单词 | b | ||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:B's b 显示所有例句
例句释义: 第二,第二已知数,〈美〉良好,乙,到,十亿 1. B. J. Fogg, editor of a book called "The Psychology of Facebook, " says that you get out of these sites what you're looking for in them. 在B.J.Fogg主编的新书《Facebook的心理学》中,他说到,你从那些网站里你会得到你要找的东西。 www.bing.com 2. All you loved was Mel B's money , I didn't see that you could never be the type of man to meet my need . 你只是看中了我的财富,你永远都不可能成为心中的标准男人。 www.bing.com 3. One day, B in a newspaper to see a written essay, a call to ask the disease. 有一天,乙在报上看到甲写的一篇散文,打电话去问甲的病。 www.enwaimao.cn 4. Provide a variety of paths mode. A: Default path of the enemy's attack. B: open space, the enemy automatically find the road. 提供多种路径模式A:规定敌人的进攻路径。B:开阔场地,敌人自动寻路。 www.cocoachina.com 5. De La Garza: I am so thrilled that Ford Moto Company is going to be entering the B-segment with such a highly competitive vehicle. 德拉萨加尔萨:我很高兴,福特汽车摩托车公司将是进入的B段这样的高度竞争性的汽车。 usa.315che.com 6. Apologists for religion point to the Sistine Chapel and Bach's Mass in B minor as some sort of justification for it. 辩护者提到西斯廷教堂与巴赫的B小调弥撒作为为宗教辩护的理由。 www.bing.com 7. A farewell to a life out of the plan is to leave the hospital, B to live down. 甲列了一张告别人生的计划表离开了医院,乙住了下来。 my.chinese.cn 8. I can always count on you for a slamming mix, a no-B. S. opinion, or just a bit of well-informed advice. 我经常依靠你做一些有爆发力的混音,或者仅仅是一点能让人长见识的建议。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. B: Well, it could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother. 哦,它可能是个男孩。也许这些耳环是他送给妈妈的礼物。 www.ensay.cn 10. As you may know, on the rushing step of B level examination, all seniors have been challenging by means of hard studying. 此时正值B级考试冲刺阶段,全体高一同学皆在挥汗奋进、挑灯夜战,为自己、为学校拼搏。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. This form of vitamin B helps sustain the syncopation of movement between the heart and the veins and capillaries . 这种维生素B帮助维持心脏和静脉及毛细血管之间的流程切分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It's late 80s job is more than handled by the B-2 anyway and we save quite a bit of money that maintaining the aircraft took. 它的后期,80年代的工作是多所处理的B-2无论如何,我们节省相当多的钱,维持飞机。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. B&TF: If you were a writer or producer, what kind of a storyline would you envision for your characters? 如果妳们是编剧或者监制,妳们会想为妳们的角色设计怎样的故事线? shiningrain.com 4. You banged hard into the fence while trying to catch that ball. B: My shoulder is still very tender . 你好不容易才冲出重围去接那个球我的胳膊现在一碰都还疼呢。 www.bing.com 5. Briant loved baby signing so much, she's now made a business out of it, offering special playgroups. B很爱手语,她现在已经利用手语开发出了自己的商机——提供特殊的幼儿游戏。 www.bing.com 6. B: Yes, I did. And I still do. You don't know how much I enjoy my college life. 你说的对,我如今还是想完成学业,你不知道我有多喜欢现在的学校生活。 rrting.com 7. B. K. thought Sue was just playing games. He couldn't understand how she could forgive him for such a terrible crime. 想这是sue玩的手段,他不明白她为什么要原谅一个罪犯。 www.bing.com 8. B oh, really feels disappointed, you think the notebook easily to useor table model to be easy to use? B哦,真扫兴啊,你觉得笔记本好用还是台式好用呢? xkyn.net 9. As well, the acquired bilingual will not be able to translate as readily in both directions (from B to A language and A to B language). 同样,后天双语者也不能很容易的达到双语互译(从B语言到A语言和从A语言到B语言)的水平。 www.bing.com 10. B: I read about him in the paper this week. He'd been blind for about eight or nine years. 我在这星期的报纸上读到过有关他的报道,他已经瞎了八、九年了。 www.rrting.com 1. B That wouldn't be a problem. How much would you take out? 没有问题,你想提多少钱呢? bbs.ebigear.com 2. B: It sounds like a great offer , give me a little time to think it over , and I will get back to you by the end of the week. 听起来价格不错。给我点时间考虑一下,我这个周末之前给你回话。 www.jp345.com 3. A: Maybe you're right. But it would be the best way for me to keep vigorous to do other things, like shopping. . . B: Shopping? 也许你是对的,不过这样我才有精力去做其他事,比如逛街…B:逛街? www.pojies.com 4. Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties" . 甲方和乙方以下单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。 wenku.baidu.com 5. B: Yeah, in a couple of days I have to decide who I'll be going out with for the next five years or so. 乙:是啊,过两天我就得决定往下五年跟谁交往了。 www.bing.com 6. B. The child boarded the train to Beijing in spite of the fact there was little money on him. 尽管这个男孩身上没带多少钱,但他还是坐上了开往北京的火车。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. When it reaches point B, it comes to a halt, and I'm going to ask you now h We've done that in the past in a different way. 到达点B后,停止运动,现在我要问你们,的值是多少。,what,is,the,value,of,h。,过去我们做过这个,用不同的方法。 open.163.com 8. Answer (B) is incorrect because unforeseen obstacles cannot be anticipated and do not necessarily indicate that planning was inadequate. 选项(B)错误的原因是不可抗力因素本身是不可预知的,而且它并不表示计划就是不适当的。 club.esnai.com 9. I then made a new branch called empty-gdbinit and switched to it (I could have done this with git checkout -b empty-gdbinit as well). 随后我生成一个名为empty-gdbinit的新分支,然后切换到该分支(我也可以使用gitcheckout-bempty-gdbinit完成这个操作)。 www.ibm.com 10. B. Okay. How much do you want me to get? A gallon? 好的,你要我买多少?一加仑? www.bing.com 1. If it slipped any more, there was no point to it at all, and that slip was probably plan B if TSMC didn't stop it entirely. 