单词 | much-larger | ||||
释义 | much-larger
例句释义: 大得多,大於 1. China has a larger population than any other country. The population of China is much larger than that of any other country. 中国的人口比任何一个国家多。 www.qzez.com 2. She was so much larger than he was that she was more surprised than afraid. Was this who had disturbed her father's papers? 由于他是小孩,她的形体比他大的多,所以她没怎么害怕,而是更感到惊奇,就是这小孩弄乱父亲的书吗? www.bing.com 3. We are hoping for a much larger one, up to one degree at least this time in a single movement. 我们正在期望大得多的一个(行动),上升至一个程度——至少这次,是在一个单独行动中。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. but if you only play a few nights a week or only play on weekends , you will spend a much larger portion of your time at rested. 但是如果你一个星期仅仅玩几天,或者干脆只是周末才玩一下,那么在你玩的时间中,将有多的多的部分处于良好休息状态。 www.ichacha.net 5. He had a gold crown on his head, and delicate wings at his shoulders, and was not much larger than Tiny herself. 他头上戴着一顶最华丽的金制王冠,他肩上生着一双精美的翅膀,而他本身并不比拇指姑娘高大。 www.ttxyy.com 6. The company's officials did not return a request for comment on the accounts of a much larger accident. 公司官方发言人对其他大量的质疑不做任何回应。 hi.baidu.com 7. Otherwise, it just might have to start building that credibility all over again with a much larger package down the road. 否则,美国也许会在未来的道路上付出更多以便再次重建它的公信力。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. Tummelson throws these games into a growing market and reprints at much larger volumes whenever he has a hit on his hands. Tummelson当觉得胜券在握时尽最大可能将这些游戏投入发展中市场并且能再版多少就再版多少。 www.bing.com 9. Of course the ball also pulls on the larger earth but the earth is so much larger that the pull is not noticed. 当然,球也吸引比它大的地球,但是地球很大,致使我们觉察不出球的引力来。 www.hotdic.com 10. He was much more dynamic with his drills, and was no longer hesitant to pair with much larger partners. 他对训练更有激情,并不再犹豫和比他更强壮的对手做搭档。 img3.zhubajie.com 1. The size of our forces was no match for the much larger Soviet army. And yet retreat would have allowed Communism to march across Europe. 美国的军队规模远远比不上更为强大的苏联红军,然而撤退只会让共产主义横扫欧洲。 gb.cri.cn 2. A female spider is often much larger than a male of the same species, and is sometimes quite different in appearance. 母蜘蛛通常比同种的公蜘蛛大得多,且有时在外貌上更是大相径庭。 www.jysls.com 3. 'In the last four or five years we have ramped it up to a much larger scale, ' he says. 他说,过去四五年中,我们将其扩大到了一个更大的规模。 c.wsj.com 4. What no one in the galaxy knew was that the Trade Federation was but a pawn in a much larger game. 在银河系中没人知道贸易联盟只是一场更大棋局的小卒。 www.starwarsfans.cn 5. And a much larger percentage of those who clenched were able to watch the images and pledge to help. 握紧拳头的人中有更多的人选择观看图片并承诺帮忙。 www.bing.com 6. The average length of a flaccid one is about 3 inches, but some of these penises grow to be much larger when a man becomes sexually aroused. 软JJ的的平均尺寸大约是3英寸,但是在性兴奋状态下男人的阴茎会变大。 www.bing.com 7. And mammograms can often show only part of a tumor -- what looks like a speck on a mammogram is often at the core of a much larger tumor. 并且,普通的乳房摄片只能显示肿瘤的一部分,普通乳房摄片上的一个小的瑕疵通常是实际大的多的病灶的核心。 news.dxy.cn 8. Two or three of these dreadful eyes were much larger than the others, and had the appearance of solid gold. 这些可怕的眼睛中有两三只比其它都大,外表看上去像是纯金。 blog.163.com 9. As internal borders fell, people began to feel part of a space much larger than their own countries. 随着内部边界消失,人们开始融入一个比他们自己国家大得多的空间。 www.ftchinese.com 10. We have no reason to believe that within this much larger space there would not also be extremely worthwhile modes of being. 我们没有理由不相信,在这片更大的空间中会存在更多极其宝贵的生存方式。 www.ted.com 1. But a few hours later, a road-clearing team found antipersonnel mines connected to a much larger bomb buried just up the road. 但几小时后,一个扫雷小队发现爆炸的地雷连着一个更大的显露在地面上的杀伤性炸弹。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Actual temperatures could be much larger than assumed - we simply do not know. 他说:“实际温度也许比我们设想的要高得多,我们根本就不了解。” treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. However the figures over the last three months suggest that the surplus in the second half of the year is likely to be much larger. 但过去3个月的数据显示,今年下半年中国贸易顺差将大幅增长。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Some of it takes a form Americans are used to: the rich receive a much larger share of the national income than they did a few decades ago. 这是美国当年也经历过的:现在的富裕阶层相比几十年前占有的国民收入比重要大得多。 www.bing.com 5. She said the spirit of the rich kids is much larger than material satisfaction. 她说孩子精神上的富足要远远大于物质上的满足。 www.bing.com 6. And its speed is only one kilometer per sec It's much further out. If it's much further out, R the speed will be much lower. 速度只有一千米每秒,在很外面,如果它是在很外面,就大很多,R,is,much,larger,,and,so,you,see,速度会更慢。 open.163.com 7. ICBC, say, might come with a much larger customer base, but a 20% stake in such a giant would be beyond even China Mobile's deep pockets. 中国工商银行说,个应该会带来更多的用户,但是巨资中的20%将会远超中国移动的深厚财富。 www.bing.com 8. Their interest was only in the port and its environs; they did not anticipate the much larger transfer of territory that would follow. 当时他们最大的兴趣只是在港口及其周边地区,并没有预料到以后的大面积购地的情况。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I feel a sense of serenity and also like a very small part of something so much larger and greater. 我感受到宁静,也喜欢成为如此壮观的自然的很小的一部分。 www.bing.com 10. So the blowout in the Gulf is just a little piece of a much larger problem that we have with the energy that we use to run civilization. 所以墨西哥湾的井喷只是人类文明运转中我们如何使用能源这个更大问题中的冰山一角。 www.ted.com 1. The scale is so much larger now that the impact of a dollar stabilisation programme would be more punitive. 