单词 | narrow range |
释义 | 例句释义: 窄波段,窄程水位仪,窄幅,窄分布 1. In a narrow range with relevant international conventions, we encountered the greatest obstacle is not a technical question, but a process. 在窄幅设备的使用中,我们遇到的最大障碍不是技术问题,而是工艺问题。 www.bing.com 2. Creatures and plants only able to tolerate a narrow range of temperatures will be most vulnerable, said the researchers. 研究人员说,只能忍受极小气温变化的动植物将成为最脆弱的物种。 www.bing.com 3. The natural world has such a large range of brightnesses, but a computer screen can only display a very narrow range of them. 自然世界的亮度是一个非常大的范围,但是电脑屏幕只能显示他们之间的一段很窄的范围。 www.asiacg.net 4. A study on the impact of norm-setting on the creative process concerned a narrow range of issues and there was also the question of funding. 一项关于准则制订对创造过程影响的研究考虑了小范围的问题而且也存在着资金问题。 www.wipo.int 5. This was an example of the Self critiquing the narrow range of his ego's understanding of himself. 这是一个例子,描述了自性批判自我对自身狭隘的理解。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Hodgins' team was able to determine that the samples were made between 1404 and 1438 -- quite a narrow range for a radiocarbon measurement. 霍金斯的小组已经能够测出这些样品年代在1404到1438年之间,这对于放射性碳素测量来说已是个很窄的范围了。 www.bing.com 7. In the early days, Linux ran on just a narrow range of systems, mostly processors compatible with the Intel 80386 processor. 以前,Linux只是运行在范围很窄的一些系统上,大多数处理器都与Intel80386处理器兼容。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Human culture shapes personal development, but on an absolute scale culture permits only a very narrow range of possibilities. 人类文化塑造了个人发展,可是,在一个总体规模上,文化仅允许十分狭小的机会范围。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Sometimes, the investors back and forth within a narrow range for the stock price movement, its meaning, a great feeling disoriented . 有时候,投资者对于股价来回窄幅运动,其意,大有迷失方向的感觉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In voice transmission, to compress the signal amplitude into a narrow range be cause the amplifiers are linear over wide ranges. 在话音通信中,因放大器的线性范围有限,把信号幅度压缩到一个较小范围的处理。 hotdic.com 1. Despite that unending saga, the euro has been trading in a relatively narrow range against the U. S. dollar lately. 尽管这场危机绵延不绝,无休无止,但欧元兑美元汇率近来一直窄幅波动。 chinese.wsj.com 2. For firing of the mixture in the cylinder every time spark occurs, the air-fuel ratio must lie in a fairly narrow range. 为了在气缸里每一时刻发生一次火花时混合气的燃烧更理想,空一燃混合比必须限于相当狭窄的区域内。 tr.bab.la 3. The increase of reaction temperature within a narrow range have no effect on the morphology of product. 而在较小范围内改变反应温度,对产品的形貌没有太大影响。 sioc-journal.cn 4. justice practice limits the punishment of the attempted offense to a narrow range because of a variety of reasons. 司法中却因种种原因对于犯罪未遂的处罚限制在较窄的范围内。 5. Wall Street stock market fluctuated in a narrow range and finally closed lower for the day. Turnover is also at a low level. 华尔街股市在小幅波动之后,以跌势报收,全天成交量也处于低水平。 tr.bab.la 6. Thus, currencies could be traded in the foreign exchange market but only within a very narrow range. 所以,各种货币可以在外汇市场上进行交易,但只能在一个很狭窄的汇率范围内进行。 www.pay4.cn 7. I strongly suspect that the widespread use of a relatively narrow range of commercial yeasts has accentuated this phenomenon. 我强烈怀疑,种类相对较少的商业酵母的广泛使用,加剧了这一现象。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Coffee fluctuated wildly on uncertainty over brazil's role in the market but sugar and cocoa kept to a narrow range in quiet conditions. 咖啡的价格由于巴西在市场上的角色不稳定而疯狂波动,可是糖和可可的价格在平静中起伏不大。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Commodities traded within a narrow range but with a mildly positively tone. 大宗商品在较小价格区间交易,不过基调基本是积极的。 www.bing.com 10. A narrow range of popular edible fish has been introduced to many lakes and ponds all over the world. 世界各地许许多多的池塘湖泊只引进少数几种食用鱼。 hi.baidu.com 1. The MSCI index of Asia Pacific stocks outside Japan rose 0. 6 percent . MIAPJ0000PUS, near the top of a narrow range maintained in August. 摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)除日本外亚太区股指.MIAPJ0000PUS上涨0.6%,接近8月份窄幅区间的顶部; cn.reuters.com 2. That may be one reason for the narrow range of his team's results. 这可能也是他的团队实验结果范围较窄的一个原因。 www.ecocn.org 3. And within a narrow range, short interest has ticked up recently for energy, insurance and semiconductor companies. 最近能源、保险和半导体公司的空头有所增加,但增加不多。 