单词 | member of | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | member of
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 成员,的成员,成员属于 1. A member of the nobility claims to have been affected by an enchantment spell when closing a particularly disastrous trade agreement. 贵族的成员声称在其签订某个特别灾难性的贸易协定时受到法术影响。 www.odyguild.net 2. The messenger himself was a very clever member of the police, who, in two words, informed Javert of what had taken place at Arras. 这专差也是个精干的警吏,一两句话便把在阿拉斯发生的事向沙威交代明白了。 www.ebigear.com 3. He issued a terse statement pointing out that he is not, and never has been, a member of Facebook, or any other social networking site. 他发表了一份简短声明指出,他现在不是、并且从来也不是Facebook或者任何一个社交网站的会员。 www.bing.com 4. It didn't used to be so solitary, but humans introduced goats to the island, which ate every other member of its species. 本来,她还不至于如此孤单,可自从人类在该岛上引入山羊,她的所有同伴就被吃了个精光。 www.bing.com 5. People looked forward to going to church, or to being visited by a travelling member of the clergy. 人们期待着去教堂,或正在访问的旅行会员神职人员。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Even the Centre Party, a member of the centre-right coalition, seems to be warming to the idea. 甚至中央右翼联合政府的一员——中央党,也似乎对这提议好感升温。 www.ecocn.org 7. I just had not expected him to be so prominent, considering that he is only here as a non-playing member of the squad. 考虑到他根本不用上场踢球,我没想到他会显得这么突出。 f4.com.cn 8. By default, the name of the only member of the (All) level is All and is visible. 默认情况下,“(全部)”级别的唯一成员的名称是“全部”并且可见。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Youth unemployment needs to be tackled urgently, said David Blanchflower, former member of the Bank of England? s monetary policy committee. 英格兰银行货币政策委员会前委员大卫·布兰奇弗洛尔表示,青年失业人口问题亟待解决。 www.bing.com 10. Catherine Hayes, a member of the choir who works in human resources, says it allows her to maintain an interest from her student years. 合唱团成员、在人力资源部工作的凯瑟琳?海斯(CatherineHayes)表示,这让她可以继续学生时代的兴趣。 www.ftchinese.com 1. At one point when she was in her car, a member of the Basij stopped her and tried to get her photos, she said. 她说,在她正在开车的时候,一名伊朗伊斯兰武装动员队的成员将她的车拦了下来,并试图拿走她的照片。 www.bing.com 2. He rose to international fame at the age of 17 as a member of the Beatles and went on to a career as a leading British film producer. 十七岁时,他成为披头士乐队的一名成员,并由此一跃而成为国际明星,之后还成为英国一名主要的电影制片人。 www.24en.com 3. The man looks after her, eventually realizing that she's been much more than just a servant but a well-loved member of his family. 这位男子悉心照料她,最后意识到,她不仅仅是他们家的一位仆人,而是情如母子一位家庭成员。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Proceeding further down the metadata hierarchy reveals type information for any of the building blocks making up a member of the . 出发了元数据的层次结构进一步揭示了该建筑物组成的一个成员阻挡任何类型的信息。 www.0799.tv 5. Mr. Rui recalls asking Mr. Boutros- Ghali which nation he might select if there were a sixth member of the United Nations Security Council. 芮先生说当时他问加利先生,如果你要你选出第六个联合国常任理事国,你会选哪个国家?。 www.bing.com 6. Of course, the strike group can also read the file, but if I'm the only member of that group, the permission is somewhat moot. 当然,strike组也可以读该文件,但如果我是该组中唯一的成员,那么这个权限是没有实际意义的。 www.ibm.com 7. Takes two operands: the left-hand operand is an object and the right is the name of a member of that object. 接受两个操作数:左操作数是一个对象,而右边是该对象的一个成员的名字。 hi.baidu.com 8. Why would I pay to be a member of a club when I think I'm cool enough to go anywhere already? ' 按我看,像我这么酷的人上哪里去都可以,干吗还要花钱去买什么俱乐部会员身份呢? c.wsj.com 9. Before such a suggestion can be put to a vote next March, a second member of CITES needs to support Monaco's proposal. 明年三月此建议将进行表决,濒危物种的第二个成员国需要支持摩洛哥的建议。 www.ecocn.org 10. He was an active member of the UST volleyball team throughout his three years as an undergraduate, and practiced regularly every week. 在三年大学生涯中,他积极参与排球队的活动,每星期进行练习。 publish.ust.hk 1. each member of a pair of homologous chromosomes separates independently of the members of other pairs so the results are random. 一对对等染色体的各成分独立分离导致随机结果。 www.hotdic.com 2. If you were a member of the Academy, you put an "X" next to the name of your favorite. 如果你是学院的一名代表,你就在你最喜欢的电影名字边上打X。 www.bing.com 3. The object is no longer a member of this group. It may still appear due to standard delays in replication between domain controllers. 对象不再是这个组的成员。由于在域控制器之间复制的正常延迟,他可能仍然会出现。 www.drados.com 4. I feel it an honour for me to be a member of the school and I will appreciate it if you can consider my application. That's all. Thank you! I觉得我荣幸地成为其成员的学校,我会感激您是否可以考虑我的材料。就这样。谢谢你! wenwen.soso.com 5. Now, if you're a member of a garage band that's trying to get its music out to an audience, maybe this is all a good thing. 现在,如果你是一个车库乐队的成员,试图把你的音乐传播给你的听众,互联网传播对你可能是件好事。 www.bing.com 6. He said that Mr Childs had been a highly regarded member of staff but was iowa "rogue employee that got a bit maniacal" . 他说查尔兹先生是一位被高度认可的员工,但是现在是一位“有点疯狂的游手好闲的雇员”。 www.suiniyi.com 7. He first went on stage at the age of five, and by seventeen he was a leading member of a music hall group. 卓别林五岁初次登台表演,到十七岁他已经是一个喜剧综艺团中的主要演员了。 www.360abc.com 8. The existing research shows that the member of interest group would be free rider because of the public nature of the group interest. 现有研究表明,集团利益的公共性会导致集团成员普遍的搭便车行为,形成“集体行动的困境”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Despite economic and debt problems, Italy is an advanced economy that has long been a member of the club of wealthy countries. 尽管存在经济和债务问题,但意大利是一个发达经济体,长久以来一直是富裕国家中的一员。 cn.wsj.com 10. PENNY: He says he's just arrived in Scotland. He says he's staying at a Youth Hostel. You know ? He's a member of the Y. H. A. 彭妮:他说他刚到苏格兰。他说他住在一家青年招待所。你知道吗?他是“青招协”的一个成员。 www.ebigear.com 1. I was a young, junior member of the group, and it was the first time I had been invited to join a meeting of this sort. 