单词 | msg |
释义 |
例句释义: 谷氨酸一钠盐,谷氨酸钠,味精,味素,谷氨酸单钠 1. You would probably be the only, willing to leave me msg even I have not written the next article in life. 或许你是那唯一愿意留给我吉光片羽的人,即便我生命中的另一篇章依然是空白的。 www.zhishiduo.com 2. But if I change it to 120, I get an Msg 9002 error telling me that the transaction log for the database is full. 但是当我将@change_size改为120时,我得到了9002的错误信息非常准确的告诉我数据库的事务日志已满。 www.cnblogs.com 3. Angela: We would like the chicken hot pot please, and please can you tell the chef not to put MSG in it? 安吉拉:我们想要一个鸡肉火锅。你能告诉你们的大厨不要在里面放味精吗? www.webi.com.cn 4. Thanks for your reminding, could you tell the chef not to put the MSG in it? 谢谢你的提醒,您能告诉厨师不要往菜里放味精吗? beijing.neworiental.org 5. MSG, or monosodium glutamate, appears to be a trigger for a number of individuals with migraine. 看起来对一些人而言味精或谷氨酸钠(味精的化学成分)是偏头痛的过敏原。 www.bing.com 6. Please send me a personal msg with the cost, time frame as well as examples of your work. 请给我一个与成本个人味精,时限以及你的工作的例子。 www.bing.com 7. Do not msg me with pre-written quotes how good you are - i DONT CARE. 不要味精预先写好的报价我有多好,你是-我不关心。 www.bing.com 8. Entire message archiving - Archive everything, including message body, attachments, and message properties into a file of type MSG. 完整消息存档——将全部内容(包括消息体、附件和消息属性)保存到一个MSG类型的文件。 www.ibm.com 9. MSG 's technology and product quality in a strong competitive advantage in export markets has a strong competitive advantage. 公司味精产品在技术和质量方面具有较强的竞争优势,在出口市场中具有很强的竞争优势。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. All homemade food items and sauces do not contain preservatives, MSG and artificial colouring . Please refrigerate to ensure freshness. 全部不添加防腐剂、味精及人造色素,敬请必须冷藏。 dict.v.wenguo.com 1. This glutamate is identical to the flavor-enhancing monosodium glutamate (MSG) and its chemical cousins found in thousands of food products. 这谷氨酸与风味增强味精是相同的,并且它的化学类似物被发现在数以万计的食品产品中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. You've probably noticed that MSG appears regularly among the ingredients of your favorite foods. 你可能已经注意到味精经常出现在你爱吃的食物成分中。 kids.163.com 3. Because of the non-blocking nature of the MSG_DONTWAIT variant of send, the call returns after sending all, some, or none of the data. 由于send的MSG_DONTWAIT变量的无阻塞性质,函数调用在发送完所有的数据、一些数据或没有发送任何数据后返回。 www.ibm.com 4. Second, Americans do not love cooking, MSG - monosodium glutamate sodium, excessive intake of harmful to health. 美国人做菜不爱放味精——味精含钠,摄入过量有损健康。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Under current FDA regulations, when MSG is added to a food, it must be identified as monosodium glutamate in the label's ingredient list. 根据现行的FDA法规,味精添加到食品中必须在成分中标明谷氨酸钠。 www.bing.com 6. Do not eat sugar, used brown sugar, honey instead. Instant noodles, MSG did not want to eat. 不要吃白糖,可用红糖、蜂蜜替代。泡面、味精也不要吃。 99mrw.5d6d.com 7. But one thing's for sure, I can't seem to eat healthy. I love my MSG, desserts, fatty beef, belachan, fried fish. 但有一件事情是肯定的,我不能吃的健康。我爱味精,甜点,脂肪牛肉,干虾酱,炸鱼。 tieba.baidu.com 8. If you're making a chicken stew but can't afford a whole chicken, why not use a little chicken and a lot of MSG? 当你用鸡肉做菜而付不起整只鸡的钱时,为什么不用少许鸡肉加很多味精呢? kids.163.com 9. (2 Timothy 2: 15 Msg) Take advantage of every training opportunity to develop your shape and sharpen your serving skill. (提后2:15)充分利用每一次机会训练自己,发展你的恩赐和才干,使你的服侍技能更纯熟。 www.bing.com 10. the inside cook for 5 minutes, cut the parallelogram into a cucumber to go, put points MSG and sesame oil. 在里边煮5分钟,在把黄瓜切成平行四边形放进去,放点味精和香油。 baike.baidu.com 1. Msg A message that acts either as an outgoing method call on a remote object , or as the subsequent response . 一条消息,或者作为远程对象上的输出方法调用,或者作为后续的响应。 www.bing.com 2. Correctly enter all pertinent information of an order including special items, cooking meat instructions, no seasoning (MSG, salt), etc. 正确输入订单的有关信息,包括特殊项目,烹调肉食说明,不加调料(味精,盐)等。 netbreast.com 3. The chili lime tortilla strips that are included in the southwest salads have several ingredients used to hide MSG. 那个添加在西南地区的沙拉中的辣椒玉米块,虽然用了几个代名词来隐藏味精的存在。 www.bing.com 4. if a boy will not forget u even he is busy , replies your msg , takes care of your emotion, please be with him ! 如果一个男生在忙碌的时候能够不忘于你,回你的短信,照顾你的小情绪,请你和他在一起; dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The sub element Msg which is used to pass the trace text to the plug-in parser is chosen arbitrarily, any other element name can be used. 用于把跟踪文本传递给插件解析器的子元素Msg可以任意地选择,也可以使用其它任意的元素名称。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Send me a private msg and let me know what will be you action plan, the one who give me better answers and better ideas will be the winner. 