单词 | mentoring |
释义 |
例句释义: 导师,顾问,指导,辅导,师徒制,导师制 1. According to a few officials, our organization was one of only two faith-based mentoring programs invited. 我们从几位官员那里得知当天只有两家基于信仰的指导机构被邀请,而我们就是其中一家。 www.bing.com 2. Not long after getting back on his feet, he began mentoring schoolkids in the city. 恢复行走之后不久,他开始在这个城市指导学童。 www.kekenet.com 3. As an important way of school-based teacher training, mentoring has been used widely in elementary schools and high schools. 师徒制作为培养新教师的途径,已被国内外中小学普遍运用。 www.dictall.com 4. At the end of the day, barriers must be removed, and mentoring groups, networks and a supportive infrastructure need to be put in place. 最终我们必须打破藩篱,还必须建立起指导组织、人际网络和支持性的基础设施。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Mentoring is provided but often on an informal basis. The relationship is often not defined and so frequently leads to no definable benefit. 辅导与培训一般都采用非正式手段。通常没有明确的辅导与培训关系,常常导致最终效果不明显。 www.dvpeixun.com 6. Mr Iqbal is now doing some mentoring of his own with two staff members earmarked for management duties. 伊克巴勒现在亲自对两名指定将担任管理工作的员工进行指导。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I would like to thank Ms. Renuka Chekkala for reviewing this article and for her support and mentoring through several customer cases. 我要感谢RenukaChekkala女士对本文的审阅,以及她通过若干客户案例提供的支持和指导。 www.ibm.com 8. The partnerships include an innovative online mentoring project designed to help entrepreneurs around the world find expert mentors. 这些伙伴项目包括一个创新的网上指导项目,以帮助世界各地的创业者找到指导专家。 www.america.gov 9. We're trying to foster that with help, advice, financial support and mentoring so that there is a synergy of new ideas and old hands. 我们尝试用帮助、建议、经济支援来支持培养他们,同时指导他们以保证他们的新点子能有老手共同协作。 www.bing.com 10. Current plans for a state of the art studio, music mentoring and artist development program are on the way. 他目前正在成立自己的音乐制作室,音乐进修项目和艺人培养计划也在筹划中。 www.yoho.cn 1. Young lawyers who arrive ignorant of the power-suit ensemble get a little tutoring from Mr. Gardner 'in a mentoring way, ' he says. 加德纳说,他会对那些初来乍到、不了解权力着装要求的年轻律师进行“良师益友”般的教导。 www.bing.com 2. These people are our eyes and ears on the planet surface and their feedback prepares us for our future tasks of mentoring. 这些人员是我们的眼线和耳朵行走在行星表面,并且他们的反馈信息指导我们准备我们未来的任务计划。 cqly186.blog.163.com 3. "We have tried mentoring, coaching and networks, but nothing worked, " says Anne Wenders, a spokeswoman for the company. 该公司发言人安妮?文德斯(AnneWenders)说:“我们已经尝试过师徒制、辅导手段以及网络,但是均未奏效。” www.ecocn.org 4. Duration of mentoring relationship has no effect on mentoring relationship. 指导关系存续时间对指导关系则没有显著影响。 www.fabiao.net 5. Someone might not care about having the opportunity to work on cross-functional teams or being able to join a mentoring program. 有些人可能不太在意是否有机会在跨部门小组工作或能够参与指导人计划。 www.elanso.com 6. Yet another advantage of mentoring is that it allows me to reminisce about my own Toastmasters experience. 指导的另一个好处是,我又回忆起自己在演讲会的种种经验。 toastmasters.org.tw 7. Fifteen companies make up about 80 percent of our economics, and I'm actually mentoring C. E. O. 's of some of those companies. 其中15个公司组成了我们大约80%的经济份额,而我实际上正在指导其中一些公司的CEO。 www.bing.com 8. There is no manual for how to best do this, and intuition can only get you so far in the absence of experience and mentoring. 对此我们并没有现成的操作指南,在缺乏经验和指导的情况下,你只能依赖直觉行事。 www.fortunechina.com 9. The U. S. provides the overwhelming majority of the cash currently flowing into training and mentoring programs. 美国目前所提供的大多数的现金都被用作培训和指导方案。 www.bing.com 10. Simply leave a comment below in this post and let me know why you'd love to participate in Jennifer's on-line mentoring program. 简单在帖子下面评论一下,让我们知道你为什么愿意参加Jennifer的在线指导节目。 www.elanso.com 1. Although workshops are not specifically referenced, they should be a key part of the mentoring activity. 尽管工作车间并没有被具体的涉及到,它应当是指导活动中的一个重要部分。 www.ibm.com 2. This shouldn't be left to chance -- a mentoring program should be set up to ensure that all junior managers are receiving proper guidance. 这一互动不应该是撞大运型的,而要建立一种“传帮带”制度,确保每一个年轻管理者都能得到恰当的指导。 c.wsj.com 3. And from the comments on see on other musician's web sites, you seem to do a lot of mentoring. 从其他音乐家的个人站点上看到的评论,你似乎也做了很多指导工作。 