单词 | maximum size |
释义 | 例句释义: 最大粒径,最大尺寸,最大输出尺寸,最大值 1. In an extreme case like this, the size of the data might even exceed the maximum size of a Java string. 在这种极端的情况下,数据的大小可能超出了Java字符串的最大容量。 www.ibm.com 2. The maximum size to which a sparse file can grow is the size of the corresponding source database file at the time of the snapshot creation. 稀疏文件最大只能增长到创建快照时相应的源数据库文件的大小。有关详细信息,请参阅。 www.kuenglish.info 3. Therefore, it is possible that this database contains enough free space to bring its logical size below the maximum size limit. 因此,此数据库可能包含足够的可用空间,从而使逻辑大小限制在大小上限之内。 www.kuenglish.info 4. The pool is not large enough to serve the workload, if average number of active threads is constantly close to maximum size of the pool. 如果活动线程的平均数时常接近线程池的最大大小,这说明该线程池太小,不足以满足工作量。 www.ibm.com 5. This property enables you to limit the size of a form to a specified maximum size. 此属性使您得以将窗体的大小限制为指定的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The maximum size of the message tracking log directory is calculated as the total size of all log files that have the same name prefix. 邮件跟踪日志目录的最大大小按以下方法计算:将具有相同名称前缀的所有日志文件的大小相加,求其总和。 www.kuenglish.info 7. This parameter specifies the maximum size in bytes of a shared memory segment which can be allocated on the system. 该参数按字节指定系统中可以分配的共享内存段的最大大小。 www.ibm.com 8. During queue creation, the user must specify the maximum length of the queue and the maximum size of an individual message. 在创建队列时,用户必须指定队列的最大长度和一个消息的最大大小。 www.ibm.com 9. Each scope memory area is allocated with a maximum size and can be used for object allocation. 每个作用域内存区域按最大空间分配,并且可以用于对象分配。 www.ibm.com 10. Builtin arrays have a fixed size but most of the time you know the maximum size in advance and can just fill it out later. 内置阵列有一个固定的尺寸,但大多数时候你事先知道的最大大小,可以只填写了以后。 uc3do.com 1. This property contains the maximum size of messages that this recipient can receive. 此属性包含此收件人可以接收的最大邮件大小。 technet.microsoft.com 2. This rule implies that the maximum size of a WebSphere Application Server cluster is implicitly limited by the maximum size of a core group. 这条规则意味着WebSphereApplicationServer集群的最大大小潜在地受到核心组最大大小的限制。 www.ibm.com 3. Otherwise, if the full-text unique key size exceeds the maximum size allowed (900 bytes), full-text population will not be able to proceed. 否则,如果全文唯一键的大小超过所允许的最大值(900个字节),全文填充将无法继续进行。 www.kuenglish.info 4. This property contains the maximum size of messages that this recipient can send. 此属性包含此收件人可以发送的最大邮件大小。 technet.microsoft.com 5. The MaxReceiveSize parameter specifies the maximum size of messages that this mailbox can receive. MaxSendSize参数指定此邮箱可以接收的邮件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Therefore, the final counts for the number of content elements or maximum size might actually exceed what you originally specified. 因此,内容元素的数量或最大大小实际上可能超过原先指定的最大值。 www.ibm.com 7. Logic error: attempt to create an object larger than the maximum size for that type. 逻辑错误:试图生成一个超出该类型最大长度的对象 blog.sina.com.cn 8. To specify the maximum size the file should be able to grow to , select Restricted File Growth ( MB ) and specify a value . 若要指定文件能够增长到的最大大小,请选择“限制文件增长(MB)”并指定一个值。 www.bing.com 9. The SHMMAX specifies the maximum size in bytes of a shared memory segment which can be allocated on the system. SHMMAX按字节指定系统上可以分配的最大共享内存段。 www.ibm.com 10. Specify a maximum size for the meta data. If it is bigger, it will not be be copied into the TAK file. 制定一个元数据的最大值。如果元数据比该值大,将不会被拷贝进TAK文件。 www.erji.net 1. Essentially, it is possible to define a buffer pool with a maximum size of 64GB. 实际上,可以定义最大64GB的缓冲池。 www.ibm.com 2. The MaxSendSize parameter specifies the maximum size of messages that this mailbox can send. MaxSendSize参数指定此邮箱可以发送的邮件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 3. You can set the maximum size to which the file should grow if space within the file is exhausted. 如果文件中的空间已用完,可以设置该文件应增长到的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Returns the maximum size to which the concurrent vector can grow without having to allocate more memory. 返回无需分配更多内存的情况下并发向量可增长到的最大大小。 5. It never lets anything oversized get through, so it forces you to specify the maximum size for the stuff you want to take in. 由于它不会让过大的内容进入,因此可以强制您为希望接收的参数指定最大值。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Gets or sets the maximum size of the spin box (also known as an up-down control). 获取或设置数字显示框(也称为up-down控件)的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The transaction log was on a separate disk, favored runtime, and was set to a maximum size of 4 GB. 