单词 | most intimate | ||
释义 | most intimate
例句释义: 最亲密的 1. Hold Hands: Hand holding is one of the most intimate ways to connect with one another. Take any chance you have to hold his or her hand! 牵手:牵手是最亲密的联络感情的方法之一。抓住所有的机会握住她的手吧! www.bing.com 2. Some of those who had been most intimate with him appeared, after a time, to shun him. 也有一些一度和他十分亲密的人,经过一段时期以后回避他。 3. Because you know. . . Yeah, really. Seriously. You know, because that's the most intimate part of what I do. And I'm not gonna. . . 谢尔普德:因为你知道……哦,是的。当真。你知道为什么吗,因为那是我最私密的一部分,而我不想…… www.joyen.net 4. This annual list provides an uncompromising look into one of the most intimate issues in our daily lives- how much money we make. 这份年度排行榜详实地调查了人们日常生活中最为隐私的问题:收入问题。 www.bing.com 5. There is a limit as to how much politicians can affect the workings of our most intimate lives. 那些政客们对我们最紧密的生活轨迹造成的影响是有限的。 www.bing.com 6. The most intimate parts of the body gently point a few drops of fragrance, perfume distributing sex appeal. 在身体最私密的部位轻轻点上几滴香精,散发香水的性感魅力。 baike.baidu.com 7. Certainly she speaks of nature, but she also writes the most intimate pictures of the inner setting-- the heart, the soul, the home. 当然她不仅写自然还描绘内心世界中最私密的景象——心灵、灵魂、还有家。 www.bing.com 8. Architectural experience brings the world into a most intimate contact with the body. 建筑的体验使世间纳入与身体最亲密的接触。 liuruohua.blogbus.com 9. This same vast circuit also contributes to the genesis of our most intimate perceptual experience: our own sense of self. 而这个巨大网络,同时也造就了我们最切身的知觉经验:自我感。 10. The most intimate stage of production is a so-called "wedding" . When the "lower" part of the car with the engine is connected to the body. 生产过程中最亲密的环节是所谓的“融合”,即将发动机和汽车底部连接到车身上。 www.bing.com 1. In truth your soul is the most intimate, powerful part of your inner self and is forever changing and growing. 事实上,你的灵魂是你的内在自我中最亲密、最有力的部分,它永远在变化、成长。 www.sethrevolutions.com 2. Here, looking at you while. . . you know, you do the most intimate things. 在这儿看着你…最隐私的一面。 www.kekenet.com 3. I've led several photo workshops here, but my most intimate encounters have brought me some of my most memorable images. 我曾在这里开设过几个摄影讲习班,但与其亲密接触后还是令我难以忘怀。 www.bing.com 4. Their goal: not to settle down as family men but rather to exert what is perhaps the most intimate, and lasting, form of control. 他们的目的并非为了完婚成家,而是想要通过最亲密、最持久的方式来支配他们的伴侣。 www.bing.com 5. Can his most intimate friends be so excessively deceived in him? 难道他自己的最知已的朋友,竟会被他蒙蔽到这种地步吗? www.for68.com 6. Later , he comfortably fusilladed the windows of his most intimate friend . 后来,他又对着他最要好的朋友的窗户痛快地连射了一阵。 www.bing.com 7. What is our ethical responsibility as members of a virtual world where people let us in on their most intimate thoughts and actions? 在虚拟世界使得我们能够接触到别人最隐秘的想法和行为的时候,作为其中的一员,我们的道德职责是什么? www.elanso.com 8. Marriage is the most intimate relationship between two persons, secondary to the relationship between the individual and God. 婚姻是两个人之间最亲密的关系,仅次于个人与上帝之间的关系。 www.jxjddjt.com 9. His closest and most intimate friends had been advised to attend the wedding in automobiles not their own. 他最亲密、最知己的朋友早就得到通知:来参加婚礼时别坐自己的汽车。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. So far look at you, is my most intimate contact, don't need you to I care about, also don't entertain wild hope be with you. 这样远远看着你,是我最亲密的接触,不需要你给我关心,也不奢望会和你在一起。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It is within this most intimate of human associations that two people seek to know one another and be known. 在这种人类最亲密的连合中,两个人都渴望彼此了解与被了解。 www.bing.com 2. The lack of proprieties would make the most intimate friends turn to be the most decided enemies . 缺乏礼节会使最亲密的朋友变成不共戴天的仇敌。 www.bing.com 3. So I invite you this morning to take a trip, a journey into the most intimate secret center of your soul. 今天早上我邀请你作出决定,展开你心灵隐密处的旅程。 hourofpower.org.hk 4. Connections with other human beings, particularly our most intimate of relationships, is the true substance of life. 与其他人相处,特别是最亲密的人,是生活的真正本质。 www.bing.com 5. I can bestow upon him the knowledge of God in a most intimate way if only he would seek ME. 只要人类愿意寻求我,我会将上帝的知识以一种最亲密的方式赠与他。 www.cfjkshbdw.com 6. Nobody, except his most intimate friends, knows of it. 除了他最要好的朋友外,没人知道这件事。 wenwen.soso.com 7. We are often told that privacy is disappearing, that the most intimate secrets are open to public probing. 我们经常被告知,隐私正在消失,最隐秘的秘密正对公共的调查开放。 www.bing.com 8. Faux celebrities are not embarrassed or unwilling to invite the press into the most intimate areas of their life. 伪名人把自己生活中的私密部分暴露给大众,而且并不感到尴尬或不情愿。 www.bing.com 9. The interactions between communication media and ideas about reproduction have transformed the most intimate aspects of our lives. 而繁殖这个概念通过传播媒体与思想灌输已经改变了我们生活中最私密的方面。 