单词 | Morgan. | ||||
释义 | Morgan.
例句释义: 摩根,摩根石 1. Like Morgan (his patient), many start to see more fat around the belly or at the backs of the arms. 就好像他的病人摩根,许多早衰者最初发现他们的腰部或手臂内侧赘肉增多。 www.forbeschina.com 2. That means J. P. Morgan is a stronger company than it was just a few years ago. 这使摩根大通的实力较仅仅几年前更为强大。 chinese.wsj.com 3. She told him Lehman would have to turn over the $5 billion in collateral that J. P. Morgan had asked for days earlier. 她告诉托鲁西说,雷曼兄弟必须提供摩根大通几天前要求的50亿美元的担保。 www.bing.com 4. Morgan Stanley borrowed more, as its chief, John Mack, was complaining that the bank was target of speculators betting it would fail. 摩根士丹利借得更多,因为当时首席执行长麦晋桁(JohnMack)抱怨说,公司成了投资者下注它倒闭的目标。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Though Morgan had a large sense of public duty, he had not shouldered the falling church out of pure altruism. 尽管摩根深感公众责任之重大,但他肩扛下陷教堂之壮举,并非完全源于利他主义。 www.bing.com 6. Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley's Asia chairman, agreed it would be "a long slog" over the next three years. 摩根士丹利亚洲区董事长罗奇亦认为未来三年景气将“长期低迷”。 cn.reuters.com 7. US banks including Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan and Citigroup are trying to strike deals with local partners that are amenable to Beijing. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)、摩根大通(JPMorgan)和花旗集团(Citigroup)等美国银行,正试图与中国政府认可的当地合作伙伴缔结协议。 www.ftchinese.com 8. He couldn't believe that they'd been arguing about a swimsuit all day, since the moment Morgan walked in an announced his pool party. 他完全不能相信他们从Morgan进来告知他的泳池派对后,竟然用了一整天在争论关于一件泳衣的事! www.bing.com 9. Bear Stearns's "shotgun marriage" to J. P. Morgan "is not the sort of thing we set out to do, " he told the audience. 他告诉听众,贝尔斯登与JP摩根的“强迫婚姻”不是“我们安排的计划”。 www.bing.com 10. Morgan Spurlock, said the reasons for the increase in obesity worldwide, is one of the U. S. fast-food culture output. 摩尔根?斯普尔洛克表示,世界范围肥胖症增加的原因之一是美国快餐文化的输出。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Mr Morgan, whose company runs three London Underground lines, said: "The only privilege I have is the best view. " 他表示:“我拥有唯一的特权就是视野最好。”他的公司经营着伦敦地铁公司(LondonUnderground)的3条地铁线路。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Between them they are expected to invest at least $50bn in international capital markets during the next two years, JP Morgan estimates. JP摩根(JPMorgan)估计,未来两年,预计这些公司在国际资本市场的投资至少将达到500亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Morgan Stanley's bottom line would also be eviscerated, with 40% of its investment banking revenue impacted by a strong Volcker Rule. 摩根士丹利的净利润也会大打折扣,有40%的投行营收会受到强硬的沃尔克法则的影响。 www.fortunechina.com 4. On Monday, an MUFG spokesman said the company wishes to partner with Morgan Stanley across a wide range of investing activities. MUFG发言人周一表示,公司希望与摩根士丹利在广泛的投资领域进行合作。 www.bing.com 5. Morgan said he met a venture capitalist in the elevator at a conference who invited him to submit a business plan. 摩根称他曾在一次会议上在电梯里遇到过一位风险投资家,后者让他递交一份商业计划书。 manage.org.cn 6. A person familiar with the matter said MF Global still hasn't had a full accounting of its holdings at J. P. Morgan. 知情人士说,全球曼氏金融对于自己在摩根大通持有的资金仍没有做全面的核算。 chinese.wsj.com 7. But it has instead emerged, along with Morgan Stanley, in the last pair of large investment banks standing. 但相反,高盛摆脱了困境,与摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)一道成为最后幸存的两家大型投行。 www.ftchinese.com 8. "The trend [for crude oil] seems to be down at this point, " says John Wilson, chief technical strategist at Morgan Keegan. “这种趋势(指原油价格)似乎下跌到此告一段落,”约翰·威尔逊,摩根士丹利首席技术策略顾问这样说。 www.bing.com 9. Bill Winters, J. P. Morgan's former co-head of investment banking, once said the bank's shares would fall 20% if Dimon left. 曾任摩根大通投资银行部联席主管的温特斯(BillWinters)说过,如果戴蒙离任,摩根大通的股价将下跌20%。 chinese.wsj.com 10. "In essence there was no specific approval given [by Morgan Stanley], " he said. “实质上(摩根士丹利)并未给予明确许可,”他表示。 www.ftchinese.com 1. "Oh good one, really Morgan, that hurt, " He replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes and faking a punch to his gut. “哦,好的,真的摩根,伤害,”他讽刺地说,翻白眼,冒充一拳向他的直觉。 www.fnovel.com 2. When trading opportunities picked up in the second quarter, Goldman Sachs took advantage and Morgan Stanley did not. 当第二季交易机会逐步出现的时候,高盛抓住了机会,但摩根士丹利没有。 cn.reuters.com 3. Joe (Morgan Freeman) lives in a retirement home and seems to have adjusted relatively well. 他们现在也都退休了:乔(摩根?弗里曼饰)住在一家养老院里,看上去对现状适应良好。 www.china.org.cn 4. Thank you for saying so. By the way , how is Mr. Morgan? I haven't seen him for quite a while. 谢谢你这么说。顺便问一下,摩根先生好吗?我很长时间没见过他了。 blog.163.com 5. Ric Morgan was in a receiving line at a fancy dinner honoring him for his nonprofit work. 一个盛大的晚餐会上,摩根(RicMorgan)作为获奖人员接受对其非盈利工作的表彰。 c.wsj.com 6. Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund, said the company in 2009 will focus on new materials, new energy equipment and many other growth industries. 摩根士丹利华鑫基金表示,公司2009年将重点关注新材料、新能源设备等诸多成长性行业。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Morgan: Look, we need as close to the real voice as you can get, and anything that might be in the background. 听着,我们需要尽可能真实的声音和背景里的任何杂音。 www.hjenglish.com 8. There seems to be a bit of a debate going on between economists Stephen Roach, from Morgan Stanley, and Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman. 最近摩根斯坦利的经济学家斯蒂芬罗奇与诺贝尔获奖者保罗库鲁格曼之间似乎发生了一点小争执。 www.bing.com 9. Although the firms condemn the rumour-mongering, stories that Morgan Stanley was looking for a partner continued to swirl. 尽管两家公司对有关摩根斯坦利正为其经营寻找伙伴的流言加以谴责,但这不能阻止其继续传播。 www.ecocn.org 10. morgan: . I felt this fear and anxiety washing over me. I looked around, and I thought, how can we raise a child surrounded by all this? 那种恐惧以及焦虑突然攫住了我,我想我怎么能够让把我的孩子放在这样一个罪恶的世界里? blog.sina.com.cn 1. When Nelson Mandela was asked 15 years ago who should play him in a film version of his life, his reply was instant: Morgan Freeman. 当15年前NelsonMandela被问到谁应在他的传记电影中扮演他时,他立刻回答:MorganFreeman。 www.bing.com 2. G. Campbell Morgan put it this way: "Unbelief is an act of the will, while doubt is born out of a troubled mind and a broken heart. " 传道人坎伯摩根这样说道:“不信仰是意志力的产物,而怀疑孕育于烦扰的思绪和一颗破碎的心。” www.bing.com 3. But people familiar with the matter said that the Bear acquisition doesn't preclude J. P. Morgan from pursuing that strategy. 