单词 | Member of Parliament |
释义 |
复数:Members of Parliament n. parliamentarian,MP,politician,backbencher,legislator 例句释义: 下院议员 1. it turns out that with that mouth on her, combined with her economic throw-weight, she too became a member of parliament. 她凭借这样一副伶牙俐齿,再加上四两拨千斤的本事,后来也成了国会成员。 www.bing.com 2. She says banning her will not make much of a difference because she cannot be a member of parliament anyway. 她说,禁止她从政不会有任何意义,因为她无论如何都不可能担任国会议员。 www.voanews.cn 3. A war hero and an industrialist, and a Member of Parliament at an age when he no longer hungered for political advancement. 他是一名战斗英雄,实业家,下院议员,如今已上了年纪,不再渴望在政治舞台上飞黄腾达。 www.jukuu.com 4. If they are not willing to be a member of Parliament, the Chief Electoral Officer repeats the process for the next person on the list. 如果他们不愿意成为议会成员,总选举事务主任的名单上的下人重复的过程。 www.nzchinese.com 5. In Britian, a member of Parliament who said the snow "clearly indicates a cooling trend" was jeered by colleagues. 英国某议员说大雪“表明气候有变冷的趋势”,结果遭到同事的讥笑。 www.i21st.cn 6. In fact, so woeful was our telephone service that a member of parliament stood up in 1984 and complained about this. 事实上,我们的电话服务是这样的悲伤以至于一名国会成员于1984年在议会中对此抱怨。 www.ted.com 7. Tanya T. Gilly, a member of Parliament from the heavily Kurdish north, will not be part of that next wave. 国会议员谭雅·T·吉利来自库尔德人占多数的北方,她将不会参与这一波政治运动。 www.bing.com 8. I feel that what you'd really like is to be a Member of Parliament. 我看你的真正志向应当是当一名议员。 9. This really is an indispensable tool especially if you're a on a budget or not a member of parliament. 这的确是一个不可或缺的工具,尤其是你不擅长作预算或者不是议会成员。 www.china56tong.com 10. If there is no person on the list willing to be a member of Parliament then the seat remains unfilled. 如果没有人愿意接受议会的成员名单上,然后座位仍然空着。 www.nzchinese.com 1. Being the son of a member of parliament doesn't qualify him to talk about politics. 他身为国会议员的儿子,却不善于谈论政治。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. And Israel has resumed its targeted assassinations, including one attack on the home of a Hamas member of parliament, killing eight people. 以色列也恢复了定点暗杀行动,包括一次针对一名哈马斯议会成员住所的袭击,8个人在袭击中丧生。 www.2muslim.com 3. The President does not have to be a member of parliament. 总统不是国会的成员。 www.ebigear.com 4. Valentin Varennikov, a former army general and member of parliament, is the head of its supervisory council. 退役将军、现任议员瓦伦汀·瓦连尼科夫(ValentinVarennikov)是该组织的监事会负责人。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The Member of Parliament held an open forum in order to hear the views of his constituents. 国会议员为了要听取选民的意见举办了一场公听会。 learning.sohu.com 6. To which party does your Member of Parliament belong? 你那区的国会议员属于那一个政党? bbs.chinadian.ca 7. The KACC Director accused Kenyan Member of Parliament Cecily Mbarire of attempting to bribe him with a check for just over $1, 000. 这位肯尼亚反腐败委员会主任指责肯尼亚议员姆巴利莱企图用一张1000多美元的支票向他行贿。 www.bing.com 8. Feinstein was the highest ranking ANC member of parliament's public accounts committee that later investigated those deals. 而费恩斯坦是事后调查这些军火交易的议会政府账目委员会中的最高级ANC成员。 www.bing.com 9. His ambition was to emulate his father and become a member of parliament. 他的雄心是要赶上父亲,也成为一名国会议员。 www.itreviews.cn 10. In order to be a member of parliament, a person must be of "good character" . 人须“品德良好”,方可成为议员。 www.ecocn.org 1. Kapkov is a close ally (he served as a member of Parliament for the Arctic region of Chukotka while Abramovich was governor). Kapkov是其亲密的盟友(他曾是楚科奇北极区的一名议员,而阿布是该区的地方长官)。 