bbs.flamesky.com 4. Therefore, an aspect of a development environment is the definition and creation of training and mentoring materials that can be applied. 因此,开发环境的一个方面就是能够被应用的培训和指导原料的定义和创造。 www.ibm.com 5. 60 percent of those who had been in a mentoring scheme said it had a positive effect on their business. 另有60%曾有机会受训的女性反应,培训结果并没有在工作中起到积极作用。 www.jvcxp.com 6. His mentoring and support along with my performance made me a manager in 2005 and a senior manager in 2007. 在他的指导与帮助下,加之我出色的工作表现,我在2005年被晋升为经理,并在2007年晋升为高级经理。 page.renren.com 7. Soccer coach, scout leading, any volunteer mentoring that he would be good at. 从事足球教练、童子军领队、或者其他任何擅长的志愿服务。 www.hxen.com 8. I offer just one caveat: Unless you are an experienced public speaker when you join Toastmasters, do not start mentoring too soon. 我必须强调;除非你在加入演讲会前,就是一个有经验的演说者,否则不要太早去当指导会友。 toastmasters.org.tw 9. What mentoring are they likely to offer? Judge, as best you can, if the overall environment will work for you. 他们可能会给你什么指导哪?如果大环境能为你所用,你最好能够自己判断。 www.icchina.org.cn 10. The American mentoring the police concluded in his assessment that the policeman's use of force was appropriate. 负责监督警察的美国人在他的评估报告中总结说,该警察使用武力的行为是恰当的。 www.bing.com 1. Then, the teaching approaches are the implementation of the whole mentoring and training programs guidance. 实行全程导师制和项目引导教学制的培养途径与方法; journals.hut.edu.cn 2. A mentor is someone who teaches or advises a younger person with less experience. January is National Mentoring Month in the United States. 辅导老师的职责是对缺乏经验的年轻人进行教导或者给予建议。每年的一月是美国的辅导月。 www.bing.com 3. Mentoring helps women build careers in science, and helps science get the best out of women, says social psychologist Tineke Willemsen. 社会心理学家TinekeWillemsen说,辅导帮助女性积累科学职业经验,并且帮助科学最大限度地借助女性的力量。 www.scidev.net 4. Once again, however, humans aren't the ones who dreamed up such a mentoring system. 再重申一遍,这个指导体系毕竟不是由人类自身设想出来的。 www.bing.com 5. Last but not the least; it comes with FREE technical mentoring and "Unconditional Test PASS Guarantee" . 最后但并非最不重要的,它附带的免费技术指导和“无条件的测试通过保证”。 xtdownload.com 6. Does having formal versus informal mentoring make any difference in terms of promotions? Yes. 所进行的“指导”正式与否与升职有关么?是的! www.bing.com 7. For example, pair programming is often a tough sell, but greater teamwork or mentoring aren't. 例如,配对编程通常让人难以接受,但更好的团队合作或辅导则不同。 www.ibm.com 8. In fact, we see collaboration, pairing, mentoring, and a learning culture as the way we cultivate world-class people. 实际上,我们将协作、结对、指导以及学习文化视为我们培养世界级人才的方式。 www.infoq.com 9. Required PMP BOK Education with extended mentoring, test simulation and a gold exam pass guarantee. 需要PMPBOK教育的发散指导,模拟测试和百分之百通过率的保证。 www.pxto.com.cn 10. Individual Spiritual Direction and Mentoring, Consultation for Communities and Organizations, Workshops and Classes. 个人灵性的方向和辅导、咨询机构、团体和车间和课程。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Mentoring is an embodied relationship, and does not scale beyond individuals. 知识顾问是一种关系的表现形式,它并不把个人排除在外。 www.bing.com 2. I urge you to get involved in this rewarding and enjoyable experience. Happy mentoring! 我鼓励大家投入这个有趣又有益的志业,享受指导的乐趣。 toastmasters.org.tw 3. One of the most effective instruments for coaching and mentoring is the "role rehearsal" . 辅导和教学的最有效的手段之一是“角色排练”。 www.kekenet.com 4. Mentoring should be confidential: mentor and mentee must feel free to express themselves and discuss problems with full confidentiality. 辅导应该是保密的:导师和被辅导者必须自由地表达自身,并且在完全保密的情况下讨论问题。 www.scidev.net 5. Research shows men who report to a female manager get much more mentoring and support than their female colleagues. 研究表明,为一个女经理工作的男员工比女员工得到的辅导和支持更多。 www.ebigear.com 6. The council, which has applied for nonprofit status, serves as a help desk and mentoring hotline for individual entrepreneurs. 理事会已申请为非营利性组织,旨在充当个体创业者的求助平台与指导热线。 www.bing.com 7. The thesis is to explore basic conditions, problems in management and solutions of mentoring practices in Chinese corporations. 本文旨在探索师徒制在我国企业实施的基本情况、出现的管理问题及其解决办法。 www.fabiao.net 8. Consultants advising or mentoring customers on SOA need to have the combination of depth, breadth, and experience that Andre talks about. 