更早的文化中,上空是社会的准则。 www.bing.com 8. BCE: India - Cultural exchange between the Indus Valley civilization and MESOPOTAMIA (present day Iraq) is especially prominent. 印度——印度河流域与美索不达米亚(今天的伊拉克)的文化交流尤为显著。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. For non-mathematicians, these tablets are a fascinating document of life in Mesopotamia. 对于不是数学家的人们,这些碑文也是了解美索不达米亚当时生活的一些极好文件。 www.bing.com 10. Oracle to talk of China's Ming and put the Egyptian hieroglyphs, cuneiform writing of Mesopotamia and Europe, Latin text link. 如讲中国的甲骨文明,就把埃及的象形文字,两河流域的楔形文字和欧洲的拉丁文字联系起来。 wenda.tianya.cn 1. There is great accumulated knowledge from India, from ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Greeks, the Romans and of course the Persians. 有大量来源于印度,古埃及,美索不达米亚,希腊,罗马的知识,当然还有波斯。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 2. Pythagoras is best known for the theorem that bears his name, but it was discovered much earlier in Mesopotamia. 毕达哥拉斯最出名的是与他同名的定理,不过这一定理在美索不达米亚更早被人们发现。 www.bing.com 3. Tribes of Arameans were, meanwhile, moving into Mesopotamia from the west, pushing the boundaries of Assyria back to the capital Ashur . 同时,亚拉姆的部落从西部移进美索不达米亚,把亚述的边界逼回首都阿舒尔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In the next programme, I'll be looking further east, beyond Sinai to Mesopotamia - modern-day Iraq. 在下期的节目中,我去探索更加东方的地方,跨过西奈半岛,到达美索不迷米亚——现代的伊拉克。 www.bing.com 5. Legend has it that he was martyred in Mesopotamia by being hung upside down and sawed to death - longitudinally. 传说中他在美索不达米亚被倒吊起来纵向锯死,以身殉教。 www.elanso.com 6. This book explores the cultures of ancient Mesopotamia through their social structure. 本书记述的是古代美索不达米亚的社会结构特色。 www.booksfly.com 7. Modern historians argue that when Alexander[8] 's soldiers reached the fertile land of Mesopotamia and saw Babylon, they were impressed. 现代历史学家争论说:当亚力山大的士兵们到达了富饶的美索不达米亚地区并看到了巴比伦时,他们深为(眼前的美景)所震撼。 chat.hongen.com 8. When the West is still in the primitive society, the Eastern Mesopotamia, Egypt and other places have established some strong countries. 远在西方还处在原始社会时期,东方的两河流域、埃及等地都已建立了强大的国家。 9. While probably originating in Mesopotamia, the caduceus found its way eastward to India and westward into the Mediterranean. 墨丘利的节杖可能起源于美索不达米亚,并且一路往东流传到了印度,往西则流传到了地中海。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. Assyriology now applies to a much wider field: the study of all the civilizations in Mesopotamia and all related questions. 亚述学现在运用于更加广泛的领域:对美索不达米亚的所有文明和所有相关问题的研究。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Later, as a nation and Empire, it also came to include roughly the northern half of Mesopotamia (the southern half being Babylonia). 后来,作为一个国家和帝国,它也粗略地包括美索不达米亚北部地区(南部属于巴比伦尼亚)。 www.chinaufo.com 2. BC Hammurabi Conquers Mesopotamia- Hammurabi extended the power of Babylon over all of Mesopotamia. 公元前1792年汉摩拉比征服美索不达米亚:汉摩拉比扩大了巴比伦在美索不达米亚的全部力量。 blog.163.com 3. The Greeks later called this region Mesopotamia, which means "between the rivers. " 希腊人后来称这个地区为美索不达米亚,是“两河之间”的意思。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The survey starts in antiquity with Egypt, Mesopotamia and the areas round the Indus and the Yellow River. 从古埃及,到美索不达米亚,再到印度河和黄河的河域。 duolan2003.blog.163.com 5. From ancient Mesopotamia to today's vineyards , the eternal enemies include fungus and bugs, extreme heat and unseasonable cold . 从古代的美索不达米亚到现在的葡萄种植园,他们对抗的永久敌人包括:真菌,小虫,酷热和不合时宜寒冷。 www.bing.com 6. A dictionary displaying the extinct language of ancient Mesopotamia has been completed after 90 years of work, BBC reported. 据英国广播公司报道,历经90载的努力,一部收录古代美索不达米亚已失传语言的字典终于完成了编纂。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Equivalent structures in Mesopotamia collapsed into mounds of earth after many centuries of neglect and weathering. 美索不达米亚的等量结构进入在许多世纪的疏忽和风化后的土土墩之内倒塌。