事务日志记录保存在独立磁盘上,运行时间优先,并设置最大大小为4GB。 www.ibm.com 8. Frequently, developers adopt a conservative estimation of the maximum size, which may result in a significant waste of memory resources. 开发人员经常采用最大数据尺寸的保守估计,而这样可能导致严重的内存资源浪费。 www.ibm.com 9. The scientists found that the maximum size of mammals began to increase sharply about 65 million years ago. 科学家们发现哺乳动物的最大体型在6千5百万年前开始急剧增长。 www.bing.com 10. For streamed messages, this value is the maximum size of the SOAP headers, which must be read in buffered mode. 对于经过流处理的消息,此值为必须以缓冲模式读取的SOAP标头的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 1. The most important of these values are the maximum size for writing to a log extent and the location of the log. 这些值中最重要的值是写到日志扩展块的最大的大小和日志的位置。 www.ibm.com 2. Databases that are upgraded with an unlimited log file size will report -1 for the maximum size of the log file. 如果升级的数据库没有限制日志文件大小,则日志文件的最大大小将报告为-1。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The maximum size, maximum number, minimum interval, and begin and end times for scheduled updates are all disabled with zero as the setting. 设置为零时,计划更新的最大容量、最大数目、最小时间间隔以及开始和结束时间都将被禁用。 www.jukuu.com 4. The MessageTrackingLogMaxDirectorySize parameter specifies the maximum size of the message tracking log directory. MessageTrackingLogMaxDirectorySize参数指定邮件跟踪日志目录的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 5. This parameter specifies the maximum size of a message that can pass through a connector. 此参数指定可以通过连接器传递的邮件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Configure the maximum size of the MRM log directory with the LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders parameter. 使用LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders参数配置MRM日志目录的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 7. For the Enterprise Edition, there is no default configured database size limit, and no software set maximum size. 在企业版中,没有默认配置的数据库大小限制,并且没有软件设置的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Which means that there is no maximum size and the view state will not be broken up into chunks. 这表示不存在最大大小,不会将视图状态分成多个块区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The threshold level is set below the maximum number of data requests and the maximum size of data requests that users can send concurrently. 这个临界值应该小于最大数据请求数和用户能够同时发送的最大数据请求大小。 www.ibm.com 10. Use the MaxMessageSize parameter to specify the maximum size of a message that can pass across the Active Directory IP site link. 使用MaxMessageSize参数指定可在ActiveDirectoryIP站点链接上传递的最大邮件大小。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Maximum message length: The maximum size (in kilobytes) of a message that the Q Capture program can put on the send queue. Maximummessagelength:QCapture程序可以放置在发送队列中的消息的最大长度(千字节)。 www.ibm.com 2. The maximum size of each row is restricted by the page size and the attributes (columns) that were defined for the table. 每一行的最大大小要受到针对表定义的页宽和属性(列)的限制。 www.ibm.com 3. When that journal reaches its maximum size, you might use the Purge method to clear out the items you no longer need. 当日记达到其大小上限时,您可以使用Purge方法清除不再需要的项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. We use the "maximum" configuration option to indicate the maximum size of the subject name. 使用“maximum”配置选项指定主题名的最大大小。 www.ibm.com 5. Specifies the maximum size in bytes for a file in a file search on the target computer. 指定在目标计算机上进行文件搜索时某个文件的最大尺寸(以字节为单位)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Heap tuning involves two parameters: the initial size of the heap and its maximum size. 堆调优涉及两个参数:堆的初始大小和最大大小。 www.ibm.com 7. As soon as the maximum size for a folder is reached, content conversion tracing stops writing information to the folder. 一旦某个文件夹达到了最大大小,内容转换跟踪就会停止向该文件夹写入信息。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Each setter can only use the width specification than its maximum size small film. 每台照排机都只能搁置宽量规格比其最不小幅背小的胶片。 www.bing.com 9. Maximum size per storage group (MB) Specifies the maximum size of the transport dumpster queue for each storage group . 每个存储组的最大大小(MB)指定每个存储组的传输垃圾站队列的最大大小。 www.bing.com 10. The maximum size tested for a Lotus Domino database is 64 GB, which actually is limited by the underlying operating system. 对LotusDomino数据库测试的最大大小是64G,这实际上是由于底层操作系统的限制造成的。 www.ibm.com 1. Set the maximum size of address in a memory packet to the specified number of bits. 设置内存包中地址的的最大值,单位为位。 