单词 | monday's | ||
释义 | monday's
例句释义: 穆迪 1. Liu said the pain was "unbearable" and that he risked further injury to his Achilles tendon if he tried to finish Monday's race. 刘翔说,他的疼痛“难以忍受”,如果他试图完成星期一的比赛,他面临跟腱拉伤加剧的风险。 club.topsage.com 2. Members of an anarchist group claimed responsibility for last week's parcel bombs, but there was no immediate claim for Monday's attempt. 一个无政府组织的成员宣称对上个星期的邮包炸弹爆炸负责,但目前还没有人声称对星期一的事件负责。 www.360abc.com 3. During Monday's change of command ceremony, Petraeus' successor, Lieutenant General John Allen, said he plans to keep up the pressure. 在星期一的交接仪式上,彼得雷乌斯将军的继任者艾伦中将说,他计划继续对塔利班施加压力。 www.bing.com 4. Van Gundy said he did not do a lot of preaching, and Yao said before Monday's game that he thought it helped, but "we'll have to see. " 范甘迪说他没有做很多的说教,姚明在周一的比赛前表示范甘迪的谈话有所帮助,但还得“走着瞧(没有贬义)”。 www.smth.edu.cn 5. 'We haven't drunk any yet, ' he said. 'That's Monday's job, to see how they stand up. ' 他说,我们还没有喝,检查葡萄酒是否完好是周一的工作。 www.cn.wsj.com 6. Chinese bloggers attacked Monday's court ruling, calling it a "second raiding" . 中国博客博主对法国法院周一的裁决进行了攻击,称其为“再次抢劫”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. A warning system was installed in Indonesia after the 2004 disaster but it did not seem to work after Monday's quake. 2004年海啸灾难过后,印度尼西亚建立了一套预警机制。可是周一地震之后,它似乎并未奏效。 www.bing.com 8. Monday's trading was the most volatile in a year and a half. 周一的交易是一年半年来波动最大的一日。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Traders said Monday's intervention was the largest since the financial crisis led Russia to let the ruble drop sharply in 2009. 交易员说,俄罗斯央行周一的干预举措是金融危机迫使俄罗斯2009年大幅贬值卢布以来规模最大的一次。 cn.wsj.com 10. During a protest in Islamabad, Monday, he said he is unhappy with the passing of Monday's deadline. 星期一他在伊斯兰堡举行示威活动时说,错过星期一的最后期限让他很不满意。 www.ebigear.com 1. The first ad appeared at the bottom of the front page in Monday's paper. 哥伦比亚广播公司成为第一个头版广告客户,其广告刊登在5日的报纸头版底部。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. But as Monday's figures demonstrate, Beijing (like other governments) will have to stay in the driving seat for a while yet. 但正如周一的数据所显示的,像其他政府一样,一段时期内,北京仍须坐在驾驶席上。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A big headline across the front page of Monday's Financial Times summed up the position: "Romer upbeat on economy. " 周一金融时报头版头条标题总结了这样的立场:“Romer对经济状况乐观” www.bing.com 4. Monday's actions marked at least the second time that the North had allowed South Koreans to return home since the border's closing. 周一的举措至少意味着自从朝韩边境关闭以来,朝鲜第二次允许韩国人回国。 bbs.englishto.com 5. Monday's award, the last of the six prizes to be announced, is not one of the original Nobels. 周一宣布的经济学奖是六项诺贝尔奖中的最后一项,它并不是由诺贝尔最初创立。 www.bing.com 6. While in the main, the authorities appeared to have let Monday's mass demonstration passed off without challenge. 大体上,官方似乎让周一到大规模示威活动顺利的通过。 club.topsage.com 7. Monday's action was the fourth time in slightly over a year that Japan has intervened to cap the yen. 周一的行动是一年多一点时间以来日本政府采取的第四次干预日元汇率的行动。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The Independent said in an early edition of Monday's paper that the purchase had been made by a fund controlled by Schroders' Andy Brough. 该报在周一早间版报导称,此次收购由施罗德基金经理AndyBrough掌管的一支基金负责实施。 cn.reuters.com 9. But after Monday's bloodbath, Forester was looking at the index puts and thinking, "Wow, I wish I had a lot more of these things. " 但是周一股市暴跌之后,佛瑞斯特看着手头的指数看跌期权,心想,“我真该多买点。” www.fortunechina.com 10. Monday's statement went a step further in saying that 19 companies had failed to do enough to stop the spread of pornography. 周一的这项声明则进一步指出有19家企业没有有效地遏制网络色情低俗之风的蔓延。 www.bing.com 1. Coming off Monday's sell-off, investors seem to have scant appetite to own more stocks. 经过周一的抛售潮,投资者似乎没有什么兴趣增持股票。 www.bing.com 2. Students were not warned of any danger until more than two hours after Monday's first attack - at a dormitory where two people were killed. 星期一第一起枪杀案发生两个多小时后,学生才得到危险警告。第一起枪杀案发生在一个宿舍楼里,两人被打死。 www.bing.com 3. Schwarzenegger's spokesman, Daniel Ketchell, said he wouldn't answer questions beyond what was said in Monday's statement. 施瓦辛格的发言人丹尼尔凯契尔表示,除了周一声明的内容外,他不会回答任何问题。 gb.cri.cn 4. Harvey: I'm sorry but that's just not good enough . Monday's too late . As I said in my email , the Lees are leaving on Sunday. 抱歉,这不行。星期一太晚了。我在电邮中已经说过了,李氏夫妇将在星期天离开。 www.bing.com 5. There was reason to be cautious about the manufacturing sector outlook as well despite Monday's data. 虽然周一数据强劲,但有理由对制造业前景保持谨慎态度。 cn.reuters.com 6. Amid Monday's selloff, the Brazilian real had its biggest one-day drop in more than a year, though it rebounded Tuesday. 在周一的抛售中,巴西货币雷亚尔创下一年多来的单日最大跌幅。周二雷亚尔开始反弹。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Chinese officials did not mention those concerns publicly during Monday's opening session. 中国官员没有在周一的开幕式上公开提到种种担忧。 www.bing.com 8. Bearish bets on the dollar are hardly uncommon these days, but Monday's market response sure looks like an overreaction. 做空美元的交易在这几天难说鲜见,但周一的市场反应明显过激。 cn.wsj.com 9. An expensive tsunami warning system either came to late or did not reach communities at risk after Monday's quake in Indonesia. 周一印度尼西亚地震后,代价不菲的海啸预警机制要么是不够及时,要么是达不到社会应急需求。 www.bing.com 10. Monday's trading volume was the lowest of the year and isn't likely to substantially increase until September. 8月23日的交易量为本年最低,而且在9月前很可能无望有太大增长。 