单词 | Matteo | ||||||||||||||
释义 | Matteo
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 马迪奥,马特奥,马提欧 1. It was introduced to Europe by the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci, who was the first to Latinise the name as "Confucius. " 该思想被意大利耶稣信徒利玛窦传到欧洲,利玛窦是第一个用拉丁语翻译孔子名字的人。 hanyu.zhyww.cn 2. We thought that Matteo Ricci could have introduced in this box the concept of the Good which overcomes the evil. 我们认为利玛窦可能已将战胜邪恶的美德这一概念引入他的盒子系统中。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Matteo Sereni will terminate his Lazio career at the end of this season after contract talks over a renewal collapsed. 在新合同的谈判失败之后,塞雷尼将会结束他在拉齐奥的球员生涯在这个赛季后。 www.laziofly.com 4. Matteo Paro scored Juve's first ever Serie B goal and was again decisive today with his assists from midfield. 帕罗曾经踢进了尤文的意乙首球,而今天,他来自中场的助攻再次决定了比赛。 bbs.rohome.net 5. Matteo Paro, metronome of the Bianconeri midfield, relayed to the press the fantastic mood in the Juventus dressing room. 活跃在尤文图斯中场的帕罗向记者们描述了球队更衣室内热闹的氛围。 bbs.juve.net.cn 6. Matteo Ricci was an Italian missionary sent to China in 1582. Once here, he studied the Chinese language and customs. 利玛窦,意大利的耶稣会传教士,1582年来到中国居住,并学习汉语和风俗习惯。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Oberto Di Matteo - Kills snake stone dead with a wonderful dipping volley from 30 yards and takes only 42 seconds to do so. 罗伯托-迪马特奥――他用30码外的漂亮一击完全杀死了蛇。整个过程只用了42秒。 club.pchome.net 8. Goalkeeper Matteo Sereni has returned to the negotiating table over extending his stay with Lazio. 门将塞雷尼重新开始了和拉齐奥的续约谈判。 www.laziofly.com 9. "You move governmental departments from prime locations to less expensive ones and arbitrage on the rent, " says UBS' Matteo Cominetta. “把政府部门由黄金地段迁往价格更低的地段,利用租金差套利,”瑞银的马特奥?科米内塔(MatteoCominetta)表示。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The map created by Matteo Ricci was the first in Chinese to show the Americas. 这幅由利玛窦(MatteoRicci)制作的地图是第一个用中文展示美洲的地图。 www.bing.com 1. In August 2008, Martin became the father of twin boys, Matteo and Valentino. The babies were delivered via gestational surrogacy. 08年8月,马丁成为双胞胎儿子M和V的父亲,这俩小孩是由代孕而生的。 www.follow5.com 2. Matteo Ricci and others followed at the court of China. 利玛窦等人随后在法庭上的中国。 www.00.dating-woman.org 3. This paper attempts to give some discussion on the map which may be related to Matteo Ricci. 文章试图对这幅可能与利玛窦有关的地图加以讨论。 www.ilib.cn 4. Matteo Brighi might make way for Simone Perrotta in a more attacking formation. 布里吉可能需要给佩罗塔让路,使阵容更具攻击性。 bbs.17mcp.com 5. The agent of Matteo Ferrari admits no new contract talks are scheduled with Roma. 费拉里的经纪人承认:罗马并未将与费拉里的续约谈判提到日程。 romaglory.com 6. Matteo said, "I look forward to consequences in coming seasons. " 马泰奥说,“我希望在即将创作的剧集里用后果作主题。” www.bing.com 7. "Macheda is a striker, we are after a striker and we have to look at whether Manchester United will let him join us, " said Di Matteo. “马切达是个射手,我们在寻找射手,但不知道曼联是否愿意他来我们队,”迪马特奥说。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 8. ''He loves those animals and they are not at all afraid of Matteo because he has a feeling towards them and they understand that. 他爱这些小动物们,而它们也完全不害怕他的存在,因为他对它们有一种感情,而它们也完全能领会。 www.longre.com 9. A Brief Discussion of Matteo Ricci and "Confucianism to the west" 利玛窦与“儒学西渐”刍议 scholar.ilib.cn 10. It is a heavy blow for Coach Delio Rossi, as Angelo Peruzzi, Matteo Sereni and Gaby Mudingayi are also injured. 对于罗西教练来说这是一个严重的打击,同时佩鲁吉,塞里尼,和穆丁加伊也受伤了。 www.laziofly.com 1. In 1601, the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci reached Beijing. A new Catholic community took shape. 意大利耶稣会士利玛窦于1601年抵达北京并成立新的教友团体。