不过,据知情人士透露,收购贝尔斯登并不会使摩根大通放弃以前的战略。 recklessboy.blog.163.com 4. Morgan Stanley's board had a limited number of internal names, and yet interviewed no external candidates. 摩根士丹利董事会当时的内部人选有限,也没有面试过任何外部人选。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Morgan's stock price has outperformed that of rival Goldman Sachs since the beginning of the year. 摩根士丹利的股价表现自今年年初即超过对手高盛(GoldmanSachs)。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Several of Morgan Stanley's hedge fund clientele said they were likely to return to the bank once markets stabilises. 摩根士丹利的一些对冲基金客户表示,一旦市场企稳,他们可能再回到该行。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Union Admiral David Farragut shouted this famous line in a brave moment of the Civil War on his way to Fort Morgan, Alabama. 联邦军队少将大卫.法拉格(DavidFarragut)在内战期间往阿拉巴马州的摩根堡(FortMorgan)前进时,在战斗中大声叫出了这句有名的话。 www.24en.com 8. He liked the sound of it so much that he read the screenplay and made extensive notes, which Mr. Morgan immediately addressed in a revision. 他如此喜欢这个声音效果,以至于很快阅读了剧本并做了批示,之后摩根先生就此进行了修改。 www.bing.com 9. Folding Morgan Stanley or Goldman into a large commercial bank could make for a safer company, but a less nimble one. 对摩根士丹利或高盛而言,并入一家大型商业银行可能会是条较安全的生存之道,但这也会降低公司的灵活性。 www.bing.com 10. All that means Morgan is prepared to repay TARP as soon as U. S. regulators allow, he said, and can go back on offense when markets improve. Kelleher称,这表示摩根士丹利已准备好在美国政府批准后立即偿还这笔资金,并在市场改善时发动进攻.(完) cn.reuters.com 1. Morgan did manage to get a few of his men over the wall and in to the city, something which no other American achieved. 摩根最终还是设法带着少数人翻过了城墙进入了城市——完成了其他美国人只可望其项背的壮举。 www.clanlong.com 2. He said he has no problem working for a nongovernmental organization. Morgan说自己为非政府机构工作没有任何问题。 dongxi.net 3. A trader at a rival firm said the Morgan Stanley trader had been involved in short-term trading over credit index options on the CDX index. 一家对手公司的交易员表示,这位摩根士丹利交易员涉足的是CDX指数信贷指数期权方面的短线交易。 www.ftchinese.com 4. "We wouldn't be surprised to see this third quarter GDP number revised up a bit, " said Melanie Baker at Morgan Stanley. 摩根士丹利分析师MelanieBaker说,“第三季GDP若被上修,我们一点也不会意外。” cn.reuters.com 5. It seems to me that Goldman and Morgan Stanley have two options. 在我看来,高盛和摩根士丹利有两个选择。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Morgan said he had spoken to Boyle and did not think she had suffered a breakdown. Morgan称,他已与苏珊交谈过,认为苏珊情绪并未崩溃。 cn.reuters.com 7. J. P. Morgan Chief Executive Officer James Dimon has made it a priority to increase the bank's global reach. 摩根大通首席执行长戴蒙(JamesDimon)已将增加该行在全球的影响力作为头等大事来处理。 chinese.wsj.com 8. It is not clear how much money Huawei could raise from a sale of a stake in the division, which is being arranged by Morgan Stanley. 目前尚不确定华为可能从出售该部门股份中筹集多少资金。此笔交易由摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)安排。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Remember in The Dark Knight when Batman used Gotham's cellphones to try to track the Joker, and Morgan Freeman got really pissed off at him? 还记得在《暗夜骑士》这部电影里,蝙蝠侠用哥谭市的手机来追踪小丑而摩根·弗里德曼则完全被他激怒的那一幕吗? dongxi.net 10. In June, when CIC bought more Morgan Stanley shares, it said the deal 'further strengthened' ties in a relationship it called 'excellent. ' 今年6月增持摩根士丹利股份时,中投公司表示,这笔交易进一步增强了双方的良好合作关系。 www.bing.com 1. Morgan Stanley said on Wednesday that it is in a year of transition. What that means for the company and John Mack is not clear. 摩根士丹利周三宣布,今年是过渡的一年.而这对公司或是麦克究竟意味着什麽,还不得而知。 cn.reuters.com 2. In the second season finale, Stefan ( Paul Wesley) agreed to leave town with Klaus ( Joseph Morgan) in an attempt to save Damon's life. (在第二个赛季的压轴节目,斯特凡(保罗韦斯利)为了试图挽救戴蒙的生活同意离开镇与克劳斯(约瑟夫摩根)。) group.mtime.com 3. Morgan Stanley officials were not in merger talks as of late Tuesday, CNBC said, citing unnamed people close to the matter. CNBC援引熟悉内情匿名人士的话称,截至周二晚间,该投行尚未进行任何并购谈判。 cn.reuters.com 4. Morgan: You know, people have been wondering about how the universe began probably since the caveman, right. 摩根:人们可能从穴居起就开始猜测宇宙是怎麽开始的。 big5.cri.cn 5. Morgan Stanley now is trying to redefine itself as a firm that advises investors and companies, taking fewer risks on its own balance sheet. 摩根士丹利眼下正试图重新为自身定位,将重点转向为投资者和公司提供咨询服务,降低自身资产负债表承受的风险。 www.bing.com 6. For a brief time Friday, it seemed as if MF Global might have uncovered the funds at J. P. Morgan, which housed the firm's client balances. 上周五,曾经一度看起来全球曼氏金融可能已在保管着其客户资金余额的摩根大通那里找到了这笔资金。 cn.wsj.com 7. "Korean yards seem to be losing out to Chinese yards in order-taking this year, " Morgan Stanley said in a recent report. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)最近在报告中表示:“去年,在接获订单方面,韩国船厂似乎输给了中国。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Citigroup and Morgan Stanley are headquartered in midtown -- far from the dark downtown tunnels of the financial district. 花旗银行(Citigroup)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)现在的总部都在曼哈顿中城,远离下城金融区那不见天日的狭窄街区。 www.fortunechina.com 9. Now, Mrs. Morgan, " said the director to one young married woman who was to take the part of Pearl , " you sit here. 喂,莫根太太,“导演又对演珍珠的那个少妇说,”你坐在这里。 www.jukuu.com 10. Morgan Stanley is pushing ahead with a return to the business, hoping to raise up to $5 billion in a buy-out fund. 摩根-斯坦利正在推动这项业务的回归,它期望能为它的一个收购基金募集50亿美元的资本。 www.ecocn.org 1. People with direct knowledge of the matter said first-round bids for Morgan Stanley's stake are due on Tuesday. 该消息人士和其他直接得知事件的人士均表示,对摩根士丹利所持股权的第一轮竞投周二截止。 cn.reuters.com 2. When I left Morgan Stanley, David told me to make it count because you could only leave a firm that reputable once. 当我离开摩根斯坦利时,戴维对我说,要珍惜这段经历,因为你只有一次机会离开一家这么好的公司。 www.ecocn.org 3. "If you look at the potential, Iraq can be the next Egypt in terms of tourism and cultural heritage development, " the GHF's Morgan said. “就发展潜力而言,从旅游业和文化遗产的发展方面来说,伊拉克有望成为‘第二个埃及’。”GHF的Morgan这样说。 www.bing.com 4. It was no different with the wonderful film, The Bucket List, starring those icons of inspiration, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. 