单词 | moment's |
释义 | moment's例句释义: 全部 1. Junker and her neighbors had packed their bags, ready to evacuate at a moment's notice. 容克和她的邻居们收拾行李,准备撤离在片刻的通知。 www.englishtang.com 2. After a moment's hesitation, the young man stretched out his hands to meet it. 年轻人迟疑了一会儿才伸出手来迎接。 3. The steady breathing of the 300 at his back ready to die for him without a moment's pause. 他身后,300位勇士沉着地呼吸着没有一丝犹豫,准备为他牺牲 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In the end everything tasted so good that each mouthful forced me to give it a moment's attention. 最后,每样食物尝起来都如此美味,每一口我都舍不得马上咽下去。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Now, with her containers still empty and the sun blazing overhead, she has returned home for a moment's rest. 此刻,已是烈日当空,查雅空载而归,稍作休息。 www.bing.com 6. The elders quietly reminded me that the men could shoot me at a moment's notice, but I refused to back down. 年长者们轻声提醒我说,这些人可能会当场枪毙我,但我拒不让步。 www.bing.com 7. After a moment's hesitation he seemed to remember something and I got ready to write. 迟疑了几分钟之后,他似乎记起了什么,我也赶紧拿笔准备写。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Later, she told him that he had pursued her, that his eyes had left her not a moment's peace. 她后来告诉他,他当时是在追求她,他的目光使她一时一刻都没安宁过。 9. When the ban came into force at midnight, correspondents said there was a moment's silence, before the square erupted in cheers. 当午夜禁令开始执行的时候,记者说那一刻非常宁静,之后广场爆发出欢呼声。 www.bing.com 10. when the child was asleep, Hester had never felt a moment's safety: not a moment's calm enjoyment of her. 从那时起,除非这孩子在睡觉,海丝特设有过片刻的安全感,也没有过片刻的宁静和由孩子带来的欢乐。 www.jukuu.com 1. He was prepared to go on a moment's notice to begin discussions with the North Koreans. 他曾准备好随时与北韩方面展开讨论。 www.kouyi.org 2. And then, after a moment's stillness, she began to move, saying lines of poetry as she did. 接着静下片刻,她开始舞动起来,一边嘴里念着诗句。 www.bing.com 3. I was already thinking of bringing him on and when Bianco got injured I threw him into the mix without a moment's hesitation. 我早已有让他上场的打算,比安科受伤以后,我毫不迟疑地派他替补出场。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The entire organization has to be ready to adapt to all of these changes at a moment's notice. 整个组织不得不准备好即刻适应所有的这些变更。 www.ibm.com 5. Hence our study of military theory, of strategy and tactics and of army political work brooks not a moment's delay. 因此,研究军事的理论,研究战略和战术,研究军队政治工作,不可或缓。 www.hotdic.com 6. To his brothers during the war, he was their astute and fearless leader, ready to face death without a moment's notice. 对他的兄弟们而言,战时,他是精明又无畏的领导者,准备慷慨赴死,绝无半点犹豫。 www.starwarsfans.cn 7. After a moment's survey of her face, he concluded that she was no longer young. 他打量了一会她的脸,断定她已不年轻。他打量了一会她的脸,断定她已不年轻。 www.8875.org 8. Welland were "upset" by seeing his mother-in-law for the first time after her attack, he might have to be taken home at a moment's notice. 而且马车也不得闲,韦兰先生是岳母病后第一次去见她,万一感觉“不适”,马车可以随时把他送回来。 www.bing.com 9. To give praise costs the givers nothing but a moment's thought and a moment's effort. 给予赞扬只需要给予的人付出片刻的思索和片刻的努力。 wenku.baidu.com 10. On his way out the door, a brave customer pull his mask off. The robber shot the customer without a moment's hesitation. 劫匪逃离银行的时候,一个勇敢的顾客扯掉了他的面罩。劫匪眼睛都不眨就给了他一枪。 