单词 | more-powerful | ||
释义 | more-powerful
例句释义: 能力佳 1. He made no empty promises, nor the craven excuse that his hands were tied by more powerful forces in the world than himself. 他不许空的诺言,也不找怯懦的借口,说他的手被世界上比他自己更强大的力量束缚住了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. One of the reactors was shaken by a jolt nearly two and a half times more powerful than it had been built to withstand. 其中一座反应堆所受到的震动,竟然超过其抗震能力近2.5倍。 www.ftchinese.com 3. When a Planet or a point of the sky receives two or more aspects simultaneously, the most exact one is more powerful than the others. 当一颗行星或者某个虚点,同时接受了两个或者两个以上的相位,这个时候最精准的相位最有力。 www.douban.com 4. My left eye though, it seems to continue to very slightly degrade. He wants me to try these new more powerful eye drops. 但是我的左眼看起来还是轻微的退化。他让我去试试这些新的更有作用的眼药水。 www.bing.com 5. She said that the more incestuous children he had with her, the more powerful he felt. 她说,他和她生下越多乱伦的孩子,他就越感到自己强大有力。 www.hjenglish.com 6. The essential question of the Sino-Japanese relationship is if Japan can accept the fact that China is growing stronger and more powerful. 中日关系说到底,就是日本能不能接受中国的发展壮大,这是根本问题。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. But Newton was the more powerful man, and managed to blacken Leibnitz's image comprehensively, at least in England. 可是,牛顿是个有权势的人物,他诋毁莱布尼茨的形象,至少在英国。 www.bing.com 8. Any warmth that this was meant to generate in terms of team bonding was submerged by a much more powerful feeling: failure. 这项活动原本是想激发团队凝聚力方面的热情,但任何热情都被一种更强烈的感情压过了:那就是失败感。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Social media is all about turning word-of-mouth into a tool which is much more powerful than it has ever been from a marketing perspective. 社交媒体就是把口碑变成一种无比强大的营销工具。 dongxi.net 10. And with a more powerful telescope, you'll be able to see stars, and planets. 如果你有一个更强大的望远镜,你将能看到恒星和行星。 www.ted.com 1. Building off the last point, it helps add the sense of your character becoming more powerful and gaining more from the time spent playing. 从最后的那点来说,这样会使得你的角色变得更强,同时使得你在游戏中花费的时间会得到更多的回报。 pc.duowan.com 2. With XML, information can be analyzed and displayed selectively, making it a more powerful alternative to HTML. 使用XML,数据能被有选择性地分析且显示,使它成为比HTML更有力的可选方案。 www.kancaimi.cn 3. Some Apple developers said that they were impressed by the iPad 2, noting that it was more powerful yet simple to use. 一些苹果应用开发者表示,他们对iPad2的印象非常好,并指出这款产品性能更加强大而又易于使用。 dongxi.net 4. Soon, clothes became a symbol of status - the more powerful you were the more able you were to have better clothes made for you. 很快,衣服成为地位的象征--你越有权势就能穿越好的衣服。 www.bing.com 5. And just having this very simple prototype allows her to talk about what she wants in a much more powerful way. 只用这个简单的模型让她有力地表达她想要的东西。 www.ted.com 6. I am not seeking an answer! ' he said proudly, 'but a being more powerful than I betrayed as I was. “我不求答案!”他自豪地说,“(我寻找的)是比我更强大、却和我同样遭到背叛的生灵。” dongxi.net 7. Noise in the sense of a large number of small events is often a causal factor much more powerful than a small number of large events can be. 在很大数量的小事件感觉的噪声比很小数量的大事件可以经常是强有力一个起因。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 8. Company officials do not thin the higher price will slow down buyers who want to step up to a more powerful computer. 公司官员不变薄较高的价格将会减慢想要靠近一部比较有力的计算机的买主。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. Of course, if you can offer easier or more powerful idioms without compromising the interaction for intermediate users, that is often best. 当然了,如果你设计的产品在不影响中间用户交互使用的情况下还能考虑到即容易且强大的习惯用法,那么肯定是再好不过了。 www.jukuu.com 10. It was the product of a mind similar to his own, but enormously more powerful, more systematic, less fear-ridden. 写这本书的人的头脑同他的头脑一样,只是比他要有力得多,系统得多,无畏得多。 is.gd 1. This makes the technique much more powerful, as you'll be able to recall items in a specific order, as we'll see in the next step. 就像我们将在下一步骤中看到的,这会大大增强本技巧的效果,如果你能按照确定的次序回想起物品的话。 www.bing.com 2. Third, such results tell us how much could be gained with more powerful errorcorrecting codes. 第三,这样的结果告诉我们,采用更强有力的纠错码,我们可以得到多大好处(增益)。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. As the dark Ones lose their grip on things so the Light becomes more powerful never to be subdued again. 由于黑暗势力失去了他们对事情的掌控力,所以【光】比以往变得更加的辉煌而且无法再被【制服】。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Movies have integral colour, A faint, colour is combined with the atmosphere of the dark, depressive, more powerful, just like A desire. 电影得整体色彩,A是色彩暗淡,配合着气氛压抑,越黯淡,越浓烈,就如一种欲望。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I recall that about a year ago Hawkeye was being released as both a free version and a more powerful paid version. 我记得在一年前,Hawkeye是以一个免费版本和一个更强大的付费版本同时发布的。 www.infoq.com 6. With every passing year, I realize how much more powerful the idea of computation really is. 每过去一年我都意识到计算的想法是多么的强大。 www.ted.com 7. Hydrogen bombs have never been used in war and are thousands of times more powerful than atomic bombs. 氢弹从未在战争中使用过,它要比原子弹的威力强上千倍。 www.bing.com 8. He rules over this area of the zodiac and is like a king in his own country, more powerful than anywhere else. 他对这一规则的十二生肖地区就像在他自己国家的国王,更比其他任何强大。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. His case was all the more powerful because, for a spell in the 1960s and 1970s, he had been the face of Winston cigarettes. 他的病历格外有说影响力,因为在六十年代和七十年代这段时间,他是云斯顿香烟的形象代言人。 