wiki.chinaunix.net 2. The size of this object exceeds the maximum size set by the Administrator. 这个对象的大小将超过了管理员设定的最大值。 www.drados.com 3. The aggregate uses custom serialization, has a maximum size of 8000 bytes when serialized, and is invariant to nulls, duplicates, and order. 该聚合使用自定义序列化,在进行序列化时具有8000字节的最大大小,且与空值、重复值和顺序无关。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Specifies the maximum size to which the file can grow. 指定文件可增大到的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The value returned by this property represents the maximum size of working set memory used by the process since it started. 此属性返回的值表示自启动进程以来该进程使用的最大工作集内存大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The maximum size is determined by various configuration parameters shown in Table 3. 其最大容量由表3中所示的各种配置参数来确定。 www.ibm.com 7. The "Trace Size" refers to the maximum size of variable length data to be stored. “TraceSize”是指存储的长度可变的数据的最大值。 www.ibm.com 8. The MessageTrackingLogMaxFileSize parameter specifies the maximum size of the message tracking log files. MessageTrackingLogMaxFileSize参数指定邮件跟踪日志文件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 9. The maximum size of a BSON document is 4MB however, which makes them unsuitable for storing large files and objects. BSON文档的最大大小是4MB,这不适合存储大文件和对象。 www.ibm.com 10. However, if the heap has reached the maximum size allowed by the operating system or hardware, then you will get this error. 然而,如果堆已经达成被操作系统或硬件允许的最大的大小,那么你将会拿这一个错误。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. This parameter specifies the maximum size of a transaction log file. 此参数指定事务日志文件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 2. This restricts the size of each synonym to this maximum size. 这将约束每个同义词的最大大小。 www.ibm.com 3. There is no predefined maximum size of a stored procedure. 存储过程没有预定义的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 4. This value specifies the maximum size for the System Restore data store. 此值指定“系统还原”数据存储的最大大小。 support.microsoft.com 5. This parameter specifies the maximum size of each connectivity log file. 此参数指定每个连接日志文件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The MaxMsgLength parameter stores the value for the maximum size of a message allowed on the queue. MaxMsgLength参数存储队列中允许的最大消息大小的值。 www.ibm.com 7. This parameter specifies the maximum size of the original message that generated an internal DSN. 此参数指定生成内部DSN的原始邮件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 8. In practice, this is only possible with certain formats like TrueType which explicitly provide data to compute a slot's maximum size. 在实际中,只对于特定格式才如此,像TrueType,它显式地提供数据来计算一个槽的最大尺寸。 mxtctp.sourceforge.net 9. The maximum size of an instance of this aggregate, in bytes. 该聚合的实例的最大大小,以字节为单位。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. However, it also makes the maximum size of the data pool dependent on the amount of available RAM. 然而,这也使得数据池的最大容量依赖于可用的内存总量。 www.ibm.com 1. This parameter specifies the maximum size of the Send Connector Protocol Log directory. 此参数指定发送连接器协议日志目录的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Specify a maximum size for the directory that contains the Send connector or Receive connector protocol log files. 指定包含发送连接器或接收连接器的协议日志文件的目录的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 3. In determining the maximum size of crews, site congestion was also considered. 在确定的最大尺寸为船员,现场交通挤塞也被认为是。 bbs.cgh.cc 4. The minimum and maximum size of each resource was determined from the survey. 最低和最高规模的每一项资源,确定从该调查。 bbs.cgh.cc 5. Is the maximum size to which the file can grow. 文件可增至的最大文件大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. This parameter specifies the maximum size of the message tracking log directory. 此参数指定邮件跟踪日志目录的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 7. This parameter specifies the maximum size of a message. 此参数指定邮件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Configure the maximum size of MRM log files with the LogFileSizeLimitForManagedFolders parameter. 使用LogFileSizeLimitForManagedFolders参数配置MRM日志文件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 9. The maximum size of the message itself is a WebSphere MQ configuration parameter. 消息本身的最大大小是一个WebSphereMQ配置参数。 www.ibm.com 10. When the system security log reaches its maximum size it will stop recording security events . 当系统安全达到它的最大的限度时,它将停止记录安全事件。 bbs.bnjw.com 1. When you configure a journaling mailbox to accept journal reports, you have to determine the maximum size of the journaling mailbox. 