bbs.gxsd.com.cn 1. Lucidique put her hand up to kreiger's face. "Now the moment's here, I see you don't want it, " she said. "You're afraid. " 露辛迪克抬起手放在克里奇的脸上。“此时此刻,我发现你并不想要它,”她说,“你害怕了。” www.toysir.com 2. Contained within its armored hull are 20 clone troopers ready to disembark for combat at a moment's notice. 其装甲舱室能容纳20名时刻准备投入战斗的克隆人士兵。 www.starwarsfans.cn 3. There was a moment's silence, -- it was evident that the doctor was examining the dead body. 房间里沉寂了片刻,显然是医生在检查那尸体。 www.jukuu.com 4. Not a moment's rest will any of the men enjoy until the last paper is printed. 不到最后一张纸印好,他们谁也不会有一分钟休息的。 lz.book.sohu.com 5. And once you over-learn whatever it is you're studying, you'll always be prepared to employ the information or skill at a moment's notice. 一旦你的“反复学习”恰巧就是你研究的东西,那么,你就可以随时在一瞬间调遣你的知识和技巧了。 www.bing.com 6. Years of hard work, very little food, only a small cold room to live in and never, never a moment's rest. 数年的辛劳,食不果腹,屈居寒舍,从无休息。 blog.wzbz.net 7. After a moment's mournful silence, his heart overflowed, and he gave way to a flood of tears. 短时间痛苦的沉默以后,他心口反涨了,眼泪禁不住直流起来。 dict.ebigear.com 8. Thus a maximum or peak demand of only a moment's duration requires that the necessary equipment be in place throughout the entire year. 这样,仅因短暂持续的峰负荷需求就要求必要的设备在全年中都到位。 www.tdict.com 9. Years of hard work, very little food, only a small room to live in and never a moment's rest. 我年辛劳,食不果腹,仅住一间又小又冷的房子,加上从来得不到一会儿休息。 10. But a moment's reflection, followed by a wise open-ended question can generate new possibilities when a team is stuck. 不过经过一点反思之后,一个开放的明智问题可以为陷入困境的团队带来更多新的可能。 www.infoq.com 1. I keep a pocket-sized Moleskine notebook with me at all times so I can jot down ideas at a moment's notice. 我总是随身携带一本口袋大小的Moleskine笔记本,这样可以随时把想法记下来。 www.bing.com 2. And I didn't give even a moment's thought to the bullies, and what their lifetime prognosis might be. (3)我没有想到,受到校园小恶霸的欺负,可能会给受害者的一生带来多么负面的影响。 www.bing.com 3. Then if I were to know these laws, and obey them, I would never have a moment's trouble again. Is that what you're telling me? 那么,如果我懂得这些法则,并且遵从它们,我就再也不会有片刻的困难了。你是不是这个意思? blog.sina.com.cn 4. A moment's reflection as to what will be our commanding influence among the nations of the earth in their day. 如果说他们只对自己真诚,那么,稍许考虑一下我们对世界各国的重大影响。 www.bing.com 5. In this message we wish to discuss how you, the individual, can jump a timeline into a different destiny at a moment's notice. 在我们这次的信息里,我们希望讨论一下,你们这些个体,如何能在一个瞬间的觉察之下,跨越一个时间线,进入一个不同的命运。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It was difficult to believe that the most careful farmer in the area would lose all his harvest because of a moment's forgetfulness. 难以相信这一带最细心的农场主会因一时疏忽而失掉全部收成。 www.okread.net 7. Without a moment's hesitation, Mike answered, "No, mine is a case of 'cannot see the foresters for the forest. " 没有刹那的犹豫,迈克回说:「不,我是『见林不见林中物』的例子。」 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. He pulled a narrow eating knife from his sack and, after a moment's thought, slid it into the inside sleeve of one boot. 他从行包里拿出一把小型餐刀,考虑了一会儿,将其塞入了一边靴筒里。 group.lehu.shu.edu.cn 9. While you're actively job searching, it's important to be prepared for a phone interview on a moment's notice. 当你主动求职时,重要的一点是做好电话面试的准备。