单词 | miss | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
第三人称单数:misses 现在分词:missing 过去式:missed v. n. Miss train,Miss bus,Miss opportunity,Miss chance,Miss point adj. n. Miss person adv. v. completely Miss miss 显示所有例句 未击中;错过not hit, catch, etc.
不闻;不见not hear/see
不懂not understand
不在;不去not be/go somewhere
不做not do sth
迟到be late
伤心feel sad
发觉某物不在notice sth not there
避开坏事avoid sth bad
IDM he, she, etc. doesnt miss a trick (informal) 不失时机;很机敏used to say that sb notices every opportunity to gain an advantage
miss the boat (informal) 错失良机to be unable to take advantage of sth because you are too late
miss your guess (informal) 做错;犯错to make a mistake
称谓title/form of address
未击中;错过not hit, catch, etc.
give sth a miss (informal) 不予理睬;不理会;决定不做to decide not to do sth, eat sth, etc.
a miss is as good as a mile 错误再小也是错;功败垂成仍为败there is no real difference between only just failing in sth and failing in it badly because the result is still the same 例句释义: 错过,思念,怀念,赶不上,女士,未击中,小姐,想念,失去,失误 1. "I really miss this stuff the rest of the year, since they don't sell it in Shenzhen, " he said, his jaw working furiously. “我是真的很怀念这玩意儿,深圳没有卖槟榔的。”他说,同时下巴仍在快速“工作”着。 dongxi.net 2. 'Miss Oliver will forget me in a month, and will probably marry someone who'll make her far happier than I ever could! ' 奥利弗小姐一个月后就会把我忘掉,可能会嫁给一个比我更能使她幸福的人! blog.sina.com.cn 3. Oh people how much I miss this word. 噢,我是多麽想念这个话语。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 4. "He snubbed me. " . Explained Miss DeVoe, smiling slightly at the thought of treating Peter with a dose of his own medicine. “他冷落了我。”······德沃小姐解释说,并且决定让彼得自食其果,一想到此,不禁轻轻笑了起来。 www.edmontonchina.cn 5. Mary blushed until the tears stood in her eyes, but Miss Meadows has gone back to the music-stand; her voice rang through the music hall. 玛丽的脸涨得通红直到泪水充满了眼眶,然而此时美多斯小姐已经走回了乐谱架,声音响彻乐厅。 tr.bab.la 6. With the FA yet to receive any paperwork on the matter from their Dutch counterparts, Scholes and Rooney will not miss the game. 由于目前他们仍没有收到任何来自荷兰足协的书面文件,因此斯科尔斯和鲁尼将不会错过揭幕战。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This is a piece of pure land, is really in front of it? She did not love, not hate, do not miss, there is no anxiety. 这一片净土,真的就在眼前吗?她没有爱、没有恨,没有思念、没有不安。 www.tradeask.com 8. The same thing happened again the next Monday. Miss Nancy felt it strange and this time she began to think of ways to find out the sender. 在接下来的星期一又出现了同样的情况。南希小姐觉得很奇怪,这一次她想调查一下这个送花人是谁。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Well, just as you've said, whatever, you will miss the days we spent together as well. 就像你说的,无论怎么样,你将怀念我们在一起的日子。 wenwen.soso.com 10. 'Mrs. Gardiner would be happy to see Miss March and Miss Josephine at a little dance on New Year's Eve. 加德纳夫人诚邀马奇小姐和约瑟芬小姐参加新年除夕的小舞会。 www.teacher910.com 1. I kept trying to do everything I could and I wanted to be somebody, somebody called Miss Big who could change the world. 那时我对新鲜事物都愿意去了解、去尝试,因为我梦想成为一名大人物——一名可以改变世界的大人物。 www.baoannet.com 2. When I sat behind him, hesitated for a long time whether or not to cling to his waist, I miss the warmth of his generous spine. 我坐在他身后的时候,迟疑了很久要不要抱住他的腰,我很想念他宽厚脊背的温暖。 wenwen.soso.com 3. And I'm surrounded by a million people , I still feel alone. Let me go home. I miss you , you know. 尽管我周围有很多人相伴,但我仍然觉得孤独。因为我想回家,你知道的,我想念你。 tieba.baidu.com 4. That Miss Blanche has been setting her cap at him for years. 那个布兰契小姐对他暗送秋波已经几年了。 northunion.net 5. DRIVING through the countryside south of Hanover, it would be easy to miss the GEO600 experiment. 驱车行驶在汉诺威南部的乡村,很容易错过GE0600实验场。 www.bing.com 6. Miss Dean was placed in a sack and carried to safety along with her mother and brother. 小姐迪安是放置在一个麻袋和开展安全连同她的母亲和弟弟。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Lifting my legs made me miss the toilet, and I peed all over the only uniform I had that wasn't in the wash. 穿裤子的时候我一不小心没对准马桶,尿撒在了我唯一还没洗的制服上。 www.bucter.com 8. and she thought he looked a little confused as he answered that he had never been so fortunate as to meet Miss Bennet. 他回答说,不幸从来未曾碰到过班纳特小姐,她觉得他回答这话时神色有点慌张。 www.tensymbols.com 9. You said the falling leaf is the root of the miss, or aspire to in this wandering in the process of that freedom? 你说叶的飘落,是对根的想念,还是向往在这飘零过程中的那份自由? enwaimao.cn 10. This past summer was the first summer that I did not visit the little green cottage by the sea, and I cannot help but miss her. 过去的这个暑假是我第一个没有去海边小屋度过的暑假,但是我会忍不住地想念她。 www.usastudy.com.cn 1. She wept bitterly, and jealousy of Miss Glover stabbed her to the heart with sudden pain . 她痛苦地哭泣着。对于格格弗小姐的妒忌,以一种突如其来的痛苦刺痛她的心。 www.jukuu.com 2. You don't know how much I miss you! 你不知道我有多想你。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 3. Then I guess you wanna escape. Tunnel under the wall maybe? (Andy laughs politely) I miss something of you. What's the funny? 那我猜你是想逃狱,也许会在墙底挖地道?(安迪轻轻地笑了笑)我不明白,有什么好笑的? blog.sina.com.cn 4. I miss you, for your chi, for you madness, I think you think you think you to think is going to die, I love you. 我想念你,为你痴狂,因为你疯狂,我想你想你想你想得要死了,我爱你。 www.juexiang.com 5. and that is , there a nigger here that im a - trying to steal out of slavery , and his name is jim - old miss watson s jim . 那就是,还有一个黑人,我想力争把他给偷出来,好不再当奴隶他的名字是杰姆华珍老小姐的杰姆。 www.ichacha.net 6. But even they might be surprised -- and worried -- by just how much we can miss in the voices we decide to tune out. 可是,即便他们也可能感到惊讶--并且担忧--因为对于“屏蔽”的声音,我们能失去多么多的声音。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. I can feel how much i miss u . 我能感觉到我是多么的想念你。 zd.ku13.cn 8. Miss Emily met them at the door, dressed as usual and with no trace of grief on her face. 