www.voa365.com 1. But, I tell you what, let's invite him to Monday's Labor Day cookout! 不过,这么吧,我们就邀请他星期一来参加劳动节的野餐! blog.sina.com.cn 2. Bynum confirmed as much after Monday's practice, during which he ran on one of the team's machines with 30 pounds of weight on his back. 周一的训练之后,拜纳姆更加确定于此。训练中他负重30磅在跑步机上跑了许久。 www.kobechina.com.cn 3. "It is a beautifully simple idea that belies a rich layer of meaning and references, " she said at Monday's unveiling. 瓦格斯塔夫在周一的开幕展中表示:“这个优美的简洁创意蕴藏着深刻意义和内涵。” www.ftchinese.com 4. Investors continued to sell stocks on most world exchanges after Monday's steep losses. 继星期一股市出现大幅度下滑后,世界市场上投资者继续抛售股票。 www.bing.com 5. Monday's blast did not damage the reactor or result in significant radiation leakage. 周一的爆炸并未给反应堆带来损害或导致严重的核泄漏。 www.bing.com 6. In Monday's criminal complaint, Mr. Zottoli purported to be an American born in Yonkers, N. Y. , and Ms. Mills claimed to be born in Canada. 在周一的刑事起诉书中,佐托里声称是出生在纽约州扬克斯的美国人,米尔斯声称其出生于加拿大。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Beans were strong for much of Monday's session, but closed on a weaker note as traders were " caught" long at the end of the day. 周一大部分交易时段大豆走势强劲,但收盘回落,因尾盘时交易员结清多头头寸。 www.wtokj.com 8. Yes, and my present job are similar to what you advertised in the Monday's Newspaper. 是的,并且我现在所干的工作与你登在周一报纸上的广告中要求的是相似。 www.rczz.com 9. Capital Securities' Ms. Lin said she wouldn't rule out a quick rebound for some of Monday's declining stocks in the coming sessions. 群益证券分析师林静华说,她不排除一些周一下跌的股票可能会在未来几个交易日中迅速回升。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Mr. Chen, the current chairman, said in Monday's statement that loss of these stores would not adversely affect GOME's business. 国美现任董事长陈晓在周一的声明中说,这些门店的损失将不会危害国美的业务。 c.wsj.com 1. As an astute commenter pointed out on Monday's post, "all students should learn how to script. " 正像周一的文章中有评论指出,“所有的学生应该学会写脚本”。 www.bing.com 2. In Monday's column, I'll write on why anecdotal evidence indicates what may be surprising strength in the U. S. economy. 在周一的专栏我会告诉大家,一些非官方数据显示的美国经济中的意外之喜。 www.bing.com 3. Monday's revisions certainly seem to point in that direction. 本周一的数据修改明显地指向了这种趋势。 www.fortunechina.com 4. Greece criticized S& P for Monday's downgrade, saying there were no new facts to justify such a move. 希腊对标普周一下调评级提出指责,说没有新的事实对这一举动做出合理解释。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Monday's wave of suicide attacks makes the day one of the bloodiest Iraq has seen in a month. 星期一的这轮自杀式炸弹爆炸使这一天成为一个月里伊拉克最血腥的日子。 www.ebigear.com 6. And Squire predicted that Cyber Monday's online sales will exceed the total reached on Black Friday by early afternoon. 斯盖尔预计,在星期一下午较早的时候,网购总额就会超过黑色星期五全天的销售额。 www.bing.com 7. At Monday's protests, the organizers and the participants surprised themselves when six thousand people came out. 在星期一抗议时,组织者和参与者都很吃惊,居然有六千人出现。 www.bing.com 8. She wanted to get her hair lightened with me asking for a dye and cut for Monday's pictures. 为了周一的照相的事,她也想把头发整得跟我一样闪亮,所以她也准备染染色再剪一下。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Novel approaches are needed to help people quit, the authors conclude in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine. 周一的《内科学档案》里总结说戒烟要采用新方法了。 www.bing.com 10. Edel Tully, precious metals strategist at UBS, said Monday's rally had been driven by "considerable private client buying" . 瑞银(UBS)贵金属策略师埃德尔?塔利(EdelTully)表示,周一金价冲高是由“大量私人客户买盘”驱动的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Monday's injunction was the last in a series of attempts to halt the auction. 周一的禁令是阻止招标的最后尝试。 www.bing.com 2. Having a jam-packed weekend runs you to the ground and leaves you tired and helpless when Monday's roll around. 过一个忙碌的周末会使你累趴下,并且当星期一到来的时候会使你感到辛苦和无助。 www.foodmate.net 3. Pakistani officials have said they will not participate in next Monday's meeting in Bonn, Germany in protest against the air strikes. 巴基斯坦官员宣布不参加下星期一在德国波恩举行的会议,以抗议北约的空袭。 www.englishto.com 4. Debate has raged in South Korea since Monday's midday announcement of the death of Mr. Kim over why Seoul wasn't prepared for the news. 自从周一正午时分传出金正日死讯后,韩国上下便对为何政府未就这个消息做准备展开了激烈讨论。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Monday's meeting in Paris is one of a series of high-level talks on the crisis this week. 星期一在巴黎举行的会议,是本周举行有关危机问题的一系列高阶层会商之一。 www.voanews.com.cn 6. The reformist contender had initially tried to cancel Monday's rally amid concerns that police would try to suppress it. 改革派总统竞选人穆萨维最初试图取消周一的集会,因为人们担心警方将采取镇压行动。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Until Monday's attacks, most Russians seemed reassured by the Kremlin's claims to have the separatists on the run. 直到周一的地铁袭击案之前,大部分俄罗斯人看来都对政府宣称已把分裂分子赶跑的说法感到安心。 www.voa365.com 8. But nothing bothered Kobe Bryant as much as the dislocated finger he sustained in Monday's game against the Cleveland Cavaliers. 但是周一晚上和骑士的比赛中,脱臼的手指让科比感受到了前所未有的疼痛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. But Monday's announcement at the White House made no mention of overtures to officials in Havana. 但是白宫星期一作出的这项宣布并没有向哈瓦那的官员们伸出橄榄枝。 www.ebigear.com 10. Monday's declines coupled with selloffs over the past month have wiped out some of the optimism that investors had at the start of the year. 周一的下跌加上过去一个月的抛售,已经部分打消了投资者在年初时拥有的乐观情绪。 chinese.wsj.com 1. However, between Monday's unsettling Full Moon and Saturn's clash with your ruler Uranus, your patience is short. 