www.bing.com 10. The Democratic Party is now in a more powerful position than it has been at any time since the second world war. 民主党现在比他在二战后历史上的其他任何时期都要强大。 www.ecocn.org 1. It has no eye and does not typically have the spiral shape of more powerful storms. 热带低压没有风眼,也不像更强的风暴系统那样呈螺旋状。 www.putclub.com 2. And when we met here in the Void, I had become so much more powerful than he, and again he feared my words, and he made war against me. 当我们在这大虚空中相遇的时候,我已经变得比他强大得多了,他再一次恐惧我所说的话,并且向我宣战。 bn13.com 3. Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication, often even more powerful than spoken language. 肢体语言是最有力量的交流方式之一,有时甚至比话语更有用。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. He's hopeless. I've told him to be more powerful with his girlfriend. But he's born to be meek. 他没希望了。我已经告诉他和女生在一起必须强势一些。可他天生是个没骨气的。 www.for68.com 5. But you're locking yourself into a system where Big Brother is going to be more powerful than you. 但是你将自己锁进了一个封闭的系统,在这个系统里,“老大哥”比你更强大。 www.fortunechina.com 6. I disliked the dim light, and on the second day fixed, at my own expense, a more powerful electric bulb. 我不喜欢那暗淡的光线,第二天便自己掏钱买了一只瓦数高一些的电灯泡。 wenwen.soso.com 7. We saw that same desire to be free in Tunisia, where the will of the people proved more powerful than the writ of a dictator. 我们在突尼斯看到了同样的要求自由的愿望,在那里,事实证明人民的意志比独裁者的敕令更有力量。 www.putclub.com 8. And if you want to dive in and really wrestle with these media, you need to ask yourself if you need something more powerful. 如果你想要做些深入的工作并辅以各种多媒体工具,你就要问问你自己是否需要一款更为强大的设备了。 www.forbeschina.com 9. She kept her maiden name because her family was more powerful than that of her husband's. 由于她的家族比她丈夫的更加强势,所以她保留了她的本姓。 www.bing.com 10. In a world where great talent in many domains flows across borders, sports are only a reflection of a larger, more powerful trend. 当今世界各领域优秀人才的跨国交流层出不穷,体育,仅仅反映了这股大规模强势潮流的一个方面。 cn.nytimes.com 1. Post-revolution Egypt will look a lot like pre-revolution Egypt, but modestly less repressive and with a more powerful civil society. 后革命时代的埃及会和前革命时代十分相像,但是会显示较少的残暴性而拥有一个更为强健的公民社会。 www.bing.com 2. And if the ecosystems were more chaotic than he might have liked, they were also more powerful and more profitable. 如果这个市场生态系统比他原本希望的更加混乱,那也将更加强大,更加有利。 www.bing.com 3. Higher quality pictures, more powerful streaming, personalization, sharing, and much more - it's all coming over the next decade. 更高质量的图像,更强大的流量,个性化,分享,还有更多--他们都将在接下来的十年到来。 www.bing.com 4. There are many more powerful features of Simple. However, due to space constraints, only a few of them can be explored here. Simple有很多强大的特性,但是由于篇幅所限,这里只探讨了其中很少的几个特性。 www.ibm.com 5. The Great Goddess is slain or reduced to the subordinate status of the consort of a more powerful male god. 女神则被杀死或被降低到一个更强有力的男性神的配偶的从属地位。 6. The riches found there can only hint at the care and expense that must have been lavished on the burials of more powerful rulers. 那里发现的财宝表明,那些权势更大的统治者们在他们的葬礼上肯定花费了更大的人力和财力。 www.hotdic.com 7. The spoken word is much more powerful than cyberspace in terms of how it impacts on people as a visceral, emotional and physical experience. 在能否以一种发自肺腑的、激动人心的直观体验来打动人们方面,口头语言的力量要比网络空间大得多。 www.bing.com 8. By fitting so close to the foot, the result is instant reaction leading to better agility and a more powerful push off. 通过拟合如此接近的脚,结果是即时反应从而获得更好的灵活性和更强大的推了。 www.ttbuy168.com 9. We know that the early earth had few continents, but it had a lot of volcanoes, and they were hotter and more powerful than we're used to. 我们早期的地球几乎没有大陆,但是它有很多火山,它比我们过去想的要热、要强烈很多。 www.bing.com 10. On the counter Arsenal looked more powerful, hustling higher up the field to win the ball earlier. 阿森纳反客为主,看上去更有活力、进攻更有威胁并且也更早地取得了进球。 www.bing.com 1. The following surge was more powerful, like a terrible mysterious ghost who wanted to swallow him. 接下来的浪更大,就像一个可怕的魔鬼想要吞掉他。 www.bing.com 2. New, faster processors, more powerful graphics processors, an HD camera and a new port for a technology that Apple is calling Thunderbolt. 当然是更新,更快的处理器,更强大的显卡搭载高清摄像头和苹果公司命名为Thunderbolt的端口传输技术。 www.bing.com 3. Social influence and reinforcement appeared to be more powerful determinants of children' s answers than simple suggestive questions. 社会影响力和加强似乎是更强大的决定因素,对儿童的答案不是简单的暗示性的问题。 www.syyxw.com 4. This time, though, the truth was more powerful than fiction. 然而,这一次,事实比杜撰更加有力。 www.bing.com 5. Posterior segmental pedicle screw instrumentation, with its more powerful corrective force oer hooks, could offer significant advantages. 后路节段性椎弓根螺钉内固定术由于能够通过强大的矫形力的椎弓根钩具有明显的优点。 mdc-degree.mdchome.com 6. To make a more powerful computer meant that you had to have more vacuum tubes. 要制造更高性能的计算机就意味着你需要更多真空管。 www.bing.com 7. Although we would like to see another, more powerful unit, expect similar engine choices and transmission options. 虽然我们希望看到另一个更强大的单位,希望类似的引擎选择和传输选择。 usa.315che.com 8. it also involves the ever-more powerful, and stroppy, European Parliament, in its own gigantic crystal palace down the road. 欧盟比这还要复杂——总有那一向权倾朝野、气势汹汹的欧洲议会的巨大水晶宫盘踞在路的尽头。 www.ecocn.org 9. And fears that China is starting to pour its economic might into a more powerful military is adding to the wariness. 他们并且害怕中国正在开始将它的经济力量注入更强的军事领域,更增加了他们的担心。 www.bing.com 10. Don't be afraid to ask for help. The more times you ask for help, the more powerful your English will become. Never hesitate to ask! 不要惧怕追求赞助你恳求别入帮越多的忙,你的英语就会越厉害不要迟疑,尽管发问! gp0008.com 1. Few would dispute, at least, that high level languages are more powerful than machine language. 