爱米丽小姐在家门口接待她们,衣着和平日一样,脸上没有一丝哀愁。 www.putclub.com 9. The sensitivity of the technique to potential abnormalities is often raised, in order not to miss anything important. 为了不漏掉任何重要的线索,这个技术对可能出现的误差敏感性过高。 www.ecocn.org 10. It is a class method, as it is static, but needs to be able to call the setUserServices method in case of a cache miss. 它是一个类方法,因为它是静态的,但是需要能够在丢失缓存时调用setUserServices方法。 www.ibm.com 1. I am going to call my husband now. Miss Bai likes to cook for her younger sister. Mr. Zhang must cook for his wife. 现在我要给我先生打电话。白小姐喜欢给她妹妹做饭。张先生得给他太太做饭。 www.1th.net 2. Do you realize how much I adore you and miss you? 你意识到我是多么的爱慕你和思念你了么? iask.sina.com.cn 3. How much work will I miss? How much will my partner miss? 我还有多少事要做?我伴侣呢? www.ivf.cn 4. Yes, Miss Bennet, interest; for do not expect to be noticed by his family or friends, if you wilfully act against the inclinations of all. 不错,班纳特小姐,确是为了你的利害关系着想。要是你有意跟大家都过不去,你就休想他家里人或是他的亲友们看得起你。 www.ebigear.com 5. She peed on the floor five times in quick succession in an attempt to divert her mother from feeding the younger Miss Harford. 她在地板上小便了5次,间隔非常短,试图以此吸引她母亲的注意力——当时,她母亲正在给哈福德二小姐喂奶。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Suddenly, miss Ming Qing for her attitude changed completely, but in her life difficult, still did not forget to help others. 顿时,明卿小姐对她的态度完全改变,但是在她生活困难时,还是不忘帮助别人。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. You miss him to the hostler time, since have no a person to see, why not the one mouthful denies to come to a little cleaner? 你想他到旅馆的时候,既然没有一个人瞧见,何不一口抵赖落得干净些? www.yycaf.com 8. Miss you, really do not need reason, it is just a feeling, and always will be thinking about your body, worry about your safety. 想念你,真的不需要理由,它只是一种感觉,而且将永远是你的身体思想,担心您的安全。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Excuse me, Miss. I'm looking for the IBM Building, but I seem to be a little lost. 对不起,小姐,我正在找IBM大楼,但是我好象迷路了。 www.315my.com 10. I never told him there was no gelignite there, Miss. 我没告诉过他那里有炸药,麦茵蒂尔小姐。 www.bing.com 1. Heart rhyme, wandering in the night sky, sadness, will not miss the heart is turned into a beautiful dream, gently close the door. 心韵,徘徊在忧伤的夜空,载不动的思念,将无依的心变成了一个美丽的梦,轻轻地关上这扇心门。 hi.baidu.com 2. At one point her baby girl appeared to be stretching her legs too, as a smiling Miss Waterman put her hand on the bump for a feel. 突然她感到肚子里的孩子也似乎伸了一下腿,作为一个鼓励,教练把手放在了她的肚子上来感觉孩子的调皮~~。 xiyunfan.blog.163.com 3. She said the daily greeting has become the custom, habit, and do not miss is immune. 她说,每日的问候已成为了习惯,习惯了,不思念都难。 enwaimao.cn 4. The audience wants to like you and they will give you a few minutes at the beginning to engage them -- don't miss the opportunity. 观众要喜欢您,一开始会给您几分钟适应——不要错过这个机会。 www.bing.com 5. It has been said: "The world would like lovers, are is pre-destined to do, not miss marriage. " 曾有人说:“愿天下有情人,都成眷属,是前生注定的事,莫错过姻缘。” enwaimao.cn 6. Then we saw people young and old hastening their steps as if they were going to miss something exciting on the road next to us. 突然我们看到一群人大大小小,老老少少都加紧脚步像是赶什麽热闹似的在马路上。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 7. If Miss Crawley did not forgive them at present, she might at least relent on future day. 克劳莱小姐眼前虽然不肯原谅他们,将来总会回心转意。 www.jukuu.com 8. When you set such a tool to explore an application automatically, it is all too easy to miss out on large sections of the application. 当您设置这样的工具来自动利用一个应用程序时,很容易就会在此应用程序的绝大多数活动中被遗漏。 www.ibm.com 9. To tell the truth, Valentine's Day is the day the patent girls, do not miss an opportunity. 向他表白,是情人节这天女孩子的专利,不要错失了机会。 www.goto020.cn 10. 'You know what I mean, do you, Dombey? ' inquired Miss Blimber, looking hard at him, through the spectacles. “您知道我说的是什么吗,董贝?”布林伯小姐通过眼镜严厉地看着他,问道。 www.kekenet.com 1. 'How much do you know of your Latin Grammar, Dombey? ' said Miss Blimber. “您对拉丁语语法知道多少,董贝?”布林伯小姐问道。 www.kekenet.com 2. An accomplished ballet dancer, she did not miss a single beat. (她芭蕾舞技纯熟,没有跳漏一个节拍)。 www.wwenglish.com 3. I don't advocate living in ignorance of what's going on in the world, but try cutting out news for 30 days and see how much you really miss. 我并不是鼓吹不关心世界的变化,但试一下30天不看新闻,然后看你是否真的会错过什么。 www.bing.com 4. shot I walked all the way, any access to my eyes, and even the wild flowers also did not miss a shot, called take-all. 我一路走一路拍摄,凡是进入我的眼睛里的,连野花也不放过一个镜头,这叫通吃。 www.enwaimao.cn 5. "We miss Facchetti in the important moments. We miss him in those moments when you need someone to resolve a problem, " he said. 莫拉蒂说:“在重要的时刻我们想念法切蒂,当我们需要人来解决问题的时候我们会想起法切蒂。” www.interclub.cn 6. The stars lean down to kiss you. And I lie awake and miss you. Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere, 'cause I'll doze off safe and soundly. 繁星弯下腰来亲吻你,而我碾转反侧着想念你。给我一剂足够的空气,这样我才能安心睡去。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Running downstairs again as fast as she had run up, Miss Tox got the party out of the hackney coach, and soon returned with it under convoy. 托克斯小姐像跑上楼来一样快地跑下楼去,把当事人从出租马车中扶出,并立刻护送着回到楼上。 www.jxteacher.com 8. In a world of email and 24x7, it is far too easy to work so hard that you miss what you really want. 在一个电邮24X7都不间断的世界里,你太容易因疲于工作而忘记你真正想要的东西。 www.bing.com 9. His mother explained to him her liberal designs in case of his marrying Miss Morton. 他母亲向他说明在他娶莫顿小姐的情况下为他所作的慷慨的安排。 www.jukuu.com 10. At the end of August when she returned to Shanghai, Miss Su asked her to be the maid of honor at her wedding. 阳历八月底她回上海,苏小姐恳请她做结婚时的傧相。 www.jukuu.com 1. Don't miss this opportunity to move yourself and to inspire the world! Let the Olympic flame burn in the heart of every Chinese. 