现在的赤字规模远远超过以往,因此一项美元稳定计划的影响将更具惩罚性。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The intent is to reach a much larger audience than the company currently reaches with its higher-end boxed software products. 它的目标是,相对于该公司目前的高端盒装软件产品,要得到更多的关注。 blog.163.com 3. Leaves with a pair of glands at junction of leaf base and petiole apex, these much larger than any elsewhere along leaf margin. 叶具一腺体在叶基部和叶柄先端,比比任何程度在别处沿着叶缘大的这些的连接点。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. From then on, baseball was played using a hard ball, and soon the game began to be played on a much larger scale. 从此以后,棒球比赛改用硬球,而且比赛规模很快的就变大了; www.24en.com 5. For most of you, this information will be in an included or required file or be part of a much larger framework. 对于大多数开发人员而言,此信息将会处于一个附带的或必需的文件内,或是作为一个更大的框架的一部分。 www.ibm.com 6. For her and for many of us, birds have come to represent something much larger than themselves. 对于狄金森和我们许多人,鸟类代表的意义远远大于它们本身。 www.bing.com 7. Beyond the financial advantage, I believe this approach would make it feasible for a much larger pool of individuals to pursue the degree. 除了财务上的好处,我认为这种形式将使更多的人能够攻读MBA。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Cynics would tell you that Chrysler's bankruptcy filing was designed to be a role model for the much larger GM filing. 愤怒的人会告诉你克莱斯勒的破产档案被设计成远远比通用公司档案更大的一个任务模式。 www.bing.com 9. At night, when the pupil dilates dramatically to allow maximum light to enter, your eye is using a much larger swath of its lens to see. 夜间瞳孔扩大,以便让更多光线进入眼球,在这种情况下,眼睛看到的物体所呈的像落在晶状体后面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. These have been associated with iron meteorites, are usually reddish and thought to be fragments of the cores of much larger objects. 与铁陨星存在许多联系,后者通常呈淡红色,被认为是更大星体的核碎片。 www.bing.com 1. At that point voters would be desperate and disillusioned enough to turn to the extremist parties in much larger numbers. 到那时,将会有数量多得多的选民因为大感失落、绝望,转而把票投给极端主义政党。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But Tirana, despite the vitality of its student life, did not stop me dreaming of another city, much larger and more distant: Moscow. 而在地拉那的青春年华,并未浸淫我对一座更大、更远的城市的向往——莫斯科。 www.bing.com 3. A bond forms between the enamel molecules so they link up to become giant molecules, much larger than lacquer molecules. 瓷釉分子的结合形式变成大分子,比油漆分子大很多。 www.elanso.com 4. The next step in this research is to confirm the findings of this study in a much larger group of TBI patients. 研究的下一步是要在更大的脑外伤患者群体中来确认这一发现。 acctc.com 5. Then the man went home, and when he arrived there, the palace had become much larger, with a tall tower and magnificent decorations. 于是,渔夫往回走,到家时一看,整座宫殿都由研磨抛光的大理石砌成,石膏浮雕和纯金装饰四处可见。 www.qeto.com 6. "We decided to find a way to inexpensively duplicate what a magnifying glass would be able to do on a much larger scale, " Kinley said. “找到我们决定以廉价的方式复制什么是放大镜就可以做一个更大的规模,”金利表示。 www.tech-domain.com 7. This is all information that requires transfer, sometimes in relatively small discrete packets, and sometimes in much larger blocks of data. 这些需要传输的信息有时候是非常小的包,有时候又是大段的数据。 www.ibm.com 8. Per capita, it still will be about only a fifth of the United States because it has to be distributed over a much larger population. 中国的人均国内生产总值仍将只有美国的约五分之一,因为其经济总量需要平摊到大得多的人口上。 www.fortunechina.com 9. The actual number is probably much larger. Deaths are rare, but a clear danger exists due to public ignorance of the subject. 其中死亡的案例很少,但是却存在很明显的危险,即就是公众对这类事情的无知和忽视。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery indeed, but remember that Facebook's user base is still much larger than Twitter's. 的确,模仿就是最诚恳的赞美,但别忘了,Facebook的用户要比Twitter用户多。 www.bing.com 1. You get this much larger mass of data, and your job is to find out what small piece of that tells a good story. 你收集了大堆大堆的数据,你的工作只是从中选取一个足以讲一个好故事的片段而已。 www.bbs.sciopsy.com 2. Since the prey is so much larger than the predator, it sometimes takes the shrimp two weeks to finish off a single (living) starfish. 由于被捕食的动物要比捕食它们的掠夺者大得多,有时需要两个星期才能让小丑虾去吃完一个活海星。 www.bing.com 3. Provided here is only a selection of the steps for basic troubleshooting; the topic is much larger than the scope of this article. 这里只提供基本的故障诊断步骤;对这个主题的完整讨论超出了本文的范围。 www.ibm.com 4. "We are going to see much larger scale protest movements in Europe once this comes out. " “一旦出现这种情况,欧洲将会有大规模的示威活动”。 www.bing.com 5. Google clearly fulfils this to a much larger degree than traditional "gods" , as shown in the image below (click to enlarge). 下面的图表显示,谷歌在更大程度上比传统的“神”更明确地满足了这些需求。 www.bing.com 6. The question of how to handle Western films is becoming part of a much larger debate. 而如何处理西方电影成为这场宏观得多的争论里的一部分。 www.bing.com 7. The strategy was to hold the Persian force long enough until the Spartan and Athenian state could organize a much larger and stronger force. 采取的战略是在斯巴达和希腊政府能够组织起一支更大更强的军队之前尽可能地拖延住波斯军队。 www.elanso.com 8. Ken: Im happy to be in this new Itse. It s much larger than I thought. 肯:我很高兴能够搬进这个新家。它比我原先想的还要大。 www.enook.cn 9. I will conclude by showing that this small example is really part of a much larger problem. 最后得出的结论是,这个小示例实际上是更大的问题的一部分。 www.ibm.com 10. Much of this has been cheered on by the exchanges, which have long had an uneasy competitive relationship with the much larger OTC markets. 交易所对其中的许多措施都持欢迎态度,长期以来,这些交易所与大得多的场外市场有着不安的竞争关系。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Executives who come to Mr Page with an idea will invariably find themselves challenged to think on a much larger scale, he adds. 