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Varga, the Origo Film Group CEO, replies without a moment's hesitation: "I think we have a great chance of that. " 巴尔加,欧瑞格电影集团总裁答复的没有片刻的犹豫:“我认为我们有很大机会实现。” www.bing.com 1. But chapel must have been the last thing on Ravi's mind when Ginnie, after a moment's hesitation, accepted his offer. 不过去教堂想必是拉维最不放在心上的事了,当金妮犹豫了那么一小会就接受了他的提议之后。 peacherino2009.blog.163.com 2. Never run away from disagreeable circumstances. Fight them, with all your resources, right where you stand and without a moment's delay. 别因为遇到了反对意见就想要逃避,而应运用你所有的资源就地和反对者战斗。 www.bing.com 3. a moment's inattention has been occupied throughout the body and mind: the body has been dyed green, heart dyed green. 一不留神,整个身心被占据:身体被染绿了,心也染绿了。 enwaimao.cn 4. A line will take us hours maybe; yet if it does not seem a moment's thought, our stitching and unstitching has been naught. 一行诗或许会耗费我们数个小时;但是如果它没有反映我们某个瞬间的思想,我们对语言的反复推敲工作就是毫无意义的。 item.feedsky.com 5. Plus, many entrepreneurs still value board members who can stop by the office on a moment's notice. 而且,很多创业者也依然看重接到通知马上即可到公司的董事会成员。 www.fortunechina.com 6. A new thought had struck him. There might be a moment's peace in it. 一个新的念头在他心中油然而生,他或许在其中可以获得瞬间的安宁。 www.ebigear.com 7. Stay-at-home moms, especially of babies and toddlers, rarely enjoy a moment's peace. They may not even be able to go to the bathroom alone. 全职妈妈,尤其是有了婴儿或者小孩子的,很少能够享受到一刻的宁静。他们甚至连单独洗澡的时间都没有。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Without a moment's delay, his neighbor picked up the box and announced " I'll take them. " 即刻,他的邻居就拿起这盒子,并宣称“我要买他们”。 login.sina.com.cn 9. Unit tests give me the confidence that my code works and that I can change it, at a moment's notice, without the fear of it breaking. 单元测试给我信心,让我相信我的代码能够工作,而且我只要看一下,可以修改它,就不会害怕它会崩溃。 www.ibm.com 10. Peace of mind of the sea, a moment's soft, a moment's haggard, lonely moment, a moment waves arc shadow smile. 心境平和的海面,片刻的柔和,片刻的憔悴,片刻的寂寞,片刻波光弧影的微笑。 www.tradeask.com 1. But, in different ways, both global warming and global terrorism threaten the ability to hop on a plane at a moment's notice. 但全球变暖和全球恐怖主义,均以不同的方式威胁着人们随时登上飞机的能力。 www.ftchinese.com 2. They hardly allowed themselves a moment's repose, and the glare of the flames which shot from the crater enabled them to work night and day. 他们几乎片刻也不休息。火山口喷射出来的火光,使他们日夜都可以工作。 novel.tingroom.com 3. If his private business allows him a moment's relaxation, he will plunge at once into the whirlpool of polities. 如果他的私事能让他有一刻钟的放松,他立马就会投进政治的漩涡。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. But after a moment's hesitation, Gonzolas turned and declared that his shot had skipped into the wall, hitting the floor first. 但是在片刻犹豫之后,Gonzolas转身并且宣称,他向墙壁的那一击先碰到地面了。 www.bing.com 5. It was available at a moment's notice, purchased at a bodega or wrangled from a vending machine. 这在当时的宣传中是随处可见的,购买还是同自动贩卖机争论。 www.transcn.org 6. Without a moment's hesitation, she left her promising career to achieve her goal in life: helping others. 毫无犹豫的,她放弃了一个很有前途的职业去完成她人生的使命:帮组他人。 www.bing.com 7. I am not in favor of this modern mania for turning bad people into good people at a moment's notice. 一声通知就要把坏蛋变成好人,现代人的这种狂热我也不赞成。