如果再下跌,但并没有做到这一点,而滑移可能是B计划,如果台积电并未完全停止。 bbs.pczilla.net 2. So, I cannot ask myself just how will it change if I change theta and do random things with a and b? 因此我无法提问下面这样的问题,如果我改变θ,同时对于a和b做随机的改变,它会怎样变化? open.163.com 3. b. He looks like ill, what's the matter with him ? 他看起来像病了,发生了什么事? www.klxkc.com 4. Ben: Yeah. And if I don't get my average up to a B, he's not going to let me go on the class field trip to the Hayden Planetarium . 本:对,如果我不把平均分提到B,他就不让我和班里的同学一起去海登天文馆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The children all turned A. looked at C. to looking at B. to look at D. look at the famous actress as she entered the classroom. 当那位著名的女演员走进了教室,所有的孩子都转过头去看她。 wenku.baidu.com 6. "When else, I thought, would I have an opportunity to stay with a socialite and a nationally known R. & B. star? " he said. Eureka! 他说,“我猜想在其它某个地方,我可能与社会名流或是乡村音乐明星住在一起。”真的找到了啊! www.bing.com 7. B: Lily, you know how highly I think of your work, you should have come to me earlier, so we could talk about it. 莉莉,你知道我非常看重你的工作,你该早点和我谈谈这件事。 rrting.com 8. But this stance will not always get you to plan B for less significant, but nevertheless inevitable, reversals of fortune. 但是,对于那么有重要意义,然而却不可避免的命运转变,用这种姿态不一定总能让你得到备选计划。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. B: Really? Let me take a look at it. 真的吗?我看一下! www.hjenglish.com 10. B: Well, to be honest, I think you could have done a better job. It was a little dry. 嗯,说实话,我认为你可以做得更好一些,这只火鸡做得有点干。 www.ebigear.com 1. Does the company withhold income tax? B: Yes. You need to fill a W-4 form, so we know how much we should withhold. 公司预扣所得税吗?B:是的,你得填一个W-4表,以便我们知道我们需要扣多少。 www.cdfds.com 2. The marker, who was a fellow-competitor, recorded a gross score of 4 for A, who did not receive a stroke, and no gross score for B. 记分员也是同组的竞争者,他把没有收到差杆的A的总杆数记为4杆,没有记B的总杆数。 www.golftime.com.cn 3. By the end of 2009, Bogusky was ready to leave CP B, but Nadal wasn't ready to let him go. 2009年底,Bogusky准备离开CP B,但是Nadal不愿意放他走。 dongxi.net 4. B: everything that came in off the fax machine last night is all on your desk. 昨天晚上传真过来的所有材料我都放在您桌上了。 www.hxen.com 5. Yes and no. It's just a little work. She works part-time as a waitress in a restaurant. B是,也不是。那只是一份简单的工作。她在一家餐馆做兼职服务员。 www.edulife.com.cn 6. B. Good evening, I want to do my hair. How much is it for a wash, cut and a blow-dry? 晚上好,我想做头发,请问洗剪吹是多少钱? www.bing.com 7. Eventually, she gathered the nerve to ask him on a date, but B. B. coughed into his fist and said he already had a girlfriend. 最后,她鼓足了勇气要和他约会,可是博博用拳头挡在嘴边咳了咳,说他已经有女朋友了。 www.bing.com 8. Though it's no guarantee, a B. A. or some kind of technical training is at least a prerequisite for a decent salary. 尽管大学文凭不再是工作的保障,一个本科文凭或者某种技术培训至少是拥有一份不错的工资的前提。 dongxi.net 9. He added that Turkey would pursue its membership goal with determination and, moreover, that it had a plan B and C. 他还补充说土耳其将会凭借自己的决心和意志成为欧盟成员国,或许,更重要的,就是他还有B或者C计划可以应对变数吧。 www.ecocn.org 10. B. No trouble at all. Sometimes it just takes an extra pair of eyes to see the problem. 一点也不麻烦。有时,只要多一双眼睛就能找到问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. " B that do not have the intention to say: " Welcome you to be here teaching. B说别有用意的说:“欢迎您来到这里教学。” women.zhishi.sohu.com 2. b. He said he would hold on to the truth with his blood and life. 他说他会为保持真理而奉献鲜血和生命。 www.medi-elk.com 3. A bottom flange of the B-pillar is welded to a lower edge flange of the rocker reinforcement and a lower edge flange of the side sill. B柱的底缘被焊接到槛板加强件的下边缘凸缘和侧梁的下边缘凸缘上。 ip.com 4. B: Please make it a collect call, and a person call to Mr. Zhang. 请打对方付费的叫人电话给张先生。 www.kekenet.com 5. There was no statistically significant difference in embryo quality, pregnancy rate and implantation rate between group A and group B. 二组的优质胚胎率、临床妊娠率、着床率无差异。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Can I have Mr. J. Smith paged? He said he'd be in the main dining room. I'm Mr. J. B. White. 你能不能利用广播替我叫一下史密斯先生?他说他会在大餐厅里。我是怀特先生。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 7. "I worked for him for seven years and I had no clue, " said Jack Sala, now the engineering manager for Truckee Precision, a B&J competitor. “我为他工作了7年,从不知此事,”杰克·撒拉说,他现在是特拉基精密(B&J公司的竞争对手)的工程经理。 www.bing.com 8. A apologizes for his carelessness but B is a little angry as she has no other dress for the party. 一为他的粗心道歉但是当她没有其他的刨光作为队的时候,B稍微生气。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. The guarantee Bank of Party A is The Bank of China, Guangzhou Branch, while that of Party B is Sanwa Bank. 甲方的保证银行是中国银行广州分行,乙方的保证银行是三和银行。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Abating your fear of rejection: In fearing rejection, you open yourself up to allowing others to be the judge of your worth. B减少自己对被拒绝的恐惧:担心被拒绝,意味着你把自己的价值交给了他人来评判。 www.bing.com 1. Come up to see from the super B, your is two small acrospire sons in belly, be say, what you keep in mind is twins! 从B超上来看,你的肚子里是两个小胚芽儿,就是说,你怀的是双胞胎! www.65568.com 2. One of the interfaces that Bank B provides its application developers is a means to query by how much a given account is overdue. 