这简直与《遗愿清单》这部精彩影片如出一辙,影片由那些鼓舞人心的偶像派明星领衔主演,如杰克?尼克尔森和摩根?弗里曼。 www.bing.com 5. In July 2007, the bank won approval to set up the first locally incorporated foreign bank in Beijing, JP Morgan Chase Bank (China). 2007年7月,摩根大通获准在北京设立第一家本地外资法人银行,即摩根大通银行(中国)有限公司。 c.wsj.com 6. There would be very little switching costs for Goldman and Morgan to go back to being broker dealers. 高盛、摩根士丹利回归经纪交易商身份的转换成本非常低。 www.fortunechina.com 7. Morgan Stanley's Wang said he expects the weakening of the Chinese currency against the dollar to be temporary. 摩根士丹利王庆说他认为人民币的弱兑美元情况是暂时的。 www.bing.com 8. Morgan retired peacefully and died in 1688, just as the golden of age piracy had begun to sunset. 摩根很顺利地退休,并于1688年去世。随之,海盗的黄金年代也到了迟暮之时。 www.bing.com 9. The comments were "offensive, highly unprofessional and do not reflect industry practices, " Morgan Stanley said in an e- mailed statement. “这种攻击性的言论有违行业道德标准”摩根士丹利在一份电子邮件声明。 dongxi.net 10. However, this principle was too broad to be taken literally, and the Court soon began to cut back on the Morgan I decision. 可是,“摩根”原则从文字上理解过于宽泛,最高法院送很快开始修剪“摩根”案的裁决。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. If only a modicum of calm returned to markets, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs should be able to survive. 只要市场能恢复少许平静,摩根士丹利和高盛就应该能够生存下去。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Robert Feldman, economist at Morgan Stanley, said Mr Abe was more committed to a market-oriented view of the economy than people realised. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)经济学家罗伯特?费尔德曼(RobertFeldman)表示,相比人们认为的那样,安倍晋三更加信奉日本经济须以市场为导向的观点。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Morgan Stanley is the only one of the five biggest US investment banks to report a rise in fixed-income revenue from the first quarter. 在美国的五大投行中,只有摩根士丹利一家的固定收益业务收入比第一季度有所增长。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Stephen Roach, Asia chairman for Morgan Stanley, said the figures showed the recovery was intact but heavily dependent on investment. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)亚洲董事长史蒂芬-罗奇(StephenRoach)表示,8月份的数据表明经济复苏没有减弱,但严重依赖投资。 www.ftchinese.com 5. "Soaring grain prices have brought food inflation back to centre stage, " said Joachim Fels of Morgan Stanley in London. “谷物价格飙涨,使粮食通胀重返中央舞台,”摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的约阿希姆?菲尔斯(JoachimFels)在伦敦表示。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Rival investment banks are exploiting the upheaval at Morgan Stanley by trying to poach staff and clients. 投资银行竞争对手纷纷利用这次变动“挖墙角”,把目标瞄准了摩根斯坦利的员工和客户。 www.bing.com 7. But for now you can follow in the footsteps of Morgan Freeman, who walked through the market in the latest Batman movie "The Dark Knight" . 但你可以暂时跟随摩根弗里曼的足迹,他在最新的蝙蝠侠系列电影《黑暗骑士》中就穿行过这个街市。 www.bing.com 8. When Morgan visits classrooms to talk about her experiences as an astronaut, the kids ask plenty of questions. 当摩根参观课堂,与学生们谈谈她当宇航员的经历时,孩子们问了很多问题 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Morgan Stanley struggled for years to exit its JV with China International Capital Corp after falling out with the local management. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)在与本土管理层发生争执后,挣扎了多年才退出与中金公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalCorp)的合资公司。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Cerberus owns Chrysler, while J. P. Morgan is one of the largest holders of Chrysler bank debt and a key lender for GM. Cerberus是克莱斯勒的母公司,而摩根大通是克莱斯勒银行债券的主要持有者,也是通用汽车的重要贷款方。 www.ebigear.com 1. Morgan Stanley suspended Mr Du on May 22 2007, pending an internal investigation, and he left the company less than a month later. 摩根士丹利于2007年5月22日将杜军停职,进行内部调查,不到一个月后就解雇了杜军。 www.ftchinese.com 2. At the time, Mr Du was part of a Morgan Stanley team that advised Citic Resources on the transaction and a related bond offer. 当时,杜军是摩根士丹利为中信资源上述交易及相关债券发行事宜提供顾问服务的团队成员之一。 www.ftchinese.com 3. JP Morgan lose more money in just a few weeks than China spent on entire manned space program. JP摩根几个星期亏的钱就比中国整个载人航天计划的开支更多。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "When you go into the hut, it feels as if the explorers have only just walked out, " the Antarctic Heritage Trust's Morgan said. 南极遗产信托的摩根说:“当你走进小屋,感觉好像探险者们只不过刚刚出去。” www.bing.com 5. Morgan Stanley's Global Monetary Analyst report is now seeing possible stagflation around the globe in a manner similar to the 1970s. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)旗下的全球货币分析师小组公布的报告目前认为,全球可能出现的滞胀在某种程度上类似上世纪70年代的情况。 chinese.wsj.com 6. The team is made up of executives from his days at Citigroup as well as a cadre of J. P. Morgan executives nurtured by Dimon and outsiders. 这个团队由戴蒙在花旗集团(Citigroup)时结识的高管、以及摩根大通内部由戴蒙和其他公司培养而成的一些高管组成。 chinese.wsj.com 7. J. P. Morgan chief economist Bruce Kasman puts the chances of a recession in either the U. S. or globally at less than 15%. 摩根大通的首席经济学家凯斯曼(BruceKasman)认为,美国或全球经济衰退的几率均不到15%。 c.wsj.com 8. At least investors will doubt its existence : whether to conduct the purchase Morgan Stanley Group manufacturing decimating profits? 至少投资者会对其存在疑虑:摩根士丹利的购买行为是否为了富力集团制造利润?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Steve has been a tremendous asset to Morgan Stanley and is a world renowned influential thought leader. 他是摩根士丹利公司的巨大财富,是位享誉全球、有很大影响力的思想领袖。 www.forbeschina.com 10. Mr. Gorman of Morgan Stanley said, "I would hope retail investors don't pile into the market at this point, but step in cautiously. " 摩根士丹利的戈尔曼说,“我希望散户投资者当下不要涌入市场,而是要谨慎行事。” cn.nytimes.com 1. AIG was considered a weighty and utterly reliable market player, and like JP Morgan, it basked in the sun of a triple-A credit rating. 人们认为AIG是一家完全值得信赖的大公司。与摩根大通一样,AIG也拥有AAA信用评级。 www.ftchinese.com 2. "What if the child is going through a divorce or bankruptcy? " asks Ms Morgan. “如果子女离婚或破产怎么办?”摩根表示。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Integrating Morgan Stanley Smith Barney is still one of the biggest challenges facing the firm, analysts said. 分析师指出,融合整固摩根士丹利美邦仍然是该银行所面对的最严峻挑战之一。 cn.reuters.com 4. Margaret Morgan-Hubbard started Eco City Farms. She thinks of it as a place where people can learn to live healthier lives. MargaretMorgan-Hubbard开办了生态城市农场。