单词 | more-compact | ||||||||
释义 | more-compact
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 更加紧凑,更紧凑,十六进制表示法是非常简洁 1. Tools are becoming more sophisticated and everything seems to be getting faster, more efficient, more compact or hands-free. 工具变得越来越精密,一切都变得更高速、高效、简洁,大大解放了人们的双手。 www.bing.com 2. It would be just a flat panel, far more compact than the bulky cathode-ray tubes ( CRTs ) that were standard in televisions in those days. 那会是一片简单的面板,远比当时电视机所采用的笨重映像管(CRT)要轻巧得多。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Apartment Therapy dubs this as the "world's most compact ladder, " but I would argue that the telescoping ladder is a bit more compact. ApartmentTherapy声称这是世界上最紧凑的梯子,但是我认为伸缩式的梯子更为紧凑。 www.bing.com 4. PW: One thing we heard frequently at the just-completed Pack Expo International was that packaging machinery is getting more compact. 密码:有一件事我们经常听到在刚刚结束的美国国际包装机械博览会是,包装机械越来越紧凑。 www.512121.com 5. The product works using quantum science, breaking the ions into smaller particles, and rearranging them into a more compact arrangement. 产品使用量子科学作品,打破了离子的小颗粒,并重新组合成一个更紧凑的安排。 www.bing.com 6. Python provides multiple methods for installing an application, including the ability to compile the source into a more compact form. Python提供了多种方法用于安装应用程序,包括将源文件编译成一种更紧凑的格式。 www.ibm.com 7. Doing this hides the records at the next lower level of grouping , resulting in a much more compact presentation of the summary data . 这将隐藏下一个较低分组级别的记录,从而使汇总数据的表示更为紧凑。 www.bing.com 8. Another option would be to use a more compact representation of the same information and put that object into the session. 另外,可以选择使用相同信息的更紧凑的表示形式,而后将该对象放入会话中。 www.ibm.com 9. It's about as massive as Jupiter, but much more compact. It may be the remains of a carbon-rich white dwarf star. 这颗星球体积和木星差不多,但密度更高,很可能是富含碳的白矮星的残余物。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Hsiao-Chuan Wang, one of the researchers, says that the team now plans to create a more compact system. 研究者之一王晓川(音译)说,这个小组现在计划创造一个更为紧凑的系统。 www.transcn.org 1. Department of the device chiral pressure can be hidden in the remote interior to make it more compact and portable. 手压处的装置可以隐藏在遥控器内部,使其更小巧,便于携带。 wenwen.soso.com 2. A more compact form of an object identifier in a repository . 存储库中形式更精简的对象标识符。 www.bing.com 3. We can pull out a lot of redundant or open space in a file and reduce it to its essence, making the file much more compact. 我们可以清理掉文件中的大量冗余或空白,并使其减少到只包含基本要素,从而使文件更加紧凑。 www.ibm.com 4. Sunlight promotes flowering, but the plants tend to be smaller, more compact, and loose some of their horizontal branching. 阳光有助于开花,但是植物会变得越来越小,越来越密实,某些水平的枝桠会变得稀疏松散。 bbs.hongyue.com 5. Feather Linux is small enough to fit on a compact flash card also, which is an even more compact way to carry around a Linux distribution. FeatherLinux小得可以放置在一个闪存卡(compactflashcard)中,这是携带Linux的发行版本的一种更简洁方式。 www.ibm.com 6. This provides a more compact and lighter suspension system that can be used for front-wheel drive vehicles. 这样使悬挂系统更为紧凑和轻便,也更容易使用于前轮驱动的车辆上。 hcj4584.spaces.live.com 7. The theme of a page the more compact, baidu search engine rankings to it the better. 一个页面的主题越紧凑,百度搜索引擎对它的排名就越好。 www.82g.com.cn 8. So, the band moved to a library where they were surrounded by books, which was more compact and offered better sound quality. 最终乐队将地点选在了一个满是书籍的图书馆,空间更加紧凑,声音效果也更好。 cn.reuters.com 9. The company came up with a new, more compact computer. 公司推出了一种新的更小型的电脑。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In addition, JSON-formatted data tends to be more compact and efficient to transfer. 此外,JSON格式的数据趋向于更为紧凑而高效的转换。 www.ibm.com 1. At higher altitudes, the curvature of the Earth causes the super sun to look more compact and distinct, as it does here. 在高海拔地区,地球曲率导致超级太阳看来更加紧凑和独特,正如它在这里做的。 www.every-zone.com 2. Is different according to the model, the entire process needs two or more compact discs. 