可惜的是,在周一的令人不安的满月和土星在你的主星天王之间的冲突把你的耐心变少了。 www.douban.com 2. The prospect of a negotiated settlement still seems distant despite Monday's tentative progress. 尽管周一有了些许进展,但通过谈判解决争端的前景似乎仍十分渺茫。 c.wsj.com 3. Monday's cut was widely expected, although it was smaller than some analysts predicted, and economists think more such moves are in store. 周一的减息在很多人意料之中,但幅度低于某些分析师此前预期,经济学家认为央行还将采取更多类似举措。 www.bing.com 4. Regional markets, many of which had fallen sharply during Monday's global sell-off, rebounded on the cut. 各亚太区域市场因这次减息有所反弹,其中很多市场在周一的全球抛售中都大幅下跌。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Monday's ruling has been seen as a test in the patent wars in which much of the smartphone industry has become embroiled. 周一的裁决被视为当前智能手机产业如火如荼的专利战的一项测试。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Next up for Liverpool is a return to Istanbul to face Galatasaray on Thursday night before Monday's trip to Norway to take on Valerenga. 接下来红军将重返伊斯坦布尔于下周四晚迎战加拉塔萨雷,并在紧接着的周一前往挪威与瓦勒伦加同场竞技。 www.jczqw.com 7. The screen showed Monday's date to make the point he had survived the bombing. 电视上显示着周一的日期,以便表明他在轰炸中安然无恙。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The intensity of Monday's selloff prompted some investors to question whether shares are ripe for a turnaround. 周一抛盘的强度使一些投资者怀疑股市是否已濒临回弹边缘。 www.bing.com 9. Thus the key question for Monday's open is -- to what degree was this outcome priced in? 因此周一开盘的重要问题是,市场对这一结果消化的如何? cn.reuters.com 10. Chinese officials say about 60 giant pandas at a Chengdu breeding center near the epicenter of Monday's devastating earthquake are safe. 中国官员说,在星期一强烈地震的震中附近的成都一个熊猫繁殖中心内的大约60只熊猫安然无恙。 ept-cn.com 1. Opposition supporters in Iran are expected to use Monday's National Student Day to hold anti-government protests. 伊朗反对派支持者计划在星期一,即全国学生日这天举行反政府抗议活动。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Monday's fire has hospitalized at least 70 other people, including 17 who were seriously injured, officials said. 星期一的火灾至少有70多人住进了医院,其中17人受伤严重。官方说。 www.bing.com 3. The country's two stock exchanges shrugged off Monday's blues, when both indices dropped by about 4%, and gained a bit instead. 沪深两大股市的大盘指数不仅摆脱星期一下跌了近4%的阴影,且还稍有上涨。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Indian news reports said Monday's launch of ten satellites broke the previous record of eight satellites put into space by a Russian rocket. 印度新闻机构报导说,印度星期一发射十颗卫星,打破了俄罗斯先前保持的一项记录。 www.ebigear.com 5. The confidential settlement means that Monday's scheduled court proceedings have been cancelled. 保密解决意味着周一定法院诉讼已被取消。 usa.315che.com 6. Monday's meeting was the first since before the handover from British rule that Democratic Party officials met with Beijing. 周一的会议是香港自回归前以来,香港民主党人士与中央政府的第一次会面。 www.bing.com 7. Analysts attributed Monday's stock selloff, sending shares down around 5% in much of Europe, to a multitude of factors. 分析人士将周一的股票抛售归因于多种因素。欧洲大部分股市周一暴跌5%左右。 cn.wsj.com 8. Monday's class is still having trouble completing and bringing their homework. 星期二课上的孩子仍然有好几位没有完成或带回家作业来。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Monday's agreement at the Freedom Tower would need approval of the agency's board this month, before a lease is finalized. - AP. 在最后成交前,周一的协议还要在这个月得到部门委员会的同意。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It hangs by a thread, if Monday's steep drop of the greenback against the euro is any indication. 美元目前的处境岌岌可危,如果周一美元对欧元汇率的急剧下跌可被视作征兆的话。 www.bing.com 1. Monday's standoff opened the unsavory possibility that U. S. -trained forces could be unleashed to defend the embattled leader. 周一的僵持局面开启了一种苦涩的可能性,即四面楚歌的萨利赫可能会派出经过美国训练的部队来保卫他自己。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Unlike the last launch attempt on April 29, when electrical problems forced a delay, Monday's liftoff occurred without any major hitches. 奋进号原定于4月29日最后一次升空,但发射由于电子系统方面的问题被迫推迟,5月16日的发射进展顺利,没有发生任何重大故障。 cn.wsj.com 3. But Monday's activity suggested that investors now believe the meeting was inconclusive at best. 然而从周一的这次活动可以看出,投资者对这次会议的信任就不好说了。 space.englishcn.com 4. Any hope that Monday's quake might help ease the strain is likely to be misplaced. 对于星期一的地震有可能减轻地下压力的任何希望都可能是盲目的。 www.bing.com 5. The Tuesday-night football drama was put into Monday's post- Heroes berth for a special one-time showing. 这部周二晚间档的橄榄球剧集此次被特别调到周一《天骄》之后的时段。 hi.baidu.com 6. Mr Lee also used Monday's address to make a long-awaited announcement that South Korea would refer the sinking to the UN Security Council. 李明博还利用周一的电视讲话作出外界等待已久的一项声明,即韩国将把沉船一事提交给联合国安理会。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But Monday's announcement means it is now probably easier to exchange renminbi for other currencies. 但是,周一公布的政策意味着,现在用人民币兑换其它货币也许更容易了。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Ambassador Crocker described Monday's meeting as " businesslike " and focused exclusively on the security situation in Iraq. 大使认为周一时的会议很有效率,只讨论了伊拉克的安全状况问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Monday's deadly attack in Xinjiang on a police station underscored Beijing's worries that terrorists will attack the Olympics. 周一新疆发生的严重袭警案件更是凸显了北京恐怖分子会攻击奥运会。 www.bing.com 10. Monday's two-year notes and Tuesday's five-year debt from indirect bidders which include foreign central banks have came in above-average. 