银行B为其应用程序开发人员提供的接口之一可以查询某个给定帐户的过期程度。 www.ibm.com 3. b. What seems to be a general phenomenon is in reality a local phenomenon. 被视为是一般现象的,事实上是局部的现象。 blog.roodo.com 4. Oh, in a few weeks. I'm only away for a short time. I'll be back in Beijing soon - around the end of the month. B噢,几个星期以后。我只离开一小段时间。我很快就回北京来——大约在月底的时候。 www.eol.cn 5. Villain: Nigeria striker Yakubu Aiyegbeni's miss against South Korea in their final Group B game was one of the worst at a World Cup. 罪人:尼日利亚前锋雅库布雅库布的对韩国小姐在B组的最后比赛是最严重的一次在世界杯上。 www.bugutang.com 6. A symbol "W" stands for a chip which lies with its white side up and a symbol "B" stands for a chip which lies with its black side up. 一个“W”标志代表一个白色面朝上的棋子,一个“B”标志代表一个黑色面朝上的棋子。 www.nocow.cn 7. Nor is it clear how much difference in practice will be made by the obligation of a B Corp to weigh interests other than profits. 互益性公司将社会和环境利益优于盈利的法律责任在实践中到底会产生多少差异也尚不明朗。 www.kekenet.com 8. Grant the Associated External Account right to the external account (Account B) or to a well-known SID. 授予外部帐户(帐户B)或常用SID“关联外部帐户”权利。 technet.microsoft.com 9. b. What seems to be a negative co-variation between phenomena is in reality a positive co-variation between phenomena. 那些被视为是负相关的现象,其实是正相关的现象。 blog.roodo.com 10. Nevertheless, Group B continued to believe that a limited work plan for the SCP was the best way forward to achieve results. 然而,B集团仍然认为,为SCP制定一项范围有限的工作计划,是争取取得成果的最佳方式。 www.wipo.int 1. "I've read about their interest in me, but playing in Serie B again would be a step backwards in my career, " he said. “我已经从报纸上获悉他们对我感兴趣,但是再次出现在乙级对我的职业生涯来说是一个倒退”,他说。 www.juvefans.com 2. B. Nouns with sense of actions - The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见听见隆隆的机声,我看到听见感到心驰神往。 wenku.baidu.com 3. B: Let me tell you what you can do. Get a taxi, and tell the driver to take you to the nearest rent-a-car service station. 我跟您说怎么办:叫辆出租车,让司机把您送到最近的租车站。 www.rrting.com 4. A: How much is your annual income? B: About a hundred thousand dollars. 你一年挣多少钱?大约十万美元。 club.163.com 5. B. Don't worry about it. It's really easy to pick up for you. 别担心。对你来说掌握它真得很容易的。 www.crazyenglish.com 6. He said it was still unclear how folic acid - the synthetic form of folate, a B vitamin - worked in securing pregnancy. 他说目前仍不清楚叶酸这种叶酸酯的合成形式,是如何在保护妊娠安全中起作用的,叶酸酯是一种B族维生素。 cafe.pconline.com.cn 7. A: Can we expect the same price as last time ? B: Oh , yes , no problem about that. A: Good , we'll be ordering in just a few days. A. 价钱能够和上次的一样吗?B:哦,可以。没问题的。A:很好,两三天内我们就会下订单。 my.poco.cn 8. B. How much is the rent? 房租多少? www.bing.com 9. But we've just figured it out our expressions for mu A and mu B, our chemical potentials of each constituent in the ideal liquid mixture. 但我们刚刚计算出,μA和μB的表达式,在理想液体混合物中,每种组分的化学势。 open.163.com 10. The fact is that we got to like the simplicity of it, how physical action A produced result B. 事实是,我们喜欢这种简朴,就像A产生B这样简单的物理反应过程。 english.dxy.cn 1. "Niubility" was the pinyin of Niubi (a slang to say excellent) plus a suffix to make it a noun. “Niubility”(牛B)就是拼音Niubi(俚语,表示“极好的”)加上一个可成为名词的后缀。 www.bing.com 2. B: I'm beginning to see that human nature is pretty much the same everywhere. 我开始认识到无论任何地方人性都是大同小异的。 www.hxen.com 3. So Elizabeth and I had to come up with a Plan B. A would have been, we were actually pretty happy about our solution. 于是,我和伊丽莎白制定了计划B,虽然计划B一点也不如计划A那么有趣,我们还是为我们的方案感到高兴。 www.bing.com 4. B without a written permission of the Party shall provide to any third-party B issued by the management proposal. 未经乙方书面许可,甲方不得向任何第三方提供乙方出具的管理建议书。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. B: Everything came in off the fax machine last night is all on your desk. 昨天晚上传真过来的所有材料我都放您桌上了。 oldhome.jiahewh.com 6. Justin Bieber! Did that really happend? Ok, he deserved that. That just shows how much you suck, b Bieber! 贾斯汀·比伯!那真的发生了?好!他活该!这就能说明你有多烂!比伯! www.hjenglish.com 7. W. B. Yeats wrote a poem for a woman who sounds a bit like you: she worried that men loved her for her golden tresses and not for herself. 叶芝(W.B.Yeats)写过一首诗,诗中的女主角似乎跟你有点像——她担心男人爱的是她的金发,而不是她这个人。 www.ftchinese.com 8. B. That'll save me a lot of time on mailing list and when I'm addressing envelopes. Let me give it a try. 这样我在填信封时能省很多做地址清单的时间了。我来试试。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. B: Morning. I'm going to leave this hotel and I still have 200 yuan coupons in hand. Could I ask for a refund? 早上好。我将离开这个旅馆了,而我手上还有200元的低优惠券,可以给我退款吗? www.alphanb.com 10. I don't know what he wants, but let's play along with him. B: Isn't it a little bit risky? 我不知道他要干什么,可我们不妨与他合作看看。 www.eqooo.com 1. But we've just figured it out our expressions for mu A and mu B, our chemical potentials of each constituent in the ideal liquid mixture. 但我们刚刚计算出,μA和μB的表达式,在理想液体混合物中,每种组分的化学势。 open.163.com 2. The fact is that we got to like the simplicity of it, how physical action A produced result B. 事实是,我们喜欢这种简朴,就像A产生B这样简单的物理反应过程。 english.dxy.cn 3. B: At the tutorial I would like you to give me a detailed report on your research and, of course, to bring up any problems you might have. 在辅导时间我希望你给我详细地谈谈你的研究工作进展情况,当然也可提出你遇到的问题。 