单词 | memory area |
释义 | 例句释义: 存储区,内存区域,存储区域,记忆体区域 1. Memory allocated to a memory area Each memory area created by an application is allocated with a requested size. 分配给内存区域的内存应用程序创建的每个内存区域会被分配所申请的内存大小。 www.ibm.com 2. Each scope memory area is allocated with a maximum size and can be used for object allocation. 每个作用域内存区域按最大空间分配,并且可以用于对象分配。 www.ibm.com 3. For memory management RTSJ uses the concept of a memory area. 对于内存管理,RTSJ用到了一个“内存域”的概念。 www.infoq.com 4. Only the constructor may have to cope with a partially initialized memory area. 只有构造器可能不得不去处理部分的内存区初始化工作。 wiki.chinaunix.net 5. One purpose of the shared memory area is to act as a buffer, minimizing the necessity for further reads from disk. 共享内存区域的一个作用是充当缓冲区,以减少对磁盘的读操作。 www-128.ibm.com 6. All UNIX-like systems support user processes; each process has its own separate memory area, normally untouchable by other processes. 所有类-Unix系统都支持用户进程;每个进程都有自己的内存空间(其他进程通常无法访问)。 www.ibm.com 7. This can result in unexpected additional memory usage, causing memory-area limits to be exceeded. 这可能导致意外的附加内存使用,导致内存使用超出内存区域限制。 www.ibm.com 8. All threads have an initial memory area that's used for the thread's lifetime. 所有线程都有一个初始存储区,将在该线程的生命周期中使用。 www.ibm.com 9. The command line arguments are then accessed one by one from the stack and stored in the memory area until the command table gets full. 然后,从堆栈一个个地访问命令行参数,并将它们存储在内存区中,直到命令表填满。 www.ibm.com 10. More rules define when the objects in a scope memory are finalized and when the memory area can be reused. 更多的规则定义了作用域内存中的对象何时终结,以及何时可以重用内存区域。 www.ibm.com 1. In the existing architecture we modified, the dumb. c draw function copies the source pixel memory area into the destination memory area. 在修改后的体系结构中,dumb.c绘制函数将源像素内存区复制到目标内存区。 www.ibm.com 2. Objects allocated in the immortal memory area are accessible to all threads and are never collected. 分配在不朽内存中的对象可以被所有的线程访问并且从来不会被收集。 www.ibm.com 3. Multiple users can share data within this memory area and avoid repeated, time-consuming access from physical disk. 多用户可以共享内存区域和避免重复的对于物理磁盘访问的时间消耗。 www.itpub.net 4. Speak of network of SAN( memory area) come, most enterprise user can have two reaction possibly immediately. 说起SAN(存储区域网)来,大多数企业用户可能立刻会有两个反应。 www.showxiu.com 5. To ensure the integrity of the heap and the immortal memory area, the RTSJ defines rules for using scoped memory. 为确保堆和不朽内存区域的完整性,RTSJ定义了使用作用域内存的规则。 www.ibm.com 6. Incoming packets are saved to a temporary memory area or buffer in memory. 传入分组保存到临时内存区或内存缓冲区中。 technet.microsoft.com 7. The SGA is a shared memory area that contains data and control information for the instance. SGA是一个共享内存区域,包括了实例的数据和控制信息。 www.itpub.net 8. When large-memory-area support is not required, you can fall back to two-level paging by defining the pmd as "1. " 在不需要为大内存区域时,即可将pmd定义成“1”,返回两级分页机制。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Prior to finalizing the memory area, the finalizing thread may have acquired locks. 在终结内存区域之前,终结线程可能获取了锁。 www.ibm.com 10. A program global area (PGA) is a memory area used by a single Oracle server process. PGA是一个被单个oracle服务进程(process)使用的内存区域。 www.itpub.net 1. This memory area holds the intensity values for all the screen points. 该存储器保存一组对应屏幕所有点的强度值。 www.educity.cn 2. The BSS memory area is anonymous: it does not map any file. 由于BSS段并没有映射任何文件,所以BSS段在内存中是以匿名形式存在的。 www.bing.com 3. Improved German translations in memory area. 改善德国区的记忆体设置的描述。 www.xbox-sky.org 4. Global chunk A global chunk is a memory area which is available to all threads and processes. 一个能够被所有线程和进程访问的内存区域。 bbs.imobile.com.cn 5. The playing device further comprises a data memory area. 播放装置进一步包括数据储存区域。 www.showxiu.com 6. Improved support for long names of items memory area. 改善记忆体页面显示长文件名的支持。 www.xbox-sky.org 7. But which memory area should we create these objects in? 但应在哪个存储区内创建这些对象呢? www.ibm.com 8. It will also allocate a private memory area called PGA, where it stores what is private to the process and to the session. 数据库也会为服务器进程分配私有的内存空间,这块空间叫做PGA(程序全局区),那里存放着私有的进程和会话信息。 www.ioracle.org 9. DB2 needs a contiguous address space for the shared memory area. DB2需要一个连续的地址空间来作为共享内存区域。 www.ibm.com 10. In computer systems, the stack is more than the property is a dynamic memory area. 在计算机系统中,栈则是一个具有以上属性的动态内存区域。 www.codesoso.com 1. When DB2 pulls data from disks, it places the data in a DB2 shared memory area. 当DB2从磁盘取数据时,它将数据放在一个DB2共享内存区域中。 www.ibm.com 2. Internally, it starts a short-lived RealtimeThread in the supplied memory area to execute the Runnable. 在内部,它在所提供的存储区内启动一个短期的RealtimeThread,从而执行Runnable。 www.ibm.com 3. FCM buffers are allocated from this memory area. 而FCM缓冲区也是从该内存区域分配的。 www.ibm.com 4. By using primitive values on the stack, we can do work without using the current memory area. 通过使用栈上的原始值,我们就可以在不使用当前存储区的前提下完成工作。 www.ibm.com 5. The size of the private sort memory area is unrestricted. The SHEAPTHRES parameter is applied differently for private and shared sorts 私有排序内存区的大小是不受限制的。 www.ibm.com 6. A private memory area within the SPU called the local store (the size of this area on the PS3 is 256K) SPU中的一个私有内存区域,称为本地存储(PS3上这个区域的大小是256K) www.ibm.com 7. Put checks in for thread type and memory area 设定线程类型和存储区验证 www.ibm.com |
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