为SOA客户提供建议或指导的顾问,需要同时具备Andre所讨论的深度、广度和经验。 www.ibm.com 9. The Harvard School of Public Health and the National Mentoring Project launched National Mentoring Month in two thousand two. 哈佛大学公共卫生学院和美国辅导工程于2002年推出了“全国辅导月”活动。 www.ebigear.com 10. Mentoring is a great way for developers to gain skill using the product in a development setting, and thus quickly improve productivity. 接受指导对于开发人员在开发环境中获得使用产品的技能,并快速提高生产效率来说,是一条捷径。 www.ibm.com 1. Almost all the women on the Imperial MBA took part in the mentoring scheme , along with a few men as well . 帝国理工MBA课程的几乎所有的女学生都加入了这个导师计划,也有一些男学生加入。 www.bing.com 2. The long term mentoring is fine but long term intervention is not. 在项目而言,有长期的指导是好事,但长期的干预不是好事。 www.ngocn.org 3. Type of mentoring relationship, communication frequency and similarity has significant effect on mentoring relationship. 指导关系类型、指导双方沟通频率和指导双方相似度对指导关系均存在显著影响; www.fabiao.net 4. In that role, she oversees special-education training programs for teachers, as well as district mentoring programs. 她负责监管对教师们的特殊教育培训项目以及学区内的咨询辅导项目。 www.bing.com 5. If the contractors work remotely, there will be additional mentoring, administration, and management complications. 如果承包人远程工作,那么需要有额外的指导、管理和管理复杂度。 www.ibm.com 6. COE members then put those policies into practice, mentoring and assisting teams with developing services and composite applications. COE成员随后将这些策略付诸实施,指导和帮助团队开发服务和组合应用程序。 www.ibm.com 7. You can do so by mentoring a child; by going into a shut-in's house and say I love you. 你能够做到,因为你可以教导一个孩子,可以走进关闭的房子里说我爱你。 bbs.edu.sina.com.cn 8. Therefore, the definition and creation of training and mentoring materials that can be applied are aspects of a development environment. 因此,可以应用的培训及指导材料的定义和创建操作,就是开发环境的一方面。 www.ibm.com 9. Notice the approach in the framework is to provide training and mentoring aligned with specific project adoption. 注意架构中的方法要提供与具体采用的项目相一致的培训和指导。 www.ibm.com 10. MTF-3 was the first Mentoring Taskforce to be deployed with the new weapon. MTF-3是首支装备这种新型武器的指导特遣部队。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. The focus is on mentoring all of you back to full consciousness, and this old game of blame and retribution is well past its sell-by date! 焦点在指导你们所有人回到全意识,并且这旧游戏的指责和惩罚会随时间而淡化过去! cqly186.blog.163.com 2. Ideally, this person works alongside the Project Manager (PM) of the initiative, mentoring the PM in these activities. 理想的,这个人应当在开端的项目经理(PM)身边工作,在这些活动中指导PM。 www.ibm.com 3. Coaching and mentoring are about enhanced performance. They must therefore be planned and monitored and tested for effectiveness. 要通过辅导与培训提高企业业绩,就要对辅导培训进行计划、监督和检测,以确保其效力。 www.dvpeixun.com 4. But much of the mentoring and serendipity that the diverse community of amateurs offered has been lost. 但是由多样的业馀社群所能提供的师徒关系及意外发现,则大多已经失去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. To actively involve in the employee development program through various training, mentoring and incentive programs. 通过多种形式的培训和训练,积极推进员工技能发展。 www.lietou.com 6. Small-group sessions focus on mentoring participants strategic thinking about career development. 小组会议的重点放在有关职业发展的战略思想指导参与者。 www.med365.com.cn 7. Mentoring is widespread in the United States, in both corporations and not-for-profit organisations. 在美国的公司和非营利机构种,指导是很普遍。 www.ecocn.org 8. Others naturally gravitate towards them to sound out ideas; this may be formalized into mentoring or coaching roles. 其他人自然会来找他们寻求点子,这下就有可能变成指导者或教练。 www.bing.com 9. The most valuable team members often have lower individual productivity, since they spend most of their time mentoring other team members. 最有价值的团队成员通常只有较低的个体生产力,因为他们花费了大量的时间来指导他们团队成员。 www.ibm.com 10. Coaching and mentoring techniques at all levels of management . 所有工作层面采用教练及引导的管理模式。 www.bing.com 1. Strong skills needed in leading and mentoring others, time management and developing client relationships. 具有很强的领导能力、时间管理能力,维护与发展同客户的关系。 www.jobems.com 2. If money is short, donate your time by volunteering for a charity or mentoring a child. 相反,可以在慈善机构做志愿者或担任孩子的辅导老师。 www.bangbenw.com 3. We buy insurance policies to brace ourselves financially, and seek business mentoring to brace ourselves mentally. 