寄给我的私人信息,让我知道什么是你的行动计划,谁给我更好的答案,更好的想法将是赢家。 www.bing.com 7. I will be very glad if you leave msg to me . You can leave msg here , follow any entry, and also to my G- BOOK. 如果你们给我留言,我将十分高兴。你可以在这里给我留言,在任何一个日志下面。也可以到我的留言本留言。 www.bing.com 8. Consumer groups in the USA campaign regularly against its use, but for many of us, MSG will continue to be a part of everyday life. 美国的消费者团体定期组织反对使用味精的运动,但对很多人来说,味精仍将是日常生活的一部分。 edu.163.com 9. MSG is a chemical used to fatten up laboratory animals and evidence suggests it will ultimately make you fat when consumed. 味精是一种用来给实验室的动物增肥的化学制品,有证据显示当你食用以后,它将最终导致你的肥胖。 www.bing.com 10. The final sub of the agent, shown in listing 3, checks the user name against any pending e-msg forms for delivery. 如清单3所示,代理的最后一个子函数将核对用户名和要传递的任何未处理的e-msg表单。 www.ibm.com 1. Monosodium glutamate(MSG)is a compound which intensifies the flavor of foods, and is the Primary component of gourmet powder. 谷氨酸一钠是一种增强食物风味(鲜味)的物质,是味精的主要成分。 www.chemyq.com 2. "Our Taiwanese brothers do not like salt, oil and MSG the way we do, " the guide, Guo Xin, said with a sigh. “我们的台湾同胞不像我们那样喜欢盐、油和味精。”导游郭新叹了一口气说。 www.bing.com 3. Also, MSG Jimmie Holloway earned the Distinguished Service Cross ( Posthumously ) in a separate combat action. 同时,在一次单独作战中MSG吉米霍洛维也被追授“卓越服务十字勋章”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In general, it was achieved by the basic imaging sequence coordinate with motion-sensitive gradient (MSG). 一般采用基本成像序列配合施加运动敏感梯度(MSG)来实现。 soso.361xs.com 5. MSG ( or monosodium glutamate) is a chemical commonly used to add flavor to salty or sour tasting foods. 味精(叫谷氨酸钠)一种常用来为咸味或酸味食物增加口感的化学物质。 www.showxiu.com 6. When a client starts up, the first thing it does is send a PSEUDO_MSG_PING message to the server. 在启动客户端后,它要做的第一件事就是向服务器发送PSEUDO_MSG_PING消息。 www.ibm.com 7. The second argument to Vim: : Msg is the type of information that is displayed: error implies that this information is highlighted in red. Msg的第二个参数是显示的信息的类型:error意味着此信息用红色高亮显示。 www.ibm.com 8. MSG is a chemical used to fatten up laboratory animals and will ultimately make you fat when consumed. 味精是味精是一种用来给实验室的动物增肥的化学制品,当你食用以后它将最终导致你的肥胖。 www.bing.com 9. MSG in large amounts may have physical effects, including an allergic reaction commonly called "Chinese restaurant syndrome. " 大量使用味精可能会引起物理反应,包括通常被称为「中国餐馆症候群」的过敏反应。 www.tdict.com 10. Are the parameters used in the substitution for variables defined in msg_str or the message corresponding to msg_id. 用于代替msg_str或对应于msg_id的消息中的定义的变量的参数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The second is good pickled flavor. To cut into cubes mixed with salt, sugar, MSG, soy sauce, pickled disk, to be removed after tasty. 其二是腌渍佳味。把切好的肉丁放入拌有盐、糖、味精、酱油的盘中腌制,待入味后取出。 sites.google.com 2. fail( "msg" ) - indicates that the test must fail and the message parameter will be displayed as an error message. fail(“msg”):表明测试一定会失败,消息参数将显示为一条错误消息。 www.ibm.com 3. Minutes, broth surplus three-quarters of time, put any MSG, wet starch flour, juice hair thick drench into balm, filled into the pan. 烧burn1515分钟,汤汁剩余三分之一时,放味精,湿淀粉勾芡,汁发浓时淋入香油,盛入盘中。 www.3qly.com 4. do not further increase when the cold dish of soy sauce has MSG, so flavor will disappear. 不进一步增加酱油的冷盘有味精,所以味道就会消失。 www.qiyeku.com 5. Since 1968, doctors have been documenting adverse reactions to monosodium glutamate (MSG) --a flavor enhancer common in Chinese cuisine. 从1968年开始,医生一直对谷氨酸钠(MSG)——一种在中国人烹调中不可缺的增味品——做出各种反对的论证。 dict.veduchina.com 6. if send MSG to one, he do not reply for a long time, no need to send again. there is no waiting menially. 如果发短信息给一个人,他一直不回,不要再发了。没有这么卑微的等待。 blog.163.com 7. The package names of the messages are appended with an _msg suffix. 消息的包名附带有_msg后缀。 www.ibm.com 8. line of shrimp to the shrimp with salt, MSG, cooking wine, pepper, wet starch, egg white slightly pickled grasp uniform. 将虾仁去虾线,用精盐、味精、料酒、胡椒粉、湿淀粉、鸡蛋清抓匀略腌。 sites.google.com 9. Yes, two bottles of Qingdao beer, no MSG and only a little spicy, please. 嗯,来两瓶青岛啤酒。菜里不要放味精,少放辣椒。 talk.kekenet.com 10. All hot dogs contain the flavour enhancer, MSG (monosodium glutamate) which causes headaches and allergic reactions. 大部分汉堡都含有调味剂,如味精(会导致头痛、过敏反应等等)。 www.bing.com 1. I would appreciate if some one serious can bid on this. Drop an msg on PMB if you are not able to bid because of category. 我将不胜感激,如果有人严重者可在此出价。下降对港口及航运局消息,如果你不能因为投标类别。 www.bing.com 2. Do not send me your copy-paste msg send me and action plan to make this banner-logo more aye catchy. 不要给我你的复制粘贴信息发送我和行动计划,使这面旗帜,徽号赞成吸引人。 