我那时是代表团里低级别的年轻成员,第一次受邀参加此类会议。 bbs.e5zj.com 2. Never touch the queen. Never initiate conversation with her or any member of the royal family. They will do all that. 这就包括:“不要触碰女王。不要主动与女王或是其他皇室成员交谈。” www.neworiental.org 3. No one who has a relationship of interest with a bidder may become a member of the bid evaluation committee for the related project. 与投标人有利害关系的人不得进入相关项目的评标委员会; www.bing.com 4. " The fairy was angry. " Do not call someone stupid unless you have been properly introduced, " she said, " or are a member of the family. 仙女生气了:“不许说别人愚蠢,除非你经过适当的介绍,或者是这个家庭的成员。” love.lovelytits4u.com 5. We take care of these old American cars as if they were a member of our family. 我们一直把这些美国老爷车看做是自己家里的一员,来照料它们。 www.bing.com 6. Mr. Obama asked people who agreed with him to 'let your member of Congress know. ' 奥巴马请求同意他这个方案的人们,“让你们的国会议员知道”。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Tarfful greatly respected Yoda, and considered him to be a member of his "honor family. " 塔弗尔对尤达十分尊敬,把他当作自己“荣誉家庭”的一员。 www.starwarschina.com 8. Fisher was a Laker for eight seasons and a member of the Golden State Warriors for two years before signing with the Jazz last season. 费舍尔为湖人队效力8年,在上个赛季与爵士队签约之前,他为金州勇士队效力2年。 www.kobechina.com.cn 9. I work to help people's dreams come true. That's in part what he, what Bruce asked of me as a member of the Council. 我的工作就是帮助人们梦想成真,从某种程度上说这正是布鲁斯邀请我加入‘父亲委员会’所要做的。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. By the 1920s, at least one out of every three males was a member of a mutual-aid society. 截至二十世纪20年代,每3名男性中至少有一人是互助会社的成员。 www.bing.com 1. All that was left was the bland suggestion that China seek instead to be one member of an international community of great nations. 剩下的只是泛泛而谈,即中国应该寻求成为国际大国俱乐部中的一员。 www.ftchinese.com 2. She did not want to go: she was a member of our Jette Parker Young Artists programme and was spending two years with us. 她是不想走的:她是JetteParkerYoungArtists项目成员之一,与我们一起有两年时间。 www.ftchinese.com 3. His last job was as a member of the European Parliament, a distinguished and passionate member of an often undistinguished institution. 盖雷梅克的最后一份职务是作为欧洲议会的一名成员,在这个普通的机构中他却是位声名显赫、富有激情的成员。 www.ecocn.org 4. As a member of a family of readers, literacy has always been very important to me, and its value to society can hardly be overestimated. 作为书香家庭的一员,我一向非常重视识字问题,它对社会的价值再怎麽高估也不为过。 www.biodic.cn 5. The researchers surveyed how much TV news coverage was given to every member of the Israeli Knesset on three local channels. 研究人员调查了当地三家新闻台对以色列议会所有成员的报道情况。 www.bing.com 6. Hello everyone, I'm new to the front, very pleased to be a member of the company. 大家好,我是新来的前台,非常高兴能够成为公司的一员。 wenwen.soso.com 7. He looked a bit like an aging member of a British progressive-rock group. 他看起来有一点像英国的进步摇滚团队成员。 www.hjenglish.com 8. The use of the Members function means that you do not have to explicitly state each member of a specific hierarchy or level in an MDX query. 使用Members函数意味着不必在MDX查询中显式声明特定层次结构或级别的每个成员。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. With pride, Osama told me that he had become a U. S. citizen, and was now a member of Henry County's volunteer fire department. 奥萨马很自豪的对我说,他已是美国公民了,并且是亨利县火警的志愿者。 www.bing.com 10. For a set of connected graphs, a spanning subgraph of a graph is called an -factor if every component of is isomorphic to a member of . 给定连通图集合,对图的生成子图,如果的每个分支都同构于集合的一个元素,则被称为的-因子。 stae.com.cn 1. Each member of a structure variable is initialized as if it were a separate variable. 结构变量的每个成员被视为单独的变量初始化。 technet.microsoft.com 2. "There's quite a bit of truth in it, " Julian Murton, member of the International Permafrost Association, told Reuters. “这里面有相当多的真理,”国际冻土协会委员朱利安默顿告诉路透社记者。 www.elanso.com 3. Very distasteful. Why hasn't the Queen complained? If it had been any other member of the Royal Family you can bet they would have. 十分令人反感。为何女王不提出投诉?不然他们很可能用上皇室的其他成员来打广告。 www.bing.com 4. Note that this requires an additional using declaration, since the StringBuilder class is a member of the System. Text namespace. 请注意,这需要一个附加的using声明,因为StringBuilder类是System.Text命名空间的成员。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Among the detainees is Mustafizur Rahman, a former lawmaker and central committee member of the party, he said. 在被拘留者中有穆斯塔菲兹·拉赫曼,前立法委员和党中央委员会委员,他说。 www.aitrans.net 6. And the first version of this portrait was a gift for a member of the British Parliament who supported American independence. 并且这张画像的第一版本是一件礼物为支持美国独立英国的议会的成员。 cid-90189a65842aa71c.spaces.live.com 7. it turns out that with that mouth on her, combined with her economic throw-weight, she too became a member of parliament. 她凭借这样一副伶牙俐齿,再加上四两拨千斤的本事,后来也成了国会成员。 www.bing.com 8. He didn't happen to see that light during the first three years as a member of the United States Senate, $932 million in requests. 而在他作为美国议会成员的前三年,没有见过他良心发现,9.32亿美元的申请啊。 www.kekenet.com 9. It is all well and good to be a Vulcan, or to be a member of some future exclusive crowd of would-be public servants. 成为一名火神派,或者成为未来众多执行公仆中的一员是非常荣耀的一件事儿。 dongxi.net 10. The driver was a member of one of the indigenous tribes. Sitting beside him was a woman, probably his wife. 开车的是位原住民,旁边坐着一位妇女,像是他的太太。 sm2000.org 1. Kaz was anxiously waiting for the return of another member of her family when a tall chap appeared where the gate had been. 当和子焦急地等待着家里另一个成员的回来时,一个高大的小伙子出现在曾经是大门的地方。 wiki.jukuu.com 2. The outbreak hit close to home when a member of the White House team that traveled to Mexico last month developed flu-like symptoms. 当白宫一名成员上个月去墨西哥游玩回来,出现了流感症状之后,猪流感的爆发触到了总统的痛处。 www.bing.com 3. Unless you are deploying as a member of a long-term DART, try to limit your personal belongings to what you can carry. 