我们买保险来支撑我们的经济,并且寻找业务指导来支持我们的头脑。 www.bing.com 4. Relationship with Auckland University School of Business ? Coaching and Mentoring? 剑桥国际文凭?与奥克兰大学的商学院有着良好的关系?管理、指导和企业家教育 wenku.baidu.com 5. The following are my thoughts on how best to mix this art and science of mentoring, so that the process truly becomes that of enablement. 以下是我对如何最好地将指导的艺术与科学相混合,以便过程真正地成为可能的想法。 www.ibm.com 6. Provide training, coaching, mentoring and development for Sales Team to achieve business targets. 为销售队伍提供培训、指导和发展,以期达到销售目标。 www.lietou.com 7. People-related activities include hiring, setting the culture, coaching and mentoring. 与员工相关的活动则包括人员聘用,打造企业文化,培训和辅导等。 www.fortunechina.com 8. Carr is mentoring another woman in the cross-company programme, so he is known to be sympathetic . 在跨公司辅导计划中,卡尔负责指导另一位女性,所以,他显然是比较容易接近的。 www.ftchinese.com 9. a. Jesus based his mentoring on building a relationship between himself and his disciples. 耶稣的辅导,是以他与门徒之间的关系为基础的。 gbicp.org 10. I have worked closely with my own women's mentoring group at The Commonwealth Institute. 我曾与我们女性指导团队在英联邦研究所密切合作过。 www.bing.com 1. To gain the full benefits of coaching and mentoring as learning and development tools our research supports the following recommendations. 以辅导与培训为学习和发展工具,为使其充分发挥效用,我们的调查给出了以下建议。 www.dvpeixun.com 2. Mentoring me. He'd come up and spend hours and hours with me. 每次他来指导我物理时,他会几小时,几小时地花时间教导我。 www.ted.com 3. Recent years, many enterprises in China have introduced various advanced training methods and mentoring program is one of them. 近年来我国企业引入了许多先进的培训方法,职业导师制就是其中之一。 www.fabiao.net 4. We target at-risk young people and offer an after-school program, a summer basketball league, and mentoring programs for girls. 我们以贫困孩子为目标,为他们提供课后活动和夏季篮球培训班,还为女孩子提供传帮带项目。 www.america.gov 5. The senior person has shared knowledge and is virtually mentoring the more junior person. 高级人员相互共享知识,同时指导较为初级的人员。 www.ibm.com 6. Learning new skills for a project may require training or a mentoring services engagement. 学习项目的新技能可能需要培训或辅导。 www.ibm.com 7. Talk to other students in the laboratory and get their impressions of how the principle investigator's mentoring works for them. 同实验室其他同学交流一下,并从他们那里获得一些关于主要负责人如何指导他们工作之类的事。 www.icchina.org.cn 8. A great manager will almost always be skilled at developing and mentoring employees. 伟大的管理者总是深谙发展员工、指导员工的技巧。 www.bing.com 9. This learning strategy will be reinforced by targeted learning programmes, mentoring and coaching. 这一学习策略将通过有针对性的学习计划,跟踪和辅导来进一步加强。 www.8wen.com 10. Provides technical mentoring for EOL electrical engineering staff. 给电气工程师提供技术支持。 www.0510sou.com 1. Narrator: when staying imperatorial: monk tang happened three mentoring. 旁白八:至尊宝投宿时巧遇唐三藏三师徒。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The book of Proverbs mirrors this kind of mentoring in facing life's challenges and rewards. 在面对生活的挑战与奖赏时,箴言这卷书也反映了同样的精神。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 3. If the child you are mentoring is constantly doodling, for example, get them signed up for an art class. 如果你指导的孩子不断地涂鸦,可以让他们报名参加艺术班。 www.bing.com 4. His office has established a new pilot mentoring program for graduate students from diverse backgrounds. 戈麦斯的办公室制订了一个试行计划,为来自不同背景的研究生提供辅导。 www.america.gov 5. Mentoring is also voluntary: both mentor and mentee are free to end the relationship without negative consequences for either of them. 辅导也是自愿的:导师和被辅导者都可以自由地结束这种辅导关系,而不会对双方产生负面后果。 www.scidev.net 6. Provides leadership and mentoring for Black Belts focused on new product introductions. 为专注产品引入项目的黑带提供专业流程方法的领导与指导; www.job592.com 7. The council serves as a help desk and mentoring hotline for entrepreneurs. 作为一个咨询平台,该协会致力于为企业家们提供咨询热线辅导。 www.voa365.com 8. Mentoring programs should be implemented that let architects work with developers who want to become architects. 应该实现指导计划,让架构师与希望成为架构师的开发人员协作工作。 www.ibm.com 9. Ms. McCormick heads a women's mentoring group and Mr. McCormick helps his father-in-law part-time in his construction business. 伊莉莎白是一个女性心理辅导团体的负责人,凯斯做一份兼职,在他岳父的建筑公司帮忙。 chinese.wsj.com 10. To provide coaching and mentoring to Salesperson to facilitate staff retention. 