www.bing.com 3. Disturbingly, scientists have known since the 1960s that MSG kills brain cells in young animals. 令人不安的是,科学家从六十年代起就知道味精可以杀死幼小动物的脑细胞。 kids.163.com 4. If Campbell is making a big deal out of "no MSG" in Select Harvest, then the other Campbell soups must contain MSG. 如果金宝汤大肆宣传特选系列里“不含味精”,那么其他金宝汤类产品里必然含有味精。 www.bing.com 5. Click Upload to upload the soa_msg. xml file (as shown in Listing 1) from the class file folder. 单击Upload从类文件文件夹中上传soa_msg.xml文件(如清单1所示)。 www.ibm.com 6. The Msg object will know which locale's resource bundle to use based on its "bundle base name" and its current locale setting. 对象会根据“绑定包的名称”及其当前的语言环境设置获知使用哪种语言环境的资源绑定包。 blog.163.com 7. Boil chicken stock with MSG and salt, chicken with cornstarch and pour over the scallop balls . 鸡清汤加味精,盐烧开勾芡,浇在丸子上即成。 www.bing.com 8. The client writes a message to the socket, the server processes the message and writes its response back with type PSEUDO_MSG_ACK. 客户端编写一条到该套接字的消息,服务器处理该消息并编写类型为PSEUDO_MSG_ACK的响应。 www.ibm.com 9. Methods Arcuate nucleus lesion models were established by subcutaneous injection of MSG in newborn SD female rats. 方法皮下注射MSG建立新生SD雌性大鼠弓状核损毁模型。 www.js120.net 10. For this project i will provide brief detail, but please msg me for more information. 对于这个项目,我会提供简短的细节,但有关详细信息,请味精我。 www.bing.com 1. When msg_id is not specified, RAISERROR raises an error message with an error number of 50000. 如果未指定msg_id,则RAISERROR引发一个错误号为50000的错误消息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Where MSG is used in very high amounts. Chinese restaurant syndrome can be provoked in sensitive subjects . 当敏感受检者在食用了这类味精用量很高的食品后,会出现中国餐馆综合症。 www.bing.com 3. If you have any enquiry, please do not hesitate to leave a msg here in this thread. 如有任何疑问,请在此贴留言。我们会尽力帮助你解答。谢谢!! word.hcbus.com 4. Practice has proved that MSG in their food in alkaline disodium glutamate, the same would lose their flavor. 实践证明,它们在碱性食品味精谷氨酸二钠,同样将失去他们的口味。 www.qiyeku.com 5. Angela : I asked him not to put any MSG in our food. It's not good for you. 安吉拉:我让他不要在我们的食物里放味精。这对于你不好。 www.webi.com.cn 6. The third who used the most MSG were nearly three times more likely to be overweight than non users . 摄入量最高的那三分之一调查者产生超重的危险性是不食用味精的人的近三倍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. then add a little tomato juice, stir well, add the right amount of MSG you can pan. 再放入少许的番茄汁后,炒匀,加入适量的味精即可出锅。 baike.baidu.com 8. MSG also known as MSG by flavor agent, a white crystal-like. 味精也称为味精增味剂,呈白色晶体状。 china.makepolo.com 9. MSG, flour, instant noodles, vermicelli , noodles, and other quick-frozen food production system, ranking first in the nation's first. 味精、面粉、方便面、挂面、面制速冻食品等产量均居全国首位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Msg_str is a string of characters with optional embedded conversion specifications. msg_str是一个字符串,具有可选的嵌入转换规格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. PMsg Points to a MSG structure that contains the message to process . 指向一个MSG结构,其中包含了要处理的消息。 www.bing.com 2. The main reason why MSG is more commonly used in Japanese meals is tradition. 为什么日本人经常使用味精呢?最主要的原因是,这是他们的传统。这句话的主句是 wenku.baidu.com 3. Msg The message to be serialized onto the requested stream. 要序列化到请求流上的消息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. More regular intake of MSG, helps to the inadequate intelligence and memory barriers. 常摄入些味精(每人每天不超过20克),对改善智力不足及记忆力障碍有帮助。 www.bing.com 5. LpMsg Points to an MSG structure that contains the message to be checked. 指向一个MSG结构,其中包含了要被检查的消息。 www.zjrj.org 6. add clear chicken soup , bring to the boil , skim , add rice vinegar , msg , salt and white pepper. 加鸡清汤烧开,撇去浮油,加米醋味精盐白胡椒粉即成。 www.ichacha.net 7. Therefore, the MSG was not obvious should be put in acid, alkaline food. 因此,味精并不明显,应把酸,碱性食品。 www.qiyeku.com 8. I will provide you detailed list of requirements in a PM after u send a msg to me OR bid below. 我会为您提供详细的需求列表一个下午后你寄一味精我或出价低于。 www.bing.com 9. Now, MSG as you probably know, is a flavour enhancer which is used particularly in Chinese and Japanese cooking. 大家可能知道,味精是一种增味剂,尤其在中国和日本的烹调中很常用。 www.hjenglish.com 10. I do not swear at people generally , what MSG|WTG being really us in any case not being known clearly, if fault is true, has to use! 我平常不骂人的,可是真是受不了了,如果不是真的,那么我们的留言有什么用啊! blog.sina.com.cn 1. The main component of MSG is monosodium glutamate, which under the action of gastric acid can turn to glutamate. 味精的主要成分是谷氨酸钠,它在胃酸的作用下可转化为谷氨酸。 www.bing.com 2. If the msg parameter is of type IMethodReturnMessage, the same object is returned by GetReplyMessage. 