高级语言比机器语言强大-这是个不争的事实。 www.bing.com 2. The bodies of those engaged in kissing produce a substance that is 200 times more powerful than morphine in terms of narcotic effect. 接吻会产生一种物质,其麻醉的效果比吗啡强200倍。 www.kekenet.com 3. Ms. Bair said the incentives could make servicers ' decision to modify a loan 'more powerful. 拜尔表示,这些激励措施会让按揭贷款服务公司的贷款修改决定“更有力”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But the voice of this great man may never be more powerful to me than my memory of his voice in a Chicago parking lot. 但是,对我来说,这位伟人最铿锵有力的声音可能永远存在于我的记忆中,那是他在芝加哥停车场上演讲时的声音。 www.bing.com 5. Barney said: "The Libyan people now have the ability to defend the motherland, we are now more powerful than before. " 巴尼说:“利比亚人现在有能力保卫祖国,我们现在比以前更强大了。” www.englishtang.com 6. Kent also said advertising dollars are more powerful in this environment, and the company planned to keep spending to promote its brands. Kent同时表示目前环境下,广告投入的现金更有威力,公司计划保持品牌提升推广方面的开支。 www.bing.com 7. The US National Hurricane Center Centre says it's lucky likely to grow more powerful as Paloma bends bears down on the Cuban coast. 美国国家飓风中心说当飓风向古巴海岸逼近时很可能变得更加强大。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. As our strong ties are a very small circle, weak ties can be a more powerful source of information and advice. 因为我们的强关系是一个非常小的圈子,弱关系拥有信息和建议的更强大的资源。 www.bing.com 9. Nowadays advertisement is everywhere, It promotes the sales of mass consumable more powerful than any other element. 现在,广告的力量无处不在,以至于比其他任何一个因素都更大地推动了大众消费品的销售。 post.baidu.com 10. Analysis on algorithm speed shows that this method is more powerful in comparison with conventional algorithms. 而对于算法速度的分析表明,该方法与传统算法相比有了很大的提升。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. For men, instead of using a vibrator, simply changing your way of masturbating can help you to achieve a more powerful orgasm. 对于男人,改变你自慰的方式即可使你达到更强的高潮。 www.bing.com 2. The "here's what I can do for you" line is a lot more powerful than an "I'm excited to learn and do whatever you ask of me. " “这些是我能为您做的事”这句话比“我很热衷于学习和完成一切您交代下来的事情”来得更加有力。 www.bing.com 3. In a way, much more powerful than the kind of tools we're looking at. 在某种程度上,它是比我们现在用的工具有力得多。 www.ted.com 4. A quicker, more powerful alternative would be for the ECB to stand behind solvent sovereigns with unconditional and unlimited liquidity. 另一种欧洲央行无条件、无限制的对有还债能力的国家的流通性支持。 www.ecocn.org 5. DAMEON: Ahriman has saved a place for you and me. Under his protection, we will be more powerful than you can imagine. Think of it, Rhen! Ahriman为你和我保留了一块地方。在他的保护下,我们将比你想象的更有力。考虑一下,Rhen! blog.sina.com.cn 6. That's why God sent Elijah, he would show the people that God was more powerful and the one they should be worshipping instead. 这就是为什么上帝派利亚,他会向人们展示上帝更强大和一个他们应该崇拜代替。 english.31931.cn 7. Two Fed members dissented, preferring a smaller cut, while Bernanke and seven others prevailed with a more powerful three-quarter-point one. 伯南克和其他7个成员认为应下调75基点的观点获胜,而另外两个美联储成员持有异议,他们认为下调幅度应该更小一些。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Where did that second strike come from? It seems like the Undead Plane has made Lotus even more powerful than your previous encounter. 第二次攻击会打哪来?看来亡灵接面让莲花变得比你之前遇到她时更强大。 forum.gamer.com.tw 9. Fetuin-A, an acute phase glycoprotein, is one of the more powerful circulating inhibitors of hydroxyapatite formation. 急性期糖蛋白胎球蛋白-A是一种羟磷灰石形成过程中的有效循环抑制剂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Everything is possible through the repetition of my mantra. It is more powerful than the atomic bomb. 透过复诵我的咒语,每件事都会成为可能,它比原子弹更有力量。 dwbbs.qiudao.net 1. 'That message seems to be more powerful than the skin cancer message, ' Dr. Wang noted. “这种警告看来比患皮肤癌的警告还有力”,王博士指出。 www.i21st.cn 2. Making a woman invest into the interaction is much more powerful than getting her showing interest. 使一个女人在互动中投资比得到她们的兴趣更重要。 www.cnpua.info 3. The top model has a more powerful graphics card and a heavy-duty processor. 最高端型号的显卡和处理器都更为强大。 chinese.wsj.com 4. He was "faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. " 他“比飞驰的子弹还快,比火车头更有力,轻轻一跃就能跳上高大的建筑物。” www.24en.com 5. The storm is over, the more pure, more beautiful, more powerful in the land will stand under the sun. 风暴过去后,更加纯洁、更加美好、更加强大的国土将屹立在阳光之下。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Your best course of action is to be adept at using a variety of approaches to make your ideas more powerful and compelling. 然而,这确实有一些可以供你考虑的策略。你可以采用的最好的办法就是熟练地运用不同的方法来确保你的主意更加充实和吸引人。 www.bing.com 7. This tends to be more powerful and more flexible, in particular with respect to error processing. 这样更强大并更灵活,尤其是在错误处理方面。 www.ibm.com 8. Back then (whenever it was) the stars were more glamorous, the writing sharper, the stories more cogent and the critics more powerful. 那时(具体也不只是何时)明星们都比现在更光鲜,编剧更犀利,剧本更切实,剧评也更有影响力。 www.bing.com 9. I predict that if the U. S. dollar rebound, then it will more than euro, a more powerful position to consolidate its hegemony. 我预测,如果美元回升,那么,那必将超过欧元,更加强势地巩固它的霸权地位。 www.xiaoshuowm.com 10. The US National Hurricane Centre says it's likely to grow more powerful as Paloma bears down on the Cuban coast. 美国国家飓风中心表示,在冲击古巴海岸的同时,飓风可能会变得更加强大。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It also takes advantage of the processing power of the user's computer to provide search tools more powerful than those on the website. 