为销售人员提供培训和指导,以确保团队稳定性。 www.rencaiwang.org 1. Is there any evidence that his approach to mentoring was planned, well-considered, intentional? 可否证明,他的辅导方法是有计划,经过仔细考虑,而且带有目的性的? gbicp.org 2. Any training plan should include some period of mentoring by developers and administrators already familiar with the new platform. 任何培训计划都应该包括一段时间的指导,且应该由已经熟悉新平台的开发人员和管理员来进行这样的指导。 www.ibm.com 3. As social entrepreneurs we spend a lot of our time mentoring, supporting and encouraging others. 作为社会型企业,我花费了很多时间给其他人提供指导、支持和鼓励。 www.bing.com 4. Business executives have become the latest group to subscribe to the benefits of mentoring. 业务主管已成为从导师指导那里收获最大好处的群体。 www.ecocn.org 5. "This gets students more involved and also gives them the experience, access and mentoring. " he says. 他表示:“这能够提高学生的参与度,并给他们提供经验、接触的机会及指导。” www.ftchinese.com 6. You'll also be mentoring someone who could use the experience. 你也可以指导一些希望得到工作经验的人。 www.kaka3.com 7. N. L. D. will match teachers with volunteer scientists and engineers in their areas for mentoring. 国家试验日会为每个老师配备在他们研究领域的志愿科学家和工程师。 www.bing.com 8. We offer our people clearly defined career paths and ensure that they receive the best training, on the job support and mentoring. 我们为员工提供清晰的职业规划并确保他们获得最好的培训,以及工作上的支持和指导。 www.lietou.com 9. Instructors should manage to keep students' mind active and creative while mentoring them. 引导学生时,教师应试图保持学生思维的活跃性和创造性。 www.shxb.net 10. Mentoring does not, however, happen by accident. 导师不是,然而,偶然产生的。 www.ecocn.org 1. Anothertip is to build a professional network so you can obtain mentoring and support outside your office and learn of job opportunities. 另外一个建议建立一个专业的网站,你可以从中得到外面人的指导和支持,学习得到工作机会。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Mentoring programmes give us a much-needed dose of our own medicine. 指导项目也成为我们自己急需的一剂良药。 www.bing.com 3. The finest mentoring and assessment tools aren't much use if no one puts them into action. 如果没有人实施,最佳的培训和评估工具也没有多大用处。 www.elanso.com 4. Teaching or mentoring others? Doing things that you love? 教育或指导别人?做你喜欢的事? www.chinaedu.com 5. He is active in science education and has received a National Science Foundation Presidential Award for mentoring. 比雅瑞尔积极参与科学教育工作,并获得美国国家科学基因会总统奖。 6. Thus, mentoring is a critical part of the Troubleshooter's role. 因此,指导是故障诊断角色的关键部分。 www.ibm.com 7. This practice of mentoring is very old. It's illustrated in the history of the early church. 辅导新进这个做法已有悠久的历史,在早期的教会也有先例。 www.chinesetodays.org 8. The World Federation of Science Journalists (WFSJ) plans to extend its mentoring programme to Asia and Latin America. 世界科学记者联合会计划打算把它的科学记者指导项目扩展到亚洲和拉丁美洲。 www.scidev.net 9. In this way mentoring, a low-cost intervention to support women's careers, offers benefits that reach beyond the women being mentored. 用这种辅导方式,这种低成本的支持女性职业的干预手段提供的收益的覆盖范围远远超过了被辅导的女性。 www.scidev.net 10. Researchers say mentoring can reduce drug and alcohol use, and violence among young people. 研究人员表示通过辅导能减少青少年的药物和酒精的滥用现象以及暴力打斗行为的发生。 www.bing.com 1. The visit was part of an ambitious mentoring program she has held for students in Washington, Detroit, and Denver since 2009. 自2009年起,米歇尔就在华盛顿、底特律和丹佛发起了针对学生的“良师益友”活动,此行只是该活动的一部分。 dongxi.net 2. In 2004, APS received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring. 在2004年,美国生理学会在生命科学,数学及工程指导方面获得总统的嘉奖。 news.dxy.cn 3. To support our teachers, we will expand mentoring programs that pair experienced, successful teachers with new recruits . 为了支持我们的教师,我们将要扩展以老带新的传帮带计划。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. You can support mentoring internally or encourage employees to join outside groups. 你可以进行公司内部的指导也可鼓励员工参加外部活动。 www.bing.com 5. And right to the end he kept on mentoring the profession's brightest stars. 而他直到他逝去的那一刻他一直是这个学科最闪耀的明星。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 6. We'll expand mentoring programs that pair experienced teachers with new recruits. 我们将扩大有经验教师和新招聘教师“结对子”的教育监督计划。 gb.cri.cn 7. In 1987, Matilda Cuomo helped establish the nation's first statewide school-based one-to-one mentoring program. 1987年,玛蒂尔达.科莫协助成立了全国首创以学校为基础,全州范围内一对一的个别辅导计划。 www.24en.com 8. Some mentoring programs connect adults with children who need guidance. 