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释义 | mental states
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 精神状态,心理状态,心智状态 1. Conscious and non conscious mental states and processes cannot be conceived within the thing model and its paradigm of material bodies. 不可以在,事物模型下,以及以唯物主义为主体的范式下考虑,意识和无意识的状态和过程。 open.163.com 2. It is sometimes objected that distinct physical and mental states could not interact, since there is no causal nexus between them. 有时,一个明显的反对是,物理和精神事态不能相互作用,因为它们之间没有因果接扣。 dict.kekenet.com 3. Full disclosure, my grandfather was a Norwegian and I was fairly predisposed to overlook some of Egil's more pathological mental states. 在此透露一下,我的祖父是一名挪威人,我比较倾向于忽视埃吉尔的一些病态心理。 www.bing.com 4. The moment the slave resolves that he will no longer be a slave. His fetters fall. . . freedom and slavery are mental states. 当奴隶鼓起勇气拒绝继续为奴,他的枷锁也就随之脱落。自由与奴役都不过是精神上的状态而已。 cn.langbabel.com 5. It has been clear to me for 20 years that there are simply major influences of mental states on physical health that are causal in nature. 20年来,我一直很坚定地相信,心理状态对自然因素引起身体健康具有重大的影响。 bbs.psysoper.com 6. Desire and belief are acknowledged to be pivotal in theory of mind, or children's understanding of their own and others' mental states. 愿望和信念一般被认为是理解自己和他人行为的关键的心理状态。然而很少有研究考察这两个方面的发展; www.fabiao.net 7. That is to say, some of our mental states cannot fail to be conscious. 也就是说,我们有些心智状态不可能不具有意识。 philosophyol.net 8. With their mental states deteriorating can they stay alive in a haunted house where the only thing they have is each other? 她们的精神状况每况愈下,除了彼此她们一无所有,她们能否在这个幽灵频繁出没的房子里继续维持生计呢? www.elanso.com 9. It wirelessly sends raw brain data to a laptop, displaying two mental states: attention, and how relaxed you are. 它可以向笔记本电脑无线传输脑电的原始信号,并在上面显示两种心理状态:专注和你放松的程度。 www.bing.com 10. Other robots are making tentative forays into the treacherous terrain of human mental states and emotions. 其他的机器人正在试图向人类心理和情感世界的危险地带迈进。 www.bing.com 1. Our mind has a tendency (Vritti in Sanskrit) to float in the realm of past and future projections, seeking rewards in purely mental states. 我们的心有这样的倾向(梵文称为Vritti),喜欢在过去与未来投射的领地遨游,在纯粹的心理活动中寻求满足。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Of our conscious mental states, some are inherently conscious. 在我们有意识的心智状态中,有些是内在地有意识的(inherentlyconscious)。 philosophyol.net 3. Through these measurements, 226 students demonstrate obvious intention to committing suicide or bad mental states. 共筛选出226名需要干预有明显轻生念头或心境不良的学生。 www.fabiao.net 4. Moral and immoral mental states are reified separately as divine and depraved locations. 道德的和不道德的精神状态分别被具象化为神圣的和堕落的地点。 search.gucas.ac.cn 5. Like all complex behavioral and mental states, homosexuality is. . . 就像所有行为上和精神上的状态一样,同性恋…… www.bing.com 6. Trickiest of all, however, are those really positive mental states that come creeping into your meditation. 最奇怪的是,这些实际上积极的思维状态,那些在禅定中获得的东西。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Are dogs born with the ability to sense our mental states, or do canines learn from experience? 狗狗感知我们身体状况的这些能力是与生俱来,还是经验而生? www.bing.com 8. First mental states and processes are states and processes of matter. 第一个是精神状态和过程是,物质的状态的过程。 open.163.com 9. A small majority endorse "physicalism" about the mind, which is the theory that all mental states are in fact physical states. 少部分哲学家认同精神的“物质性”,这种理论认为所有的精神状态实质上就是物质状态。 www.philosophyol.com 10. Like confronting a dangerous beast, we must approach mental states head-on . 正如面对一个危险的野兽,我们必须正面应对这些精神状态。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Every man is different in mental states to one an other and it is impossible to find two equal men in ideas, attitudes and behavior. 每个人的心理状态是不同的,要找到两个在思想,态度和行为上完全一样的人是不可能的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Meditation is a safe and simple way to balance a person's physical, emotional, and mental states. 冥想是一种安全、简单的方法,用来平衡一个人的身体,情感和心理。 www.zgtaiji.com 3. Do negative mental states, such as anger and ill will, always give bad results? 不善的心念,如嗔恨和恶意,总是产生坏的果报吗? blog.sina.com.cn 4. Is it true that talking about mental states is unscientific? 谈论心理状态真的是不科学的吗 dongxi.net 5. A study on influence of constructional mental intervention on physical and mental states of nasal bleeding patients 结构式心理干预对鼻出血病人身心状态影响的研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Study on Effects of Recovery Treatment of Athletics Behavior and Mental States Adjust on Insomnia of College Students 体育行为与心理调控相结合的康复方法治疗大学生失眠症状的研究 ilib.cn 7. Investigation and Analysis to the High Residence Living Environment and Social Mental States of Cities 城市高层住宅居住环境与社会心理调查分析 ilib.cn 8. A survey on the effects of reforms in employment policy on medical students'mental states and study styles 就业制度改革对医学生心理状态和学风的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. The relationship between social supports and mental states in college students 社会支持与在校大学生心理状态的关系 www.ilib.cn 10. Investigation of mental states of nursing staff in psychiatric and other clinical departments 精神科与其他临床科室护理人员心理状况对照调查分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Study on Complexity of EEG Time Series Under Different Mental States 不同精神状态下EEG序列复杂性研究 ilib.cn 2. Mental States of Patients with Malignant Tumors 恶性肿瘤患者心理卫生状况分析 3. Comprehensive Assessment on Mental States of 907 Unemployed 907份下岗和在职中年人综合状况评估问卷的预测报告 www.ilib.cn 4. that claims about internal mental states 他们认为那些所谓的内在心理状态 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Mental States of Medical Staffs in SARS Wards SARS隔离病房内医护人员心理状况调查分析 6. On Negative Social Mental States of the Invulnerable Groups in China 论弱势群体的消极社会心理 www.ilib.cn |
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