单词 | more than two weeks | ||||||
释义 | more than two weeks
例句释义: 两周多,两个多星期,超过两个星期了 1. He's such a cheat . He never stays loyal to a girl for more than two weeks. 他是个骗子,他对女友的忠心不会超过两个星期。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. With a little more than two weeks to go before the ceremony, interest -- and scrutiny -- is probably going to be at its highest. 距离婚礼庆典还有一周多一点时间,公众对它的兴趣——和探究——可能将达到顶峰。 www.fortunechina.com 3. It was more than two weeks before everything returned to normal after the hurricane. 台风过后两周多的时间一切才恢复正常。 www.ks5u.com 4. The other day in the White Sea they found a modern Robinson on one of the islands, where he had spent more than two weeks. 前几天,在白海上的某个岛屿上他们发现了现代的鲁宾逊,他已经在那个岛上呆了两周多了。 www.bing.com 5. I checked my records and confirmed I had mailed the cheque more than two weeks earlier, so I telephoned the bank to discuss next steps. 我查了一下记录,确认支票已经在两个多礼拜前就寄出去了,于是就给银行打电话商量下一步怎么办。 app.fortunechina.com 6. Many employers do not pay employees for jury service, and those who do frequently limit the payment to no more than two weeks. 很多雇主不会因为雇员的陪审团服务而支付工资,那些经常提供陪审服务的成员接收到的付款不会超过2周。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 7. Holiday was only a little more than two weeks, they have to deal with such bad things, a good holiday so scrapped. 假期本来就只有两周多一点的时间,却遇上这些烂事,一个好好的假期就这样报废了。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The abdominal pain is usually bilateral and rarely of more than two weeks' duration. 盆腔炎患者的下腹痛通常是双侧的,并且疼痛很少持续两周以上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It will also starve if it hatches more than two weeks too late, because oak leaves become infused with inedible (to the caterpillar) tannin. 如果慢了两周也会饿死,因为届时橡树的叶子会充满毛虫不可食用的单宁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. But if you have several of these symptoms for more than two weeks, make an appointment to see your doctor. 然而,如多种症状持续超过两周,则建议与医生谈谈。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I've been ? ? I've worked so hard and never stopped, in the last few years, never took a break more than two weeks. 在过去的几年,我一直非常努力地工作,不停地训练和比赛,从来没有连续休息超过两个星期。 gb.cri.cn 2. Holders of more than two weeks are always good, and had no recurrence, outside of Chinese medicine ingredients, you can try, in fact pox. 持用多两个星期,往常都好了,而且再没有复发过,外面是中药成分的,你可以试试看,其实痘。 99mrw.5d6d.com 3. Beijing has been smothering under ever heavier security since the Internet messages first appeared more than two weeks ago. 两个星期前,这样的信息首次出现在互联网上之后,北京就开始加强警备。 www.bing.com 4. Credo; it takes more than two weeks just to understand the nuances of XML namespaces. 这一信条得出的,但仅仅是理解XML名称空间的细枝末节,需要的时间就不止两周。 www-128.ibm.com 5. The strike, which began more than two weeks ago, was part of a wider campaign of industrial action against the government's pension reforms. 罢工在两周多之前开始,是反对政府养老金改革的更大的罢工活动的一部分。 www.xiaoma.com 6. This festival is not limited to one day, but continued for more than two weeks until the Lantern Festival, January 15 on the lunar calendar. 春节不仅限于一天,而是持续半个月以上,一般要到正月十五闹完元宵才告一段落。 ts.hjenglish.com 7. The U. S. Navy conducted a massive search for Earhart and Noonan that continued for more than two weeks. 美国海军动员了大批人力,执行超过两周的埃尔哈特及努南搜寻任务。 www.24en.com 8. After two or more than two weeks' mess, I am kinda back to peace again. 经过两个星期的混乱之后,现在终于又有点回到先前的平和了。 www.gzstuff.com 9. Insiders were expecting Brawn and Virgin to announce an expansion of their current arrangement more than two weeks ago in Barcelona. 业内人士普遍预计,布朗和贞女宣布扩大其目前的安排两个多星期前在巴塞罗那。 usa.315che.com 10. Fortunately, I see evidence that it makes sense to value some Chinese Internet stocks on fundamentals that last for more than two weeks. 好在,我看见了两个多星期来理性以基本面评估某些中国网络股的迹象。 www.bing.com 1. From the school start date, you have to leave the unit for more than two weeks of the . 