www.netfm.com.cn 4. "Niubility" was the pinyin of Niubi (a slang to say excellent) plus a suffix to make it a noun. “Niubility”(牛B)就是拼音Niubi(俚语,表示“极好的”)加上一个可成为名词的后缀。 www.bing.com 5. B: I'm beginning to see that human nature is pretty much the same everywhere. 我开始认识到无论任何地方人性都是大同小异的。 www.hxen.com 6. So Elizabeth and I had to come up with a Plan B. A would have been, we were actually pretty happy about our solution. 于是,我和伊丽莎白制定了计划B,虽然计划B一点也不如计划A那么有趣,我们还是为我们的方案感到高兴。 www.bing.com 7. B without a written permission of the Party shall provide to any third-party B issued by the management proposal. 未经乙方书面许可,甲方不得向任何第三方提供乙方出具的管理建议书。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. B: Everything came in off the fax machine last night is all on your desk. 昨天晚上传真过来的所有材料我都放您桌上了。 oldhome.jiahewh.com 9. Justin Bieber! Did that really happend? Ok, he deserved that. That just shows how much you suck, b Bieber! 贾斯汀·比伯!那真的发生了?好!他活该!这就能说明你有多烂!比伯! www.hjenglish.com 10. W. B. Yeats wrote a poem for a woman who sounds a bit like you: she worried that men loved her for her golden tresses and not for herself. 叶芝(W.B.Yeats)写过一首诗,诗中的女主角似乎跟你有点像——她担心男人爱的是她的金发,而不是她这个人。 www.ftchinese.com 1. B without a written permission of the Party shall provide to any third-party B issued by the management proposal. 未经乙方书面许可,甲方不得向任何第三方提供乙方出具的管理建议书。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. B: Everything came in off the fax machine last night is all on your desk. 昨天晚上传真过来的所有材料我都放您桌上了。 oldhome.jiahewh.com 3. Justin Bieber! Did that really happend? Ok, he deserved that. That just shows how much you suck, b Bieber! 贾斯汀·比伯!那真的发生了?好!他活该!这就能说明你有多烂!比伯! www.hjenglish.com 4. W. B. Yeats wrote a poem for a woman who sounds a bit like you: she worried that men loved her for her golden tresses and not for herself. 叶芝(W.B.Yeats)写过一首诗,诗中的女主角似乎跟你有点像——她担心男人爱的是她的金发,而不是她这个人。 www.ftchinese.com 5. B. That'll save me a lot of time on mailing list and when I'm addressing envelopes. Let me give it a try. 这样我在填信封时能省很多做地址清单的时间了。我来试试。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. B: Morning. I'm going to leave this hotel and I still have 200 yuan coupons in hand. Could I ask for a refund? 早上好。我将离开这个旅馆了,而我手上还有200元的低优惠券,可以给我退款吗? www.alphanb.com 7. I don't know what he wants, but let's play along with him. B: Isn't it a little bit risky? 我不知道他要干什么,可我们不妨与他合作看看。 www.eqooo.com 8. Cor 2 A and B have always had short period of dark muck in them, digital goo or something of that sort, but this has been constant. COR2A和B总有短时期的暗色物质在其中,它们是数码黏质或是类似物质,但是这一直是持续的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Ten thousand years after know, take sundial and water clock to see an emperor, speak to Zu B pure the sun and moon circulate of truth. 万年知道后,就带着日晷和漏壶去见皇上,对祖乙讲清了日月运行的道理。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. B. As he sat down and began talking, words poured out. 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。 wenku.baidu.com 1. I don't know what he wants, but let's play along with him. B: Isn't it a little bit risky? 我不知道他要干什么,可我们不妨与他合作看看。 www.eqooo.com 2. Cor 2 A and B have always had short period of dark muck in them, digital goo or something of that sort, but this has been constant. COR2A和B总有短时期的暗色物质在其中,它们是数码黏质或是类似物质,但是这一直是持续的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Ten thousand years after know, take sundial and water clock to see an emperor, speak to Zu B pure the sun and moon circulate of truth. 万年知道后,就带着日晷和漏壶去见皇上,对祖乙讲清了日月运行的道理。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. B. As he sat down and began talking, words poured out. 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Despite the original misgivings of some of the Fifth Air Force crews, they began to understand that they had been given a new potent weapon. 尽管第五航空队的头头们还有些担忧,但他们确信已找到了一种新的厉害武器--改装后的B-25。 www.bing.com 6. The mini-lessons will give you a glimpse at the kind of things you'll learn in b-school and help you make sure an MBA is right for you. 这个小型课程和你未来在商学院学到的知识息息相关,你会对这些知识留下初步印象并且确信MBA是你的选择。 www.bing.com 7. 4Will a lion roar in the forest, when he hath no prey? will a young lion cry out of his den, if he have taken nothing? b. 4狮子若非抓食,岂能在林中咆哮呢?少壮狮子若无所得,岂能从洞中发声呢? www.ccimweb.org 8. Up to 400 million people worldwide suffer from chronic hepatitis B and about one million die each year as a result of it. 高达400亿人患有慢性全球乙肝和大约一百万死于它导致每年。 www.hbvhbv.com 9. A: What seems to be the delay in shipping ? B: We're having trouble arranging for a carrier . 你们出货延迟了,是什么原故呢?B:因为货运公司的安排有问题。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. Archaeologists say they have dug up a woman skeleton dating to the 10th century B. C. in an ancient necropolis in the heart of Rome. 意大利考古学家5月30日表示,他们在罗马中心区域的一个古代墓地中发现了一具女性骸骨。其历史可以追溯至公元前10世纪。 gb.cri.cn 1. 4Will a lion roar in the forest, when he hath no prey? will a young lion cry out of his den, if he have taken nothing? b. 4狮子若非抓食,岂能在林中咆哮呢?少壮狮子若无所得,岂能从洞中发声呢? www.ccimweb.org 2. Up to 400 million people worldwide suffer from chronic hepatitis B and about one million die each year as a result of it. 高达400亿人患有慢性全球乙肝和大约一百万死于它导致每年。 