如果msg参数的类型为IMethodReturnMessage,则GetReplyMessage返回同一个对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The average person knows almost nothing about it, but today MSG is found in everything from potato chips to soup. 一般人对它没什么概念,不过今天味精却充斥于从薯片到汤的各种食物。 kids.163.com 4. Component archiving - Decomposes each attachment into one file and the message body into one MSG file. 组件存档——将每个附件保存成一个文件,消息体保存为一个MSG文件。 www.ibm.com 5. The LOAD command in the sample writes its messages in a log file load_sales_tmp. msg. 此示例中的LOAD命令把它的消息写到日志文件load_sales_tmp.msg中。 www.ibm.com 6. Among them, both inosine acid, birds in general to nucleoside acid and MSG (sodium glutamate) are used together raises fresh. 其中,肌苷酸、鸟苷酸一般要和味精(谷氨酸钠)一起使用提鲜。 www.268r.com 7. Msg well noted & we will arrange wire transfer within this week. Pls use strong carton box with extra seal tape for this shpt. 已知悉。我们将在这周安排电汇。请用结实一点的外箱,并且要打包装带。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 8. Many Chinese restaurants, in response, now proudly tout themselves as MSG-free. 现在许多中国餐馆做出的反应是,骄傲地吹嘘他们在烹调中不用msg。 bbs.ecust.edu.cn 9. Artificial Food Additives: Aspartame and MSG are two common food additives that can trigger inflammation responses. 人工食品添加剂:阿斯巴甜和味道是两种食品添加剂,它们可触发炎症反应。 www.bing.com 10. other with soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, MSG, soup, water, starch, etc. right into Zi juice. 其他用酱油,糖,醋,味精,汤,水,淀粉,果汁等成子的权利。 www.qiyeku.com 1. The fact is that unless you're eating bucket-loads of the stuff, MSG and its naturally occurring cousins are not going to do you any harm. 事实是,除非你把味精当饭吃,否则它和它的天然表兄不会对你造成任何伤害。 www.ebigear.com 2. Regarding MSG, it is helpful to remember this statement from Wikipedia when reading food labels. 记住维基食物百科中关于味精的陈述对看餐单是很有帮助的。 www.bing.com 3. Original ip msg protocol specification is written in Japanese. 最初的飞鸽传书协议说明书是日文书写。 www.sunnybtoc.com 4. Expect gruff service, no spoken English and cramped seating -- plus a touch of MSG. 生硬的服务,不说英语和拥挤的座位---加入味精。 www.bing.com 5. Thus, after authoring the pvno and msg-type fields, I go straight into authoring the req-body structure, which requires a number of steps. 所以,在生成pvno和msg-type字段后,我就直接开始生成req-body结构,这需要几步。 www.ibm.com 6. salt, MSG, chicken essence, Shi Sanxiang, cooking wine, rice wine. 盐、味精、鸡精、十三香、料酒、黄酒。 www.qiyeku.com 7. into the meat, boil again, according to personal taste by adding the right amount of salt, MSG. 放入羊肉,再次煮沸,根据个人口味加入适量的盐、味精。 baike.baidu.com 8. In the following example, the msg String instance has got a meta-class that we can access through the metaClass property. 在下面的例子中,字符串msg的实例有一个元类,我们可以通过metaClass属性访问该元类。 www.infoq.com 9. Too much MSG can actually lead to overeating and obesity, as well as headaches, fatigue, eye damage and more. 而且进食过量的味精会导致肥胖、头痛、疲劳、眼睛受损等疾病。 lifenutritionusa.com 10. Pointer to an MSG structure that contains details about the message. 指向MSG结构的指针,结构中包含和消息相关的细节。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. add spices: salt, sugar, chicken essence (MSG), vinegar, cooking wine, soy sauce, scallion, ginger, allspice and so appropriate. 加调料:盐、白糖、鸡精(味精)、醋、料酒、酱油、葱段、姜片、五香粉等适量。 www.qiyeku.com 2. Most of the food manufacturers still add MSG into their food. 大多数食品制造商仍在食品中添加味精。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. 500g of pork, 500g of flour, a suitable amount of chopped ginger, soy sauce, MSG, sesame oil, bone broth, yeast and dietary alkali. 猪肉500克,面粉500克,姜末、酱油、味精、芝麻油、骨头汤、酵面、食用碱各适量。 english.chinese.cn 4. when MSG is ingested by humans as a component of food. 当味精被人类作为食物的一部分摄入时。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. In index. vm, the message tool in $msg is used throughout this template to access Struts's locale-dependent, internationalized resources. 在index.vm中,整个模板都使用$msg内的消息工具访问Struts的地域有关的国际化资源。 www.ibm.com 6. people who saw wang peng look like he was stealing books said "eat this MSG. " 人看王朋好像在偷书就所给他:把味精吃了。 chinesewang.myfreeforum.org 7. Because MSG is used as a flavor enhancer in many processed foods, studying its potential effect on humans has been difficult. 因为味精在许多加工食物中被用作增味剂,研究它对人体的潜在效应一直是个难题。 www.showxiu.com 8. Autolyzed yeast, another ingredient in KFC's grilled chicken, also contains MSG. 自溶酵母,另一项肯德基烧烤鸡肉的原料,同样含有味精。 dongxi.net 9. Please msg me and I'll go into more detail and specifics. 请味精我,我将进入更详细和具体。 www.bing.com 10. To change the amount of information in the output, change the message output level (try Project. MSG_VERBOSE instead). 要更改输出中的信息数量,请更改消息输出级别(而不是尝试更改Project.MSG_VERBOSE)。 