周一的两年期公债标售和周二的五年期公债标售获得的包括海外央行的间接投标高于均值。 cn.reuters.com 1. Monday's shoe-throwing incident is the second of its kind in less than two months. 星期一的掷鞋事件是不到两个月之内的第二起类似事件。 www.xhclub.net 2. The extent of the involvement of French and United Nations troops in Monday's assault was unclear as details of the arrest emerged. 法国和联合国部队在周一逮捕行动中有多大程度的参与要到逮捕的细节公布后才能得知。 c.wsj.com 3. Mathew D. Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said Monday's ceremonies "make a mockery of marriage. " 自由顾问团奠基人兼主席马修-D-斯狄夫称,周一的仪式给婚姻“开了一个玩笑。” www.suiniyi.com 4. In Iran, the government threatened leaders of Monday's protests there with execution and made a fresh wave of arrests. 在伊朗,政府用施以死刑来威胁周一抗议活动的领袖,并展开了新一轮的逮捕行动。也门是美国反恐行动的重要盟友。 c.wsj.com 5. Monday's tsunami initially was thought to have caused relatively little damage. 起初人们认为,周一的海啸相对来说没造成什么损害。 chinese.wsj.com 6. At Monday's news conference, French Defense Minister Herve Morin tried to clarify his earlier comments. 法国国防部长莫兰在星期一的记者会上试图澄清他早些时候发表的评论。 www.ebigear.com 7. Washington's actions eased investor concerns on Asian stock markets, which made strong gains by the close of Monday's trading. 华盛顿当局的金融干预计划减轻了亚洲股票市场投资人士的担忧,亚洲股市星期一的交易都以强劲的上涨幅度收盘。 www.51voa.com 8. Monday's letter also dwells on Buzz, claiming its launch 'betrayed a disappointing disregard for fundamental privacy norms and laws. ' 周一的信件也详细论述了Buzz,称这项服务的推出显示出谷歌漠视最根本的隐私保护规范和法律,令人失望。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Please let me see the draft of what you have put together for Monday's meeting. 请让我看下你起草的周一会议议程安排。 talk.oralpractice.com 10. At Monday's news conference, she maintained her composure, looking a little dejected but stoic, as her husband spoke. 她在周一丈夫的新闻发布会上保持镇静,看起来有点沮丧但表情淡然。 cn.reuters.com 1. Spokespeople for the Beijing Olympics organising committee were not immediately available to comment on Monday's raid. 对于今天的事件,北京奥组委发言人还没有表态。 ekhojoy.spaces.live.com 2. In a sign of the market's broad concern, Monday's losses weren't confined to particular sectors. 周一的下跌并不限于具体板块,说明市场的担忧是普遍的。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Following Monday's attacks, Australia is sending reinforcements to help the 1, 600-strong United Nations police contingent. 澳大利亚在星期一发生刺杀事件后派遣了更多军人增援驻扎在东帝汶的1千6百名联合国维和部队。 www.voanews.cn 4. China's stock markets could be affected for months by Monday's deadly earthquake in the southwestern province of Sichuan. 5月12日中国西南部四川省发生严重地震。此次地震对中国股市的影响或许会持续数月。 www.elanso.com 5. In Monday's second mail he encountered a very legal-looking letter which held his interest for some time. 星期一的第二批邮件中,他收到一封像是法律事务所来的信,好一阵子他注意地看着信封。 www.bing.com 6. What will Obama be asked when he sits down with Chinese youth at Monday's town hall meeting in Shanghai? 周一在上海举行的座谈会上,与会的中国年轻人将问奥巴马什么问题呢? scm.jlu.edu.cn 7. Monday's session was the second held by the North Korean People's Assembly this year. 星期一的会议是北韩最高人民会议今年第二次召开大会。 www.voa365.com 8. Monday's Olympic flame arrival in Tiananmen Square was broadcast with a delay. 中国星期一直播了奥运会火炬抵达天安门的场面,但直播有延迟。 www.taiyang888.com 9. A website with ties to Chechen separatists said Monday's deadly metro blasts in Moscow were committed by Chechen militants, CNN reported. 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,一个与车臣分裂分子有关联的网站宣称对莫斯科29日发生的地铁爆炸案负责。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Monday's accident has brought to light a history of safety violation at the Upper Big Branch coal mine in West Virginia. 周一的事故重新引起人们对西佛吉尼亚上大支流煤矿安全事故历史的关注。 show.24en.com 1. Today's (Monday's) price spike reverses weeks of declining oil prices as demand fell when high prices forced consumers to cut consumption. 高油价迫使消费者减少开支,而对石油需求的减少促使油价连续几星期下降,今天的油价上涨扭转了这一趋势。 www.51voa.com 2. Monday's procession was commemorating the seventh-century death of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson. 周一的游行是纪念先知穆罕默德的孙子在公元7世纪遇难。 c.wsj.com 3. Walton said in Monday's memo that CNN is launching an aggregation and distribution service called CNN Share for its editorial content. 沃尔顿在周一的备忘录中称,CNN还将推出一项名为“CNNShare”的新闻内容共享服务。 cn.reuters.com 4. At Monday's news conference, Mr. Obama called him "a thought leader. " 在周一的新闻发布会上,奥巴马称他为“一位见解非凡的领导者。” www.bing.com 5. Monday's summit also saw a declaration by Ukraine that it would rid itself of all highly enriched uranium on its territory by 2012. 在周一的核安全峰会上,乌克兰宣布,将在2012年前销毁境内所有高浓缩铀。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Monday's monthly report revised overall demand in September down by more than half a million barrels a day. 周一的月度报告将9月份的日需求量向下修正了50多万桶。 c.wsj.com 7. Last month, he foreshadowed Monday's announcement, complaining that the state payroll was burdened with 1 million excess workers. 上月他抱怨说,国有企业已有100万冗员,为本周一的声明作了铺垫。 c.wsj.com 8. But with the focus now on economic recovery, despite Monday's global stock-market selloff, a disconnect is developing. 但是,在目前的重点转向经济复苏后,尽管周一全球股市大跌,这种脱钩现象还在继续发展。 www.bing.com 9. About 7000 employees attended Monday's strike and they threatened to hold an open-ended strike soon if their demands cannot be met. 参加罢工的员工约有7000人,他们宣称,如果要求无法得到满足,将进行更大规模的无限期罢工。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Having eased a little following Monday's panic, yields on Italian bonds rose again on Thursday. 虽然市场情绪在周一的恐慌过后略有缓和,但周四意大利国债利率再次上升。