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 8. There were many on Atlantis, Mesopotamia, Ancient Ireland, Ancient China and also in Ancient Egypt, along with other cultures. 有许多在亚特兰提斯、美索不达米亚、古爱尔兰、古中国、古埃及和其他文化。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. New and different dialects began to form in places such as Babylonia and Mesopotamia who added their own influences to the language. 新的,不同的方言开始形成的地方,例如巴比伦,不达米亚人补充自己的影响力语言。 club.52harrypotter.com 10. Bushy mustaches had been synonymous with manhood in Iraqsince the 16th century, a remnant of Ottoman rule in Mesopotamia. 自16世纪在土耳其民族统治的美索不达米亚地区残存的伊拉克,浓密的胡子早已被视为男子气概的体现。 www.bing.com 1. Saladin emblem for the Eagle emblem, the symbol of Mesopotamia civilization. 国徽为萨拉丁雄鹰徽,象征两河流域的文明。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. the chief city of ancient Mesopotamia and capitol of the ancient kingdom of Babylonia. 古代巴比伦王国首都和古代美索不达米亚的一个主要城市。 www.hotdic.com 3. The so-called Mesopotamia and Egypt across east-west liking two lighthouses, shined the Western world. 正所谓东西相望的美索不达米亚和埃及就好似两座灯塔,照耀着蒙昧未化的西方世界。 4. Other experts say glass making first started four to five thousand years ago in ancient Mesopotamia, present day Iraq and Syria. 其他专家说,玻璃制作四到5万年前开始在古美索不达米亚,现今的伊拉克和叙利亚。 www.englishtang.com 5. Enlil then sent against Naram-Sin a people from the mountains bordering Mesopotamia who, we are told, destroyed the capital Akkad. 恩利尔从美索不达米亚的山区边境派遣了一个人来反对那拉姆-辛。我们被告知,他摧毁了首都阿卡得。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Mithraic sanctuaries and mausoleums were built in the city of Hatra in upper Mesopotamia. 密特拉的避难所和陵墓建立在美索不达米亚上部的赫拉城里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The alluvial plains in Mesopotamia are perfectly suitable for high food production. 美索不达米亚的冲积平原非常适合生产高生量的食物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. An alphabetic or syllabic system probably developed in Mesopotamia several thousand years ago. 一个字母或音节系统可能开发的美索不达米亚几千年以前。 www.englishtang.com 9. Chemical traces in the dust allowed the scientists to pinpoint its origins in Mesopotamia. 尘土中的化学物质使科学家可以确定它们来自美索不达米亚高原。 www.hotdic.com 10. For example, living in Mesopotamia ancient Assyrian, has started to use this kind of artistic techniques, the old enough to mirror card it. 举例来说,生活在美索不达米亚的古亚述人就已经开始运用这种艺术手法了,足以映证它的古老。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Babylonia: an ancient empire of Mesopotamia in the Euphrates River valley. 巴比伦王国:美索不达米亚的一个古代帝国,幼发拉底河流域。 www.tdict.com 2. the Greek culture had rapidly spread to Iran, Mesopotamia, Syria, and Egypt . 希腊文化迅速传入伊朗、美索不达米亚、叙利亚、竹地尔和埃及 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The Sumerians - the first cultural group to reside in Mesopotamia - left dream records dating back to 3100 BC . 闪族人-最初的文化群体居住在美索不达米亚-留下了梦的记录追溯到公元前3100年。 www.bing.com 4. Even if Mr Bush's main legacy lies in Mesopotamia, he should not forget about Maine and Minnesota. 即使布什的“遗迹”主要在美索不达米亚平原,他也不应该忘记缅因州和明尼苏达州的内政。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In 1914 Britain sent a military force to Mesopotamia to deny access to the Persian oilfields from the Ottomans . 1914年,英国派遣军队到美索不达米亚,阻止敌军从土耳其进入波斯油田。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Whether ancient Mesopotamia or the Red Sea coast of Egypt and Phoenician and Hebrew, all of whom followed this tradition. 无论两河流域还是红海沿岸的古埃及以及腓尼基人和希伯莱人,全部遵循了这一传统。 www.cutpic.cn 7. Persian culture by the cultural impact of Mesopotamia, the use of cuneiform. 波斯文化受两河流域文化影响,使用楔形文字。 word.hcbus.com 8. When the troops go home, democracy will strike no lasting roots in the dust of Mesopotamia . 当美国军队回家的时候,民主制度不可能在美索不达米亚的尘埃中持续生长。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The Babylonians lived in Mesopotamia, a fertile plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. 巴比伦尼亚位于美索不达米亚,一个位于底格里斯河和幼发拉底河之间的肥沃平原。