单词 | memory | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:memories adj. n. good memory,long memory,short memory,poor memory,happy memory v. n. refresh memory,cherish memory,memory fade,preserve memory,perpetuate memory memory 显示所有例句 记忆力ability to remember
记住的事sth you remember
例句释义: 回忆,记忆力,存储器,内存,记忆体,纪念 1. A stress-ridden mind consumes much of our memory resources to leave us with a feeble mind. 压力之下的思考会消耗很多记忆资源,让我们感到脑力疲惫。 www.bing.com 2. Crucially, it also maintains a 'memory' so the body can launch a more ferocious defense the next time the same invader attacks. 最重要的是,后天免疫系统还能够保持“记忆”,因此下次当同样的入侵者攻击人体时,体内能组织起效果更强的防线。 cn.wsj.com 3. Just as the JVM allocates memory for your objects, it also reclaims this memory on objects that are no longer being used. 正像JVM为对象分配内存一样,它还回收不再使用的对象上的内存。 www.ibm.com 4. It is how much page file space would be used if all the private committed virtual memory in the system had to be paged out all at once. 换言之,如果系统中所有的私有提交虚拟内存不得不一次性全部被换出去的话,将用到多少页面文件空间。 bbs.kafan.cn 5. We won't discuss specifics like how many CPUs or how much memory, as these issues depend on far too many variables to enumerate. 我们将不讨论像多少CPU或多大内存这样的具体细节,因为影响这些问题的因素太多了,以致难以胜数。 www.ibm.com 6. According to Buddhism, memory power of a person can remain with him even after death until the last birth. 根据佛教,一个人的记忆能力能够保持到他死后以及后世。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It would be a second tragedy and an insult to the memory of those who died there, were we to return, even in part, to those dark ages. 如果我们又再次倒退回到那个黑暗的年代,即使只是部分回到,这也是另一场悲剧和对死去的那些人的记忆的侮辱。 www.bing.com 8. For an audience member, it's fun to hear something new, but they have no memory or attachment to it. 对于观众来说,听到一些新的东西总是很有趣的,但她们对于新歌并没有任何记忆或者眷念的感情在里面。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The heart ever dream, may be reduced to fragments in term of despair, the lost memory, also again unable to piece together a once perfect. 那个曾经用心编织的梦,也许会在长期的绝望中支离破碎,那些零落的记忆,也再无法拼凑不出曾经的完美。 www.bing.com 10. More buffers require more memory but make it less likely for a database object to be rolled out to disk because of a lack of buffer space . 缓冲区越多,需要的内存越多,但会减少数据库对象因缺少缓冲区空间而转出到磁盘的机会。 www.bing.com 1. The best for a woman who has nice figure is to turn around and leave. This kind of women will be always in memory. 一个有好身材的女人最好是转一圈然后离开。这样才能永远的在记忆中。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. This assessment can help you to understand your memory pattern and to develop your own efficient way of learning. 这个评估可以帮你了解自己的记忆模式,并有助于形成适合你的有效学习方法。 www.nciku.cn 3. AIX newbies are sometimes surprised to hear that the VMM services all memory requests from the system, not just virtual memory. 有时候,令AIX新手感到困惑的是,VMM服务如何处理系统中所有的内存请求,而不仅仅是虚拟内存本身。 www.ibm.com 4. The practical upshot of these facts about memory is that we often underestimate how much control we have over our own memory. 实际上有关记忆的现实是,我们常常低估自己掌控记忆的能力。 www.bing.com 5. Roy: I wish I could've seen the ballet. I'm sure it would have been a pleasant memory in the trenches. What were you going to say? 罗伊:我希望我能看到你的芭蕾演出。我确信它将成为在战壕中的美妙回忆,你要说什么? hi.baidu.com 6. She said: "I wanted to preserve the memory of my youth, when my body is at its physical peak. " 她说:“我现在的身体正值黄金时段,我想把这段青春的记忆保存起来。” www.voa365.com 7. In the end the Novara players asked me for my shirt, but I wanted to hold on to it because for me it's a special memory. 在比赛结束时诺瓦拉的球员找我交换球衣,但我要把它保留起来,因为对我来说这将是个特别的回忆。 www.showxiu.com 8. Depending on the operating system, lsof might be able to grab the name of the file from kernel memory. 在不同的操作系统中,lsof可能可以从核心内存中捕获该文件的名称。 www.ibm.com 9. For a more indepth discussion on why you get Out of Memory exceptions see my earlier post. 关于为什么会发生内存溢出异常的更多深入的讨论,可以参看我先前的帖子。 www.cnblogs.com 10. NOTE: this error is NOT the result of the system running out of memory. 注意:此错误不是系统内存不足的结果。 www.microsoft.com 1. He paused as if (he was going) to let the sad memory pass. 他停了下来,就好像要把悲伤的记忆抹去。 gaokao.ewstudy.com 2. I realize that this partial descriptioon of my past may not be enough to strike the responsive chord of memory. 我知道我说的这一段往事,还不足以让我触景生情。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I wanted her far away from me, so unattainable that she could continue as the mere memory she had become and remained all these years. 我想要她离我远一些,远到她没法继续与我维系这层关系,因为她变成了纯粹的记忆,而且这么多年就是这样保持着。 www.bing.com 4. Allocate enough memory at the beginning of a batch application to avoid time-consuming reallocation during the process. 7、在一开始,就给批量应用分配足够的内存,避免处理过程中的内存重分配耗费时间。 www.bing.com 5. The main board of the utility model is not easy to generate bad connection of memory chips. 本实用新型提供的主板,不易发生内存芯片连接不良。 ip.com 6. Development tools are often run on practitioner workstations with an appropriate specification (in terms of CPU, memory, and disk). 开发工具往往以一种适当的规范(CPU、内存、硬盘)运行在开发人员的工作站上。 www.ibm.com 7. Cache items with this priority level are the least likely to be deleted from the cache as the server frees system memory. 在服务器释放系统内存时,具有该优先级级别的缓存项最不可能被从缓存删除。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources. 该设备的驱动程序可能已损坏,或者系统内存或其他资源不足。 www.fan6.net 9. For your parents, life as they've always known it seems to be retreating into memory. 对你父母来说,他们熟知的生活似乎要退回到记忆中去了。 www.bing.com 10. He made such clear efforts to include the memory of his mother in the most important day of his life. 他为了保存关于他母亲在他人生中最重要的几天的记忆做出了明确的努力。 dongxi.net 1. Allow me to say that renown of the performer does not wipe out of my memory the image and promises of the creator. 让我这样说,演奏家的名声没有抹去我记忆中他作为创作者的形象和可能性。 