除非你是长期灾难援助反应队成员,否则把你的个人物品减少到可以随身携带为宜。 pro.yeeyan.com 4. One member of the Umayyad family escaped the general massacre, fled to Spain, and was there acknowledged as the legitimate ruler. 乌玛亚德皇室中的一支避开了大屠杀而奔往西班牙,并在那里当了合法的统治者。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It is possible for a country to have any or all of these institutions in place without being a member of the state-capitalist club. 即便不是国家资本主义俱乐部的一员,一个国家也可以让上述这些机构中的任何一家或者全部运转起来。 www.ecocn.org 6. Ambassador Liu congratulated Baroness Warsi on her being a member of the British Cabinet as the first Muslim woman. 刘大使祝贺沃西成为进入英政府内阁的首位穆斯林女性。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. The General Secretary of the Central Committee must be a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. 中央委员会总书记必须从中央政治局常务委员会委员中产生。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. You can go into any room and there's a member of staff there ready to give you a programme that's specific to you. 你进到任何一个房间里,那儿都会有工作人员随时准备提供给你专门适合你的服务。 tieba.baidu.com 9. But he said the handover of power from one member of the Castro family to another does not bode well for Cuba's immediate political future. 不过,他说,古巴政权从卡斯特罗家族的一个成员移交给另一个成员,这预示着古巴政治前途不会立即有所改变。 www.ebigear.com 10. One of those sentenced to death was said to be a member of a pro-monarchist group. 据称,其中一名被判刑者是反君主主义组织的成员。 www.kekenet.com 1. At the very least, such decisions should be subject to review by an independent judge, not made by a member of that government. 最起码的,这样的决定应该交由一名独立法官裁决,而不是由一名内阁成员做出。 www.ecocn.org 2. I'm not a member of any org aniz nations now, but I dot ake ballroom dancing cl asses once a week. 现在我没有参加任何团体,但每周还是会去上一次国标舞的课。 www.showxiu.com 3. And in fairness to her, those assurances were given, because she was such a valuable member of the show. . . . Also, she's up [in Canada]. 公平地说,我们给了她这个保证,因为她对这部剧来说的确是个宝贵的一员。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Copy constructible types must be able to be constructed from another member of the type. 可复制构造的类型必须能够从该类型的另一个对象进行构造。 qa.alibaba.com 5. Please understand that all posts must be approved by a member of the forum moderation team before showing up in the forums. 请注意所有新贴都需要经过一个论坛管理小组的成员批准才能显示在论坛上。 www.cmsfx.bm 6. Note: User1 must be a member of the target team and the project area to be able to perform the Deliver operation. 注意:User1必须是目标团队的一名成员,而且项目区域能够执行Deliver操作。 www.ibm.com 7. Was one of the member of the second of my family last Thursday the birthday of the ShaoYu, what ream person excitement! 上周四是我的第二个家庭成员之一韶玉的生日,多么令人兴奋啊! zhidao.baidu.com 8. Police believe she was the main target of the attack -- the first shooting of a member of Congress in more than thirty years. 警方认为,她是攻击的主要目标-这是三十多年来首次针对国会议员的枪击案。 www.tingclass.com 9. Criminalizing and persecuting dissent is out of step with China's ambition to be a respected member of the international community. 把持不同政见当作是罪名,再迫害其不同政见者,同中国要在国际社会上受到尊重这梦想,格格不入。 www.hrw.org 10. He had been a minor but valued member of a number of scientific research establishments. 他是许多科研机构中的成员,他不显眼但是极受尊重。 www.bing.com 1. The boss regards Junior Wang as the most able member of the team and thinks highly of him. 认为小王是所有员工中最有才力的,十分赏识他。 www.nciku.com 2. Very happy in your firm's web site we see that your firm recruitment information, and has been looking forward to be a member of your firm. 很高兴在贵事务所的网站上得知贵事务所的招聘信息,并一直期待能成为贵事务所的一员。 wenwen.soso.com 3. It also fails if the surface is a member of a mipmap or cube map, and any other mipmap or cube map member is locked. 如果图面是mipmap或立方体图的一个成员,并且已锁定了任何其他mipmap或立方体图成员,则此方法也将失败。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. He was the only member of the Israeli delegation who would not shake hands with Arafat. 他是以色列代表团中唯一不愿意和阿拉法特握手的人。 www.bing.com 5. There was a great deal of cleaning up, of the very worst sort, to be done on rising, due to an illness in the youngest member of the family. 最糟糕的是,因为家里最小的成员生病的缘故,一起床就有一大堆东西等着清洗。 www.ftchinese.com 6. You know from the eternal portion of your being that you are a member of the Family of Light. 你们知道来自你们生命永恒的一部分,你们是一个光家族成员。 www.bdpsclub.org 7. Working with an addiction specialist as a new member of your pain team, as well as an increased monitoring plan, may be recommended. 您可以在为您治疗疼痛的医疗小组中再加上一名专业的成瘾专科治疗师,同时建议您增加监控计划。 pro.yeeyan.com 8. A degree from a western university has long been a priority for any would-be member of the Kenyan elite. 很久以来,西方国家的大学学位一直都是那些想要成为肯尼亚精英分子的首选利器。 dongxi.net 9. The hotel, a member of Orient Express, has always had a major food focus and its cooking school is one of the best in Italy. 酒店是“东方快车”的会员,一直都专注于食物,它的烹饪学校也是意大利最好的之一。 www.bing.com 10. In a ragged hierarchy, the logical parent member of at least one member is not in the level immediately above the member. 在不规则层次结构中,至少一个成员的逻辑父成员不直接位于该成员的上一级。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The boss regards Junior Wang as the most able member of the team and thinks highly of him. 认为小王是所有员工中最有才力的,十分赏识他。 www.nciku.com 2. Very happy in your firm's web site we see that your firm recruitment information, and has been looking forward to be a member of your firm. 很高兴在贵事务所的网站上得知贵事务所的招聘信息,并一直期待能成为贵事务所的一员。 wenwen.soso.com 3. It also fails if the surface is a member of a mipmap or cube map, and any other mipmap or cube map member is locked. 如果图面是mipmap或立方体图的一个成员,并且已锁定了任何其他mipmap或立方体图成员,则此方法也将失败。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. He was the only member of the Israeli delegation who would not shake hands with Arafat. 他是以色列代表团中唯一不愿意和阿拉法特握手的人。 www.bing.com 5. There was a great deal of cleaning up, of the very worst sort, to be done on rising, due to an illness in the youngest member of the family. 最糟糕的是,因为家里最小的成员生病的缘故,一起床就有一大堆东西等着清洗。 