www.hbvhbv.com 3. A: What seems to be the delay in shipping ? B: We're having trouble arranging for a carrier . 你们出货延迟了,是什么原故呢?B:因为货运公司的安排有问题。 www.crazyenglish.org 4. Archaeologists say they have dug up a woman skeleton dating to the 10th century B. C. in an ancient necropolis in the heart of Rome. 意大利考古学家5月30日表示,他们在罗马中心区域的一个古代墓地中发现了一具女性骸骨。其历史可以追溯至公元前10世纪。 gb.cri.cn 5. B: We're ready to put a lot of money into making the product. 我们已经准备了一大笔钱来制造新产品。 www.hjenglish.com 6. B I'm dumping in a little bit of B in my pure A, and I'm trying to figure out how the temperature is changing. 往纯的A里面投入微量的,我想知道温度,是怎样变化的。 open.163.com 7. The number and type of gaskets is identical to that of the B-200 motor, except being of a lesser diameter. 的数量和类型垫片是相同的表示,在该B-200型汽车,除了被一个较小的直径。 www.tech-domain.com 8. A. The child read the story but did not fully comprehend its meaning. B. The child read the story but did not fully understand its meaning. 这孩子读了这个故事,但并不完全明白它的意思。 www.xycai.com 9. B: Turn left when you get out of the building, go along the street and turn right at the first crossing. 出了这幢楼左转,沿着街走到第一个十字路口后右转。 www.hxen.com 10. Within one (1) banking day Party B shall have its Bank Officer acknowledged the contract and lodge it with him at the Bank. 乙方收到甲方签章的合同后在一个工作日内交给自己的银行官员,并将合同交给银行备案。 www.showxiu.com 1. B: Turn left when you get out of the building, go along the street and turn right at the first crossing. 出了这幢楼左转,沿着街走到第一个十字路口后右转。 www.hxen.com 2. Within one (1) banking day Party B shall have its Bank Officer acknowledged the contract and lodge it with him at the Bank. 乙方收到甲方签章的合同后在一个工作日内交给自己的银行官员,并将合同交给银行备案。 www.showxiu.com 3. B: I know you are really angry with him, but I just wish you wouldn't keep hammering away at it. 我知道你很生气。我真希望你不要一直骂个不停。 www.chinacbsa.com 4. Once you take the train to go halfway to A, but suddenly the spur of the moment in the B underground vehicle. Maybe is. 某次你搭火车打算到A地去,中途却忽然临时起意在B地下了车。也许是。 bbs.cnqr.org 5. The video ultimately was made but, like B-SPAN itself, it was quietly mothballed when he left the bank a year later. 视频最终还是录制了,但是就像B-SPAN本身一样,当沙曼离开世界银行一年之后这些便被悄无声息地束之高阁。 dongxi.net 6. Sorry to break it to you, B, but this party just went over to the dark side. 真是不好意思,打断你的派对,B,但是这个派对已经转向了阴暗面。 www.ebigear.com 7. What Mr. B accomplished is more important than what he said ; . the proof is in the pudding. 先生所做的,要比他所说的更重要;看结果才能算数。 www.4uup.com 8. Sorry. B is not in at the moment. Can I ask B to call you back later? 不好意思,B这会儿不在。一会儿等B回来了,我让他给您打电话吧? ts.hjenglish.com 9. B. In the event of a conflict, regarding painting, between this section and any other section, the provisions of this section shall govern. 当本节油漆与其它章节有矛盾时,以本节为准 wenku.baidu.com 10. Huffman tree for each line of the document file to " a: " " b: " Enter the number of characters in the form of its frequency. 说明:树的哈夫曼编码文档文件中每行以“a:”“b:”的形式输入多个字符及其出现频率。 joys99.com 1. Huffman tree for each line of the document file to " a: " " b: " Enter the number of characters in the form of its frequency. 说明:树的哈夫曼编码文档文件中每行以“a:”“b:”的形式输入多个字符及其出现频率。 joys99.com 2. B Thanks. It was stupid of me to go out in the sun. B谢谢。出去到大太阳下,我太傻了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. b. What seems to be an organized (structured) phenomenon is in reality a disorganized (unstructured) phenomenon. 被认为是组织化(结构化)的现象,事实上是散乱(无结构化)的现象。 blog.roodo.com 4. B: I can believe it. I saw how much you drank. 我相信。你喝多少我都看见了。 www.binvor.com 5. B: buying her a gift, if i sPend all my money on this ting, maybe she`ll forgive me. 给她买件礼物,如果我用我所有的钱买下这个戒指送给她,他或许会原谅我的。 www.ebigear.com 6. Target, B let you experience a small adventure. Remember, it was an unforgettable to you by the derailment. 目标,B地却让你体会了小小的冒险。回忆起来,那是一次令你难忘的出轨经。 bbs.cnqr.org 7. Before P left the bar, he walked over to B and said he wanted to be friend with B. P离开酒吧前,与B谈了一会,说希望与B仍然能继续做朋友。 ipchungyiu.spaces.live.com 8. Place the tape around the fullest part of the bust. The tape must b horizontal AT the back. This measurement must not be taken tightly. 把卷尺围放在胸部最丰满处。在后背处卷尺保持水平。该尺寸绝不能最得太紧。 dict.ebigear.com 9. B Yes, about a week. But I'm going to stay for a month. B是的,差不多一周。但是我打算住上一个月。 www.putclub.com 10. The twist, however, was that once given the money, Player B could break his promise and keep the entire amount. 然而事情的关键在于,当乙拿到钱以后,他可以违背诺言将全部的钱财据为己有。 www.bing.com 1. The twist, however, was that once given the money, Player B could break his promise and keep the entire amount. 然而事情的关键在于,当乙拿到钱以后,他可以违背诺言将全部的钱财据为己有。 www.bing.com 2. B, There was nothing he desired more than to see the matter end. 他最喜欢不过的是想看到这件事情的结束。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Hepatitis B is often also called a "silent disease" , because many infected people never realize that they have it. 乙型肝炎也常常被称为“隐匿疾病”,因为许多感染者从未意识到自己已经染上了病。 www.hbvhbv.com 4. How much water is there in the bottle? B: None. 瓶子里有多少水?一点儿也没有。 ms.mhsyxx.com 5. No, I think it's pretty cheap. It depends on how much time you use. B不,我认为非常便宜。这取决于你上网时间的长短。 bbs.netat.net 6. B-B-B has been a breakthrough for me. Finally I'm going to own my own business and I'm going to employ people. 