www.ibm.com 1. If you have any questions for her, please leave a msg. And she will answer your questions. 如果你有什么问题想问她,请在这边留下你的问题。 word.hcbus.com 2. cold dishes should not be directly MSG, first use of open water. 冷盘不应直接味精,开阔水域首次使用。 www.qiyeku.com 3. Congjiang end, salt, pepper, MSG, sesame oil. 葱姜末、盐、胡椒粉、味精、麻油。 baike.baidu.com 4. But if you are sensitive to MSG, try to avoid it and see a doctor if serious symptoms develop. 但是,如果你对味精敏感,那么则要尽量避免食用味精,如果发现了严重症状,则需看医生。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Food in restaurants always has too much MSG . 餐馆里的食物总有太多的味精。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Not surprisingly, the chicken in the salads also has MSG. 这并不奇怪,因为在鸡肉沙拉中也有味精。 www.bing.com 7. There is more e-commerce it it --- please msg me for more detail. 还有更多的电子商务它它---请味精更详细的我。 www.bing.com 8. If an exception occurs, its text is posted to the msg requestScope variable. 如果发生异常,则将其文本提交到msgrequestScope变量。 www.ibm.com 9. Anyone who want bids, needs send my msg whit portfolio url. 任何人谁想要竞标,需要将我的味精白衣组合的网址。 www.bing.com 10. E-mail body and attachments for CSN , DXL, MSG formats. MSG格式的电子邮件体和附件。 www.ibm.com 1. Pointer to an MSG message structure. 指向MSG消息结构的指针。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Be my article part , share an once to everybody , what impressions there is in following you all can give me MSG|WTG. 下面是我的文章的一部分,给大家分享一下,有什么感想你都可以给我留言。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I worked on this at about the same time that I worked on a wrapper class for MSG files. 我从事这项在大约同一时间,我在一个文件味精包装类工作。 word.hcbus.com 4. The previous value of the variable msg is lost. 变量msg原先的值就丢失了。 www.bing.com 5. MSG may be added to enhance the flavour. 味精可能会增加,以提高风味。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. This method will return the complete ASN. 1 representation of the pvno or msg-type fields. 这个方法将返回pvno或者msg-type字段的完整ASN.1表达。 www.ibm.com 7. (John 17: 18, Msg) The whole goal of parenting is to eventually release your children. (约17:18)作父母最大的目的就是最终释放你得孩子们。 www.bing.com 8. The %S_MSG'%. *ls' isoutof the range for numeric representation(maximum precision 38). 超出了数字表示范围(最大精度为38位有效数字)。 www.bing.com 9. I do not understand the error msg. 我不明白问题出在哪里。 word.hcbus.com 10. It was your msg made me crying more. 你知道吗?那时其实我已经不哭了。 bingbing0204.spaces.live.com 1. In 1992, MSG-3 Revision 2, which initially was applied to the Boeing 777, added new corrosion control and prevention procedures. 1992年,MSG-2的第2版修订中增加了全新的腐蚀控制和防护程序,这一内容首先应用于波音777飞机上。 www.china-cam.cn 2. Whether the MSG_OOB flag is set. 是否设置了MSG_OOB标志。 www.ibm.com 3. What about food additives like MSG? 那么食物添加物呢?比方说味精。 www.bing.com 4. In addition, please stick a stamp to your msg, I don't have enough. 另外,请贴上邮票和您的信一同,我没有足够的。 word.hcbus.com 5. In China, MSG allergies have not been documented and the substance occurs naturally in food. 在中国,对msg过敏症一直没有正式的报道,而这种物质自然会在(他们的)食物中出现。 bbs.ecust.edu.cn 6. for more details msg me or open chat . . . 我的更多细节信息或打开的聊天… www.bing.com 7. MSG is a dish of the first generation of air fresheners. 味精是对第一代空气清新剂盘。 www.qiyeku.com 8. Main reason why people don't use MSG, is because of rejection symptoms of chemical seasoning. 人们不使用味精的最主要的原因是排斥化学调味料。 liucheng2010.wordpress.com 9. Prints msg on lower right of screen. 用指定颜色在屏幕右下角显示指定信息。 99jsj.nease.net 10. Faz reply my msg n tel me eu reach home edi ok ma~? 快点回复我信息跟我说你到家了好不好~? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. MSG is a major trigger for me. 味精对我而言是一个主要的过敏原。 www.bing.com 2. They put too much MSG in the food. 他在食物里放了太多的味精。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Anytime, Anywhere when you miss me, leave your msg at here, I will know it! 无论何时何地,只要你愿意,随时找我。 spaces.msn.com 4. Msg The message to process. 要处理的消息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Sends a private msg to target. 向指定目标发送一个私人信息。 99jsj.nease.net 6. So, how exactly does MSG work? 那么,到底味精是如何起作用的呢? www.cnielts.com 7. which site did i msg you from again? 我从哪个地方给你发消息了? tieba.baidu.com 8. It is Satan who wants to "steal and kill and destroy" your freedom and your joy (John 10: 10 MSG). 想要把你的自由和喜乐“偷窃,杀害,毁坏”的是魔鬼撒旦。 www.bing.com 9. Please wait my confirmation msg, paid in 3 days. 等我的回复后,请在三天内付款。 word.hcbus.com 10. msg is a pointer to the msghdr structure. msg是指向msghdr结构的指针。 www.ibm.com 1. Finally put into the egg and some Salt and MSG. 最后放入鸡蛋和一些盐和味精。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. This msg. will refresh your brain in 5 seconds. 这条消息将会让你的头脑清醒5秒。 