它也利用用户计算机的处理能力,提供比网站上更强大的搜索工具。 www.bing.com 2. It reveals that the respondent who say that China becoming more powerful economically is a bad thing have increased substantially. 民调显示,回答中国在经济方面更加强大是件坏事的受调查者人数稳步地增加。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine, " Obi-Wan warns Darth Vader. “如果你打到了我,我会变得无比强大,强大到你无法想象。”欧比旺这样警告达斯·维达。 www.bing.com 4. Role conflict was a more powerful predictor to cynicism, and role ambiguity was a more powerful predictor to emotional exhaustion. 角色冲突对玩世不恭具有较强的预测作用,角色模糊对情绪衰竭具有较强的预测作用。 www.chemyq.com 5. And comparison, set up in 1993, China Eastern Jiangsu companies want a more powerful strength. 而相比起来,成立于1993年的东航江苏公司实力要更为强大。 www.5955555.net 6. But a far more powerful gravitational pull brought GE's avionics business gliding into China for a landing. 但是,更强有力的因素吸引通用电气的航空电子设备业务转到了中国。 c.wsj.com 7. Electrical methods are inherently more powerful than chemical methods because large amounts of energy can be applied rapidly. 电的方法天生地比化学方法更加有力,因为可迅速施加大量的能量。 tr.bab.la 8. Some of today's tablet computers and smartphones are more powerful than personal computers were a decade ago. 今天,有些平板电脑和智能电话比起十年前的某些个人台式电脑都更为强大。 blog.163.com 9. And I think the Internet has become an even more powerful tool for that kind of citizen participation. 我认为互联网成了这种公民参与的更强大的工具。 www.america.gov 10. If you've done your job right, you can take this info and hone it to a more powerful message you can use for promotion in the larger arena. 如果你做好了你的工作,你就能得到信息并将他们打造成更有作用的信息,这样你就可以在更大的竞技场上运用来推销你自己。 www.bing.com 1. Tags like img and a can easily be sanitized, but more powerful tags like object and embed need to be removed completely. 诸如img和a的标签可以比较方便的清理,但是一些更强大的标签如object和embed需要被完全得滤去。 www.bing.com 2. This approach could be even more powerful if the cheating microbes were engineered to be susceptible to antibiotics. 如果把骗子细菌改造成对抗生素敏感,则这项研究会更有用处。 news.dxy.cn 3. We found that monetary policy was more powerful with flexible exchange rates. 我们发现,在变动汇率下货币政策更有效。 www.jukuu.com 4. But over the past 15 years it has been transformed into a far more powerful beast. Its companies have become worldbeaters. 而在过去的十五年里它却演变成了一只强而有力的猛兽。 docs.google.com 5. Overuse of antibiotics can lead to drug-resistant bacteria that have to be treated with more powerful and often more expensive drugs. 过度使用抗生素会导致耐药菌,而这些细菌要得到治愈就必须使用药效更强大,通常也更昂贵的药物。 edu.21cn.com 6. More powerful yet is the ability to apply any arbitrary (but applicable) interceptor to any defined pointcut. 然而它更强大的能力是可以把任何(但可用的)截取程序应用到定义的切入点。 www.ibm.com 7. Tea churn even more powerful, more mellow ray curl more intoxicating scent rising, spread out in the Buddhist temple. 茶叶翻腾得更厉害了,一缕更醇厚更醉人的茶香袅袅升腾,在禅房弥漫开来。 www.bing.com 8. By the end of this century, China will have become a more powerful and beautiful country in the world. 到本世纪末,中国将成为世界上更强大更美丽的国家。 js.wubuzx.com 9. Money, she sighed, was now a more powerful force than any of the Mosuo women. 金钱,她叹息道,比任何的摩梭女性更强势。 dongxi.net 10. He and his colleagues are also working on more powerful software to process the amount of data in a full metabolomic screen in real time. 他和同事也正在用强大的软件实时处理全部代谢筛查的资料。 news.dxy.cn 1. However, it was told to Zeus that it was Thetis' fate to have a son who would be far more powerful than his father. 但是,有人告诉宙斯,这是提斯的命运有一个会是谁的儿子比他父亲更强大。 www.youeredu.com 2. The metric we developed is simple and a more powerful version of the well-known Altman Z-score. 我们开发的衡量标准相当简单,是著名的阿特曼Z得分公式(AltmanZ-score)的更强大版本。 www.ftchinese.com 3. You can rapidly understand Ruby templates by grasping a few layered concepts, with each layer more powerful than the last. 通过掌握一些层次化的概念即可快速理解Ruby模板,这些概念每一层要比其上一层更加强大。 www.ibm.com 4. Red made the man seem more powerful, attractive, and sexually desirable, but did not make the man seem more likable, kind, or sociable. 红色使男士看起来更强健、更具吸引力、让人有性幻想,但是并不会让他们更可爱、和善或是易于交往。 www.bing.com 5. The economic power of many Asian countries has grown dramatically in recent years. The President is more powerful than the Prime Minister. 许多亚洲国家的经济力量最近几年的到了戏剧性的增长。 jspd.ew.com.cn 6. Deep down he believed he was more powerful than these outdated Jedi Masters. 他暗自深信自己比这些过气的绝地大师都要强大。 www.starwarschina.com 7. It means a lot to us. But music is even more powerful if you don't just listen to it, but you make it yourself. 假如你不只是作为一名听众,而且还能亲自参与创作,那么音乐会对你更具影响力。 www.ted.com 8. The second more powerful blast destroyed the main air shaft and a five-storey building over the mine. 更加猛烈的第二次爆炸毁坏了主通风道和煤矿上方的一幢五层建筑。 www.bing.com 9. In concept it is one of the noblest statements in the American Constitution, and in practice one of the more powerful. 就理念而言,它是美国《宪法》中最崇高的表述之一;就实践来看,它的影响力非同一般。 www.america.gov 10. The overall idea was to make all kendoka in the US TEAM faster, stronger and more powerful from a physical point of you. 总的指导思想是想办法让美国队的剑道队员们从身体上更快,更强,更有力。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. By a woodland pond, a tiny Grass spider falls prey to a Jumping spider, a more powerful and agile predator. 林地水塘边,娇小的草蛛沦为跳蛛的猎物。因为后者是更强壮更灵敏掠食者。 www.englishtide.com 2. Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas. 思想比武器更有力量。我们不会允许敌人拥有武器,那为什么要允许他们拥有思想? blog.sina.com.cn 3. With holes in the three sides of the spray projecting portion, the flow has a wider watering range and a more powerful spray effect. 而且由于喷淋装置的突出部三面都有通孔,水流冲击范围广,喷淋作用强。 