www.ftchinese.com 6. You know from the eternal portion of your being that you are a member of the Family of Light. 你们知道来自你们生命永恒的一部分,你们是一个光家族成员。 www.bdpsclub.org 7. Working with an addiction specialist as a new member of your pain team, as well as an increased monitoring plan, may be recommended. 您可以在为您治疗疼痛的医疗小组中再加上一名专业的成瘾专科治疗师,同时建议您增加监控计划。 pro.yeeyan.com 8. A degree from a western university has long been a priority for any would-be member of the Kenyan elite. 很久以来,西方国家的大学学位一直都是那些想要成为肯尼亚精英分子的首选利器。 dongxi.net 9. Media reports said the charges alleged that Haneef had provided a mobile phone SIM card to a member of a terrorist organization. 媒体报告说,该指控提到Haneef曾提供移动电话SIM卡给恐怖组织的一位成员。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. If you are a member of a group to which you are sending multicast datapackets, you will receive a copy of the data packets. 如果你是你所发送多播数据包目的地的组中的成员,同样你也将收到一份你所发数据的拷贝。 www.winu.cn 1. You know from the eternal portion of your being that you are a member of the Family of Light. 你们知道来自你们生命永恒的一部分,你们是一个光家族成员。 www.bdpsclub.org 2. Working with an addiction specialist as a new member of your pain team, as well as an increased monitoring plan, may be recommended. 您可以在为您治疗疼痛的医疗小组中再加上一名专业的成瘾专科治疗师,同时建议您增加监控计划。 pro.yeeyan.com 3. A degree from a western university has long been a priority for any would-be member of the Kenyan elite. 很久以来,西方国家的大学学位一直都是那些想要成为肯尼亚精英分子的首选利器。 dongxi.net 4. Media reports said the charges alleged that Haneef had provided a mobile phone SIM card to a member of a terrorist organization. 媒体报告说,该指控提到Haneef曾提供移动电话SIM卡给恐怖组织的一位成员。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. If you are a member of a group to which you are sending multicast datapackets, you will receive a copy of the data packets. 如果你是你所发送多播数据包目的地的组中的成员,同样你也将收到一份你所发数据的拷贝。 www.winu.cn 6. The hotel, a member of Orient Express, has always had a major food focus and its cooking school is one of the best in Italy. 酒店是“东方快车”的会员,一直都专注于食物,它的烹饪学校也是意大利最好的之一。 www.bing.com 7. In a ragged hierarchy, the logical parent member of at least one member is not in the level immediately above the member. 在不规则层次结构中,至少一个成员的逻辑父成员不直接位于该成员的上一级。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Already, one member of the bank's nine-strong monetary policy committee has been voting for a quarter-point rise in the base rate. 先前,银行九个资深货币政策委员中的一名成员投票赞成基准利率上升四分之一个百分点。 www.ecocn.org 9. It also surprised me that, again, they were allowed to become a member of the U. N. Security Council. 还令我吃惊的是,他们还居然是联合国安理会的成员之一。 club.china.com 10. I was a member of a very active environmental organization, and I decided to bring up the moon problem at the next meeting. 我是一个非常活跃的环保组织成员,我决定在下次会议上将月亮现在面临的问题提上议程。 www.bing.com 1. In a ragged hierarchy, the logical parent member of at least one member is not in the level immediately above the member. 在不规则层次结构中,至少一个成员的逻辑父成员不直接位于该成员的上一级。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Already, one member of the bank's nine-strong monetary policy committee has been voting for a quarter-point rise in the base rate. 先前,银行九个资深货币政策委员中的一名成员投票赞成基准利率上升四分之一个百分点。 www.ecocn.org 3. It also surprised me that, again, they were allowed to become a member of the U. N. Security Council. 还令我吃惊的是,他们还居然是联合国安理会的成员之一。 club.china.com 4. I was a member of a very active environmental organization, and I decided to bring up the moon problem at the next meeting. 我是一个非常活跃的环保组织成员,我决定在下次会议上将月亮现在面临的问题提上议程。 www.bing.com 5. Aided by his brother John, a member of Congress from Ohio, he reluctantly left the South for a Union commission. 他的兄弟约翰在俄亥俄州作议员,在约翰的帮助下,他无奈离开南方在联邦军队谋了一个军职。 www.bing.com 6. Also the main reason why it has never been appointed as a non-permanent member of the Security Council. 这也是她从未被任命为安理会非常任理事国的主要原因。 bbs.voc.com.cn 7. (Sarrazin is a member of the Social Democrats but they are trying to get rid of him). (萨拉兹是社会民主党的成员,但社会民主党正努力和他撇清关系)。 kk.dongxi.net 8. John Laister, a member of the firing squad, talked about it before he died in 1999: "There were tears in his eyes and tears in mine. " 行刑队员约翰.莱斯特一九九九年去世前忆述当时情景:「他两眼含泪,我也泪盈两眼。」 forum.bomoo.com 9. The basic idea is to temporarily convert the nodes into a Linux system and from there they join the master node as member of a cluster. 其基本思想是将节点临时转换为Linux系统,然后作为集群的成员连接到主节点。 www-128.ibm.com 10. They detained TaJoe and her mother, accusing them of sullying the name of a respected member of the community. 他们拘留了塔乔母女,指控她们玷污社区里一位受人尊敬的成员的名声。 www.yayan123.com 1. John Laister, a member of the firing squad, talked about it before he died in 1999: "There were tears in his eyes and tears in mine. " 行刑队员约翰.莱斯特一九九九年去世前忆述当时情景:「他两眼含泪,我也泪盈两眼。」 forum.bomoo.com 2. The basic idea is to temporarily convert the nodes into a Linux system and from there they join the master node as member of a cluster. 其基本思想是将节点临时转换为Linux系统,然后作为集群的成员连接到主节点。 www-128.ibm.com 3. They detained TaJoe and her mother, accusing them of sullying the name of a respected member of the community. 他们拘留了塔乔母女,指控她们玷污社区里一位受人尊敬的成员的名声。 www.yayan123.com 4. Norway was one of the signatories of the North Atlantic Treaty in 1949 and was a founding member of the United Nations. 挪威是1949年北大西洋公约的签署国之一,也是联合国的创办国之一。 www.ebigear.com 5. If you focus only on the design, while not a member of a unified design elements and ideas, the overall design is only a shell. 如果只注重这些的设计,而没有加入统一的设计元素与想法,整体设计也只是一个空壳。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. That said, at least one member of this species had ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight during the waning days of the Republic. 尽管如此,在共和国衰落期,至少一名这个种族的成员登上了绝地武士的高位。 starwarsfans.cn 7. The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the head of that agency, is not a member of the Cabinet. 