他还补充道,任何拿着一个想法去找佩奇的管理人员,最终一定会在盘问下被迫从更大的视角来思考。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Overall, cohabitation has become a much larger part of the "repartnering" process than was the case a few decades ago. 总的来说,相比几十年前,同居已经成为更大规模的“成为又一个伴侣”的过程。 www.bing.com 3. Converting an arbitrary condition into CNF may yield an expression of similar complexity but with a much larger set of conditions. 如果将任意条件转换为CNF,所生成的表达式可能具有相似的复杂性,但也会包含大得多的条件集。 www.ianywhere.com 4. Your mind is much larger than you think and simply containing it in your brain is placing a big limit on your potential. 你的思想远比你想象的大,简单地存放在你的脑子中并且极大的限制了你的潜力。 www.bing.com 5. Therefore, in recent years, all circles of society take many homologous measures to crack down on functionary crime with much larger power. 因此,近年来,社会各界采取了相应的措施,加大了对职务犯罪的防范与打击力度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It should be noted that the size of the in-memory business object (BO) can be much larger than the representation available on the wire. 应该注意,内存中业务对象(BO)的大小可能比线路上可用的表示要大得多。 www.ibm.com 7. It's conceivable to do a much larger simulation and see if these structures pop out at the surface. 布朗说,“可以想到,需要做一个大得多的仿真,来看这些结构是否会弹出到表面。” dongxi.net 8. The story about the Chinese-made Brazilian flags are just a small, yet symbolic, part of a much larger story. 有关中国制造的巴西国旗的故事仅仅是一个更大的故事中的有象征意义的一小部分而已。 www.bing.com 9. But indifference, but also turned a blind eye is often straightforward than the harm to much larger offensive. 可是漠不关心,还有视而不见,往往会比直截了当的厌恶造成的伤害大得多。——邓不利多 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Even worse, if this code were part of a much larger section, you might accidentally change a 50 that has nothing to do with this change. 更坏的情况,如果这些代码是一个大代码块的一部分,你可能替换掉了某个不希望被替换的50。 wiki.woodpecker.org.cn 1. However, the time taken is much larger than the age of the universe. So, we believe there is no black dwarf yet. 但这个过程所需时间比宇宙现在的年更长,所以我们相信宇宙中仍没有黑矮星的存在。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 2. At the head of the formation is one much larger ship, a monster 150 feet long -- the GENERAL DYNAMICS C-21 DRAGON GUNSHIP. 在飞机编队的最前方是一艘大得多的飞船——一个150英尺长的大怪物。这就是通用动力C-21飞龙武装战机。 www.bing.com 3. Apple, Amazon and Google, while performing well, can only dream of such growth in their much larger revenue bases. 苹果、亚马逊、谷歌虽然也表现不错,但由于他们的收入基数大得多,达到比亚迪那样的增长速度无疑是一种奢望。 www.elanso.com 4. They speculate that the island may have even been part of a much larger landmass that once stretched from Scotland to Norway. 他们推测这座岛屿可能是曾经大陆板块上从苏格兰延伸至挪威的某一部分。 www.bing.com 5. It's much larger than I expected. When was the plant set up? 比我想象的要大多了。什么时候建厂的? www.etest8.com 6. Had it been much larger, the federal government might have saved it from collapse. 如果它大得多,联邦政府可能会把它从崩溃的边缘拯救出来。 www.bing.com 7. Such a plan would also benefit from much larger IMF financing, conditionality and surveillance. IMF大幅加大金援、制约和监督力度,也会使这类计划受益。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The input for your full PHP application will be much larger and probably more complex, but this code serves as a reasonable starting set. 整个PHP应用程序的输入要大得多,可能也复杂得多,但是作为起点来说,这段代码挺合适。 www.ibm.com 9. With it, you can have much larger template systems while you reduce the complexity of each template. 通过它可以建立更大的模板系统,同时又降低了每个模板的复杂性。 www.ibm.com 10. The screen on the monitor serves as a scrollable window into a much larger viewing area. 监视器上的屏幕用作进入一个更大观察区的可滚动窗口。 it.sohu.com 1. It is nothing in comparison of Rosings, my lady, I dare say; but I assure you it is much larger than Sir William Lucas'; s. 哪能比得上罗新斯,夫人,可是我敢说,比威廉。卢卡斯爵士的花园却要大得多。 www.for68.com 2. This video, along with SAIJO MATSURI is just the start of a much larger project that I have now decided to do. 这个视频作品以及西条祭都只是我已经决定着手制作的一个庞大项目的开始。 bbs.runsky.com 3. At another time, the human species stood ten feet in height and was much larger in bone structure and form. 在另一个时期,人类物种身高达10英尺,骨骼结构和身体都要大得多。 www.jxt-9.com 4. The cool temperatures of the Quaternary may have allowed our brains to become much larger than those of our of hominid ancestors. 第四纪的凉爽气温或许让我们的大脑比人类远祖的大脑更大。 www.bing.com 5. "Global output losses would be much larger in the event of a permanent shock to oil supply, " the IMF warns. “如果石油供应中断状况持续,全球的产值损失将会大得多,”国际货币基金组织警告称。 www.fortunechina.com 6. It will take years to repair Greece's public finances, which means a much larger rescue fund will be needed if it is to avoid default. 希腊需要多年时间才能修复其公共财政,这意味着如果想要防止出现债务违约的话,希腊需要更大规模的救助资金。 www.ecocn.org 7. A few things may surprise people used to working with much larger scripting languages. 习惯于使用更大型脚本语言的程序员会对一些事情感到惊讶。 www.ibm.com 8. FLASH erases in much larger chunks of memory commonly referred to as sectors. FLASH通常是按照扇区来擦除整块的数据。 www.360doc.com 9. So the next thing I tried was processing a much larger input file (consisting of multiple copies of the original one). 因此接下来我试着处理一个更大的输入文件(由原来那个输入文件的多个副本组成)。 www.ibm.com 10. An emotional Saakashvili said he will "never, ever surrender" in the showdown with much-larger Russia. 情绪激动的萨卡什维利说,在与超级强敌俄罗斯的对峙中,他“永远永远不会投降”。 www.ebigear.com 1. An emotional Saakashvili said he will "never, ever surrender" in the showdown with much-larger Russia. 情绪激动的萨卡什维利说,在与超级强敌俄罗斯的对峙中,他“永远永远不会投降”。 www.ebigear.com 2. This small second moon become stuck in a gravitational tug of war between the Earth and its much larger sibling. 