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Because Coca-Cola would control a large share of the product distribution network after the deal, Monday's Beijing Morning Post said. 因为这项交易之后可口可乐将会控制一大部分产品营销网络,周一的《北京晨报》报道称。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 2. Monday's blast also wrecked a key power plant and forced the resignations of the defense minister and the military chief. 星期一的爆炸事件炸毁了一座主要的电厂,迫使塞浦路斯国防部长和军方首脑辞职。 www.voanews.cn 3. Despite Monday's big rally, some market participants were wary that the new plan can provide more lasting relief. 尽管周一出现大幅反弹,但部分市场人士仍对新计划能否带来更持久的积极作用心存疑虑。 www.bing.com 4. New South Korean President Lee Myung-bak was making diplomatic inroads within hours of Monday's inauguration ceremony. 韩国新总统李明博在星期一的就职仪式举行几个小时之后就取得了外交上的进展。 www.ebigear.com 5. An interfaith service at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross honored the victims of Monday's attack. 圣十字大教堂的一次跨信仰服务在周一为袭击的受害者默哀。 www.bing.com 6. Even so, Monday's incident marked the first time a South Korean coast guard sailor has died in such a clash since September 2008. 即便如此,周一发生的事件是自2008年9月以来第一次有韩国海警在此类冲突中死亡。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Milchakova says Moscow and Kyiv have not reacted strongly to the news about Nabucco or made any loud statements about Monday's signing. 米恰科娃表示,俄罗斯和乌克兰对纳布科项目的报道反应并不强烈,也未对星期一的签署协议做出特别声明。 www.showxiu.com 8. Hundreds are still missing after Monday's devastating tsunami struck the remote Mentawai islands of West Sumatra. 星期一发生的灾难性海啸袭击了西苏门答腊省明打威群岛,目前仍有数百人下落不明。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. This, in a nutshell, brought about Monday's collapse of Wachovia and Glitnir Bank in Iceland. 简单点说,这引起了周一冰岛的Wachovia和Glitnir银行的破产。 www.bing.com 10. One can find out the amount of dividends paid by companies from Monday's Lianhe Zaobao or Teletext. 若要知道公司所派的股息有多少,可以查阅星期一的《联合早报》或电视资讯。 www.24en.com 1. Meanwhile, security in Kashgar -- where Monday's attack occurred -- has been tightened with police checkpoints on major roads. 同时,在喀什葛尔的安全问题——星期一发生袭击的地方,已在主要路口设置了公安检查站,加强了安全工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. So far, 150 New Yorkers have volunteered, and 25 hackers have planned trips to the city since Monday's launch. 周一发布以来,平台已经聚集了150名纽约志愿者,有25名黑客计划通过该项目游纽约。 www.bing.com 3. Kim Kye Gwan was speaking in Beijing at today's (Monday's) opening session of six-party talks on Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program. 金桂冠星期一在北京举行的平壤核武项目问题六方会谈的开幕式上发表了以上讲话。 www.zjycpx.com 4. Western economists welcomed Monday's moves toward lower interest rates and less stringent limits on lending. 西方经济学家对周一降低基准利率、减少贷款限制的举动表示欢迎。 www.bing.com 5. Officials at the Puyang Iron and Steel factory in Hebei province initially said Monday's gas leak killed seven. 河北省普阳钢铁公司的官员最初说,星期一的煤气泄漏导致七人死亡。 kantianya.com 6. I'm going to go with Jim Cramer on this one, largely because he saw Monday's tape the same way I did. 这次我支持克莱默的看法,主要是因为他解读周一股市走势的方式跟我一样。 www.ebigear.com 7. Just over two hours after Monday's earthquake, Premier Wen Jiabao boarded a flight to devastated Sichuan province. 一在四川强烈地震发生后仅仅两个小时,中国总理温家宝就乘专机赶赴地震灾区。 www.59edu.com 8. Monday's story is by a veteran, A. R. Rawlinson, a Lieutenant-Colonel who soldiered in both World Wars. 周一的故事请一位老兵讲,a.r。罗林逊中校曾在两次世界大战中当过兵。 www.hotdic.com 9. Shares of Morgan Stanley ended the week 20 per cent higher and gave up virtually none of Monday's gain. 摩根士坦利股价上周涨20%,基本维持了周一的涨幅。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Before Monday's declaration, the North Korean regime threatened to ramp up production of nuclear weaponry. 在星期一的声明之前,北朝鲜政权威胁要逐渐地升温其核武器的生产。 www.bing.com 1. Monday's incident marked the first time a member of South Korea's coast guard has died in such a clash since September 2008. 这是2008年9月以来第一次有韩国海岸警卫队成员在这类冲突中死亡。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Today show leads off at the latest developments surrounding Monday's terrorist attack in Boston. 今天节目我们要关注周一在波士顿恐怖袭击的最新发展。 www.bing.com 3. Pyongyang denounced Monday's 90-minute exercise as a "reckless military provocation, " but held its fire. 平壤谴责了周一时韩国长达90分钟的军演,称其为“鲁莽的军事挑衅”,但朝鲜没有进行武力反击。 www.mwjx.com 4. However, if you show up for Monday's class I will award you attendance points for this week. 但是,如果出现在周一的班,我会奖励你这个星期出席点。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The earth continues to shake in the central Italian region of Abruzzo, already devastated by Monday's early morning earthquake. 意大利中部的阿布鲁佐仍在震动,该地区在周一凌晨的地震中受到了重创。 www.kekenet.com 6. Monday's document left vague many details, including timing, and the committee didn't respond to a request to comment. 周一的文件中有很多细节模糊不清,包括时间等,北京交通委员会未回复要求置评的请求。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Monday's report provides details only for Germany and France, which make up half of gross domestic product in the euro zone. 周一公布的报告只提供了有关德国和法国的详细情况,这两个国家占了欧元区GDP的一半。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Monday's events brought a new phase to the complex battle to stem disaster at the hobbled nuclear complex. 周一出现的这些问题让受损核电站复杂的抢险工作步入了一个新阶段。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Israel says it holds the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority responsible for Monday's suicide bombing in Tel Aviv. 以色列政府说,哈马斯领导的巴勒斯坦权力机构为星期一特拉维夫发生的自杀炸弹袭击负责。 