对于我而言,B-B-B项目是一个转折点。通过它,我将最终拥有自己的企业,拥有自己的雇员。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. B: Sorry, John. I'm not in tomorrow so I'd like you to be here if it's OK. 对不起,John,明天我不在,如果可以的话我还是希望你能在这里。 www1.beiwaionline.com 8. Hence CLL appears to be a B-cell malignancy triggered or facilitated in its development and evolution by an auto-Ag. 因此,白血病似乎是B细胞恶性肿瘤引发或促进其发展和演变的自动银。 www.syyxw.com 9. It probably isn't the best way to travel from point A to B, but it could help you reach for a glass tucked away high up in the cupboard. 它也许不是从A地到B地的最佳选择,但它绝对可以载着你去拿藏在柜子上的 www.bing.com 10. In type A, rotary subluxation occurs during progression of the curvature. In type B, it seems to be the initial event. 型患者旋转性半脱位出现在曲率增加过程中,而B型似乎初期即发生旋转性半脱位。 www.med66.com 1. In type A, rotary subluxation occurs during progression of the curvature. In type B, it seems to be the initial event. 型患者旋转性半脱位出现在曲率增加过程中,而B型似乎初期即发生旋转性半脱位。 www.med66.com 2. It was the only time the N. B. A. had lost games to a labor stoppage. 他是唯一一次NBA在劳工停工面前失利。 www.bing.com 3. B How much does a return ticket cost? B一张往返票要多少钱? www.putclub.com 4. I don't think it is possible, I don't think it is right, to say: 'Well, it was A and B and the causes are obvious. 我认为那不可能,我也不认为那是对的,说:‘好吧,那就是A和B,原因也显而易见。’ www.bing.com 5. I'm taking linear combinations of these 3 columns and I'm trying to find b, and actually the answer for this matrix will be yes. 取这三个列向量的线性组合,试着去找到b,事实上,针对这个矩阵的答案是对的。 www.putclub.com 6. b. A new country is being established by breach of international law. It's better to call it a fake country. 一个新国家正在违犯国际法,蕴酿形成中,宁可称其为假国家。 freetaiwan.ning.com 7. B: How much are the rental fee and the management fee? 这单位每月租金和管理费是多少? www.24en.com 8. Even more surprising, he said, when game A and B are played randomly, with no order in the alternating sequence, winnings also go up and up. 更令人吃惊的是,他说,即使随机选择玩游戏A和游戏B,而不是规定固定的交替次序,收益仍然会越积越多。 www.bing.com 9. The genetic algorithm is usually selected as an optimization tool for the least square fitting about ordered plane data by B-spline curves. 在B样条曲线的最小二乘拟合平面有序数据问题中,经常采用遗传算法进行优化。 www.joca.cn 10. B: Im not sure. You know this kind of jeans are very popular and sells quickly. Please wait a moment. Ill check our stock. 我还拿不准。你知道,这种牛仔裤非常流行,卖得也快。请稍等,我去看看我们的存货。 www.mingtien.com 1. B: Im not sure. You know this kind of jeans are very popular and sells quickly. Please wait a moment. Ill check our stock. 我还拿不准。你知道,这种牛仔裤非常流行,卖得也快。请稍等,我去看看我们的存货。 www.mingtien.com 2. B Yes, it's more traditional. But there seems to be lots of coffee shops opening nowadays, so maybe things will change. B是的,茶是更传统的饮品。但是现在开了很多咖啡馆,所以情况可能会改变。 www.eol.cn 3. Cutting through all the B. S. , what you suggest is a simple trade: you bring your looks to the party and I bring my money. 你说的其它都是废话,你真正想要的就是一桩交易:你的美貌换我的钱财。 page.renren.com 4. B: I'm going to check out tomorrow but will be back in a week's time. Can I leave my luggage here? 明天我要退房,但一星期后会回来,请问我可以把行李寄存在酒店吗? itb.bjpost.com.cn 5. A. The general challenged the enemy leader to fight. B. The enemy leader was challenged to fight with the general. 这位将军向敌人首领挑战,要决一高下。 resource.hkedu.sh.cn 6. B: "I now see two students every evening, six days a week, and we're usually fully booked, " she said. 现在,我每天晚上都会给两位学生作心理辅导,每周六天,而我们的预约通常都是满的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The construction of the gigantic Egyptian pyramids at Giza during the 2500 B. C. was one of the greatest engineering feats of ancient times. 在吉萨期间建设的巨大的埃及金字塔是在远古时代2500年中最大的工程壮举。 sports.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The intensity of the fitting curve B is preferably 5-90% of that of the fitting curve A at the above approximate spectrum. 前述近似光谱中,拟合曲线B的强度相对于拟合曲线A的强度优选从5%至90%。 ip.com 9. B: Okey. How much do you want me to get? A gallon? 好,那你想让我买多少呢?一加仑? www.embark.com.cn 10. The solid propellant B-611 seems to have been designed for low-cost tactical army use, with a range limited to 250 km. 固体推进剂B-611已经设计用于低-成本战术陆军使用,具有一个限制到250公里的射程。 www.armsky.com 1. Without Party B's prior written approval, Party A should not transfer the lease to any other third party. 未经乙方事先书面许可,甲方不得将租赁机转租给任何第三方。 wenku.baidu.com 2. A: I'm here to see the purchasing agent. B: He's not in his office at the moment. 我是来拜访采购经理的。B:他现在不在办公室里。 dsmc2008.chinabag.com.cn 3. B Marriage is not like having a room full of roses; you get out of it whatever you put into it. 婚姻不像是一个房子装满了玫瑰;你付出了什么就收获什么。 www.kekenet.com 4. A: Happy to see you. B: The pleasure is all mine. 很高兴见到你。见到你我也很高兴。 www.englishtang.com 5. B: You know, Mike, I've been meaning to call you for a long time. 迈克,你知道吗,很久以来我一直想给你打电话。 www.tianya.cn 6. Not all b-school applicants are quant superstars with a few years of Wall Street experience under their belt. 并不是所有的商学院申请人都有丰富的华尔街工作经验。 www.bing.com 7. B. If client is unable to see print clearly, test each eye separately by placing index card over one eye at a time. 如受检者看不清报纸文字,可用卡纸盖住眼睛轮流测试两眼视力。 www.for68.com 8. When he (Magic Johnson) tried to make a comeback in the fall of '92, the fears of some outspoken N. B. A. players forced him to call it off. 1992年秋季魔术师的约翰逊想重返N.B.A.,但由于一些直言不讳的球员(怕被染上艾滋病),使他打消了这个念头。 