她认为人们在这里可以学习更健康的生活方式。 www.hxen.com 5. Gavin MacDonald, European head of M& A at Morgan Stanley said the outlook for corporate deals still looked positive. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲并购业务主管加文-麦克唐纳(GavinMacDonald)表示,企业并购前景看上去仍然乐观。 www.ftchinese.com 6. ( Morgan ) During his 30 days, Ryan must live with a gay man, and immerse himself in the homosexual culture. 在接下来的30天时间里,莱恩将和一个同志一起生活,并且要沉浸到同性恋的文化中去。 bbs.sunhomo.com 7. Other banks, including Morgan Stanley and Washington Mutual, looked as if they would suffer the same fate. 其他银行,像摩根史坦利、华盛顿相互银行看样子也面临着相同的命运。 www.bing.com 8. So far, Morgan Stanley estimates that about $123bn of these defaulted CDOs have been liquidated. 摩根士丹利估计,迄今已有约1230亿美元这类违约CDO进行了清算。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Goldman -- and to a lesser extent, Morgan Stanley -- has maneuvered through the credit crisis better than other investment banks. 与其他投行相比,高盛更好地渡过了信贷危机,摩根士丹利次之。 www.bing.com 10. Any firm the size of J. P. Morgan is too unwieldy for any one man to run on his own. 任何像摩根大通这样规模的公司,都不可能让任何人独自运营。 www.bing.com 1. The company has since been trying to repay investors in its $100 million convertible bond, which was handled by J. P. Morgan Chase in 2006. 该公司自那起努力偿付其1亿美元可转债的投资者,这些可转债是在2006年由摩根大通(J.P.MorganChase)帮助发行的。 chinese.wsj.com 2. "The figures are considerably better than expected, and that's across the board, " said Elga Bartsch, economist at Morgan Stanley. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)经济学家埃尔加?巴奇(ElgaBartsch)表示:“数据大大优于预期,而且各个方面普遍如此。” www.ftchinese.com 3. "Neither side at this point has a clear fiscal reform strategy, " said Robert Feldman, chief economist at Morgan Stanley in Tokyo. 摩根士丹利的首席分析师RobertFeldman说,“现在,这两个党派都不具备清晰的财政改革策略。” cn.reuters.com 4. Morgan Stanley has already said it plans to double the number of its private bankers in the region in the next three years. 摩根士丹利已宣布,计划在未来三年内将该地区的私人银行家人数增加一倍。 c.wsj.com 5. "Despite the dark policy backdrop, not all is bad, " said Joachim Fels, head of global economics at Morgan Stanley. “尽管政策背景不利,但也不全然都是不好的,”摩根士丹利全球经济主管JoachimFels表示。 cn.reuters.com 6. Of these, Morgan Stanley has the least cause for worry, since its swaps already sit in a non-bank subsidiary (see chart). 其中,摩根斯坦利最没理由担心,因为它已经将它的掉期交易放在了非银行附属机构(见图表)。 www.ecocn.org 7. With this uncertainty looming, Morgan Stanley and Goldman might decide selling out to a bigger bank is better for shareholders. 随着这种不确定性的迫近,摩根士丹利和高盛集团或许会发现,出售给一家更大的银行更有利于股东。 bbs.enfamily.cn 8. That had been a key reason for its $9 billion investment in Morgan Stanley last fall. 这家按资产计算的日本最大银行去年向摩根士丹利投资90亿美元,一个关键目的就在于获得业务技能。 c.wsj.com 9. I saw Dr. Morgan sitting at the kitchen table. He was a neighbor of my grandparents' age, long since retired. 我见到摩根医生坐在厨房桌子边。他是外公家邻居,和外公差不多年纪,也早就退休了。 bbs.wdou.cn 10. Morgan Stanley is finally close to getting out of that deal so it can try entering a new one where it might exercise more influence. 眼下摩根士丹利终于接近彻底退出中金公司,使自己可以重新开始,在新的合资企业中拥有更大影响力。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Morgan Stanley has already made a healthy return on its $35m initial investment, at least tripling its money. 摩根士丹利的初始投资为3500万美元,现在至少增长两倍,获得了丰厚的回报。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Amanda wants to work for the company J. P. Morgan because there's a lot of money in investment banking. Amanda非常想为J.P.Morgan公司工作,因为投资银行业能够赚到很多的钱,非常有利可图。 www.veryen.org 3. 'Inflation expectations are creeping up, ' said Spyros Andreopoulos, global economist at Morgan Stanley in London. 摩根士丹利驻伦敦的全球经济学家安德烈奥普洛斯(SpyrosAndreopoulos)说,通胀预期正在抬头。 c.wsj.com 4. Ms Morgan anticipates recruitment will be lower in finance this year, although there has been a hiring spike in private wealth management. 摩尔根预计,今年金融业的招聘将较为低迷,虽然私人理财领域的招聘激增。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Dozens of new managers have been brought in, some of them old colleagues of Mr Pandit's from his days at Morgan Stanley. 十几个新管理人员加盟,有些是Pandit在摩根斯坦利时代老同事。 www.ecocn.org 6. P. Morgan. The bank also is talking tough with clients and taking market share and top performers from competitors. 这家银行还对客户疾言厉色,并从竞争对手那里抢夺市场份额和顶级人才。 www.bing.com 7. Mr Pandit's closest lieutenants have all come from Morgan Stanley, his own former employer, or other outside companies. 潘伟迪最亲密的干将全部来自摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)及其他外部公司,他本人曾效力于摩根士丹利。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Morgan was born in Wales in 1635, but his ambition took him to Jamaica as a young man to seek fame and fortune. 摩根出生于1635年的威尔士,但是还很年轻的时候,他的雄心壮志就将他带到了牙买加,寻找名望和财富。 www.bing.com 9. JP Morgan Japan estimates corporate profits have fallen approximately 5% in the last six weeks as the U. S. dollar has plummeted. JP摩根测算在过去的六周,由于美元贬值,日本公司的利润已经下降了5%。 www.bing.com 10. Traditionally, Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have had the dominant prime brokerage units both in the US and overseas. 传统上,贝尔斯登、高盛和摩根士丹利的大宗经纪业务子公司在美国境内外都占据着主导地位。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Of course, the Morgan Stanley analysts could wind up to be too optimistic. 当然,摩根士丹利的分析师们可能过于乐观了。 c.wsj.com 2. Industrialist and financier J. P. Morgan believed the strike could threaten his businesses and made a deal with the union. 工业家与金融家J.P.Morgan相信这次罢工将威胁到商业,于是决定于UMWA进行谈判。 www.bing.com 3. Tommy told me to watch the position, which effectively meant that I had my first -- albeit meager -- trading position at Morgan Stanley. 汤米让我盯着这个头寸,也就是说,这是我在摩根斯坦利的第一笔交易。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. The reason, it says, is that Gucci was one of Morgan's best investment-banking clients, so making LVMH look bad was good for Gucci. LVMH认为因为GUCCI是摩根士丹利的最佳投资银行客户之一,所以让LVMH难看便是对GUCCI有利。 www.ecocn.org 5. The move would be 'a milestone for the global economy, ' says Bruce Kasman, chief economist at J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. in New York. 摩根大通(J.P.MorganChase&;Co.)驻纽约首席经济学家卡斯曼(BruceKasman)说,中国超越日本将是“全球经济的一座里程碑”。 chinese.wsj.com 6. In 1907, J. P. Morgan was first viewed as the savior of the market, and then as the enemy of the commonweal. 