ip.com 4. Disks do not make computers better, more powerful, faster, or easier to use. Instead , they make computers weaker, slower, and more complex. 磁盘不会让计算机更好,更强大,更快或者更加容易使用;相反,它使计算机更加脆弱,更慢,而且更为复杂。 www.jukuu.com 5. With more transistors, much more powerful multipliers capable of single-cycle speeds become possible. 随着更多的晶体管,更强大的乘数能够单周期的速度成为可能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Money is now a more powerful force than any of the Mosuo women. 现在金钱的力量比任何摩梭女人都强大。 sjb.monternet.com 7. In general, the whole regional city size is small, and has not formed the key town of a more extensive and more powerful one. 总的看来整个区域城市规模偏小,且没有形成一个较大规模较具影响力的的中心城镇。 www.zidir.com 8. He has devised a pair of glasses which rely on the principle that the fatter a lens the more powerful it becomes. 他已经设计一副眼镜,这副眼镜是基于这样的原理即镜片越厚清晰度越高。 www.elanso.com 9. Mayo concluded that social factors were a more powerful motivator in the workplace than financial rewards. 因此,梅奥总结道,相比物质奖励,社会因素在工厂内是一个更有力的激励途径。 www.ecocn.org 10. But one thing is certain, as the stone-, the pictorial surface and the natural patterns " pictographic character" more powerful the better. 但是有一点是肯定的,如同雨花石一样,表面天然花纹的图案性和“象形性”越强越好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. We'll keep seeing ever more powerful and more intelligent applications of computer power becoming available to the general public. 我们将会看到大众能够用到越来越强大和智能的计算机程序。 www.bing.com 2. Indeed Giza in the 12th Wave of 2012, will be exponentially more powerful than any time since the Golden Age of Atlantis. 事实上,在2012年的第12波中,吉萨金字塔将会是亚特兰提斯黄金时代之后,其能量会超乎任何时期而以倍数指数地增加。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It is when one nation becomes infinitely more powerful in relation to its potential competitor that the danger of war arises. 当一个国家开始不知收敛地寻求比其潜在的竞争者强大得多的优势时,战争的危险就上升了。 jwc.ysu.edu.cn 4. As you awaken from the control system you feel the love that each day is becoming more powerful. 由于你们从控制的系统中觉醒了,你们在每日感受到了爱的氛围且变得越来越具有力量。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The explosion, which occurred around 11am local time, appeared to be more powerful than the previous blast. 周一的爆炸发生在当地事件上午11点左右,似乎比上周六的爆炸威力更大。 www.ftchinese.com 6. For telephoto shooters the result is quite a bonus, as all your lenses will effectively get even more powerful. 对于远距摄像者来说,结果就是意外的好,因为所有的镜头都会变得更强大有效。 bbs.tnbz.com 7. The legislatures of Scotland and Wales, with a combined population roughly equal to London's, are much more powerful. 苏格兰和威尔士的人口之和与伦敦的差不多,但它们的立法机构权力要大得多。 www.bing.com 8. There are also huge changes to way that you can search for players and staff in the game, with a much more powerful filtering system. 现在有一个更加强大的滤波器,対搜索球员和职员的方式也有很大的改变。 game.ali213.net 9. Our evolving Webtop is going to have more powerful search built-in. 发展中的网络桌面会内置较强大的搜索。 www.bing.com 10. The dictator preached that war was a means of making the country more powerful. 独裁者鼓吹战争是使国家强大的一种方式。 www.bing.com 1. For instance, we need more powerful ways to filter the information we get online, so that we don't get a mass case of distractibility. 例如,我们就应该下大力气,想办法使我们从网络上获取的信息得到过滤,使我们不会出现被集体误导的情形。 www.360doc.com 2. After a few more moments, an even larger and more powerful light emerged, this one like thousands of camera flashes combined together. 片刻之后,又出现一道更强大的光芒,其亮度相当于数千盏闪光灯。 sm2000.org 3. I think I'm in a more powerful position in terms of being in a contract year because I'm confident in what my choices are. 我知道在合同年的最后一年,我处在一个更好的状态因为我对自己的选择很有信心。 www.176348.com 4. Disillusionment with the political class is a more powerful factor that will keep people away from the polls. 对政治阶级的幻灭感是人们不再投票的更重要的原因。 www.bing.com 5. First, globalisation means that there are more powerful international actors whose interests need to be taken into account. 首先,全球化意味着有更多国际巨头出现,并需要将它们的利益考虑进去。 www.bing.com 6. Eisenhower's warning was all the more powerful coming from a five-star general. 这个警告因其出自一个五星上将之口而显得特别有力 www.bing.com 7. The truth is, best practises flint, -- it was beating the more powerful, launch the glow more splendid. 最好是把真理比做燧石,——它受到的敲打越厉害,发射出的光辉就越灿烂。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Nothing in Wang Yong's career trajectory suggests that SASAC will emerge as a more powerful force under his leadership. 从王勇的履历中,看不出国资委在他的领导下会变得更强势的迹象。 cn.reuters.com 9. In portrait photography having the subject lean in from the waist gives a more powerful and striking look to the image. 在人像摄影具有主体精益从腰间给人一个更强大和更能够照顾到图象。 www.51nb.com 10. However, the system has come under strain as China, now the largest buyer of ore, has grown more powerful in the global commodities market. 然而,由于中国在全球大宗商品市场的影响力增强,给这一体系带来了压力。中国目前是最大的铁矿石买家。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This study shows it is also able to support abstract knowledge, making it "more powerful than previously thought, " he explains. 这个新的发现充分说明过程性记忆还与抽象知识有关,证明其作用“比之前认为的更加强大”,Ferreira解释道。 www.bing.com 2. The telescope was given an extreme makeover and now is significantly more powerful than ever, well-equipped to last into the next decade. 望远镜经过彻底的翻新,现在比以往任何时候都更强劲、更完备,能以良好的姿态进入下一个十年。 www.bing.com 3. 3Leaf created technology that allows groups of computers to work together like a more-powerful machine. 3Leaf发明的技术可让不同计算机群组一起运转,形成一台更强大的机器。 c.wsj.com 4. Altruism, never the strongest motivator, is making way for a more powerful self-interest. 从来不是最强大激励因素的利他主义,正让位于更有效力的利己主义。