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Because they had no proper rubbish disposal system, the streets of ancient Mesopotamia became literally knee-deep in rubbish. 由于没有适当的垃圾处理系统,古代美索不达米亚的垃圾几乎没膝。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Valley. It is evident from the discovery of Indus Valley seals in Mesopotamia at the level dating between 2300 and 2000 B. 从印度西北部的河流山谷美索不达米亚处于公元前2300和2000这一时代明显的海豹皮发现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. This would make the origins of writing in South Asia approximately the same time as in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia . 这使得南亚的书写起源时间与同时代的古埃及与美索不达米亚平原相近。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. According to Melville, teachers can continue to learn a thing or two about the way math was taught in Mesopotamia. 根据梅尔维尔的看法,教师可以继续学习有关美索不达米亚数学的一到二种教育方法。 www.bing.com 4. Collecting taxes became a lot easier after Egypt and Mesopotamia began using silver and gold bars as currency, around 2500 B. C. 公元前2500年,当埃及和美索不达米亚使用金银条作为货币之后,大大方便了收税。 www.bing.com 5. KING HAMMURABI of Mesopotamia regulated the use of derivatives almost 4, 000 years ago. 美索不达米亚的汉莫拉比国王大约4000年前就控制了衍生品的使用。 www.ecocn.org 6. In Mesopotamia, (c. 1600-1200 BC) a type of soft shoes were worn by the mountain people who lived on the border of Iran. 在美索不达米亚,(约公元前1600至1200年)的软鞋型是由山地人谁住在伊朗边界磨损。 blog.cnii.com.cn 7. The phrase "time capsule" has been in use since about 1937, but the idea is as old as the earliest human civilizations in Mesopotamia. 短语“时间胶囊”是自1937年开始使用的,但是,这个主意却与美索不达米亚的人类文明同样的拥有悠久的历史。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. What Stephen does is he starts off just talking about the God who appeared to Abraham in Mesopotamia. 司提反所做的是首先讲在美索不达米亚,对亚伯拉罕现身的神。 open.163.com 9. the beginnings of packaging as we know it today probably started around 4000 B. C. with the exchange of goods between Egypt and Mesopotamia. 但是正如今天我们所知,包装的起源大概在公元前4000年左右,伴随着埃及人和美索不达米亚人交换货物而产生的。 wenku.baidu.com 10. And in Mesopotamia, for example, it extends well into the pre-Islamic world. 比如说在美索不达米亚,这更远远延伸至前伊斯兰世界。 www.bing.com 1. In Mesopotamia they usually didn't need to because the richness of the soil and so on. 在美索不达米亚,由于土壤很肥沃等各种原因,国王通常不需如此。 dongxi.net 2. Who when he was forty years old, took to wife Rebecca the daughter of Bathuel the Syrian of Mesopotamia, sister to Laban. 依撒格四十岁时娶了帕丹阿兰地阿兰人贝突耳的女儿,阿兰人拉班的妹妹黎贝加为妻。 www.ccreadbible.org 3. FERNAND BRAUDEL, a renowned French historian, once described a remarkable transformation in the society of ancient Mesopotamia. 布罗代尔,一个知名的法国历史学家,曾经描述过一个在古代的美索不达米亚的特殊的变化。 www.ecocn.org 4. For example, writings found in China, Mesopotamia, and Egypt are thought to date as far back as 3, 000 B. C. 例如在中国,美索不达米亚,和埃及发现的文字被认为远在公元前3000年创作。 www.bing.com 5. fourthly, the civilization centers moved to new metropolises in the bordering areas between Asia and Europe or Mesopotamia; 第四,文明中心迁移至欧亚大陆交界处和两河流域的新兴大城市或首都。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The Legacy of Mesopotamia and Its Influence upon Greek Civilization 美索不达米亚遗产及其对希腊文明的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Three Ways to Exact a Science -the Beginnings of Predictive Astronomy in Mesopotamia, India, and Greece 使一门科学精确的三种方式——美索不达米亚、印度和希腊占卜天文学的开端 shc2000.sjtu.edu.cn 8. First cities are built; trade links with Egypt and Mesopotamia 建立第一个城市,与埃及和美索不达尼亚建立贸易关系 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Religion and Culture in Mesopotamia 两河流域的宗教与文化 www.cuhk.edu.hk 10. Inanna usurps the power in Mesopotamia; 2255年,伊娜娜篡夺了美索不达米亚的权力; dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The kingdoms of Africa and Mesopotamia 王国非洲和达米亚 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Fine Arts of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia 古代埃及和美索不达米亚美术 www.longlongbook.com |
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