不要错过这个感动自己,感动世界的机会,让奥运的火焰在每个炎黄子孙的心中。 www.facebook.com 2. Miss Hu as a VIP at the time (they are referred to as "the boss" ) allowance of soliciting a comprehensive publication, Yu Nan know. 胡小姐为当时一位要人(他们称为“老板”)津贴的一个综合性刊物组稿,认识了余楠。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. i miss you so much, but, i can't speak to you, i can only care about you silently, don't push me out of the door, ok? 我真的好想你,但是,却不能对你说,只想默默的关心你,不要把我拒之于门外好吗?! wenwen.soso.com 4. It would be a pity to miss out on these special treats simply because we feel they are "foreign" dishes. 如果只因为那些特别的菜肴是『外国』菜我们就不去尝试,那会是件很可惜的事。 tw.biz.yahoo.com 5. I miss a little wild girl, but if in her place I get a strong helpful tender-hearted woman I shall feel quite satisfied. 我失去了我顽皮的小女儿,但是如果取而代之的是一个坚强善良的女孩,我将感到十分的满意。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I'm a little ahead of time, I know, but it would be better to wait here rather than miss the train. 我想我来得稍早了一点,不过,就是在这儿等,也比赶不上火车好。 www.xiaoshuo.com 7. He took a taxi so as not to miss the train. 为了不误火车,他坐了出租车。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. I never miss an opportunity to call for more funding for diplomacy and development and for a greater emphasis on civilian programs. 我把握我每一个为外交事务、发展战略争取预算的机会,同时也包括对民用项目的重视。 www.bing.com 9. It was more than a year since he had seen Miss Wang. 他已一年多未见王小姐了。 www.163en.com 10. Penalty "Overall, he made (Wayne) Rooney miss a penalty, made a crucial save from Anderson and you cannot fault him on the goal. " 点球“总之,他让鲁尼把点球提到太空去了,冷静地救出了安德森的黄金机会,你没法通过他的失误进球。” bbs.arsenal.com.cn 1. Leave a place, scenery is no longer belong to you, Miss a person, that was to have nothing to do with you. 离开一个地方,风景就不再属于你;错过一个人,那人便再与你无关。 wenku.baidu.com 2. The upshot of Miss Ley's investigation was that once again the hymeneal path had not been found strewn with roses. 莱伊小姐调查研究的结果是又一次发现这条婚姻的道路上并没有铺上玫瑰花。 cn.bab.la 3. What great timing that will be, for as you see, with Mercury out of phase, you won't miss much. 但是正如你所见,水星仍旧逆行,所以你不会有太大损失。 www.hjenglish.com 4. I miss you so much, it has been too long since the last time I saw you. 我想念你这麽多,已经太长,因为我最后一次见到你。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. All that sleep you'll miss wishing you were with me! 我只可怜你会想我想到失眠 www.bing.com 6. One day, I was no longer miss him, because he left for so long, my habit is no longer used. 一天,我终于不再思念他,因为他离开太久了,我的习惯已经不再是习惯。 www.bing.com 7. Miss Havisham asked me to send, 'said Joe, as if trying to remember the exact words, 'her-best wishes, was it, Pip? to Mrs J. Gargery. . . ' “郝薇香小姐让我捎给她,”乔说着好像努力地去记住这句准确的话,“她最好的祝福,不是吗?匹普。对乔·葛吉瑞夫人说……。” www.okread.net 8. In a crisis where good policies for the short and long term are often opposed, it would be a shame to miss a chance to have it both ways. 在危机中,好的政策也往往相互对立,难以同时兼顾短期和长期利益。如果短期长期利益俱失,那将令人汗颜。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Often it does seem a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat. 很多时候看起来诺亚和他的随行没有错过方舟真是可惜。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. "Please call me Virginia. " Virginia said for the tenth time. Mrs. Allen bowed stiffly and continued to call her Miss Martin. “请叫我弗吉尼亚。”弗吉尼亚已经说过10遍了。可是艾伦太太很不自然地点点头,仍然称她马丁小姐。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. And just when they were going to bring out the shrimp, I woke up. . . to you. Life is so unfair! I really miss my parents. 就在他们准备上虾的时候,我一睁眼,居然是你,生活忒不公平了,我真想我爸妈啦! wenku.baidu.com 2. Just pick something small and ubiquitous, something of nominal value that you won't miss much. 只要挑一种到处都能找到、外形小巧、票面价值不大会弄错的东西。 www.englishsea.cn 3. He searched in the dark until he found his wife. "Did I miss much of the second act? " he asked. 他在黑暗中找到妻子,问她:“第二幕戏我错过得多吗?” bbs.enfamily.cn 4. 'My friends thought I was making it up, ' said Miss Jones, of Colorado, 'I was stunned but in no doubt of what had happened. ' “我的朋友们认为我是在装模作样,”来自科罗拉多州的琼斯如是说道,“我有点目瞪口呆,但是我确实是有点问题了。” www.bing.com 5. Do you think you are like a school like this school who did not so rich, but all of them is Master Miss. 你以为都像你们学校似的,这个学校的人都没那么有钱,但个个也是小姐少爷。 www.readnovel.com 6. From what he said of Miss Darcy, I was thoroughly prepared to see a proud, reserved, disagreeable girl. 他把达西小姐说成那样一个人,使得我开头完全把她当做一位骄傲冷酷,惹人讨厌的小姐。 www.hjenglish.com 7. the picture appeared in a magazine, and she went on to win third place in the Miss Shanghai beauty contest, the pinnacle of her career. 照片被等在了杂志上,然后她参加了上海小姐的选美比赛,取得了第三名,那是她事业的巅峰。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Villain: Nigeria striker Yakubu Aiyegbeni's miss against South Korea in their final Group B game was one of the worst at a World Cup. 罪人:尼日利亚前锋雅库布雅库布的对韩国小姐在B组的最后比赛是最严重的一次在世界杯上。 www.bugutang.com 9. Back in Mr. Grayson's office, the detective told him to ask Miss Winthrop to take some dictation the next morning at 9: 45. 回到格雷森先生的办公室,侦探告诉他让温思罗普小姐在第二天早上9:45做个口述记录。 www.zftrans.com 10. Web page printing has usually been a hit or miss affair and large pages can be cut off at the bottom or the sides. 网页打印通常是命中或错过事理和大页可能被切除于底部或边。 bbs.pcbeta.com 1. Miss Havisham asked me to send, 'said Joe, as if trying to remember the exact words, 'her-best wishes, was it, Pip? to Mrs J. Gargery. . . ' “郝薇香小姐让我捎给她,”乔说着好像努力地去记住这句准确的话,“她最好的祝福,不是吗?匹普。对乔·葛吉瑞夫人说……。” www.okread.net 2. In a crisis where good policies for the short and long term are often opposed, it would be a shame to miss a chance to have it both ways. 在危机中,好的政策也往往相互对立,难以同时兼顾短期和长期利益。如果短期长期利益俱失,那将令人汗颜。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Often it does seem a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat. 