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Yet another approach to adding much more powerful invariants is that of dependent types. 添加更加强大的不变量的另一种方法是从属类型。 www.ibm.com 6. A COUPLE of weeks ago, I replaced my three-year-old BlackBerry Pearl with a much more powerful BlackBerry Bold. 几个星期之前,我淘汰掉了那部老黑莓Pearl,换了更有威力的黑莓Bold。 dongxi.net 7. If you need more powerful tools, here's list for you to index. 如果您需要更强大的工具软件,这里有一个名单索引可以查询。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. I suddenly cried even more powerful, and then she ordered me to erase it, written in ink, just made book broken to scrape it away. 我顿时哭得更厉害了,然后她还勒令我把它擦掉,钢笔写的,本子擦破了才擦掉。 dpnoah.wordpress.com 9. She says she maintains "an open mind" about the possible creation of a more powerful harbour authority. 她表示,对成立更强有力港口管理机构持“开放态度”。 www.kuenglish.info 10. He said yesterday's quakes may have been more powerful than the Yogyakarta earthquake in Java in 2006, which killed 3, 000 people. 他于昨日表示,此次地震强度可能超过2006年发生在爪哇岛日惹市的地震,那场地震造成3000人死亡。 www.bing.com 1. DHL can turn your PC into a more powerful and user-friendly tool. DHL可将您的个人电脑变成更能干、容易操作的工具。 hws.dhl.com 2. Scaling up refers to the process of using more powerful server components on your cluster nodes to meet increased performance demands. 向上扩展是指在群集节点上使用更强大的服务器组件,以满足不断增加的性能要求的过程。 technet.microsoft.com 3. But he was always the more powerful figure, with Medvedev viewed as a caretaker president. 但他总是更强大的人物,被视为一个看守政府总统与梅德韦杰夫。 www.englishtang.com 4. It's called "convection" and is the source of stereotypical fluffy cumulus clouds, as well as more powerful thunderstorms. 这叫作“对流”,是固有的蓬松的积云的源头,也是更强大的雷雨的来源。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Computers that are more powerful make possible simulations that are more accurate and can reduce cost and increase efficiency. 运算能力更强的计算机能够进行更加精确的模拟,从而降低成本,提高效率。 www.jukuu.com 6. But recent research has suggested they would occur less frequently, though likely to pack a more powerful punch each time. 但最近的研究已标明这些情况不会那么经常发生,虽然每次发生都破坏力巨大。 www.bing.com 7. Virtualization and more powerful appliances help assuage this issue for a while. 虚拟化和更有力的解决方式是缓解这一症结的方法。 www.bing.com 8. The standard edition also has more powerful text comparison options, and the ability to directly edit the text of a file from the results. 标准版也有更强大的文本比较选项,并有能力直接编辑文本的文件,从结果。 xtdownload.com 9. Antigen is produced in chicken eggs and is a lengthy and arduous process; it boosts the vaccine's effectiveness and makes it more powerful. 抗原是在鸡蛋里经过长而且辛苦过程后才产生的,这能增强疫苗的效力使它们的作用更强。 www.dxy.cn 10. Prayer of Mending: This spell will no longer fail from "A more powerful spell is already active" errors. 愈合祷言:这个法术不再会因为“已经有一个更强大的法术在生效了”这个原因而施放失败。 bbs.ngacn.cc 1. This is of course even more powerful if you also take account of the way others see you, outlined above. 当然如果你,如上文所述,把其他人如何看待你这一点也考虑在内,那么你会变得更加强大。 cn.wsj.com 2. Use active verbs instead of passive verbs. Active verbs are much easier to understand. They are much more powerful. 多用主动语态,少用被动语态。主动句更容易让人理解,它们更富有威力。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. You are much more powerful than you think that you are, Dear Ones, believe in yourselves and keep on keeping on! 你们有着超出你们自身想象的力量,亲爱的家人们,请相信你自己,继续不断前进!! www.guangyuai.com 4. They also viewed men wearing red ties as more powerful, perceiving red to be a status color. 她们还认为系红色领结的男人更有权势,将红色看作是身份地位的象征。 www.bing.com 5. Some of them are even more powerful than you thought they could be when you were eleven. 在你十一岁时,有些大人比你所能想象的更强大。 www.hoolee8.com 6. It is more powerful than a DFA due to its infinite-memory stack, although only some information in the stack is ever freely accessible. 这是超过了面向装配的设计,因为它无限内存堆栈,尽管只有一些信息是堆栈中的任何时候都可以自由进出。 q.sohu.com 7. "Opec countries are becoming more powerful, " says Mark Spellman, head of energy practice at Accenture, the consultancy. 咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)能源业务主管马克?斯佩尔曼(MarkSpelman)表示:“欧佩克国家正变得日益强大。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Recent scientific work has established that the Santorini eruption was up to 10 times more powerful than the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. 最新的科学已证实圣托里尼火山爆发的威力相较1883年Krakatoa(克雷克吐尔)火山爆发足足有10倍大。 chihuahu.blogspot.com 9. One of the more powerful approaches for abstracting and simplifying natural phenomena is the use of conceptual models. 简化抽象自然现象的一种比较有效的途径是采用理想模型。 10. Dr Kasparian thinks that more powerful lasers will be able to draw lightning to the ground. Kasparian博士认为更强的激光可以引起云地闪电。 www.ecocn.org 1. Therefore, I will be able to go back to Europe with fewer debts and maybe somehow more powerful. 那样的话,我就能回到欧洲,尽快还清债务,还能变得更加有竞争力。 snowcoco.spaces.live.com 2. When you own your choices, you feel more powerful and are more able to act in your best interest. 当你拥有你的选择,你会感到更强大,更能够出于自己最大利益地行动。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. A more powerful variant of conditional requirements is indirect conditional requirements. 条件要求的一个更为强大的变体是间接条件要求。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 4. And social media is making the network ever more powerful as a way of selling stuff to people who want it. 而且作为向想要我们产品的人销售的一种方法,社交媒体让这个网络变得更加强大了。 cnbeta.com 5. Once in orbital space, where repulsorlifts become ineffective, a ship switches to its more powerful sublight drives. 一旦进入反重力装置失效的轨道空间,飞船才切换到更强大的亚光速推进器。 