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. without a moment's thought or puzzle, dame weasel opened her peaked muzzle to eat the intruder as a bird. 他又陷入新的危险中,黄鼠狼立刻张开尖尖的嘴,想把他当成鸟一口吞进去。 www.paedu.net 9. In a moment's time, the skin could change from blue to normal pink and dry to sweaty. 在片刻的时间,皮肤可以改变从蓝色到正常的粉红色和干出汗。 bjzkhj.com 10. But now I had a moment's pause before replying, unwilling to pronounce those two simple words: one million. 但现在我有点犹豫了,不愿意说出这两个简单的词:很多次。 www.bing.com 1. They've formed sleeper cells, just waiting for the signal to instigate a mass-recruitment at a moment's notice. 他们之前已经形成了睡眠者的细胞,只要等到信号,就会即刻进行大规模的招募。 www.bing.com 2. When I was in the flower 's imagination when the sirens and the birds, to the sound of my share of only a moment's peace broke. 当我沉寂在花的想象之中的时候,鸣笛声和鸟儿声把我那份仅有一刻的宁静打破了。 www.bing.com 3. If you leave out the heart, the intellect will work overtime and the emotions will not have a moment's peace. 如果你忽视内心,思维的工作将超时,情绪也得不到片刻的安宁。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Or just a moment's pleasure? 或者只是一晌贪欢? tieba.baidu.com 5. Yet a moment's consideration shows that dreams of proceeding with the constitution are utterly unrealistic. 但是一段时间的思考显示推进宪法之梦是根本不可能实现的。 www.ecocn.org 6. While I am pleased, when a moment's inattention and feet are a thing stumbled a bit, down a big somersault. 正当我高兴的时候,一不留神,脚被一个东西绊了一下,跌了一个大跟头。 www.99zuowen.com 7. and as for the baby, it was sneezing and howling alternately without a moment's pause. 至于那个婴儿,不是打喷嚏就是嚎叫,一刻也不停。 www.bing.com 8. The right and left hand play a stubborn unison, almost 1500 semiquavers each, literally without a moment's pause. 左右手弹奏难处理的齐奏,每只手都要一刻不停地弹将近1500个十六分音符。 sywanghappy.spaces.live.com 9. Mother used to scold the boy without a moment's thought. 母亲过去常常不加考虑地乱骂孩子。 www.1stenglish.com 10. Once I realized I was transgender, I never had a moment's doubt about that. 一旦我意识到我是变性人,我从来没有关于那一刻的怀疑。 www.englishtang.com 1. Indeed, a moment's reflection will identify any number of puzzles and mysteries. 事实上,片刻的反思会让你识别出任何迷惑且神秘的数字。 www.scientrans.com 2. One of the family cars is full of gas, and they assure me that they can escape at a moment's notice. 他们有一辆车的油箱是满的,他们还向我保证,一接到通知,就会立刻逃离这里。 dongxi.net 3. Dr. Zhang proved to be an outstanding choice, one for which I have never had a moment's regret. 张博士证明他是一个杰出的选择,对他我从未有过一丝的遗憾。 www.usastudy.com.cn 4. A moment's thought should show how foolish that would be. 仅是片刻的思考就可以让我们意识到这个计划有多傻。 club.topsage.com 5. They accepted the invitation without a moment's hesitation. 他们一点没犹豫就接受了这个邀请。 dict.foodmate.net 6. Village leaders can arbitrarily "readjust" land rights at a moment's notice. 村干部可以随时随地任意“重新调整”土地使用权。 www.tianyablog.com 7. Without a moment's hesitation, she jumped into the river. 她毫不犹豫地跳进了河里。 www.baike.com 8. If they thought Penny was sick, they would drive her off without a moment's hesitation. 若他们发现佩妮病了,会毫不犹豫的把她赶出去。 www.cndkc.net 9. A kiss, and a spasm of farewell, a moment's orgasm of rupture. 亲吻,告别的痉挛,破裂时刻的极度快感。 www.poemlife.com 10. We accepted the invitation without a moment's hesitation. 我们一点也没有犹豫就接受了邀请。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Tom rejected my invitation without a moment's hesitation. 汤姆毫不犹豫地拒绝了我的邀请。