这个小的第二个月球成为滞留在战争的地球和其较大兄弟之间的引力拖船。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. It appears straightforward (though technically very challenging) to scale up the trapped-ion approach to much larger numbers of qubits. 要将捕获离子的量子位元数大幅增加,看起来似乎很简单,但在技术上却非常困难。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 4. This allows a much larger amount of a blood component to be harvested from a single donor. 这样就能从单个献血者身上采集到更多数量的血液成分。 pro.yeeyan.com 5. "Although bilateral trade rose rapidly, the scale could have been much larger, " said Harold Forsyth, the Peruvian ambassador to China. 虽然双边贸易急速增长,规模可能更大,秘鲁大使F对中国说。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 6. By this time, Shimano was a much larger company with a much broader sales base. 到这个时候,禧玛诺是一个更大的公司,拥有更广泛的销售基地。 www.showxiu.com 7. Although less automatic, efficient usage of a theorem prover can handle much larger designs than model checkers and requires less memory. 尽管缺少自动化,高效地使用定理证明器能处理比模型检查器更大的设计并且要求更小的内存。 www.asicdev.com 8. It can be applied to much larger problems than languages such as Awk or even Perl can, yet it remains as easy to use as those languages. 它能被应用于处理比Awk或Perl一类的语言能处理的更大问题,同时保持与这些语言一样的易用性。 www.bing.com 9. The Germans continued their attacks on Britain from the air . A small number of pilots resisted the much larger German Air Force. 德国继续空袭英国,英国几名飞行员顽强抵抗强大的德国空军。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. Thus the milling operation is much more cooler compared to the turning operation. This allows for a much larger material rates. 所以铣削作业相比车削作业要冷得多。这就允许有大得多的材料速率。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 1. Namely, the fact that the visible remnants of the star were much larger than what would ordinarily be expected. 例如,这颗星体的可见残骸比通常预想的要大得多。 www.forbeschina.com 2. It is one of the most-traded stocks on the Nasdaq Stock Market by volume, ahead of much larger tech giants like eBay Inc. and Dell Inc. 以成交量计算,百度是纳斯达克市场中交投最为活跃的股票之一,排名超过了eBayInc.和戴尔(DellInc.)等规模更大的科技公司。 c.wsj.com 3. When European leaders finally acted, they had to provide a much larger rescue package than would have been necessary had they moved earlier. 当欧洲领导人终于采取行动时,他们不得不拿出一个规模大得多的救援方案(如果他们早一些行动,是不需要这么大规模的)。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Malaysia, however, has also been expanding its business in services with its much larger northern neighbor. 而且,马来西亚还扩大了与中国这个比其大得多的北方近邻之间的服务贸易。 www.forbeschina.com 5. Much larger protests had been planned for this weekend to oppose policies of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. 本周末原有更大规模的游行反对世界银行和国际货币基金组织的政策,但9。 www.ycwb.com 6. XML comes with a price: It takes longer to encode than binary formats and is much larger to send across a network. 使用XML要有代价:与二进制格式相比,编码要花费更长时间,而且经过网络发送时,它更大些。 www.ibm.com 7. The company says it is reorganizing its corporate operations to "accommodate a much larger software role" . 这家公司表示,它正在调整经营,以使自己在软件业发挥更大的作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The information in this article should be used in conjunction with a much larger effort of creating a secure enterprise. 本文中的信息应该与创建安全企业这些更大型的工作结合起来。 www-128.ibm.com 9. The agency's new figures indicate the amount of money pouring into the country was much larger than previously reported. 外管局新出炉的数据显示,中国的资本流入规模远远大于此前报导的水平。 c.wsj.com 10. Real beds with internals and with aspect ratios not much larger than unity should satisfy these requirements rather well. 具有内部构件的真实床层,其高宽比1不太大于1时,应该可以相当好地满足这些要求。 1. Traditional medical-research funding typically involves lengthy reviews and much larger amounts of money. 传统的医学研究资助程序通常包括冗长的审批程序,资金量也要大得多。 www.ebigear.com 2. Using a home-made trap, a tiny species of ant is capable of ensnaring prey much larger than itself and tearing it to pieces. 一种很小的蚂蚁能够使用一种“家庭制作”的陷阱来诱捕比自己大得多的猎物,并将它撕成碎片。 xkg2009.teacher.com.cn 3. Conclusion: with one-step-granulating we could get the granules with much larger porosity to raise the rate of dissolution. 结论:采用一步制粒技术可形成孔隙率大的颗粒,大大提高了药物的溶出速率。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Relatively low amounts of bacteria at bottling can multiply to a much larger problem by the time bottles hit store shelves. 相对地,在瓶颈上的较低数量的细菌可能会因瓶子多次击中商店的货架而繁殖为大量细菌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. "China's CBM resources could be much larger than those of the US, " says Steve Zou, head of Asian American Gas, a China-focused CBM company. 关注中国市场的煤层气公司亚美大陆煤层气有限公司(AsianAmericanGas)总裁邹向东(SteveZou)表示:“中国的煤层气资源规模可能要远远超过美国。” www.ftchinese.com 6. But if they were to occur, they could contribute to a much larger rise in sea levels. 但是如果这些现象确实发生了,那么海平面的上升速度将大幅提高。 c.wsj.com 7. On the flip side of conversion is the much larger group of travelers who shop, but do not complete a booking. 转化的反面是人数更多的一个旅行者群体,他们上网却不完成预订。 www.bing.com 8. This problem is actually a special case of a much larger class of problems related to user input validation. 这个问题实际上是与用户输入验证相关的一类更大问题的一个特例。 www.ibm.com 9. Such economic calamities can be prevented only if government takes a much larger role in organizing and coordinating individual's decisions. 只有当政府大力参与组织与调整个人消费取向,这种经济灾难才有可能避免。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Carrier later switched from piston power to the centrifugal chiller, which allowed much larger spaces to be cooled. Carrier后来把活塞动力改为离心式制冷机,可以冷却更大空间。 www.bing.com 1. Engineers at Lawrence Livermore National Lab had an idea for a telescope much larger. 