很多时候看起来诺亚和他的随行没有错过方舟真是可惜。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "Please call me Virginia. " Virginia said for the tenth time. Mrs. Allen bowed stiffly and continued to call her Miss Martin. “请叫我弗吉尼亚。”弗吉尼亚已经说过10遍了。可是艾伦太太很不自然地点点头,仍然称她马丁小姐。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Given the global and interconnected nature of the LGBT rights battle, to miss these international stories is to give an incomplete picture. 考虑到LGBT权利斗争的全球性和互相关联的本质,错失这些国际新闻其实就是给出了一张不完整的图画。 www.bing.com 6. Do you know how much i miss you after your leaving? 你知道当你离开后,我有多么想念你吗? www.love-yg.com 7. And just when they were going to bring out the shrimp, I woke up. . . to you. Life is so unfair! I really miss my parents. 就在他们准备上虾的时候,我一睁眼,居然是你,生活忒不公平了,我真想我爸妈啦! wenku.baidu.com 8. Just pick something small and ubiquitous, something of nominal value that you won't miss much. 只要挑一种到处都能找到、外形小巧、票面价值不大会弄错的东西。 www.englishsea.cn 9. He searched in the dark until he found his wife. "Did I miss much of the second act? " he asked. 他在黑暗中找到妻子,问她:“第二幕戏我错过得多吗?” bbs.enfamily.cn 10. 'My friends thought I was making it up, ' said Miss Jones, of Colorado, 'I was stunned but in no doubt of what had happened. ' “我的朋友们认为我是在装模作样,”来自科罗拉多州的琼斯如是说道,“我有点目瞪口呆,但是我确实是有点问题了。” www.bing.com 1. "Please call me Virginia. " Virginia said for the tenth time. Mrs. Allen bowed stiffly and continued to call her Miss Martin. “请叫我弗吉尼亚。”弗吉尼亚已经说过10遍了。可是艾伦太太很不自然地点点头,仍然称她马丁小姐。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Given the global and interconnected nature of the LGBT rights battle, to miss these international stories is to give an incomplete picture. 考虑到LGBT权利斗争的全球性和互相关联的本质,错失这些国际新闻其实就是给出了一张不完整的图画。 www.bing.com 3. Do you know how much i miss you after your leaving? 你知道当你离开后,我有多么想念你吗? www.love-yg.com 4. I do not know if you know what I miss, I miss the strong, I melt in their own thoughts, hoping to find comfort. 我不知道你是否明白我的思念,我的思念很浓,我把自己融化在思念里,希望能找到一丝安慰。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And just when they were going to bring out the shrimp, I woke up. . . to you. Life is so unfair! I really miss my parents. 就在他们准备上虾的时候,我一睁眼,居然是你,生活忒不公平了,我真想我爸妈啦! wenku.baidu.com 6. Just pick something small and ubiquitous, something of nominal value that you won't miss much. 只要挑一种到处都能找到、外形小巧、票面价值不大会弄错的东西。 www.englishsea.cn 7. He searched in the dark until he found his wife. "Did I miss much of the second act? " he asked. 他在黑暗中找到妻子,问她:“第二幕戏我错过得多吗?” bbs.enfamily.cn 8. 'My friends thought I was making it up, ' said Miss Jones, of Colorado, 'I was stunned but in no doubt of what had happened. ' “我的朋友们认为我是在装模作样,”来自科罗拉多州的琼斯如是说道,“我有点目瞪口呆,但是我确实是有点问题了。” www.bing.com 9. Do you think you are like a school like this school who did not so rich, but all of them is Master Miss. 你以为都像你们学校似的,这个学校的人都没那么有钱,但个个也是小姐少爷。 www.readnovel.com 10. From what he said of Miss Darcy, I was thoroughly prepared to see a proud, reserved, disagreeable girl. 他把达西小姐说成那样一个人,使得我开头完全把她当做一位骄傲冷酷,惹人讨厌的小姐。 www.hjenglish.com 1. I do not know if you know what I miss, I miss the strong, I melt in their own thoughts, hoping to find comfort. 我不知道你是否明白我的思念,我的思念很浓,我把自己融化在思念里,希望能找到一丝安慰。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. How much they miss each other the whole year! 这一年,他们是多么想念彼此! blog.sina.com.cn 3. And just when they were going to bring out the shrimp, I woke up. . . to you. Life is so unfair! I really miss my parents. 就在他们准备上虾的时候,我一睁眼,居然是你,生活忒不公平了,我真想我爸妈啦! wenku.baidu.com 4. Just pick something small and ubiquitous, something of nominal value that you won't miss much. 只要挑一种到处都能找到、外形小巧、票面价值不大会弄错的东西。 www.englishsea.cn 5. He searched in the dark until he found his wife. "Did I miss much of the second act? " he asked. 他在黑暗中找到妻子,问她:“第二幕戏我错过得多吗?” bbs.enfamily.cn 6. 'My friends thought I was making it up, ' said Miss Jones, of Colorado, 'I was stunned but in no doubt of what had happened. ' “我的朋友们认为我是在装模作样,”来自科罗拉多州的琼斯如是说道,“我有点目瞪口呆,但是我确实是有点问题了。” www.bing.com 7. Do you think you are like a school like this school who did not so rich, but all of them is Master Miss. 你以为都像你们学校似的,这个学校的人都没那么有钱,但个个也是小姐少爷。 www.readnovel.com 8. From what he said of Miss Darcy, I was thoroughly prepared to see a proud, reserved, disagreeable girl. 他把达西小姐说成那样一个人,使得我开头完全把她当做一位骄傲冷酷,惹人讨厌的小姐。 www.hjenglish.com 9. the picture appeared in a magazine, and she went on to win third place in the Miss Shanghai beauty contest, the pinnacle of her career. 照片被等在了杂志上,然后她参加了上海小姐的选美比赛,取得了第三名,那是她事业的巅峰。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Villain: Nigeria striker Yakubu Aiyegbeni's miss against South Korea in their final Group B game was one of the worst at a World Cup. 罪人:尼日利亚前锋雅库布雅库布的对韩国小姐在B组的最后比赛是最严重的一次在世界杯上。 www.bugutang.com 1. And just when they were going to bring out the shrimp, I woke up. . . to you. Life is so unfair! I really miss my parents. 就在他们准备上虾的时候,我一睁眼,居然是你,生活忒不公平了,我真想我爸妈啦! wenku.baidu.com 2. Just pick something small and ubiquitous, something of nominal value that you won't miss much. 只要挑一种到处都能找到、外形小巧、票面价值不大会弄错的东西。 www.englishsea.cn 3. He searched in the dark until he found his wife. "Did I miss much of the second act? " he asked. 他在黑暗中找到妻子,问她:“第二幕戏我错过得多吗?” bbs.enfamily.cn 4. 'My friends thought I was making it up, ' said Miss Jones, of Colorado, 'I was stunned but in no doubt of what had happened. ' “我的朋友们认为我是在装模作样,”来自科罗拉多州的琼斯如是说道,“我有点目瞪口呆,但是我确实是有点问题了。” www.bing.com 5. Do you think you are like a school like this school who did not so rich, but all of them is Master Miss. 你以为都像你们学校似的,这个学校的人都没那么有钱,但个个也是小姐少爷。 