www.bing.com 3. If a client attempts to write a message in read-only mode, a COMMON_MSG_NOT_WRITEABLE_ERROR is set. 如果客户端尝试在只读模式下写入消息,则设置COMMON_MSG_NOT_WRITEABLE_ERROR。 www.ianywhere.com 4. First of all, MSG is a high-quality spices, it not only enables more tasty dishes. 首先,味精是一种高质量的调味品,它不仅能使菜肴更加鲜美。 china.makepolo.com 5. The result showed that the loss of GA is very small after MSG mother liquor desalted in IEP. 结果表明味精母液在等电点脱盐后,谷氨酸损失很小。 www.chemyq.com 6. There are also some seasonings, such as: cooking oil, MSG, soy sauce, vinegar, white pepper, salt. 还有一些调味料,如:食用油、味精、酱油,醋,白胡椒粉,盐。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Search Google for Dr. Russell Blaylock or "excitotoxins" to learn more about the disastrous health effects of MSG. . . 谷歌搜索博士罗素布雷洛克或“excitotoxins”,以了解更多关于健康的灾难性影响,味精… www.bing.com 8. People who are not sensitive to MSG are only likely to become thirsty because it is a salt. 对味精不敏感的人可能只会感到口渴,因为味精也是一种盐类。 word.hcbus.com 9. In China, where I live, you don't hear many complaints about MSG allergy. 在我生活的中国,你很少会听到味精过敏一类的投诉。 www.bing.com 10. In the aviation-engineering field, MSG-3 maintenance theory and application have the more and more important status. MSG-3维修思想及其分析技术在工程应用领域中占有越来越重要的地位。 www.lw23.com 1. By sodium glutamate on the market are mainly two kinds of MSG. 钠谷氨酸市场上主要有两种类型的味精。 www.qiyeku.com 2. Recall from that discussion that a TGT request contains four data fields: pvno, msg-type, padata, and req-body. 回想在那里的讨论中,TGT请求包含四个数据字段:pvno、msg-type、padata和req-body。 www.ibm.com 3. It's virtually impossible to find a vegetarian burger that doesn't contain MSG in one form or another. 这几乎是不可能找到一个素食汉堡不包含味精中的一种或另一种形式。 www.bing.com 4. Main materials: 400 grams of peeled pork, fresh chili 2, salt, MSG, soy sauce, sesame oil and so on. 主材料:去皮五花肉400克,新鲜辣椒两只,盐、味精、酱油、香油等。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Add salt, sesame oil, soy sauce, ginger, scallions, Chinese cabbage and MSG if you like. 加盐、芝麻油、酱、姜、葱,如果你喜欢的话也可以加大白菜和味精。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The Top Note of MSG is very high at first, and it is decreased very fast. 味精的强度是第一,但下降速度非常快。 word.hcbus.com 7. Do not msg me again, tis is my final decision. . . 不要再信息我…这是我的最后决定… word.hcbus.com 8. If you like any help with English or wanna just talk, give me a msg here. 如果你喜欢英语的任何帮助,或想只是说说而已,在这里给我留言。 cn.livemocha.com 9. Are you allergic to MSG? 你对味精敏感吗? blog.sina.com.cn 10. further research suggested that msg may also be responsible for ailments ranging from skin rashes to irregular heartbeat and depression 进一步研究则指出味精可能导致皮疹、心律不齐和忧郁等病症。 www.ichacha.net 1. the shrimp meat into pieces and put it into a bowl, salt, MSG, egg white, starch grasping homogenate good; 将鲜虾肉片成片,放入碗中,加盐、味精、蛋清、淀粉抓匀浆好; sites.google.com 2. Null object reference cannot be assigned or passed to a variable of this typels_msg 空对象引用不能赋值或传递给一个这种类型的变量 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Industry: Food & Beverage Agent; Regional Agents; Retail, department stores, supermarkets join; MSG, chicken essence; Spices; 所属行业:食品饮料代理;区域代理;零售、百货、超市加盟;味精、鸡精;调味香料;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 4. Object file is out of date and must be converted to current version ls_msg 对象文件已经过时并且必须使用当前的版本 wenku.baidu.com 5. Industry: Honey Products; MSG, chicken essence; Sauce; Immune anti-fatigue; Food Additives; Enzyme (enzyme) preparation; 所属行业:蜜制品;味精、鸡精;调味酱;免疫抗疲劳;食品添加剂;酶(酵素)制剂;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. Industry: Salt; MSG, chicken essence; Nutritional additives; Non-nutritional additives; Shrimp; Fish; 所属行业:食盐;味精、鸡精;营养性添加剂;非营养性添加剂;虾类;鱼类;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 7. Industry: Canned Food; Starch; Non-ferrous minerals; Non-metallic mineral; Metal Packaging Machinery; MSG, chicken essence; 所属行业:罐头食品;淀粉;有色金属矿产;非金属矿产;金属包装机械;味精、鸡精;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 8. Industry: Spices; MSG, chicken essence; Instant noodles; Food and Beverage Processing; Instant Rice Noodles; Instant soup; 所属行业:调味香料;味精、鸡精;方便面;食品饮料加工;方便米粉;即冲汤料;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. Industry: Food & Beverage Agent; Candied class; Expanded Food; Candy, chocolate; Biscuit cake; MSG, chicken essence; 所属行业:食品饮料代理;蜜饯类;膨化食品;糖果、巧克力;饼干糕点;味精、鸡精;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 10. Industry: Noodles, vermicelli; Chicken; MSG, chicken essence; Other spices; Food & Beverage Agent; 所属行业:粉丝、粉皮;鸡肉;味精、鸡精;其他调味品;食品饮料代理;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 1. Industry: Food & Beverage Agent; Dried