配置日记邮箱以接收日记报告时,必须确定日记邮箱的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Use the -M command line option to set the maximum size of the cache. 使用-M命令行选项来设置高速缓存的最大大小。 www.ibm.com 3. Another important consideration is that the maximum size property depends on evidence from the assembly to work properly. 另一个重要的考虑是最大大小属性取决于来自正常工作的程序集的证据。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Maximum size to which the file can grow. 文件大小可达到的最大值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. This parameter specifies the maximum size at which HTML-Formatted e-mail messages are synchronized to the device. 此参数指定可同步到设备的HTML格式的电子邮件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 6. This parameter specifies the maximum size at which e-mail messages are truncated when synchronized to the device. 此参数指定电子邮件在同步到设备的过程中被截断的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 7. This parameter specifies the maximum size of a single command. 此参数指定单个命令的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Different browsers place different limits on the maximum size of HTTP cookies allocated per domain. 不同浏览器为每个域分配的HTTPcookies的最大容量是不同的。 www.ibm.com 9. If a maximum size is not specified, the file can continue to grow until it has used all available space on the disk. 如果没有指定最大大小,文件可以一直增长到用完磁盘上的所有可用空间。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Along with the inline keyword, you supply the maximum size of the XML to be inlined. 您可以随同内联关键字提供将要内联的XML的最大大小。 www.ibm.com 1. The maximum size of an instance of this type, in bytes. 此类型实例的最大大小,以字节为单位。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum size of the working - process private space . 获取或设置一个值,该值指示工作进程私有空间的最大大小。 www.bing.com 3. The server debug log file maximum size cannot be obtained. 不能获得服务器调试日志文件最大大小。 www.fan6.net 4. The LogFileSizeLimtiForManagedFolders parameter specifies the maximum size for each managed folder log file. LogFileSizeLimtiForManagedFolders参数指定每个托管文件夹日志文件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Logging application events consumes log space and can cause the Windows application log to exceed its maximum size. 记录应用程序事件会占用日志空间,并导致Windows应用程序日志超出其最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. This specifies the maximum size of a message that can be sent from one process to another process. 该文件指定了从一个进程发送到另一个进程的消息的最大长度。 www-128.ibm.com 7. This parameter specifies the maximum size of the message tracking log files. 此参数指定邮件跟踪日志文件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Each Qualified Person is limited to the maximum size of area to apply for or hold at any one time under an EP . 每个符合条件的人可是开发一个开发许可证下的最大面积的区域。 www.bing.com 9. Looking into affordable solutions for irrigating approximately 30 acres to maximum size of 160 acre fields off of a single system. 展望经济的解决方案,大约30英亩灌溉面积160亩,最大限度地从单一的系统领域。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. If these columns are stored and accessed as files, the limit on maximum size is imposed by the file system. 如果这些列以文件形式存储并访问,则对最大大小的限制由文件系统设定。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Due to kernel limitations, the extent size determines the maximum size that a logical volume can be. 由于内核限制的原因,范围大小决定了逻辑卷的最大大小。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Representing the maximum size, in logical units, of the underlying field type. 它以逻辑单位表示基础字段类型的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. This factor was the reason for keeping the maximum size of the inbox tested at 80, 000 documents. 由于这个原因,测试所用的收件箱最多只能包含80,000个文档。 www.ibm.com 4. You can send text messages with a maximum size of 8 KB to a queue. 可以向队列发送大小不超过8KB的文本消息。 www.ibm.com 5. Notice that I also changed the maximum size to 16GB so that I could grow the size of shared memory pool dynamically if need be. 注意,我还把最大大小改为16GB,这样的话,如果需要,可以动态地增加共享内存池的大小。 www.ibm.com 6. Use the slider below to set the maximum size that the disk can grow to. 使用下方的滑动块来设置硬盘空间的上限。 wiki.fcctt.org 7. It receives a file name, a maximum size, and a backup index. 它接受一个文件名称、一个最大尺寸以及一个备份索引。 www.ibm.com 8. Gets or sets the maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. 获取或设置列中数据的最大大小(以字节为单位)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. You can exceed the maximum size of the URI when you send the forms authentication ticket in the URI. 