1907年大恐慌期间,J.P.摩根先是被看作市场救星,最后却沦为全民公敌。 www.bing.com 7. If the cost of the protection rises to a certain level that would trigger a scaling back of Morgan Stanely commitments to hedge funds. 若保险成本上升到一定水平,将会引发摩根士丹利缩减面向对冲基金的放贷额度。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Ay, ay, ' returned Morgan, 'I mind him; he owed me money, he did, and took my knife ashore with him. ' “嗯嗯,”摩根回答,“我记得他还欠我钱呢,上岸时还把我的刀子带走了。” www.jiaokedu.com 9. Morgan Stanley pays bonuses in cash, but places the cash in a restricted account where it can't be used for a certain number of years. 摩根士丹利以现金形式支付奖金,但是把现金存放在一个受限帐户内,它在一定年数内不能使用。 www.bing.com 10. Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman will do an about-face on the bank's 'lower risk' corporate nike jordan shoes strategy. 摩根士丹利首席执行长戈尔曼将给该行所谓“降低风险”的策略来个大掉头。 blog.cnfol.com 1. There is at least one other new investor along with T. Rowe Price, Fidelity and Morgan Stanley, said this person. . 这位知情人士说,至少还有一位新的投资者和普信集团、富达投资和摩根士丹利一道参与此次融资交易。 c.wsj.com 2. CIC's investment can be converted into a 9. 9% stake to Morgan Stanley in a few years. CIC的投资可以在几年内转化成摩根斯坦利9.9%的股权。 www.stnn.cc 3. The investment in Morgan Stanley, done at a time of stress, was far more opportunistic than the Blackstone deal. 中投公司是在危机时刻投资于摩根士丹利的,其机会主义色彩远比百仕通交易更加浓厚。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Morgan, Arthur's half sister and a powerful sorceress, usually appears in legend as an enemy of the Round Table. 摩根,亚瑟王的一半姐姐和一个强大的女巫,通常出现在传说中的敌人的圆桌会议。 lwdx123.com 5. When JP Morgan had offered the first Bistro deals in late 1997, it had access to extensive data about all the loans it had pooled together. 摩根大通在1997年末提供第一单小酒馆交易时,它获得了所有它汇集起来的贷款的大规模数据。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In late April, JP Morgan invited me to a "thought leaders dinner" to discuss the latest goings on in Silicon Valley and digital media. 在4月底,JP摩根邀请我参加一个“思想领导者聚餐”来讨论最近硅谷和数字媒体的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. "The new machine will definitely increase production efficiencies as the company targets a high output, " said Morgan. “公司旨在提高产量,这台新机器肯定会增强生产效率,”摩根说。 www.yntsti.com 8. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, the only remaining independent investment banks, changed their status to become ordinary commercial banks. 高盛和摩根丹士利,两家所剩无几的独立投资银行,改变了它们的地位,成为普通的商业银行。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. The surrender of Fort Morgan was an important victory for the North. The South had used the fort to ship and receive supplies. 对联邦政府来说,取得摩根堡的投降胜利是相当重要的,因为南方联盟一直以来都是利用这个堡垒进行补给的运送。 www.24en.com 10. Morgan Stanley's share price recovered somewhat after fears about the bank's exposure to Europe unnerved investors. 在欧洲银行接触沮丧的投资者的担忧中,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的股价有些许回升。 www.ecocn.org 1. He said it was unlikely that CIC would pull out of institutions such as Morgan Stanley and Blackstone because it would lose too much money. 他说中投不会放弃对摩根士丹利和黑石集团这样的机构的投资,因为这些投资不会带来太多的损失。 www.bing.com 2. As Stephen Jen, an economist at Morgan Stanley, points out, in a crisis "bad things happen to good countries" . 大摩的经济学家StephenJen指出,在危机中“好的国家会发生坏事情”。 ecocn.org 3. Elsewhere, J. P. Morgan is taking issue with portions of the White House's financial plan that deals with the regulation of derivatives. 在其它方面,摩根大通也不赞成白宫金融计划中有关衍生产品监管的部分内容。 www.bing.com 4. Morgan Tsvangirai, prime minister of Zimbabwe, insists that he is now able to joke with his long-time opponent, President Robert Mugabe. 津巴布韦总理茨万吉拉伊(MorganTsvangirai)坚称,他现在可以和他的老对手、总统穆加贝(RobertMugabe)谈笑风生了。 www.bing.com 5. More recently Morgan Stanley promised so much pay in its latest quarter that it almost made an underlying loss. 就在最近,摩根斯坦利在最新这一季度承诺的薪金如此之高以至使其几乎面临潜在的损失。 www.ecocn.org 6. "The parties have resolved the dispute between them to their mutual satisfaction, " said Morgan Stanley. 摩根士丹利表示:“双方已解决纠纷,都感到满意。” www.ftchinese.com 7. " asks Angie Morgan, co-author of " Leading From the Front: No-Excuse Leadership Tactics for Women. 安吉·摩根,《站在第一线:女性的没有借口的领导战术》的合著者。 club.topsage.com 8. "Broker-dealers were very reliant on short-dated funding, " said Jan Loeys, head of global asset allocation at JP Morgan in London. “经纪交易商极度仰赖短天期融资。”伦敦JP摩根全球资产配置主管JanLoeys表示。 cn.reuters.com 9. "You think nothing's real until you've filmed it, " says his angrygirlfriend Debra (Michelle Morgan), more than once. “除非拍下一切,否则你不会相信这些都是真的”克雷德愤怒的女友黛布拉(米歇尔·摩根玛饰演)不止一次这么说。 www.ecocn.org 10. Morgan Stanley has estimated peak annual sales for MAP0004 of around $250 million and said UDB could see sales of $500 million a year. 摩根史坦利投资公司预计MAP0004的年销售额约2.5亿美元,而UDB则认为可达到5亿美元。 bbs.tnbz.com 1. "Incentivising children to achieve certain goals is an imposition of the parents' values on the child, " says Ms Morgan. “激励子女实现某些目标,实际上是父母将自己的价值观强加给子女,”摩根表示。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But like the Blackstone deal, the investment in Morgan Stanley would almost certainly have required State Council approval. 但几乎可以肯定,与百仕通交易相同,投资摩根士丹利也需要中国国务院(StateCouncil)批准。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Morgan Stanley said it did not foresee any political or regulatory concerns about the investment. 摩根士丹利表示,预计这笔投资不会遇到任何政治或监管方面的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 4. 'What the region really needs is a one-off fiscal transfer, ' says David Mackie, economist at J. P. Morgan in London. 摩根大通(J.P.Morgan)驻伦敦经济学家麦凯(DavidMackie)说,欧元区真正需要的是一笔一次性的财政转移支付。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Significantly, Morgan Stanley chose to bet against its own product, and by extension against the customers to whom it was selling it. 重要的是,摩根士丹利选择与自己的产品对赌,也就是与购买这些产品的客户对赌。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Banks like Goldman Sachs (GS) or Morgan Stanley (MS) do not raise funds through deposits but instead sell securities to private investors. 像高盛和摩根斯坦利这样的银行不通过储蓄存款筹集资金,而是把股票证券卖给私人投资者。 www.bing.com 7. China's sovereign-wealth fund has lost plenty of money on its year-old Blackstone stake and on its investment in Morgan Stanley. 