www.douban.com 2. Designers seem to be in the habit of draw inspiration from yellowed photos and black-and-white memory. 一年胜似一年的复古风,创意人习惯于从回忆和旧照片里面寻找灵感。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The memory of him perishes from the earth; he has no name in the land. 他的记念在地上必然灭亡;他的名字在街上也不存留。 new.fuyinchina.com 4. Memory above the base of a module can be precious, so the allocator should be used to allocate memory only for a function body. 高于模块基址的内存十分宝贵,因此分配器仅应用于为函数体分配内存。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Typically even on an old and slow piece of hardware, the CPU, memory, and BUS components are fast enough to match up with the insertion. 一般即使旧的较慢的硬件平台上,CPU、内存和BUS组件都足以支撑插入操作。 www.ibm.com 6. On the memory side of the equation, once again, Samsung seems to be the big beneficiary. 在内存方面,三星似乎再次成为了最大的受益方。 www.bing.com 7. His wife, devastated by his death, never recovered enough to promote his memory. 他的妻子,因他的死亡而受到打击,再也没能恢复到宣传他的事迹。 www.bing.com 8. Considering it takes me a week just to commit several Chinese phrases to memory, I had to respect their skills. 想想我自己花了一个星期才记住几个中文词语,我不得不佩服他们的这种能力。 www.bing.com 9. You only tell the assembler how much space you need when the program is loaded into memory, that's all. 它仅仅是告诉汇编程序,当你的程序被装入内存的时候你需要多少空间。 www.pediy.com 10. It is unlikely that this memory will be from the first two years of life. 这种记忆来自生命的最开始两年是不大可能的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Available memory depends on how much RAM your computer has and how much memory is being used by the other programs running at the time. 可用内存取决于计算机的RAM大小,以及此时其他正在运行的程序所占用的内存大小。 office.microsoft.com 2. I never had a chance to meet Waley, but I dedicated one of my books, Chinese Rhyme-Prose, to his memory. 我从没机会见过他,但我把自己的译作《汉魏六朝赋选译》献给他作为对他的纪念。 www.bing.com 3. Pushing a bit further, Dr Flor wondered whether her pain-memory theory applied to other types of chronic pain, as well. 更进一步,福罗博士还想看看她的疼痛记忆理论能不能运用到治疗其他慢性疼痛。 www.ecocn.org 4. Yet it dwells in my memory that she taught me a lesson in forgiveness that I shall never forget. 不过,她曾给我上的那堂关于“宽恕”的课却始终让我难以忘怀。 www.bing.com 5. And I will take you and the memory of you with me for the rest of my life. 而在我将来的生命中,你们,以及你们为我留下的回忆还会在一起。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Once linked, you can read and write to any part of the file as if it were nothing more than just an array of unmanaged memory. 一旦连接起来,你就能读写文件的任意部分,就像它已经不再是非托管内存数组了。 www.infoq.com 7. Researchers may have found a clue to age-related memory loss among the coiled strands of DNA in the brain cells of elderly mice. 科学家们发现了引起年老老鼠记忆力衰退的一些新线索。 www.bing.com 8. People put on their wraps and began to talk in matter-of-fact voices. But I was gravely occupied with the memory of the young man. 人们披上外衣,若无其事地谈论起来,而此时我的思绪却已完全被那位青年所占据。 blog.renren.com 9. Students, ah, let the past Yugure whisper those sweet, are buried in the bottom of my heart, into a beautiful memory of it! ? ? 同学啊,让往日夕暮中那些甜蜜的低语,都埋在心底,化作美丽的记忆吧!??。 www.bing.com 10. Today, stop here. Hope to see you next time I will not pretend not to know me, my memory is bad, but a nice person. Thank you. . . 今天就说到这里吧。希望大家下次见到我不要假装不认识我,我记性差,但人还不错。谢谢。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Many times a simple review like this will help "jog" your memory, and all those previously-memorized facts will come flooding back to you. 像这种简单的回顾,常常可以缓和你的记忆,而且所有之前记住的东西都会涌到你的脑海里来。 www.bugsboard.net 2. Memory is a scale indicating how much work memory should be allocated. memory用来指示要分配多少工作内存。 ro.php.net 3. Toshiba's decision to collaborate with a company with which it competes fiercely in flash memory, among other things, is remarkable. 同其它事情相比,东芝公司与它在闪存界竞争激烈的对手公司合作的这项决定是了不起的。 www.ecocn.org 4. "Just myself, " she answered. He felt a qualm in his stomach, and it was more in memory of his own loneliness than anticipation of hers. “就我一个人”,她回答。他感到胃部有一些不适,与其说是因为料到了她的孤独无助,还不如说是想起了自己的形单影只。 club.qingdaonews.com 5. An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. 教育,并不是你记住了多少东西,甚至不是你知道多少。 home.xdf.cn 6. The direct memory access engine executes two or more of the plurality of programs without intervention by a host processor. 通过所述直接存储器存取引擎并且在没有主机处理器干预的情况下执行所述多个程序中的两个或更多的程序; ip.com 7. This argument rests on the idea that society, like an organism, possesses a sort of memory of what we usually call its history. 这种议论依赖于这样的观念:社会犹如有机体,它具有一种我们通常称之为历史的记忆力。 8. As another example: he took advantage of his memory, remembering names, do not forget for a long time. 又如:他利用自己的记忆力,记住别人的姓名,长时间不忘。 www.bing.com 9. Maintaining this compaction head position tends to break down the memory of the material. 保持该压缩头的位置容易把存储的材料分解。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 10. We are always looking for the universities to work on memory, even if in a dream we have to call it the same as calling the name of God. 对于大学的期待我们总是去努力记忆,即使在梦中我们也要象呼唤上帝一样呼唤它的名字。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. My memory has always true, sir, that perhaps memory is slowly being trained so, and I myself have not to think of this. 我的记忆力历来不错,先生说,也许记忆力就是这样慢慢被培养出来的,我自己倒是没有去思考过这事。 enwaimao.cn 2. There was the dream itself, and there was a memory connected with it that had swum into his mind in the few seconds after waking. 除了梦本身之外,还有与梦有关的记忆,那是在醒来以后几秒钟之内浮现在他心中的。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The memory location to which newArea was pointing cannot be freed, as there is no pointer left pointing to that location. newArea以前所指向的内存位置无法释放,因为已经没有指向该位置的指针。 