在URI中发送Forms身份验证票时,可以超过URI的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. To do this, in the registry, you can specify the maximum size in bytes for individual property types. 若要实现此操作,在注册表中,可以指定各个属性类型的最大大小(字节)。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Gets or sets the maximum size of the data within the column. 获取或设置列内数据的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Note that you cannot enable a storage area if one of its property restriction limits is reached (for example, maximum size). 注意,如果存储区域达到某个属性限制(例如最大大小),那么不能启用该存储区域。 www.ibm.com 3. The message provided exceeds the maximum size allowed for this parameter. 提供的消息超过了这个参数所允许的最大尺寸。 www.fan6.net 4. Maximum size of indices supported for hardware vertex processing. 对于硬件顶点处理受支持的索引的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Specify a maximum size for the directory that contains the message tracking log files. 指定包含邮件跟踪日志文件的目录的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 6. the maximum size of the temporary database file , in megabytes. 临时数据库文件的最大大小,以兆字节为单位。 www.ichacha.net 7. Specifies the maximum size for. Cab files created by the deployment project. 指定部署项目所创建的.Cab文件的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Set the maximum size for data stored as a Text, Number, or AutoNumber data type. 为作为文本、数字、自动编号数据类型存储的数据设置最大大小。 office.microsoft.com 9. This parameter specifies the maximum size of all connectivity logs in the connectivity log directory. 此参数指定连接日志目录中的所有连接日志的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Scoped memory areas have a maximum size that is specified when they are created and must be tuned to the task they are being used for. 作用域存储区的大小有最大值,这是在其创建时指定的,并且必须用于它们的目标任务。 www.ibm.com 1. The MaxReceiveSize parameter specifies the maximum size of e-mail messages that can be received by the folder. MaxReceiveSize参数指定文件夹可以接收的最大电子邮件大小。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Gets the length and height, in pixels, that is specified as the default maximum size of a control. 获取以像素为单位的长度和高度,此长度和高度被指定为控件的默认最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. For the most part, the maximum size of the waves is pretty predictable. 多数情况下,最大的波浪是基本可以预测的。 item.feedsky.com 4. The maximum size each particle can be at the time when it is spawned. 在产生粒子时每个粒子可以达到的最大尺寸。 game.ceeger.com 5. U. S. banks noted tightening in both the maximum size and maturity of loans and credit lines to businesses. 美国银行业还指出,它们针对企业的最大放款额度标准以及贷款和信贷额度期限都收紧了。 bbs.aliwon.cn 6. If the logical database size exceeds the maximum size limit, it will be dismounted on a regular basis. 如果数据库逻辑大小超出大小上限,则会被定期卸除。 www.microsoft.com 7. The seal prevents the intrusion of dust and other particles but limits the maximum size of the drive. 密封防止了灰尘和其它粒子的进入,但也限制了驱动器的最大尺寸。 www.hotdic.com 8. Memory allocation failure happens when the heap has reached maximum size and cannot allocate more memory. 当堆达到最大大小,无法再分配内存时,就会发生内存分配失败。 www.ibm.com 9. MaxDatagramRecv - The maximum size of a datagram request that a domain controller will process. MaxDatagramRecv的域控制器将处理的数据报请求-最大大小。 ydirone.blog.163.com 10. Specify a maximum size for the directory that contains routing table log files. 指定包含路由表日志文件的目录的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 1. As a developer, you need to know the maximum size text can be when using common text sizing methods for PCs and Macintosh computers. 作为一个开发人员,在使用常见的设置文本大小的方法时,需要知道PC和Macintosh机上文本的最大尺寸。 www.ibm.com 2. Value representing the maximum size of the instance. 值,表示实例的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. By default, the maximum size of the Drop directory is unlimited. 默认情况下,投递目录的最大大小是unlimited。 technet.microsoft.com 4. The MTU defines the maximum size of a transmittable packet. MTU定义可传送数据包的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Specify a maximum size for the individual message tracking log files. 指定个别邮件跟踪日志文件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The record could not be written to the cluster log since it exceeds the maximum size . 由于该日志已超出最大限量,无法将记录写入群集日志。 www.bing.com 7. Indicates the maximum size for a service name. 指示服务名称的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Insert the maximum file size you want to search, or leave it unchecked if you don't want maximum size limit. 插入您要搜索的文件的最大尺寸,或留空不加此限制。 translations.launchpad.net 9. This menu allows users to select a privacy level and the maximum size of their logfile. 该菜单允许用户选择隐私等级和他们的日志文件的最大体积。 www.equn.com 10. As long as you have the disk space you are recommended to allocate the maximum size. 