中国财富主权基金已经在去年投资黑石和今年投资摩根斯坦利上损失太多资金。 www.ecocn.org 8. J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. is close to such an agreement with a Chinese company. 摩根大通(J.P.MorganChase&;Co.)接近于与一家中国公司签订此类协议。 chinese.wsj.com 9. If it falls to parity against the dollar, Morgan Stanley estimates it would knock 4 percentage points from H&M's gross margin. 假如欧元跌至与美元等值,根据摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的估计,H&M的毛利润率将因此减少4个百分点。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Morgan Stanley declined to discuss whether it was seeing any new interest from clients as a result of the charges facing Goldman. 摩根士丹利拒绝讨论在高盛面临欺诈指控的情况下,是否看到来自客户的新兴趣。 cn.reuters.com 1. A large number of the proposed SEZs are tiny: out of the total of 267, Morgan Stanley has calculated that 133 are less than 1 sq km in size. 大量拟建的经济特区面积都很小:摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)估计,在267个经济特区中,有133个占地不足1平方公里。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But people familiar with the situation say he soon fell out with senior partners at Morgan Stanley. 但知情人士透露,很快方风雷就与摩根士丹利的高级合伙人闹翻了。 www.ftchinese.com 3. "We've never had a winter like this, " says McGovern, who has two daughters, Morgan, 11, and Devon, 7, and a son, Garrett, 3. “我们从来没经历过这样的冬天,”McGovern说道,她有两个女儿,11岁的Morgan和7岁的Devon,还有一个儿子,3岁的Garrett。 www.bing.com 4. If Morgan Stanley issues stock in a new company, it charges the company a commission of around seven per cent. 如果摩根士丹利为一个新的公司发行股票,它将向该公司收取大约百分之七的佣金。 www.bing.com 5. There was no central bank, so Morgan effectively became one. 当时美国还没有央行,因此摩根实际上扮演了央行的角色。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman will do an about-face on the bank's 'lower risk' corporate strategy. 摩根士丹利首席长戈尔曼将给该行所谓“降低风险”的策略来个大掉头。 www.ttxyy.com 7. "It was an important deal for Morgan Stanley given the nature of the client, " said Mr Jayaram. “鉴于客户的性质,这对摩根士丹利来说是一宗重要交易,”贾亚拉姆表示。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Morgan was in the "Daily Mail" in 2006, a report said he heard McCartney to Mills's phone messages. 摩根曾在《每日邮报》2006年的一篇报道中提到,他听到过麦卡特尼给米尔斯的电话留言。 www.englishtang.com 9. Wang worked as a vice president in Morgan Stanley's finance department and Chen was a vice president at ING Investment Management Americas. 王旭佳曾担任摩根斯坦利金融部副总裁一职,而陈若翩则是ING美国投资管理部的副总裁。 cn.reuters.com 10. Although the cables do not mention if Geithner took any action, China's deal to buy Morgan Stanley shares was announced the very next day. 尽管电文没有提到盖特那是否对此付诸行动,但中国购买摩根士丹利的股票交易恰好在随后一天宣布。 www.bing.com 1. Morgan heads the global league table for announced mergers and acquisitions this year and is in the top two in equities. 由于今年已宣布合并和收购,摩根正向全球排名榜进军并成为股市中的前两名。 www.ecocn.org 2. I walked from the office, took the elevator downstairs, exited Morgan Stanley's offices and turned the corner. 我从办公室走出来,坐电梯下楼,走出摩根斯坦利的办公大楼,绕过街道的拐角。 www.ecocn.org 3. Sandra Sugar has been coming to Morgan's for years. "This has nostalgia just coming in here, " she said. 桑德拉?苏加尔作为摩根药房的常客已有很多年。“来到这里有一种家的感觉。”她说道。 www.tingroom.com 4. Funny how that didn't apply to Bear Stearns, which the Feds at least sold for a couple of bucks to JP Morgan. 可笑的是美联储却对贝尔斯登网开一面,至少JP摩根收购了其部分资产。 www.bing.com 5. The American Film Institute will honor Morgan Freeman with its 39th Life Achievement Award, the organization announced Monday. 周一,美国电影学会宣布,决定将学院的第三十九座终生成就奖授予好莱坞著名演员摩根-弗里曼,授奖仪式将于2011年6月9日在洛杉矶举行。 gb.cri.cn 6. "There was always the chance they may not find the other huts or reach them, " Antarctic Heritage Trust's Morgan said. 南极遗产信托的摩根说:“他们经常可能找不到其他的木屋或者无法赶到那里。” www.bing.com 7. In the past, one of JP Morgan's longstanding blue-chip clients had been the mighty insurance company American International Group. 保险业巨头美国国际集团(AmericanInternationalGroup)曾经是与摩根大通长期合作的蓝筹客户之一。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But Jerry Lou, equity strategist at Morgan Stanley, was more pessimistic. 但摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)证券策略师娄冈(JerryLou)则较为悲观。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Self-evidently, JP Morgan was not constrained by the concept of moral hazard. J-P-摩根显然不受道德风险(moralhazard)观念的束缚。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Earlier Tuesday, Morgan Stanley issued a note declaring the rally in stocks done, at least for now. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)周二早间发布报告,宣布美股涨势已经终结,至少目前来看是这样。 www.bing.com 1. In the first quarter, Morgan Stanley's overall compensation and benefits fell about 45% from a year earlier. 摩根士丹利一季度总的薪酬和福利较上年同期下降45%。 www.bing.com 2. Yet Mr Zhu has undeniably built a business and made money for his shareholders, including Morgan Stanley. 无可否认,朱云来建立了一项业务,并为包括摩根士丹利在内的股东赚到了钱。 www.ftchinese.com 3. When most of the crew was on leave from the ship, Morgan ran off with all of the plunder from Panama. 当船上大多数的船员休假时,摩根独自带着从巴拿马劫掠的战利品溜走 www.bing.com 4. Management's demands did not bode well for Morgan Stanley's efforts to shed CICC. 就摩根士丹利出售中金股权的努力而言,中金管理层的要求不是个好兆头。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Morgan himself was on vacation across the Atlantic, but his son Junius was injured, and Morgan's chief clerk, Thomas Joyce, was killed. Morgan本人正在大西洋度假,但是他的儿子Junius受伤了,他的书记长ThomasJoyce丧生。 www.bing.com 6. Mark says: I am going to pick Adam Morgan because he reminds me a lot of Robbie Fowler when he was at Liverpool. 马克说:我选择摩小根因为他的表现让我想起了利物浦时期的罗比福勒。 www.lfcbbs.com 7. Citigroup and Bank of America (BofA) posted thumping quarterly losses. Morgan Stanley eked out a modest gain. 花旗和美国银行宣布季度亏损,摩根斯坦利勉强维持微薄利润。 www.ecocn.org 8. The head of his finance committee is William Strong, the vice chairman of Morgan Stanley in Chicago. But Mr. 他的财务委员会由威廉姆-斯特朗执掌,而此人是芝加哥摩根斯丹利的董事局副主席。 dongxi.net 9. Credit Suisse and J. P. Morgan still say the region stands out as the fastest growing globally in terms of assets. 瑞士信贷与摩根大通(J.P.Morgan)仍然认为亚洲是全球范围内资产增长最快的地区。 www.voa365.com 10. As a whole, its 'fiscal arithmetic looks good, ' as economists at J. P. Morgan Chase put it in a recent note. 正如摩根大通(J.P.MorganChase)经济学家最近在报告中指出的,总体来看,欧洲的财政状况看起来不错。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Morgan Stanley's hopes of raising $1bn for its stake appeared to be dashed. 