ept-cn.com 10. Despite Monday's bloodshed, the Iraqi Interior Ministry said that civilian deaths were down dramatically in May, after a bloody April. 尽管星期一发生了流血事件,但是伊拉克内政部长说,在血腥的4月份之后,伊拉克平民死亡数字5月份显著下降。 www.voanews.cn 1. Just as a 9. 2% plunge on 27 February was seen as a buying opportunity, Monday's 7. 7% drop merely brought new demand into the market. 正如2月27日股市狂跌9.2%被视为是一个买入的好时机,周一7.7%的上涨仅仅带来新的市场需求。 www.bing.com 2. People gather outside on a street in Beijing, China, shortly after Monday's earthquake. 在中国北京,人们在周一地震之后聚集在户外的街道上。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Iranian state media reports Monday's inspection of the Arak facility took five hours. 伊朗国家媒体报导说,星期一对阿拉克设施的查看进行了5个小时。 kantianya.com 4. Take Monday's Los Angeles Times story about how mistaken Predator video analysis helped lead to an inadvertent attack on civilians. 比如周一《洛杉矶时报》的报道,空袭视频分析疏忽导致轰炸平民的恶性事件发生。 dongxi.net 5. The issue shot to the forefront after relatively large renminbi movements in Monday's trading. 人民币汇率周一发生相对较大幅度的波动后,上述问题变得尤为引人关注。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Pakistan's government is denying it played a role in Monday's suicide bomb attack on India's embassy in Afghanistan. 巴基斯坦政府否认,它在星期一对印度驻阿富汗大使馆发动的自杀式炸弹袭击中起了任何作用。 www.voanews.cn 7. Greek and Spanish banking stocks, in particular, ran into profit-taking following Monday's gains. 尤其是希腊和西班牙的银行类股票继周一大涨后,昨日遭遇投资者获利回吐。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Jack: Zelda is the class guinea pig. Since Monday's a holiday, someone had to take Zelda home. 塞尔达是班里的一头天竺鼠(供试验所用)星期一是节假日,需要有人把它带回家。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Monday's inauguration coincides with the federal holiday marking King's birthday. 星期一是纪念马丁?路德?金生日的联邦假日。 www.bing.com 10. Apart from that, the manager reported only good news in Monday's pre-match press conference. 此外,温格在周一的赛前新闻发布会上报告的都是好消息。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 1. Thousands of people lost money in the investment scheme, and some of them testified at Monday's hearing. 数以千计的人在麦道夫的投资骗局中赔了钱,其中一些人在星期一的法庭判决中出庭作证。 www.taiyang888.com 2. Monday's filing said each candidate is a 'current Berkshire subsidiary manager. ' 周一的备案文件中说,每个人选都是伯克希尔子公司的现任管理人员。 c.wsj.com 3. The question is if Monday's overdue correction marks a larger retrenchment. 问题是,周一的过度调整是否标志着更大幅度的下跌。 www.ftchinese.com 4. So, we're intended to hang on to the bullish bias as long as the S&P holds above Monday's low, about 1007. 因此,只要标普坚守在周一低点上方,大约1007点,我们打算继续维持看涨判断。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Analysts said Monday's China index figures showed that investor concerns were overdone. 分析师称星期一的中国指数显示投资者的担忧过度了。 www.bing.com 6. The dollar weakened against the euro and yen following Monday's stock selloff. 周一股市唱空的背景下,美元对欧元的汇率再度下跌。 www.bing.com 7. A sustain decline below Monday's low of 1240 will trigger the next sell signal. 如果持续跌破周一低点1240点,将触发卖出信号。 www.capitalessence.com 8. Monday's slide notwithstanding, bank stocks show no signs of predicting that ugly scenario. 尽管美国股市周一下滑,但银行股并没有显示出会出现这种难堪场面的迹象。 www.bing.com 9. Governor Kaine formed an independent panel to investigate Monday's rampage in Blacksburg, Virginia, by 23-year-old student Cho Seung-hui. 凯恩州长组成了一个独立小组,调查星期一发生在维州布莱克斯堡由名叫赵承熙的学生制造的枪杀案。 www.ebigear.com 10. It is part of GM's plan to reinvent itself by concentrating on fewer brands following Monday's bankruptcy filing. 此为通用汽车的部分计划,集中少数品牌,在周一宣布申请破产保护,以求自身重组改造。 www.bing.com 1. Monday's extreme water levels led officials to suspend ferry and water taxi services in the city. 星期一的高水位迫使政府暂停室内渡轮和交通艇的服务。 www.huaxia-ng.com 2. Thousands of mourners have taken part in an open-air funeral Mass in Italy for victims of Monday's earthquake in the city of L'Aquila. 数千名哀悼者参加了意大利一场户外集体葬礼,追悼拉周一奎拉城地震中的遇难者。 bbs.51ielts.com 3. All her friends were paragraphed n last Monday's paper. 她将所有的朋友都进行了段落描写。 www.hotdic.com 4. Should Tottenham be overcome in next Monday's replay, our FA Cup semi-final opponents will be Blackburn Rovers . 假如在下周一的重赛可以征服托特纳姆,我们的足总杯半决赛对手将会是布莱克本流浪者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. "It's just alarming, " Indiana Department of Health Director Dr. Judy Monroe said at Monday's event. “这只是在报警,”印第安纳卫生司司长朱迪。梦露在周一事务例会上说。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. U. S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman took an interest in the case, visiting Mr. Xue in detention and attending Monday's 40-minute sentencing. 美国驻华大使洪博培(JonHuntsman)也关注此案,他探视了关押之中的薛锋,并旁听了周一为时40分钟的宣判。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Officials from Chinese Consulate General in New York have confirmed that a Chinese national was dead in Monday's Boston Marathon blasts. 中国驻纽约总领事馆官员证实,一名中国公民在周一的波士顿马拉松爆炸案中不幸遇难。 www.bing.com 8. I'll have to finish this report for next Monday's meeting. Is Tom coming to pick you up? 是啊,我得完成这个下周一开会要用的报告,Tom会来接你吗? www.ebigear.com 9. Indeed Monday's rise was its biggest in any day since the 2005 landmark revaluation. 的确,人民币周一创下了自2005年汇改以来最大单日涨幅。 cn.reuters.com 10. Analysts have considered Mr. Jang the second-most-powerful person in the country in recent years, a role certified with Monday's posting. 分析人士认为张成泽是近年来朝鲜第二大掌权人物,他的这一角色由周一的声明得到了确认。 c.wsj.com 1. Monday's action, U. S. officials, is a way to further isolate Bank Markazi without causing a sudden shock to oil prices. 