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The noise went on all night without a moment's respite. 噪音一刻不停地持续了一整夜。 www.kekenet.com 3. This hapless creature had never known a moment's pleasure. 这个不幸的人从来就没有享受过片刻的欢娱。 www.jiuzhou001.com 4. Evil endures a moment's flush and then leaves but a burnt up shell. 瞬间光亮之后,恶魔只留下一个燃烬的外壳。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The old horse jogged along without a moment's stopping. 那匹老马一刻不停地缓步行进着。 6. Benches lining the walls outside the Forbidden City provide a moment's rest for tourists visiting the ancient imperial palace in Beijing. 紫禁城城墙外的长凳为来北京参观这座古老皇宫的游客提供片刻的歇息。 www.bing.com 7. "This was, in fact, the origin of _our_ acting, " said Tom, after a moment's thought. “其实,我们的演戏就是由此引起的,”汤姆经过一番思索,说道。 novel.tingroom.com 8. Look for the adventure in each day. Expect miracles on a moment's request. 每一天都去尝试新事物,每一刻都期待着奇迹的发生。 1160404007.blog.163.com 9. Could anyone have done this with a moment's reflection, or is it because Lupin knows them? 是不是他们的一种片刻的反映做到的,还是因为卢平对他们的了解? word.hcbus.com 10. After a moment's thought I put on the EMI CD of my mother singing Schubert lieder and turn the volume low. 考虑片刻,我放了点音乐,妈妈的唱片,舒伯特抒情曲,开低了音量。 www.bing.com 1. After a moment's thought I put on the EMI CD of my mother singing Schubert lieder and turn the volume low. 考虑片刻,我放了点音乐,妈妈的唱片,舒伯特抒情曲,开低了音量。 www.bing.com 2. Ask Bono or Michael Stipe who inspired them to do what they do and they'll point to Patti without a moment's hesitation. 问问波诺或迈克尔·斯蒂普,是谁给了他们灵感,促使他们实现现在的成就,他们会毫不犹豫地说是帕蒂。 www.bing.com 3. never giving me a moment's peace. 吵得一刻不得安宁 blog.sina.com.cn 4. She answered without a moment's hesitation. 她毫不迟疑立即回答。 www.hxen.com 5. The incessant noise of the traffic gave us not a moment's peace. 交通车辆不停的喧闹声使我们得不到片刻安宁。 dict.netat.net 6. You feel that thoughts are attacking you, not giving you a moment's rest, especially if you are experiencing some problems in your life. 你感觉到各种念头在袭击你,不让你有片刻安宁,在你经历人生某些困境时更是尤为如此。 www.bing.com 7. and in the rapidity of half a moment's thought, she hoped Mr. Elton would now be talked of no more. 过去的烦恼淹没在即将来临的喜事之中,她转念一想,觉得现在不用再提埃尔顿先生了。 novel.tingroom.com 8. A moment's silence please while we brood on this question. 讨论这个问题之前请先冷静一小会儿。 www.bing.com 9. but he had guessed it without a moment's thought! 但他连想都不用想就猜到了! mysearch.100e.com 10. As autumn ripe melon, perplexed us indifferent to wait a moment 's fall harvest. 如同秋季成熟的瓜果,不惑的我们淡然地等待蒂落收获的那一刻。 www.bing.com 1. We've been working all week without a moment's leisure. 我们整星期一直工作,没有片刻空闲。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. He's a great doctor. He's always there on a moment's notice. 他真是个好医生。他总是随传随到。 www.bing.com 3. Or is does it just have the capability to scale at a moment's notice? 或者它只是具有能够在瞬间完成扩展的能力? www.infoq.com 4. Open your eyes to the rich depth of this moment's golden treasures. 睁开你的双眼,看看深藏在此刻的珍贵财富。 bbs.sparke.cn 5. But yesterday in a moment's time I was changed. 但在昨天,转瞬间我被改变了。 www.bing.com 6. I ask for a moment's indulgence to sit by thy side . the works that I have in hard I will finish afterwards. 请允许我在你身边闲坐半刻,过一会儿,我再完成手头的工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He who can suppress a moment's anger may prevent a day of sorrow. 可以平息一时怒火的人也可能阻止一天的悲哀。