环保局的主管,该机构的头脑,不是内阁的成员。 www.law-gun.com 8. It first happened when a member of the press asked him on television to describe what he was feeling. 事情是这样的,记者第一次在电视上请他描述一下个人的感受。 listserv.cn99.com 9. Denmark is an important member of the European Union (EU) and is known as the "Kingdom of fairy tales" and "land of happiness" . 丹麦是欧盟重要国家,素有“童话王国”、“幸福国度”的美誉。 www.putclub.com 10. I'm not a member of the Church of England myself, therefore it would be rather impertinent of me to express an opinion. 我本人不是英国圣公会成员,因此由我来发表意见未免有些冒昧。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. I'm not a member of the Church of England myself, therefore it would be rather impertinent of me to express an opinion. 我本人不是英国圣公会成员,因此由我来发表意见未免有些冒昧。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. I sat in a few times when their drummer couldn't make it and the next thing I knew, I was asked to be a full member of the band. 他们鼓手没法到的时候我代理过几次,不知不觉,我竟受邀正式成为乐团的一员。 www.italki.com 3. Moreover, Wallis was not given the right to be a Royal Highness or a member of the British Royal Family. 另外,华丽斯没有给予殿下的称号或英国皇室成员的身份。 www.bing.com 4. When he gave them his name, they informed him that, as an actor, he was a member of the opposition. 当爸爸将他的名字报给警方听时,警方却说爸爸是一位演员,是反对党的成员之一。 www.bing.com 5. A member of Mr Ai's family said at least one of his associates remains in custody, after being detained on Sunday. 周日,在警方搜查艾未未的北京住宅和工作室后,他的妻子和八名雇员曾遭到短暂扣留。 www.ftchinese.com 6. You are a member of a team and it is now time for you each to be ready to carry your load, so to speak. 你是团体中的一员,打个譬喻说,是时候准备去负载起你的工作。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. I searched for loopholes. What if I'd rather sleep with an attractive member of the opposite sex than an ugly member of my own? 我拼命给自己寻找出路:假如我更喜欢跟一个漂亮的女孩上床而不是和一个丑陋的同性睡觉,那我就是异性恋了吧? www.bing.com 8. To be able to do so, Cyprus would need to be a member of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). 为了能够这样做,塞浦路斯将需要为一个中期气象预报欧洲中心(ECMWF)的成员。 www.sdsky.com 9. Mikey imagined that they were skating a victory lap around the Olympic rink and she was a member of a gold-medal hockey team. 米奇想象着他们正在奥运会的冰球场上绕场一圈庆祝胜利,而自己就是冠军队里的一员。 www.bing.com 10. This genetic information makes you a member of the human species but also allows you to be a unique member of that species. 这基因信息做您成为人的种类,而且允许您是那个一名独特的成员种类。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. If that person is a citizen, the documents shall, in case of his absence, be receipted by an adult member of his family living with him. 受送达人是公民的,本人不在交他的同住成年家属签收; www.crazyenglish.org 2. In terms of economic size, China was the fourth-largest country in the world in 2006, and it should have been a member of the G7. 以经济规模来看,中国在2006年成为世界第四大经济体,它本应成为G7成员。 www.stnn.cc 3. Madman , you are awake , are member of her in self's eyes you what is that she has already spoken neither, you had not loved her at all. 疯子,你醒醒吧、在她眼里你什么也不是、她已经说了,你根本没爱过她。 wenwen.soso.com 4. I became a member of Treatment Action Campaign, and I'm very proud to be a member of that incredible organization. 我由焉成为TreatmentAction运动的一位会员,我为成为这不凡组织的一份子而感到自豪。 www.ted.com 5. Russia, although a member of the Quartet, is looking at the Middle East as a means of strengthening its own global position. 尽管俄罗斯是四方会谈中的一方,它却将中东看做加强其国际地位的一枚棋子。 www.bing.com 6. But I have never translated a chapter of the Bible for publication, nor have I ever been a member of a translating committee. 然而,我从来没有翻译过《圣经》中的哪章哪节出版,也不是哪个翻译机构的译员。 www.lwlm.com 7. I can give to another family to ask forgiveness, or apology for a wrongdoing a member of my family has caused onto the other family. 我也可以用它请求另一个家庭的原谅,或者在自己家人得罪了另外一个家庭后用作歉意的表示。 www.joyen.net 8. But a Labour member of the London Assembly, John Biggs, argued the cable car was "no substitute" for a bridge across the Thames. 但伦敦议会的工党成员约翰比格斯强调,缆车的作用是不可能替代横跨泰晤士河的桥所起的作用的。 www.bing.com 9. Bryant left Staples Center as he entered it -- a member of the Lakers for now and for the foreseeable future. KOBE还是如他踏入斯台普斯中心一样离开——作为湖人的一员以及可以预见的将来。 www.bing.com 10. Millie told me that she has been a member of the opera club for three years and a half. Millie告诉我她在戏剧俱乐部已有三年半了。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. After you become a member of Rainbow English Club, you can post any good topics as long as you think they are helpful, interesting. 成为彩虹英语吧成员后,您可以发一些你认为有益的、有趣的好帖子。 tieba.baidu.com 2. If only Iceland had been a member of the European Union and eurozone, the argument went, it would have escaped the crisis and humiliation. 人们认为,如果冰岛是欧盟和欧元区成员国,它就能够逃过危机,避免蒙羞。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A proportional share, as of goods, assigned to a group or to each member of a group; an allotment. 定额一定比例的份额,如货物,分配给一组或一组中的每个成员;配给物。 www.erenz.cn 4. He started as a boy member of the children's orchestra in his hometown, Barquisimeto. 他起初加入了在家乡巴基西梅托的一个儿童乐团。 www.ted.com 5. The mayor, his wife and a member of his security detail have been quarantined. 市长,他的妻子和他的一名成员的安全细节被隔离。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I had been a member of the class committee in charge of the course of physics until graduation from junior high school. 到初中毕业,我一直担任物理科代表,后来的班主任姓李,戴着一副眼镜。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Secretary is a member of the President's Cabinet and, since the Clinton years, has sat on the United States National Security Council. 美国财政部长是美国总统内阁成员,自比尔·克林顿政府开始,也是美国国家安全委员会成员。 instapedia.com 8. Services that depend on a group can run if, after attempting to install all members of a group, at least one member of the group is running. 如果依赖于某个组的服务在尝试安装该组的所有成员后,该组至少有一个成员运行,则该服务便可以运行。