劳伦斯利物穆尔国家实验室的工程师们有一个关于一个更大的望远镜的构想。 www.ted.com 2. Theoretically, in a socialist state, a much larger share of public social expenditures should supplement household consumption. 从理论上来讲,在一个社会主义国家中,社会公共支出应该占有更高的份额,并对家庭消费构成补充。 chinese.wsj.com 3. It has generally been part of a much larger regional plan or policy package. 一般总是更大的一揽子区域计划或政策的一个局部。 ascetlan.blogchina.com 4. Much larger profits can be made pyramiding , and it is just as safe to pyramid if you adhere strictly to the rules . 当积累了大量的利润后正好适合连续投机,如果你严格坚持用规则实行金字塔式加码是非常安全的。 www.bing.com 5. She knew now the triviality of those passions which art paints so much larger than life. 她现在知道了,情感的碎屑在艺术中涂抹得比在生活中多得多。 www.douban.com 6. In the original dispute, the men in emotional and psychological stress, much larger than females, and there will be many physical changes. 原来在争执中,男性在情绪及心理上产生的压力,较之女性要大得多,并且在生理上会出现许多变化。 www.xiami360.com 7. A simple change in the "accounting" metrics rather than a change in real economics created a cascading effect of much larger proportions. 造成了这次大规模的瀑布效应的,只不过是一次简单的“会计”准则的改变,而不是一次实体经济的改变。 www.bing.com 8. Now, within a much larger organization, I find that it really comes down to a mindset. 现在,在一个非常大的组织中,我发现实际上归结为一种思想。 www-128.ibm.com 9. However, outsourcing is a much larger trend, and off-shoring is just one part of it. 然而,外包是一个要大得多的趋势,离岸仅是其中一部分。 www.bing.com 10. For a given amount of money, MapReduce may provide a much faster solution, since it can support much larger hardware environments. 对于一个给定的数额的金钱,MapReduce解决方案提供了一种快得多,因为它可以支持更大的硬件环境。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. the much larger endowment of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is about double the annual education budget of New York City. 比尔&梅琳达??盖茨基金会的更大一笔捐赠是纽约市年教育预算的大约两倍。 www.kekenet.com 2. Freud gave a very narrow definition to the unconscious part. All the other schools used a much larger definition. 弗洛伊德对潜意识下出了一个非常狭窄的定义,其他的学派对潜意识下的定义要广泛的多。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The population of China is much larger that that of Japan. 中国人口比日本人口多得多。 www.putclub.com 4. You can test your server load using a much larger load over a more significant amount of time. 可以在更长的时间内使用更大的负载来测试服务器的负载。 technet.microsoft.com 5. There was skepticism even within Google, Coleman says. Ajax interfaces were fast, but they required a much larger initial download. 甚至在谷歌内部对此都有不少怀疑,科尔曼说,Ajax界面够快,但它需要更大的初始下载量。 dongxi.net 6. I liked the look of light writing, but I wanted to do something on a much larger scale. 我喜欢看文字的光,但我希望做更大规模的东西。 bbs.godeyes.cn 7. Then, he spent much of his time planning a new, much larger telescope in southern California. 之后,他将大部分时间忙于在南加州发明一个新的、更大的望远镜。 www.mtime.com 8. But when I arrived Dover , it seemed a much larger town than I had imagined. 可是当我到了Dover的时候,发现那个镇子那么大,我没有想到有这么大。 www.putclub.com 9. They should enjoy low central costs and a flexibility normally absent from much larger concerns. 它们核心成本较低,拥有大企业通常缺乏的灵活性。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Despite the record settlements, Siemens has managed to avoid much larger sanctions by cooperating with various officials. 尽管和解金额创出了纪录,但西门子通过与各级官员配合设法避免了更大的制裁。 www.bing.com 1. In BJT devices , a small current flow at the base moderates a much larger current between the emitter and collector . 在BJT器件中,基极小的电流调节发射极和接收极之间大得多的电流。 www.bing.com 2. This article provides a very basic starting template for a much larger application. 本文为更大的应用程序提供了非常基本的起始模板。 www-128.ibm.com 3. The blending volume of negative density difference displacement is much larger than that of the positive density difference displacement. 负密度差顶替时,顶替液和被顶替液掺混量和正密度差顶替相比很大。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 4. Salary and benefits are just two parts of a much larger equation. 薪水和福利只是选择工作时需要考虑的两个很小的部分。 www.hjenglish.com 5. If country plans were in line with the Global Plan, the funding gap would be much larger than reported in 2007. 如果国家计划符合全球计划,资金缺口要比2007年报告的大得多。 www.who.int 6. The local water shortage is a minor obstacle to his much larger ambitions for the state. 当地水资源的短缺,相对与他对整个国家的雄心壮志,只是个小障碍而已。 www.bing.com 7. With the mainstream media once again being distracted by the debt crisis in Europe, a much larger crisis has been breaking out in China. 当主流媒体的注意力再一次转移到欧洲债券危机的时候,一场更大的危机在中国爆发。 www.bing.com 8. We believe that, the impact of traditional culture on labor market of college graduates is much larger than that of market competitiveness. 本文认为,大学毕业生劳动力市场受传统文化影响程度还远远大于市场竞争作用的发挥。 www.71155.com 9. Ceramics are typically made of much larger grains, which makes them brittle. 陶瓷是典型的由较大颗粒组成的材料,这使其很容易破碎。 www.hotdic.com 10. 'We are much larger than BHP in terms of iron ore, ' said Sam Walsh, chief executive officer of Rio Tinto's iron-ore division. 力拓铁矿石业务的首席执行长萨姆?沃尔什(SamWalsh)说,就铁矿石业务而言,我们比必和必拓大很多; www.ebigear.com 1. McCain says the measures being taken are much larger than those taken during the Great Depression. 麦凯恩说,所用的计算已经比大萧条时期的大得多。 www.voanews.cn 2. The story of the humble comb's makeover is part of the much larger story of how we ourselves have been transformed by plastics. 微不足道的梳子的巨大变迁是更大的历史的一部分。那就是,我们如何被塑料改变的历史。 www.bing.com 3. Meanwhile the much larger, bloodier problems of the Muslim separatist insurgency in southern Thailand and the Philippines continue. 同时,在泰国南部和菲律宾,更大规模更血腥的穆斯林分裂分子叛乱问题仍在继续。 www.stnn.cc 4. Ukraine's sovereign repayments this year are affordable, but the state could be landed with much-larger obligations from the private sector. 