摩根士丹利通过这些股权筹资10亿美元的希望似乎落空了。 www.ftchinese.com 2. It approached several firms, including BofA and Morgan Stanley, but only BofA felt able to conduct the necessary due diligence in time. 美林接触了好几个公司,包括美国银行和摩根斯坦利,但是只有美国银行感觉能够来的及进行必要的严格评估。 www.ecocn.org 3. Morgan Stanley helped design the deals and bet against them, but did not market them to clients, according to the paper. 据该报称,摩根士丹利帮助设计了这些交易并作空,但并未向客户推销这些产品。 cn.reuters.com 4. He gave even more optimistic estimates for J. P. Morgan, with loan loss provisions falling 8% and net charge-offs down 3%. 他对摩根大通的预测更为乐观,预计贷款损失准备金将减少8%,净销帐减少3%。 www.bing.com 5. Analysts at Morgan Stanley are so upbeat that they expect a secular boom in emerging market property over the next 10 years. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的分析师极为看好新兴市场的房地产行业,认为未来10年将出现一轮长期牛市。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The only other thing worth mentioning is that Max uncovers the video tape that misleads you into thinking that Morgan is here to help you. 还有一点值得注意:麦斯找到的那盒录影带让你误认为摩根是来帮你的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Morgan Stanley, which is selling the shares on behalf of the government, did not respond to a request for comment. 代表政府出售这些股份的摩根士丹利(MorganStanley),对于记者请其置评的请求没有做出回应。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Farm program payments are often cited as a contributing factor in the conversion of grassland for crop production (Morgan). 农业项目付款通常被认为是在为作物生产(摩根)草原转换因素。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Grace Chen, analyst at Morgan Stanley, estimates the deal should lift Lenovo's PC shipments by 6 per cent a year. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)分析师陈星嘉(GraceChen)估计,此举应该会让联想每年的PC出货量提高6%。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The company says there are now plenty of potential investors and Morgan Stanley has agreed to take a 10 per cent stake in the project. 该公司表示,现在已有大量的潜在投资者,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)已经同意持有该项目10%的股权。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Morgan house is one of the oldest and most influential families in American economic history. 摩根财团是美国最古老的财团之一,对美国经济的发展与变迁产生了重要的影响。 www.fabiao.net 2. So far this year, the Wall Street bank that has most accurately forecast prices is J. P. Morgan, based on data collected in Reuters polls. 据路透调查搜集的数据,在华尔街银行当中摩根大通年内对油价的预估最准确。 cn.reuters.com 3. The grim findings come in a report by Morgan Stanley, the US investment bank, and Oliver Wyman, the financial services consultancy. 以上令人失望的发现出自美国投行摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)与金融服务咨询商奥纬咨询(OliverWyman)的一份报告。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Within a few weeks some $40 billion was poured into distressed Western lenders, among them Citigroup, UBS, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch. 数周的时间里大约有400亿美注入苦恼的西方银行,其中包括,花旗集团,瑞士银行,摩根斯坦利和美林。 club.topsage.com 5. In fact, too much has been made of China's under-consumption, economists at Morgan Stanley argued in a research note last week. 摩根斯坦利的经济学家们在上星期发布的一份研究报告中说,实际上,中国消费不足的现象已经改善了很多。 bbs.chineyeah.com 6. Yiwu market is called the "world's biggest wholesale market of commodities" by the United Nations, the World Bank and Morgan Stanley. 义乌市场被联合国、世界银行、摩根士丹利等世界权威机构誉为“全球最大的小商品批发市场”。 yc.ywnews.cn 7. JP Morgan economist Bruce Kasman warned that the signs were pointing increasingly "to a deep and synchronised global recession" . 摩根大通经济学家布鲁斯·卡斯曼警告称,越来越多迹象表明“将陷入一个深度的而且是全球同步的衰退中”。 www.bing.com 8. CEO Jamie Dimon, who's been hailed as one of the banking industry's top leaders, called J. P. Morgan's annual results 'mediocre'. 一直被誉为银行业领袖的摩根大通银行首席执行官杰米?戴蒙称公司的年报“一般”。 www.bing.com 9. Morgan: Well, see my code of survival says never mess with a woman who carries a gun. 不过,我的生存守则说永远不要跟带枪的女人搞上关系。 movie.douban.com 10. "Google finally has what it needs to catalog the DNA of every organism on Earth, " said analyst Imran Kahn of J. P. Morgan Chase. “Google终于有了它所需要的能将地球上的每一个有机体的DNA加以索引的利器,”摩根大通分析师因冉.康(ImranKahn)说。 www.bing.com 1. I'm thrilled for everyone connected to the show, but I'm especially excited for Jane [Krakowski], Jack [McBrayer] and Tracy [Morgan]. 我为每个与这个节目有关的人激动,但我更为简[考斯基]杰克和麦蒂[摩根]兴奋。 www.tianya.cn 2. Morgan Stanley closed most of its prop trading units after experiencing heavy losses as a result of the mortgage meltdown in 2008. 2008年抵押贷款危机导致严重亏损后,摩根士丹利关闭了大部分自营交易业务部门。 www.fortunechina.com 3. Mr Morgan married an English woman and took up his residence in London. 摩根先生娶了一位英国女人并在伦敦定居下来。 dict.netat.net 4. Morgan Keegan analyst Art Hatfield estimates FedEx spent about $570. 8 million on fuel, compared with more than $1 billion a year earlier. 投资公司MorganKeegan分析师哈特菲尔德(ArtHatfield)预计,联邦快递当季燃油成本是大约5.708亿美元,上年同期是超过10亿美元。 www.bing.com 5. When Morgan was an officer in the Marine Corps deployed in Australia, she made some mistakes. 当摩根还是海军陆战队的一名军官时,她曾在澳大利亚时部署任务,就犯过一些错误。 www.bing.com 6. You'd think the last thing Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley would choose to be called is a bank. 你会认为,高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)最不想被称呼的名字就是银行。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Sale of its CICC stake for about $1bn will produce a healthy profit on the initial investment of $37m Morgan Stanley made 15 years ago. 以大约10亿美元出售所持中金公司股份,将为摩根士丹利15年前3700万美元的初始投资带来可观的利润。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Stephen Roach, chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, argues that the region's shift to better balanced growth is far from complete. 摩根士丹利亚洲(MorganStanleyAsia)董事长斯蒂芬?罗奇(StephenRoach)认为,亚洲向更均衡增长模式的转变远未完成。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Greece 'is a shot across the bow, ' says Henry McVey, head of global macro and asset allocation at Morgan Stanley Investment Management. 摩根士丹利投资管理公司(MorganStanleyInvestmentManagement)全球宏观及资产配置负责人麦克威(HenryMcVey)说,希腊只是一个警钟。 c.wsj.com 10. As filmmaker Morgan Spurlock points out, it's every kid's dream: Eat nothing but McDonald's for 30 days. 正如电影制作人摩根·斯珀洛克指出的,所有的孩子都有这样的梦想:整整30天不吃别的光吃麦当劳。