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. who can suppress a moment's anger may prevent a day of sorrow. 克制一时的怒气可是以免于一天的烦恼。 www.tingroom.com 9. Well, our desserts arrived, and we dug in without a moment's hesitation. 甜点上来后,我们毫不犹豫地开挖。 www.xici.net 10. but for the moment's whim. 而是为了片刻的玄思妙想。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Rich men do it, and poor men do it, in forms so varied and ubiquitous that they can be summoned at a moment's notice. 有钱人买,穷人也买。买春的形式各种多样,无处不在,她们可以召之即来。 www.bing.com 2. Without a moment's hesitation, 5, 000 people are playing a reasonably good game of Pong. 没有片刻犹豫,5,000人玩起了相当不错的乒乓游戏。 www.bing.com 3. A moment's reflection should make this obvious. 片刻的思考就会让这个问题变得明了。 my.popiano.org 4. the moment's passed . whatever I do I can't change this moment . 那个时刻我没有把握住,无论我做什么我都不能挽回。 xixi.home.24en.com 5. One tender moment's reprieve from loneliness can illuminate a life. 在寂寞的沙漠中,温柔的一瞬间可以点燃你的一生。 bbs.putclub.com 6. eg: I'll ask you some questions on a moment's notice. 我会在你没有准备的时候问你一些问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A thousand years cannot repair a moment's lost honor. 纵有千年时间也不能洗去一刻的丢脸。 www.eduzhai.net 8. We all feel really, in our hearts, the appalling cruelty of exploitation, if we have given a single moment's thought to it. 哪怕我们只是短暂地考虑一下这个问题,我们都能从内心里真实地感受到剥削那骇人的残酷。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 9. After a moment's addled pause, the crying redoubled. 经过暂短一会儿的停顿之后,婴儿加倍大声地哭了起来。 www.bing.com 10. Here was neither peace, nor rest, nor a moment's safety. 这里没有片刻的安宁、空闲和安全。 www.bing.com 1. Without a moment's thought v. 不加考虑的,不予理会的 wenku.baidu.com 2. I got called in on a moment's notice. 我临时被打电话叫过来。 www.ebigear.com 3. After a moment's hesitation the boy lifted his suitcase and followed. 犹豫片刻后,那男孩便提着手提箱,跟着拉德克利夫去了。 www.bing.com 4. After a moment's hesitation she lipped her request. 她犹豫了一会儿,然后轻声提出请求。 dict.netat.net 5. I received ane-mail the other day that gave me a moment's pause. 前几天我受到一个邮件,使我愣了一会儿。 blog.163.com 6. the effect of the first order moment's uncertainty is stronger than that of the second order moment's uncertainty. 收益一阶矩的不确定性影响较其二阶矩强。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. After a moment's hesitation, Tweener reaches out and takes the burger. 经过片刻的犹豫,Tweener伸出手去接过了汉堡包。 www.bing.com 8. A moment's error can bring a lifelong regret. 一时的错误可能造成一生的遗憾。 bbs.24en.com 9. Fly off to China at a moment's notice. 招呼也不打就飞到中国去了 www.kekenet.com 10. eg. i plan to travel on a moment's notice. 我临时决定要去旅游。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In my career, there is a lot of surprise problems and priorities that change on a moment's notice. 在我的职业生涯中,有许多令人惊讶的问题和首要任务在一刻间改变。 www.elanso.com 2. A lot of the time, it's cat naps, when they can switch from dozing to fully alert and awake at a moment's notice. 很多时候,猫咪只是在小睡,牠们可以从半睡眠的状态完全活络起来,并在很短的时间内醒来。 udn.com 3. "Oh! well! " and after a moment's pause, "but you have never asked me one word about our dinner at the Pooles yesterday. " 玛丽顿了片刻,然后说道:“哎呀!我们昨天到普尔家吃的晚饭,对此你还只字没问过我呢。” novel.tingroom.com 4. A large stone lying on the middle of the road, I have a moment's inattention fell to the ground. 一块大石头躺在路中间,我一不留神,摔倒在地上。 