www.readnovel.com 6. From what he said of Miss Darcy, I was thoroughly prepared to see a proud, reserved, disagreeable girl. 他把达西小姐说成那样一个人,使得我开头完全把她当做一位骄傲冷酷,惹人讨厌的小姐。 www.hjenglish.com 7. the picture appeared in a magazine, and she went on to win third place in the Miss Shanghai beauty contest, the pinnacle of her career. 照片被等在了杂志上,然后她参加了上海小姐的选美比赛,取得了第三名,那是她事业的巅峰。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Villain: Nigeria striker Yakubu Aiyegbeni's miss against South Korea in their final Group B game was one of the worst at a World Cup. 罪人:尼日利亚前锋雅库布雅库布的对韩国小姐在B组的最后比赛是最严重的一次在世界杯上。 www.bugutang.com 9. Back in Mr. Grayson's office, the detective told him to ask Miss Winthrop to take some dictation the next morning at 9: 45. 回到格雷森先生的办公室,侦探告诉他让温思罗普小姐在第二天早上9:45做个口述记录。 www.zftrans.com 10. Web page printing has usually been a hit or miss affair and large pages can be cut off at the bottom or the sides. 网页打印通常是命中或错过事理和大页可能被切除于底部或边。 bbs.pcbeta.com 1. He searched in the dark until he found his wife. "Did I miss much of the second act? " he asked. 他在黑暗中找到妻子,问她:“第二幕戏我错过得多吗?” bbs.enfamily.cn 2. 'My friends thought I was making it up, ' said Miss Jones, of Colorado, 'I was stunned but in no doubt of what had happened. ' “我的朋友们认为我是在装模作样,”来自科罗拉多州的琼斯如是说道,“我有点目瞪口呆,但是我确实是有点问题了。” www.bing.com 3. Do you think you are like a school like this school who did not so rich, but all of them is Master Miss. 你以为都像你们学校似的,这个学校的人都没那么有钱,但个个也是小姐少爷。 www.readnovel.com 4. From what he said of Miss Darcy, I was thoroughly prepared to see a proud, reserved, disagreeable girl. 他把达西小姐说成那样一个人,使得我开头完全把她当做一位骄傲冷酷,惹人讨厌的小姐。 www.hjenglish.com 5. the picture appeared in a magazine, and she went on to win third place in the Miss Shanghai beauty contest, the pinnacle of her career. 照片被等在了杂志上,然后她参加了上海小姐的选美比赛,取得了第三名,那是她事业的巅峰。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Villain: Nigeria striker Yakubu Aiyegbeni's miss against South Korea in their final Group B game was one of the worst at a World Cup. 罪人:尼日利亚前锋雅库布雅库布的对韩国小姐在B组的最后比赛是最严重的一次在世界杯上。 www.bugutang.com 7. Back in Mr. Grayson's office, the detective told him to ask Miss Winthrop to take some dictation the next morning at 9: 45. 回到格雷森先生的办公室,侦探告诉他让温思罗普小姐在第二天早上9:45做个口述记录。 www.zftrans.com 8. Web page printing has usually been a hit or miss affair and large pages can be cut off at the bottom or the sides. 网页打印通常是命中或错过事理和大页可能被切除于底部或边。 bbs.pcbeta.com 9. Sarang ( "Love" in Korean) is a restaurant all Korean fanatics would probably make it a point not to miss out. (韩文“爱”的意思)是一家韩国迷应该不会错过的餐馆。 justaboutfood.com 10. I feel very sorry for him to miss out on the rest of the World Cup - its a blow to him and a big loss for the team. 对于他将错过世界杯剩余的比赛,我感到非常遗憾,对他是一个打击,对球队则是一个重大的损失。 www.thefa.cn 1. Do you think you are like a school like this school who did not so rich, but all of them is Master Miss. 你以为都像你们学校似的,这个学校的人都没那么有钱,但个个也是小姐少爷。 www.readnovel.com 2. From what he said of Miss Darcy, I was thoroughly prepared to see a proud, reserved, disagreeable girl. 他把达西小姐说成那样一个人,使得我开头完全把她当做一位骄傲冷酷,惹人讨厌的小姐。 www.hjenglish.com 3. the picture appeared in a magazine, and she went on to win third place in the Miss Shanghai beauty contest, the pinnacle of her career. 照片被等在了杂志上,然后她参加了上海小姐的选美比赛,取得了第三名,那是她事业的巅峰。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Villain: Nigeria striker Yakubu Aiyegbeni's miss against South Korea in their final Group B game was one of the worst at a World Cup. 罪人:尼日利亚前锋雅库布雅库布的对韩国小姐在B组的最后比赛是最严重的一次在世界杯上。 www.bugutang.com 5. Back in Mr. Grayson's office, the detective told him to ask Miss Winthrop to take some dictation the next morning at 9: 45. 回到格雷森先生的办公室,侦探告诉他让温思罗普小姐在第二天早上9:45做个口述记录。 www.zftrans.com 6. Web page printing has usually been a hit or miss affair and large pages can be cut off at the bottom or the sides. 网页打印通常是命中或错过事理和大页可能被切除于底部或边。 bbs.pcbeta.com 7. Sarang ( "Love" in Korean) is a restaurant all Korean fanatics would probably make it a point not to miss out. (韩文“爱”的意思)是一家韩国迷应该不会错过的餐馆。 justaboutfood.com 8. I feel very sorry for him to miss out on the rest of the World Cup - its a blow to him and a big loss for the team. 对于他将错过世界杯剩余的比赛,我感到非常遗憾,对他是一个打击,对球队则是一个重大的损失。 www.thefa.cn 9. I began to miss all those meetings, he admits. When you come out of it cold turkey, you realize you had a lot of human contact. 他承认自己开始怀念以前那种会议不断的时光,当你一个会都没有的时候,就会意识到从前开会时可以进行很多人际交往。 www.tvsou.com 10. She was happy that her brothers had found a good home but felt sad, too, because she was beginning to miss them already. 她很开心她的双胞胎兄弟能够找到一个很好的归宿,然而,她又很想他们,不由有点伤心了。 www.hjenglish.com 1. the picture appeared in a magazine, and she went on to win third place in the Miss Shanghai beauty contest, the pinnacle of her career. 照片被等在了杂志上,然后她参加了上海小姐的选美比赛,取得了第三名,那是她事业的巅峰。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Villain: Nigeria striker Yakubu Aiyegbeni's miss against South Korea in their final Group B game was one of the worst at a World Cup. 罪人:尼日利亚前锋雅库布雅库布的对韩国小姐在B组的最后比赛是最严重的一次在世界杯上。 www.bugutang.com 3. Back in Mr. Grayson's office, the detective told him to ask Miss Winthrop to take some dictation the next morning at 9: 45. 回到格雷森先生的办公室,侦探告诉他让温思罗普小姐在第二天早上9:45做个口述记录。 www.zftrans.com 4. Web page printing has usually been a hit or miss affair and large pages can be cut off at the bottom or the sides. 网页打印通常是命中或错过事理和大页可能被切除于底部或边。 bbs.pcbeta.com 5. Sarang ( "Love" in Korean) is a restaurant all Korean fanatics would probably make it a point not to miss out. (韩文“爱”的意思)是一家韩国迷应该不会错过的餐馆。 justaboutfood.com 6. I feel very sorry for him to miss out on the rest of the World Cup - its a blow to him and a big loss for the team. 