www.ibm.com 4. It was not until I saw myself that I realized how much my memory had faded of things I once could see. 直到我看见了自己,我才认识到,很多我曾经看到的事物在我的记忆中逐渐消失。 www.bing.com 5. I hardly spoke with Wong Sheng when we were in ZMC. My memory of him was blurred. 当我们还在中医学院读书时,我几乎没和王胜说过话,对他的记忆已经变得很模糊。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If you select this option, you can then choose how much memory to use for this purpose. 如果选择该选项,则您可以选择用于此目的的内存大小。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 7. It was as though I'd encountered a college friend I hadn't seen in years and together we reconstructed the memory of a wild party in 1972. 那种感觉就好像我邂逅了多年未见大学好友、并和他叙旧、共同回忆1972年那一场狂野派对一样。 www.bing.com 8. Here in the thicker medium of the unbreathable Fantoman atmosphere, great Breetai gazed down on a place out of memory. 在凡托玛无法呼吸的浓厚大气层里,大布里泰向下凝视着这片记忆之外的土地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Finding the cause of a memory leak can be a tedious process, not to mention one that will require special debugging tools. 查找内存漏洞的原因可能是一个乏味的过程,更不用说需要专用调试工具的情况了。 www.ibm.com 10. Although it has to be pointed out that, in the short-time at least, one's memory does not improve after smoking cannabis. 当然必须指出的是,在短时间内,吸食大麻并不会改善一个人的记忆力。 gb.cri.cn 1. I should be a nostalgic person, like the memory of that past are thing of the past, even past that some old feelings. 我应该算是一个怀旧的人,喜欢怀念那过去的人,过去的事,甚至是过去的那一些陈旧的心情。 blog.wtojob.com 2. My client's implicit memory of interactions with his mother formed a prototype that drew him to a similar emotional partner. 我的委托人有关于和其母亲互动的内隐记忆形成了一个蓝本,影响着他,让他逐渐走向一个类似的情感对象。 www.bing.com 3. I had a brother who admired me, a mother who trusted me and a memory of a little adventure for keeps. 我得弟弟崇拜我,妈妈信任我,我还永远拥有一段有点类似于冒险的记忆。 bbs.enfamily.cn 4. They made a list of each person the executive had phoned, including what she told them, to the best of her memory. 他们列出了这位管理人士所致电过的所有人的名单,包括她根据自己的记忆当时是如何和他们对话的。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Old computers are like that, the motherboard's memory slots should be too much dust, blown about with an air gun. 老电脑都是那样的,应当是主板的内存槽灰尘太多了,用气枪吹一下。 diannaowenti.5d6d.com 6. The majority of research on memory is focused, as you might expect, on the remembering side of things - how much, how accurate and so on. 就像你所想的那样,大部分针对记忆的研究都侧重在“记住”这一部分——记住多少、记得多精确等等。 www.elanso.com 7. How Much of Your Memory Is True? 你的记忆大部分是真实的吗? space.yeeyan.org 8. In this case, q means "resident size" and tells you how much actual memory the process is using. 在这种情况下,q表示“驻留大小”,会显示进程实际使用的内存数量。 www.ibm.com 9. The touching gift revealed how dearly he treasures the memory of his mother and how much he values Kate. 这珍贵礼物揭示出他对母亲的挚爱思念和对凯特的浓厚情谊。 www.bing.com 10. He said he fell asleep around 9 pm. After that, he didn't remember anything and his next memory was that he woke up in the ditch. 这位大叔说,自己晚9点左右睡过去了,之后的事情完全不记得,直到在沟里醒过来。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. There is nothing else in 'The Memory of All That' remotely like this hyperbolic, capitalized gush of personal pride. 在《那些回忆》中,没有其他任何地方像这样子夸张的涌现出个人的骄傲。 club.ssreader.com 2. How much do you remember? Try to write down from memory what you were thinking, saying and doing on the 30th of the last month. 你能够牢记多少东西?试将由上一个月30日起你曾经想过、说过及做过的事写出。 blog.hangzhou.com.cn 3. I tried to shut all the memory of him out of my mind, but I failed. 我努力把有关他的记忆从脑海里排除,可是没有用。 www.eol.cn 4. You didn't even have to worry about figuring out how much memory it had, since every computer had the same amount. 您甚至不必费心思去弄明白它有多少内存,因为每一台机器的内存数量都相同。 frenchen.blog.163.com 5. Try taking a trip down memory lane. What was that one thing you could for hours and hours when you were a child? 尝试回想一下记忆深处,当你还是个小孩的时候,是什么事情让你花费若干小时? www.elanso.com 6. Life without memory is no life at all, just as an intelligence without the possibility of expression is not really an intelligence. 没有记忆的生活根本不是生活,就像不能表达的智识不是真正的智识一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Everything that the game designer wants to do with her game costs memory, and memory is always in short supply with microcomputers. 游戏设计人员对游戏的所有处理,都要占用电脑内存,而微机的内存又通常不够用。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. He would often dictate the text from memory for his Chinese scribes to put down in Chinese characters. 他常常能从抄写员口中听到经书原文,然后凭记忆译为汉字。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. Yet for a long while he sat unmoving, his feet chilly in the dew, drank on the memory of her lost, half-smiling face. 可是他还呆呆地坐了很久,让两只脚在寒露里冻着,回味着她那迷惘的,似笑非笑的脸。 10. With the age of the increasing, we all forgot that childhood innocence, is the wind opened the memory the gaps. 随着年龄的渐增,我们都忘记了那童年时期的纯真。 www.kekenet.com 1. How Much of Your Memory Is True? 你的记忆大部分是真实的吗? space.yeeyan.org 2. In this case, q means "resident size" and tells you how much actual memory the process is using. 在这种情况下,q表示“驻留大小”,会显示进程实际使用的内存数量。 www.ibm.com 3. The touching gift revealed how dearly he treasures the memory of his mother and how much he values Kate. 这珍贵礼物揭示出他对母亲的挚爱思念和对凯特的浓厚情谊。 www.bing.com 4. He said he fell asleep around 9 pm. After that, he didn't remember anything and his next memory was that he woke up in the ditch. 这位大叔说,自己晚9点左右睡过去了,之后的事情完全不记得,直到在沟里醒过来。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Every investor has an "if only" trade, the missed opportunity that sits in the memory bathed in the glow of what might have been. 每个投资者都有“悔不当初”的交易——记忆深处那些笼罩在“原本可以”的光环下而被错失的机遇。