根据型号不同,全过程需要两张或者更多光盘。 3. The dramatist cut out a couple of scenes in his script to make the play more compact and forceful. 那个剧作家删掉了原稿中的两场,使剧本更加紧凑,更加有力。 www.godict.com 4. Portable. A computer with touch capability can be more compact because most tasks can be completed without a keyboard, mouse, or touchpad. 便于携带。一台支持触摸操作的电脑更紧凑,因为它不需要额外的键盘、鼠标、触摸板的帮助就能完成大部分的任务。 www.uxguide.net 5. The skin a smoother, more compact, blooming among the young, from every subtle vitality and radiance. 肌肤更平滑,更紧致,从每一处细微之中绽放年轻的活力与光采。 baike.baidu.com 6. Shorter file version of the same drum condensed only a little more compact! 较短的文件,只有一点点的压缩,版本更紧凑! www.clanlong.com 7. Also the party Office, factory management to do the merge, so that the departments of a more compact, highly capable. 还把党办、厂办合并,使管理科室更加紧凑、精干。 www.bing.com 8. Using more compact selectors would help, and would enhance the readability of your stylesheet. 这个时候,应该使用更加紧凑的选择器,可以提高样式表的可读性。 www.bing.com 9. As a result of the alternate row format of value compression, NULL values are stored more compact. 在使用值压缩行格式之后,NULL值的存储变得更加紧凑。 www.ibm.com 10. We demand ever more powerful technologies, while expecting them to be smaller, more compact and discreet. 我们需要更强大的技术,同时我们也期望我们的装置能更小巧,更不引人注意。 www.hjenglish.com 1. However, more compact, all-solid-state, cost-effective and stable femtosecond oscillators and amplifiers are desired in those applications. 而在实际中更需要小型化,全固化,性价比高,运转性能稳定的飞秒激光振荡器和放大器。 www.lw23.com 2. Palpation can hit the area with more compact model of compressed, grain, the edge is not clear, after classics also not subsidise . 扪诊可触到扁平、颗粒样较致密的区域,边缘不清,经后亦不消退。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The external channer thus allows for a more compact vehicle design. 该外部通道为更紧凑的车辆设计创造了条件。 www.kancaimi.cn 4. In nature, as an organism evolves it increases in complexity and it also becomes a more compact or miniaturized system. 在大自然里,一种生物在进化的同时,也会变得越来越复杂,也会开始转变成为一个更紧密或者更微型化的系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Shorter extremities minimize heat loss, so animals that are more compact are better suited to the cold. 更加短小的四肢能使热损失降到最低,所以,体型粗短的动物能更好地适应寒冷气候。 www.neworiental.org 6. And focusing the light with the nanoantennas instead of with a lens means the chips are more compact and rugged. 用纳米天线代替棱镜来会聚光线会使芯片更加简洁和坚固。 news.dxy.cn 7. Optimize each SOA to a more compact form for optimal speed and reliability. 为了获得最佳的速度及可靠性,将每个SOA优化成更紧凑的形式。 www.ibm.com 8. In order to make a complete set of movies are more compact, the special manufacture a full of layout of killing plan. 为了令整套电影更紧凑,特别制造一个充满布局的杀人计划。 www.163qvod.com 9. It replaces a more-compact warehouse used in previous years. 千禧穹顶取代了前几年一直用的一个更为拥挤的大仓库。 www.neworiental.org 10. The TomoScan FOCUS LT offers a lighter, more compact, and even more reliable solution to your most advanced inspection requirements. TomoScanFOCUSLT重量轻、结构紧凑,可为多数先进的检测应用提供可靠的解决方案。 www.olympusndt.com 1. Default properties are useful because they allow you to make your source code more compact by omitting frequently used property names. 因为默认属性使您得以通过省略常用属性名使源代码更为精简,所以默认属性非常有用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The worldwide trend in design for more compact and lighter parts has long been implemented in Automotive and E&E applications. 在汽车和电子电器应用领域,设计更紧凑和更轻量的部件,已经成为世界潮流。 www.plas2006.com 3. You can rewrite this procedure in a more compact form using a FOR loop. 您可以使用FOR循环,以更紧凑的形式重新编写此过程。 www.ianywhere.com 4. A special flattened rectangular magnet wire for bigger more compact coils, with improved heat transfer. 特别平顶长方形电磁线更大更紧凑的线圈,以改善传热。 www.tubebbs.com 5. To do this, the optimizer uses the RTL to create fast or more compact code (or both, when possible). 为此,优化器使用RTL创建快速的或紧凑的代码(或者两者兼顾)。 