fish fishing line; MSG, chicken essence; Other convenience foods; Other spices; 所属行业:食品饮料代理;鱼干鱼丝;味精、鸡精;其他方便食品;其他调味品;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 2. Industry: Food Additives; Condiment; Dairy products; Seasoning oil; Spices; MSG, chicken essence; 所属行业:食品添加剂;调味品;乳制品;调味油;调味香料;味精、鸡精;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 3. Industry: Seasoning oil; Spices; MSG, chicken essence; Other spices; Instant noodles; Instant Rice Noodles; 所属行业:调味油;调味香料;味精、鸡精;其他调味品;方便面;方便米粉;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 4. Industry: Blend Oil; MSG, chicken essence; Carbonated beverages; Fruit wine; Instant noodles; Biscuit cake; 所属行业:调和油;味精、鸡精;碳酸饮料;果露酒;方便面;饼干糕点;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 5. Industry: Expanded Food; Instant soup; Instant noodles; MSG, chicken essence; Seasoning oil; Spices; 所属行业:膨化食品;即冲汤料;方便面;味精、鸡精;调味油;调味香料;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. Industry: Tea; MSG, chicken essence; Roasted seeds and nuts class; Candied class; Dried-meat jerky; Candy, chocolate; 所属行业:茶饮料;味精、鸡精;炒货类;蜜饯类;肉干肉脯;糖果、巧克力;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 7. Industry: MSG, chicken essence; Instant noodles; Instant soup; Other convenience foods; Soy sauce; 所属行业:味精、鸡精;方便面;即冲汤料;其他方便食品;酱油;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 8. Industry: Noodles, vermicelli; Pork; Seasoning oil; MSG, chicken essence; Frozen pasta; 所属行业:粉丝、粉皮;猪肉;调味油;味精、鸡精;速冻面点;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. Incorrect number of parameters calling external object function name ls_msg 调用外部对象函数时使用的参数个数不对 wenku.baidu.com 10. Industry: MSG, chicken essence; Sauce; Nutritional drinks; Other wine; Seasoning oil; 所属行业:味精、鸡精;调味酱;营养饮品;其他酒类;调味油;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 1. Industry: Other spices; Soy sauce; MSG, chicken essence; Other vegetable products; Other tea; Grape; 所属行业:其他调味品;酱油;味精、鸡精;其他蔬菜制品;其他茶叶;葡萄;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 2. Industry: Seasoning oil; MSG, chicken essence; Other spices; Soy sauce; Food & Beverage Agent; 所属行业:调味油;味精、鸡精;其他调味品;酱油;食品饮料代理;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 3. Industry: Other soft drinks; Spirit; Honey Products; Rice wine; Wine and health wine; MSG, chicken essence; 所属行业:其他软饮料;白酒;蜜制品;黄酒;药酒、保健酒;味精、鸡精;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 4. Industry: Beer; MSG, chicken essence; Sauce; Dried fish fishing line; Candy, chocolate; 所属行业:啤酒;味精、鸡精;调味酱;鱼干鱼丝;糖果、巧克力;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 5. Industry: Dry; Dried-meat jerky; Expanded Food; Jam; MSG, chicken essence; Roasted seeds and nuts class; 所属行业:干果类;肉干肉脯;膨化食品;果酱;味精、鸡精;炒货类;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. Industry: Food Additives; Spices; MSG, chicken essence; Sauce; Other spices; 所属行业:食品添加剂;调味香料;味精、鸡精;调味酱;其他调味品;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 7. Incorrect number of subscripts accessing external object property namels_msg 访问外部对象属性时使用了错误的下标 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Industry: Chicken; Other meat; MSG, chicken essence; Dried-meat jerky; Frozen pasta; Meat; 所属行业:鸡肉;其他肉类;味精、鸡精;肉干肉脯;速冻面点;肉制品;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. Cannot take a negative to a noninteger power ls_msg 不能计算一个负数的非整数次方 wenku.baidu.com 10. Industry: Spices; Seasoning oil; Other spices; MSG, chicken essence; 所属行业:调味香料;调味油;其他调味品;味精、鸡精;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 1. When you try to open an. Msg file in Office Outlook 2003, a window opens in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 当您尝试打开OfficeOutlook2003,中.msg文件在MicrosoftInternetExplorer6窗口打开 support.microsoft.com 2. Industry: Soy sauce; MSG, chicken essence; Seasoning oil; Peanut oil; Blend Oil; 所属行业:酱油;味精、鸡精;调味油;花生油;调和油;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 3. Materials: salt, bean sauce, MSG, cooking homemade sauce, onion and ginger; 辅料:盐、豆瓣酱、味精、自制烧菜酱、葱蒜姜; baike.baidu.com 4. Determination of Miniscule Amount of Iron in MSG by Micellar Enhanced Spectrophotometry 胶束增溶光度法测定味精中微量铁 www.ilib.cn 5. Industry: MSG, chicken essence; Spirit; Expanded Food; 所属行业:味精、鸡精;白酒;膨化食品;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) Symptom Complex (味精综合征)。