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. In the first quarter, net profit at Chinese listed firms fell 26% from a year before, J. P. Morgan says. 摩根大通(J.P.Morgan)提供的数据显示,今年第一季度中国上市公司的净利润较上年同期下降了26%。 www.bing.com 2. Morgan Stanley ceased to be a stand-alone investment bank in 1997 when it merged with the consumer finance company Dean Witter. 摩根士丹利1997年与消费者金融公司添惠(DeanWitter)合并后,就不再是一家独立的投资银行。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Morgan Stanley (MS) has a great global investment-banking franchise and the largest retail brokerage force in the U. S. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)拥有强大的全球投资银行业务和美国最庞大的零售经纪业务。 www.fortunechina.com 4. J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. is raising its bets on high-technology credit cards aimed at cutting down on fraud. 摩根大通公司(J.P.MorganChase&;Co.)正在加大投入力度准备推出高科技信用卡,称此举意在遏制信用卡欺诈。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Morgan was the main attraction , the conspicuous personality here . 可是嫫干才是这儿的最惹眼的东西,最出众的人物。 www.bing.com 6. Recently Morgan Stanley economists presented three keys to sustained recovery, and none of them relied on the consumer. 最近,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)经济学家提出了实现持续复苏的三大关键,没有一个是要靠消费者实现的。 www.bing.com 7. Chinese banks are "a good place to be, " Emerson Yip, Greater China fund manager at JP Morgan said on CNBC. 中国的银行是“一个好的投资地方”,摩根大通集团大中华基金经理叶义信在CNBC电视台上说。 www.bing.com 8. He said that JP Morgan would invest more than $100m in building the corporate bank, which would have 300 bankers. 他表示,摩根大通将投资逾1亿美元来发展企业银行业务,将有300名银行家加入其中。 www.ftchinese.com 9. According to fellow philosopher C. Lloyd Morgan, the concept of emergence signaled a different variety of causation. 而按照当时的哲学家院士C.劳埃德·摩根的说法,涌现这个概念表现的是一种不同类型的因果关系。 www.bing.com 10. "The risk of a disorderly correction in the dollar is growing, " Stephen Roach, chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia told the conference. “美元无序调整的风险正在加大,”摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)亚洲业务董事长斯蒂芬-罗奇(StephenRoach)在会上表示。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Morgan Stanley said in a report that the iron ore market was under "unprecedented" pricing developments. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)在一篇报告中指出,铁矿石市场面临“空前”的价格形势。 www.ftchinese.com 2. He was ousted a few weeks before the U. S. government sold Washington Mutual's banking operations to J. P. Morgan in September 2008. 2008年9月,美国政府将华盛顿互助银行的银行业务部门出售给摩根大通,就在此前几周,基林格被迫下台。 c.wsj.com 3. Obama is aging fast enough for Morgan Freeman to play him in a movie. 奥巴马衰老得那么快,MorganFreeman快可以在电影里面演他了 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Morgan Stanley wanted to bet on casinos, but its exposure deepened when Revel wasn't able to line up financing. 摩根士丹利希望押宝赌场,不过在Revel无法获得融资时,其风险敞口扩大。 www.bing.com 5. ( Morgan ) it's day two, and Ryan starts his first full day living in the heart of gay San Francisco. 现在是第二天,莱恩将开始他在旧金山这个同志心脏地区的完整一天的生活。 bbs.sunhomo.com 6. Within a few months, according to Morgan Stanley, an investment bank, China will have more internet users than America, the current leader. 据投资银行--摩根史坦利的预测,在末来的几个月内,中国的互联网用户将超过这个目前的领头羊--美国。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. The New York Times says the Federal Reserve is reluctant to help finance J. P. Morgan's higher bid for Bear Stearns. 纽约时报报导说,联邦储备委员会不愿意为提价的贝尔斯通收购交易融资。 www.51voa.com 8. Lead researcher Lloyd Morgan said there could be a 'brain tumour pandemic' unless people changed their patterns of mobile phone use. 研究员劳埃·德摩根说如果人们不改变使用手机的方法,很快就会发生脑瘤大流行。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Morgan Stanley put about $500 million of its own money into the fund but wasn't part of the vote. 摩根士丹利将约5亿美元的自有资金投入了该基金,但并没有参加投票。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Associates at Morgan Stanley earned trophies, or "deal toys, " whenever they completed a deal, like say on an airplane company merger. 在摩根斯坦利工作的分析师每完成一笔交易就会赢得“交易玩具”的奖杯,比如说航空公司的并购。 www.bing.com 1. "The money supply is too large, " said Andy Xie, an economist based in Shanghai who formerly worked at Morgan Stanley. “货币供应量太庞大。”现居上海,曾在摩根斯坦利工作的经济学家谢国忠说。 www.bing.com 2. Morgan Stanley and Citigroup each inked an agreement with a mainland partner, although neither has yet secured approval. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)和花旗集团(Citigroup)分别与大陆合作方签署了协议,但目前均未获批准。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The Monroe film had been stored in an attic for three years before Morgan tracked it down. 摩根找到它时,它已经在阁楼中被存放了三年。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. The move shows Morgan Stanley and other Wall Street firms acknowledge compensation was part of the problem that led to the financial crisis. 这项工资调整显示,摩根士丹利和其他华尔街公司承认薪酬是引发当前金融危机的问题之一。 www.bing.com 5. Goldman Sachs ranked as the top M& A adviser globally, in Europe and in Asia, while Morgan Stanley took pole position in the US. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)在全球以及在欧洲和亚洲都名列并购顾问之首,而摩根士丹利在美国位居第一。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But the door isn't completely shut, especially if Morgan Stanley stock continues to slide. 不过,并购的大门并未完全关闭,尤其是未来摩根士丹利股票继续下挫的话,更是如此。 www.bing.com 7. Michael Feroli, an economist at JP Morgan, said: "It is almost like the socialisation of housing finance. " 摩根大通(JPMorgan)经济学家麦克尔-费拉里(MichaelFeroli)表示:“这简直就像是将房地产融资社会化了。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bear Stearns are widely acknowledged to have the largest prime brokerage businesses. 人们普遍认为,高盛(GoldmanSachs)、摩根士丹利和贝尔斯登(BearStearns)的大宗经纪业务规模最大。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Wang Qing, of Morgan Stanley, said headline inflation had already peaked even though April figures were above market expectations. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)经济学家王庆表示,虽然4月份的数据超出市场预期,但总体通胀指标已见顶。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Morgan Stanley points to its involvement in a string of mainland deals this year. 它还例举了今年在中国大陆签到的一系列单子。 www.ftchinese.com |
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