www.bing.com 2. One tribal leader, Suleyman Celebi, is a member of parliament for the ruling Justice and Development, or AK, party. 这个部落的一个首领苏莱曼?切莱比(SuleymanCelebi),是一名支持执政的正义与发展党(AK)的国会议员。 www.ecocn.org 3. It monitors the use of the $1m given to each member of parliament annually to hand out in grants. 穆斯林人权组织对每年拨给每个成员国议会的100万美元的使用情况进行监控。 www.ecocn.org 4. In recent days, the insurgent group has killed a member of parliament and a militia leader allied with the government. 最近几天,叛乱集团杀害了议会成员和民兵领导人与政府结盟。 www.beiin.net 5. an English town that forms the constituency of a member of Parliament. 英国的组成国会一员的城镇。 www.hotdic.com 6. What is the name of your Member of Parliament? 你的国会议员叫什么名字? bbs.chinadian.ca 7. What is the name of your member of Parliament Joe Peschisolido. 谁是你的国会议员。 www.8wen.com 8. It was because the Member of Parliament found that he could not leave the House that I had been invited. 正是因为议员发现自己不能离开议院我才临时被请来补缺。 www.for68.com 9. He remained a member of Parliament until 1964 when he chose not to seek re-election. 1964年丘吉尔宣布退出竞选,在那之前他一直是英国议会的议员。 www.hxen.com 10. In Britain, a by-election is held when a Member of Parliament dies, retires or resigns. 英国的下院议会成员中有人去世、退休或辞职时,就要进行补缺选举。 char125.blog.163.com 1. Another early petition was presented by John Stuart Mill, the philosopher, political economist and Member of Parliament, in 1866. 1866年,另一早期请愿由国会议员,哲学家,政治经济学家约翰·斯图亚特·米尔(JohnStuartMill)递交。 www.bing.com 2. Who do Canadians vote for inafederal vote foracandidate of their choice to be the Member of Parliament inafederal election. 加拿大公民在联邦选举时投何人的票投国会议员候选人一票。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Winston Churchill once argued with British's first woman member of parliament, Nancy Astor. 一次,温斯顿。丘吉尔同英国第一位女下院议员南茜。埃斯特展开激烈争论。 bbs.pep.com.cn 4. Who did they choose to be their new member of Parliament ? 他们选了谁当他们的新国会议员?。 www.jukuu.com 5. 'It's devastating, just devastating, ' said David Lammy, the area's member of Parliament. 该地区议员拉米(DavidLammy)说,这是毁灭性的,真的是这样。 cn.wsj.com 6. Mr Papademos, who is not a member of parliament, will head the interim government until elections can take place in February. 帕帕季莫斯不是议会议员,他的看守政府的任期到明年二月下次大选时结束。 www.bing.com 7. Do you know how to contact your local member of parliament or local representative? 你知道怎么样联系你地方议会的成员或地方代表吗? www.bing.com 8. Now he is a member of parliament who lives in a huge compound guarded by two old soldiers. 现在他是一名议会议员,住在一座由两名老兵守卫的大宅内。 www.bing.com 9. Find out more about your local member of parliament or your local representative. 深入了解你的地方议会的成员或地方代表。 www.bing.com 10. A Pakistani-born member of Parliament crossed the floor to the Tories last month. 一位巴基斯坦裔的议员上月转投保守党阵营。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Encourage your local member of parliament to support women and to write to local media explaining your support for women in parliament. 鼓励你的地方议会成员去支持妇女进入议会,同时你可以想当地的媒体写信表明你对妇女进入议会的支持。 www.bing.com 2. Safia Souhail, a member of parliament, holds regular salons where discourse is free and often contrarian. 国会议员SafiaSouhail会定期举办沙龙活动,这里言论自由,也可以有和当局不同的论调。 www.ecocn.org 3. Have kids write letters to their local member of parliament asking anything they'd like to know. 让孩子们给地方议会写信,问问他们想知道的事情。 www.bing.com 4. We have hundreds of constituencies and the votes in each one elect a member of parliament. 