dongxi.net 10. At the most intimate moments a man may suddenly automatically switch to feeling his need for autonomy and pull away. 在最亲密的时刻,他可能会突然自动将需求转移到自主与抽离。 gaoqiaoling.blog.163.com 1. They sat alone in their basements and poured their most intimate, embarrassing secrets into their webcams. 他们独自坐在自家的地下室中,将内心最私密、最尴尬的秘密诉诸于摄像头。 www.bing.com 2. They had already exchanged the most intimate details of their personal lives. 他们已经交流了个人生活中最秘密的细节。 etc.bjut.edu.cn 3. One of love's most intimate and frightening moments is the French kiss. 恋爱中最为亲密同时也是最恐怖的时刻之一,便是法式热吻了。 www.bing.com 4. Being in my partner's arms under the hot shower head is one of the warmest and most intimate moments I know. 被我的搭档的臂弯所拥抱,浸泡在热水当中,是我所知的最私人的时刻之一。 www.bing.com 5. But even the most intimate person's, can't use to be like us, either so of order tone. 但即使最亲密的人之间,也不会使用像我们那样的命令语气。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. Nobody but his most intimate friends knows of it. 除了他要好的朋友,没人知道此事。 www.dearedu.com 7. Once again into the auto parts industry is perhaps the most intimate understanding shougang group. 再次进入汽车零部件产业的首钢集团也许最有切身体会。 www.cwzyc.com 8. The underwear can express the most intimate sincerity and care, catch the spirit in the human world. 内衣可以传神地表达人间最亲密的情愫,最体贴的关怀。 sanertu.com 9. While her clothes are still on, one of the most intimate places you can lay some kisses is along her collarbone. 在你未褪去她衣裳时,你可以亲吻到的最暧昧的地方莫过于锁骨。 www.bing.com 10. It's hard to deliver, though, and harder still to know if we receive the truth in our most intimate exchanges. 然而,要给予这一切却很难,要确定我们在最亲密的交流中所获知的事情是否属实更难。 www.bing.com 1. Modern office workers can conduct all their most intimate morning rituals at work. 现代上班族能把起床后所有最私密的工作都拿到办公室来做。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Our definition of manhood must include having the confidence and trust in our brothers to share our most intimate feelings. 男子汉的定义应该包括我们对手足弟兄的信心和信任,彼此间可以敞开胸怀,分享最贴心的感受。 web.tianwang.com 3. With the urban and rural residents is the most close, recently, the most intimate bank. 是与城乡居民最亲、最近、最贴心的银行。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Speaking in silence is the most intimate communication two beings can achieve. 无声的交谈是两个生命所能达到的最亲密的交流方式 www.ebigear.com 5. Wine and food is perhaps the most intimate way of developing a culture. 美酒与美食或许是了解一种文化最亲密直观的途径。 u.cyzone.cn 6. Experience the Maldives as few visitors ever do on the world's most intimate Four Seasons resort. 体验马尔代夫的游客稀少永远做世界上最亲密的四季度假胜地。 www.caaad.com 7. Profits is the most sensitive words , the cost is the most intimate topic . 暴利是最敏感的词语,成本是最隐秘的话题。 www.bing.com 8. Have the most intimate and familiar, as are the enemies of the world's most want to curse you. 曾经最熟悉及亲密的人,也反目成这个世界上最想诅咒你的人。 www.mercicoffee.com 9. Although a great gap between us, but we are still the most intimate, best friend, we often help each other. 虽然我们的差距很大,但是我们还是最知心,最要好的朋友,我们经常相互帮助对方。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The most intimate friend of my is a hot-tempered boy. 我最贴心的朋友是个暴躁的男孩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Look, you even can't share everything with the most intimate person. 所以你看,你甚至连最亲密的人也在提防。 www.bing.com 2. How can I intimate this to my most intimate friends? 我怎么才能把这件事透露给我最亲密的朋友 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Some warm, some cool, others tingle and some even stimulate the most intimate of erogenous zones. 火热、冰爽、刺激,有的甚至能够直接挑动你最私密的性感地带。 www.bing.com 4. I hope that both sides can become faithful soul-mates and the most intimate life-partners! 希望双方可以成为忠实的灵魂伴侣和生活的最亲密伙伴! love21cn.msn.com.cn 5. Here is pregnant mothers and the most warm home, here every second you most intimate friends! 这里是孕妈妈们最温暖的家,这里每时每刻都有您最贴心的朋友! www.xstfcyy.com 6. How can I this to my most intimate friend? 我该怎么把这事告诉我最亲密的朋友? www.suiniyi.com 7. I walked in silence, accompanied with every rainy season, gradually also became my friend, my most intimate friends. 默默的陪伴着我走过每一个阴雨的时节,慢慢的也就成了我的朋友,我最知心的好友。 www.tradeask.com 8. For example, a college student might show his most intimate photos only to a list of close friends labeled family. 例如,一个大学生可能会设置他的私密相片只能由一个标示为家庭的密友清单访问。 www.bing.com 9. That five people , the most intimate of friends , very few , on five , these five individuals , is my real friend . 那五个人,最亲密的朋友,非常少的人数,这五个个体,是我的真正的朋友。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. who plays the piano, but only well enough for his most intimate friends to hear, and chiefly to please himself; 钢琴也会弹弹,可是不十分高明,只可弹给知己的朋友听听,而最大的用处还是给自己消遣; bhygz2008.blog.163.com 1. Want to be the most intimate of English, personalized English courses must have; 想要做到最贴心的英语,个性化的英语课程必须拥有; cid-dda073513ee6a3fa.spaces.live.com |
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