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Then they gave the memory another image of a numeral more degraded than the first samples to see if it could "recall" what the digit was. 然后,他们拿一个比第一批样本画质更低的数字图像给内存,看它是否能“回忆”起这个数字是什么。 dongxi.net 7. There is nothing else in 'The Memory of All That' remotely like this hyperbolic, capitalized gush of personal pride. 在《那些回忆》中,没有其他任何地方像这样子夸张的涌现出个人的骄傲。 club.ssreader.com 8. How much do you remember? Try to write down from memory what you were thinking, saying and doing on the 30th of the last month. 你能够牢记多少东西?试将由上一个月30日起你曾经想过、说过及做过的事写出。 blog.hangzhou.com.cn 9. I tried to shut all the memory of him out of my mind, but I failed. 我努力把有关他的记忆从脑海里排除,可是没有用。 www.eol.cn 10. You didn't even have to worry about figuring out how much memory it had, since every computer had the same amount. 您甚至不必费心思去弄明白它有多少内存,因为每一台机器的内存数量都相同。 frenchen.blog.163.com 1. He said he fell asleep around 9 pm. After that, he didn't remember anything and his next memory was that he woke up in the ditch. 这位大叔说,自己晚9点左右睡过去了,之后的事情完全不记得,直到在沟里醒过来。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Every investor has an "if only" trade, the missed opportunity that sits in the memory bathed in the glow of what might have been. 每个投资者都有“悔不当初”的交易——记忆深处那些笼罩在“原本可以”的光环下而被错失的机遇。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Then they gave the memory another image of a numeral more degraded than the first samples to see if it could "recall" what the digit was. 然后,他们拿一个比第一批样本画质更低的数字图像给内存,看它是否能“回忆”起这个数字是什么。 dongxi.net 4. People may be considered to have dementia if they lose abilities in two or more areas such as memory and language skills. 如果一个人失去两项或两项以上类似记忆和语言技能的能力,就会被认为患上老年痴呆症。 www.24en.com 5. There is nothing else in 'The Memory of All That' remotely like this hyperbolic, capitalized gush of personal pride. 在《那些回忆》中,没有其他任何地方像这样子夸张的涌现出个人的骄傲。 club.ssreader.com 6. How much do you remember? Try to write down from memory what you were thinking, saying and doing on the 30th of the last month. 你能够牢记多少东西?试将由上一个月30日起你曾经想过、说过及做过的事写出。 blog.hangzhou.com.cn 7. I tried to shut all the memory of him out of my mind, but I failed. 我努力把有关他的记忆从脑海里排除,可是没有用。 www.eol.cn 8. You didn't even have to worry about figuring out how much memory it had, since every computer had the same amount. 您甚至不必费心思去弄明白它有多少内存,因为每一台机器的内存数量都相同。 frenchen.blog.163.com 9. Try taking a trip down memory lane. What was that one thing you could for hours and hours when you were a child? 尝试回想一下记忆深处,当你还是个小孩的时候,是什么事情让你花费若干小时? www.elanso.com 10. Life without memory is no life at all, just as an intelligence without the possibility of expression is not really an intelligence. 没有记忆的生活根本不是生活,就像不能表达的智识不是真正的智识一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. People may be considered to have dementia if they lose abilities in two or more areas such as memory and language skills. 如果一个人失去两项或两项以上类似记忆和语言技能的能力,就会被认为患上老年痴呆症。 www.24en.com 2. The large and watery blue eyes were always shining brightly like a pair of gems, as he held in his memory all these years. 在他留存多年的记忆中,她大大的,水灵灵的蓝色眼眸总是像一对宝石一般明亮地闪烁着。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. There is nothing else in 'The Memory of All That' remotely like this hyperbolic, capitalized gush of personal pride. 在《那些回忆》中,没有其他任何地方像这样子夸张的涌现出个人的骄傲。 club.ssreader.com 4. How much do you remember? Try to write down from memory what you were thinking, saying and doing on the 30th of the last month. 你能够牢记多少东西?试将由上一个月30日起你曾经想过、说过及做过的事写出。 blog.hangzhou.com.cn 5. I tried to shut all the memory of him out of my mind, but I failed. 我努力把有关他的记忆从脑海里排除,可是没有用。 www.eol.cn 6. You didn't even have to worry about figuring out how much memory it had, since every computer had the same amount. 您甚至不必费心思去弄明白它有多少内存,因为每一台机器的内存数量都相同。 frenchen.blog.163.com 7. Try taking a trip down memory lane. What was that one thing you could for hours and hours when you were a child? 尝试回想一下记忆深处,当你还是个小孩的时候,是什么事情让你花费若干小时? www.elanso.com 8. Life without memory is no life at all, just as an intelligence without the possibility of expression is not really an intelligence. 没有记忆的生活根本不是生活,就像不能表达的智识不是真正的智识一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Everything that the game designer wants to do with her game costs memory, and memory is always in short supply with microcomputers. 游戏设计人员对游戏的所有处理,都要占用电脑内存,而微机的内存又通常不够用。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. He would often dictate the text from memory for his Chinese scribes to put down in Chinese characters. 他常常能从抄写员口中听到经书原文,然后凭记忆译为汉字。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. There is nothing else in 'The Memory of All That' remotely like this hyperbolic, capitalized gush of personal pride. 在《那些回忆》中,没有其他任何地方像这样子夸张的涌现出个人的骄傲。 club.ssreader.com 2. How much do you remember? Try to write down from memory what you were thinking, saying and doing on the 30th of the last month. 你能够牢记多少东西?试将由上一个月30日起你曾经想过、说过及做过的事写出。 blog.hangzhou.com.cn 3. I tried to shut all the memory of him out of my mind, but I failed. 我努力把有关他的记忆从脑海里排除,可是没有用。 www.eol.cn 4. You didn't even have to worry about figuring out how much memory it had, since every computer had the same amount. 您甚至不必费心思去弄明白它有多少内存,因为每一台机器的内存数量都相同。 frenchen.blog.163.com 5. Try taking a trip down memory lane. What was that one thing you could for hours and hours when you were a child? 尝试回想一下记忆深处,当你还是个小孩的时候,是什么事情让你花费若干小时? www.elanso.com 6. Life without memory is no life at all, just as an intelligence without the possibility of expression is not really an intelligence. 