美国官员说,周一的行动是在不引起油价突然震荡的情况下,进一步孤立伊朗央行的一个办法。 www.bing.com 2. Especially after Monday's events, there's no chance of creating a breakthrough in the Arab-Israeli dispute. 尤其是经过了星期一发生的事件,要在阿以冲突中有重大进展根本毫无可能。 www.bing.com 3. Monday's decision applied those two decisions to life-without-parole sentences. 最高法院又在周一的判决中将这两类排除在无假释无期徒刑之外。 dongxi.net 4. Monday's tremor caused some injuries and damage to many homes exactly one month after March 11 quake that decimated the Tohoku region. 周一的地震造成一些人员受伤,很多房屋受损。整整一个月前,3月11日的大地震令东北部地区毁于一旦。 chinese.wsj.com 5. But video of Monday's raid shows that activists armed with clubs beat Israeli naval commandos. 但一段周一突袭的视频显示手持棍棒的活跃分子棒打以色列海军突击队。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Monday's statement has raised concerns over the Chinese state-owned company's internal communication. 中国联通周一的声明使得外界对这家国有公司的内部沟通感到担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I've made a first draft of my speech for Monday's meeting. 我写好了星期一开会演讲的初稿。 8. After Monday's massive earthquake, China's can-do authoritarianism has swung into action. 在四川大地震之后,中国的威权政府迅速采取救灾行动。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In Shanghai, the composite index slipped 0. 8 per cent to 1, 958. 53 as investors continued to digest Monday's weak Chinese growth data. 在上海,上证综合指数下跌0.8%,至1958.53点,投资者在继续消化中国周一公布的疲弱增长数据。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It gave no details, and Monday's report made no mention of those firms. 细节并没有提供。周一的报告也没有提及那些公司。 bbs.translators.com.cn 1. The death toll in Monday's disaster rose Friday to 178, with possibly more people buried in the sea of mud, which covered 74 acres. 截至周日,事故已经造成254人死亡,可能还有更多人被埋在74英亩的过泥面积下。 www.bing.com 2. The Madridista defender will offer Monday's post-training press conference as originally scheduled. 皇马后卫将会按原定计划出席周一训练后的新闻发布会。 bbs.argstorm.com 3. It has since fallen to about 5. 4%, and Swedish authorities hope Monday's package will bring it down further. 目前回落到5.4%左右。瑞典政府希望周一的救助计划能让该利率进一步回落。 www.bing.com 4. This question will be brought up at the next Monday's meeting. 这个问题将在下周一的会议上提出研究。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Monday's benign reaction of equity markets to China's news worries some economists. 周一股市对中国通胀数据的良性反应,引起了一些经济学家的担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The technical details of Monday's monetary policy changes were complex. 周一货币政策转变的技术细节也十分复杂。 space.englishcn.com 7. Sir Alex not only praised Kiko after Monday's match, he also spoke highly of the Italian earlier on the Asia Tour. 弗格森爵士不仅表扬了马切达周一的比赛,他也对意大利射手在之前的巡回赛的表现大加赞赏。 bbs.sports.sina.com.cn 8. The World Health Organization has focused on women for the theme of Monday's "No Tobacco Day" . 世界卫生组织本周一的“无烟日”主题聚焦在女性身上。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 9. Prices and dividend yields for Australia's Top 150 companies can usually be found in Monday's Sydney Morning Herald. 价格和澳大利亚的前150家公司的股息收益率通常可以找到在周一的悉尼先驱晨报。 zjzhng.blog.163.com 10. After David Trezeguet was ruled out, Pavel Nedved is also not making the trip to Naples for Monday's Serie B game. 特雷泽盖因伤被排除在大名单之外,周一赴那不勒斯作战的球员中,也见不到内德维德的身影。 tianyayidu.com 1. An injury to Raul Meireles meant the No. 9 was restored to the team having missed Monday's win over Fulham with bruising. 梅雷莱斯的受伤意味着因伤错过周一击败富勒姆一战的卡罗尔还需要在队内继续恢复。 www.lfcbbs.com 2. Monday's attack could also have political implications, coming after a period of tentative liberalization. 随着初步自由化时期的到来,周一的恐怖袭击可能也牵涉政治意义。 www.bing.com 3. In Monday's political slaughter before, the Philippines has been regarded as the world's most dangerous engaged in professional journalists. 在周一的政治屠杀案发生前,菲律宾已经被视为是世界上从事记者职业最危险的地方之一。 www.bing.com 4. A new Associated Press-GFK poll suggests that most Americans are just fine with their tax rates, ahead of Monday's filing deadline. 美联社与GFK一项新调查显示还未到星期一的申报最后期限,大多数美国人对他们所付税率还是满意的。 bbs.258en.com 5. Ashton's spokeswoman ((Maya Kocijancic)) told VOA the situation in Egypt will be a priority at Monday's meeting. 阿什顿的女发言人对美国之音表示,埃及局势将是星期一举行的这次会议的首要问题。 www.360abc.com 6. But Monday's decision means that all three branches of the federal government could have a role. 但是星期一的裁决意味着联邦政府的三个分支都可以有自己的角色。 www.bing.com 7. Who's going to organize the sandwiches for Monday's meeting? 谁来准备星期一会议上的三明治? blog.hjenglish.com 8. South of Islamabad, in Multan, about 200 Islamic students were protesting the cartoons when they learned of Monday's blast. 在伊斯兰堡以南的穆尔坦,有大约200名伊斯兰学生在得知星期一的攻击后,抗议这些漫画。 www.ebigear.com 9. Their study was published in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine. 他们的研究结果发表在内科杂志上。 diversity.blog.hexun.com 10. In addition to Monday's report, there have been two other reports of Khamis' death since he came back to Libya. 除了周一的报导之外,自哈米斯回到利比亚后已有另外的两条消息传出他的死讯。 dongxi.net 1. With hours remaining until Monday's interim deadline, no one on the 12-member supercommittee says a deal is imminent. 就在离星期一这个临时最后期限还差若干小时的情况下,超级委员会的12个成员没有一个人说很快就会达成一项协议。 www.voanews.cn 2. The findings appear in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine. 这项发现刊登在星期一的国内内科档案杂志上。 www.bing.com 3. Citi said that Monday's ruling was "the latest in a series of 20 court rulings in our favour" . 花旗表示,周一这项裁定是“我们胜诉的20宗法庭裁决中的最新一项”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Monday's date showed that imports grew 51 per cent in January compared to the year before. 