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Please make sure that a group with the name Manager exists on your system and that at least one user is member of this group. 请确保您的系统中存在名为Manager的组,并且至少有一个用户是该组的成员。 www.ibm.com 10. Buchanan's chief opponent on the statehood bill was a member of his own Democratic Party, Senator Stephen Douglas of Illinois. 在堪萨斯州地位问题上的最主要反对者是他的民主党同仁,伊利诺斯州联邦参议员史蒂芬.道格拉斯。 www.bing.com 1. Please inform me if it is possible for me to become a temporary member of the library, and the opening times and fees, etc. 请告知我是否可以成为贵图书馆的临时会员,以及开馆的时间和收费等方面的信息。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. One of them was a member of the crew, with two or three of his mates just standing there watching. 其中一位是渡轮上的船员,他的两三个同事则站在一旁观望。 www.bing.com 3. Canned and dried foods sufficient for a week for each member of your household. 足够每人维持一星期的罐装食品和脱水食品 www.bing.com 4. Especially when addressing a member of a company, the appellATion indicATing the record of his educATion is not used or put AT the back. 尤其是在公司中,表示学历的称呼一般不用,或者用的时候放在后面。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Economic evolution is not the same as biological evolution. But it is a member of the general class of evolutionary systems. 经济进化与生物进化并不相同,但它也是进化系统这一广泛类别中的一员。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The law created a strong presumption that government documents requested by a member of the public would be turned over. 这个法律创造了一个强大的推断这让任意的公众都可以要求政府资料公开。 www.bing.com 7. As a member of NATO that was for many years on the front-line of the cold war, Turkey was at least a reliable ally of the West. 作为北约的成员,土耳其在很多年里都是冷战的前线,而且至少也应是西方国家的忠实的盟友。 www.ecocn.org 8. But candidates need not have been judges at home; one Japanese member of the court has been a law professor and diplomat. 但候选人不需要在本国担任过法官;法官中有一位是日本的法律教授与外交官。 www.ecocn.org 9. If you are a member of multiple projects and do not know which one the artifact you are seeking resides in, the Search view will help. 如果您是多个项目的成员,并且不知道您在寻找的工件的具体位置,那么Search视图将会十分有用。 www.ibm.com 10. They had swallowed all his dim-witted lies about having tea with a different member of his gang every night of the summer holidays. 他们对于这种在假期里,达德里每天晚上都出去和不同的家伙出去喝茶这种傻子般的谎言深信不疑。 www.jbenglish.org 1. "We were surprised by just how positive to-day's young people seem to be about their families, " said one member of the research team. 我们感到惊讶被究竟如何被见到有关他们的家庭的事的积极的今天的年轻人,“研究队的一个成员说。” zhidao.baidu.com 2. He said she "will continue to serve as our ambassador at the United Nations and a key member of my cabinet and national security team. " 奥巴马还称,她“将继续担任美国驻联合国大使,继续在我的内阁和国家安全团队当中扮演关键角色”。 cn.nytimes.com 3. But even so, Ben Hodges, a member of the Woods Hole team, thinks the glider could operate for a year or so before having to be recovered. 但即使如此,伍兹霍尔组的一员,本?霍奇认为这个滑翔器在再维护之前可以使用一年。 www.ecocn.org 4. No member of a religious society can be tied with any other bonds but what proceed from the certain expectation of eternal life. 一个信仰团体的成员除了依靠对永恒生命的期待之外,没有什么能够使他和教会联系在一起。 windsea2010.spaces.live.com 5. Then a member of the research team voluntarily allowed himself to be bitten by an infected mosquito. 随后,研究小组的一位成员自愿让感染了的蚊子咬他自己。 school.ecp.com.cn 6. Within four months, the police chiefs made her an honorary member of their tribe and bestowed an Arabic name on her meaning "wise woman" . 不到4个月,警察局长们就封她为部落的名誉成员,并送给她一个阿拉伯名字,意思是“聪明的女人”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. If you were a member of an alien civilization trying to communicate across the immeasurable distances of space, how would you go about it? 如果你是一个外星人尝试在广无边际的太空进行通信,那要如何去做呢? www.equn.com 8. The city's mayor said the hijacker had told the crew he was a member of the Kurdish militant group, the PKK. 该市市长称,劫匪告诉船员,自己是库尔德武装组织成员。 www.chinavoa.com 9. Michelle smiled and held out her hand, as if she were just another member of the greeting party. 米歇尔微笑着伸出手,好像她是欢迎队伍中的一员。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Mark brown, a member of the organising committee, felt a sudden impulse to deal with at least some of those problems. 马克。布朗是组委会的一员,他突然感到一阵冲动,要处理其中一些问题。 www.yuloo.com 1. Occasionally she visited him in jail. He always seemed surprised that his "little schoolgirl" had become a sturdy member of the proletariat. 偶尔李玉琴也会去监狱探望溥仪,这时的溥仪惊奇地发现曾经的“小女生”已经转变成一个坚定的无产阶级战士。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. His party, a junior member of the ruling coalition, is trying to have it deemed unconstitutional. 其政党是执政联盟的一个初级成员,正在力图将这个特别法庭规为违宪组织。 www.bing.com 3. Furthermore. I think some dishes of this dinner have gone bad, for two member of my family have loose bowles the next day. 还有,我认为饭菜中有的变质了,因为我家人中有两位第二天闹肚子。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. She had already become an early member of the National Autistic Society and soon began to instigate and fund research into the condition. 她很早就成为了全国孤独症协会的会员,并很快投入到针对孤独症发起的研究和筹措基金的活动中。 www.bing.com 5. I am a German and have been a member of the German-Chinese Friendship association since the late Seventies. 我是德国人,从上世纪70年代起,就是德中友好协会的成员。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. With our club it's about encouraging children to get out on a Saturday morning and be a member of a team. 在我们的俱乐部中,许多兴致勃勃的孩子们聚集在星期六的早上,然后就组成了一只球队。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. As polls closed at 10 p. m. in London on Thursday, Mr. Brown received another rude shock, this one from a member of his own cabinet. 在伦敦的投票于周四晚10点截止之际,布朗又遭遇了另一个沉重打击,给他打击的是他的一名内阁成员。 www.bing.com 8. Richard Fisher, the president of the Dallas Fed, was the only member of the ten-strong rate-setting committee to vote for a rise. 比方说,联储的十人委员会中,只有达拉斯的联储主席理查德-费舍尔一人投票赞成提高利。 www.tianya.cn 9. Ricky Rubio seems to have accepted that if he plays in the NBA, it will be in Minnesota as a member of the Timberwolves. 