从开学开始算起,你已经离开寝室两个多礼拜了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. More than two weeks have passed since a massive earthquake and tsunami destroyed large portions of Japan's eastern coast. 日本发生强大地震和海啸,东海岸部分地区遭受毁灭性打击已经过去两个星期了。 www.voanews.com.cn 3. Egyptian stock market plummeted in two days has been closed after more than two weeks. 埃及股市在连续两天暴跌后已停业超过两周。 www.englishtang.com 4. While it took more than two weeks to discover Yao's injury, Clanton said it sometimes takes months to diagnose. 当谈到过了两周多才发现姚明的伤情,克兰顿表示有时诊断可能会长达数月之久。 www.bing.com 5. They buy picks or pans, camp out near the river but few last more than two weeks. “他们买了镐和盘子,驻扎在和附近淘金,但几乎没有人坚持两周以上”。 www.ecocn.org 6. Nineteen of the Arab League's 21 members -- Syria was suspended more than two weeks ago -- voted to pass the measures. 阿盟的21个成员国中有19个国家投了赞成票,同意采取措施制裁叙利亚。 cn.wsj.com 7. For more than two weeks, protesters called for President Hosni Mubarak to resign his office. 两周多的时间以来,抗议者们一直要求总统穆巴拉克下台。 www.tingclass.com 8. More than two weeks after the quake, it is not just parents and journalists who descend on the ruins. 在地震发生后的两周多时间内,涌向学校废墟的不仅是学生家长和记者。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The death toll from cyclone Nargis, that hit the country more than two weeks ago, has soared in recent days. 纳尔吉斯号强热带风暴两个多星期前袭击缅甸,死亡人数在最近几天里飞速上升。 www.ebigear.com 10. Tip 1: Try not to set appointments more than two weeks out. 策略一:约见时间最好不要超过两周之后。 www.justing.com.cn 1. It is little more than two weeks since Liverpool fans welcomed back Kenny Dalglish with open arms. 自红军球迷张开双臂迎来国王肯尼已经有两周多的时间了。 www.ept-team.com 2. Heavy rains have already caused more than two weeks of record flooding. 暴雨已经造成超过两周创纪录的洪水。 www.kekenet.com 3. More than two weeks have now passed. Consequently, your claim to compensation under the policy has been forfeited. 现已超过两周有多,按照保单条款,贵厂索取补偿的权利已被取消。 www.jukuu.com 4. Usually I could not stand moving from home to home for more than two weeks. 我通常在家里都待不了两个星期。 www.hjenglish.com 5. For more than two weeks this month, I commuted between two countries each day. 本月,我在两座城市间往返通勤了两个多星期。 www.bing.com 6. He was away from school for more than two weeks. 他两周多没来上学了。 www.18edu.com 7. Adrift for more than two weeks and without fuel, food and water, many of passengers had died. 由于缺乏燃料、食物和水,这艘船只在海上漂泊了两个多月,许多乘客因此死去。 www.bing.com 8. Having stayed here for more than two weeks, he is understandingthe situation better now. 在这里呆了两个多星期之后,他渐渐对情况有了更清楚的了解。 www.xici.net 9. My dear Yue, mum has been back for more than two weeks. How happy we are together! 亲爱的小猪,妈妈回来两个星期了,我们一起玩得多开心啊! blog.sina.com.cn 10. I really want to focus on being consistent for more than two weeks. 我确实坚持集中于第一套练习2个星期以上。 www.elanso.com 1. The village was snowed in for more than two weeks after the heavy storm. 暴风雪之后村子被积雪封困了两个多星期。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Dizziness want to check more than two weeks. 头晕超过两周要检查。 wenda.tianya.cn 3. It won't take more than two weeks for a letter to reach the United States. 一封信寄到美国最多只需两周。 school.ecp.com.cn 4. I have stayed here more than two weeks. 我在这儿呆了两周多了。 www.xishu.com.cn 5. An FDH is permitted to remain in Hong Kong for not more than two weeks after premature termination of contract. 合约提早终止后,外佣只可在香港逗留不超过两星期。 www.immd.gov.hk 6. Doctor: Have you been in a depressed mood almost all the time for more than two weeks? 你是否在过去的两周或更长的时间里几乎都这样抑郁? blog.sina.com.cn 7. I was not at school more than two weeks last year. 我去年有两个多星期不在学校。 www.xycai.com 8. More than two weeks after the disasters in Japan, many people are still unsure which friends and family survived. 而日本天灾发生两个多星期后,许多人仍不能确定哪些朋友和家人幸免于难。 c.wsj.com 9. After the 15th when your account has been in arrears for more than two weeks, 过了本月15日后,你已经欠款超过两个星期了, www.hxen.com |
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