没有记忆的生活根本不是生活,就像不能表达的智识不是真正的智识一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Everything that the game designer wants to do with her game costs memory, and memory is always in short supply with microcomputers. 游戏设计人员对游戏的所有处理,都要占用电脑内存,而微机的内存又通常不够用。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. He would often dictate the text from memory for his Chinese scribes to put down in Chinese characters. 他常常能从抄写员口中听到经书原文,然后凭记忆译为汉字。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. Yet for a long while he sat unmoving, his feet chilly in the dew, drank on the memory of her lost, half-smiling face. 可是他还呆呆地坐了很久,让两只脚在寒露里冻着,回味着她那迷惘的,似笑非笑的脸。 10. With the age of the increasing, we all forgot that childhood innocence, is the wind opened the memory the gaps. 随着年龄的渐增,我们都忘记了那童年时期的纯真。 www.kekenet.com 1. I tried to shut all the memory of him out of my mind, but I failed. 我努力把有关他的记忆从脑海里排除,可是没有用。 www.eol.cn 2. You didn't even have to worry about figuring out how much memory it had, since every computer had the same amount. 您甚至不必费心思去弄明白它有多少内存,因为每一台机器的内存数量都相同。 frenchen.blog.163.com 3. Try taking a trip down memory lane. What was that one thing you could for hours and hours when you were a child? 尝试回想一下记忆深处,当你还是个小孩的时候,是什么事情让你花费若干小时? www.elanso.com 4. Life without memory is no life at all, just as an intelligence without the possibility of expression is not really an intelligence. 没有记忆的生活根本不是生活,就像不能表达的智识不是真正的智识一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Everything that the game designer wants to do with her game costs memory, and memory is always in short supply with microcomputers. 游戏设计人员对游戏的所有处理,都要占用电脑内存,而微机的内存又通常不够用。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. He would often dictate the text from memory for his Chinese scribes to put down in Chinese characters. 他常常能从抄写员口中听到经书原文,然后凭记忆译为汉字。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Yet for a long while he sat unmoving, his feet chilly in the dew, drank on the memory of her lost, half-smiling face. 可是他还呆呆地坐了很久,让两只脚在寒露里冻着,回味着她那迷惘的,似笑非笑的脸。 8. With the age of the increasing, we all forgot that childhood innocence, is the wind opened the memory the gaps. 随着年龄的渐增,我们都忘记了那童年时期的纯真。 www.kekenet.com 9. Since the amount of memory in a machine is finite, if this error occurs in some kind of loop eventually the system will run out of memory. 机器中的内存数量是有限的,如果这个错误出现在某些循环中,那么系统最终会把内存耗尽。 www.infoq.com 10. Doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of sudden memory loss known as transient global amnesia, or TGA. 医生对她的临床诊断为TGA,即短时性完全失忆症,一种罕见突发性记忆丧失症。 www.bing.com 1. Try taking a trip down memory lane. What was that one thing you could for hours and hours when you were a child? 尝试回想一下记忆深处,当你还是个小孩的时候,是什么事情让你花费若干小时? www.elanso.com 2. Life without memory is no life at all, just as an intelligence without the possibility of expression is not really an intelligence. 没有记忆的生活根本不是生活,就像不能表达的智识不是真正的智识一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Everything that the game designer wants to do with her game costs memory, and memory is always in short supply with microcomputers. 游戏设计人员对游戏的所有处理,都要占用电脑内存,而微机的内存又通常不够用。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. He would often dictate the text from memory for his Chinese scribes to put down in Chinese characters. 他常常能从抄写员口中听到经书原文,然后凭记忆译为汉字。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. Yet for a long while he sat unmoving, his feet chilly in the dew, drank on the memory of her lost, half-smiling face. 可是他还呆呆地坐了很久,让两只脚在寒露里冻着,回味着她那迷惘的,似笑非笑的脸。 6. With the age of the increasing, we all forgot that childhood innocence, is the wind opened the memory the gaps. 随着年龄的渐增,我们都忘记了那童年时期的纯真。 www.kekenet.com 7. Since the amount of memory in a machine is finite, if this error occurs in some kind of loop eventually the system will run out of memory. 机器中的内存数量是有限的,如果这个错误出现在某些循环中,那么系统最终会把内存耗尽。 www.infoq.com 8. Doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of sudden memory loss known as transient global amnesia, or TGA. 医生对她的临床诊断为TGA,即短时性完全失忆症,一种罕见突发性记忆丧失症。 www.bing.com 9. It might be possible to make a convincing case for an air strike on Iran if you could somehow erase the memory of the disaster of Iraq. 如果你能以某种方式抹去伊拉克灾难的记忆,那么让空袭伊朗的主张变得令人信服或许是有可能的。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Young voters have no memory of a serious recession, since the last one was in the early 1990s. 年轻选民没有关于严重衰退的记忆,因为最近的一次是在20世纪90年代初。 www.ecocn.org 1. Everything that the game designer wants to do with her game costs memory, and memory is always in short supply with microcomputers. 游戏设计人员对游戏的所有处理,都要占用电脑内存,而微机的内存又通常不够用。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. He would often dictate the text from memory for his Chinese scribes to put down in Chinese characters. 他常常能从抄写员口中听到经书原文,然后凭记忆译为汉字。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. Yet for a long while he sat unmoving, his feet chilly in the dew, drank on the memory of her lost, half-smiling face. 可是他还呆呆地坐了很久,让两只脚在寒露里冻着,回味着她那迷惘的,似笑非笑的脸。 4. With the age of the increasing, we all forgot that childhood innocence, is the wind opened the memory the gaps. 随着年龄的渐增,我们都忘记了那童年时期的纯真。 www.kekenet.com 5. Since the amount of memory in a machine is finite, if this error occurs in some kind of loop eventually the system will run out of memory. 机器中的内存数量是有限的,如果这个错误出现在某些循环中,那么系统最终会把内存耗尽。 www.infoq.com 6. Doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of sudden memory loss known as transient global amnesia, or TGA. 医生对她的临床诊断为TGA,即短时性完全失忆症,一种罕见突发性记忆丧失症。 www.bing.com 7. It might be possible to make a convincing case for an air strike on Iran if you could somehow erase the memory of the disaster of Iraq. 