对于他将错过世界杯剩余的比赛,我感到非常遗憾,对他是一个打击,对球队则是一个重大的损失。 www.thefa.cn 7. I began to miss all those meetings, he admits. When you come out of it cold turkey, you realize you had a lot of human contact. 他承认自己开始怀念以前那种会议不断的时光,当你一个会都没有的时候,就会意识到从前开会时可以进行很多人际交往。 www.tvsou.com 8. She was happy that her brothers had found a good home but felt sad, too, because she was beginning to miss them already. 她很开心她的双胞胎兄弟能够找到一个很好的归宿,然而,她又很想他们,不由有点伤心了。 www.hjenglish.com 9. From that day on, Miss Yang was even more strict with me. I hardly ever got good words from her on my exercise book. 从那天起,杨老师对我要求更加严格了。作业本上,我几乎难以得到她对我的表扬之词。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Miss Boyle, 48, also sported a new hairstyle and seems to have had her grey locks dyed a reddish-brown. 今年48岁的苏珊还换了个新发型,而且她的灰色头发似乎也染成了红棕色。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Back in Mr. Grayson's office, the detective told him to ask Miss Winthrop to take some dictation the next morning at 9: 45. 回到格雷森先生的办公室,侦探告诉他让温思罗普小姐在第二天早上9:45做个口述记录。 www.zftrans.com 2. Web page printing has usually been a hit or miss affair and large pages can be cut off at the bottom or the sides. 网页打印通常是命中或错过事理和大页可能被切除于底部或边。 bbs.pcbeta.com 3. Sarang ( "Love" in Korean) is a restaurant all Korean fanatics would probably make it a point not to miss out. (韩文“爱”的意思)是一家韩国迷应该不会错过的餐馆。 justaboutfood.com 4. I feel very sorry for him to miss out on the rest of the World Cup - its a blow to him and a big loss for the team. 对于他将错过世界杯剩余的比赛,我感到非常遗憾,对他是一个打击,对球队则是一个重大的损失。 www.thefa.cn 5. I began to miss all those meetings, he admits. When you come out of it cold turkey, you realize you had a lot of human contact. 他承认自己开始怀念以前那种会议不断的时光,当你一个会都没有的时候,就会意识到从前开会时可以进行很多人际交往。 www.tvsou.com 6. She was happy that her brothers had found a good home but felt sad, too, because she was beginning to miss them already. 她很开心她的双胞胎兄弟能够找到一个很好的归宿,然而,她又很想他们,不由有点伤心了。 www.hjenglish.com 7. From that day on, Miss Yang was even more strict with me. I hardly ever got good words from her on my exercise book. 从那天起,杨老师对我要求更加严格了。作业本上,我几乎难以得到她对我的表扬之词。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Miss Boyle, 48, also sported a new hairstyle and seems to have had her grey locks dyed a reddish-brown. 今年48岁的苏珊还换了个新发型,而且她的灰色头发似乎也染成了红棕色。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Thomas thought Miss. Lee was knowledgeable and looked up to her as his teacher. 汤姆认为李小姐很有学识并且把她尊为自己的老师。 lvzhigui.com 10. He sat in the front row, with his mouth half open, his head thrust forward so as not to miss any word. 他坐在前排,半张着嘴,伸长脖子惟恐听漏一字。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Sarang ( "Love" in Korean) is a restaurant all Korean fanatics would probably make it a point not to miss out. (韩文“爱”的意思)是一家韩国迷应该不会错过的餐馆。 justaboutfood.com 2. I feel very sorry for him to miss out on the rest of the World Cup - its a blow to him and a big loss for the team. 对于他将错过世界杯剩余的比赛,我感到非常遗憾,对他是一个打击,对球队则是一个重大的损失。 www.thefa.cn 3. I began to miss all those meetings, he admits. When you come out of it cold turkey, you realize you had a lot of human contact. 他承认自己开始怀念以前那种会议不断的时光,当你一个会都没有的时候,就会意识到从前开会时可以进行很多人际交往。 www.tvsou.com 4. She was happy that her brothers had found a good home but felt sad, too, because she was beginning to miss them already. 她很开心她的双胞胎兄弟能够找到一个很好的归宿,然而,她又很想他们,不由有点伤心了。 www.hjenglish.com 5. From that day on, Miss Yang was even more strict with me. I hardly ever got good words from her on my exercise book. 从那天起,杨老师对我要求更加严格了。作业本上,我几乎难以得到她对我的表扬之词。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Miss Boyle, 48, also sported a new hairstyle and seems to have had her grey locks dyed a reddish-brown. 今年48岁的苏珊还换了个新发型,而且她的灰色头发似乎也染成了红棕色。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Thomas thought Miss. Lee was knowledgeable and looked up to her as his teacher. 汤姆认为李小姐很有学识并且把她尊为自己的老师。 lvzhigui.com 8. He sat in the front row, with his mouth half open, his head thrust forward so as not to miss any word. 他坐在前排,半张着嘴,伸长脖子惟恐听漏一字。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. One of the shoes sailed over the president's head and slammed into the wall behind him and he had to duck to miss the other one. 其中一只是鞋子飞过了布什的头,砸向他身后的墙壁,接着,他又一闪身,躲过了此外一只是。 www.waiyulm.com 10. A: I'd love to spend more time with my daughter, but I'd miss out on my career if I worked part time. 第一段对话中的母亲特别想多和女儿共度时光,可是又不想改半天上班,怕耽误了自己的事业。 www.24en.com 1. Do you think you are like a school like this school who did not so rich, but all of them is Master Miss. 你以为都像你们学校似的,这个学校的人都没那么有钱,但个个也是小姐少爷。 www.readnovel.com 2. From what he said of Miss Darcy, I was thoroughly prepared to see a proud, reserved, disagreeable girl. 他把达西小姐说成那样一个人,使得我开头完全把她当做一位骄傲冷酷,惹人讨厌的小姐。 www.hjenglish.com 3. the picture appeared in a magazine, and she went on to win third place in the Miss Shanghai beauty contest, the pinnacle of her career. 照片被等在了杂志上,然后她参加了上海小姐的选美比赛,取得了第三名,那是她事业的巅峰。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Villain: Nigeria striker Yakubu Aiyegbeni's miss against South Korea in their final Group B game was one of the worst at a World Cup. 罪人:尼日利亚前锋雅库布雅库布的对韩国小姐在B组的最后比赛是最严重的一次在世界杯上。 www.bugutang.com 5. Back in Mr. Grayson's office, the detective told him to ask Miss Winthrop to take some dictation the next morning at 9: 45. 回到格雷森先生的办公室,侦探告诉他让温思罗普小姐在第二天早上9:45做个口述记录。 www.zftrans.com 6. Web page printing has usually been a hit or miss affair and large pages can be cut off at the bottom or the sides. 网页打印通常是命中或错过事理和大页可能被切除于底部或边。 