周一公布的数据显示,1月进口同比增长了51%。 www.ftchinese.com 5. A mass state funeral today for victims of Monday's deadly earthquake in central Italy. More than 200 caskets were set up. 意大利为周一地震的罹难者举行国葬,200多具棺材摆放在广场上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. See all the images from Monday's event from our live blog here. 你可以从我们的直播博客中看到周一事件的所有照片。 www.bing.com 7. Monday's pattern makes sense, therefore, if S&P's move is a political move. 因此,如果标普此举是一种政治行为,那么周一市场的反应就讲得通了。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Most markets retreated after Monday's euphoria. 继周一大涨之后,多数市场昨日出现回落。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In Monday's polls, voters elected 47 members of the lower house of parliament. 在星期一举行的选举中,选民选出了议会下院的47名议员。 www.voanews.cn 10. Monday's blast was Karachi's second attack in 24 hours on a Shiite religious gathering. 周一的爆炸事件是卡拉奇24小时内第二次针对什叶派宗教集会的袭击。 www.hjenglish.com 1. These data were not disclosed in the SCAAR presentation in Monday's ClinicalTrial Update Session. 这些数据并没有在SCAAR)星期一的临床试验最近进展中公布。 news.dxy.cn 2. Hongbin Qu, HSBC's chief economist for China, said Monday's reading didn't spell doom for China's economy. 汇丰(HSBC)大中华区首席经济学家屈宏斌称,周一公布的数据并不表示中国经济将走向低迷。 c.wsj.com 3. Tokyo ran into profit-taking after Monday's strong advance. 东京股市继周一强劲上涨后遭遇获利回吐。 www.ftchinese.com 4. That's a quote from Kobe about Andrew Bynum after Monday's game in Seattle. 这是引用科比在周一(美国时间)对阵超音速后评价拜纳姆的原话。 bbs.tbba.com.cn 5. The market largely took Monday's data in stride, though, with the Shanghai Composite Index settling down 0. 2%. 但总体来看市场还是平静接受了周一公布的数据,上证综指周一收盘仅仅下跌0. cn.wsj.com 6. Shares in Lehman soared 36 per cent in midday trade, more than wiping out Monday's loss, while Goldman shares jumped 13 per cent. 午盘时,雷曼兄弟股价飙升36%,升幅超出周一降幅,而高盛股价也跃升13%。 www.ftchinese.com 7. One afternoon, there are many customers at the Monday's restaurant. 某个午后,星期一餐馆里面有很多顾客 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The terms of Monday's sale show that Rio is a seller in some discomfort. 周一的交易条款表明,力拓出售这项资产有些不那么从容。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Today's entire show is about Monday's terrorist attack in Boston. 今天的整档节目都是关于周一在波士顿的恐怖袭击。 www.bing.com 10. This was done at Monday's meeting in Abu Dhabi. 上周一终于在阿布扎比审核通过了。 www.bing.com 1. Nymex wouldn't comment on whether it suspects any infractions or errors in Monday's trading. 纽约商交所拒绝就是否怀疑周一的交易存在错误或违规行为发表评论。 www.bing.com 2. Monday's TIC report may show foreign buyers doing the same thing. 周一的国际资本流动数据报告可能显示外国买家也是一样。 www.bing.com 3. he was planning to attend an interfaith service this morning that's dedicated to victims of Monday's attack. 他打算参加早上为周一的袭击受害者们准备的宗教服务仪式。 www.bing.com 4. Monday's march marking China's National Day was peaceful. 抗议者在星期一中国国庆节的时候举行示威。 kantianya.com 5. US equities managed to build on Monday's strong advance, which saw the S& P 500 record its biggest gain since last March. 美国股市在周一强劲上涨的基础上继续攀升;周一标普500(S&;P500)股指出现去年3月以来的最大升幅。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The epicenter of Monday's 7. 8-magnitude earthquake was in Sichuan, about 57 miles northwest of the provincial capital of Chengdu. 周一,这次七点八级地震发生在四川,震中仅在四川省会成都西北五十七英里处。 hi.baidu.com 7. After Monday's 3-1 loss to Villa, Benitez queried the collective lack of responsibility amongst his senior men. 在1比3输给维拉后,贝尼特斯已经质疑队中老球员没有担负起应有责任。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 8. Authorities here downplayed the importance of Monday's incident. 当局正在淡化周一事件的重要性。 www.bing.com 9. On Monday's Talking Your Tech: Comedian Steve Harvey (Family Feud) talks about how he couldn't live without his iPhone 4S. 周一的节目《说说你的科技》:喜剧演员史蒂文.哈维(家庭斗争)谈论失去iPhone4S的悲怆生活。 www.bing.com 10. Monday's special was chicken, Tuesday was lamb. 星期一的便宜货是鸡,星期二是羊肉。 www.ebigear.com 1. Analysts said some of Monday's trading was based on technical levels. 分析师表示,周一部分走势基于技术面。 cn.reuters.com 2. Monday's decline marked the biggest three-day selloff since October 2008. 相关阅读周一的下跌标志着市场出现了2008年10月份以来最大的三日跌幅。 chinese.wsj.com 3. people were wounded in Monday's blast at Lakki Marwat. 星期一在。。。有四十多人受伤。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. Monday's special is fish head with chopped pepper. 星期一的特色菜是剁椒鱼头。 www.171english.cn 5. Monday's I seldom schedule calls with clients. 我很少会在周一,就和客户确定拜访的时间。 www.elanso.com 6. By 4 p. m. Tuesday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had shed 280 points, nearly wiping out the 289-point gain from Monday's session. 道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数周二收盘下跌280点,几乎将周一上涨的289点全部抵消。 bbs.enfamily.cn 7. Monday's hour-long exercises came amid United Nations divisions over how to resolve the crisis. 在韩国周一举行为时一小时的演习时,联合国在如何解决危机的问题上出现了分歧。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Volume was extremely light, making Monday's session the second-slowest volume day of 2010. 成交极为清淡,今日成交量为年内第二低。 cn.reuters.com 9. Monday's interest rate was higher than the 5. 20% rate on the ministry's three-month bills traded on the secondary market. 铁道部周一所发行这批债券的利率比二级市场上铁道部90天期超短期融资券的利率要高,后者为5. cn.wsj.com 10. our captain Earnie Stewart would miss Monday's D match against Korea. 美国队队长斯图尔特可能不会参加星期一对韩国的比赛了 edu.sina.com.cn |
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