只要拥有足够的磁盘空间,我们都建议分配最大的大小值。 www.ibm.com 1. Data type that contains a variable-length character string with a maximum size of 4, 000 bytes. 数据类型,它包含最大为4,000字节的变长字符串。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The STMM log is split into a maximum of five files, each of which has a maximum size of 10MB. STMM分割为最多五个文件,每个文件的最大大小为10MB。 www.ibm.com 3. After the maximum size or age limit is reached, circular logging deletes the oldest MRM log files. 达到最大大小或期限限制之后,循环日志记录将删除最早的MRM日志文件。 technet.microsoft.com 4. The size you entered is larger than the maximum size of the partition. 您输入的大小超过了该分区的最大值。 translations.launchpad.net 5. the maximum size of the database , in megabytes. 最大数据库大小,以兆字节为单位。 www.ichacha.net 6. This 100KB restriction comes from the maximum size of the image column in the EMP_PHOTO table. 这一100KB限制来自于EMP_PHOTO表中图像列的最大值。 www.ibm.com 7. Specify a maximum size for the Send connector or the Receive connector protocol log files. 指定发送连接器或接收连接器的协议日志文件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Still, these guidelines then imply that a Network Deployment cluster should be limited to a maximum size of 50 to 100 members. 但是,这些指导原则表示一个NetworkDeployment集群的最大大小应当被限制为50到100个成员之间。 www.ibm.com 9. SHMMAX=The maximum size (in bytes) of a single shared memory segment. 一个共享内存段的最大字节数,这里仅是一个最大值(上界)而已。 www.lslnet.com 10. The size of servers with respect to operating system, processor, memory, data storage, and so on dictates the true maximum size. 服务器的大小与操作系统、处理器、内存和数据存储等有关,这些因素决定实际的大小。 www.ibm.com 1. These safer windows are clearly labeled and have minimum and maximum size restrictions. 这些较安全窗口具有明显的标签,并具有最小化和最大化限制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Set the maximum size of communication packets, in bytes. 设置通信包的最大字节大小。 www.ianywhere.com 3. The local policy defines how long an item may live and the maximum size of a cache directory. 本地策略定义了一个条目在缓存中的生存期长度以及缓存目录的最大容量。 www.ibm.com 4. Oracle has different maximum size limits for some objects. Oracle对某些对象有不同的最大大小限制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. This is the maximum size to which the file can grow. 这是文件可增长到的最大大小。 msdn.microsoft.com 6. Gets the maximum size the form can be resized to. 获取窗体可调整到的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The maximum size of an uploaded file. 所上传的文件的最大大小。 bg2.php.net 8. Gets or sets the maximum size of the journal queue. 获取或设置日记队列的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The maximum size of a software package block is 2 GB. 软件包块最大可达2GB。 www.ibm.com 10. The MRM log directory reaches its specified maximum size. MRM日志目录达到其指定的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 1. This parameter specifies the maximum size of the original message that is attached to an external DSN. 此参数指定附加到外部DSN的原始邮件的最大大小。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The maximum size of an object has been exceeded. 超过了一个对象的最大尺寸。 www.fan6.net 3. The maximum size of the client cache, in bytes. 客户端的缓存最大数,单位是字节。 www.ithov.com 4. This is due to the fact that there is more coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete than when a larger, maximum size aggregate is used. 这是因为有更多的单位体积混凝土骨料比一面积较大,总计面积最大的运用。 www.cc-bi.com 5. Gets or sets the maximum size of the buffer to use. 获取或设置要使用的缓冲区的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The MaxSendSize parameter specifies the maximum size of e-mail messages that can be sent. MaxSendSize参数指定可以发送的最大电子邮件大小。 technet.microsoft.com 7. The maximum size of the instance, in bytes. 实例的最大大小,以字节为单位。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Xmnx sets the maximum size of the nursery to the specified value. Xmnx将托儿所区域的最大大小设置为指定的值。 www.ibm.com 9. MB for maximum size of the redo queue in mega bytes. 以兆字节为单位的重做队列的最大大小(MB)。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Please upload a GIF or JPG of a maximum size of 200 Kb. Ideal size should be 150*150 pixels. 请上传档大小不超过200KB、GIF或JPG格式的图片,建议自行将图片处理成宽度和高度为150*150的大小。 www.italki.com 1. Xmn sets the initial and maximum size of the nursery, effectively setting both -Xmns and -Xmnx. Xmn设置托儿所区域的初始和最大大小,有效地设置-Xmns和-Xmnx。 www.ibm.com 2. This year, has launched a new version on the druba Super CTP, its maximum size for a super 162. 在本年德鲁巴上推出了陈版超霸CTP,其最不小幅面为超霸162。 www.bing.com 3. If a maximum size is not specified, the file grows until the disk is full. 如果未指定文件的最大大小,那么文件将无限增长,直到磁盘已满。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Maximum size for the replay memory buffer. 