bbs.pcbeta.com 7. Sarang ( "Love" in Korean) is a restaurant all Korean fanatics would probably make it a point not to miss out. (韩文“爱”的意思)是一家韩国迷应该不会错过的餐馆。 justaboutfood.com 8. I feel very sorry for him to miss out on the rest of the World Cup - its a blow to him and a big loss for the team. 对于他将错过世界杯剩余的比赛,我感到非常遗憾,对他是一个打击,对球队则是一个重大的损失。 www.thefa.cn 9. I began to miss all those meetings, he admits. When you come out of it cold turkey, you realize you had a lot of human contact. 他承认自己开始怀念以前那种会议不断的时光,当你一个会都没有的时候,就会意识到从前开会时可以进行很多人际交往。 www.tvsou.com 10. She was happy that her brothers had found a good home but felt sad, too, because she was beginning to miss them already. 她很开心她的双胞胎兄弟能够找到一个很好的归宿,然而,她又很想他们,不由有点伤心了。 www.hjenglish.com 1. the picture appeared in a magazine, and she went on to win third place in the Miss Shanghai beauty contest, the pinnacle of her career. 照片被等在了杂志上,然后她参加了上海小姐的选美比赛,取得了第三名,那是她事业的巅峰。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Villain: Nigeria striker Yakubu Aiyegbeni's miss against South Korea in their final Group B game was one of the worst at a World Cup. 罪人:尼日利亚前锋雅库布雅库布的对韩国小姐在B组的最后比赛是最严重的一次在世界杯上。 www.bugutang.com 3. Back in Mr. Grayson's office, the detective told him to ask Miss Winthrop to take some dictation the next morning at 9: 45. 回到格雷森先生的办公室,侦探告诉他让温思罗普小姐在第二天早上9:45做个口述记录。 www.zftrans.com 4. Web page printing has usually been a hit or miss affair and large pages can be cut off at the bottom or the sides. 网页打印通常是命中或错过事理和大页可能被切除于底部或边。 bbs.pcbeta.com 5. Sarang ( "Love" in Korean) is a restaurant all Korean fanatics would probably make it a point not to miss out. (韩文“爱”的意思)是一家韩国迷应该不会错过的餐馆。 justaboutfood.com 6. I feel very sorry for him to miss out on the rest of the World Cup - its a blow to him and a big loss for the team. 对于他将错过世界杯剩余的比赛,我感到非常遗憾,对他是一个打击,对球队则是一个重大的损失。 www.thefa.cn 7. I began to miss all those meetings, he admits. When you come out of it cold turkey, you realize you had a lot of human contact. 他承认自己开始怀念以前那种会议不断的时光,当你一个会都没有的时候,就会意识到从前开会时可以进行很多人际交往。 www.tvsou.com 8. She was happy that her brothers had found a good home but felt sad, too, because she was beginning to miss them already. 她很开心她的双胞胎兄弟能够找到一个很好的归宿,然而,她又很想他们,不由有点伤心了。 www.hjenglish.com 9. From that day on, Miss Yang was even more strict with me. I hardly ever got good words from her on my exercise book. 从那天起,杨老师对我要求更加严格了。作业本上,我几乎难以得到她对我的表扬之词。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Miss Boyle, 48, also sported a new hairstyle and seems to have had her grey locks dyed a reddish-brown. 今年48岁的苏珊还换了个新发型,而且她的灰色头发似乎也染成了红棕色。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Back in Mr. Grayson's office, the detective told him to ask Miss Winthrop to take some dictation the next morning at 9: 45. 回到格雷森先生的办公室,侦探告诉他让温思罗普小姐在第二天早上9:45做个口述记录。 www.zftrans.com 2. Web page printing has usually been a hit or miss affair and large pages can be cut off at the bottom or the sides. 网页打印通常是命中或错过事理和大页可能被切除于底部或边。 bbs.pcbeta.com 3. Sarang ( "Love" in Korean) is a restaurant all Korean fanatics would probably make it a point not to miss out. (韩文“爱”的意思)是一家韩国迷应该不会错过的餐馆。 justaboutfood.com 4. I feel very sorry for him to miss out on the rest of the World Cup - its a blow to him and a big loss for the team. 对于他将错过世界杯剩余的比赛,我感到非常遗憾,对他是一个打击,对球队则是一个重大的损失。 www.thefa.cn 5. I began to miss all those meetings, he admits. When you come out of it cold turkey, you realize you had a lot of human contact. 他承认自己开始怀念以前那种会议不断的时光,当你一个会都没有的时候,就会意识到从前开会时可以进行很多人际交往。 www.tvsou.com 6. She was happy that her brothers had found a good home but felt sad, too, because she was beginning to miss them already. 她很开心她的双胞胎兄弟能够找到一个很好的归宿,然而,她又很想他们,不由有点伤心了。 www.hjenglish.com 7. From that day on, Miss Yang was even more strict with me. I hardly ever got good words from her on my exercise book. 从那天起,杨老师对我要求更加严格了。作业本上,我几乎难以得到她对我的表扬之词。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Miss Boyle, 48, also sported a new hairstyle and seems to have had her grey locks dyed a reddish-brown. 今年48岁的苏珊还换了个新发型,而且她的灰色头发似乎也染成了红棕色。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Thomas thought Miss. Lee was knowledgeable and looked up to her as his teacher. 汤姆认为李小姐很有学识并且把她尊为自己的老师。 lvzhigui.com 10. He sat in the front row, with his mouth half open, his head thrust forward so as not to miss any word. 他坐在前排,半张着嘴,伸长脖子惟恐听漏一字。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Sarang ( "Love" in Korean) is a restaurant all Korean fanatics would probably make it a point not to miss out. (韩文“爱”的意思)是一家韩国迷应该不会错过的餐馆。 justaboutfood.com 2. I feel very sorry for him to miss out on the rest of the World Cup - its a blow to him and a big loss for the team. 对于他将错过世界杯剩余的比赛,我感到非常遗憾,对他是一个打击,对球队则是一个重大的损失。 www.thefa.cn 3. I began to miss all those meetings, he admits. When you come out of it cold turkey, you realize you had a lot of human contact. 他承认自己开始怀念以前那种会议不断的时光,当你一个会都没有的时候,就会意识到从前开会时可以进行很多人际交往。 www.tvsou.com 4. She was happy that her brothers had found a good home but felt sad, too, because she was beginning to miss them already. 她很开心她的双胞胎兄弟能够找到一个很好的归宿,然而,她又很想他们,不由有点伤心了。 www.hjenglish.com 5. From that day on, Miss Yang was even more strict with me. I hardly ever got good words from her on my exercise book. 从那天起,杨老师对我要求更加严格了。作业本上,我几乎难以得到她对我的表扬之词。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Miss Boyle, 48, also sported a new hairstyle and seems to have had her grey locks dyed a reddish-brown. 今年48岁的苏珊还换了个新发型,而且她的灰色头发似乎也染成了红棕色。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Thomas thought Miss. Lee was knowledgeable and looked up to her as his teacher. 汤姆认为李小姐很有学识并且把她尊为自己的老师。 