www.ibm.com 6. In comparison with previous methods, the binary indexed tree is faster, using more compact data and simpler code. 与以前的方法相比,二进制索引树的速度更快,使用更紧凑的数据和简单的代码。 hi.baidu.com 7. Sony's recorded music business handles sales of Jackson's albums and has been pressing more compact discs to meet demand. 索尼唱片业务负责打理杰克逊唱片的销售事宜,一直在督促生产更多CD,以满足需求。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The result was a more compact type that used vastly less paper. 这样的好处是更紧凑的字体排版,节省了用纸。 www.ecocn.org 9. This new syntax is much more compact and, as an added bonus, collapses the loop body into nothing. 这个新语法要紧凑得多,并且它使循环正文减少到没有了。 www-128.ibm.com 10. The G2 Portable adopts a USB built-in board for a more compact dimension. 便携式G2为了更紧凑采用了一个内置USB板。 benyouhui.it168.com 1. So that the system is more compact, reduce the system accessories and installation charge. 从而使系统更紧凑,减少了系统的配件和安装费用。 www.e-fa.cn 2. American cities were more compact, more walkable and had vibrant downtowns. 那时候的美国城市更紧凑,更适合步行,商业区生机勃勃。 www.zftrans.com 3. Fit again after a disrupted pre-season, Nemanja Vidic's return also gave United's defence a far more compact look. 在一个不完整的赛季之后,重新恢复健康的维迪奇让曼联的后防线更加的稳健和密集。 www.bing.com 4. The feet are the same as in front, except that they are smaller and often more compact. 足爪与前躯相同,除了略小一些,且更紧凑。 bbs.zaqi.net 5. A few simple moves yield big dividends: From a starting score of 1, 807, two quick keystrokes make the protein noticeably more compact. 简单摆弄几下之后,情况就好多了。刚开始时我的分数是1807,仅仅按了两个键之后蛋白质就显然变得更紧凑了。 www.bing.com 6. We were good defensively and much more compact. 我们相信我们能够做的更加出色! www.bing.com 7. Armed with this shortcut, you can create the in Listing 5 in a much more compact way. 使用该快捷方式,您能够以更加简洁的方法创建清单5中的元素。 www.ibm.com 8. DSLs tend to create more compact code, boiling away needless verbose syntax. DSL旨在创建更精简的代码,去除了无用的冗长的语法。 www.ibm.com 9. Removing headers creates a more compact report because less vertical space is used by the header lines. 由于页眉行所使用的垂直空间更少,因此移除页眉将创建更为紧凑的报表。 office.microsoft.com 10. Software compiled with GCC 4 will be generally more compact and faster, meaning software industry goodness all around. 用GCC4编译的软件通常更加紧凑和快速,这意味着软件行业的全面改善。 www.ibm.com 1. This is clearly a more compact and efficient version of Nazi's "Cathedral of Light" . 这清楚地是一种更集中与更有效率版本的纳粹「光之教堂」。 blog.roodo.com 2. The London Olympic stadium will hold 80, 000 people during the Games but will be scaled back afterwards to a more compact 25, 000-seater. 伦敦奥运体育场在奥运期间将能够容纳8万名观众,但奥运结束后将缩小至只有2.5个座席。 cn.reuters.com 3. As the increases of calcination temperature, the red mud surface is more rougher, more compact and more cemented. 随着焙烧温度的增大,赤泥表面的粗糙度越明显,结构的致密性越强,并呈现出较强的胶结性。 www.fabiao.net 4. Notice that it is somewhat more compact than the corresponding output from the cron job. 注意,这里的输出比对应的cron作业输出要简单一些。 www.ibm.com 5. The new system is more compact and can process the data of auto-exhaust detection more effectively. 新系统能更好地完成对汽车排气检测的数据处理,而且结构更为紧凑。 www.chemyq.com 6. Echoing the handle and water, built-in aerator structure, make the product more compact. 把手与出水遥相呼应,出水嘴内置结构,使得产品更简洁。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. You can express ideas in a form that's often more compact. 可以用更紧凑的方式表示思想。 www.ibm.com 8. The smaller and more compact the hard disk, the smaller and weaker the individual magnetic areas. 硬盘越小,各个磁化区的面积也越小,磁化的程度也越弱。 www.bing.com 9. Native plants in these areas are becoming more compact. 这些地区的本地植物变得更加密集。 10305103.blog.163.com 10. The clusters are loose but may be made more compact with the use of gibberellic acid or cane girdling. 各专题组松散,但可能使更多的与赤霉素或甘蔗剥皮使用。 www.shuiguobang.com 1. It's about as massive as Jupiter, but much more compact. 它体积庞大如木星,但密度更高。 www.bing.com 2. The researchers say this new method for microscopic data storage is 20 times cheaper and more compact than existing methods. 研究者们说,这种新的技术相比微观数据存储要便宜20倍并且比现在任何方法都存储的紧凑。 