重播记忆体的最大缓冲区大小。 wiki.teamfortress.com 5. That represents the maximum size for the form. 表示该窗体的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. This size is enforced as a maximum size. 此大小将强制为最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. In a 64-bit environment the maximum size is now 500MB, while 32-bit UNIX systems can handle 100MB objects. 在64位环境中,支持的最大业务对象大小为500MB,而32位UNIX系统能够处理100MB对象。 www.ibm.com 8. Maximum size of a nonleaf index row. 最大非叶索引行大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Value is larger than the maximum size of the stream. 值大于流的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. It parcels the log entries up into messages no larger than a fixed maximum size (50, 000 bytes by default), and sends them to subscribers. 将日志条目打包成不大于固定最大大小(缺省为50,000字节)的消息,并将其发送给预订者。 www.ianywhere.com 1. Gets or sets the maximum size of the queue. 获取或设置队列的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Specifies a maximum size for the log file in bytes. 指定日志文件的最大大小(以字节为单位)。 www.ianywhere.com 3. The maximum size for the directory that contains the agent log files is 250 MB. 包含代理日志文件的目录的最大大小是250MB。 technet.microsoft.com 4. In The maximum size of the buffer that. 指向的缓冲区的最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Event logs are set to a maximum size that determines how many entries each log can contain. 事件日志都设置在最大值,此值决定每个日志可以包含多少个条目。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The default maximum size of all files a user can have on the site. 每个用户在本站所有文件的大小上限(缺省)。 www.opzn.org 7. The record has exceeded the maximum size. 数据记录已经超过上限。 www.fan6.net 8. They have the ability to send characteristics of the growth increment, maximum size, initial size, and so on. 它们可以发送增长增量、最大容量、初始大小等特征数据。 www.ibm.com 9. Maximum size of the report kb. 报告的最大的大小。 bbs.duba.net 10. Set selection area to the maximum size according to the current ratio. 根据当前的宽高比将选中区域设定为最大的文件大小。 translations.launchpad.net 1. When an MRM log file reaches its maximum size, Exchange 2007 opens a new MRM log file. 当MRM日志文件达到其最大大小时,Exchange2007将打开一个新的MRM日志文件。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Class and enforce a maximum size quota. 类派生并强制使用最大大小的配额。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The maximum size for an index key is 900 bytes. 索引键的最大大小为900字节。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Maximum size of the file. 文件的最大大小。 msdn.microsoft.com 5. The maximum size for the individual agent log files is 10 MB. 单个代理日志文件的最大大小是10MB。 technet.microsoft.com 6. This is the maximum size that can be safely handled by the mode of transport selected. 这是所选运输方式能够安全搬运的最大尺寸 www.bing.com 7. The maximum size supported for both queue buffers is 100MB. 两种队列缓冲区支持的最大的大小都是100MB。 www.ibm.com 8. Until Linux kernel 2. 26. 3, the maximum size of a command was limited. 在Linux内核2.26.3之前,命令的长度是受限制的。 www.ibm.com 9. Size is too big. Set maximum size value? 尺寸太大了。您要设定最大值吗? translations.launchpad.net 10. If a box has a maximum width or height, the children cannot grow larger than that maximum size. 如果一个分组有一个最大宽度或高度,子分组不会扩展超出它的最大尺寸。 developer.mozilla.org 1. The default maximum size of the cache is 1 MB. 默认的最大容量是1MB。 www.ibm.com 2. For example, you could use a storage policy filter to select a storage area based on the maximum size of the storage area. 例如,可以使用存储策略筛选器根据存储区域的最大大小来选择存储区域。 www.ibm.com 3. The maximum size for all the files in the InboundFailures folder is 128 MB. InboundFailures文件夹中所有文件的最大大小为128MB。 technet.microsoft.com 4. The platform is configured with 32GB of memory, the maximum size of memory supported by the server (16 x 2GB DDR266 DIMMs). 此平台配置了32GB的内存,这是该服务器支持的最大内存容量(16x2GBDDR266DIMM)。 www.ibm.com 5. Sets the segment size and the maximum size for generation 0. 设定执行阶段虚拟记忆体大小的最大值。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The maximum size of the Drop directory that is used by a Foreign connector is controlled by the Set-ForeignConnector cmdlet. 外部连接器所使用的投递目录的最大大小由Set-ForeignConnectorcmdlet控制。 technet.microsoft.com 7. With a maximum size of 8, 000 bytes. 最大大小为8,000个字节的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Gets the maximum size, in pixels, that a cursor can occupy. 获取光标能够占用的最大大小(以像素为单位)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Journal queues have a maximum size, called a quota. 日记队列有一个最大大小,称为配额。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. In DB2 versions prior to 9. 