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Internal table overflow; maximum number of objects exceededls_msg 内部表溢出;对象的最大数目已经超越 blog.sina.com.cn 8. A Study and Application of Microbe Fermentation Media by Using Brewing and MSG Process Wastewater 利用啤酒和味精废水开发微生物发酵培养基及其应用研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Industry: MSG, chicken essence; Blend Oil; Peanut oil; Spices; Soy sauce; 所属行业:味精、鸡精;调和油;花生油;调味香料;酱油;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 10. Can exchange interlinkage , mutual MSG|WTG on plentiful visitor , become a near friend; 可以在博客上交换链接,互相留言,成为亲密的朋友; dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Effects of conjugated linoleic acid on obese MSG mice with insulin resistance 结合亚油酸对胰岛素抵抗模型MSG肥胖小鼠的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Invalid parameter type calling external object function name ls_msg 调用外部对象函数时使用了错误的参数类型 wenku.baidu.com 3. The Application of the Centrifugal Pump in the MSG Production 味精生产中离心泵的作用 www.ilib.cn 4. when a neurotoxic dose of MSG is administered to animals to those obtained 具有神经毒性剂量的味精给予动物,获得的那些 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Industry: Spices; Sauce; MSG, chicken essence; Soy sauce; 所属行业:调味香料;调味酱;味精、鸡精;酱油;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. MSG will become a case of basic food, disodium glutamate, loss of flavor; 味精遇碱性食品会变成谷氨酸二钠,使其失去鲜味; blog.sina.com.cn 7. control_msg -- Send a control message to a device 给一个设备发送一个控制消息 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Effects of Zuogui Pill on Gene Expression Profile of Regenerate Hepatic Tissue in MSG-Liver Regeneration-Rat 左归丸对MSG-肝再生-大鼠再生肝组织基因表达谱的影响 service.ilib.cn 9. Type mismatch accessing external object property name ls_msg 访问外部对象属性时使用了不匹配的类型 wenku.baidu.com 10. The application of electrodialysis in MSG industry 电渗析在味精工业中的应用 service.ilib.cn 1. Sending and receiving messages through the form: e-msg 通过e-msg表单来发送和接收消息 www.ibm.com 2. Structure Meaning MSG Message structure 消息结构矩形结构 blog.csdn.net 3. Specified argument type differs from required argument type at runtime in DLL function namels_msg 指定的参数类型与动态链接库中的函数所需要的参数类型不一致 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Ginger, salt, MSG, sesame oil and mix thoroughly, pour in the shrimp on the Serve 姜末、盐、味精、香油调匀,倒在虾上即成 wenku.baidu.com 5. Studying on crystal growth kinetics of MSG in the cycling-fluidized bed 循环流化床中味精生长动力学的研究 service.ilib.cn 6. Studies of Treating MSG-producing Effluents 味精废水处理研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Practical Value of MSG and its Production 味精的实用价值与生产加工 www.ilib.cn 8. Name not found accessing external object property name ls_msg 访问外部对象属性时属性名称没有找到 wenku.baidu.com 9. Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Mark 10: 43 (MSG) 成大业者必奉献于人。10:43(纽约麦迪逊花园广场) www.bing.com 10. These OFTEN contain MSG or create MSG during processing 经常含有或者在制作过程中会产生的 spaces.msn.com 1. Name not found calling external object function name ls_msg 调用外部对象函数时函数名称没有找到 wenku.baidu.com 2. Error calling external object function name ls_msg 调用外部对象的函数错误 wenku.baidu.com 3. Error opening DLL library for external function ls_msg 为外部函数调用而打开动态链接库时发生错误 wenku.baidu.com 4. See if you can spot the sunscreen, MSG, and soap in this Wendy's ingredient 看看您能否在以下Wendy的成分清单中发现防晒品,味精,和肥皂。 www.bing.com 5. Then MSG Activate paging code selection mode 启动选择寻呼号码模式 www.cnham.com 6. status bar messages are appended with status msg 状态条消息后跟有statusmsg。 www.ichacha.net 7. Cannot assign object of type name to variable of type name ls_msg 不能将对象赋给变量,两种类型不能赋值 wenku.baidu.com 8. Function has conflicting argument or return type in ancestorls_msg 函数与祖先的参数或返回值冲突 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Error accessing external object property namels_msg 访问外部对象的属性错误 blog.sina.com.cn 10. DataWindow referenced in DataWindow object does not exist ls_msg 数据窗口引用的数据窗口对象不存在 wenku.baidu.com 1. Error calling external function name ls_msg 调用外部函数时发生错误 wenku.baidu.com 2. five, scrambled eggs No MSG destroy flavor; 炒鸡蛋不需放味精破坏鲜味; blog.sina.com.cn 3. Double or Real expression has overflowed ls_msg 双精度型或实型表达式溢出 wenku.baidu.com 4. using a static factory method to create a Msg object 使用静态工厂方法创建一个Msg对象 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Field name assignment not supported ls_msg 不支持这种字段赋值 wenku.baidu.com 6. Inform where all msg have been read No 全部信已读完后通知 book.jhrx.cn 7. Bad runtime function reference ls_msg 引用了错误的运行时函数 wenku.baidu.com 8. Example usages of the Msg class are as follows 下面是Msg类的使用实例 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Maximum string size exceeded ls_msg 字符串长度超越了最大限制 wenku.baidu.com 10. Mismatched ANY data types in expressionls_msg 表达式中ANY数据类型不匹配 blog.sina.com.cn |
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