一些辅导项目将成年人和需要辅导的孩子们联系到一起。 www.ebigear.com 9. The CSV helps 40 companies place their employees into volunteering opportunities through schools or e-mentoring. CSV通过各学校和电子顾问为40个公司的职工提供参加志愿活动的机会。 www.uk.cn 10. At the same time, midlife is a time to nurture and give back, whether by having children or engaging in mentoring or social activism. 同时,中年还是抚育和给予的时期,要么生养孩子,或者是忙于指导或社会行动。 www.bing.com 1. Proven track record of mentoring, coaching, and developing teams. 良好的辅导,管理和发展队伍的记录。 www.sndhr.com 2. A little more than two years ago, she was approached by Jacey Graham to take part in the cross-mentoring programme. 两年多一点之前,杰西?格雷厄姆找到了她,要她加入跨公司辅导计划。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It is aimed to help young people, it is about mentoring. 目的是帮助青少年们,是一项指导。 www.mjjcn.com 4. Delegating , motivating, coaching, mentoring, and other subjects related to dealing with individuals. 委派、激励、培训、指导和其它针对个人的主题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. With proper exposure, mentoring and career development, they will become our managers of tomorrow. 通过适当的定位、指导和职业发展,这些人将成为麦德龙明日的管理者。 www.xyzp.net 6. Michelle Obama received an award of special recognition for bringing the importance of mentoring to the forefront . 米歇尔?奥巴马因大力倡导女子教育的重要性而获特别奖。 www.bing.com 7. After-school support, using mentoring and homework clubs, could also help. 利用辅导员和家庭作业俱乐部的课后辅导可能也会有帮助。 www.ecocn.org 8. Provide technical training and mentoring to operation team. 为运行团队提供技术指导和培训。 chem.001job.com 9. As such, many folks ask me about the progress made by churches in reaching into communities via mentoring. 就其本身而言,很多人向我询问教会通过指导向社区延伸的进展。 www.bing.com 10. I will conduct myself in accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics in all coach training, coach mentoring, and coach supervisory activities. 我将在所有教练培训、教练指导、以及教练管理活动中遵守ICF道德准则之要求。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Sekhmet was in charge of all healing in ancient Egypt and she is bringing a fresh, new and joyful perspective to her mentoring. 塞克梅特在古埃及时期主管一切的疗愈,她正在带来全新、愉快视角的教导。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In many mentoring programs, the mentors come from outside sources. 在很多精神导师项目中,导师一般都来自社区外界。 www.bing.com 3. d. Below is a list of ways a mentor may deal with roadblocks to mentoring. 下面是辅导者在辅导过程中可能使用的清除障碍的方法。 gbicp.org 4. Our mentoring program will also support your growth in the business. 我们的辅导项目也将支持你在业务方面的成长。 campus.51job.com 5. Gather feedback on enablement, thus about any training or mentoring. 收集关于启动的反馈信息,因此也收集关于培训或者指导的信息。 www.ibm.com 6. We will support mentoring programs so someone starting out can benefit from the experience of someone who's been down that road before. 我们将支持指导项目,从而让初来乍到的人能够受益于那些已经走过这条路的人的经验。 www.putclub.com 7. Every migration plan should include mentoring for the development team to guide them through their first few weeks with WebSphere Studio. 每个迁移计划应该包括为开发小组准备顾问来指导他们在最初的几个星期使用WebSphereStudio。 www.ibm.com 8. Mentoring, immediately following the classroom training, is your best bet at effectively transferring required skills to your developers. 紧跟着教室培训是教师指导,是您想开发人员高效的传授所需技能的最好方法。 www.ibm.com 9. Not everyone likes the idea of the mentoring programme. 并非每个人都喜欢辅导计划这个想法。 www.ftchinese.com 10. All mentoring is not created equal, we discovered. 我们发现所有的“指导”都是不一样的。 www.bing.com 1. Profiles of women working for NASA - mentoring and archived chats. 工作在NASA的女性简介–辅导及归档的聊天内容。 www.seed.slb.com 2. Mentoring people who've been long-term unemployed is a big part of my work at Poached Creative. 我在PoachedCreative的大部分工作是给那些长期失业的人提供指导咨询。 www.bing.com 3. January is National Mentoring Month in the United States. This is a time for calling attention to the value of mentoring. 一月份是美国全国辅导月,这是呼吁重视辅导价值的一月。 www.ebigear.com 4. Maybe there's a great gym on-site, or you enjoy the opportunity for travel or the mentoring you do. 也许这里有着很好的健身房,也许你享受旅行的机会,又或许你享受和新人分享自己的经验。 www.bing.com 5. Triec also organises a four-month mentoring scheme for professional immigrants. 多伦多移民就业委员会还为职业移民者组织了为期4个月的辅导计划。 www.ebigear.com 6. The mentoring focused around skills transfer will help in this area. 