c.wsj.com 4. Like all engines, internal-combustion power plants run most efficiently in a narrow range of torque and speeds. 内燃式发电机跟所有的引擎一样,必须在很窄的扭力和转速范围下才能达到最高效率。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In a narrow range Conference, due to the high resolution and high-quality demands, CDI flexo has been widely used. 在窄幅柔印洋,由于矮分辨力和矮质量的需求,CDI柔性版还来被普及搁置。 www.bing.com 6. But constructing a system that can adjust to new stimuli , or to change beyond a narrow range, requires a swarm -- a hive mind. 但是,建设一个适应新刺激或超出较窄幅度改变的可调节系统,需要有一个群——一个蜂群思维。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Authoring tools can get your app working quickest, but are only useful for a narrow range of applications. 创作工具可以以最快的速度产生你的程序,但是仅对某一些类型的程序起作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Speckle, a consequence of the narrow range of light that a laser produces, degrades the sharpness of the projected image. 激光的波长分布范围非常窄就难辞其咎,产生光斑导致投影图像清晰度降低。 www.ecocn.org 9. It will be far more realistic, as we shall see, to speak of quasimonochromatic light which is composed of a narrow range of frequencies. 我们将看到,更为实际的是讨论由窄频道组成的准单色光。 10. Stock futures traded in a narrow range today as investors remain cautious about the health of Europe's economy. 受投资者担忧欧洲经济健康状况的影响,股指期货今日维持窄幅震荡。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. All these banks are fairly small and have a narrow range of products: all relied heavily on mortgages in a strong housing market. 刚才说的这些银行相对来说都比较小,而且产品品种比较单一:他们都很依赖于在一个强大的房地产市场进行购房贷款业务。 www.ecocn.org 2. To breed within a narrow range or with closely related types or individuals; inbreed. 变种间杂交在小范围内或与联系密切的种类或个体繁殖; www.bing.com 3. in which a narrow range of prices are established that buyers and sellers act upon. 买者和卖者所遵循的价格被约束在窄小的范围内。 wenku.baidu.com 4. If this process becomes bottleneck, so allowing the visit inside narrow range is appropriate. 如果这个过程成为瓶颈,那么允许有限范围内的访问是合适的。 pjprimer.com 5. In the early session, HSI opened 127 pts higher and steadied in a narrow range at the 25000 level. 早段,恒指随美股高开127点后,主要于25000关口窄幅上落。 www.mpfinance.com 6. 10 a narrow range of flexography watch words short version business card printing and the advantages of making membership card. 窄幅刚印机具有长版制卡和会员卡制作的弊端。 www.bing.com 7. The Chinese government back then allowed the yuan to float in a narrow range against an undefined basket of currencies. 那时的中国政府允许人民币对于不透明的一揽子货币上浮一个微小的幅度。 haizi0001000.blog.163.com 8. Specialists 'perform optimally within their narrow range of expertise and are good bets when the economy is doing well, ' he says. 专才在他们狭窄的专业领域内表现最佳,当经济状况良好时,他们是不错的选择。 c.wsj.com 9. The narrow range of angles at which the colors are reflected is the key to why rainbows must the curved. 彩虹颜色的有限光线角度是导致彩虹必然成弯曲的关键原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This laser beam cover a very narrow range of frequencies. 这个激光束的频率范围很窄。 hi.baidu.com 1. and there is narrow range of gradient of linear relation of displacement of interface and strain of soil. 动力单剪的界面错动位移和土体应变有很好的线性关系; ytlx.whrsm.ac.cn 2. Period instruments have a more narrow range, use gut strings, and the tuning is different, ' he continues. 而早期的乐器音程较窄,用羊肠弦,调音也不一样,”他接着说,“怎样才能将两者融合在一起呢? dongxi.net 3. The shop sells only a narrow range of goods. 这家商店商品的种类有限。 www.bing.com 4. John Doerr, a venture capitalist, urges people to focus on a narrow range of objectives and filter out everything else. 风险资本家约翰·多尔鼓励人们专注于少数范围的目标,滤除其它一切事务。 www.ecocn.org 5. As the singing and not directly related to labor, combined with narrow-range melody, but the high sound area, singing is very passionate. 由于演唱和劳动无直接关系,加之曲调音域窄,但音区较高,演唱很有激情。 wenda.tianya.cn 6. But constructing a systemthatcan adjust to new stimuli, ortochange beyond a narrow range, requires a swarm--a hive mind. 但是,构建一个能适应新刺激或校正超出狭窄范围变化的系统,就需要有一个群——一个蜂群思维。 www.bing.com 7. What is striking is the narrow range within which the tax take has moved. 一个明显的特点是,税收金额的波动是一个狭窄的幅度。 www.ecocn.org 8. Given Wall Street's concerns, Boeing's stock has been in limbo for more than three years, trading in a narrow range around $75 a share. 由于华尔街对波音有着种种担忧,该公司的股票在过去三年多持续波动,交易价格保持在每股75美元左右。 cn.nytimes.com 9. The narrow range of education objects ; 教育对象选择范围的狭窄; epc.swu.edu.cn 10. move within a narrow range 在窄幅上落 www.crazyenglish.org |
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