里基-卢比奥看起来已经接受了这一点,如果他留在NBA的话,那他会是森林狼的一员。 www.kobechina.com.cn 10. Treat every patient as if he or she a member of your family : your brother or sister , your mother or father . 待患者如亲人,把每位患者当作你的父母或兄弟、姐妹一样来对待。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Actress AJ spoke to the General Assembly in her capacity is a board member of population services international international. 女演员AJ以国际人口服务董事会一员的身份在联合国大会发表讲话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. There was one member of his side that Mourinho was careful to exempt from the collective criticism. 不过穆里尼奥特意将一个人排除在了受到批评的集体外。 bbs.qieerxi.com 3. Still a member of the JA, he said income in the two years he's been handling distribution and marketing has doubled. 虽然还是农协会员,但他认为自从这两年自己掌握分销和营销业务以来,收入翻番了。 www.bing.com 4. Second, he is not a member of the ruling Communist party, which would ordinarily exclude him from consideration for a ministry. 其次,他不是执政的中国共产党党员,这点通常会将他排除在部长人选之外。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The woman was believed to have been a member of a well-off family visiting Venice from Saudi Arabia or a Gulf state. 这位穆斯林妇女据信是沙特阿拉伯或者某波斯湾国家人,出身富裕家庭,到威尼斯旅行。 cn.reuters.com 6. Our hero has to run the gauntlet of corruption and power struggles while he's trying to become a member of a guild to improve his skills. 我们的英雄为了增进自己的技能,必须试著成为集团的一员,但在此同时,他也感受到了腐化以及权力的斗争。 www.3dmgame.com 7. Goodness. I recommended that he be released because we had assessed him to be a critical senior member of Al Qaeda when he wasn't. 天哪,我要求释放他的原因是我们对他的评估证明他并不是基地组织的关键分子。 dongxi.net 8. If code is a member of the parent code group, then the code might be a member of one or more of that group's child code groups. 如果代码是父代码组的成员,则该代码可以是该组的一个或多个子代码组的成员。 technet.microsoft.com 9. As for her, she felt as though Ralph were a member of her family. 至于她来说,她觉的拉尔夫仿佛是她的一位亲人。 www.ebigear.com 10. SA: Huh. You know, I've been a member of this prestige class for years, and I never actually noticed that before. 哈,要知道,我进阶这个职业好些年了,可是以前从来没注意过。 www.anetcity.com 1. No Party organization, up to and including the Central Committee, has the right to deprive any Party member of the above-mentioned rights. 党的任何一级组织直至中央都无权剥夺党员的上述权利。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Police believe she was the main target of the attack -- the first shooting of a member of Congress in more than 30 years. 警方认为她是这起枪击案的主要目标。这是近30年来第一次发生在国会议员身上的枪击案。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. As captain of the Anna Sims, moored in Darien, Georgia, he got into a violent argument with a member of his crew. 奥吉弗当时是安娜瑟姆斯号的船长,停泊在佐治亚州达里恩港时,他和一名船员发生了激烈冲突。 www.bing.com 4. Until today, it was the only permanent member of the United Nations security council not to participate. 直到今天中国是联合国安理会常任理事国中唯一一个没有加入到联合部队中来的。 www.bing.com 5. But I tried hard, completely disregarding the fact that it was a member of a protected species. 但我用尽力气,完全不理会它是受保护的动物。 www.bing.com 6. He is a proud member of First Baptist Church in Somerset, N. J. , where he resides and is happily married to his wife Zahara. 他是新泽西州的索默塞特市第一个浸礼会值得骄傲的成员,他住在那里并且很愉快娶了他的妻子札哈拉。 www.bing.com 7. Olympus dismissed Mr. Mori as an executive vice president on Nov. 8, and he resigned as a member of the company's board later last month. 奥林巴斯已于11月8日解除了森久志副社长的职务,同时他也在上个月晚些时候辞去了公司董事之职。 chinese.wsj.com 8. 28-year-old Lila is one of the victims, her husband is member of anti-government forces are still the front-line fighting. 28岁的利拉正是受害者之一,她的丈夫是反政府军成员,仍在前线打仗。 www.englishtang.com 9. To commemorate him, at least one member of each Muslim family will be named Mohammed, Ahmed or other derivations of the word. 为纪念他,基本每个家庭里都至少有一个成员唤作穆罕默德,艾罕默德或者其他这个名字的变体。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The woman allegedly claimed she had thrown the severed member of her drug-addicted Taiwanese husband into a river before turning herself in. 据说该女子说自己在投案自首前已经将其吸毒成瘾的丈夫的阴茎剪成几段并扔进了河里。 www.jfdaily.com 1. Swift, though born a member of Ireland's colonial ruling class, came to be known as one of the greatest of Irish patriots. 斯威夫特,但出生的成员,爱尔兰的殖民统治阶级,后来被称为最伟大的爱尔兰爱国者。 lwdx123.com 2. The memos also said he was accompanied everywhere by a "voluptuous blonde, " the senior member of his posse of Ukrainian nurses. 他走到哪里都会带着一个“红发性感美女”,这人是他乌克兰护士队里的高级成员。 www.bing.com 3. You do not have to be a member of the moribund Socialist Labour Party of America to see the political appeal of that. 想要见识到这一观点的政治吸引力,你根本没有必要成为垂死的美国社会主义劳工党的一员。 www.bing.com 4. If other people are involved, you may be a formal or informal leader, or just a member of a group. 如果涉及其他人,你可以是正式的或者非正式的领导者,也可以只是团体中的普通一员。 www.bing.com 5. Very fortunate, as a common member of these audiences, it is so lucky for me that I can go on television. 呵呵,我可只是个普通观众呀,我果真幸运得能在电视上露脸吗? blog.sina.com.cn 6. Qian was convinced that, as a staunch member of the CPC, his suggestions were all out of consideration for the party. 钱三强自认为自己就是一位忠诚的共产党员,是在为改进党风献计献策,纯属善意。 hi.baidu.com 7. But they do keep kids off the street and provide at least one member of a family with a hot meal everyday. 不过这些学校至少让孩子不会流落街头游荡,而且每天至少还有顿免费的午餐可吃。 mailftp.lihpao.com 8. On foreign policy this long-standing member of NATO, with an army second in size only to America's, has always been a bulwark of the West. 在对外政策上,这个军队规模仅次于美国的北约老成员国一直是西方的守护者。 www.ecocn.org 9. He has been a significant and much- valued member of our team in youth development and was well liked by all the players and staff. 他在我们的青训发展中已经是个很重要的和有很多价值的成员,而且所有球员和教练都很喜欢他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Furthermore, the special treatment undermines attempts to turn North Korea into a normal member of the international community. 