starwarsfans.cn 6. Attitudes toward Western doctors have begun to loosen as young, assimilated Hmong-Americans assume more powerful roles in the family. 由于被同化了的年轻苗裔美国人在家庭中地位的增长,苗人对西医的态度也有了松动。 www.bing.com 7. As we always said, "like a tiger is inserted wings, " the tiger is strong originally, when inserted the wings, it becomes more powerful. 就象我们常说的“如虎生翼”,老虎本来就很强,一旦插上了翅膀,就变得更加强有力。 www.fabiao.net 8. At the moment, the Iraq experience is proving more powerful. 从目前看,伊战的影响力更大。 www.ftchinese.com 9. As you gain experience, you have the option of gradually introducing more powerful modeling concepts as necessary. 随着你经验的增长,如果有必要你可以逐渐引入更强大的建模概念。 www-128.ibm.com 10. The CAD technology's application causes the machine design personnel even more powerful, displays the talent in a broader world. CAD技术的应用使机械设计人员如虎添翼,在更加广阔的天地里施展才华。 www.fw789.com 1. He sometimes becomes more powerful than any other card. 有时它被用做比任何牌更有权利的牌。 www.24en.com 2. It will also have more memory and a more powerful graphics processor, they said. 它将拥有更多的内存以及更强大的图形处理器。 www.bing.com 3. But, we return the technology that the person that fail to develop originality of be sent on a diplomatic mission becomes more powerful. 但是,我们还没能开发出使创意者变得更强大的技术。 pjprimer.com 4. We demand ever more powerful technologies, while expecting them to be smaller, more compact and discreet. 我们需要更强大的技术,同时我们也期望我们的装置能更小巧,更不引人注意。 www.hjenglish.com 5. The people knew he opposed Clay's bill. If he accepted it, the people would feel that Clay was the more powerful. 人民都知道他反对克莱的法案,如果他接受了,那么人民就会觉得克莱更有权力。 www.bing.com 6. Experts also suggested that men and women were happier in relationships where men are the 'more powerful in a benign way'. 专家也表示,夫妻双方处于丈夫‘以一种良性方式表现更强势’的婚姻状态时,他们更幸福。 www.bing.com 7. As well-informed officers in the First Chief Directorate knew, Pronnikov was far more powerful than either his rank or position suggested. 第一总局里了解内情的官员都清楚,普洛尼科史的权力远远超过他的职务和地位。 www.jukuu.com 8. When fully upgraded Titans become much more powerful and even help compensate for some of its weaknesses. 全部升级的泰坦会变的非常强大甚至可以补偿它的缺陷。 myz3.pcneter.com 9. Republicans are even more strident in their opposition to a more powerful Fed. 对于一个更强大的美联储,共和党的反对甚至更为激烈。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Summon mythical monsters to attack your opponents and equip them with spell items to make them more powerful. The last man standing wins! 你拿出来攻击对手、神话怪兽教导他们,使他们更强大。坚持到最后的男人会是胜利者! bbs.wow8.org 1. Electric cars will require more powerful recharging stations than the standard wall outlets used to juice up bikes. 与电动自行车用墙上标准电源插座充电相比,电动汽车需要更强大的充电站。 www.bing.com 2. The post-processor plug-in approach is a bit more difficult to master, but more powerful than the context variable method. 后处理器插件方法有点更难于掌握,但是比上下文变量方法更强大。 www.ibm.com 3. "As you get more powerful, it's natural for people to think this way, " said Mr Page. 佩奇表示:“随着你越来越强,人们自然就会这么去想。” www.ftchinese.com 4. So an "endangered" listing is a more powerful tool for limiting industrial activity that causes greenhouse gases. 濒临物种的鉴定将是一个限制工业活动,减少温室气体排放的有力武器。 www.bing.com 5. Will we acknowledge that there is no more powerful example than the one each of our nations projects to the world? 我们是否愿意承认没有一个国家比我们自己的国家更能够为世界树立光辉的楷模? www.america.gov 6. The two banks agreed to merge last summer in a bid to create a more powerful rival to Deutsche Bank AG. 两家银行于去年夏天同意合并,意在组建一个实力更强的实体与德意志银行(DeutscheBankAG)展开竞争。 www.ebigear.com 7. Some ways are more powerful than others. Using the correct one in a particular situation will help you communicate more effectively. 这些表达否定的方式在语气上有强有弱,在特定的场合使用恰当的否定方式将有助你更有效地进行交流。 8. And it has rudders that are more powerful than we thought they would be. 还有它的方向舵要比我们想象的更加强有力。 www.fyjs.cn 9. There is still a more powerful argument as to why this book focuses on small-scale case studies. 至于本书为什么把重点放在小案例上,还有一个更有力的理由。 chinafanyi.com 10. Is there any nostalgia more powerful than the feelings of a third grader revisiting his or her kindergarten classroom? 有什么比一个三年级孩子重游幼儿园教室更怀旧的吗? blog.sina.com.cn 1. Integrated environments allow assumptions that make integrating testing much easier, and potentially more powerful. 集成环境支持的假设可以让集成测试更容易,也可能更强大。 www.ibm.com 2. The whistle of the locomotive, more powerful than Amphion's lyre, was about to bid them rise from American soil. 火车头的汽笛比神话中昂斐勇的七弦琴还要强,它使许多城市很快地在美洲大陆上冒出来了。 dict.ebigear.com 3. We Quan Yin practitioners are more powerful than others are. This involves the power that we use to drive illnesses away. 我们修行观音法门的人比其他人具有更多的力量,就是利用这个力量赶走病。 sm2000.org 4. The only thing more powerful than negativism is a positive affirmation, a word of optimism and hope. 唯一比消极有力的就是积极的肯定,一句乐观和希望的话语。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Only with the knowledge that we continue to enrich themselves before they can allow yourself to become more powerful, not to be eliminated. 我们只有用知识不断的充实自己,才可以让自己变得越来越强大,不被淘汰。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. There is no more powerful demonstration of a father's love than this. 再没有更有力的父爱能如此了。 www.bing.com 7. The far bank was ruled by a more powerful prince, a Manchu, whose army had firearms and who drank from gold cups. 再远的岸则由一个更厉害的王子统治,他是满族人,他的军队有火器,他们喝酒的杯子是金子作的。 www.ecocn.org 8. A new and more powerful man is only a few months away. 不消几个月就会出现一个全新而且更强的男人了。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 9. we're still more powerful than china at the moment. they are too chicken to mess with us. 