www.ebigear.com 9. Yet S& P says historically a single-B rating has had just a 2% average chance of default within a year. 但标普说,历史上B级国家在一年内违约的可能性平均只有2%。 chinese.wsj.com 10. B: If I may refer you to page eight of the brochure, you'll find all the specifications there. 如果您看一下手册的第8页,就会在那儿找到所有的规格。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. And that's the real issue: How do we plot a course to get from A to B. That's what this book is all about. 这个问题的实质是,我们怎样才能画出由点A到点B的路径。这是我这本书的全部内容。 www.bing.com 2. I seem to meet nothing But B-girls out here. 我来到这里似乎碰到的全是劝酒女郎。 www.jukuu.com 3. B: It's important to hear English and listen to it as much as you can. 尽可能地多听英语是很重要的。 365rr.cn 4. B: It depends on how much you order. 这要看你定多少货。 5. You Had No Right To Do That. - I Was Trying To Help You, B. 你没有权利这样做-我是想帮你 www.tingclass.net 6. Typically, only government agencies like the F. B. I. or the National Security Agency have had access to such a large password list. 一般只有只有祝福FBI或国家安全局才能得到如此大量的密码表。 www.bing.com 7. I could have easily walked away and asked someone else. I probably could have found a sign if I looked around a little more. 其实我完全可以马上走再找别人帮忙,兴许自己溜达一圈就能看到B口。 www.bing.com 8. Draco: What she needs is a man. . . to *dominate* her! To make love to her enough to make her love him! B man like you! 德拉古:她需要一个男人,去占有她,去和她做爱而让她爱上他!一个像你一样的男人! qingziw.hn00.com 9. people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons. . . -G. 除非能捞点油水就什么也不干的人通常是极有效率的人——g·b·肖; www.ayste.com 10. B: Well, a lot of the games were pretty silly. I don't know how much it helped us to be a better team, but i think everyone had a good time. 说实话,很多游戏太无聊了。我不知道对建立一支较好的队伍会有多大帮助,不过我想大家都玩得挺开心。 en.neworldedu.org 1. b. "Do you know Peter Baker? " "No, I've never heard of him. " “你认识比得。贝克吗?”“不认识。我从来就没有听说过他。” www.023java.com 2. BIt's quite difficult now. Most of them have been taken. But you should ask at your hotel. They might be able to help you. B现在很难了。大多数的票都卖出去了。但是你应该问问旅馆。他们也许能帮你。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. B. Let me take a look at it. Sometimes these rollers get stuck. 让我看看,有时这些滚轴会卡住的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Although it was ready to discuss many of the proposals contained in Cluster B, some of the proposals required further considerations. 虽然它准备讨论提案集B中所载的许多提案,但是,其中一些提案需要进一步澄清。 www.wipo.int 5. But their friendship continued to grow after both decided to attend Wharton's E. M. B. A program. 在双方都决定参加沃顿的EMBA课程之后,他们的友情得到了进一步发展。 www.ebigear.com 6. B. If client is unable to hold medications, place medication cup to the lips and gently introduce each drug into the mouth, one at a time. 如病人无法持药,可将药杯放在病人唇边,轻轻将药片喂进嘴里,一次一片。 www.for68.com 7. How much did the velocity of teams A, B, and C help the overall value of your product? 这样看来,如何衡量团队A、B、C对于你的产品的整体价值起到多少帮助作用呢? www.infoq.com 8. is a natural instinct of the human mind; when A sees B in distress, his conscience always urges him to entreat C to help him. 善心是人的天赋本能。当某甲看到某乙陷于困境,他的良心总是促使他请求某丙去帮忙。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A: Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent? B: Haven't you met yet? A: No, we haven't. B: I'll be glad to do it. A. 请替我引介新来负责采购的人好吗?B:你们还没见面吗?A:嗯,没有。B:我乐意为你们介绍。 my.poco.cn 10. Put it in the Incubate tray if you're not ready to deal with it. B如果你尚未准备好处理它,就将它放入孵化托架。 www.bing.com 1. B. There seems to have been an absence of attempt at conciliation between rival sects. 似乎没有进行任何尝试去调解对立派之间的矛盾。 wenku.baidu.com 2. N. B. the fact of being in possession of a compensation application form does not automatically entitle you to compensation. 注意:持有补偿申请表并不代表乘客会自动获得补偿。 dongxi.net 3. A: I really appreciate your coming to see me. B: You're welcome. It's been a year but you haven't changed a bit. 非常感谢你能来看我。别客气,一年来你一点儿也没变。 edu.china.com 4. But for now Rio appears committed to Chinalco and is not able to prepare investors for a "Plan B" , even if it has one. 但目前看来,力拓对中铝忠心未改,即便有一套“B方案”,也无法让投资者为此做好准备。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Bentsen had done a remarkable job, and I didn't want him to leave, but he and his wife, B. A. , wanted to return to private life. 本特森工作表现出色,我并不想放他走,但他和他的妻子B.A.想重新去过普通人的生活。 www.bing.com 6. Spreading the lower side of the front panel plate outward ( arrow B ) , detach the plate from the body . 向外侧拉伸前面板框的底边(箭头),把板从机体上卸下。 www.bing.com 7. If he has FM access due to his Project A role he would be able to publish packages based on Project B data as well. 如果他由于项目A的需要有权访问FM,就也能够发布基于项目B数据的包。 www.ibm.com 8. And I. B. M. said late Monday that the pace of its services contracts was slower than it had expected. IBM公司在周一晚些时候发布的财报中表示,该公司服务合同的收入增长步伐慢于自己的预期。 dongxi.net 9. I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children's A. reach C. hold D. place B. hand . 我把药放到了架子的顶部,孩子们够不到的地方。 wenku.baidu.com 10. provides for federal exemption if the federal activity is found by the President to be "in the paramount interest of the United States" . 在(B)款还特别规定联邦豁免权。出于“美国最高利益”的需要,总统授权联邦政府采取必要的行动。 