如果你能以某种方式抹去伊拉克灾难的记忆,那么让空袭伊朗的主张变得令人信服或许是有可能的。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Young voters have no memory of a serious recession, since the last one was in the early 1990s. 年轻选民没有关于严重衰退的记忆,因为最近的一次是在20世纪90年代初。 www.ecocn.org 9. Its successor was the 4040 processor (released in 1974), which had an expanded instruction set, program memory, register set, and stack. 其后面是4040处理器(1974发布),其具有扩展指令集、程序内存、寄存器集和堆栈。 www.ibm.com 10. Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) - How much video memory do I have? 动态视频内存技术(DVMT)-我有多少视频内存? mymemory.translated.net 1. Yet for a long while he sat unmoving, his feet chilly in the dew, drank on the memory of her lost, half-smiling face. 可是他还呆呆地坐了很久,让两只脚在寒露里冻着,回味着她那迷惘的,似笑非笑的脸。 2. With the age of the increasing, we all forgot that childhood innocence, is the wind opened the memory the gaps. 随着年龄的渐增,我们都忘记了那童年时期的纯真。 www.kekenet.com 3. Since the amount of memory in a machine is finite, if this error occurs in some kind of loop eventually the system will run out of memory. 机器中的内存数量是有限的,如果这个错误出现在某些循环中,那么系统最终会把内存耗尽。 www.infoq.com 4. Doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of sudden memory loss known as transient global amnesia, or TGA. 医生对她的临床诊断为TGA,即短时性完全失忆症,一种罕见突发性记忆丧失症。 www.bing.com 5. It might be possible to make a convincing case for an air strike on Iran if you could somehow erase the memory of the disaster of Iraq. 如果你能以某种方式抹去伊拉克灾难的记忆,那么让空袭伊朗的主张变得令人信服或许是有可能的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Young voters have no memory of a serious recession, since the last one was in the early 1990s. 年轻选民没有关于严重衰退的记忆,因为最近的一次是在20世纪90年代初。 www.ecocn.org 7. Its successor was the 4040 processor (released in 1974), which had an expanded instruction set, program memory, register set, and stack. 其后面是4040处理器(1974发布),其具有扩展指令集、程序内存、寄存器集和堆栈。 www.ibm.com 8. Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) - How much video memory do I have? 动态视频内存技术(DVMT)-我有多少视频内存? mymemory.translated.net 9. Oftentimes they are a collective memory, but I was the only one who chose to move them into poetry. 它们常常是一种集体的记忆,但我是唯一一个把它们变成诗歌的人。 www.america.gov 10. The number of concurrent users (with its impact on the number of DB2 agents) determines how much more memory is required. 并发用户的数目(它影响DB2代理程序的数量)决定需要多少内存。 www.ibm.com 1. Since the amount of memory in a machine is finite, if this error occurs in some kind of loop eventually the system will run out of memory. 机器中的内存数量是有限的,如果这个错误出现在某些循环中,那么系统最终会把内存耗尽。 www.infoq.com 2. Doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of sudden memory loss known as transient global amnesia, or TGA. 医生对她的临床诊断为TGA,即短时性完全失忆症,一种罕见突发性记忆丧失症。 www.bing.com 3. It might be possible to make a convincing case for an air strike on Iran if you could somehow erase the memory of the disaster of Iraq. 如果你能以某种方式抹去伊拉克灾难的记忆,那么让空袭伊朗的主张变得令人信服或许是有可能的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Young voters have no memory of a serious recession, since the last one was in the early 1990s. 年轻选民没有关于严重衰退的记忆,因为最近的一次是在20世纪90年代初。 www.ecocn.org 5. Its successor was the 4040 processor (released in 1974), which had an expanded instruction set, program memory, register set, and stack. 其后面是4040处理器(1974发布),其具有扩展指令集、程序内存、寄存器集和堆栈。 www.ibm.com 6. Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) - How much video memory do I have? 动态视频内存技术(DVMT)-我有多少视频内存? mymemory.translated.net 7. Oftentimes they are a collective memory, but I was the only one who chose to move them into poetry. 它们常常是一种集体的记忆,但我是唯一一个把它们变成诗歌的人。 www.america.gov 8. The number of concurrent users (with its impact on the number of DB2 agents) determines how much more memory is required. 并发用户的数目(它影响DB2代理程序的数量)决定需要多少内存。 www.ibm.com 9. The actual schema of the table (Listing 1) used in the Informix port of this agent includes how much virtual memory is allocated and used. 该代理的Informix端口中使用的表的实际模式(清单1)包括分配和使用多少虚拟内存。 www.ibm.com 10. Share a memory about how you handled conflict or stood up to a bully when you were a kid. 给孩子讲你小时候怎样处理矛盾勇敢面对坏蛋。 www.bing.com 1. Try taking a trip down memory lane. What was that one thing you could for hours and hours when you were a child? 尝试回想一下记忆深处,当你还是个小孩的时候,是什么事情让你花费若干小时? www.elanso.com 2. Life without memory is no life at all, just as an intelligence without the possibility of expression is not really an intelligence. 没有记忆的生活根本不是生活,就像不能表达的智识不是真正的智识一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Everything that the game designer wants to do with her game costs memory, and memory is always in short supply with microcomputers. 游戏设计人员对游戏的所有处理,都要占用电脑内存,而微机的内存又通常不够用。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. He would often dictate the text from memory for his Chinese scribes to put down in Chinese characters. 他常常能从抄写员口中听到经书原文,然后凭记忆译为汉字。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. Yet for a long while he sat unmoving, his feet chilly in the dew, drank on the memory of her lost, half-smiling face. 可是他还呆呆地坐了很久,让两只脚在寒露里冻着,回味着她那迷惘的,似笑非笑的脸。 6. With the age of the increasing, we all forgot that childhood innocence, is the wind opened the memory the gaps. 随着年龄的渐增,我们都忘记了那童年时期的纯真。 www.kekenet.com 7. Since the amount of memory in a machine is finite, if this error occurs in some kind of loop eventually the system will run out of memory. 机器中的内存数量是有限的,如果这个错误出现在某些循环中,那么系统最终会把内存耗尽。 www.infoq.com 8. Doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of sudden memory loss known as transient global amnesia, or TGA. 