乌克兰今年还能够对其国债进行偿付,但是政府可能会面临承担来自私人部门更大规模的债务负担。 www.ecocn.org 5. Nonetheless, my evidence suggests that the scale of the problem is much larger than previous government estimates. 不过,我搜集的证据表明,问题的严重程度远高于政府此前预计。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Foreign investors began to play a much larger role in the domestic economy, increasing competition. 外国投资者开始在国内经济中发挥更大的作用,加剧了竞争。 www.bing.com 7. The restructuring-pass techniques remain effective to a much larger degree under this constraint. 在这一约束下,重新构造过程技术在更大程度上依然有效。 www.ibm.com 8. Xinji, like all Chinese cities, includes an urban area and a much larger rural hinterland. 因此他们的收入也被计入农民净收入(像中国很多城市一样,辛集的行政区划包括一小块城区和一大块周边的农村地区。 www.bing.com 9. It is not possible to make this light alloy by melting the small part of copper and then adding the much larger part of aluminium. 在炼这种轻质合金时,就不能先熔小部分的铜,再加进大部分铝。 10. Normally, supermassive black holes are found in much larger, much more massive galaxies that have bulges. 一般,超大型黑洞出现在体积、质量更大,含有核球的星系中。 www.bing.com 1. Much larger than expected losses at Halifax-Bank of Scotland or HBOS, which Lloyds recently acquired, sent jitters through the market. 劳埃德银行集团最近收购的苏格兰海法银行的损失远远超出意料,令股市感到不安。 www.voanews.cn 2. Note that the small ebook provides a much larger list. There is no mention of precise amounts or quantities. 注意,这里只是举例说明,并不是精确的数量,原书列出了一份要长得多的食品列表。 www.bing.com 3. It wins as a "fast follower" , slipstreaming in the wake of pioneers at a much larger scale of production. 三星赢在扮演了“迅速的模仿者”这个角色,模仿第一个吃螃蟹的,三星以更大的规模提高生产量。 club.topsage.com 4. It's much larger with more activities than Nanchang, but I definitely miss my friends in Nanchang. 这里比南昌大很多,也比南昌有更多的活动,可是我却深深思念所有我在南昌的朋友们! blog.sina.com.cn 5. However, central bank officials acknowledged that the true scale of informal and underground lending was likely much larger. 然而,央行官员承认,事实上非正式和地下借贷总额可能远高于此。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In terms of profits from emerging markets, the three network banks' transaction-services units are much larger. 就新兴市场的获利而言,这三家网络银行的交易服务部门比其他的大得多。 www.ecocn.org 7. Keep it in mind, though, that Hadoop is capable of handling much larger data sets. 记住,Hadoop有能力处理更大的数据集。 www.ibm.com 8. They are best imagined as roughly the size of the palm of your hand, except for the crown chakra which is much larger. 除了顶轮要大得多以外,最好将它们想象为大约和你的手掌一样大小。 www.chinaufo.com 9. The new edition covers the much larger range of dental materials available and many of the old photographs have been replaced. 新版包括可得到的牙齿的材料的大得多的范围,大多数旧的照片已经被替换。 www.tzhealth.com 10. Because when the plants mature at a slower rate, they become much larger by the end of the season. 因为当植物在一个较低的速度时成熟,他们在于季节的末尾会变得更加大。 www.showxiu.com 1. My body is much larger than the stormy petrel, but my determination is not even half as much as it possesses. 我比海燕庞大得多,可是意志还不够其一半的坚强。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The quake, though very much larger, may prove less damaging, though horrific enough for all that. 尽管此次地震震级大很多thoughhorrificenoughforallthat,但损失也许会小的多。 www.ecocn.org 3. It takes place amid a much larger conflict, and in this larger conflict both BP and the U. S. government are on the same team. 它发生在更大的冲突中,而在这场更大的冲突中英国石油公司和美国政府属于同一队。 www.bing.com 4. The United States is much larger and had many more resources than any Western European country. 与任一个西欧国家相比美国有更广阔的面积和更丰富的资源。 www.bing.com 5. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the actual remittances flows may be much larger than these official numbers, according to the report. 该报告称,有迹象表明,实际汇款额可能要比官方数字多得多。 web.worldbank.org 6. But central bank officials told the Financial Times that the true scale of informal and underground lending was likely much larger. 但央行官员对英国《金融时报》表示,非正式和地下放贷的真实规模可能要大得多。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Terra is a stratified and layered physiology that once had much larger gaps or caverns between the layers. Terra是一个分层的生物体,在不同层间曾有更大的沟壑或洞穴。 cqly186.blog.163.com 8. Local goalkeeper Kelava saved the day many a time for Dinamo, preventing the Whites' goal count from being much larger. 主队门将克拉瓦为迪纳摩保存了脸面,他阻挡了大多数白衣军团的进攻从而使比分没有被扩大。 www.zqgod.com 9. It's kind of like what Kayak is doing in the U. S. , but on a much larger scale. 这有点像Kayak在美国的业务模式,但规模要大得多。 www.fortunechina.com 10. When I capture the Sun it always appears and is much larger. 当我拍太阳时太阳要比这个大很多。 angozj.com 1. In West Africa, rice accounts for a much larger share of food consumption than in Eastern and Southern Africa. 西非地区的水稻消费量占其粮食消费总量的份额要远大于东部和南部非洲地区。 web.worldbank.org 2. General Taylor and his men never lost a battle in the Mexican War. Several times, he defeated Mexican forces much larger than his. 泰勒将军和他的军队在美墨战争期间从来没有打过败仗,有好几次他都是以少胜多。 www.bing.com 3. New York's population is much larger than Washington's, though it is not the capital city. 纽约的人口比华盛顿多得多,虽然它并不是首都城市。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The molars were a little larger than in afarensis and much larger than modern human. 磨牙是一个比afarensis稍大和大量人力大于现代。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The tower, much larger than Kenney himself, took the artist and his assistants a month to tirelessly construct. 这座大厦,要比肯尼自身大多了,花费了这位艺术家及他的助手一个月时间不停歇地去构建。 www.bing.com 6. To transform its growth model, America faces the arduous task of replicating the city's experience on a much larger scale. 要转变经济增长模式,美国面临着艰巨的任务:把威奇托市的发展经验进行大规模复制。 