lvzhigui.com 8. He sat in the front row, with his mouth half open, his head thrust forward so as not to miss any word. 他坐在前排,半张着嘴,伸长脖子惟恐听漏一字。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. One of the shoes sailed over the president's head and slammed into the wall behind him and he had to duck to miss the other one. 其中一只是鞋子飞过了布什的头,砸向他身后的墙壁,接着,他又一闪身,躲过了此外一只是。 www.waiyulm.com 10. A: I'd love to spend more time with my daughter, but I'd miss out on my career if I worked part time. 第一段对话中的母亲特别想多和女儿共度时光,可是又不想改半天上班,怕耽误了自己的事业。 www.24en.com 1. F: "Not me. I don't like to see my eggs staring up at me with big yellow eyes. Miss, two fried eggs, over easy and not fried too hard. " 我不一样。我不想看到我的蛋用它那大大的黄眼睛看着我。小姐,我要两面煎的煎蛋,但不要煎太硬。 bbs.24en.com 2. the servants sleep so far off , you know , miss , they would not be likely to hear. 仆人们睡的地方离得很远,你知道的,小姐,她们不可能听到。 www.ichacha.net 3. You know how much I miss you daddy, But if you don't mind. 你知道我有多么地想你吗,爸爸。要是你不介意的话。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Miss Dudley: It's worthwhile, all this work, to see that change in a student. 达德利老师:看到学生有这种变化,所有的这些工作都很值得。 www.joyen.net 5. A company friend said, "I know how much you will miss him. " And she answered, "I already have. " 一个工作伙伴说,“我知道你将对他有多思念”,她回答到,“我一直都很想他。” q.sohu.com 6. That was an opportunity too good to miss. We were both able to carve out a chunk of time again. 那是一个好机会,不容错过。我们又再一次获得了共处的时间。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I miss your face, like the sun was in my eyes And now I'm running . . . 我想念你的脸庞,就像太阳映在我的眼里,现在我正盲目地奔跑着。听见的风景… www.jzhrb.com.cn 8. Okoye stressed to his agents that he didn't want to miss any time, but said he got a bit concerned as the start of camp approached. 奥克耶曾给他的经纪人施压,表示自己不想浪费时间,但他还是对能否赶上即将开始的训练营有点担心。 www.nflchina.com 9. Miss Fan and Luo continued to see each other in the company of Wen and Miss Zhou. 罗与密斯范仍旧天天见面,见面总是四个人在一起。 www.zftrans.com 10. He wanted to know where Miss Stapleton was, and I had to tell him twice that there was no sign of her in the house. 他想要明白斯台普顿小姐在哪里,我不得不对他说了两遍,说屋内没有她的迹象。 www.15222.com 1. Thomas thought Miss. Lee was knowledgeable and looked up to her as his teacher. 汤姆认为李小姐很有学识并且把她尊为自己的老师。 lvzhigui.com 2. He sat in the front row, with his mouth half open, his head thrust forward so as not to miss any word. 他坐在前排,半张着嘴,伸长脖子惟恐听漏一字。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. One of the shoes sailed over the president's head and slammed into the wall behind him and he had to duck to miss the other one. 其中一只是鞋子飞过了布什的头,砸向他身后的墙壁,接着,他又一闪身,躲过了此外一只是。 www.waiyulm.com 4. A: I'd love to spend more time with my daughter, but I'd miss out on my career if I worked part time. 第一段对话中的母亲特别想多和女儿共度时光,可是又不想改半天上班,怕耽误了自己的事业。 www.24en.com 5. Well, of course I said OK, I wouldn't want to miss the chance of tasting his wife's home cook meal, heard that his wife is a good cook. 他那麽有诚意,我当然也就答应了,而且听说他老婆很会煮,就当然不放过这机会了。; cookies365.kyeoj.net 6. Miss Dudley: (To Loretta) We've decided that I'm going to come and stay with you for the week. 达德利老师:(对洛蕾塔说)我们决定让我到你们家跟你呆一个星期。 www.joyen.net 7. United did not miss the suspended centre-half Rio Ferdinand all that much. 曼联甚至都可以忘了他们还在禁赛的中卫里奥·费迪南德。 www.bing.com 8. Miss Bennet was therefore established as a sweet girl, and their brother felt authorised by such commendation to think of her as he chose. 班纳特小姐就这样成为一个甜姐儿了,她们的兄弟听到了这番赞美,便觉得今后可以爱怎么样想她就怎么样想她了。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Miss Temple did not reply. She looked straight in front of her, and her face was as cold and hard as marble. 丹伯尔小姐没有答话,她直视前面,脸孔如大理石般冰冷僵硬。 www.chinaedu.com 10. Time flies, we began to understand : Good thing is usually to be hang on the wall for us to miss or retained in our mind to yearned for ! 生活了大半辈子的我们有一天会明白:美好通常是用来挂在墙壁上想念或留存在心里去向往的! blog.sina.com.cn 1. A: I'd love to spend more time with my daughter, but I'd miss out on my career if I worked part time. 第一段对话中的母亲特别想多和女儿共度时光,可是又不想改半天上班,怕耽误了自己的事业。 www.24en.com 2. Well, of course I said OK, I wouldn't want to miss the chance of tasting his wife's home cook meal, heard that his wife is a good cook. 他那麽有诚意,我当然也就答应了,而且听说他老婆很会煮,就当然不放过这机会了。; cookies365.kyeoj.net 3. Miss Dudley: (To Loretta) We've decided that I'm going to come and stay with you for the week. 达德利老师:(对洛蕾塔说)我们决定让我到你们家跟你呆一个星期。 www.joyen.net 4. United did not miss the suspended centre-half Rio Ferdinand all that much. 曼联甚至都可以忘了他们还在禁赛的中卫里奥·费迪南德。 www.bing.com 5. Miss Bennet was therefore established as a sweet girl, and their brother felt authorised by such commendation to think of her as he chose. 班纳特小姐就这样成为一个甜姐儿了,她们的兄弟听到了这番赞美,便觉得今后可以爱怎么样想她就怎么样想她了。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Miss Temple did not reply. She looked straight in front of her, and her face was as cold and hard as marble. 丹伯尔小姐没有答话,她直视前面,脸孔如大理石般冰冷僵硬。 www.chinaedu.com 7. Time flies, we began to understand : Good thing is usually to be hang on the wall for us to miss or retained in our mind to yearned for ! 生活了大半辈子的我们有一天会明白:美好通常是用来挂在墙壁上想念或留存在心里去向往的! blog.sina.com.cn 8. I do not know why I still miss this friendship, I do not want to give up, but you seem to have forgotten what! 我不知道我为什么还要想念这段友谊,我不想放弃,可你好像已经忘了些什么! www.bing.com 9. Instead of saying how much you miss him, express optimism about the experience your child is going through. 传递乐观的经验给你的正在经历中的孩子,而不是说你如何想念他们。 www.bing.com 10. No, Miss Catherine, the acquaintance must be dropped entirely: so papa expects, and I shall see that it is done. 不,凯瑟琳小姐,必须完全断绝来往:爸爸这么希望,我就得照这么办。 www.putclub.com |
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