我们有数百个选区,每个选区通过投票议会选举。 www.bing.com 5. Police in Iraq say a newly elected Member of Parliament has been shot dead in the city of Mosul. 伊拉克警方表示,伊拉克议会一名新当选成员在摩苏尔市被枪杀。 www.englishtang.com 6. My name is Joseph, a Member of Parliament in Kenya. And picture a Masai village. 我叫约瑟夫,是肯尼亚的一名议员。 www.ted.com 7. He later became a Member of Parliament and an ardent proponent of Irish independence. 此后,他成为英国国会议员,并成为爱尔兰独立运动的积极支持者。 www.kekenet.com 8. TO LOSE one member of parliament during a recess is a reverse. 议会休会期间损失一名议员无异于失败。 www.ecocn.org 9. I was only a private Member of Parliament, but of some prominence. 那时我不过是个普通议员,只是有些名望罢了。 www.jukuu.com 10. Swiss People's Party Member of Parliament, Luza Strom is incensed at the way the government has handled this matter. 瑞士议会人民党的成员斯特朗姆反对政府在这个问题上的处理方式。 www.bing.com 1. More than 20 years ago, she became Britain's first black female member of parliament. 超过20年前,她成为英国第一位黑人女国会议员。 bbs.5i5i.cn 2. They include the president's 20-something son, who is a rising member of parliament, and three of his brothers, all senior politicians. 这些人包括总统的二十岁儿子(正在崛起的国会议员)和他的三个兄弟(全部担任政府要职)。 club.topsage.com 3. He has teamed up with Saleh al-Mutlaq, a stalwart Sunni member of parliament, to form the Iraqi National Movement. 巴迪斯特已经和议会中赤胆忠心的逊尼派成员Salehal-Mutlaq形成了一个团体,组成伊拉克国家运动联盟。 www.ecocn.org 4. He was elected Labour Member of Parliament for Hull East in 1970. 1970年被选为赫尔东部议会的工党议员。 www.uk.cn 5. Renske Leijten is a member of parliament for the Dutch Socialist Party. 蕾丝克·雷顿是荷兰社会党的一名议会成员。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. They elected Tom Jomes as their Member of Parliament . 他们选汤姆·琼斯为国会议员。 www.jukuu.com 7. It has been ages since Jack became a member of Parliament. 杰克成为国会议员已经有年头了。 yingyu.ht88.com 8. What does a Member of Parliament do? 国会议员负责什么? bbs.chinatxh.com 9. How can you contact your Member of Parliament? 你可怎样联络你的国会议员? zeldahelms.blog.163.com 10. One Singapore member of parliament, incidentally, referred to "the cramped apartments of Hong Kong" as a reason for opposing the idea. 一位新加坡国会议员还提到“香港狭窄的公寓”,作为反对这个想法的理由。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Last year, a member of parliament introduced a bill calling for some homosexual acts to be punishable by death. 去年,乌干达议会的一名议员提交了一个法案,呼吁将某些同性恋行为列为可以处以死刑的罪行。 www.voa365.com 2. "This is not how you build a democracy, " says Maysoon al-Damluji, a liberal member of parliament. 一位国会自由派成员麦逊.达姆路基表示,“这绝不是民主。” www.ecocn.org 3. Meanwhile, Renho, the mono-monickered member of parliament, garnered a record 1. 7million votes in Sunday's upper-house elections. 与此同时,心直口快的国会议员莲舫,在周日的上院选举中获得了总共170万张选票。 www.bing.com 4. Meanwhile, Renho, the mono-monickered member of parliament, garnered a record 1. 7 million votes in Sunday's upper-house elections. 与此同时,日本议员莲舫(Renho)在周日的参议院选举中获得了创纪录的170万票的支持。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The year was 1900 and Britain's newest member of parliament was 26 years old. 那是1900年,而这名英国国会最新的成员年仅26岁。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. The property qualification for becoming a Member of Parliament should be abolished 取消成为国会议员财产资格 www.bing.com 7. a private member (of Parliament) (非内阁成员的)下院议员 zhidao.baidu.com 8. a sitting member of Parliament 任期内的议员 zhidao.baidu.com |
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