www.bing.com 3. Its field of view is wider, and overall the device can be simpler and more compact. 它具有更广的视场,同时整个设备更加简洁和紧凑。 www.bing.com 4. Using the Axial inlet volute in the diagonal fan make the structure more compact than using the other volutes . 斜流风机采用轴向入口方式的蜗壳设计使机构更紧凑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The framework utilities can make the data driven scripts more compact and less prone to failure than they otherwise would have been. 比起其它曾经有过的,该框架的有用工具可以使数据驱动脚本更为简单和不易失败。 wiki.erdandan.com 6. compact guide slide is even more compact than the CGT-Series. CGS的系列紧凑指南幻灯片更加紧凑,法国总工会系列。 www.gyzdhw.com 7. The structure of the reducer is smaller and more compact than one with the same as rate and moment. 这种结构可以比输出同速比同扭矩的摆线减速器更紧凑,体积更小。 www.ilib.cn 8. But mutexes are faster and more compact than the current kernel semaphore option, so if they fit your need, they're the choice to use. 但是互斥锁比当前的内核信号量选项更快,并且更加紧凑,因此如果它们满足您的需求,那么它们将是您明智的选择。 www.ibm.com 9. TimeSeries data is more compact and faster to access precisely because it does not actually store the date and time with the data. TimeSeries数据更小一些,并且访问起来也更快一些,因为它并不是存储真正的日期和时间数据。 www.ibm.com 10. The female brain is also more compact and more densely packed with neurons. 女性的大脑更为紧凑,脑神经更为稠密。 www.bing.com 1. The third galaxy (to the far left) is more compact, but shows evidence of star formation. 另一个星系(在最左边)更紧凑,但有恒星形成区的迹象。 www.bing.com 2. With the courses reform going deeper, the integration of different courses become more and more compact. 随着学科教育改革的不断深入,学科知识间的交叉结合也越来越紧密。 www.showxiu.com 3. Narrower and more compact indexes. 索引更窄、更紧凑。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The development of Er-Yb codoped phosphate glass has made it possible to construct more compact fibre laser. 基于铒镱共掺磷酸盐材料的包层掺杂新结构出现,为实现更加紧凑的光纤激光器提供了可能。 www.cnoptics.net 5. By contrast, Japan to do a lot more compact printer, such as a Canon printer, or a label printer. 比拟之下,日本怠工的打印机不离小巧众了,如佳能打印机,或者是标签打印机。 www.bing.com 6. Smaller and more compact design. 更小和更紧凑的设计– wenku.baidu.com 7. Is faster and more compact when using integers. How to Design Programs. 使用整数时速度更快并且结构更紧凑。 www-128.ibm.com 8. The BinaryFormatter is used because the payload is more compact and the system takes less time to serialize and deserialize the stream. 使用BinaryFormatter的原因是有效负载更紧凑,因而系统序列化和反序列化流所花费的时间更少。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Instead, you could write the same query in a more compact manner, much as you did previously 不过,也可以用一种更紧凑的方式编写这个查询 www-128.ibm.com 10. A more compact design, because there is only one housing and the bearings need not be self-aligning; 设计更紧凑,因为只有一个轴承座,且轴承无需自对中; www.kuenglish.info 1. A more compact design, because there is only one housing and the bearings need not be self-aligning; 设计更紧凑,因为只有一个轴承座,且轴承无需自对中; www.kuenglish.info 2. Blast furnaces, steelworks, and rolling mills are often separated from each other and thus cannot perform as well as more compact operation; 高炉、钢铁厂和轧钢厂经常分开,导致不如更紧凑的企业出效益; www.ebigear.com 3. Another, more compact way to represent the same expression is to use an assignment statement similar to this 另一种更紧凑的表达方式是使用下面这样的赋值语句 www.ibm.com 4. As the mud-beating plate component and the corresponding drive system are removed, the whole structure of the machine is more compact; 由于省去了打泥板组件及相应的传动系统,通使机组结构更为紧凑; ip.com 5. design more compact, measuring the direction and not limited by space, suitable for field use; 设计更为精巧,测量不受方向和场地所限制,适合现场使用; www.e-gtm.com.cn 6. Running the same code using the JSON format yields a much more compact statement 使用JSON格式运行相同的代码将得到精简得多的语句 www.ibm.com 7. MORE COMPACT THAN OPEN GEARS 比开式齿轮更紧凑。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Using a lambda expression, we can make this more compact 在使用lambda表达式时,可以使代码更加简洁 www.ibm.com |
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