www.jukuu.com 1. If the answer turns out to be yes, the question of whether 85512 b actually is home to life will depend on all sorts of factors. 如果这个结论被证明是正确的,那么“HD85512b”是否确实是生命家园这个问题的答案就会受到各方面因素的影响。 www.bing.com 2. B. is usually not a problem after the contract or other document authorizing the project has been approved. approved. 在授权项目的合同或其它文件得以批准后就不再重要了。 www.03964.com 3. Group B recommended the adoption of this new mechanism and a review of its implementation at the next General Assembly. B集团建议通过这一新机制,并在下届大会上对其实施情况进行审查。 www.wipo.int 4. B: Take it from me. A real man makes his own money. I think you should break up with him. 相信我的话,一个真正的男人是会赚自己的钱的。我看你应该跟他分手。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. To this day I remember his movie 'Shaolin Temple. " He used his hands, feet, and knives like a true master. " B我到现在还记得他的那部电影《少林寺》,拳、脚、刀样样都出神入化。 s3.amazonaws.com 6. The B-2 bomber, commonly known as the stealth bomber, was an ambitious project, to say the least. B-2轰炸机,众所周知的隐形轰炸机,是一个非常有雄心的计划,至少可以这么说。 www.bing.com 7. B: There was a piece of paper with a red dot stuck to the door. 门上贴了一张有红点的小纸。 www.binvor.com 8. B: Good morning. I'd like a pot of coffee, some toast, and a half grapefruit brought up to my room, please. 早上好,我要一壶咖啡,一些吐司和半个葡萄柚,请送到我的房间来。 www.tingroom.com 9. B: Since there is no other alternative. I think I'll have to agree with you. And what about the term of validity? 既然没有选择的余地,我还是同意你。那么,有效期如何? cn-lady.net 10. Billie Holiday's reputation as a great jazz-blue singer rests in her ability to give emotional depth to her songs. b. h. 作为一歌爵士布鲁斯乐的杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Some executives grumbled that Mr. Lewis acted as if he still worked for the F. B. I. , where he had once supervised major investigations. 有些管理者暗中抱怨,刘易斯的所作所为就像他还在为联邦调查局工作,他在那里曾主管过重点调查。 www.bing.com 2. He had flashy moves, he spoke Italian, and he took R&B starlet Brandy to his high school prom. 那时他的动作华丽,他讲意大利语,他曾带R&B小天后布兰迪去参加高中的舞会。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. That charge is known as a "class B violent felony" in New York, and carries a mandatory prison sentence of up to 25 years. 这项指控在纽约众所周知是一个“B级的暴力重罪”,可以判监禁达到25年之久。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. B: We'll revise the contract this evening, and have it ready to be signed tomorrow morning at ten. How's that? 今晚我们修改一下合同,准备明天早上10点签约,怎么样? www.hxen.com 5. B. Oh. That's very interesting. Can I ask how much it costs? 噢,那很有趣。我可以问一下价钱吗? www.tingroom.com 6. How did you get along with your colleagues? B: They were all nice guys and I was always regarded as a competent driver in the company. 你和同事们关系怎么样啊?他们人都很好,大家也认为我在公司是称职的司机。 rong789.16789.net 7. There are a hepatitis B girls, as is the hepatitis B did not tell his mother, a heavy psychological burden. 还有个乙肝(乙型病毒性肝炎)姑娘,由于没有把自己是乙肝(乙型病毒性肝炎)的事告诉婆婆,心理负担很重。 www.hrbxfyy.com 8. b. A general site cleaning and maintenance operation shall be organised at least once a week. 乙一般站点的清理和维修业务应举办至少每周一次。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. B: I think not, he said he just took a conservative policy in the national games. 我认为不是,他说他在全运会中采取了保守的策略。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Later, B realized that he had won the 16th hole and, if the mistake had not been made, he would have won the match 1 up. 意识到他赢了第16洞的比赛,如果不出现那个错误,他应该以赢1洞胜出。 www.ugolf.com.cn 1. As soon as you get a little bit of B out here, immediately the ratios, the amounts rearrange to keep the ratio constant. 你一从B拿出一点,很快地那个比例,物质会重新调整保持比值为常数。 open.163.com 2. Eventually, B&B had to be nationalised. Crawshaw, however, had left the bridge a few weeks earlier as a result of heart problems. 最终,B&B不得不被国有化。而在宣布该决定的几周前,Crawshaw,由于所谓的心脏问题离开B&B。 www.bing.com 3. In the image, Smith's aircraft and a companion B-25 are being escorted by an Air Commando North American P-51A Mustang fighter. 在这幅图画里,史密斯的飞机和一架由他同伴驾驶的B-25轰炸机正由一架空中突击队的北美P-51A野马奋斗号机护航。 sinoam.sina.com.cn 4. A. The policeman observed the man enter the bank together with a woman. B. The man was observed to enter the bank together with a woman. 警察看到这男人跟一个女人一起走进银行。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 5. After Mr. B got out of jail, we wonder if he could hold his head up. 先生出狱后,我们怀疑他是否还能抬起头来。 bbs.pep.com.cn 6. And if it were to go all the way, if A and B were to disappear, it still would be mixed. 如果反应仅需进行,如果A和B都消失了,产物仍然是混合的。 open.163.com 7. However, when A decided that he wanted to resume play, there was no longer an agreement and B was obliged to resume play. 不过,当A决定他想重新开始比赛时,就不再有协定了,B不得不重新开始比赛。 www.golftime.com.cn 8. And that was no "B-Team" standing beside him on the center of the medals platform. 站在领奖台中央的这支美国男篮,不是一支“二流”的梦之队。 www.bing.com 9. Party B undertakes and warrants that it shall not discuss anything to any potential investor regarding any other known asset package. 乙方承诺并保证不会与任何其他的潜在投资者讨论任何其他已知的资产包。 ask.suiniyi.com 10. party b has no right to interfere with party a ' s selling price , spot and method , but it has the right to make positive proposals. 乙方无权干涉甲方的销售价格、地点和方法,但乙方有权对甲方的销售提出积极的建议。 www.ichacha.net |
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