咱们现在仍要比中国强大的多,他们胆儿小,不敢招惹咱们。 junshi.xilu.com 10. A large nation was also more powerful and less likely to be invaded . 而且,一个国家大,国力会更强大,也不那么容易受到侵略。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. In recent year a more powerful image morphing appeared. The technology simulates the procedure in human learning. 近年来,在模式识别领域出现了一种更为强大的变形技术一变形模型技术。 www.xactad.org 2. Some never got off the ground, while others have gone bust or been acquired by more powerful state-owned rivals. 有些公司从未真正开始运营,另一些则破产或者被实力更雄厚的国营对手并购。 www.bing.com 3. The recent Mexico earthquake, which struck not far from the United States border, was even more powerful, measuring 7. 2. 最近的墨西哥地震更为强大,有7.2级,仅发生在离美国边境不远的地方。 blog.163.com 4. In this case, you use something a bit more powerful: PHP's preg_replace, which takes a regular expression as its search term. 在本例中,您使用了更为强大的方式:PHP的preg_replace,它接受正则表达式作为其搜索关键词。 www.ibm.com 5. Since the DPJ has a huge majority in the more-powerful lower house, it will remain the ruling party despite Sunday's setback. 尽管日本民主党周日遭到挫败,但由于在权力更大的下院中的席位占多数,它仍将保留执政党的地位。 www.voa365.com 6. The aesthetic Jackson communicated, however, was much more powerful, liberating and globally resonant than hers. 但杰克逊传递的美更为大气,更加自由自在,也在全世界引起更大的反响。 www.bing.com 7. Your mind might not be perfect, but it's far more powerful than the vast majority of life forms on the planet (most animals are insects). 没有完美的思维,你的生活方式仍然比这个星球上绝大多数生物的生活方式要强大得多(大部分的动物都是昆虫而已)。 www.elanso.com 8. The worried teachers and parents need more powerful support in their protection of the young generation. 老师和父母的担心在他们需要更多的强大支持保护年青一代的成长。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Work is now under way to see if it can also stop more powerful bullets. 现在进行的工作是看它是否能够阻挡威力更强大的子弹的攻击。 www.ecocn.org 10. Second, two simple but more powerful three-phase power flow analysis algorithms for unbalanced radial distribution systems are proposed. 第二,提出两种简单且高效率,可应用于不平衡辐射型配电系统之三相电力潮流分析法。 1. Non-verbal communication, especially with the eyes, is much more powerful in showing your attraction than any pick up artist line. 非语言的交流,尤其是眼神,比起所谓的艺术方法在展现吸引力方面要强大的多。 www.cnpua.info 2. compare with corporations and individuals, countries are more powerful invest on public career. 国家比起个人和组织,更加有力量投资公共事业 blog.sina.com.cn 3. That promises smaller, cheaper, more powerful batteries for consumer electronics and, eventually, for electric cars. 其承诺可制成更小,更廉价,更强效的电池,能用于家用电子产品甚至是电动汽车上。 gdmzxmm.blog.163.com 4. Much to participate in social practice, let oneself become more powerful. 多参加社会实践,让自己变的更加强大。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The human sense of sight is many times more powerful than the sense of hearing. 人类的视觉比听觉拥有强大百倍的力量。 spaces.msn.com 6. And if you apply the notion of insurance more broadly, you can use a more powerful force, a market force, to provide feedback. 如果你把保险的概念推而广之,你可以利用一个更加强有力的力量,市场的力量来取得反馈。 www.ted.com 7. And justices are appointed for life, making them potentially figures more powerful than the president himself. 大法官的任命是终身制,潜在的形象影响力比总统本身更大。 www.elanso.com 8. Pheromones thus amplify the limited intelligence of the individual ants into something more powerful. 这样信息素就把单个蚂蚁有限的智慧放大了,使得其更有力量。 www.ecocn.org 9. Nostalgia in Greek, literally means The pain from an old wound, it's a twinge in your heart, far more powerful than memory alone. 怀旧这个词,在希腊语里的意思是,旧伤口的伤痛。它让你心头一紧,远比记忆本身强大。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Geographic information systems (GIS) and online mapping applications continue to become more powerful and easier to use every year. 地理信息系统(GIS,GeographicInformationSystem)与在线地图应用服务每年都在变得更强大和易于使用。 www.bing.com 1. Your mind is more powerful than any computer and it is hooked up to the infinite power of God. 你们的头脑比任何一个电脑更加强大和它是联结到上帝的无限力量中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. His voice is no longer young children, more powerful. 他的声音不再是当年稚嫩的童音,变得浑厚有力。 www.bing.com 3. Completing this step converts emulated drivers into the dramatically more powerful synthetic ones. 完成这一步使得模拟驱动程序转变为性能显著的合成驱动程序。 www.bing.com 4. Use more powerful wing - blower air supply cycle, to avoid any dead end, temperature and humidity are evenly distributed in the test region. u利用多翼式送风机强力送风循环,避免任何死角,可使测试区内温湿度分布均匀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. One of the oldest arguments on Ashan is: what's more powerful: sword or magic? 在阿沙恩一直流传着一个古老的争论:究竟哪个更加强大,是剑还是魔法? games.sina.com.cn 6. Have we learned any lessons that apply to the current situation where we have more powerful devices but even more demanding applications? 对于我们已经有了更强大的设备,但需要更多应用的今天,我们有没有学到点教训,可供我们参考? www.infoq.com 7. In recent years as China has become richer and more powerful it has taken a more confrontational and assertive approach in these disputes. 近年来,随着中国变得更加富裕和强大,它在此类纠纷中采取了更为对抗和自信的姿态。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Values are a lot more powerful than any sense of obligation. 价值观比任何一种义务感都要强大许多。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Since its inception, the rapid development of production scale, efficiency increase year by year, a more powerful manufacturer. 公司自创办以来,生产规模迅猛发展,效益逐年提高,是较具实力的生产厂家。 www.tonke.cn 10. C-betting is much more powerful if you follow it up sometimes with turn barrelling. 如果你能偶尔在转牌进行第二次持续下注,你的持续下注将更具威力。 motone001.blog.163.com |
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