医生对她的临床诊断为TGA,即短时性完全失忆症,一种罕见突发性记忆丧失症。 www.bing.com 9. It might be possible to make a convincing case for an air strike on Iran if you could somehow erase the memory of the disaster of Iraq. 如果你能以某种方式抹去伊拉克灾难的记忆,那么让空袭伊朗的主张变得令人信服或许是有可能的。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Young voters have no memory of a serious recession, since the last one was in the early 1990s. 年轻选民没有关于严重衰退的记忆,因为最近的一次是在20世纪90年代初。 www.ecocn.org 1. He would often dictate the text from memory for his Chinese scribes to put down in Chinese characters. 他常常能从抄写员口中听到经书原文,然后凭记忆译为汉字。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Yet for a long while he sat unmoving, his feet chilly in the dew, drank on the memory of her lost, half-smiling face. 可是他还呆呆地坐了很久,让两只脚在寒露里冻着,回味着她那迷惘的,似笑非笑的脸。 3. With the age of the increasing, we all forgot that childhood innocence, is the wind opened the memory the gaps. 随着年龄的渐增,我们都忘记了那童年时期的纯真。 www.kekenet.com 4. Since the amount of memory in a machine is finite, if this error occurs in some kind of loop eventually the system will run out of memory. 机器中的内存数量是有限的,如果这个错误出现在某些循环中,那么系统最终会把内存耗尽。 www.infoq.com 5. Doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of sudden memory loss known as transient global amnesia, or TGA. 医生对她的临床诊断为TGA,即短时性完全失忆症,一种罕见突发性记忆丧失症。 www.bing.com 6. It might be possible to make a convincing case for an air strike on Iran if you could somehow erase the memory of the disaster of Iraq. 如果你能以某种方式抹去伊拉克灾难的记忆,那么让空袭伊朗的主张变得令人信服或许是有可能的。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Young voters have no memory of a serious recession, since the last one was in the early 1990s. 年轻选民没有关于严重衰退的记忆,因为最近的一次是在20世纪90年代初。 www.ecocn.org 8. Its successor was the 4040 processor (released in 1974), which had an expanded instruction set, program memory, register set, and stack. 其后面是4040处理器(1974发布),其具有扩展指令集、程序内存、寄存器集和堆栈。 www.ibm.com 9. Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) - How much video memory do I have? 动态视频内存技术(DVMT)-我有多少视频内存? mymemory.translated.net 10. Oftentimes they are a collective memory, but I was the only one who chose to move them into poetry. 它们常常是一种集体的记忆,但我是唯一一个把它们变成诗歌的人。 www.america.gov 1. Since the amount of memory in a machine is finite, if this error occurs in some kind of loop eventually the system will run out of memory. 机器中的内存数量是有限的,如果这个错误出现在某些循环中,那么系统最终会把内存耗尽。 www.infoq.com 2. Doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of sudden memory loss known as transient global amnesia, or TGA. 医生对她的临床诊断为TGA,即短时性完全失忆症,一种罕见突发性记忆丧失症。 www.bing.com 3. It might be possible to make a convincing case for an air strike on Iran if you could somehow erase the memory of the disaster of Iraq. 如果你能以某种方式抹去伊拉克灾难的记忆,那么让空袭伊朗的主张变得令人信服或许是有可能的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Young voters have no memory of a serious recession, since the last one was in the early 1990s. 年轻选民没有关于严重衰退的记忆,因为最近的一次是在20世纪90年代初。 www.ecocn.org 5. Its successor was the 4040 processor (released in 1974), which had an expanded instruction set, program memory, register set, and stack. 其后面是4040处理器(1974发布),其具有扩展指令集、程序内存、寄存器集和堆栈。 www.ibm.com 6. Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) - How much video memory do I have? 动态视频内存技术(DVMT)-我有多少视频内存? mymemory.translated.net 7. Oftentimes they are a collective memory, but I was the only one who chose to move them into poetry. 它们常常是一种集体的记忆,但我是唯一一个把它们变成诗歌的人。 www.america.gov 8. The number of concurrent users (with its impact on the number of DB2 agents) determines how much more memory is required. 并发用户的数目(它影响DB2代理程序的数量)决定需要多少内存。 www.ibm.com 9. The actual schema of the table (Listing 1) used in the Informix port of this agent includes how much virtual memory is allocated and used. 该代理的Informix端口中使用的表的实际模式(清单1)包括分配和使用多少虚拟内存。 www.ibm.com 10. Share a memory about how you handled conflict or stood up to a bully when you were a kid. 给孩子讲你小时候怎样处理矛盾勇敢面对坏蛋。 www.bing.com 1. Its successor was the 4040 processor (released in 1974), which had an expanded instruction set, program memory, register set, and stack. 其后面是4040处理器(1974发布),其具有扩展指令集、程序内存、寄存器集和堆栈。 www.ibm.com 2. Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) - How much video memory do I have? 动态视频内存技术(DVMT)-我有多少视频内存? mymemory.translated.net 3. Oftentimes they are a collective memory, but I was the only one who chose to move them into poetry. 它们常常是一种集体的记忆,但我是唯一一个把它们变成诗歌的人。 www.america.gov 4. The number of concurrent users (with its impact on the number of DB2 agents) determines how much more memory is required. 并发用户的数目(它影响DB2代理程序的数量)决定需要多少内存。 www.ibm.com 5. The actual schema of the table (Listing 1) used in the Informix port of this agent includes how much virtual memory is allocated and used. 该代理的Informix端口中使用的表的实际模式(清单1)包括分配和使用多少虚拟内存。 www.ibm.com 6. Share a memory about how you handled conflict or stood up to a bully when you were a kid. 给孩子讲你小时候怎样处理矛盾勇敢面对坏蛋。 www.bing.com 7. To check your printer's memory settings, run a printer self-test to find out exactly how much memory your printer has. 若要查看打印机的内存设置,请运行打印机自测查找其确切的内存大小。 www.kuenglish.info 8. A statistical process section performs a temporal statistical process on the result of the traffic monitoring using a clock and a memory. 统计处理单元利用时钟和存储器对所述业务监视的结果执行暂态统计处理。 www.bing.com 9. It comes with 16 gigabytes of memory, in the form of a removable card, and can handle up to a 32-gigabyte card. 它配备了一个16GB的可移动内存,最多能处理32GB的内存卡。 chinese.wsj.com 10. just long enough for you to leave from it; and then it should drift out of your memory. 短暂地伤害就足够了,应迅速从我们记忆中抹去。 