此外,在此事上对朝鲜的特殊对待,破坏了将朝鲜转变为国际社会正常一员的努力。 www.ftchinese.com 1. She says banning her will not make much of a difference because she cannot be a member of parliament anyway. 她说,禁止她从政不会有任何意义,因为她无论如何都不可能担任国会议员。 www.voanews.cn 2. "This area was like a paradise, " says Schmidt, a member of the German Archaeological Institute. “这里就像是一个人间天堂。”斯密特,这位来自德国考古学会的学者如是说道。 www.bing.com 3. This paper's author is the core member of the project development team, trying to make the correct decision through researching. 本文作者作为该项目开发团队的核心成员,致力于应用各种研究手段为正确的决策提供依据。 www.juhe8.com 4. When you declare a property or procedure as a member of an interface, you are defining only the signature of that property or procedure. 在将属性或过程声明为接口的成员时,您只是定义该属性或过程的签名。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Hong-Hong Lumber, as a member of American Walnut Manufacturer Association, is one of the largest American Black Walnut suppliers. 红虹木业是美国黑胡桃制造商协会会员企业,全球最大的美国黑胡桃供应商之一。 www.haoqiantu.cn 6. The country was to be called the Dominion of Canada, but would still remain loyal to Britain as a member of the British Empire. 这个国家被称为加拿大自治领,但仍然是大英帝国的一个成员,效忠英国。 www.ebigear.com 7. It was the first major international sporting event held in Brunei and I was a proud member of Brunei National Basketball Team then. 这是第一次大型国际体育赛事在文莱举行的,我是文莱国家篮球队成员,那么自豪。 tieba.baidu.com 8. When two or more launching States are so joined, they shall collectively appoint one member of the Commission in the same way. 两个或两个以上的发射国参加时,应按同样的方式共同指派一名委员会的委员。 www.unoosa.org 9. Again, that's what a supposedly centrist Republican, a member of the Gang of Six trying to devise a bipartisan health plan, sounds like. 你再听听,这就是所谓中间派的共和党人、专事设计超党派医疗保健方案的“六人帮”成员之一的人所说的话。 victor2929.blog.163.com 10. If I'd been reviewing it as a member of the selection committee it would have knocked my socks off. 如果我像评选委员会成员那样去回顾萨马尔博士的这份简历的话,一定会震惊得要死。 www.bing.com 1. Half an hour later an update came: the subject had been located. He was a member of the military training corps, and the guns were replicas. 而一个半小时后,传来的新消息证实:已被锁定的目标人物曾是军事训练团的一员,而他手中的枪支也只是复制品。 www.ecocn.org 2. Sushil Wadhwani, former member of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee and a Khosla family friend, is also a shareholder. 曾担任英国央行(BankofEngland)货币政策委员会成员、同时也是科斯拉家族老朋友的苏希尔?瓦德瓦尼(SushilWadhwani)也是股东之一。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A war hero and an industrialist, and a Member of Parliament at an age when he no longer hungered for political advancement. 他是一名战斗英雄,实业家,下院议员,如今已上了年纪,不再渴望在政治舞台上飞黄腾达。 www.jukuu.com 4. If a member of the Cabinet started making waves, the prime minister simply got rid of him. 一有内阁成员兴风作浪,首相就马上叫他辞职。 www.dictall.com 5. Harrison was a retired general and a member of the Whig Party. He became the ninth president of the United States. 哈里森是一位退休将军,他是辉格党人,他成为美国第九任总统。 www.bing.com 6. Although you can explicitly define each member of a named set, this approach can produce a lengthy statement. 尽管可以显式定义命名集的每个成员,但是这种方法可能会产生过长的语句。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. As a relatively big country, and a member of the EU and NATO, Greece can scarcely plead persecution from its small northern neighbour. 相比北方邻国,作为欧盟和北约成员国的希腊怎么着也算个大国,说自己怕马其顿,怎么说也说不过去啊。 www.ecocn.org 8. stages of a species during the embryonic development and differentiation of a member of that species. 在一物种胚胎个体发育和分化期间,该物种的进化阶段有假定的重演现象。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Adam Posen, a member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, lamented that fact in a speech in October. 英国央行货币政策委员会委员AdamPosen在10月份的一次谈话中对这个现象表示遗憾。 www.ecocn.org 10. As a sensible member of the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals told The Times: "Animals do not commit suicide" . 一位苏格兰反动物虐待组织的明智的成员告诉时代周刊说:“动物绝对不会自杀。” www.suiniyi.com 1. anchor: an athlete, usually the strongest member of a team, who performs the last stage of a relay race or other competition. 压阵队员,运动队里最强壮的运动员,在接力赛或其它比赛里负责最后一关。 dict.ebigear.com 2. A member of the U. S. House of Representatives or of the lower house of a state legislature. 众议院议员(州下院议员)美国众议院或州议会下院的一个成员 www.putclub.com 3. The Chinese official who spoke with The Age said the thwarted plane bomber was a member of the East Turkestan Independence Movement. 中国官方的发言与年龄称挫败飞机轰炸机,是一个会员的东土耳其斯坦独立运动。 zjzhng.blog.163.com 4. The system. Web configuration element is a member of a configuration section group, which means it does not contain any attributes. system.Web配置元素是配置节组的成员,这意味着它不包含任何属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has repeated her belief that Turkey should not be a full member of the European Union. 德国首相默克尔重申,土耳其不能成为欧盟正式成员。 show.24en.com 6. The account used to run the Analysis Services service must be a member of local the Administrators group. 用于运行AnalysisServices服务的帐户必须是本地Administrators组的成员。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. One Italian newspaper quoted a member of the Pope security detail and saying if he carries on like this, it will drive us all crazy. 一家意大利报纸援引一位教皇成员讲述其中的安全细节,称如果他继续这样,会把我们都逼疯。 www.kekenet.com 8. Liberal MP Tony Abbott, a senior member of the coalition and leadership contender, said there was no reason for alarm. 该联盟的一名高级成员及领导竞争者、自民党下院议员托尼·阿博特(TonyAbbott)称该警告毫无理由。 www.bing.com 9. If login is a Windows domain login, it may be a member of a fixed server role through membership in a Windows group. 如果登录名是Windows域登录名,它可以通过Windows组中的成员身份作为固定服务器角色的成员。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. A founding member of New Labour, Lord Mandelson's real talents lie in the dark sorcery of public relations and internal party discipline. 作为一位新工党的铸造者,曼德尔森爵士在公共关系和国内政党规则的秘密操作中具有名副其实的才智。 www.ecocn.org |
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