指导着重于在该领域中有帮助的技能的转变。 www.ibm.com 7. In our reading today we discover that Barnabas developed a mentoring relationship with Paul. 在今天的经文中,我们看见巴拿巴与保罗建立起了一个辅导的关系。 www.chinesetodays.org 8. " What's more, she explains, when new recruits join " they have an in-built mentoring system in the person who recommended them. 此外,她解释道,当新员工加入时,“他们与推荐他们的人有一种内在的导师机制。” www.ftchinese.com 9. Excellent mentoring skills, Guiding and examine civil work bidding process. 5. 良好的导向能力,指导并检查土建专业的投标过程; www.shjob.cn 10. Forex self trader resources - one-on-one mentoring, training, training courses, For more detail her Books and CDs are also available. 自行买卖外汇资源一对一辅导,培训,培训课程,她的书籍和音乐光碟更详细的刊物。 www.cnbug.cn 1. A sturdy mentoring scheme is in place too. 此外还实施了一个毫不含糊的指导计划。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Do the assessments cover environmental and social management and mentoring plans? 评估是否涵盖环境和社会管理和监测计划? www.dcement.com 3. Use the vendor for some hands-on training and mentoring to ramp up quickly. 利用厂商进行一些内行培训和咨询,用以快速掌握。 www.ibm.com 4. Mentoring has become a common practice in the workplace today. 在今天,辅导新进是工作场所常见的做法。 www.chinesetodays.org 5. There are two main types of mentoring programs in common use today: formal and informal. 辅助程序主要有两大类:正式的和非正式的。 www.bing.com 6. Invest heavily in training and mentoring. 加大培训和辅导方面的投资。 www.hxen.com 7. Coaching and mentoring is also a growing part of MiM programmes. 辅导和指导式教学也日益成为MiM项目的组成部分。 www.ftchinese.com 8. What do these verses say about the importance of involving the Spirit in the work of mentoring? 以下这些经文说出了圣灵在辅导工作中有怎样的重要性? gbicp.org 9. Remember to give back to your profession by mentoring others in whatever topics you decide to learn about. 记住,无论您决定学习哪个课题,都要通过指导他人来回馈您的专业知识。 www.ibm.com 10. Does mentoring provide the same career benefits to men and women? No. “导师”对男性和女性来说都是有益的么?不! www.360doc.com 1. This training and mentoring may be done incrementally. 这种培训和监控也许要增量地完成。 www.ibm.com 2. Pupils' blazer lapels sag with enamel badges for choir, language-learning, mentoring younger pupils and so on. 因上唱诗班、语言课和指导低年级学生而获得的珐琅徽章坠得校服翻领都往下垂。 www.bing.com 3. Coaching and Mentoring. 指导和咨询。 www.bing.com 4. v. Pride he knows how the mentoring process should work in this person's life. 自豪地以为,他知道辅导过程将在被辅导者的生命中怎样进行。 gbicp.org 5. That joy of service has been at the core of Mentoring USA's mission since it began in 1987. 自1987年成立以来,为他人服务的快乐一直是美国辅导帮助组织的核心。 www.24en.com 6. I will spend a lot more time contributing to others through charity and mentoring (my mission). 我会通过慈善事业和对他人的指导来做出更多贡献(我的抱负)。 www.bing.com 7. I'm mentoring a group of 15 female undergrads at Georgetown, my alma mater. 我现在在母校乔治城大学为15位女性本科生提供小组辅导。 www.bing.com 8. Are women as likely as men to get mentoring? Yes. 女性和男性一样需要“导师”么?是的! www.bing.com 9. The Healthy Living Lounge and Jennifer will be giving away three 7 week on-line mentoring programs valued at $99. 00 each so stay tuned. 健康生活时光节目和詹妮弗将在此为大家提供价值$99.00的在线指导节目,为期三周。所以锁定我们的频道。 www.elanso.com 10. The mentoring will be done in professional trading floor in Manhattan by a high profile professioanl trader. 专业的辅导会做买卖的曼哈顿地板高调职称买卖。 investacademy.com 1. This is a key aspect of mentoring activities, which are demand driven and needs based. 这是基于基于需要和需求的指导活动的主要方面。 www.icarrd.org 2. Both are known for their devotion to mentoring, Backus says. 巴克斯说,两人都以热心辅导学生而著称。 www.bing.com 3. Do regular 1: 1 meetings with Team-members, to provide coaching and mentoring. 与团队成员定期进行一对一的会议,为他们提供辅导和指导 www.infoq.com 4. Priorities for both areas 1 and 2 above are based on risk, hazard and consequence with additional training and mentoring to support this. 对于以上1和2都取决于风险,危险和后果,需要额外的培训和顾问来支持这些工作。 www.1x1y.com.cn 5. As a mentee, it's best to establish a process and always have a mentoring date on the calendar, Zachary advises. 扎克利建议,作为学员,最好确立一个流程,安排时间定期接受导师的指导。 www.fortunechina.com 6. The history of mentoring is very long and very rich. 而且,辅导制的历史不但悠久而丰富。 www.bing.com 7. They were given education on sex and drugs, but also offered mentoring. 他们不仅将接受有关性和毒品的教育,而且会得到专门辅导。 