www.ftchinese.com 7. This window for double (or more) booking would actually be much larger if we permitted R&R databases to have replicas on multiple servers. 如果我们允许R&R数据库在多个服务器上具有副本(replica),那么遇到重复(或多次重复)预订窗口的机会实际上会大很多。 www.ibm.com 8. The storage required for a DECIMAL data type is potentially much larger than it is for a normal floating-point data type. DECIMAL数据类型需要的存储空间通常要比浮点数据类型大得多。 www.ibm.com 9. Melamine, after all, points to the much larger relationship between industrial waste and American food production. 毕竟,三聚氰胺凸显了工业废料和美国食品产品之间更重大的联系。 www.stnn.cc 10. How much larger and better is your Rolodex now than it was last year? 比去年的大了多少?优越了多少? blog.qlsh.net 1. Actual observed differenceS are of a much larger magnitude. 实际观察到的差别具有大得多的数值。 www.bilinguist.com 2. States are more relaxed about running deficits, and control much larger shares of national economies. 各国更敢于出现赤字,而且控制着国民经济中更多的份额。 www.bing.com 3. Only three states, with a combined population not much larger than that of Brooklyn, have unemployment rates below 5 percent. 只有3个小州失业率低于5%,这三个州人口加在一起还不及布鲁科林市的人口。 blog.163.com 4. If ratio of signals energy and frequency is much larger, the method of empirical node decomposition (EMD) will not work normally. 若信号间的能量和频率比例过大,经验模式分解不能分解出正确的单一模式分量。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Simple improvements in cultural methods, and a better type of maize had much larger effects than fertilizers. 栽培方法的简单改进和玉米良种的采用比肥料的效果要大得多。 6. The Common Market offered her a much larger home market. 共同市场为她提供了大得多的内部市场。 7. Within four decades, a much larger country, across an ocean to the west, would clearly supplant Britain as the world's dominant power. 在其后的40年间,在大西洋彼岸,一个国土面积远大于英国的国家迅速崛起。毫无疑问,它将取代英国世界头号强国的地位。 www.bing.com 8. Magic or not, there is growing interest in such attempts to deliberately steer the weather, and on a much larger scale. 神奇与否,外界对这种故意操纵天气的尝试兴趣越来越浓,而且设想的规模更大。 www.bing.com 9. It follows the same basic dagger-shaped design of the Imperial-class Star Destroyers, but magnified to much larger scale. 它和“帝国级”歼星舰基于同样的匕首形设计,但尺寸要大得多。 www.starwarsfans.cn 10. Their cells are at a dividing faster rate, so the impact of radiation can be much larger. 他们的细胞分裂的更快,因此,辐射导致的损害会更大。 www.bing.com 1. Today's reality, much larger but vastly more fractured, says Mr Aimard, has little space for the monolithic grand narrative. 艾马尔认为今天的真相范围更广,却更加支离破碎,没有给长篇叙事留下喘息的空间。 www.ecocn.org 2. A small number of virtual processors serve a much larger number of client applications or queries. 少数几个虚拟处理器服务大量客户机应用程序或查询。 www.ibm.com 3. But the much larger listing for China State Construction will prove a more serious test for the market. 但规模大得多的中国建筑上市,将是对市场的一次更严峻的考验。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Then there is the risk that waiting too long will necessitate a much larger hike in pump prices than would be the case now. 再者,如果拖得时间太长,则汽油价格上调幅度有必要比现在立即上调涨幅更大。 chinese.wsj.com 5. I know it is too small on this page to read, but if you click on the image, it will load much larger in a new tab. 我知道页面太小看不清楚,但是你们可以点击图片在顶一个页面中看大图。 www.bing.com 6. In the absence of action to mitigate climate change, we can expect much larger changes in the coming decades than have been seen so far. 如果缺乏缓解气候变化的举动,我们可预见到未来几十年会发生较迄今为止更大的变化。 www.bing.com 7. Industry experts say the actual figures are much larger, because not all of the private lending is reflected in the official statistics. 业内专家说,实际的数额还要更大,因为官方统计数据中并没有反映出全部的民间放贷活动。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The increment of the filled CNT strength for the two cases is much larger than that of axial compression. 这与压缩情况显著不同,填充使抗弯曲和抗扭转能力获得很大提高。 www.fabiao.net 9. Although many CNC systems still use hydraulic or pulse motors , the DC drives have gained dominance on a much larger scale . 虽然许多电脑数字控制系统动仍然使用水压或脉冲马达,但是直流电器已在许多大型设备上占有优势。 www.bing.com 10. At up to 92 feet (28 meters) and 50 tons, these sauropods (large, herbivorous dinosaurs) were much larger than any land animal alive today. 在高达92英尺(28米)和50吨,这些蜥蜴类动物(大,草食性恐龙)要远远大于任何陆地上今天活着的动物。 bbs.a0598.com 1. Most female baboons have lost half an ear here, a swatch of pelt there, to the jealous fury of their much larger and toothier mates. 大多数雌性狒狒会因为他们更加强大、牙齿更加尖利的配偶凶残善妒的行为而在这里丢掉半只耳朵,在那里丢掉一些毛皮。 www.bing.com 2. The differences here are much larger than in the time performance comparisons, and show a very different pattern. 这里的差异比时间性能比较中的差异更大,并且表现出了一个非常不同的模式。 www.ibm.com 3. They require much larger investments and also new technologies that may not be available locally. 它们需要更多的投资和新技术,而这些可能是国内不具备的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Outbreaks are a much larger menace today than they were just three decades ago. 疾病的暴发如今比在三十年前更具威胁。 www.who.int 5. In fact, you can execute much larger programs as long as the larger program can be broken into blocks. 实际上,你可以执行相当长的程序,因为你可以把很长的程序划分成许多程序块。 6. Compared to a toolbar, the actions pane provides a much larger area to include text and controls. 与工具栏相比,操作窗格提供更大的区域来包括文本和控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. First, the number of confirmed cases is now much larger, which means there will be more critical patients and more reported deaths. 第一,确诊数量有所增加,这意味着会有更多的危重病人和死亡病例。 www.ebigear.com 8. It's much larger than I expected. How long has your factory been established? 比我们想象的要大多了。你们建厂有多长时间了? www.hxen.com 9. BigBelly employs fewer than 50 people, but like many businesses in fast-growing markets it indirectly supports a much larger number of jobs. 