www.tjlit.org 1. The actual schema of the table (Listing 1) used in the Informix port of this agent includes how much virtual memory is allocated and used. 该代理的Informix端口中使用的表的实际模式(清单1)包括分配和使用多少虚拟内存。 www.ibm.com 2. Share a memory about how you handled conflict or stood up to a bully when you were a kid. 给孩子讲你小时候怎样处理矛盾勇敢面对坏蛋。 www.bing.com 3. To check your printer's memory settings, run a printer self-test to find out exactly how much memory your printer has. 若要查看打印机的内存设置,请运行打印机自测查找其确切的内存大小。 www.kuenglish.info 4. A statistical process section performs a temporal statistical process on the result of the traffic monitoring using a clock and a memory. 统计处理单元利用时钟和存储器对所述业务监视的结果执行暂态统计处理。 www.bing.com 5. It comes with 16 gigabytes of memory, in the form of a removable card, and can handle up to a 32-gigabyte card. 它配备了一个16GB的可移动内存,最多能处理32GB的内存卡。 chinese.wsj.com 6. just long enough for you to leave from it; and then it should drift out of your memory. 短暂地伤害就足够了,应迅速从我们记忆中抹去。 www.tjlit.org 7. Isabel: Their whole life's happiness is wrapped up in you. You know every story, every wound, and every memory. 伊莎贝尔:他们生命中所有的欢乐都与你相连。你了解每个故事,每个伤口,每个回忆。 www.zftrans.com 8. Mother was always particularly fond of "A Grain of Desert Sand" and it is through her excellent memory that we have been able to include it. 母亲特别喜欢“沙海一粟”,凭着她惊人的记忆力,我们才能把它记录下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Up to now, I've always relied on my good memory, but now that I'm working and studying, I find I've got too much to keep in my head. 过去,我一直依赖于自己良好的记忆力来处理日常事务,然而,由于是在职学习,我发现要记的东西实在太多,以至于脑子都不够用了。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. He said the company could have a competitor to flash memory in three years that would have a capacity of 20 gigabytes a square centimeter. 他说公司三年内的闪速存储器会面对竞争对手,这一对手一平方厘米拥有20吉 www.bing.com 1. It comes with 16 gigabytes of memory, in the form of a removable card, and can handle up to a 32-gigabyte card. 它配备了一个16GB的可移动内存,最多能处理32GB的内存卡。 chinese.wsj.com 2. just long enough for you to leave from it; and then it should drift out of your memory. 短暂地伤害就足够了,应迅速从我们记忆中抹去。 www.tjlit.org 3. Isabel: Their whole life's happiness is wrapped up in you. You know every story, every wound, and every memory. 伊莎贝尔:他们生命中所有的欢乐都与你相连。你了解每个故事,每个伤口,每个回忆。 www.zftrans.com 4. Mother was always particularly fond of "A Grain of Desert Sand" and it is through her excellent memory that we have been able to include it. 母亲特别喜欢“沙海一粟”,凭着她惊人的记忆力,我们才能把它记录下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The feed source details can be provided in the form of a string stored in system memory, via an input file, or as records in a database. 提要源细节可以通过存储在系统内存的字符串的形式,借助一个输入文件或作为数据库中的记录提供。 www.ibm.com 6. Up to now, I've always relied on my good memory, but now that I'm working and studying, I find I've got too much to keep in my head. 过去,我一直依赖于自己良好的记忆力来处理日常事务,然而,由于是在职学习,我发现要记的东西实在太多,以至于脑子都不够用了。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. He said the company could have a competitor to flash memory in three years that would have a capacity of 20 gigabytes a square centimeter. 他说公司三年内的闪速存储器会面对竞争对手,这一对手一平方厘米拥有20吉 www.bing.com 8. She said that the British Library is home to the whole of the English language memory since the English word began. 大英图书馆的藏书包罗万象,囊括了自英语产生以来的所有英文书籍。 www.in2english.com.cn 9. Finally, the stars in their own strength, burn all their own, only to leave us with the memory of the beauty of a moment. 星星用自己最后的力量,燃尽自己所有的一切,只是为了给我们留下片刻的美丽与怀念。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. One is how deeply we encode a memory, the other is how much attention we're paying at the crucial moment. 一种是我们对于记忆编码的加工深度,另一种则取决于我们在那些最至关紧要的时刻分配了多少注意。 select.yeeyan.org 1. The feed source details can be provided in the form of a string stored in system memory, via an input file, or as records in a database. 提要源细节可以通过存储在系统内存的字符串的形式,借助一个输入文件或作为数据库中的记录提供。 www.ibm.com 2. You can measure how much memory is being used for classes and JIT code at Java 5 and above by taking a javacore dump. 您可以通过javacore转储来测量类和JIT代码在Java5及以上版本中使用了多少内存。 www.ibm.com 3. Up to now, I've always relied on my good memory, but now that I'm working and studying, I find I've got too much to keep in my head. 过去,我一直依赖于自己良好的记忆力来处理日常事务,然而,由于是在职学习,我发现要记的东西实在太多,以至于脑子都不够用了。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. He said the company could have a competitor to flash memory in three years that would have a capacity of 20 gigabytes a square centimeter. 他说公司三年内的闪速存储器会面对竞争对手,这一对手一平方厘米拥有20吉 www.bing.com 5. She said that the British Library is home to the whole of the English language memory since the English word began. 大英图书馆的藏书包罗万象,囊括了自英语产生以来的所有英文书籍。 www.in2english.com.cn 6. Finally, the stars in their own strength, burn all their own, only to leave us with the memory of the beauty of a moment. 星星用自己最后的力量,燃尽自己所有的一切,只是为了给我们留下片刻的美丽与怀念。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. One is how deeply we encode a memory, the other is how much attention we're paying at the crucial moment. 一种是我们对于记忆编码的加工深度,另一种则取决于我们在那些最至关紧要的时刻分配了多少注意。 select.yeeyan.org 8. CIFIT has left me with a golden memory, just as the Beijing Olympics did. 和北京奥运会一样,投洽会给我留下了美好的金色回忆。 9. With this setting you lay out how much space on the memory card to be released. 有了这个设置,您多大的空间布局上的记忆卡被释放。 www.opda.net.cn 10. Only the Thought Police would read what he had written, before they wiped it out of existence and out of memory. 他写的东西惟有思想警察会读到,而后,他们会把它从现实和记忆当中抹干净。 www.jukuu.com |
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