www.bing.com 8. The agenda was headlined by industry experts who provided insightful one-on-one mentoring with the students. 该议程的标题是由行业专家提供真知灼见,谁进行一对一的指导学生。 www.biooin.com 9. 5. Mentoring. 5、培训机制。 www.bing.com 10. I listen to broadcasts in my wireless headset as I go about my work and feel like I have one-on-one mentoring. 我上班的时候就戴着无线耳机听广播,仿佛在接受一对一的门徒培训。 www.bing.com 1. In a large laboratory, chances are you will get less direct mentoring from the principle investigator. 在一个大型实验室中,你可能会得不到多少主要负责人对你直接的指导。 www.icchina.org.cn 2. Have you personally been involved in mentoring new teachers? If so, in what way? 您个人有参与过培训新老师吗?如果有,以什么方式? blog.sina.com.cn 3. The best way to learn is by doing and having the right mentoring support. 最好的学习途径就是在指导下实践。 www.ibm.com 4. Did you do the mentoring thing? 你做指导工作吗? sfile.ydy.com 5. So my call to action is this: to my fellow entrepreneurs, let's equip this next generation to become role models by mentoring them. 因此,我向所有企业家发出呼吁:让我们指导这一代人,让他们成为其他人的榜样。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Experienced in people management, effective communication skill, mentoring and developmental subordinate skill; 具有丰富的员工管理能力以及有效的沟通技巧,具有指导和发展下属的能力; jobs.zhaopin.com 7. Actively contributing to technical reviews, mentoring programs, and methodology improvements 主动致力于对技术的评估、项目的监控和方法的改进 www.ic01.com 8. Giveback (including patents, publishing, and presentations, with particular emphasis on mentoring) 取得的成绩(包括专利、发表作品和演示,特别强调顾问指导) www.ibm.com 9. Enablement in the form of testing-related training and mentoring materials 以测试相关的培训和指导原料的形式出现; www.ibm.com 10. Enablement mechanisms that provide appropriate levels of training and mentoring for different sizes of project 为不同大小的项目提供适当程度的培训和指导的机制; www.ibm.com 1. Mentoring: Share business expertise with social service organizations 与社会服务机构分享专业知识和技能 www.udomain.net 2. Alan Atlas commented on the expanded opportunities for mentoring that agile development provides AlanAtlas对敏捷开发提供了更多的机会指导新员工进行了评论 www.infoq.com 3. Designing Workplace Mentoring Programs : An Evidence-Based Approach 有效的指导计划设计:一种基于证据的方法 wenku.baidu.com 4. Build skills, mentoring and share knowledge through virtual collaboration 建立技能、进行指导,并通过虚拟协作共享知识 www.ibm.com 5. Leadership communication: High impact coaching and mentoring 领导力沟通:具有深远影响的指导方式 www.mercerhr.com.cn 6. Community Mentoring for Adolescent Development 对青少年发展社区传帮带活动 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The computer mentoring system for pulp level of a filter in coal preparation plant 选煤厂过滤机液位计算机监控系统 ilib.cn 8. Experience or capabilities in teaching and mentoring 教学,传授或辅导方面的经验或技能 www.azteck.net 9. Research Mentoring with Teachers at Guyuan College, China 与中国固原师范学院的老师们的研究指导 buidingandbird.blog.hexun.com 10. Study and analysis on mentoring system for undergraduates 本科生导师制探析 service.ilib.cn 1. Peer Mentoring Programme of Lingnan University 岭南大学学友计划服务日 www.ln.edu.hk 2. Critical Analysis of Mentoring Discourse 门特话语的批判性分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Advanced Coaching and Mentoring Programs 在我的高级指导训练课程 www.nckz.net 4. Mentoring and Tutoring Application Terms Fees 收生条件与学费 www.cdac.org.sg 5. European Coaching and Mentoring Council 欧洲指导与培训委员会 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Formal and Informal Mentoring Theory 正式导师和非正式导师理论 www.wuyancentral.com 7. Ensures high quality work of subordinates and provides on the job training and mentoring 保证日常工作的整齐有序和高质量,对在职的培训和监督负责 www.adjia.com 8. Why Mentoring Fails Women 为什么“职业导师”对女性不起作用? www.bing.com 9. Waldorf Early Childhood training and mentoring programme in China 中国华德福幼师培训与指导项目 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The second is to use a variety of training methods such as job rotation system, mentoring and so on, its effective training; 其次是要采用多种培养方式,例如轮岗制、导师制等,对其进行有效培养; www.fabiao.net 1. Accenture alums , for example, began mentoring and training young employees about three years ago; 举例来说,大约三年前,埃森哲的职友就开始为年轻员工提供指导和培训了; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Mentoring and activities (for example, study tours) 指导和活动(例如,游学) www.bing.com |
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