大胃王公司的员工不到50人,然而,正如快速增长市场中的许多公司,它间接提供很大量就业岗位。 www.bing.com 10. Aqueducts allowed cities to grow much larger by significantly increasing the amount of available water. 由于引水渠给城市提供了大量的水,人口数量和城市的大扩展成为可能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The firms told the ITC that a much larger, but unspecified, amount of money went to pay the U. S. firms' lawyers. 这些美国企业对美国国际贸易委员会说,更大一笔钱用于支付他们的律师了,不过没有透露具体数额。 c.wsj.com 2. The farmer noticed no improvement because, he suspects, a more significant source of pollution is a much larger mill nearby. 这个农民之所以没有看到任何进展,是因为他怀疑更重要的污染源是附近一个大得多的工厂。 www.ftchinese.com 3. This is a reminder that while manufacturing may get a decent lift as the inventory cycle ends, the much larger service sector may not. 这提醒人们,虽然制造业可能随着库存周期的结束得到可观的提振,但规模大得多的服务业部门却未必如此。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Commanding officers ordered the Marines to replace it with a much larger one. 指挥员下令海军陆战队,以取代更大之一。 www.maynet.cn 5. That wave is much larger, much more powerful, and that's of course the wave of technology. 这股浪潮要大的多,也有力的多,当然这是技术的浪潮。 www.ted.com 6. Duplo blocks were generally much larger and simpler than Lego blocks. An entire car could be made from five or six Duplo blocks. 后者一般要比前者大得多,也要简单得多,五六块杜培乐积木就可搭出一辆完整的汽车。 www.sharewithu.com 7. Futures, options and swaps all have the same characteristic: a small initial position can lead to a much larger exposure. 期货,期权,及掉期合同均具有同样的特性:一个较小的最初投入可以导致大很多倍的结果。 www.ecocn.org 8. But France cannot just blow off Indian protests, as India is a much larger customer for French military equipment than Pakistan. 但是法国不能够仅仅忽视印度的抗议,如同印度是比巴基斯坦更大的法国军事设备客户一样。 www.zgjunshi.com 9. Future studies will require much larger sample sizes to detect additional gene variants involved in this complex disorder. 将来的研究需要更多样本以检测这种复杂疾病涉及的其他基因变异。 www.medlive.cn 10. Black carbon, a key component of soot, plays a much larger role in global warming than previously estimated, scientists have found. 科学家发现,烟灰的关键成分炭黑在全球变暖中发挥的作用比过去所认为的更大。 scitech.people.com.cn 1. These figures seem reassuring - the police capacity is much larger than we are currently deploying. 数据似乎令人欣慰——英国警察的数量远比目前派遣出去的要多。 dongxi.net 2. Although these measures looked less dramatic than the ECB's move, they were much larger than normal for the Fed. 虽然这些方法看起来没有ECB的动作那么迅猛,但是这大大超出通常联储会推出的数量。 www.ecocn.org 3. The ratio of its length to width was much larger than any similar contemporary structure. 它的长宽比大大超过了同时代的任何类似的建筑物。 www.kuenglish.info 4. I recognise that I accord a much larger economic role to equity prices than is the conventional wisdom. 我承认,与传统智慧相比,我赋予股价的经济使命要大得多。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I wouldn't be surprised if I outperformed bloggers with much larger (but not as bad ass! ) fan bases than mine. 如果不是我胜过了拥有比我更大粉丝团的博友,我不会如此惊讶。 www.bing.com 6. Other techniques currently employed include flares, which are discharged to create a false, much larger heat-target. 当前应用的其它技术包括照明弹,放出照明弹能够造出一个大得多的虚假热目标。 www.suiniyi.com 7. The information in this article should be used in conjunction with a much larger effort that is designed to create a secure enterprise. 本文中的信息应该与创建安全企业的更大型工作结合起来。 www.ibm.com 8. losers make a much larger adjustment in their afternoon bids relative to the winners. 失败者在他们的午后内作一个非常大的调整与胜利者相关的出价。 taody.com 9. The Kathara System is part of a much larger body of sacred spiritual-science teachings. 卡塔拉体系是大量神圣心灵科学教学主体的一部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The U. S. has 30, all much larger and equipped with flight decks and helicopters, plus landing craft. 美国有30艘,全部非常大而且装备有飞行甲板和直升飞机,加上登陆艇。 www.globalmil.com 1. However, the mountains in the Hawaiian Islands will rise up and these islands will become much larger. 然而,在夏威夷岛上的山将上升,并且这些岛将变得更大。 www.pkuschool.com 2. America's current-account deficit was much larger, relative to GDP, than in a typical crisis candidate. 和之前的典型候选危机比,美国的经常账户赤字相对于GDP要大得多。 www.ecocn.org 3. It is not unlike the challenge of keeping the peace in Europe after the Franco- Prussian war in 1870, but on a much larger scale. 1870普法战争以后,在欧洲维持和平的挑战与这个情况类似,但是这次的范围大得多。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. At the other, a shoal of smaller firms is developing simpler, more casual games aimed at a much larger and more diverse group of customers. 而从另一方面说,许多规模较小的公司则针对更广和更多样化的客户群体开发一些更简单、更休闲的游戏。 www.bing.com 5. Spain accounts for one-eighth of euro-area GDP but until recently was generating a much larger share of consumer spending and new jobs. 尽管仅占欧元区生产总值的八分之一,但直到前不久西班牙一直在消费和创造岗位上占有较大比重。 www.ecocn.org 6. And Chinese homebuyers started off with a much larger base of savings. 中国的购房者有着庞大的储蓄基础。 www.bing.com 7. Soon the Rothschilds were floating government bonds on a much larger scale -- and then speculating in them. 不久罗思财德家族就开始以超过更大的规模发行政府债券--然后对它们进行投机买卖。 club.ssreader.com 8. However, block and bit deduplication take more processing power and uses a much larger index to track the individual pieces. 但是,块和位重复数据删除需要更多的处理能力和使用更大的指数跟踪的各个部分。 linux.cn 9. Results Compared with M model, D model provided much larger maximum stress in abutments and periodontal membrane. 结果在基牙及其牙周膜,D模型基牙牙冠、牙根及牙周膜的最大应力均显著大于M模型; xuebao.shsmu.edu.cn 10. Chinese cities were much larger than their equivalents in medieval Europe, and Chinese trade routes as extensive. 中国的城市要比中世纪欧洲的城市大得多,中国的商路也四通八达。 |
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