www.tradeask.com 5. The beauty of EC2 and similar services is that they are simple and can be fired up at a moment's notice. EC2以及类似服务的魅力在于它们非常简单,并且可以被立刻触发。 www.ibm.com 6. "I'm an American! " he replied without a moment's thought. But then he asked once again, "So what are you? " “我是一个美国人!”他毫不犹豫的回答。然后他又问了一遍“那么你是什么人呢?” blog.sina.com.cn 7. A hundred years cannot repair a moment's loss of honor. (遗臭万年)荣誉一旦丧失百年也无法弥补。 bbs.putclub.com 8. 1# Amaris A moment's error can bring a lifelong regret. 一时的过失可能导致重生的遗憾。 bbs.24en.com 9. "Pearl! Little Pearl! " cried he, after a moment's pause; then, suppressing his voice- "Hester! Hester Prynne! Are you there? " “珠儿!小珠儿!”他稍停片刻就喊道;然后,他压低了嗓音说:“海丝特!海丝特·白兰!是你在那儿吗?” ielts.hjenglish.com 10. At the same time, indicates the way how to compute the brake static moment of each cartwheel according to the brake moment's formula. 按照制动器制动力矩的公式计算每个车轮上的制动静力矩的方法。 www.chemyq.com 1. Yet a moment's reflection shows how unfair that is. 然而,思考片刻就会发现这种理由是如何站不住脚。 www.ecocn.org 2. We can fly off to Rome on a moment's notice! 我们可以心血来潮,飞到罗马去。 www.jukuu.com 3. I like to keep my life simple. I don't want to be tied down, that way I can take a trip on a moment's notice . 我喜欢保持简单的生活,不想被束缚,这样我就可以随心所欲地去旅行。 smilelyspring.spaces.live.com 4. Mary says, "But I like my job. They just expect me to change everything at a moment's notice. " 玛莉说:“可是我喜欢我的工作,只是他们过于期望我在短时间内改变一切事。” www.hjenglish.com 5. For us, everything is subject to change, and we can go anywhere at a moment's notice. 对我们来说,任何事都是容易发生变化的,我们可以在收到通知后立即去任何地方。 www.bing.com 6. a husk of flimsy consciousness ready to be torn off at a moment ' s notice 有一层薄弱的,随时会被撕碎的意识 www.ichacha.net 7. I went to my love on a moment's thought. 只要一想起她来,我就忍不住要去到她家门口。 hi.baidu.com 8. After a moment's hesitation he said with a reluctant smile: 他沉吟了一会儿,终于笑起来说: www.jukuu.com 9. We are ready to go at a moment's notice 我们已准备好,一接到通知马上就出发 wenku.baidu.com 10. For a moment's rest you can lean against the banister 休息一会儿,你斜靠栏杆 search.sohu.com 1. A moment's pain for a lifetime pleasure 一时的痛苦换来一生的快乐 baike.soso.com 2. After a moment's thought, I changed the implementation 略加思索,我修改了这个函数的实现 www.bing.com 3. I'm moment's pain to wait for a lifetimes pleasure 用我一时的痛换来一生的幸福 wenwen.soso.com 4. How can I never miss you one more moment's not enough 我怎样才能做到不再想念你? www.bing.com 5. A small cold room to live in and never a moment's rest 寒室一间,无片刻休息 blog.cersp.com 6. Application and Proof of Moment's Inequality 一个矩的不等式的证明及应用 service.ilib.cn 7. But you don't give doubt a moment's rest 而你不能有一瞬间的怀疑 zhidao.baidu.com 8. because this moment's really all we have 因为这瞬间真的就是我们拥有的一切 zhidao.baidu.com 9. T &G because this moment's really all we have 这瞬间就是我们拥有的一切 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I can experience your delight. And do you know what your parents was doing at that moment? S 我能体会你的喜悦。你知道那一刻你的爸爸妈妈在做什么吗? wenku.baidu.com 1. Because this moment's all we have 【这是我们拥有的所有时光】; blog.hjenglish.com 2. This moment's more than that sweet 这个瞬间超越了任何的甜美 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Is this a lasting treasure or just the moment's please 是否这是最后的珍惜还是片刻的欢愉 www.kekenet.com |
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