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It is clear from the pictures that Matteo and the marmots are totally comfortable in each other's company. 从照片中可以看出,Matteo和他的土拨鼠朋友们相处得非常自然。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 3. But institutions that would really study and teach Chinese were established, first in Naples in 1732 by Matteo Ripa, a missionary in China. 而真正学习并教授中文的机构直到1732年才在意大利那不勒斯建立起来,建立者名叫马国贤,是一位曾去过中国的传教士。 www.sinoss.net 4. Or read the travel memoirs of Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit priest in the Chinese Empire of the 16th century. 你也可以读读耶稣会传教士利玛窦(MatteoRicci)有关16世纪华夏帝国的游记。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Matteo Ricci was born in 1552 in Macerata in central Italy. 利玛窦在1552年出生于意大利中部的马契拉塔城。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. asked Matteo Wong, 30, who was born in China and raised in Prato and runs a consulting office for Chinese immigrants. 马蒂奥?王问道,他今年30岁,出生在中国。现在经营着一家面向中国人移民咨询公司。 www.bing.com 7. 1610: Italian Jesuit priest Matteo Ricci died at 58 on May 11. 1610年5月11日,意大利天主教传教士利玛窦逝世,享年58岁。 english.cri.cn 8. Matteo Ricci's Translation of Occidental Terms and the Cultural Debates Caused by His Translation 利玛窦创译西洋术语及其引发的文化论争 www.ilib.cn 9. Matteo Ricci and the Other Missionaries'Tactical Choice and Its Cultural Values in Late Ming Dynasty 利玛窦等早期传教士的学术传教策略及其文化意义 www.ilib.cn 10. Matteo Ricci had done much paramount importance contribution to the advance of China's cartography 利玛窦对中国地图学发展的贡献 www.ilib.cn 1. Christian Humanism Education and Matteo Ricci's Christian Humanism Thought 基督教人文主义教育和利玛窦的基督教人文主义思想 www.ilib.cn 2. An Analysis of the Relations Between Matteo Ricci and Diego de Pantoja 利玛窦与庞迪我关系辨析 www.ilib.cn 3. On the Blending and Conflicts between Matteo Ricci and Confucianism 利玛窦与儒学的会通和冲突 ilib.cn 4. Translated from Italian by Robert Morningstar and Matteo Sarti 罗伯特晨星和利玛窦Sarti从意大利文翻译 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Matteo Ricci's Influence on Chinese Culture in the Translation of Western Works 从西学翻译看利玛窦对中国文化的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. On Matteo Ricci's Idea and Way of Communication in Late Ming Dynasty 论晚明西方传教士利玛窦的传播理念和方法 service.ilib.cn 7. Matteo Ricci and the Introduction of Projection Geometry from the Western 利玛窦与西方投影几何之东来 www.ilib.cn 8. On the knowledge and cultural influences by Matteo Ricci and other western missionaries 论利马窦等传教士的知识传教及其西学带来的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. Matteo Ricci and the Introduction of Western Non-Euclidean Geometry 利玛窦与非欧氏几何在中国的传播 www.ilib.cn 10. Matteo Ricci's World Map and Its Influence on Korea 利玛窦世界地图传入韩国及其影响 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Matteo Ricci and Musical Exchange between China and the West 对利玛窦与中西音乐交流几个问题的探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. The Fate of the Western Culture in China through Ricci Matteo and Xu Guang-qi at the End of Ming Dynasty 从利玛窦、徐光启看明末西方文化在中国之命运 www.ilib.cn 3. On Matteo Ricci's Missionary Work from Culture View 利玛窦传教的文化透析 www.ilib.cn 4. Matteo Ricci and the spread of western mathematic 利玛窦与西方数学的传播 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Chinese Buddhism in the Eyes of Matteo Ricci 利玛窦笔下的中国佛教形象 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Because if you read Matteo Ricci's introduction to Euclid 利玛窦介绍欧几里德时说 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Two Disturbances Which Matteo Ricci Did Missionary Work in Nanchang 利玛窦在南昌的两次传教风波 scholar.ilib.cn 8. The Map of the World by Matteo Ricci in Japan 利玛窦世界地图在日本 www.ilib.cn |
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