1, tables were often moved between tablespaces because the maximum size of a tablespace was reached. 在9.1以前的DB2版本中,常常由于达到表空间的最大大小而在表空间之间转移表。 www.ibm.com 1. The maximum size allowed is 32767. 允许的最大大小为32767。 www.ianywhere.com 2. The server could not expand a table because the table reached the maximum size. 服务器无法扩展表格,因为表格的规格已达上限。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 3. The default maximum size is 128 MB. 默认最大大小为128MB。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The MaxSendSize parameter specifies the maximum size of e-mail messages that can be sent by the mail user, from 1 KB to 2, 097, 151 KB. MaxSendSize参数指定邮件用户可以发送的最大电子邮件大小,其范围从1KB到2,097,151KB。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Event logs are set with a maximum size that determines how many entries they can contain. 事件记录档设定的最大上限会判断它们能包含多少项目。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Type in a number such as 1 in the ID text box and browse to the image file you want to upload (maximum size is 150 KB). 在ID文本框中输入一个数字,例如1并找到要上载的图象文件(最大为150KB)。 www.ibm.com 7. It can take up to 20 years for a Beluga Sturgeon to reach its maximum size and they can weigh up to 2 tonnes. 它们要长到极限尺度得花20年,那时它们可以达到2吨重。 www.bing.com 8. Each file can also have a maximum size specified. 每个文件还可以指定一个最大大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. You can configure the maximum size of the Exchange 2007 database. 您可以配置Exchange2007数据库的最大大小。 www.microsoft.com 10. Creating a tmpfs filesystem with a maximum size is easy. 创建有最大容量的tmpfs文件系统很容易。 www.ibm.com 1. The maximum size of the command-line buffer is not set to a specific number of characters; 命令行缓冲区的最大大小并不设置为特定字符数; msdn.microsoft.com 2. Attribute is not set, the cache algorithm determines the maximum size of the cache, and the, 属性时,缓存算法将确定缓存的最大大小, msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The maximum size of the history of underwear: inextricably linked with the Olympics 史上尺寸最大的内衣:与奥运密不可分 www.duhugu.biz 4. The maximum size of a write to a log extent 写到日志扩展块的最大的大小 www.ibm.com 5. The Fracture Criterion of the Maximum Size of Plastic Zone of Mixed Mode Crack Growth 复合型裂纹扩展的最大塑性区尺度准则 ilib.cn 6. Strengthen Site Management to Minimize Size Deviation or Maximum Size Deviation of Raw Silk 加强现场管理做小生丝纤度偏差和纤度最大偏差 www.ilib.cn 7. Event to determine if the minimum and or maximum size for the 事件中编写代码来确定是否已超过 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Configuring the Maximum Size of the Drop Directory 配置投递目录的最大大小 technet.microsoft.com 9. The maximum size file that can be uploaded depends on the value of the 可上载的最大文件大小取决于 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. To find out the maximum size of a sparse file 查看稀疏文件的最大大小 technet.microsoft.com 1. Configuring the Maximum Size of the MRM Log Directory 配置MRM日志目录的最大大小 technet.microsoft.com 2. FILESIZE maximum size of each dump file 指定每个导出文件的最大值 wenku.baidu.com 3. Maximum Size: The size length width and less than 90 cm, the longest diameter of less than 60 cm; 最大规格:体积长宽高之和小于90厘米,最长径小于60厘米; good2.com 4. SHMMAX maximum size of a shared memory segment 共享内存段的最大字节数 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Maximum size (bytes) fetch. Php may download from extern fetch.php能从外部下载的最大文件大小(字节) translate.dokuwiki.org 6. nominal maximum size of aggregate 骨料的额定最大粒径 www.bing.com 7. Configuring the Maximum Size of MRM Log Files 配置MRM日志文件的最大大小 technet.microsoft.com 8. The maximum size of no setting in hyperconcentrated flow 水流不沉的最大粒径值 www.lunwen5.com 9. Maximum size of a row 最大行大小 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. A binary value with a maximum size of 2 二进制值,最大大小为2 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. This example shows how to get the maximum size for a message 此示例演示如何获取消息的最大大小 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Maximum size datagram for reassembly by client; max 576 客户端重组的数据报最大尺寸;最大576 angel.w15.5tom.cn 3. Maximum Size of Index Keys 索引键的最大大小 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. maximum size of plate cut 冲剪板最大尺寸 bbs.translators.com.cn 5. 4 GB maximum size for databases 数据库最大大小为4GB msdn2.microsoft.com 6. To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure the maximum size of MRM log files 使用Exchange命令行管理程序配置MRM日志文件的最大大小 technet.microsoft.com 7. The maximum size of the SQL Server Mobile decimal is greater than the maximum size of SQLServerMobile小数的最大大小大于 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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